Tales Of Monkey Island: Walkthrough (Episode 2). Guide and walkthrough for "Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal" Monkey island 2 special edition walkthrough

The Secret of Monkey Island 2: Le Chucks Revenge

LucasArts Entertainment Co., 1991

I managed to get stuck on this Lousy Island. At first
it wasn't so bad: a hero, winner of the famous Le Chac, a thunderstorm
seas... But then my stories became boring, and they began to tell me more and more often
my fellow pirates: “Listen, baby, go for a walk. There’s no more strength
listen to you."

And one day I realized that it was really time to go
take a walk. I mean, leave this damn island, wherever you look
they look. Fortunately, my eyes looked not just into the endless sea
blue, but in a very specific direction. Namely, to the one where
there was a legendary treasure - "Big Whoop" - the dream of many
generations of pirates.

And I had the money to hire a ship. And in abundance.
So, without thinking twice, I packed my things and, promising to return with "Big
Whoop", moved to the port.

And it had to happen that right on the bridge leading to
city, some kind fellow met me and began to give me money for
require passage. Well, of course, I go back and forth, to no purpose, I say it myself,
I'll make a chop out of you. In short, I was left without money and with a bruise under
eye. And he, leaving, casually said: “Now remember Largo

I'll remember, don't doubt it. Yes, I remember it so well that, I swear, it’s very
He won't be well soon.

And I went to the city, hoping along the way to figure out how to do this
Largo revenge. But very soon it became clear that my opponent was
more serious than I expected. It turned out that he kept everyone in fear
city, prohibited all ships from leaving the harbor without his permission, and
all because he was, no less, an ally of that same Le
Chuck, whom I put to rest forever. More precisely, with his right hand. And how am I
didn’t explain to everyone that Le Chuck would never rise from the depths
ocean, no one believed. Everyone preferred to tremble when they saw Largo, and
give him my last money.

Okay, there’s nothing to do, we’ll have to resort to what has already been tried and tested
the art of voodoo - making a figurine that gives over a person
power. And I went to the swamps, where there lived a witch who was very successful
in this art. The journey was not too easy, and her hut,
frankly speaking, it’s impressive: it looks like a huge inhuman muzzle
either with a nose or a beak, hanging over the swamps.

But inside there is everything. Flasks, jars, jugs.
One of them particularly interested me: a drink that resurrects people
from the ash. True, it turned out that only for a while, and the witch’s ashes
need to be brought in ahead of time.

We quickly came to an agreement with the hostess herself. Largo and her - how
bone across the throat, but only to make a voodoo doll you need
something she doesn't have. And everyone else on the island is cowards. So
again I had to take the rap for everyone.

And the witch said that the doll should consist of four
components: Thread, Head, Body and Dead Man. A scrap of it will pass for a thread
clothing, for the Head - a strand of hair, for the Body - liquid from this body, and
for the Dead Man - a piece of bone from any of his blood relatives. At that
and decided.

The easiest way was with a bone. After all, where to look for it if not at
cemetery. Getting a shovel is a couple of trifles, you just have to do it properly
look around with your eyes wide open.

But where can I get everything else? You can't turn to Largo himself,
that means... So we have to go to the city.

The town was, frankly speaking, unusual. Almost all on ships (for
with the exception of the carpenter's house), some live in the hold, some in the cockpit, and in
the largest ship is the hotel in which Largo lives. One,
the bastard takes up the entire hotel. And next to the counter there is a small one
The alligator is tied - probably waiting for the room to become available.

In one of the cockpits I was lucky to stumble upon a cartographer,
who was obsessed with the same idea - to find the "Big Whoop". True, records
he didn’t let me see his (well, yes, I took revenge on him for that by stealing
one thing he can hardly do without). But he told
the legend of how the once large merchant ship Elaine fell into
storm and was wrecked. Only four members left alive
crew, and they were all washed up on the island. According to rumors, he was called
Ink Island, but the narrator himself is not a bit into this
believes. And all because there is no such island on the map.

There these four most likely found "Big Whoop". And the map
The islands were divided into four parts, and everyone took a piece with them.
Since then, their traces have been lost, and even their names are unknown.

The cartographer is sure of only one thing: if he is ever shown
map of this island, he can easily determine where it is

There was nothing particularly interesting on the other ships, if
not to mention a laundry run by some half-crazy person. And I
went down to the bar, comfortably equipped in the hold of one of the ships.

Let me at least wet my throat, I think. But the bartender was adamant:
We don’t pour drinks for kids. And when will they stop thinking of me as a little boy?
count how many pirates you need to kill for this? Here, let's say
Largo: everyone just trembles at the mention of his name, I'm alone with him
I’m struggling, but everything is “baby”... I wanted to at least go into the kitchen, see what
there's something going on there, but he didn't let me in. And then I remembered that "normal
heroes always take a detour."

It’s okay, I’ll take revenge on this bartender. And then Largo appears
himself. Almost shook the soul out of the poor fellow - all the money
demanded - then spat on the wall and was gone. And I got
some idea.

Half an hour later all I was missing were clothes and a strand of hair.
There was simply no other choice but to penetrate Largo's lair.
So, we need to distract the innkeeper. Well, I distracted him. A
at the same time, as I suspect, another half of the city.

Largo's room was a complete mess. I didn’t even have time
look around, when I heard his voice very close to the hotel and
jumped out, grabbing... How can I tell you, not really hair, or something.
More like a substitute.

I had enough larg-like adventures for today, and I decided
become a bartender. First I had to catch the rat that was running
near the laundry room. It wasn't too difficult: I asked what
she eats, got hold of this very thing and built a very primitive
mousetrap. And then he sent the rat to swim in his favorite stew

One thing is bad, and my conscience still torments me: because of me
The young lady he hired as a cook quit her job. But I'm in this
the moment was at hand and immediately got a job, having received
not a bad deposit.

The next day I started implementing the last part
your plan. To get Largo's clothes, he needs to hand over his underwear
to the laundry room. And in order for him to hand over his laundry to the laundry, he must first
get dirty. And to get it dirty... However, I have no doubt that you
without me you know perfectly well how to do this (see picture). Remember
old comedies from the beginning of the century with cakes flying into their faces,
buckets of water being tipped over one's head, slipping out from under
feet with carpets. Well, and so on...

Pick up laundry from the laundry, having first obtained a receipt,
was a couple of trifles. And now the voodoo doll is in my hands.

Yes, the battle with Largo was beautiful - it's a shame you couldn't
look at him. And I had to say that it was me
destroyed the famous Le Chac. Largo began to mock me, and
then I grabbed the most important evidence from my pocket - Le's beard
Chaka, still alive and squirming in my hands. In one
In an instant Largo snatched it from me and shouted that he had been for many years
was looking for something similar to revive his captain, rushed away
from the island.

And I hurried to the witch. And only then did I realize that the second
The battle with Le Chuck will not be enough for me. So, we have to hide. But where?
The witch replied that only "Big Whoop" could help me. Because
this is not only a treasure, but also a path to other worlds, where I
no one will find it.

Well, "Big Whoop" is "Big Whoop". Moreover, I myself
I was going to look for him, a hundred masts down my throat. But just where?

The patient witch said she got it for me from the library
Fatt Island book "Big Whoop: Unclaimed Golden Shower or
a myth?" And it said that this whole story with the four
sailors, which the cartographer told me about is the pure truth. Their names were
Rapp Scullion - cook, Little Lindy - cabin boy, Mister Rogers - first
Mate and Captain Marley. "Big Whoop" itself is actually stored on
Ink Island, and its safety is guarded by numerous

Then the fate of the sailors developed as follows. Rapp
built a hut on Lousy Island. He soon died from careless
handling fire, and the house fell into disrepair. I saw him myself on
beach, everything is locked, you can’t break through.

Little Lindy went to Shoe Island and soon became rich.
One bad luck - several years ago he lost his arm from gangrene.

Rogers chose Fatt Island for himself, where he did not quite
ordinary business: he began selling homemade grog. Until suddenly

The captain became interested in regattas and mysteriously disappeared during
America's Cup race time. I must say that his yacht is almost always
came first.

Well, there is more than enough information - it’s time to go in search
pieces of map. However, the only ship on the island that could
will soon go to sea, belonged to Captain Horror. Everything would be fine
and you can swim with Horror, but he hasn’t dared for a long time
go sailing. Fears.


We were attacked by pirate hunter, Morgan LeFlay. The girl managed to cut off Guybrush's green hand. We talk to her. Select any replica. After the conversation you will find yourself on the left side of the deck below. Talk to Morgan again. You will find yourself at the lower right deck. On the left, near the seagull that is pecking at Guybrush's green hand, there is a hook. Take it away. Talk to Morgan. You will find yourself near the steering wheel. There is a rope at the top leading to the deck. Take the hook from your inventory and use it on this rope to end up on the mast. At the bottom right on the mast hangs a barrel of fish, tied with a rope. Cut this rope with a saber. Talk to Morgan until you find yourself on the upper deck, near the ship's helm. (3 times)

On the upper deck, turn the steering wheel so that the barrel rolls to the left side of the mast. Talk to Morgan 2 times to be near the seagull. Scare away the bird.

Go to the navigation map. Select Jerkbait Islands. (Jerkbait Islands)


Go right to the raft. Here you will meet the first mermaid - Anemone. Ask her everything. You need a ticket for the raft. Go straight ahead. Elaine will talk to you and give you her engagement ring. Examine the statue next to the steps leading to the throne. Take the statue's eye. This fish eye is a magnifying glass. Now go up the stairs where the pirate and the seafolk queen are arguing. Talk to them. After the conversation, Elaine will give you tickets for the raft. (After Guybrush asks about the raft) Talk to Elaine separately, ask about her affairs, if you want. As soon as you finish the conversation, Elaine will approach you and ask for help. No matter how hard you resist, you still have to agree. So, your goal is to find three artifacts. (Turtle, Seahorse and Fish) Go down and go right all the way. (The middle path leads to the library, but we don't need to go there yet) You will find yourself at the top. The place is called Bait and Repair. And Anemone is in charge of it all. Ask her to repair the mast on your ship. Inquire about bait coupons. To the left of the Anemone well there is an empty bucket. Take it. Go down and return to the raft. Give the mermaid your ticket. (Transit pass) Get on the raft.

On a raft we can move between three islands. (Spinner Cay, Roe Island, Spoon Isle)

First, let's swim to Roe Island (literally translated as “Island of Caviar”). Select it on the map. On the island you will find the shack of DeKava, the former lover of the Voodoo sorceress. Examine the shack. Hanging on the wall is a blue fish, Manatee. The fish has a hole on its side. Remember that medallion that the witch gave you? Take this medallion from your inventory and insert it into this blue fish. The fish will give out a piece of paper. To read it, first combine the Eye of The Manatee with the Fish eye in your inventory, and then combine the resulting structure (Fish Eye of The Manatee) with a piece of paper. You will recognize the title of the book: “101 Jokes About Fishes.” There is nothing more to do here, return to the raft. On the map, select Spoon Isle.

As soon as you step off the raft onto the sand, you will hear pirates arguing. They cannot agree on who will bury the treasure - the golden seahorse. Between them lies an empty chest. We need to put a pyrite (or pirate, whatever you prefer) parrot in it. (Pyrite Parrot). To do this, you need to distract the pirates. To do this, after talking with them, select the question “Maybe there"s a fair way to settle your argument.” Next, select “How about a staring contest. First one to blink loses!” (How about a "Who can stare the longest without blinking?" competition.) Once the pirates start looking into each other's eyes, choose a line to distract them, such as "Look! A distraction!" (See what's there?) The pirates turned away from the chest. Quickly take the parrot and put it in the chest. The pirates will immediately go to bury the treasure. (If you did not have time to put the parrot, but asked the pirates to bury the chest, then you can always ask them to return chest back, simply saying that the place where the chest is buried may not be safe. It's too early to go after the seahorse, let's first explore the jungle of this island. Follow the path straight ahead, and you will find yourself in the jungle. (If you get lost, you can always return by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen). At the fork, go right. You will find a Fishing well (Pun on wishing-fishing). There is a coupon for bait on it. (Fish eggs) Take it. From the well, go straight. On the next screen you can only go left. That's where we go. Look at the ancient barbecue. We have nothing to do with it for now. Go left to the next screen. There is a fork here. Turn right, and on the next screen left. You will meet LeChuck, who has turned into person. To the left of LeChuck there is a bait coupon lying on the floor. With this coupon you can get an oyster. Look at the altar on the left. You can't open it that easily. Let's talk to LeChuck. He will say that he is trying to figure out how to open this altar. So far we can’t help him in any way, so we return to the shore to the raft. (Right, back, left (to the red boat), back, back; or just click on the "Return to Jungle Entrance" icon) Return to Spinner cay.

Let's first find the artifact that the pirates buried along with the parrot. From the raft, go left and board your ship. Look at the map. Do you see three small islands on the map? (Isle of Ewe, Boulder Beach, Brillig Island) There is a Seahorse buried somewhere on one of them. We need Brillig Island. It's in the upper right corner of the map. Sail there.

On the island, pay attention to the palm tree with a gray trunk. Go left. Guybrush will dig up the first artifact and return the parrot. Watch the video. (By the way, try picking up a coconut from the sand - see what happens). We have nothing more to do here for now, let's return to Spinner Cay.

First, let's take a look at the library. (Middle path, just to the right of the statue) Talk to Tetra. Ask her to give you a book called 101 Pisces Jokes. (101 fish jokes)Tetra will be unhappy, but will give you the book. Examine the book in your inventory (magnifying glass icon). You will find a coupon for glow worms. Return to the fork and go right, going up to Bait and Repair. Exchange all your coupons with Anemone. You will find glow worms, oysters and fish eggs. Examine the oyster in your inventory. Guybrush will find the pearl. Time to head back to Spoon Isle.

The pirates had already escaped. Go to the jungle, to the Fish Well. (Fishing well) Near the well, combine the glow worms and the hook in your inventory. Guybrush will catch the second artifact - the Golden Fish. Next, go to LeChuck (how to get to him is described above). First give him the pearl. Let's talk to him. In the conversation, offer to help LeChuck. Ask what things he has. Wooden seahorse (prong) and mints, clear. Now choose the following cues: Use... (Use) - ...claw thingie... (this prong) - ...the pearl (pearl). Now LeChuck has exactly the same key as you. Talk to LeChuck again. Use... (Use) - MerFolk key (key of the sea people) - ...clamshell lock (shell-shaped lock - you saw those at the end of the first episode). After that, go to your shell castle and use your key (Ancient Tool). The altar will open and we will see a golden turtle. Approach her. You can't just rip it out. To the left of the turtle there is an excerpt. (prying tool) Take it and try to rip out the turtle. Does not work. All that remains is to ask LeChuck for help. Approach LeChuck and give him the extract. One careless move, and Guybrush ends up at the bottom. Pick up the extract from the broken altar. Go right. LeChuck will catch up with you and politely give you the third artifact. Return to the jungle entrance. You have all three artifacts. Take the raft to Spinner Cay.

That's why the episode is called "The Siege of Spinner's Cove." Run to the library. (middle path) Elaine was pinned under the slab. Release her. After she gives you instructions, pick up the hot coals from the floor where Elaine was lying. (hot coals) The coals are very hot, so just take your bucket from inventory and collect them there. Return to the path and go up to the throne. (Where the queen of the sea people argued with the pirate captain) Examine the throne, in the middle of it there is a sparkling control panel. (hot tub controls) Take this panel. Board the raft and sail to Spoon Isle.

We need to find LeChuck. Go into the jungle and turn right at the fork. After the Fish Well, go straight. You will come across pirates trying to take away LeChuck's turtle, which, in fact, is yours. We'll have to deceive the pirates. From LeChuck and the pirates, go left. Go to the barbecue. Take the control panel from inventory (the one you took from the throne) and attach it to the barbecue. Now pour hot coal from a bucket into it. All that remains is to turn the barbecue control knob to maximum (just press it). We need to make a fake turtle. Place the parrot on the hot barbecue. It will melt. Now all that remains is to quickly reach the form. (Remember that broken altar where the turtle lay?). It is worth saying that if you go directly to him, the melted parrot will simply freeze. We need to take a shorter route. Namely, dump the liquid from the cliff from which LeChuck dropped you. Do you remember how to get there? (From the barbecue, go left, then right at the fork, and then left). Approach the cliff and throw the melted parrot (Bowl of melted Pyrite) from there. As strange as it may seem, it’s right on target. All that remains is to reach the altar and pick up the turtle. (Go right, back, left, left (past the red boat), left all the way). Here is the altar. Pull out the fake turtle. Return to LeChuck. Give him the fake turtle. (Fake turtle artifact) Now we can talk to LeChuck. Give him everything Elaine asked for. Get on the raft and swim to the blockade. These are two ships at the bottom of the map (the weak point of the blockade is there). There are 2 pirate friends here. Elaine and LeChuck managed to distract them. Now just swim forward between the ships - the path is clear. You are back on the ship. Go to the map. See the ship at the top of the map? We go there to the evil captain.

Try to shoot from a cannon - it won't work. Talk to the pirate captain. You need to choose a line that will anger the captain. Choose something offensive. The pirate will break our mast. Well, he'll regret it. Remember that gray rubber palm on the little island? Let's go there. Select Brillig Island on the map.

Old familiar pirates. They are looking for yesterday. Try digging up a rubber tree yourself. No way. Tell the pirates that the chest they are looking for should be found right under the rubber tree. The pirates will dig up the tree. Now go to the tree and knock it down. The material for the new mast is ready. Return to the ship, and from the ship swim to Spinner Cay.

On the island, go up to Bait and Repair. Tell the mermaid that you have found a suitable tree to repair the mast. She will fix it for you in 2 seconds. The rubber mast is ready. Go to the ship, and there, on the map, again select the ship of the pirate captain at the top.

SHIP (Near the pirate ship)

Again in the conversation, anger the captain so that he shoots you from the cannon. Shooting at rubber masts is different... Return to Spinner cay.

After talking with the queen, go to your ship. (where there is still a "no fishing" sign) The Queen gave you a triple artifact. (Summoning ball artifact) Throw this ball into the sea. They will sail...

SHIP (Epilogue)

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Mark Twain

LeChuck could have said roughly the same thing if he could have read the numerous previews for the first chapter of this story. He certainly wasn’t going to join any forefathers, no matter what Guybrush Threepwood, the Mighty Pirate(tm) and the world community thought about this.

A new meeting of two Mighty Pirates - or even three, if you count the beautiful Elaine, treacherously captured by LeChuck, is arranged with all the solemnity: the sea, the storm, voodoo magic and the ubiquitous monkeys. While LeChuck completes a sinister ritual on one of them, Guybrush has little time to save his wife, who is literally sitting on a powder keg.

In such a responsible matter you cannot do without instructions. Luckily, it was just pinned to the mast of his ship, and there was nothing left to complete from this list. First, let's go to the helm: nearby there stands, with such difficulty - according to Guybrush - a monkey's coffin that was once obtained, currently serving as either a bar or a refrigerator. Having taken out of it the last bottle of fizzy drink of a rare type “you can’t get it!”, we’ll throw a mint candy into it.

Wow! Invigorates!..

Now I have to rinse the saber in this... well, how can I do without a squabble with my bosom enemy?..

Nope. It was somehow awkward. And Elaine swears.

Darling, you’re a smart woman... Well, okay, I’ll do it myself, but at least throw the rope!

LeChuck, however, is in no hurry to meet the unexpected, although invited, guest, busy with his Sinister Ritual. Well, good - he has his own ritual, we have ours. Fizzybrews “you can’t get it!” There’s nothing lying around on board, but there’s a whole barrel of grog over there, from which you can whip up something that at least corresponds to the recipe. Fortunately, there are still mint candies left, and the roots for the smell can be borrowed from that wildly overgrown monster near the mast.

Season the infernal mixture with the nameless root, rinse the saber in the barrel - and go ahead, attack the enemy! LeChuck, of course, is dissatisfied, but these are mere trifles compared to how he is about to be surprised.

Unfortunately, not only him...

Flotsam Island: daisy of the winds

Violation of technology is always fraught with accidents and injuries at work. It’s high time for Guybrush to carve this simple truth in large letters in marble or at least write it on canvas. And hang it in a visible place so you don’t forget.

Editorial everyday life: not a day without a line.

However, he already realized that all this was not good - after his left hand unequivocally demonstrated extremely inappropriate and unpleasant independence.

The first contact with the aborigines turned out to be unconvincing; now we should not make a mistake with the second. However, these journalists, however, do not take anything... exactly, they do not take anything. No, our Mighty Pirate(tm), of course, is always ready to talk about himself, but try to insert even a word into this endless monologue!

But from the local shark of the pen you can learn something interesting, and most importantly, conclude a promising deal. What could be better than doing what you love, which is making a mess and causing trouble, in exchange for precious information?

Unless you get punched in the face by yourself.

News column: fight in the club!

Having passed through the city, the Mighty Pirate(tm) will discover a lot of fascinating things: a club where local gentlemen of fortune gather for a glass of grog; the editorial office, near which the borzoscribe already familiar to us sits and scribbles something in a notebook in the fresh air; glassblowing shop - glass unicorns are for sale next to it; the doctor's house, from the facade of which a stone pot with daisies will almost collapse into Guybrush's hands; and, finally, the ship, distorted like a pirate with a severe hangover, at the pier.

Which, however, can and should be postponed for now: anyway, the winds, which, according to Davy Nipperkin, blow towards the island all year round and twenty-four hours a day, greatly impede local shipping. But since we’re here, let’s rummage through the captain’s socks hanging right there on a string.

Club card? I wonder if he forgot it there or hid it?.. In any case, not a particularly reliable safe. More to be lost...

On the way to the club, you can talk to a glassblowing pirate who is unsuccessfully trying to sell his unicorns - I must admit, inspiration played a cruel joke on him. So Guybrush has no use for them, but the Mighty Pirate(tm) with a worthy of a real lover of freebies... excuse me, a zealous owner will pay attention to the Alphabet Sale - still, save almost fifty coins on something that you seem to have never given up at all !..

Guybrush will be allowed into the club without any hindrance using someone else’s card, and there will be no problems with drinking. If it weren’t for the consequences of a magical injury, you see, everything would have worked out completely. And so all that remains is to pick up a skewer from the cocktail as a souvenir, listen to the delights of Nipperkin, who was nearby, who finally received material for the article, and go on in search of adventure. Where? Have mercy! Well, where else to look for adventure on a beautiful tropical island if not in the jungle?..

News column: treasure found!

The jungle here is well-maintained: carved gates, clean paths, all sorts of garden sculptures hanging around, birds chirping... Oh, and here’s another aborigine. Kind of strange, but when was the Mighty Pirate (tm) scared by strange people?

Nope. A very, very unusual hobby. We need to help the poor fellow somehow, otherwise he will sit here until the end of his days with his dolls... well, okay, not dolls.

First, let's put one of these non-dolls in our bosom - anyway, this crazy collector doesn't need them, although greed prevents him from admitting it, so put on a little performance called “Look, there's your Dave - Dark Ninja!” still have to. Really, he parted with the card much more easily.

The map, of course... okay, we'll deal with it later, but now let's take care of Pierre In Pink Pajamas - the guy urgently needs to change his image. A cocktail skewer will give him masculinity, and swimming in printing ink (there is a whole barrel near the editorial office) will turn him into a genuine Dark Ninja. With a katana.

The treasure is ready, all that remains is to hide it correctly. It is advisable to follow the instructions, in the sense of a map. Otherwise it will be like last time... The treasure hunter's instructions begin from a certain well. It’s not difficult to find: just go through the fork where Joaquin d’Oro settled. The well, it should be noted, is magical: it fulfills wishes. Well... he does what he can - the consequences, as always, are at your expense.

In general, let's remember one of the fundamental principles of normal heroes, which undoubtedly includes the Mighty Pirate(tm), rinse the map in the well and go around. According to the map.

On a note: When wandering through the jungle, use your ears to guide you. At each fork, if you move a little away from the center of the screen, sounds of wildlife can be heard from the surrounding bushes, corresponding to the notes on the guidebook - they indicate the direction. Another note: at some point, wandering through the jungle with a map, Guybrush will pass by a small warehouse of bombs - you definitely need to take them with you.

But here someone has already rummaged: the X mark can still be distinguished, but the crater inspires respect. The previous owner of the map - and it was he who, apparently, carried out the excavations here - did half the work for us: all that remained was to thoroughly bury the former Pierre here and wipe off the honest sweat of labor.

You can now go to Joaquin d'Oro and completely disinterestedly confess to him that his Greatest Treasure - oh horror! oh happiness! - found. While he is rejoicing, an inevitable journalist will appear from the surrounding bushes: thanks to Guybrush, the pen worker has had a productive time, just make sure to take notes. However, in his opinion, the Mighty Pirate(tm) has not yet covered all areas of his professional activity.

News column: vessel hijacking!

First boarding attempt.

For example, boarding is a great opportunity to prove yourself and improve the affairs of the newspaper. So let's put aside the study of the meteorological anomaly and go rob Van Winslow.

True, he will only be happy - either their life here is boring, or the captain’s character is so gentle... which, however, did not stop him from smearing the ladder with lard. An attempt to climb on board using the anchor chain is also doomed to failure. Even worse: we end up with a burnt gangway and a fire on the pier. You'll have to resort to extreme measures: light the fuse of one of the bombs, quietly put it in... no, unfortunately, it won't fit in the sock. It’s okay, there are some touching pink underpants hanging right next to me.

Well, what the hell is not joking? - let's try to get over to the Narwhal using the same rope.

The second boarding attempt was no more successful than the first.

Captain Van Winslow's vigilance, as usual, is at its best, but he did not foresee the bomb.

Congratulations... Captain Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate(tm).

Nipperkin is here again and - finally! - ready to fulfill my part of the deal. Having received the treasured piece of paper with the magic word “Deadline” in our hands, we will go to look for a hut in the jungle - this is north of the well we know.

Yep, here she comes. Guybrush thinks the place is creepy... well, he knows better. There’s nowhere to go anyway, you have to knock. Fortunately, we have a password for Sinister Magic: a magic word "Deadline".

Oh!.. What familiar faces!..

The conversation with the Voodoo Lady promises to be long, but interesting and very useful, and her abode is a real treasury for any adventurer. That’s why they are usually not allowed here... For example, would you be able to resist talking to the skeleton of a parrot, which sits “just like alive” on its perch? No?

Well... not everyone can show miracles of endurance. But now Guybrush has his own parrot skeleton, which can be used as a talking business card. Damn, you know, it's nice to hear that Guybrush Threepwood is a Mighty Pirate... not just from his own lips.

Having already said goodbye to the Lady, we grab an Interesting Bottle - the hostess will only approve of our choice - and, leaving the house, we discover that during our educational conversation a weather vane fell from the roof.

It looks strange, but that's the beauty of it... of course, we take it. And we return to the docks, along the way discovering that the consequences of safety violations in the manufacture of voodoo artifacts tend to spread.

First, we need to remove an ancient scroll from the bottle - Lady Voodoo, I remember, hinted that it might contain a solution to the mystery of the winds of this glorious island. If only she had recommended a way to break an unbreakable bottle... Well, okay. We have a glass specialist nearby, an expert in all sorts of unbreakable and breakable things. Let's turn to him.

How much, how much?.. N-yes. We’ll have to once again find a cheaper solution, that is, figure out how to steal the Unbreakable Bottle Breaker without anyone noticing.

From a cannon at sparrows... by the way, a great idea! Are we pirates or what?.. At the same time, let's get to know our acquisition better... and the new chief mate - Van Winslow is right there. Was he on guard, or what?

Having picked up a lone piece of cheese lying on the deck and examined the map of the bay in detail, we will try out the only cannon on the ship.

Bang! Vzh-zh-zhiu! Dz-z-z-z-z-n!..

That's the wind - the cannonball is blowing away! One can only sympathize with the glass blower, even though he is a redneck. Should I go and look at the destruction caused?

Wow! However, how many problems can be solved by indiscriminate cannon fire: The Bottle Breaker is lying around as if no one ever needed it, and there is no trace of its owner.

Having uncorked the bottle and picked up the fallen scroll... stop, stop! What kind of left-handed amateur activity is this? It seems that our curse incarnate is full of objections to the tips of its fingers - it does not want Guybrush to leave the island. There is a conflict of opinions, and something will have to be done about this eternal rebellion. Thanks, of course, to Lady Voodoo for her good advice, but her recipes have one unpleasant property: they cannot be applied immediately; it will certainly be discovered that some valuable ingredient is missing. And as luck would have it, we need “here and now”: just behold, our own hand will move from slaps to pulling by the ear, and in such conditions how can we maintain our reputation as the thunderstorm of the oceans?

Let's look at the doctor - maybe he has some kind of potion or poultice for just such a case? Modern medicine, they say, also sometimes works miracles.

If the patient really wants to live, medicine is powerless

This time, Guybrush turned out to be the only client: no one bawled something indistinct into the speaking tube, either about his nose, or his leg, or his eye. And the doors opened immediately.

Hmm... and this curled and pomaded dandy with a terrible accent is the local doctor?..

It turns out yes. Marquis de Singe, former physician to King Louis.

If his story of "triumph and tragedy" is to be believed, this natural wonder was once a rising star at the French court, but his passion for exploration led him to disgrace and exile. Well, you'll have to trust his qualifications...

And completely in vain!

It is not surprising that His French Majesty chose to get rid of the young talent. Or have such radical views on medicine sprouted and sprung up here on the island?.. However, who cares about theory if in practice you urgently need to save your own skin!

Taking advantage of the fact that the doctor needs some time to put the instrument in order, we will do the only thing available to us in our difficult situation - health-improving gymnastics.

At least we have several degrees of freedom.

On a note: the A and D keys rotate the chair left and right, W and S allow you to raise and lower it.

And we also have a brother in misfortune, an ally and even, perhaps, a brother in mind - yes, yes, over there, in the cage opposite. By the way, his name is Jacques. Freeing the tailed prisoner will not be difficult: the key to the cage lies on the table almost in direct reach of Guybrush.

Voila! Sleight of foot and no cheating.

By the way, about the legs. We have two more pedals and a bell at our disposal.

It is not difficult to find out experimentally that all this is suitable for manipulating a monkey - Jacques, of course, is smart, but, unfortunately, he does not understand words. So, when the bell rings, he changes the cards in the projector, the right pedal gives him a banana, the left one shocks him... but he seems to like it.

It should be noted that this is a rather inquisitive monkey: having replaced the free pirate reproduction of Leonardo’s famous drawing with a diagram of a cunning machine and having eaten a banana that fell from the ceiling, Jacques will go to look at the cunning machine itself - for consistency, one must assume. And if at this moment we start the generator - with the left pedal, as we remember - the macaque will get its buzz, and we will get an X-ray of our long-suffering hand, all that remains is to pick it up and throw it into the box with the rest of the cards.

The four-armed assistant will willingly change the next card in the projector and (don’t forget to treat him with a banana) will move from the image of bones to the skeleton standing at the entrance. What this poor fellow once came to Monsieur Doctor with is now impossible to find out. Guybrush suggests it was a hangnail.

And now the marquis hangs the keys on his bony finger...

It is again useless to persuade Jacques, but electric shock will save the situation. The happy monkey with the key caught in its tail now needs to be returned to the table or somewhere else where it will be possible to reach this tail - or rather, the key.

Hmm... I can't lure you with a banana: the skeleton is distracting. What if you try to change the picture on the screen and repeat the banana?..

The doctor is terribly dissatisfied and upset by his patient's lack of consciousness. This wonderful, ominous hand, glowing with a deathly light, urgently needs to be laid on the altar of science, and the stupid pirate... Well, what kind of people are they, really!..

However, there is at least one positive aspect to this unpleasant episode: the anesthesia is still working (or is the uncooperative limb still too frightened by the prospect of amputation?), and the precious scroll can be removed without interference.

Mystical cartography

So, what kind of stupid joke is this?

A blank sheet of parchment with a neat border - and nothing more.

True, it is somehow ugly to suspect a lady - even a Voodoo Lady - of stupid jokes. By the way, she said something about the previous owner of this card, so to speak, and even mentioned the name - a certain McGee. Maybe he knows more?

Let's try to find him. Here, for example, there is some disabled man sitting on the steps of the courthouse, judging by his appearance - a patient of our good doctor. Let's ask him.

Bah, this is Hemlock McGee!

From him, in addition to his own tragic story - we, it turns out, were not mistaken, the Marquis de Synge actually worked here - you can learn a lot of interesting things, and most importantly, get an ancient artifact necessary to read the mysterious scroll. At the same time, while we are here, we will take a cast - for example, of a piece of cheese lying in Threepwood's pocket - from the carvings on the walls of the local bullpen.

Well, let's see what good the ancient map will tell us if we look at it through the magic rose glass?

But these pictures are already familiar to us.

True, this time we won’t be able to do it with just the screams of monkeys and the buzzing of bees. The map also provides for a number of actions that need to be performed at the main points of the route: it begins at the altar not far from the entrance to the jungle (this is where you need to present the map for the adventure to begin), you have to throw a flower into the well familiar to us (Guybrush has a whole flowerpots), and the calendar, which we already passed on the way to the Voodoo Lady’s hut, is supposed to be walked around counterclockwise until it glows with a mystical green light. In dubious intervals, also marked on the map, you can navigate using the weather vane.

Wow!.. It's a pity, there is no time for admiration - someone is coming here. That is, not just anyone, but our beloved doctor, who for some reason doesn’t want to be seen again. When he leaves, you can be curious.

Done, master!.. Broke, I mean.

We put the Unbreakable Bottle Breaker back in our pocket, pick up the fallen fragment of the gate and indulge in curiosity to our heart's content. True, it is not possible to see through this hole the interesting things that Guybrush sees there, but the Mighty Pirate(tm) does not give up!

We'll leave our talking business card here. We need to bring the marquis out into the open and at the same time get inside.

So, we “forget” the talking parrot skeleton in the hole and go to visit the doctor. Now we will convince him that the Mighty Pirate (tm) Guybrush Threepwood is not as simple as it might seem! It will be enough to hint in conversation that we have some proof, and the Marquis will not resist the temptation to make sure.

It's a pleasure to watch our dear doctor sit in a puddle!

He leaves, filled with sinister plans, and it’s time for us to get down to business. Let's start by reuniting the shell with the pearl - fortunately Guybrush now has a special ancient tool in his bosom.

Wow! Such a mossy system - and to this day it works without failures! As they say, “don’t touch anything, don’t change anything”... However, the wind is still blowing towards the island, which means that what has been done is not enough.

Fortune telling with the daisy of the winds

For example, right here there is a mysterious idol standing very close, next to which a similar shell sticks out. What happens if you pick at it with an ancient rod?

Nah... Unconvincing.

What if you go through your pockets? A piece of cheese, a flower pot, a medallion... By the way! After all, Lady Voodoo’s weather vane has helped us out more than once, what if it helps this time too?

At least the faces that decorate it are quite similar to what this idol looks at us with. Especially this particular one. We set the desired combination on this antique safe and again pick at the sink with the rod.

Yeah, this is more like the truth!

True, the evil doctor immediately appeared with another miracle of technology. A blowgun of a new formation, so to speak.

The landing behind the gate turned out to be unexpectedly soft, so there is nothing to worry about - we need to continue what we started. Next in line is the mysterious idol in the southeastern part of the island. He, as the observant Guybrush will notice, lacks a nose. However, if you rummage through your pockets... yes, this particular detail served as a flower pot at the door of the Marquis de Synge. Well, at least not as a bell.

Having returned the lost nose to the idol, we repeat the operation with the weather vane. Unfortunately, until the appearance of a doctor with a pneumatic gun. True, the next figure, which unknown villains have deprived of the upper part of the puzzle, will do without it - you can try to replace it with a cheese circle, since the mystical code is well imprinted on it.

Well, all the necessary manipulations are completed. Guybrush wanders wherever his eyes look, and they look towards the remaining idol... and stumbles upon the omnipresent medic, who again wants something from him. However, what he wants is already clear - he is an unusually constant gentleman in his desires.

Exacerbation of relations. I wonder what Nipperkin will write about this?..

Talking with an inadequate interlocutor is more than dubious pleasure. But what can be opposed to it with an air gun, which has already sent Guybrush flying against his will several times?

But! If you rummage through your pockets... You can be convinced that greed is not a vice, but, on the contrary, a virtue and a means of survival: a glass U-tube, grabbed solely because it is free, will be an excellent addition to Monsieur de Synge’s witty design. True, first he needs to be distracted: for example, by mentioning His Majesty Louis in vain... what is his number there?..

Wow, how rude!

However, in this position the doctor is significantly less intrusive. It’s just a pity that you can’t install a weather vane now - at least, Guybrush believes there’s nowhere to do it. You will have to navigate by the sounds made by the dandy from the bowels of the idol: painful screams mean that the combination is incorrect.

Let's be humane. After all, we are noble pirates, not some kind of savages...

In the end, the idol turns out to be three-eyed, snotty and with a twisted mouth, but here the ancients know better. Let's start a pearl.

Wow! Finally!

The vacuum cleaner was shut up, and the winds are now blowing as they should; weathervanes clink, seagulls flap their wings, and only the marquis, spat out by an antique typewriter, vomits and rushes, and other terrible punishments and terrible revenge for Guybrush and his mischievous hand. But it’s not so easy to scare the Mighty Pirate(tm), he doesn’t care about curses - he already has his own, of the highest standard.

Forgetting about the annoying doctor as soon as he disappeared from sight, our adventurer hurries aboard the Screaming Narwhal - towards adventure and sweet Elaine.

Fair wind and good luck!

So far, everything is going more than well: the weather is favorable, the ship, despite its ridiculous appearance, is in no hurry to fall apart, Van Winslow confidently holds the helm and would not mind finding out in more detail what the Narwhal’s course is.

However, before Captain Guybrush Threepwood can tell him the final point of the route - the Gelato rock, near which this story began - the left limb, which has completely gone crazy, tightly seals its owner’s mouth. Well, he doesn’t let me say a word!

Well, of course! The curse was inherited from LeChuck, and it is not surprising that it intends to create all sorts of obstacles on the way to the goal. Nevertheless, we need to go to the Gelato rock. It is also indicated on the map - only the malicious hand, unfortunately, does not lose its vigilance.

Let's try to take the helm ourselves... to make sure that you can't just fool this hand. The “Narwhal” behaved in such a way that it became clear why every little thing on a ship is usually screwed on and screwed on. No, not just because they squirt - you won’t have time to sneeze.

Oh well! For some limb to beat Captain Guybrush Threepwood himself?! This shouldn't happen.

Of course, Van Winslow will now correct the course and the barrel will roll back, but until this happens, we will take advantage of the situation. Run down to the cannon: the recoil after the shot will throw it back, as it should be, and the tar from the barrel will spill onto the deck. Which, in fact, is the first part of the plan to suppress the riot. Now let's try again to indicate the required coordinates on the map. Of course, you'll have to get a couple more slaps, but it's worth it: the last one will be so heavy that Guybrush will fly straight into a tar puddle. And, of course, it will stick.

What curse can resist good viscous resin! The hand can twitch as much as it wants, but this time it is powerless to prevent anything, and Van Winslow, who has received the necessary instructions, will direct the Narwhal to the target.



The game is controlled using a keyboard and mouse. The following keys are responsible for moving the character: W”, “ S”, “ A”, “ D, or the corresponding arrows (up, down, left, right). Key Shift is responsible for running. We examine, select, and use any item by pressing the left mouse button. We call the inventory with the key I, or move the cursor to the right side of the screen over the arrow that appears, and then click the left mouse button. Left-click on any item in the inventory, left-click again on any place on the screen outside the inventory (so that the backpack window closes) and for the third time left-click on any item located in this location. Thus, we apply an item from our inventory to any other item in the location.

We combine items from the inventory as follows: open the inventory, on the left side we notice two round windows, between which there is a sign “+” . Place the necessary items in two windows and left-click on the sign “+” . If we want to examine an item located in the inventory, then open the backpack, select the magnifying glass icon in the upper left corner of the window and left-click on the item we need.


We are attacked by the pirate hunter Morgana la Fley. After the introductory video, left-click on the girl and select any phrase. Once on the lower deck, click on the girl again and also select any phrase. Now we are standing next to the railing on which a seagull is sitting and playing with our hand. On the left side of the seagull we take the hanging hook. We talk with the girl and again find ourselves on the upper deck at the helm. We use the hook from the inventory on the rope hanging above our head. Left-click on the rope at the end of the mast that holds the barrel of fish. We talk with the girl until we find ourselves on the upper deck. Click on the steering wheel. We talk with the girl again, this time until we find ourselves next to a seagull playing with her hand. Click on the bird.

We approach the map and click on the Bait Islands.


Fisherman's Reef

We walk along the pier until we come across a small raft on the right side of us. Click on the raft and a dialogue with the mermaid begins. We communicate on all topics and move forward. Let's watch the video.

Brillig Island

We go to the left side of the screen until we find the place in which the chest is buried. We approach the boat and a map opens. Select Bait Islands.

Fisherman's Reef

We approach the raft and go to Blesny Island.

Blesny Island

We go to the location with the well. Open the inventory and combine the glowing worms and the hook. We automatically take out the second artifact from the well. We head to the location where LeChuck is trying to solve the puzzle. We open the inventory and point the magnifying glass at the oyster, in which we find a pearl. We give the pearl to LeChuck and begin a dialogue with him. LeChuck tells us that he wants to figure out this mystery on his own. We give him hints:


-...a thing with a claw...

- ...to the pearl

We start the conversation with LeChuck again and tell him the following:


-...the key of the ancient people...

- ...on the sink

Now we approach the other sink and use the key from our inventory on it. We approach the opened device and take the black lever on the left side of the golden turtle. We use the lever on the turtle, but we do not have enough strength to pick out the third artifact. We approach LeChuck and use the black lever on him. Let's watch the video.

We select the lever from the ground and go to the right side. After meeting with LeChuck, we return to the raft and sail to Fisherman's Reef.

Fisherman's Reef

We run to the library and help Elaine get out from under the rubble. After talking with the girl, pay attention to the burning coals. We cannot pick them up with our bare hands. We go up to the store and on the left side we notice bucket. We take the bucket, go down and go up to the throne. Let's take it hot water control panel and run to the library. We use the bucket from the inventory on the coals. We approach the raft and go to Blesny Island.

Blesny Island

We head towards the Waikalian Furnace. On the way we meet LeChuck and the pirates who attacked him. We go to the left and approach the stove. We use a control panel and a bucket of coals on the device. Press the control panel to fire up the oven at full power. Place the golden parrot on top of the stove. We take the molten gold and run to the left. We head to the top turn to the right, then turn left. We approach the edge of the mountain where we found the golden turtle. We use a casting mold with molten gold on the edge of the cliff. We return to the shore, after which we enter the jungle again. We turn left, then hurry to the lower left part of the screen. We run to the left until we come across a stone with a hole in the shape of a turtle. Using the black lever, we pick out the fake golden turtle from the inventory. We return to LeChuck, who is fighting the pirates. We use a fake golden turtle on LeChuck. Let's watch the video.

In the dialogue with LeChuck, choose any answer option and after the pirate leaves, we go ashore. We sit down on the raft and in the map that opens, point to the two lower ships, when you hover the cursor over them the inscription “Blockade” pops up. Let's watch the video. We click on the empty space between the two ships and sail to our ship.

Open the map and select ship at the top of the paper.

Ship McGillicutty

We try to shoot from the cannon, but nothing good comes of it. We start a dialogue with the captain and select the third phrase (any insult). The captain shoots a cannon at our ship and breaks our mast. We sail to the island where we dug up the chest.

Brillig Island

After talking with two pirates, we head to the rubber palm tree. We are trying to break it out, but we can’t do it without a shovel. We approach the pirates and suggest that their treasure is buried under a rubber palm tree. As soon as the pirates inform us that their search has failed, we approach the palm tree and knock it down. We click on the boat and sail to the Bait Islands.

Fisherman's Reef

We run to the store and ask the mermaid to repair our mast. We return to the ship, open the map and sail to McGillicutty's ship.

Ship McGillicutty

We start a conversation with the captain and select the third phrase (insult). Let's watch the video. Open the map and sail to the Bait Islands.

Fisherman's Reef

We communicate with the mermaid, then with Elaine, after which we go down to our ship. We are in no hurry to board the ship. Open your inventory, select three artifacts connected together and apply them to the ocean. We watch the final video, simultaneously choosing any dialogue options.

Patrin Igor

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 2 - The Siege of Spinner Cay

As you remember, Guybrush moves with the keys W, A, S, D. TAB key - view inventory. Space - pause. The green cursor indicates active points. SHIFT - run.


We were attacked by pirate hunter, Morgan LeFlay. The girl managed to cut off Guybrush's green hand. We talk to her. Select any replica. After the conversation you will find yourself on the left side of the deck below. Talk to Morgan again. You will find yourself at the lower right deck. On the left, near the seagull that is pecking at Guybrush's green hand, there is a hook. Take it away. Talk to Morgan. You will find yourself near the steering wheel. There is a rope at the top leading to the deck. Take the hook from your inventory and use it on this rope to end up on the mast. At the bottom right on the mast hangs a barrel of fish, tied with a rope. Cut this rope with a saber. Talk to Morgan until you find yourself on the upper deck, near the ship's helm. (3 times)

On the upper deck, turn the steering wheel so that the barrel rolls to the left side of the mast. Talk to Morgan 2 times to be near the seagull. Scare away the bird.

Go to the navigation map. Select Jerkbait Islands. (Jerkbait Islands)


Go right to the raft. Here you will meet the first mermaid - Anemone. Ask her everything. You need a ticket for the raft. Go straight ahead. Elaine will talk to you and give you her engagement ring. Examine the statue next to the steps leading to the throne. Take the statue's eye. This fish eye is a magnifying glass. Now go up the stairs where the pirate and the seafolk queen are arguing. Talk to them. After the conversation, Elaine will give you tickets for the raft. (After Guybrush asks about the raft) Talk to Elaine separately, ask about her affairs, if you want. As soon as you finish the conversation, Elaine will approach you and ask for help. No matter how hard you resist, you still have to agree. So, your goal is to find three artifacts. (Turtle, Seahorse and Fish) Go down and go right all the way. (The middle path leads to the library, but we don't need to go there yet) You will find yourself at the top. The establishment is called. And Anemone is in charge of it all. Ask her to repair the mast on your ship. Inquire about bait coupons. To the left of the Anemone well there is an empty bucket. Take it. Go down and return to the raft. Give the mermaid your ticket. (Transit pass) Get on the raft.

On a raft we can move between three islands. (Spinner Cay, Roe Island, Spoon Isle)

First, let's swim to Roe Island (literally translated). Select it on the map. On the island you will find the shack of DeKava - the former lover of the Voodoo sorceress. Examine the shack. Hanging on the wall is a blue fish, Manatee. The fish has a hole on its side. Remember that medallion that the witch gave you? Take this medallion from your inventory and insert it into this blue fish. The fish will give out a piece of paper. To read it, first combine the Eye of The Manatee with the Fish eye in your inventory, and then combine the resulting structure (Fish Eye of The Manatee) with a piece of paper. You will recognize the title of the book: . There is nothing more to do here, return to the raft. On the map, select Spoon Isle.

As soon as you step off the raft onto the sand, you will hear pirates arguing. They cannot agree on who will bury the treasure - the golden seahorse. Between them lies an empty chest. We need to put a pyrite (or pirate, whatever you prefer) parrot in it. (Pyrite Parrot). To do this, you need to distract the pirates. To do this, after talking with them, select the question “Maybe there”s a fair way to settle your argument.” Then select “How about a staring contest. First one to blink loses!" (How about a competition) As soon as the pirates start looking into each other's eyes, choose some line that should distract them. For example (See what's that there?) The pirates turned away from the chest. Quickly take it parrot and put it in the chest. The pirates will immediately go to bury the treasure. (If you did not have time to put the parrot, but asked the pirates to bury the chest, then you can always ask them to return the chest back, simply saying that the place where the chest is buried can turn out to be unsafe).It's too early to go after the seahorse, let's first explore the jungle of this island. Follow the path straight ahead and you will find yourself in the jungle. (If you get lost, you can always return by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen). At the fork, go to the right. You will find a Fishing well (Pun on wishing-fishing). There is a coupon for bait on it. (Fish eggs) Take it. From the well, go straight. On the next screen you can only go left. That's where we go. Look at ancient barbecue. For now we have nothing to do with him. Go left to the next screen. There's a fork here. Turn right and then left on the next screen. You will meet LeChuck, who has turned into a human. To the left of LeChuck there is a bait coupon lying on the floor. With this coupon you can get an oyster. Look at the altar on the left. You can't open it that easily. Let's talk to LeChuck. He will say that he is trying to figure out how to open this altar. So far we can’t help him in any way, so we return to the shore to the raft. (Right, back, left (to the red boat), back, back; or just click on the icon) Return to Spinner cay.

Let's first find the artifact that the pirates buried along with the parrot. From the raft, go left and board your ship. Look at the map. Do you see three small islands on the map? (Isle of Ewe, Boulder Beach, Brillig Island) There is a Seahorse buried somewhere on one of them. We need Brillig Island. It's in the upper right corner of the map. Sail there.

On the island, pay attention to the palm tree with a gray trunk. Go left. Guybrush will dig up the first artifact and return the parrot. Watch the video. (By the way, try picking up a coconut from the sand - see what happens). We have nothing more to do here for now, let's return to Spinner Cay.

First, let's take a look at the library. (Middle path, just to the right of the statue) Talk to Tetra. Ask her to give you a book called. (101 fish jokes)Tetra will be unhappy, but will give you the book. Examine the book in your inventory (magnifying glass icon). You will find a coupon for glow worms. Return to the fork and go right, going up to. Exchange all your coupons with Anemone. You will find glow worms, oysters and fish eggs. Examine the oyster in your inventory. Guybrush will find the pearl. Time to head back to Spoon Isle.

The pirates had already escaped. Go to the jungle, to the Fish Well. (Fishing well) Near the well, combine the glow worms and the hook in your inventory. Guybrush will catch the second artifact - the Golden Fish. Next, go to LeChuck (how to get to him is described above). First give him the pearl. Let's talk to him. In the conversation, offer to help LeChuck. Ask what things he has. Wooden seahorse (prong) and mints, clear. Now choose the following cues: Use: (Use) - :claw thingie: (this prong) - :the pearl (pearl). Now LeChuck has exactly the same key as you. Talk to LeChuck again. Use: (Use) - MerFolk key (key of the sea people) - :clamshell lock (lock in the form of a shell - you saw those at the end of the first episode). After that, go to your shell castle and use your key (Ancient Tool). The altar will open and we will see a golden turtle. Approach her. You can't just rip it out. To the left of the turtle there is an excerpt. (prying tool) Take it and try to rip out the turtle. Does not work. All that remains is to ask LeChuck for help. Approach LeChuck and give him the extract. One careless move, and Guybrush ends up at the bottom. Pick up the extract from the broken altar. Go right. LeChuck will catch up with you and politely give you the third artifact. Return to the jungle entrance. You have all three artifacts. Take the raft to Spinner Cay.

That's why the episode is called. Run to the library. (middle path) Elaine was pinned under the slab. Release her. After she gives you instructions, pick up the hot coals from the floor where Elaine was lying. (hot coals) The coals are very hot, so just take your bucket from inventory and collect them there. Return to the path and go up to the throne. (Where the queen of the sea people argued with the pirate captain) Examine the throne, in the middle of it there is a sparkling control panel. (hot tub controls) Take this panel. Board the raft and sail to Spoon Isle.

We need to find LeChuck. Go into the jungle and turn right at the fork. After the Fish Well, go straight. You will come across pirates trying to take away LeChuck's turtle, which, in fact, is yours. We'll have to deceive the pirates. From LeChuck and the pirates, go left. Go to the barbecue. Take the control panel from inventory (the one you took from the throne) and attach it to the barbecue. Now pour hot coal from a bucket into it. All that remains is to turn the barbecue control knob to maximum (just press it). We need to make a fake turtle. Place the parrot on the hot barbecue. It will melt. Now all that remains is to quickly reach the form. (Remember that broken altar where the turtle lay?). It is worth saying that if you go directly to him, the melted parrot will simply freeze. We need to take a shorter route. Namely, dump the liquid from the cliff from which LeChuck dropped you. Do you remember how to get there? (From the barbecue, go left, then right at the fork, and then left). Approach the cliff and throw the melted parrot (Bowl of melted Pyrite) from there. As strange as it may seem, it’s right on target. All that remains is to reach the altar and pick up the turtle. (Go right, back, left, left (past the red boat), left all the way). Here is the altar. Pull out the fake turtle. Return to LeChuck. Give him the fake turtle. (Fake turtle artifact) Now we can talk to LeChuck. Give him everything Elaine asked for. Get on the raft and swim to the blockade. These are two ships at the bottom of the map (the weak point of the blockade is there). There are 2 pirate friends here. Elaine and LeChuck managed to distract them. Now just swim forward between the ships - the path is clear. You are back on the ship. Go to the map. See the ship at the top of the map? We go there to the evil captain.

Try to shoot from a cannon - it won't work. Talk to the pirate captain. You need to choose a line that will anger the captain. Choose something offensive. The pirate will break our mast. Well, he'll regret it. Remember that gray rubber palm on the little island? Let's go there. Select Brillig Island on the map.

Old familiar pirates. They are looking for yesterday. Try digging up a rubber tree yourself. No way. Tell the pirates that the chest they are looking for should be found right under the rubber tree. The pirates will dig up the tree. Now go to the tree and knock it down. The material for the new mast is ready. Return to the ship, and from the ship swim to Spinner Cay.

On the island, go up to. Tell the mermaid that you have found a suitable tree to repair the mast. She will fix it for you in 2 seconds. The rubber mast is ready. Go to the ship, and there, on the map, again select the ship of the pirate captain at the top.

SHIP (Near the pirate ship)

Again in the conversation, anger the captain so that he shoots you from the cannon. Shooting at rubber masts is different: Return to Spinner cay.

After talking with the queen, go to your ship. (where else there is a sign) The Queen gave you a triple artifact. (Summoning ball artifact) Throw this ball into the sea. Will arrive:

SHIP (Epilogue)
