Diet boiled sausage. Doctor's sausage: a dietary product or "live chemistry"? Advantages and disadvantages

Sausage is a popular food product that serves as an excellent basis for creating sandwiches and salads. However, flavor enhancers and preservatives are often added to its composition, making it not very useful for the human body. Therefore, many housewives often replace purchased products with their own prepared counterparts. In today's publication, we will analyze in detail several original recipes for dietary homemade sausage.

with hare

Sausage made according to the technology described below is a successful combination of several types of meat at once. It does not contain a single gram of artificial additives, so it turns out not only tasty, but also healthy. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 g of hare.
  • 500 g chicken.
  • 500 g pork belly.
  • 500 g of veal.
  • 20 g salt.
  • 3 egg yolks.
  • 2 tsp nutmeg.
  • 1 st. l. ground white pepper.
  • Shell.

You need to start cooking boiled dietary sausage with meat processing. It is rinsed under the tap, cut into large pieces and twisted into minced meat. The resulting mass is supplemented with egg yolks, salt, nutmeg and then mixed and stuffed into the shell. Boil the sausage at 72 about C for about an hour.

With milk and starch

This diet sausage recipe will interest those who adhere to a low-calorie diet. To play it you will need:

  • 1.2 kg of twisted chicken.
  • 230 ml skimmed cow's milk.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch (potato).
  • 1 tsp coarse pepper.
  • 1.5 tsp powdered paprika.
  • 1.5 tsp zira.
  • Salt (to taste).

First you need to do minced meat. It is combined with crushed garlic, and then poured with salted milk, in which starch and spices have been dissolved in advance. Everything is intensively mixed and divided into three parts. Each of them is evenly distributed over the bottom of a square cling film and tightly rolled up, not forgetting to tie the edges with cooking string. Cook sausage at 80 o C for about an hour in a closed pan.

With blood

This homemade dietary sausage consists of several types of meat and a small amount of offal. The presence of blood gives it a rich red-brown hue, and fragrant spices make it incredibly fragrant. To make this sausage you will need:

  • 700 g lean pork.
  • 700 g veal tenderloin.
  • 200 g pork liver.
  • 1 st. l. fine salt.
  • 200 g pork skin.
  • 1 tsp. dry marjoram, allspice and white pepper.
  • 500 ml of pig blood.
  • 2 tsp crushed sweet pepper.
  • Water and sausage casing.

Pork, veal and skins are boiled for an hour. Then both types of meat are cut into small pieces and combined with ground skin, blood and spices. All this is salted, supplemented with twisted liver, previously scalded with boiling water, and mixed well. The resulting mass is tamped into sausage casings, boiled for an hour at 80 ° C and cooled sharply in ice water.

With vegetables

This chicken diet sausage has a pleasant taste and unusual composition. The vegetables present in it not only make it more useful, but also to some extent compensate for the dryness of poultry meat. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 g chilled chicken fillet.
  • 150 g mixed vegetables
  • ½ sweet and sour apple
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, any fragrant spices and shell.

Even those who have never done anything like this before can cook diet sausage at home. First you need to do the chicken. It is washed, cut into small pieces and interrupted in a blender along with peeled apple, vegetables and garlic. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and thoroughly kneaded. The resulting mass is rammed into a shell and boiled in boiling water.

With cheese

Diet sausage, made according to the method discussed below, will be an excellent alternative to store-bought counterparts. It contains only useful ingredients, which makes it suitable even for a children's menu. To treat your family with it, you will need:

  • 500 g twisted chicken.
  • 120 ml egg whites.
  • 50 g soft cheese.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 st. l. cold pressed olive oil.
  • Salt and aromatic spices.
  • Shell.

Preparing such a sausage is extremely simple. Twisted chicken is combined with salt, spices, crushed garlic, olive oil, egg whites and soft cheese. Everything is intensively kneaded and tamped into the shell. Boil the sausage in a closed container until fully cooked.

with gelatin

This unusual dietary sausage is made from minced meat and has a very presentable appearance. To make it yourself at home, you will need:

  • 500 g chicken breast (without skin and bones).
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 10 g gelatin.
  • Salt, spices and cling film.

The washed fillet is cut into cubes and combined with dry gelatin. All this is supplemented with crushed garlic, salt and seasonings, and then they are thoroughly mixed and wrapped in several layers of food grade polyethylene. The semi-finished product is immersed in a pot of boiling water and boiled for one and a half hours.

With peas and beetroot juice

According to the method described below, a very interesting dietary sausage is obtained, which does not contain a single gram of meat. Therefore, even those who adhere to the basic principles of vegetarianism will not refuse it. To prepare it you will need:

  • A cup of dry peas.
  • 3 glasses of drinking water.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 st. l. beet juice.
  • 50 ml vegetable oil (deodorized).
  • Salt and fragrant spices.

Peas are crushed in a blender, poured with water and boiled for a short time over low heat. After about three minutes, the resulting mass is supplemented with salt, seasonings, crushed garlic, beetroot juice and vegetable oil. Everything is mixed well, poured into a suitable container, cooled to room temperature and briefly sent to the freezer.

With liver and grain mustard

This low-calorie, moderately spicy homemade sausage will be an excellent basis for creating delicious sandwiches. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 g twisted chicken.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 250 g chilled chicken liver.
  • 5 st. l. fat-free fresh kefir.
  • 30 ml of quality cognac.
  • Salt, a mixture of ground peppers, mustard seeds and coriander.
  • Natural casing and vegetable oil.

The washed bird's liver is freed from everything superfluous and cut into medium-sized pieces. The offal prepared in this way is combined with twisted chicken and crushed garlic. All this is supplemented with cognac, kefir, salt, pepper, mustard and coriander. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed and tamped into the shell. The future sausage is pierced in several places with a thin needle, greased with vegetable oil and sent to the oven. The product is baked at 180 ° C for about an hour. Completely cooked sausage is cooled and served on the table. The best addition to it will be mashed potatoes, a salad of any seasonal vegetables or a piece of fresh rye bread.

One type of boiled sausage is dietary sausage. For more than a century, sausage has been one of the first in the list of popular food products from different countries on all continents of the globe. Almost every nation has its own special sausage recipe.

Dietary chicken sausage is most often made from chicken breast because it does not contain many calories, fat. Another advantage of homemade diet sausage is protein, which is found in large quantities in chicken breast, and everyone knows the benefits of protein. In families with small children and for people on a diet, this sausage is just a godsend.

Diet homemade chicken sausage


  • 500 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 2 pcs. egg white;
  • 1 tsp starch;
  • 1 s. garlic;
  • seasoning, salt to taste.


Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly, remove the skin and bones, cut the chicken fillet into large pieces. Separate ¼ of the meat from the total mass and set aside, chop the remaining meat with a blender, add protein, starch, cream, season with spices. Finely chop the remaining meat, pass the garlic through the garlic press. Add everything to the previously prepared minced meat and mix until smooth.

We spread the minced meat on parchment, wrap it tightly and tighten it with threads. We fold three plastic bags one into one and put the minced meat in parchment there, tightly tie it. We lower it into salty boiling water and cook over low heat for thirty minutes, cool the finished dietary homemade chicken sausage (about 6 hours) and you can eat it.

Diet chicken meat sausage


  • chicken breast - 60 gr.;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • beets - 1 pc. (can be replaced with a small celery);
  • potato starch - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • garlic and spices to taste.


We first process the meat from the chicken breast with a meat grinder (instead of a meat grinder, the meat can be finely chopped by hand), and then with the help of a blender we grind the resulting minced meat into a puree. If you don’t get mashed potatoes, then instead of chicken sausage we get ham, which, due to the presence of small pieces of meat in it, will lose elasticity and will break.

We form sausages from minced meat and carefully wrap it with foil so that it can be more reliably wrapped in several layers of foil. This will prevent the juice from flowing out of the sausage.

Minced meat wrapped in foil will be baked in the oven. Preheat the oven to medium temperature, then put the cooked minced meat in there for about fifty minutes. Ready-made diet sausage can also be eaten hot, but the taste of sausage that has stood in a cool place for about a day is much better.

Diet boiled sausage

Bring 500 grams of chicken fillet to a state of homogeneous mass with a blender.

Add to a cup with minced meat: milk 60 ml; egg 1 pc.; seasoning, salt to taste (if undersalted it will turn out fresh). Added nutmeg about five grams will make the taste of cooked sausage similar to the taste of sausage bought in the store. Blend again with the blender.

Put the resulting minced meat in the form of sausages on cling film. It is better to make medium-sized sausages. We wrap about three times, twist and tie the edges with a thread.

We spread the sausages wrapped in cling film into boiled lightly salted water, press it with a heavy plate so that they do not float. Boil in barely boiling water for an hour.

Carefully lay out the boiled sausage and cool for thirty minutes. After putting in the entire length of the sausage press and refrigerate for eight hours or overnight.

We remove the film from the finished sausage and cut it.

Meal ideas:

  • Cut, put in a frying pan, pour over the egg, beaten with milk. A little patience and a delicious omelet will be ready!
  • In the finished soup puree, add diced diet sausage.
  • Prepare a sandwich.

Prepared according to a special recipe and used in medical and baby food.

Dietary sausages were produced of the highest and 1st grades in the following assortment: liver sausages for anemic, from pig stomachs, brain sausages of the highest grade, doctor's dairy dietary, from the spinal cord and testicles for neurasthenics, brain sausages of the 1st grade, garlic medicinal. A special group consists of sausages for diabetics, manufactured in the following assortment: sausage, sausages and.

Dietary sausages are a high-calorie nutritious product used as an appetizer and for preparing second courses. The raw materials for the manufacture of sausages were: beef of the highest and 1st grade, fatty, semi-fat, low-fat pork, beef liver, pork stomachs, spinal cord and brain, testicles, pork fats, wheat flour (72% yield), eggs, starch food, onion, sugar, rice, powdered milk, spices and spices. According to the quality, sausages were divided into two grades: the highest - hepatic for anemia, from pig stomachs, brain, doctor's milk dietary; 1st - cerebral, from the spinal cord and testes for neurasthenics, garlic medicinal.

Assortment and recipe of dietary sausages

Top grade.

Liver diet sausage for anemia it is recommended for anemia and exhaustion. It is prepared from beef liver, raw young lean pork, fatty blanched pork, wheat flour, eggs, sugar, spices and seasonings. The production consists of the following operations: beef liver is baked, cooled, peeled and ground; pork is also crushed; onions are fried on a mixture of bone marrow and pork fat (200 g of bone marrow and 80 g of fat per 1 kg of onion). The products are mixed in a mixing machine with spices and stuffed into beef circles (Nos. 2 and 3). The resulting loaves are boiled in a cauldron to a temperature inside the loaf of 68-72°. The finished sausage is cooled in cold water, wrapped in parchment paper and labeled, indicating the name of the enterprise, variety, date of manufacture, shelf life on the label. The taste of sausage is pleasant, moderately salty, without foreign tastes and odors. Consistency elastic, dense. Minced meat is homogeneous but throughout the mass, not crumbly. The length of the loaf is from 15 to 50 cm, diameter is 40-50 mm. The surface of the long loaves must be clean, without damage to the shell, without stains, slips and influxes of minced meat.

Diet sausage from pork stomachs recommended for anemia and exhaustion. Made from raw lean pork, pork stomachs, raw liver, pork fat, eggs, wheat flour, fried onions, spices and seasonings. To make sausage, pork stomachs are boiled and chopped. Pork, fats and liver are also crushed. In the future, the production process is the same as dietary liver sausage for the anemic. The taste of sausage is specific, the smell is fragrant. The consistency is elastic, dense, minced meat is uniform throughout the mass, not crumbly. Loaves 15-50 cm long, 40-50 mm in diameter.

brain diet sausage rich in phosphatides and especially lecithin, the latter serves as a source of choline (vitamin), the presence of which is necessary for the normal course of various metabolic processes in the body; used for anemia, dysfunction of the nervous system and some diseases with improper metabolism. It is made from blanched lean pork, raw liver, brain, lard, eggs, wheat flour, marrow-fried onions, spices and seasonings. In the production of sausage, boiled brain, pork, liver and fat are ground on a top, fried on bone marrow and pork fat, then stuffed into beef casings with a diameter of 32–44 mm, knitted with twine into rings, the inner diameter of which is 10–15 cm, and boiled. at a temperature of 75-85°; cooked sausage is cooled in ice water and immediately sent for sale. Sausage has a pleasant taste and smell specific to brains. Minced meat is homogeneous throughout the mass, it is easily smeared on bread.

Doctor's Dairy Diet Sausage recommended for baby food, as well as for convalescents. Produced from semi-fat pork, premium beef, milk powder, melange, sugar and spices. Instead of melange, the use of eggs or white whey of food blood is allowed. In the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, egg powder can be used (at the rate of 274 g of egg powder instead of 1 kg of melange). Instead of powdered milk, it is allowed to use whole fresh milk (8 liters of whole milk per 1 kg of powdered milk). The production technology is similar to technology. Minced meat is stuffed into beef circles (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4) up to 55 mm in diameter or cutisin of the corresponding diameter. The taste is pleasant, moderately salty, without foreign tastes and odors. The length of the loaves is from 15 to 50 cm, their surface must be clean. Consistency elastic, dense. Minced meat is uniform throughout the mass, pink.

First grade.

Diet sausage from the spinal cord and testicles for neurasthenics, it is recommended for exhaustion and overwork of the nervous system. It is prepared from raw young pork, baked liver, testicles fried in oil, boiled spinal cord, pork fat, eggs, wheat flour, fried onions, spices and seasonings. The manufacturing process consists of the following operations: testes and onions are fried in butter (200 g of oil per 1 kg of testes); the liver is baked in rotary ovens; peel and grind on a top with a 2 mm grate; the spinal cord is washed and blanched; raw young pork and pork fats are crushed on a top. In the future, the manufacturing process is the same as dietary liver sausage for the anemic. The taste is pleasant, moderately salty; the smell of spices. The consistency is dense, the stuffing is homogeneous throughout the mass. Loaves 15-50 cm long, 40-50 mm in diameter.

brain diet sausage recommended for anemia, impaired functional activity of the nervous system and some diseases with improper metabolism. Made from raw lean pork, raw liver, lard, spinal cord, fried onions, wheat flour, eggs and spices. In the production of sausages, the spinal cord is boiled and ground on a top with a 2 mm grate. Pork, fats and liver are also crushed. In the future, the preparation technology is the same as for liver sausage for the anemic. The taste is delicate, specific for brains; the smell of spices. Minced meat is homogeneous throughout the mass, it is easily smeared on bread. The length of the loaves is from 15 to 50 cm, the diameter is 40-50 mm. Moisture content up to 60%.

Garlic medicinal dietary sausage recommended for indigestion. Prepared from beef meat of the 1st grade, boiled rice, garlic, food starch, salt. The cooking process is as follows: beef meat is ground together with garlic on a top, then mixed with boiled rice and potato flour mixed in water (water takes 10% of the weight of the meat). Minced meat is stuffed into beef casings with a diameter of 32-44 mm, loaves are knitted with twine in the form of rings, the inner diameter of which is 10-15 cm, and boiled at a temperature of 75-80 °. The cooked sausage is cooled in cold water and dried in a smokehouse (without smoke) for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 30-40°C. The smell of garlic; the taste is pleasant, moderately salty, without foreign flavors; the consistency is elastic, dense. Minced meat is homogeneous throughout the mass.

Chemical composition and caloric content of dietary sausages

Sausages for diabetics

Sausage products for diabetics are produced only of the highest grade in the following range: boiled sausage for diabetics, sausages for diabetics, sausages for diabetics. They differ from ordinary boiled sausages, frankfurters and sausages in a higher content of cow's butter, eggs and milk; their carbohydrate content is kept to a minimum. Below are the features of sausages.

Boiled sausage for diabetics is made from beef, trimmed veal, low-fat pork, cow's butter, milk, salt, saltpeter and spices. The production technology is the same as doctor's milk diet sausages of the highest grade. Minced meat is stuffed into beef circles No. 5 and 6. The taste is pleasant, moderately salty; the smell of spices; the consistency is elastic, dense; stuffing uniform, pink. The length of the loaf is from 15 to 50 cm, the diameter is from 5.5 cm and above, they are knitted with thin twine at the ends and once in the middle. Moisture content 60 ± 5%.

Today, store shelves amaze with the richness of the sausage assortment. What is not here: sausages, sausages, wieners, brawns, jelly, bread, pates, snacks ... It's just that your eyes run wide! But the paradox is that it is very difficult to choose something of high quality, even at a high price. Especially to a person who is ignorant of the deceit and secrets of meat producers.

Is it possible to eat sausage on a diet? Nutritionists do not prohibit its use, but, like any product, everything should be in moderation. Sausage with a diet should include only meat, lard, salt, spices and sodium nitrite.

Homemade sausage: Video recipe

What sausage can you eat on a diet

The modern sausage is a food product made from minced meat, usually meat, that has been heat-treated or fermented and is usually coated. Sausages are classified according to various criteria:

By type of raw material: meat, blood, offal or combined.

By type of meat: from beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, poultry and meat of other animals or from a mixture of several types of raw materials.

By the quality of raw materials: sausage can be of the highest, first, second and third grade.

Manufacturing technology: sausages are divided into boiled, semi-smoked, boiled-smoked, raw-smoked, dry-cured and baked, meat loaves, pates, etc. They come in a natural or artificial casing or without it at all.

By appointment: sausages can be for general consumption, for children and diet food. Dietary sausage is best obtained at home.

When deciding for yourself the question: is it possible to eat boiled (doctoral) sausage with a diet, you must know exactly the composition of meat products. For example, sausages in a polymer shell contain: emulsions - 45%, soy protein - 25%, poultry meat - 15%, pork or beef - 7%, flour, starch - 5%, food additives - 3%. Such a product is difficult to attribute to a diet and should not be eaten.

From the name of the sausage it is often clear what it was made of. For example, in beef sausage the main composition is beef, in chicken sausages, respectively, chicken. Interestingly, what should be stuffed with "Doctor's", "Student", "Miner's" sausages then?! Is it possible to eat sausage on a diet? For example, "Doctor's" sausage was born in the post-war years specifically for dietary nutrition.

Ideally, the composition of the sausage should include only meat, lard, salt, spices and sodium nitrite. However, now, if only these components are indicated on the sausage label, most likely the manufacturer simply decided not to “upset” the consumer with a full “bouquet” of additional ingredients. Liver sausage for weight loss can only be used if you are sure of the quality of this product, since it contains liver in its composition (which corresponds to the name :)).

What is an emulsion and what are meat products of the middle price category made of?

The average wieners are an emulsion - 35%, soy protein - 30%, pork meat, beef 15%, poultry meat - 10%, flour, starch - 5%, food additives - 5%.

Interesting fact. In Germany, cows are fed not with silage, but with grain in winter. Therefore, their meat is sweetish. Therefore, German flavor compositions added to our domestic meat can make the sausage sour.

Boiled sausage contains poultry meat - 30%, emulsion - 25%, soy protein - 25%, meat of other animals - 10%, flour, starch - 8%, food additives - 2%.

At the same time, the emulsion is by-products (leather and processing waste) ground and cooked to the consistency of porridge. Poultry meat - frozen briquettes, often of foreign origin, 35 years old. The meat is usually briquetted Polish pork. And soy protein can be from genetically modified raw materials. Food additives include salt, sugar, pepper and other spices, as well as thickeners, preservatives, antioxidants, flavor and aroma enhancers, flavorings, flavor compositions, and colorants.

Some manufacturers of smoked sausages replace the smoking process with the addition of synthetic smoke. Such a sausage is distinguished by an overly pronounced smell, only remotely resembling the natural aroma of smoke.

In general, the ingredients that make up the sausage depend on the recipe. Milk or cream, eggs, bacon, flour, starch, semolina, rice and even cheese, sweet peppers, mushrooms, olives, nuts, garlic, etc. can be added to the main components. depends on the imagination of the author. The recipe itself can also be changed. To do this, the manufacturer develops its own technical specifications TU instead of the state standard GOST, which allows the current legislation.

Additional materials:

European experience

Abroad, from our closest neighbors - Hungarians and Poles - good connoisseurs and lovers of meat dishes, even in the most remote cafes, on the highway, you can safely buy any locally produced food and be sure - if the shelf life of the product is 40 hours, then after 40 hours it is removed from sale.

If the label indicates that the sausage contains 80% meat, then exactly this amount will be there.

When it comes to baby food, the rules are extremely strict. It's not even about spoiled products on sale. For example, in Austria, if the regulatory authorities record a discrepancy between what is indicated on the label, incorrect storage conditions, a store or catering establishment loses its license for many years. Fines are calculated in thousands of euros. In fact, it is bankruptcy.

And one more fact that pleasantly surprises in EU stores. Natural products and imitations differ not only in price, but also in the color of the packaging. And they sell them on separate, specially marked shelves - so as not to confuse the consumer about - what exactly he buys!

In our country, by the way, manufacturers of meat and meat and vegetable products are not allowed to use the well-known names of sausages of the traditional assortment. It is also forbidden to use such phrases as "Krakowskaya new", "Moscow extra" and others. Although today this is a violation, but so far such names can be found in our stores.

In addition to the use of plant components - soybeans, flour, cereals, starch, etc., in the production of sausages, the use of food additives, the norms for their use and control methods still remain an unresolved problem. This is not about sodium nitrite or phosphate, which have been used for decades, but about flavor enhancers and flavors, various stabilizers, structures (the so-called "liquid smoke" and other synthetic additives).

They are, in principle, allowed for use in the manufacture of food products, but manufacturers often abuse them. The use of food additives in sausages, the content of which in the finished product cannot be controlled by laboratory methods, should be banned altogether. And manufacturers will learn to respect themselves and those around them - not to steal, not to falsify, not to issue one product after another.

Diet - sausage: a rather strange combination of words. You should not refuse such delicacies at all, especially if you really like sausage, because this negatively affects our psyche.

How to choose the right meat

You will need this if you decide to give up sausages for the duration of the diet, but you can’t refuse protein!

Meat color. Quality beef has a rich red color. Pork is pink. Veal - similar to pork, but more pink. Lamb, like beef, is red in color, but somewhat darker.

Surface. A thin, pale pink or pale red crust from meat drying out is quite normal. But there should not be any extraneous shades or spots on the meat. There shouldn't be any slime either. If you touch the fresh meat with your palm, it will remain almost dry.

Smell. Barely perceptible, pleasant. The old tried and true way to sniff a piece of meat "from the inside" is to pierce it with a heated knife. But, it is unlikely that you will be allowed to do this in the market or in the store.

Fat. Even if you are going to cut and discard the fat before cooking, take a closer look at it. He can tell a lot. First, it must be white (or cream in the case of lamb). Beef fat is fragile. But lamb, on the contrary, is quite dense. Fat should not have an unpleasant or bitter smell.

"Marbled meat. On a cut of really high-quality meat, you can see that the fat evenly covers the entire surface.

Flexibility test. Fresh meat, when pressed, remains elastic, leaving almost no trace of the finger.

And finally, do not forget to ask from which part of the carcass the piece of meat you have chosen is from. After all, it depends on how many bones there are. And meat and bones cost differently!
