Long-legged beautiful girls. The longest female legs in the world. The longest Hollywood legs

The weather has long been conducive to skirts, sundresses and short dresses. On the streets bare girls' knees sparkle with might and main. We decided to find out where the longest-legged girls hang out in the capital.

First of all, we go to a place that has long become the talk of the town - to the Minsk Linguistic University - or, simply put, to Foreign Languages. It would seem that where else, if not here, do all the potential brides live during the daytime! But, after waiting for half an hour, we did not meet a single girl here about whom we could say “legs grow from ears.” But here, finally, are two beauties in stiletto heels. But the ladies, looking quizzically at the three unshaven guys - a journalist, a cameraman and a photographer - resolutely refused to take measurements:

“You came up with some kind of nonsense,” one of the friends snorted.

“We’re actually late for the exam,” the second one said proudly and walked importantly to the porch of the main building of the university.

Indeed, this is a really busy time for male and female students - the session is in full swing. Not to your feet! However, not everyone was busy: student Olya agreed to take part in the measurement, although she carefully inquired about where and where we would be measuring. We are honest guys, we decided to measure from the hip bone to the heel - heels don’t count! And here is the first result - 85 centimeters.

Then we go to Gorky Park - perhaps this is where long-legged beauties are now hiding from the city heat, sitting on shady benches with a Walkman, ice cream and a volume of Paulo Coelho. But, to our regret, at noon on a weekday only mothers walk here, dressed in practical shorts and sneakers.

Oktyabrskaya Square is the next point of our stay. Somewhere, and certainly in the very central square of the city, high-quality “skirts” should be walking around. The first thing we see is a bunch of teenagers in shorts, jeans, multi-colored sneakers, many with dreadlocks - definitely not our clients. Another type is European tourists: light slippers or ballet shoes, trousers and a T-shirt - no frills in the “skirt and heels” format. However, ten minutes later a long-legged blonde in a burgundy dress appeared on the horizon. The offer to measure her legs did not surprise the beauty at all:

“You are probably pick-up artists, and you have such training,” the beauty said straight away. - I know these wiring! - the young lady demonstrated the results of her rich experience in communicating with the opposite sex. After explaining that “this is just our job,” Irina still agreed to take part, but with one condition: no cameras!

If mine sees this on the Internet, it will kill me! - the girl said with a languid expression on her face. The result is 83 centimeters. Looking ahead, we will inform you that according to the results of our measurements, the figure 83 will turn out to be the average length of the legs of girls walking around the capital.

Dark clouds on the horizon and rumbles of thunder made adjustments to our plan. Literally a few minutes later the downpour started, literally washing away all the people from the square. And we decided to continue the experiment under a roof - in one of the capital's shopping centers. This is where, it turns out, all the tall girls hide from the rain - in air-conditioned clothing and cosmetics stores.

Who cares? - this is how assistant secretary Yana responded to our proposal. We were at a loss for words: you put on fifteen-centimeter heels and ultra-short shorts, and now you ask - who is interested in this!? Quickly realizing the illogicality of such reasoning, Yana agreed to take the measurement: 84 centimeters - more than average!

I just had a pedicure this morning - so take measurements for your health! - the charming translator Olga decided to experiment and was right: 85 centimeters is the record of the day.

Everything came together - this is the second Olga today with legs of 85 centimeters. May sociologists forgive us for the unrepresentative sample and uncertified measuring instruments, but today’s conclusion of Komsomolskaya Pravda is this: the longest-legged girls in Minsk are Olgas with a language education.

6.08.2019 at 17:05 · VeraSchegoleva · 1 620

Top 10 women with the longest legs in the world

Women's legs have always attracted the attention of men. Of course, not all girls can boast of ideal shapes, but if their legs are too thin or thick, you can always correct them through physical activity. If your legs are crooked or too short, only a plastic surgeon can help.

This article will focus on women who have something to be proud of. Long, slender limbs not only provide their owners with male attention, but also help them get settled in life.

The doors to the modeling business are always open for these girls, and they can also succeed in some sports. Who are these lucky girls? From our article you can find out who owns the longest legs in the world (among women).

10. Ji Dieng - 122.94 cm

Popular in the photo Ji Dieng, was born in a poor country - Senegal. No one even imagined that an African girl would make a dizzying career as a supermodel.

Ji's parents decided to try their luck in another country and left for. There, the long-legged beauty was immediately noticed and invited to a modeling agency. Of course, Dieng’s lower limbs are 122.94 centimeters (height 180). The girl wears size 41 shoes.

Long legs are not the only merit of the model. She worked hard and persistently pursued her goal. To shine on the catwalks of Milan, she had to master the Italian language perfectly. Gee has collaborated with many famous brands and appeared on the covers of fashion magazines.

In addition, Dieng is a very kind person. She regularly engages in charity work and is a goodwill ambassador.

9. Nina Pylskaya - 123.5 cm

Nina Pylskaya born in Kazakhstan. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming a model. She had all the data for this. With a height of 193 centimeters, her legs reached a length of 123.5 centimeters.

Having achieved some success in her homeland, Nina decided to go to. There she studied at the courses of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. For some time, Nina held the title of “Longest female legs among models,” but soon had to give it up to a longer-legged beauty.

Little is known about Nina; the model has not yet achieved great success on the catwalk, so few people are interested in her personal life.

8. Elle Macpherson - 123.5 cm

Elle Macpheron- not only a successful supermodel, she is also a designer and businesswoman.

El's story is like a fairy tale. The girl was traveling around when she was offered to try herself in the modeling business. She had ideal parameters and infinitely long legs. Height is 185 centimeters, leg length is 123.5. A priori, a supermodel’s foot size cannot be small – 42.5.

McPheron's career quickly took off. Already at the age of 22, she was recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world, a little later they began to call her “Miss Body”, because Elle was always in excellent shape.

She did not focus on her modeling career, acted in films, and for some time owned a restaurant and her own clothing line. Now McPheron is 54, but it seems she knows the secret of youth - every year a woman looks better and better.

7. Lauren Williams - 124.46 cm

Lauren inherited her tall height from her parents. There is no person in her family shorter than 183 centimeters. Height Lauren Williams– 190, leg length – 124.46 centimeters.

Long legs brought the girl a lot of trouble. She was constantly teased at school and had difficulty choosing clothes for herself. It was only in college that Williams was able to accept herself and learn to use what nature gave her.

Lauren started playing basketball. Soon her legs attracted the attention of a modeling agency scout. Within a few months, a contract was signed with Williams. Now Lauren's legs are her pride. By the way, she no longer has problems with choosing clothes; things are sewn for her individually.

6. Holly Burt - 125.73 cm

A student from America also decided to compete for the title of “Miss Long Legs”. Holly Burt studying to be a designer. The girl works, her activity is directly related to her future profession - she designs clothes.

Holly dreams of becoming a popular model someday. For now, her long legs only delight the people around her. With a height of 195.58, they are 125.73 centimeters.

The girl admits that her legs sometimes cause discomfort. She has difficulty choosing clothes and also does not fit in cars that are too small. In matters of personal relationships, Bert is principled; she will never date a guy whose height is less than 190 centimeters.

5. Adriana Karambeu - 125.73 cm

Adriana's long legs helped her get into the . At the moment, her record has been broken, but her legs still haunt many men. Their length is 125.75 with a height of 185.42 centimeters.

Adriana Carambeu I dreamed of making a career in medicine, and even decided to get a specialized education. The girl changed her plans when she received an offer to try her hand at modeling.

Adriana has achieved a lot, she collaborated with many famous fashion houses, represented and even acted in films.

4. Sam Stacy - 127.6 cm

Stacy also got into the Guinness Book of Records, this happened in 2001. Her body can be called unique. The girl's height is only 180 centimeters, and her legs are 127.6. If you apply mathematical calculations, you can understand that this is 71% of the total body length!

Surprisingly, with such data, Sam Stacy did not try to become a model. The girl worked as an ordinary employee. Now nothing is known about her life.

3. Chase Kennedy - 129.54 cm

It turns out that being tall can be an obstacle to becoming a model. Chase Kennedy from California decided to try her luck in this field, but she was often rejected. The reason is too tall. Indeed, the American was a little short of 2 meters, her height is 195.58, her leg length is 129.54 centimeters.

Kennedy did not despair: she took up basketball seriously and starred in a cameo role in the film. Chase wants to build a career in tourism and is currently pursuing an education.

2. Caroline Arthur - 130.81 cm

Caroline Arthur was a model in the past. She lives in Melbourne and still has not given up hope of becoming the longest-legged woman in the world. She tried more than once to have her lower limbs re-measured. Her height is 189 centimeters, her legs are 130.81 centimeters.

Carolyn wasn't always happy with her height. She experiences the same problems as all the other long-legged girls, but she is lucky with her husband. He works as a builder and built a house with 3-meter high ceilings specifically to make his wife feel comfortable. Carolyn has two children, they are also tall.

1. Svetlana Pankratova - 131.83 cm

In first place in the ranking is our compatriot, Svetlana Pankratova, her hometown is Volgograd in Russia. The woman repeatedly sent an application to the Guinness Book of Records, but was ignored for 5 years. Not the first time, but she managed to become a record holder.

Since 2008, she has officially been the woman with the longest legs in the world, and until now no one has been able to challenge this title. Her height is 195.58, leg length 131.83 centimeters, foot size 46.

Russian Svetlana Pankratova admitted that popularity did not bring her any material benefit. She now lives in Virginia, is married, and works as an assistant coach for the women's basketball team.

What else to see:

The longest legs in the world - isn't it every girl's dream? And if their beauty is a purely subjective matter, then the length of the lower limbs can be easily measured, which, in fact, is what the jury members of the competition to determine the longest legs do. And every year this title goes to different girls.

The longest legs in Russia

The owner of the longest legs in Russia today is Svetlana Pankratyeva. Their length is as much as 132.2 cm. This record was recorded in 2008. Among her closest competitors is Nina Pylskaya, a student from the city of Kustanay. Her legs are shorter by as much as 10 cm. The girl works as a model and regularly takes part in various beauty contests. At the moment, Pylskaya is the tallest model in the world with a height of 193 cm.

Many people believe that only tall beauties can have long legs. But everything turns out to be completely wrong. The legs, which can amaze with their length, simply need to be 4-7 cm more than ½ the girl’s height. In this case, their owner attracts attention. At the same time, high-heeled shoes can enhance the effect.

Why do men like such girls? Scientists say that seeing a high and at the same time narrow lower leg in front of them, representatives of the stronger half of humanity understand on a subconscious level that this woman is hardy and agile, and therefore is able to bear and give birth to healthy offspring. Consequently, there is a belief that such women have a greater chance of becoming famous.

Which famous person has the longest female legs?

Daryl Hannah, known for the film Kill Bill. The famous actress has been recognized more than once by various authoritative publications as the most beautiful actress and the owner of an ideal body. Her height is 178 cm, while her legs are 106 cm long.

Anastasia Strashevskaya

Anastasia Strashevskaya’s legs are slightly longer – 106.68 cm. After winning the Russian competition for long-legged beauties, the girl was bombarded with job offers from various modeling agencies. Despite this, the girl continued her studies at the university and nevertheless became a lawyer, which she had dreamed of since childhood.

Following the Russian woman on the list is the Englishwoman Samantha Lawrence with legs of 111.76 cm. Before she decided to take part in the competition for the longest legs, the woman worked in a regular school as a mathematics teacher. Despite the popularity that has fallen on her, Samantha is not always happy with what nature has given her. She herself often admits that she often faces difficulty in choosing clothes that suit her height (185 cm) and legs.

Eva Gertsinova

Model and actress from the Czech Republic, Eva Hercinova, has long and sexy legs. With a height of 180 cm, the length of her legs is 112 cm. It was these parameters that allowed her to get into the modeling business. When she was 16 years old, she was vacationing in Prague with a friend and accidentally ended up at a casting held here, where she was noticed by the producers.

Chinese woman Dong Li is professionally engaged in modeling. And this is not surprising, because she is the longest-legged in her country. And her legs are 114.3 cm long with a height of 180 cm. She became popular after she agreed to an offer to take part in the popular Chinese show “Supermodel”. The girl dreamed of a modeling career since childhood, but her parents convinced her to study to become a teacher. Dong could not disobey her parents, but as soon as she graduated from university, she took part in a Beijing modeling competition, where she won the first victory in her life. After that, her career rapidly took off. And the legs played an important role in this.

The photo shows Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova, who competed at the Grand Slam tournament 5 times and won it three times. But that's not the only thing she's famous for. With Masha's height of 188 cm, her legs grew to 121 cm in length. Perhaps this is why Sharapova was recognized as the most beautiful of all athletes on the planet in 2006. Many well-known companies consider it an honor to invite a tennis player to appear in advertising for their products.

Monika Viktorovich from Scotland, under 20 years old, simply hated her 116 cm legs. She was especially upset by trips to the store, where it was very difficult for her to choose an outfit. But later she began to be proud of what nature had endowed her with.

Ana Hickman, with 118 cm legs, admitted that she used to feel awkward when people around her turned to look at her. But after she became a model, all the complexes disappeared by themselves. Today, many glossy publications are fighting for the right to place her photo on their cover. In addition to modeling, the girl creates clothes.

A British model with a height of 185 cm and a leg length of 119 cm. After graduating from school, the girl went to study acting. At the same time, she was invited to work as a model. Many beauties with long legs complain that their dignity prevents them from building relationships with men. But Alexandra was lucky in this regard. Although her boyfriend is 2 cm shorter than her, the young people are very happy together.

Model Brooke Banker from New York used to play volleyball. But after her 119 cm legs were noticed, she received an offer to become a model and simply fell in love with this profession. In addition, she is mastering the profession of a TV presenter. As a child, Brooke suffered from always being taller than her peers, but over time she learned to use this to her advantage.

The legs of Adriana Sklenarikova, a model from Slovakia, are slightly longer. Her height is 178 cm, while her legs are as much as 121.5 cm. This allowed her to become the title holder of the model with the longest legs at the beginning of the 2000s. In addition, she owes her career and personal life to this part of her body. After all, it was to them that Adriana’s husband, football player Christian Karembo, immediately turned his attention.

Nadya Auerman's ones are just a little longer. The height of the famous model and actress is 180 cm, and her legs have grown to as much as 122 cm. It was she who in the 90s of the last century bore the title “The longest legs in the world for women.” And her name was even included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Model Elle Macpherson, with her 123.5 cm legs and height of 185 cm, was able to beat the record holder. Her record was recorded when El was 22 years old and she received the title of the most beautiful woman on the planet. By the way, she has not only the longest, but also the largest legs. The girl wears size 42.5 shoes.

Sam Stacy can be considered the record holder among celebrities. Her record was recorded in 2001. Measurements showed that with a height of 180 cm, she has legs 127.6 cm long.

The record of Chase Kennedy with legs of 130 cm was set quite recently. The girl tried to get into modeling, but her height was an obstacle. Therefore, Chase found herself in the tourism business.

Australian Caroline Arthur fell just short of the world record. Her legs grew to as much as 130.8 cm. Even the notorious George Harrison paid attention to them.

The longest Hollywood legs

If we consider Hollywood beauties, Uma Thurman stands out among all of them. The parents named the girl after one of the Hindu goddesses. Translated, it means “the one who gives bliss.” And she gives such bliss to millions of viewers who watch her films. And the famous director Quentin Tarantino even made Uma his mascot. Thurman's leg length is 108 cm, and her height is 180 cm.

The longest-legged beauty in the world

Svetlana Pankratova from Russia turned out to be the owner of the longest legs not only in her homeland, but throughout the world. The girl played basketball professionally. And today she lives in Italy and works as a real estate agent.

Svetlana was born in 1971 in Volgograd, and already in kindergarten it was clear that the girl would grow up tall. At school, she was also significantly taller than her classmates, which often caused her problems, as Sveta was constantly teased by her peers. Well, it was always not easy for the girl’s parents to choose suitable clothes for her, so they had to sew a lot of things themselves.

Pankratyeva started swimming as a child. But one day a basketball coach saw her and couldn’t help but notice her incredible legs. This happened in 2002, and 6 years later, her name was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs on the entire planet.

A 29-year-old girl from Russia has registered an application for the Guinness Book of Records. She could become the longest-legged woman in the world. The ambitious Russian woman's name is Ekaterina Lisina. The former basketball player is 205.7 centimeters tall.

And the length of the legs, just think about it - 133 centimeters.

I would not have noticed the news about the record until I saw her photo from Essentuki. Surprisingly, the giant girl came to our resorts and was not afraid of the sculptures in the Victoria sanatorium, as some here were. I even took a photo in the car with Khrushchev. It looks like it's time to collect a census of celebrities who visited the people's car.

photo instagram/ekaterina_lisina15

The previous record also belongs to former basketball player Svetlana Pankratova, her legs are 132 centimeters long.

photo instagram/ekaterina_lisina15

It is also noteworthy that Ekaterina is already in the Russian Book of Records. The title of the tallest woman in Russia and the owner of the largest female foot. She wears size 47

photo instagram/ekaterina_lisina15

Her acquaintances look like dwarfs against her background.

photo instagram/ekaterina_lisina15

And those around you are surprised.

photo instagram/ekaterina_lisina15

There are many reasons in the world to compete with each other. People compete to be the smartest, the most beautiful, the funniest. But it turns out that competition for the longest legs is a very popular type of competition. Especially if beautiful women are measured with their feet. It is interesting that not only models, but also completely ordinary girls take part in this action. True, if they manage to assert their right to be called the owner of the longest legs, they very quickly become famous. On the one hand, long legs are good, but on the other hand, you cannot envy them. Who wants to avoid heels for the rest of their lives and carefully measure their partner’s height before the first date, because it will be awkward if, upon meeting, it turns out that he barely reaches his chest.

Anastasia Strashevskaya

Leg length - 106.68 cm

When this Russian beauty was 18, she won the Miss Longest Legs contest in Russia. Moreover, she was not a professional model, but studied to become a lawyer in her second year at Novosibirsk University. Then she promised that she would not allow her increased popularity to interfere with her education. She donated the money that she was awarded as a prize at the competition to study childhood cancer.

Samantha Lawrence

Leg length - 111.8 cm

There are many models with surprisingly long legs, but they are perhaps not that surprising. But Samantha Lawrence is a mathematics teacher from England. With a height of 186 cm, she has legs almost 112 cm long. This, of course, always attracts the attention of not only her students, but also everyone who has ever seen her. She also complains that it is very difficult for her to choose suitable clothes for lessons that would not look too provocative with such legs.

Nadja Auerman

Leg length - 112 cm

Some time ago, Nadya, a German supermodel, held the Guinness record for the longest legs. It was her legs that made her famous in the fashion industry, and her unusual beauty, of course. She has appeared in advertising campaigns for Louis Vuitton, Prada, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, as well as on the covers of Elle, Vogue and Esquire. And although Nadine's record has already been broken, her magnificent legs are still legendary.

Dong Li

Leg length - 114 cm

This girl has the longest legs in China. She works as a model and has the nickname "Tui-Tui", which literally means "long-limbed". She dreamed of becoming a fashion model since childhood, but her parents insisted on getting an education. The girl had to obey, but she did not forget her dream. Now almost everyone in China knows it.

Monica Viktorowitz

Leg length - 117 cm

And this girl hated her legs all her childhood. Monica Viktorowitz grew up in Scotland and was always the tallest among her peers. Now she admits that she simply did not understand her happiness. The girl is not shy about emphasizing the length of her legs with heels. In addition, she was lucky with her boyfriend, he is also a fairly tall guy.

Ana Hickmann

Leg length - 118.1 cm

This girl is also famous in the fashion world precisely because of her long legs. She became a real star, appearing on the covers of Brazilian Vogue, Elle and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Her legs were included in the Guinness Book of Records, and Ana also launched her own line of clothing and cosmetics.

Alexandra Robertson

Leg length - 119.3 cm

British model Alexandra Robertson experiences similar joys and struggles with her long legs. With her height, it is not so easy to find a partner, but she managed - her current boyfriend is only 2 cm shorter than her. And he forbids her to wear heels.

Brooke Banker

Leg length - 119.4 cm

Miss Longest Legs in New York, Brooke Banker is an amateur volleyball player. Everyone predicted a career as a supermodel for her, but she liked sports much more. Now her goal is to become a TV presenter. Like many on this list, Brooke didn't like her height as a child, but then she realized that it was a real gift.

Ji Daing

Leg length - 123 cm

This fairly famous model is not just the owner of long legs, but also a famous philanthropist and public figure. Thanks to her efforts, awareness of AIDS and breast cancer is rising in the world - Ji Daing invests a lot of money in this cause.

Lauren Williams

Leg length - 124 cm

There is a saying that in Texas everything seems bigger than it really is. This is the case with Lauren Williams from Texas - when a girl walks onto the podium, her legs truly seem to be the longest in the USA. True, now this record has already been broken, which does not change the fact that Lauren is still very famous.

Holly Bart

Leg length - 126 cm

Holly Bart is another holder of the title of "America's Longest Legs." Throughout her childhood, she endured bullying about her height, which reaches almost two meters. One must think that all the offenders are now jealous of the girl, because thanks to her legs she managed to become a famous model.

Adriana Sklenarikova

Leg length - 126 cm

The most famous supermodel in Europe, Adriana Sklenarikova, is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs. The girl was born in Slovakia, but became famous throughout the world thanks to her career in France. Sklenarikova participated in the French version of the show “Dancing with the Stars” and her legs looked very impressive there.

Chase Kennedy

Leg length - 130 cm

22-year-old Chase Kennedy has only recently entered the competition for the longest legs and has already almost taken the lead. True, this is the case when her height is too tall for a modeling career, but the girl does not despair - she has many other interests. Chase is passionate about the tourism business.

Caroline Arthur

Leg length - 130.8 cm

Even the legendary George Harrison paid attention to these legs. And this is not surprising - despite her fantastic beauty, the girl also has a magnificent figure and holds the title “Miss Australia’s Longest Legs.” And although she was just a few millimeters short of topping our rating, the public still loves her.

Svetlana Pankratova

Leg length - 132 cm

This is the current Guinness record holder, and no one has ever taken this height before Svetlana. The girl was originally from Russia, but lived permanently in Spain and then in Virginia, America. Pankratova played basketball there and made progress in this sport.
