Could it be cancer? The first signs of a tumor, how to determine oncology, typical and atypical symptoms. Seven Cancer Symptoms That Need Attention

There is a category of people who constantly look for symptoms of cancer, even in the absence of any reason for this: nutrition is correct, lifestyle is healthy, bad habits are excluded. Such people regularly undergo all kinds of examinations, take tests, listen to the slightest signals from the body. Of course, with gloomy thoughts they somewhat poison the lives of themselves and the doctors they know, but at the same time they can really recognize the signs of the disease at the beginning of its development.

The other category is not sick with anything, is not looking for anything, they undergo fluorography or a gynecologist because they demanded it at work. Such self-confidence often prevents a person from thinking about his health, paying attention to some unusual symptoms and quickly going to the doctor.

However, as you know, cancer does not choose profession, status, age, it’s just that the probability of getting sick in a risk group is much higher, which is what modern medicine is trying to convey, designed to fight diseases that are difficult to treat, and in advanced stages cannot be treated at all.

Immune system error - "evil" result

Propaganda that directs a person to a healthy lifestyle, unfortunately, is not always effective. Drinking and smoking are harmful, being nervous too, and eating even more so, because any unfavorable factor can trigger the development of a malignant tumor, which, as is known, arises from one normal cell, degenerated and transformed for one reason or another into a cancerous one. Spontaneous mutations occur in the human body all the time, but not all of them end in cancer, so it is impossible to feel when, on what day, hour or minute an “evil” cell appeared and why the immune system did not “recognize” it.

In a healthy body, the immune system will quickly detect evil and destroy it, but if the latter is reduced, the protective forces are lost, and the immune system becomes unable to recognize and eliminate the “foreign”, thus allowing it to multiply. This is how the cancer begins to grow.

Cancer cells multiply quickly and aggressively, but they also have different abilities. How quickly the process goes depends on the type of tumor and its location. Thus, The initial symptoms and signs of cancer are determined by many parameters:

  • The degree of malignancy of neoplasia;
  • Localization of the process;
  • The size of the tumor and the involvement of “neighbors” (nearby organs);
  • Stage of the disease (as a rule, in stage 1 cancer is practically asymptomatic, while stage 4 is very difficult, painful and ends in death).

The first signs of cancer are practically no different from the symptoms of other diseases, including benign ones, so if a person feels a headache or weakness, it is unlikely that he will run to the doctor for a diagnosis. Meanwhile, there are certain signals that indicate trouble, which for certain tumors can probably be considered the primary symptoms of cancer.

Cancer hides under different “masks”

Most malignant tumors at the first stage do not manifest themselves in any way, so they go unnoticed, the person continues to consider himself healthy, lives, works and makes plans for the future. Meanwhile, General symptoms of cancer, if you pay attention to them, gradually begin to appear:

Thus, it is obvious that the general symptoms of cancer in most cases are signs of general ill health of the body and are characteristic of many pathological conditions, therefore, for self-diagnosis, which many patients love so much, it would probably be useful to introduce them to specific manifestations the most common cancers.

Open confrontation

Having “felt” victory over the body, the cancer begins to reveal itself, and then its specific symptoms and signs appear, which allow the patient to suspect a malignant process. For each tumor location, the initial signals are different, so we will try to briefly describe some of them.


Morphologically, this process can be represented in this way: tissue cells in some vulnerable place begin to actively proliferate, which leads to atypical tissue growth. In the formed focus, the cells change and lose their functional abilities, which is clearly visible during microscopic examination (atypia). Dysplasia, which is often diagnosed in the cervix, is a typical example of a precancerous condition and is included in the risk group for cervical cancer.

Threatening or obligate neoplasia (precancer) is spoken of in the case of diseases that, if untreated, one way or another transform into cancer, although it is unknown when this can happen: in a month or in a few years. Patients who do not want treatment should understand that precancer can be considered the initial stage of the oncological process, therefore non-invasive tumor (in situ) must be radically eliminated. This gives hope for a full recovery.

Video: warning signs of cancer

Cancer is a dangerous disease, but in Russia more than 2.8 million people live with this diagnosis. According to statistics, more than 7-8 million people die from cancer every year around the world. Oncological diseases are in 2nd place on the list of deaths, with heart disease in first place. Although our country has joined the ranks of “developed” countries, a complete cure for cancer has not yet been discovered.

Treatment becomes effective when cancer is detected at an early stage. In order not to miss this moment, you need to pay attention to any change in the body, because the causes of cancer can be very different, even minor pain anywhere in the body.

Factors influencing cancer development

The development of cancer is influenced by external and internal (exogenous and endogenous), predisposing and promoting factors. It is important to recognize the causes of cancer in time and take the necessary measures to eliminate the consequences.

Symptoms of cancer

You need to pay attention to signs of cancer, especially if you are predisposed to this disease.

Uterine cancer

High estrogen levels. A woman’s body promptly recognizes the development of a malignant tumor in the uterus and ovaries, sending a signal using estrogen. However, this is an inaccurate indicator; sometimes, even with a negative indicator, a malignant tumor can develop.

Symptoms of uterine cancer can appear in the last stages and in advanced form. Unfortunately, uterine cancer rarely manifests itself in the initial stages, but you can still pay attention to some symptoms. With a progressive disease, the following are observed:

1. Discharge.

An unpleasant mucous or purulent discharge may occur with vulvovaginitis, but cancer is no exception. Particular care should be taken when dealing with bloody discharge.

2. Bloody discharge.

If you regularly experience bleeding between menstruation, a visit to the doctor is necessary to rule out endometrial tissue.

Rectal cancer

In women, colon cancer often manifests as premenstrual discharge. And not very regularly, perhaps such discharge can be observed only between 2-3 cycles, and then stop altogether.

The main symptoms observed are exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and bowel dysfunction.

  • Frequent urge to urinate.

The cause may be diseases of the genitourinary system; a thorough examination by a doctor is required.

  • Abnormal stool.

There may be diarrhea, a change in the amount of feces, constipation, etc. Frequent symptoms: bloody discharge with feces and pain in the anus.

Lungs' cancer

Coughing up blood is the first indicator of lung cancer. A painful and dry cough may indicate bronchial asthma, but if the cough is accompanied by phlegm and blood, it is recommended to take a test to detect cancer cells.

There are cases when lung cancer occurs for no apparent reason and can be detected in the initial stages using x-rays.

Skin cancer

Dark-colored growths may indicate cancer. Skin cancer progresses quite quickly, and occasionally there are situations of slow effects on the body.

Moles can also be a warning sign of cancer: enlargement, changes in color and appearance.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer can be detected in its early stages by regularly monitoring your breast health. An increase in size, hardening and discharge from the nipples may indicate a disease. Pain sensations may not be observed in the early stages, so patients do not pay attention to external changes.

An advanced type of cancer is characterized by discoloration in the breast area.

Stomach cancer

You can write endlessly about the symptoms of stomach cancer, there are too many of them. It is these symptoms that contribute to misdiagnosis. Doctors often associate the symptoms of cancer with the symptoms of gastritis, without even suspecting that the most important and precious thing for the patient - time - is disappearing from under their noses.

Other signs of cancer include:

  • Sudden weight loss.

Sharp weight loss can occur with any disease. But if there are no obvious reasons, then you need to consult a doctor. Cancer primarily “hits” the immune system, which leads to external changes in the body.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

If the lymph nodes have enlarged and do not change in size within a month, then you need to go to the doctor for a biopsy to rule out cancer.

  • Temperature.

A high temperature during cancer indicates an inflammatory process in the body. If the temperature is constantly high, this may also indicate that cancer is affecting an entire organ system.

Temperature is not a clear example for determining cancer in the initial stage; more often it rises only in the last stages.

You should not deliberately ignore the signs of cancer, mistakenly assuming that it is incurable. Even the last stage of cancer is not a death sentence! With proper treatment, life can be extended by several decades.

Remember! Early detection of cancer increases the chances of recovery.

3 myths about cancer

Myth 1. Cancer is an infectious disease and it is recommended to stay away from cancer patients.

This myth can be easily refuted even by the fact that doctors treat patients without taking special precautions to protect themselves from the disease. Even with very long contact, the disease cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

In part, this myth has a right to exist. Cancer is inherited.

Myth 2: People with numerous moles have cancer.

Any new growth on the skin can cause cancer. The key word is maybe, so all people with moles should not be classified as cancer patients.

Congenital moles are not dangerous; you just need to monitor them regularly. Enlargement, color change, scratching, etc. signs are a cause for concern and see a doctor.

Myth 3. Cancer cannot be cured.

After a terrible diagnosis, almost 98% of patients panic and 92% of them are unable to pull themselves together.

Anticipation of death does not have a positive effect on your health. Numerous stresses only provoke the emergence of complex symptoms and bring the “end” closer. Timely detection of the disease at an early stage gives a positive result. There are known cases in medicine when people in the last stage of cancer, who are no longer able to walk without someone else’s help, miraculously get back on their feet. There is only one reason - faith in healing and modern medicine.

At the Israeli Oncology Center, all types of cancer are treated by experienced doctors using modern, highly qualified technology. So don't despair. High-quality treatment of cancer is possible.

If cancer is detected at an early stage of development, it can be cured. It is important to monitor your body, understand what condition is considered normal for it, and if abnormalities appear, consult a doctor. In this case, if you have cancer, doctors will notice it at a very early stage.

There are various common cancer symptoms. If you notice them in yourself, this means that certain changes are occurring in your body. Contact your doctor if you have:

  • tumor;
  • shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness;
  • bleeding;
  • changes in the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • moles;
  • causeless weight loss.

What to do if the first symptoms of cancer are detected? Let's try to answer this question.


If you know how your body works under normal conditions, then you can identify oncology, or rather, suspect it when early changes appear, the cause of which may be a disease. If you notice a tumor anywhere on your body, consult a doctor immediately. It’s very good if you can tell exactly how long ago you had it, whether it’s bothering you, and whether it’s increasing in size. Very often, cancerous tumors are completely painless.

It is extremely difficult to recognize a tumor of oncological origin by touch. However, if the doctor suspects that you have a malignant neoplasm, he will refer you to the right specialist for further examination and testing.

It should be taken into account that if swelling and bumps appear in your body quite often, then most likely they are not malignant.

Shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness

The so-called chest symptoms of cancer are cough, shortness of breath and hoarseness. Of course, they can be caused by infections, inflammation, and other diseases and ailments, but in some cases such signs indicate lung cancer. If you have been experiencing shortness of breath and cough for more than two weeks, consult a doctor immediately. You should also see a specialist if you see blood in your sputum.

Hoarseness is often caused by laryngitis. This disease means inflammation of the larynx. However, in rare cases, hoarseness is an early symptom of laryngeal cancer. If such ailment has been tormenting you for more than two weeks, go see a specialist.

Disorders of the digestive tract

A sign of changes in the functioning of the digestive tract is the presence of blood in the stool. It is usually bright red or dark. The presence of fresh, scarlet blood is a sign of hemorrhoids.

A symptom of cancer may be a change in the frequency of the digestive tract (constipation or diarrhea) for no apparent reason. Also, sometimes there is a feeling of insufficient bowel cleansing after stool. Some patients experience pain in the rectum or abdomen.

When interested in the types of tumors and the question of how to recognize them, it is important to remember that changes in stool do not always indicate the development of oncology. The reasons may lie in changes in diet, anxiety, or taking medications. If your stool does not return to normal within a few weeks, you should consult a doctor to rule out a dangerous disease.


Any bleeding for no apparent reason is a sign of a malfunction of the internal organs. This is a good reason to go to a specialist.

Bleeding from the rectum can be a sign of hemorrhoids, but also one of the symptoms of cancer of the internal organs.

If a woman has a malignant tumor in the uterus or cervix, bleeding may occur between menstruation or after sexual intercourse. If bleeding is observed in women after menopause, then she urgently needs to consult a doctor.

Blood in the urine may be a symptom of bladder cancer or kidney cancer. However, the cause of this phenomenon may also be an infection. Contact your doctor if you notice bloody discharge in your urine. By the way, you should take into account that sometimes urine turns pink due to the presence of dyes in food. This can happen if the day before you ate, for example, beets.

If when you cough, sputum comes out with blood, then the reason for this is a serious infectious disease. Sometimes this is a sign of lung cancer. Blood in vomit can signal stomach cancer, however, the cause of this phenomenon can also be an ulcer. Therefore, the exact answer to the question is how to identify cancer- you need to contact a specialist.

Nosebleeds and bruising are rare symptoms of cancer. Sometimes these signs are a consequence of leukemia. However, people suffering from this disease also have other, more obvious signs of cancer.


How does skin cancer manifest? Many people who have numerous moles on their bodies think about this. Let's try to answer this question.

A type of this disease is melanoma. As a rule, it manifests itself with a change in the appearance of the skin. Sometimes it seems that you have a new large mole. However, melanoma can also form in an existing mole. That is why it can be extremely difficult to distinguish benign from malignant formations.

You should consult a doctor immediately if your moles exhibit the following signs:

  • asymmetry (moles are usually even and symmetrical, but melanomas are not);
  • uneven edges;
  • a color atypical for a mole (if moles, as a rule, have a brown tint, then melanomas are brown with black, pink, red, white and even bluish);
  • large size (moles usually do not exceed 6 mm in diameter, melanomas - more than 7 mm);
  • crusting, itching, bleeding: melanomas can bleed, become crusty, or itch (these symptoms of skin cancer are not common, but should not be forgotten).

If any marks appear on the skin that do not go away for several weeks, if you notice the above-described signs of melanoma, then consult a doctor immediately.

Unreasonable weight loss

How else can you determine oncology? Your body weight will tell you this. If in a relatively short period of time (for example, two months) you have lost a lot of weight, and at the same time you have not had stressful situations, strong physical activity or diet, then this is a serious reason to make an appointment with a doctor.

If weight loss is a consequence of cancer, then the patient may experience other signs: increased fatigue, pain, nausea.

What to do if you have alarming symptoms?

What to do if you notice the main symptoms of cancer? The answer is obvious: you need to see a doctor. Only a specialist can assess your condition and prescribe adequate treatment. Only a doctor can direct you to undergo x-rays, tests, etc.

If the doctor suspects cancer, he will direct you to do a biopsy, tomography, and also advise a specialized specialist. If the doctor decides that the cause of your illness is of a different nature, then in any case he will be able to help you cope with your ailments, and faster than if you were treated on your own.

In the human body, tissue changes constantly occur, which can be physiological or pathological in nature. It is very important to determine in time early symptoms of cancer, which is a key criterion for early diagnosis and complete cure of the patient. In oncology, there are 15 reliable signs of cancer of organs that every person must know.

Early symptoms of cancer: 15 reliable symptoms

1. Pathology of the thoracic region

Oncological alertness is caused by the following changes in the breast area:

  • dryness and inflammation of the skin;
  • retraction and soreness of the nipple;
  • purulent, bloody or clear discharge from the gland ducts;
  • redness and peeling of the epithelium around the nipple.

After detecting early signs of breast cancer, the patient must be examined by an oncologist, who prescribes mammography and biopsy to establish a diagnosis.

2. Chronic bloating

This symptom, together with blood discharge, may signal a malignant neoplasm of the intestine or ovaries.

3. Presence of vaginal bleeding

Uterine cancer, symptoms in the early stages which occurs between menstrual cycles, requires immediate consultation with a gynecologist.

4. Skin changes

This symptom includes an increase in the size of the mole or its pigmentation. may indicate melanoma, which is a malignant tumor that metastasizes already at the initial stage of the disease. With epithelial cancer, skin thickening, bleeding ulcers and erosions can also be observed.

5. Presence of blood in urine and stool

Blood masses in the stool indicate hemorrhoids or colon cancer. Urine with blood can be considered an early manifestation of bladder or kidney cancer.

6. Enlarged lymph nodes

Hardening of the lymph nodes is often a consequence of cancer cells spreading through the lymphatic system. Such early symptoms of cancer Depending on the type of cancer, they can be localized in the axillary, groin or cervical region. Establishing an oncological diagnosis in this case requires a comprehensive examination of the patient using radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

7. Having problems swallowing food

Complete or partial obstruction of the esophagus indicates carcinoma (a malignant neoplasm of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal). In addition, patients may complain of pain during swallowing or the sensation of a foreign body in the larynx. During diagnosis, the doctor usually prescribes contrast radiography, which reveals the size and shape of the cancerous lesion. Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out on the basis of biopsy data taken during an endoscopic examination.

8. Unreasonable weight loss

A sudden weight loss of more than ten kilograms raises concerns about cancer of the digestive system, pancreas, lungs or bones. Determining the cause of such changes in body weight requires the implementation of radiography and topographic studies.

9. Chronic heartburn

Patients with hyperacidity that lasts more than two weeks are subject to gastroenterological examination. This is due to the fact that gastritis, peptic ulcers and malignant diseases cause chronic heartburn. If gastric discomfort occurs, patients are advised to change their daily diet. If heartburn is persistent, the patient should seek specialized help.

10. Changes in the oral mucosa

Dentists indicate the need to undergo annual preventive examinations of the oral cavity. At the appointment, the dentist pays special attention to leukoplakia and hyperkeratosis. A special risk group for oral cancer is tobacco smokers and people with poor dental hygiene.

11. Fever

Chronic low-grade fever that lasts more than two weeks is an early sign of leukemia or another type of blood cancer. Diagnosis of such a disease includes a general and detailed blood test.

12. Chronic feeling of fatigue

General weakness and fatigue may indicate a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system, vegetative-vascular dystonia or cancer. Therefore, to establish a diagnosis, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination.

13. Cough

Chronic cough that does not disappear within 3-4 weeks requires additional diagnostics of the respiratory system. Oncological alertness is caused by periodic dry cough in smokers, and especially in combination with progressive shortness of breath. This symptom is often the first to appear. The presence of pulmonary carcinoma is also indicated by the presence of blood in the sputum after a coughing attack. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of radiography and puncture biopsy.

14. Pain syndrome

Pain that periodically bothers the patient may indicate the presence of a malignant neoplasm. associated with locally destructive tumor growth. In the initial stages, cancer pain can be relieved with the help of traditional painkillers. In the later stages, if the cancer patient needs to take narcotic analeptics.

15. Nervous system disorders

Neuroses and depression usually accompany cancer. Early symptoms of cancer central and peripheral nervous systems include apathy and depressive states. These signs cannot clearly indicate oncology and require additional diagnostics.

Currently, cancer is one of the most terrible diseases on Earth. This is a malignant neoplasm (tumor) that develops from epithelial cells of various organs (mucous membrane, skin, internal organs). If cancer is detected early, death can be avoided and conservative treatment methods can be used.

Cancer causes and symptoms

According to statistics, mortality caused by cancer ranks second after cardiovascular pathology. More than 6 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year. The main characteristic of this malignant tumor is disruption of tissue structure and loss of cell differentiation ability. Cancer cells aggressively spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, where they form secondary tumor foci (metastases).

Tumors can be benign or malignant. There are a great variety of cancers: cervical cancer, upper lip cancer, vaginal cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, etc.

The manifestation of symptoms of the disease largely depends on the location of the cancer tumor, its growth rate, and the presence of metastases.

How to determine oncology?

Definition of oncology - characteristic signs

Cancer can be identified by changes in the condition of the skin in the form of a growing swelling in a limited area. These swellings sometimes ulcerate, creating deep ulcers that are difficult to treat.

There are a number of other signs of cancer that are not related to its location in the body: appetite decreases, groundless, sudden weakness appears, the patient loses a lot of weight, anemia in the blood, and the person also develops an aversion to meat.

In order to determine whether a patient has cancer, he may be offered specific and non-specific tests. An experienced oncologist is well aware of how oncology can be determined in a particular case. It would seem, at first glance, that a routine examination can tell a lot, especially when it comes to suspected prostate cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, uterus, or a disease of the lymphatic system. And general urine and blood tests may raise suspicion of possible damage to the kidney, bladder or rectum.

One general rule applies here: non-specific simple tests often indicate an advanced form of cancer. If there are no obvious signs of illness, but you want to be completely confident in your health, you need to conduct an in-depth examination.

Oncology diagnostics

How to determine oncology using tests?

First, you need to conduct an initial examination and clarifying instrumental diagnostics: ultrasound and x-ray examination of the pelvic and abdominal organs, thyroid and mammary glands, endoscopic examination of the bladder, intestines and stomach. To examine the lungs, an X-ray will first be sufficient.

More detailed information to determine the disease is provided by computed tomography of the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

Magnetic resonance imaging is indispensable for examining the brain and spinal cord. However, this method is quite expensive and therefore less accessible.

In order not to torment yourself with thoughts about how to determine oncology, you need to start with something simple: men need to visit a urologist annually, and women – a mammologist and gynecologist.

In some cases, a blood test is done for tumor markers. With cancer of the bladder, ovaries, intestines and prostate, the likelihood of their detection is very high.

Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, a diagnostic puncture of a lump, tumor or cyst is performed exactly from the place that causes suspicion. The resulting cellular material is sent for microscopic examination.

If the organ is located deep enough and it is not possible to perform a puncture, surgery provides material for research and clarification of the diagnosis.

Modern examination methods make it possible to detect cancer in the early stages, when it is still highly treatable. But for this it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, after which anamnesis will be collected and thorough tests will be carried out.

In addition, the latest medical equipment makes it possible to determine cancer at the present stage: computed tomography, radiography, endoscopy, biopsy, puncture. Therefore, if you notice even the slightest manifestation of any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination.
