Postgraduate studies and directions. Postgraduate and Attachment. Admission to graduate school

In accordance with the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), postgraduate educational programs of the Department of Public Administration and Social Technologies of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) are recognized as having passed state accreditation.

What is graduate school?

After the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” came into force, graduate school became the third level of higher education after bachelor’s/specialist and master’s degrees. (Until September 1, 2013, graduate school was classified as postgraduate education.)

A graduate student who has successfully completed training in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, receives the qualification "Researcher." Teacher-researcher."

Full-time graduate students are given the right to a deferment from military service for the entire period of study and other benefits for students in higher education programs, including the right to a tax deduction and payment of tuition with maternity capital.

Who can apply to graduate school?

Individuals with higher education and specialist or master's degrees can enroll in graduate school. There is no age limit for admission to graduate school.

How are graduate students taught?

Postgraduate educational programs provide for a more in-depth mastery of theory and preparation of postgraduate students for research activities than at other levels of higher education.

Postgraduate studies may be:

  • full-time (three years) and part-time (four years) - for humanitarian areas of training;
  • full-time (four years) and part-time (five years) - for technical areas of training.

The graduate student must himself determine the scientific direction of interest, choose a research topic, study the relevant literature, organize an experiment, obtain and process data, compare his results with those already available in science and draw conclusions. Each graduate student has a supervisor - an experienced teacher and scientist, but he only guides the graduate student and helps him orient himself.

How to enroll in graduate school at the Department of Public Administration and Social Technologies of the Moscow Aviation Institute?

To enter graduate school, you must successfully pass a special discipline corresponding to the direction of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school.

Entrance tests are conducted orally (by ticket). Entrance test programs are published on the university website. Entrance test programs are formed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education for specialty or master's programs.

“This is a time of very intense intellectual work”

Graduate students are the intellectual elite of society! - the head of the postgraduate and doctoral studies department of the Moscow Aviation Institute, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Larisa Viktorovna Yakovleva is convinced. - If, as a student, you are seriously interested in some area of ​​knowledge, or you are attracted to the work of a teacher, then enrolling in graduate school is the surest way. Postgraduate students become highly qualified specialists, and they are interesting and competitive for potential employers. But not everyone can become a graduate student. Studying in graduate school is a time of very intense intellectual work. Therefore, you need to have not only the desire, but also the data necessary for research activities. Based on the experience of working with graduate students, we can conclude that an optimistic and success-seeking person with extraordinary strong-willed qualities and such personal characteristics as ambition, love of life, self-criticism, dedication, creativity and determination can successfully engage in scientific research.

The postgraduate program consists of:

  1. Disciplines (modules) aimed at preparing for passing candidate exams and disciplines (modules) aimed at preparing for teaching (variable part). Disciplines (modules) are evenly distributed across all years of study, for each discipline a test/exam is passed according to the curriculum;
  2. Practices to gain professional skills and professional experience. Teaching practice is mandatory.
  3. Scientific research activities that must meet the criteria established for a scientific qualification work (dissertation) for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences. Research activities are carried out under the supervision of a scientific supervisor. The obligatory result of a graduate student’s research activities is the publication of an article in publications from the Higher Attestation Commission list and a presentation at a Russian or International conference. In addition, the graduate student takes part in departmental and interdepartmental research projects.
  4. State final certification - preparation and passing of the state exam and presentation of a scientific report based on the results of research work (dissertation).

Upon completion of postgraduate studies, a postgraduate diploma is issued and awarded qualification "Researcher" Teacher-researcher".

License No. 1961 dated 02/18/2016 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 1912 dated 05/10/2016 00:00, valid until 07/08/2019 00:00.

And about. Rector: Vyacheslav Alekseevich Shevtsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
1986 - graduate school
1987 - defense of the candidate's dissertation, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks,” Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at the Moscow Aviation Institute - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980-1990 - All-Russian Research Institute of State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001-2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
2007-2016 - Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs
2016 - acting Rector of MAI.

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 certificates of invention, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing for large systems”, “Location identifying subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “System-wide issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge “Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System”

Academician-Secretary of the International Academy of Sciences of Information, Processes and Technologies
Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School of Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Extracurricular and Educational Work: Yurov Nikolay Nikolaevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Vice-Rector for International Relations and Security: Miknis Vitaly Ivanovich

Vice-Rector for Quality and Information: Deniskin Yuri Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Deniskin Yuri Ivanovich was born on July 30, 1961 in the city of Vladivostok into a family of employees.

After graduating from high school in 1978, he entered and graduated with honors in 1984 from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute (now the Far Eastern State Technical University) with a degree in Marine Power Plants.

Since 1984, he began working at the Moscow Aviation Institute as a trainee teacher in department 905.

In 1985, he entered full-time graduate school at the Moscow Aviation Institute, and in 1989 defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.01.01 “Applied Geometry and Engineering Graphics.” In 2000, he completed his doctoral studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute and defended his doctoral dissertation in specialty 01/05/01.

Specialist in the field of geometric modeling of objects and processes, information technology, quality management and information support for the life cycle of complex high-tech products.

Since 2001 - Professor of Department 905, since 2007 - Vice-Rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute for Quality and Informatization.

Supervises graduate students and doctoral students.

Organizer and editor-in-chief of the electronic journal “Applied Geometry” of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Deputy Chairman of the Doctoral Specialized Council for the specialty 01/05/01, member of the Doctoral Specialized Council at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

A professional teacher in the field of quality, has a diploma from the GOST R Certification System (April 1999). Certified specialist in the principles and methods of total quality management (TQM), certificate of the Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA, England, January 2001).

Since 2001 he has been a part-time professor at Department 104.

Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance: Gorelov Boris Alekseevich

Vice-Rector for Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues: Gavrilova Inna Semenovna, Vice-Rector for Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues

Vice-Rector for Scientific Work: Vyacheslav Alekseevich Shevtsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
1986 - graduate school
1987 - defense of the candidate's dissertation, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks,” Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at the Moscow Aviation Institute - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980–1990 - All-Russian Research Institute of State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001–2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
2007 - Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs
Prepared 2 candidates of sciences.

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 certificates of invention, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing for large systems”, “Location identifying subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “System-wide issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge “Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System”

Academician-Secretary of the International Academy of Sciences of Information, Processes and Technologies
Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School of Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs: Kuprikov Mikhail Yurievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kuprikov M. Yu. - specialist in the field of system analysis of large and complex technical systems, in terms of automating the formation of the appearance of aviation complexes; author of 256 scientific papers, 127 of which were published including a monograph, 49 articles and 9 copyright certificates for inventions.
Main areas of research: applied information support for product life cycle automation, continuous product life cycle support (CALS), automation of design and engineering work, the influence of infrastructure limitations on the appearance of an aircraft, automated formation of the appearance of an aircraft, solid-state, hybrid and parametric modeling of products and processes in mechanical engineering , staffing for continuous product life cycle support. M. Yu. Kuprikov owns fundamental results in the theory of mathematical solution of problems of forming the geometric appearance of large and complex technical systems under “hard” restrictions by transforming these problems into “inverse” design problems.

Kuprikov M. Yu. (as part of a team of authors) developed and implemented a system for automated formation of the appearance of vertical take-off and landing aircraft at JSC OKB A. S. Yakovlev, the design results of which were reflected in the appearance of promising aircraft-carrying strike groups. New results were obtained by Kuprikov M. Yu. in the field of development of long-haul aircraft with large passenger capacity, systems for collective rescue of passengers and crew of aircraft. With his direct participation, the problems of identifying the influence of environmental (noise and emissions) and demographic requirements on the appearance of promising aircraft were solved. He developed applied scientific and methodological support for training personnel support for continuous support of the life cycle of products for the aviation industry, implemented in MAI, KhAI, MATI, VATU named after. N. E. Zhukovsky, TANTK named after G. M. Beriev, ANTK named after A. N. Tupolev, OKB "Kamova", OKB "Sukhoi", RSK "MiG", NPO "PROGRESTECH".

Kuprikov M. Yu. is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Applied Geometry, Engineering Graphics, Computer Design” (, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Quality of Life”, chairman of the specialized Council D 212.125.13 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialties 05.01. 01 and 05.13.12), member of the Council D 212.125.10 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialties 05.02.02 3), Scientific Secretary of the Council DS 212.005.02 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialties 05.07.02). Under the leadership of M. Yu. Kuprikov, 5 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended.

In 1982, after graduating from high school with a Gold Medal, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute through a competition. Graduated with honors from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1988 with a degree in aircraft engineering (mechanical engineer). In 1989-1992 he completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute and received the qualification of a research engineer. In 1993 he defended his dissertation on a special topic. Awarding the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.07.02 “Design and Construction of Aircraft.” In 1995–1998 he completed doctoral studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute, after which in 2000 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.07.02 “Design, construction and production of aircraft” on the topic “Structural-parametric synthesis of the appearance of a vertical aircraft takeoff and landing."

Professional experience:
1985-1987 - Art. OSKBES MAI technician (part-time),
1988-1990 - engineer, junior researcher “Problem Laboratory” of the Department 101 MAI “Aircraft Design”;
1988–1990 engineer MMZ "SPEED" named after. A. S. Yakovleva (part-time);
1994 - Leading designer of JSC OKB im. A. S. Yakovleva;
1995-present - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Aviation Engineering, MAI;
1992-present - assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of department 101 “Aircraft Design”,
2006-present - leading specialist (part-time) of JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau;
1998-present - Head of Department 904 “Engineering Graphics” of Moscow Aviation Institute.

In 2000, he was awarded the academic title of professor in the Department of Engineering Graphics.

Awards: medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow” in 1997, Breastplate of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “For the development of research work of students” in 2000 (ten medals of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation based on the results of the open All-Russian competition for the best research work 1992 -1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2005), Gold Medal of the Salon of Inventions “Archimedes 2003”, commemorative medal Air Force “100 years of Chief Marshal of Aviation A. E. Golovanov” 2004, Badge “90 years of long-range aviation of the Russian Air Force” 2004, Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Labor Valor” 2005.

Postgraduate study in the direction of "National History" combines theoretical training within the framework of a full course in the history of Russia and research work within the framework of the selected period. The Department of History of Russia before the beginning of the 19th century oversees the training of researchers in the field of the Russian Middle Ages and early modern times.

Admission to graduate school

Future graduate students and applicants need to decide in advance with their supervisor and agree on the intended direction of research. The department recommends that you refer to the information on the pages of employees - doctors and candidates of science.

Questions can be addressed either directly to teachers or by email. [email protected].

We will also be glad if future graduate students attend one of the spring meetings of the department and talk about their research interests.

By May, future graduate students and applicants should submit an abstract (or article) on the topic of the proposed research. The future supervisor gives a written review of it with an assessment, the review is approved at a meeting of the department.

The deadline for submitting an abstract (article) is June 7. The absence of an abstract and review in the package of documents means inadmissibility to the entrance examination.

The entrance exam for the specialty for graduate students includes questions within the entire course of Russian history: from antiquity to the beginning of the 21st century.

Applicants are expected to know not only basic facts, but, first of all, sources and historiography.

Postgraduate studies

Postgraduate studies within the Faculty of History provide the qualification "Researcher. Teacher-researcher". In accordance with this, the graduate student's curriculum includes research work (RW), theoretical courses and teaching practice (PP).

During their studies, graduate students are required to register in the "ISTINA" system and the graduate student's personal account within this system (research reports, PP, and other reporting documents are posted there). Postgraduate students are members of departments, therefore they are also required to sign an electronic scientific report in the "ISTINA" system before November 1 of each year.

Postgraduate semesters (for theoretical courses):

  • 1st semester – October-January
  • 2nd semester – February – May

Certification of graduate students is carried out twice a year: in January and in May. Since research and development work, according to the curriculum, are carried out in the summer months, reports on them are included not in the spring, but in the winter certification.

Graduate students admitted 2016

During the 2nd and 3rd years of study, the graduate student is required to prepare 4 articles from the RSCI list and the list approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (one in each semester). For certification, it is necessary that the article has been published or is in print at the layout stage. Without publications, a graduate student is not admitted to the State Examination and Pre-Defense of the NKR.

2nd semester

PP: assistance in the summer session, participation in the reception of the DVI in history. Reporting form: report. Certification: pass. Certification is carried out in the 3rd semester because Part of the practice is completed after the May certification.

Research work: determination of the main range of sources and the main range of scientific literature on the topic of NKR, work on the text. Reporting form: report. Certification: pass. Certification is carried out in the 3rd semester, because Part of the research takes place after the May certification.

3rd semester

Theoretical courses: Psychology and pedagogy (test).

PP: work in seminars of department teachers (attending classes, conducting several trial classes), assistance in the winter session, developing the skill of drawing up lesson programs. Reporting form: practice report. Certification: pass.

4th semester

Theoretical courses: Course to prepare for the candidate exam - part 3 (exam).

Candidate minimum examination in specialty.

PP: work in seminars of department teachers (attending classes, conducting several trial classes), supervising the reports of undergraduate students, assisting in the summer session, developing the skill of drawing up lesson programs. Reporting form: practice report. Certification: pass.

Certification for PP is carried out in the 5th semester, because Part of the practice takes place after the May certification.

Research work: work on collecting and processing materials for the NKR, determining the research methodology; preparation of the text of an article on the topic of NKR (must be submitted for publication). Reporting form: research report. Certification: pass.

5th semester

Research work: work on the text of the NKR (the required volume for certification is 70-80% of the expected volume of the NKR), giving an oral report on the NKR topic (at a conference, in a scientific seminar or at a department meeting), preparing an article on the NKR topic (must be sent to press). Reporting form: research report. Certification: pass.

6th semester

Graduate students admitted 2015

During the 3rd year of study, the graduate student is required to prepare 3 articles from the RSCI list and the list approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (two in the 5th semester and one in the 6th semester). For certification, it is necessary that the article has been published or is in print at the layout stage. Without publications, a graduate student is not admitted to the State Examination and Pre-Defense of the NKR.

4th semester

PP: work in seminars of department teachers (attending classes, conducting several trial classes), supervising the reports of undergraduate students, assisting in the summer session, developing the skill of drawing up lesson programs. Reporting form: practice report. Certification: pass. Certification for PP is carried out in the 5th semester, because Part of the practice takes place after the May certification.

Research practice: continued detailed acquaintance with the materials used for research, analysis of their capabilities, development of research and development methodology; participation of graduate students in scientific projects of the department. Reporting form: report. Certification: pass. IP certification is carried out in the 5th semester, because Part of the practice takes place after the May certification.

Research work: study and analysis of the representativeness of materials for the implementation of research and development work, work on the text of articles, reviewing undergraduate research projects. Certification for research work is carried out in the 5th semester, because The research work takes place after the May certification.

5th semester

Research practice: presentation of the results obtained during work on the NKR: participation in a conference (round table, seminar), or preparation of an article, or conducting lectures/seminars/excursions for schoolchildren or students. The form of the internship is agreed upon with the supervisor. Reporting form: report. Certification: test with assessment.

Research work: work on the text of the NKR (the required volume for certification is 70-80% of the expected volume of the NKR), giving an oral report on the topic of NKR (at a conference, in a scientific seminar or at a department meeting), preparing two articles on the topic of NKR (must be put to print and layout). Reporting form: research report. Certification: pass. This certification is a preliminary admission to the State Examination Institute. Uncertified graduate students are expelled from graduate school (with the possibility of reinstatement).

6th semester

Research work: preparation of the full text of the NKR, discussion of the text of the NKR at a department meeting, preparation of an article on the topic of NKR (must be published). Reporting form: research report. Certification: test with assessment. This certification is also admission to the State Examination Institute. Uncertified graduate students are not admitted to the State Examination Institute and are expelled from graduate school.

State final certification (GIA)

The State Examination consists of a state exam and the defense of a scientific report based on materials from the NKR.

The state exam is held in June and is a presentation of teaching materials on a topic related to the topic of NKR. The text of the educational complex should be submitted to the department in May for transmission to two reviewers.

The defense of the scientific report takes place in early September. The text of the ND should be submitted to the department at the end of August for transmission to two reviewers.


Applicants who are attached to pass the candidate minimum and write a dissertation (stage II of attachment), together with their supervisor, draw up an individual work plan for 3 years (broken down by semester) and report on the implementation of this plan. Certification takes place in January and May.

Required plan components:

  • candidate minimum examination in the specialty (taken in May, cannot be taken during the 3rd year of attachment),
  • writing 4 articles from the RSCI list and the list approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.

The Department of Financial Management provides postgraduate training of highly qualified scientific personnel through postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university).

Doctoral students, graduate students and applicants of the department are preparing dissertations for the academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences and Candidate of Economic Sciences in their specialty 080005 “Economics and management of the national economy (by industry)”, specialization “Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes”.

Documents for graduate school are accepted after receiving a positive response from the department on an essay on the chosen specialty (the volume is not limited, but it is mandatory - a title page, a table of contents, a list of references and must be bound). The abstract must correspond to the intended topic of the dissertation work, agreed upon with the head of the department, contain an analysis of the state of the scientific problem under consideration, chosen for the dissertation research, and specific proposals for working on the dissertation. After receiving a positive review, the abstract and feedback on it are submitted along with the documents to the MAI Postgraduate Department.

To enter graduate school, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Application addressed to the rector of the institute indicating the department and type of training.
  2. Autobiography (everything about yourself and your immediate family on a piece of paper).
  3. A copy of the diploma of higher professional education with an attachment.
  4. A list of published scientific works, inventions and research reports, certified by the head of the department.
  5. Certificate in form 2.2 about passing the candidate exams (for persons who have fully or partially passed the candidate exams).
  6. A certified copy of the work record book (if available).
  7. Medical certificate in form 086у.
  8. Three photographs measuring 4 by 6 cm.

When submitting documents, you must have your passport, diploma and military ID (or registration certificate).

Applicants to graduate school take entrance exams on:

  • special discipline within the scope of the current program of postgraduate professional education;
  • foreign language, determined by a higher educational institution or scientific organization, necessary for a graduate student to complete his dissertation work;
  • philosophy.

The entrance exam in a special discipline precedes exams in other disciplines.

[The list of specialties for which postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute are conducted, see below] Citizens of the Russian Federation with higher professional education and creative achievements in scientific work are admitted to graduate school on a competitive basis.
Citizens of other states are admitted to postgraduate studies at higher educational institutions and scientific organizations on the basis of international treaties and agreements, as well as through direct connections with foreign enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Applicants to graduate school submit the following documents:
1. Application addressed to the rector of the institute indicating the department, type of training and form of admission.
2. Questionnaire.
3. Autobiography.
4. A copy of the diploma of higher professional education with an attachment.
5. Abstract on the chosen specialty
6. Three photo cards (4 x 6).
7. Certificate in form 2.2 of passing the candidate exams (for persons who have fully or partially passed the candidate exams).
8. List of published scientific works, inventions and research reports, certified by the head of the department.
A university diploma and passport must be presented in person to those entering graduate school.
The abstract must correspond to the intended topic of the dissertation work, contain a detailed analysis of the state of the scientific problems under consideration, the results of one’s own scientific research and specific proposals for working on the dissertation topic.
Applicants to graduate school are allowed to take entrance exams only after receiving a positive response to their essay.
Applicants to graduate school participate in entrance exams only after receiving a positive response to their essay.
Applicants to graduate school participate in entrance exams in:
a special discipline within the scope of the current program for a specialist;
a foreign language determined by a higher educational institution or scientific organization necessary for a graduate student to complete a dissertation;
The entrance exam for the specialty must precede exams in other disciplines.
Retaking entrance exams is not permitted.
Persons who have passed the candidate exams in full or in part are exempt from the corresponding entrance exams upon admission to graduate school.
Persons admitted to the entrance exams for graduate school are given an additional leave of 30 calendar days with pay at their place of work to prepare for and pass the exams.
Those entering graduate school with partially passed candidate exams enjoy additional paid leave to take the remaining exams at the rate of 10 calendar days for each exam.
1 stream
Acceptance of applications from persons who have graduated from the institute and received a diploma with honors or wishing to study on a commercial basis from March 15 to March 31;
Admission of entrance exams from April 1 to April 30.
2 stream
Applications are accepted from September 1 to September 15.
Admission of entrance exams from September 16 to October 15.

Phone number of the Graduate Studies Department: 158-58-55. Email: [email protected]
List of specialties for which postgraduate training is conducted at MAI.
01.01.01 Mathematical analysis
01.01.02 Differential equations
01.01.07 Computational mathematics
01.02.01 Theoretical mechanics
02/01/05 Fluid mechanics. gas and plasma
01.02.06 Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment
01.04.08 Physics and chemistry of plasma
01.04.14 Thermophysics and molecular physics
01.04.20 Physics of charged particle beams and accelerator technology

02.00.01 Inorganic chemistry

05.01.01 Applied geometry and engineering graphics
02/05/01 Materials science (by industry)
05.02.03 Drive systems
02/05/18 Theory of mechanisms and machines
05.03.01 Mechanical and physical-chemical processing processes, machines and tools
05.03.05 Pressure processing processes and machines
05.07.01 Aerodynamics and heat transfer processes of aircraft
05.07.02 Design and construction of aircraft
07/05/03 Aircraft strength
07/05/04 Aircraft production technology
05.07.05 Heat engines of aircraft
07/05/06 Ground complexes, launch equipment, operation of aircraft and their systems
07/05/07 Inspection and testing of aircraft and their systems
07/05/08 Dynamics, ballistics and motion control of aircraft
05.07.10 Electric rocket engines and power plants of aircraft
05.07.11K Thermal conditions of aircraft
05.09.01 Electromechanics
05.09.03 Electrical complexes and systems, including their control and regulation
05.09.12 Semiconductor power converters
05.11.03 Gyroscopes, navigation devices and complexes
05.11.14 Instrumentation technology
05.11.15 Metrology and metrological support
05.11.16 Information and measuring systems (by industry)
05.12.04 Radar and radio navigation
05.12.07 Antennas and microwave devices
05.12.13 Systems and devices of radio engineering and communications
05.12.17 Radio engineering and television systems and devices
05.12.20 Optical systems for location, communication and information processing
05.12.21 Radio engineering systems for special purposes, including microwave technology and their production technology
05.13.01 Management in technical systems
05.13.05 Elements and devices of computer technology and control systems
05.13.06 Automated control systems;
05.13.07 Automation of technological processes and production (including by industry);
05.13.11 Mathematical and software of computers, complexes, systems and networks
05.13.12 Design automation systems (by industry)
05.13.13 Computers, complexes, systems and networks
05.13.14 Information processing and control systems
05.13.15 Computer systems, their software and organization of computing processes
05.13.16 Application of computer technology, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research (by branches of science)
05.14.05 Theoretical foundations of heat engineering
05.14.08 Conversion of renewable types of energy, installations and complexes based on them
05.16.01 Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals
05.26.01 Labor protection
05.27.05 Integrated radio-electronic devices

07.00.03 General history (corresponding period)
