Homework on the vocabulary topic pets. Lexical topic “Pets. I. Organizational moment

Glossary of the topic.

Nouns: animals, cow, calf, horse, foal, pig, piglet, cat, kitten, dog, puppy, goat, kid, sheep, lamb, rabbit, bunny, wool, horns, hooves, muzzle, tail, paws, cowshed, stable, pigsty.

Verbs: runs, butts, bleats, bites, eats, walks, caresses, barks, grunts, moos.

Adjectives: beautiful, fluffy, curly, angry, lively, horned, white, red, domestic, pink, spotted.

Target: clarification, expansion, activation, generalization of children's vocabulary.


  • clarify, expand active and passive vocabulary;
  • improve phonemic processes, learn to distinguish the first and last sound in a word;
  • exercise in the selection of definitions;
  • develop the ability to solve riddles;
  • introduce to different ways formation of words (cowshed, stable, pigsty);
  • consolidate generalizing concepts;
  • learn to form possessive adjectives, plural nouns, names of young domestic animals;
  • learn to form nouns using suffixes: -ik, -ish, -enok, -onok.
  • develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

subject pictures with images of pets, images of animal food.

Progress of the lesson:

The image will be here: /data/edu/files/c1460644491.jpg (960x720)

1. Organizing time.

A picture is displayed in front of the children.

Who do you think visited us today? Who came to visit us? That's right, these are animals that live next to a person and bring him benefits, which is why they are called pets.

The image will be here: /data/edu/files/o1460644351.jpg (629x413)

2. These animals live near humans. He cares about them , cares. Many live right in his house. These are pets. What other pets have we not named?

We clarify what all domestic animals have in common (all are covered with hair, all have 4 legs or paws, all have a muzzle, a tail). Animals are similar to each other, but each has its own distinctive features.

3. Task “Guess it!”

I make a riddle, you guess, find the answer among the pictures.

I have a piglet

Instead of a tail - a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink, oink!”


I'm small and white

Fluffy, timid,

I give wool to my owner

For scarves and sweatshirts


Although velvet paws,

But they call me "scratchy"

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.


Bearded and horned

Will climb into the garden

Eat cabbage and dill.


I serve my master

The master's house is a watchman.

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.


And sour cream and kefir,

Milk and delicious cheese,

So that we are healthy

The motley one will give us...


Who am I, guess for yourself.

I pull a sleigh in winter,

Which glide easily through the snow,

In the summer I pull a cart.


A ball of fluff - a long ear

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.


Who is this? What do we call it in one word?

4. Who is the most attentive?

We will compare a cow and a horse. What does a cow have that a horse doesn't? (horns, udder). What does a horse have that a cow doesn't? (manes).

What animals have horns? Hooves? Claws? Mustache?

Guess which animal I wished for. He has legs, hooves, a mane, a tail. This is a horse. The horse neighs. He's looking for...

This animal has legs, hooves, a tail, and horns. This...

What does a cow call her baby?

This animal has legs, hooves, a tail, horns, and fur. This...

5. “Who has who?”

Guys, listen carefully, can you hear? Someone is crying very pitifully! Look, this is a calf, he lost his mother and is crying bitterly. Can we help you find a mother for the calf?

Children come to the table and take a picture of a baby, find the mother and put them together. For example: “Cat - cat - kitten, kittens; dog - dog - puppy, puppies”, etc.

Now the family will not be lost, thank you, you helped unite the family again!

Correct me if I say incorrectly: Sheep have lambs, and cows have calves. A horse has a horse, a goat has a goat, a pig has pigs. (Children correct mistakes).

6. Physical education lesson “Calf”

I am horned, (make “horns” from fingers)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I am tailed, (make a “tail” from your hand behind your back),
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I have big ears, (make “ears” from my palms)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
Very scary (make “horns” from fingers)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I'll scare you (they stomp their feet)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I'm goring ("butting").

7. “The most delicious food.”

Guys, yesterday my grandmother called me and asked me to come today and feed the pets. She herself cannot feed them, as she will be busy. And I want to invite you with me. Do you agree? Then let's take some animal food and go feed them. Let's treat the animals to what they love. Yes Let's get on the bus and go. Here we are.

Who is it that meets us? How to call them in one word? (Pets). Let's feed them. What will we feed them?

Children give food to animals and tell stories. For example: “We will feed the cow with hay and grass.

Horse with oats, hay. Cat - milk and fish."

8. “Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?".

Based on the picture.

Children are asked the question: whose paw is this? This is a cat's paw.

Whose ears are these? (cat's ears). Whose ear? (dog ear)

9. Game “Guess the animal.”

Pictures of pets are laid out on the table. The children are asked to find a picture of an animal according to the assignment. For example: The first sound is [s], the last is [a] (dog).

10. Finger gymnastics.

Here is our Bobik, a nice dog.(stretch palms forward, turn them up and down.)

Woof woof woof!

White forehead, black nose.(point to themselves)

Woof woof woof! (grasping movements of fingers, pronounce words)

Bobik, Bobik, give me your paw.(extend hand forward, palm up)

Sit on the mat and don't bark. (wag a finger)


11. “Two brothers Ik and Isch.”

There was a house. A cat lived in it. The cat had a mouth, nose, tail, whiskers, eyes. But then one day two brothers came to the cat’s house - one was called Ik, and the other was Isch. Ik was small and affectionate, he turned the house into a little house. And Ish was very big, he turned the house into a home. A cat began to live in the house, and a cat began to live in the house. The cat had a mouth, nose, forehead, tail, antennae, and eyes. And the cat had a mouth, a nose, a forehead, a tail, whiskers and eyes. (Draw the child’s attention to the fact that if IR is heard in a word, then the object is small, and if ISH is heard in the word, then the object is large.)

12. Development of coherent speech.

The image will be here: /data/edu/files/i1460644921.jpg (947x1060)

Add up the image.

A tale about a cat that changed its tail.

“The cat is tired of its tail. She decided to switch with the dog. She came to the dog kennel and said: “Bug, let’s exchange tails. The bug agreed. The cat caught the dog's tail. And her tail became not a cat’s, but... a dog’s (then a horse’s, a cow’s, a pig’s...).”

But not a single tail came up. In the end, the cat decided that there was nothing better than her cat’s tail.”

Question: whose tails did the cat try on?

13. Summary of the lesson.

Let's remember what we talked about today. What did you like?

There will be an image here:

Show your child (if possible live) domestic animals - a cat, a dog, a cow, a horse, a pig, a sheep;

Discuss external signs everyone, answering the questions: why can’t you hear when a cat walks, why does a horse have hooves on its legs, why does a cow need horns, etc.;

Talk about what they eat, what benefits they bring to people, why they are called domestic;

Look at illustrations in books and magazines.

Task 2. Solve riddles (learn by choice).

Mu-mu-mu, milk for anyone? (Cow)

He walks and walks, shaking his beard, asking for grass: “Me-me-me, give me something tasty.” (Goat)

He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, and has a tail like a ring. (Dog)

In front there is a snout, in the back there is a hook, in the middle there is a back, and on it there is a bristle. (Pig)

A fur coat and caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. (Ram)

Soft paws, and scratches in the paws. He washes himself all the time, but doesn’t know how to use water. (Cat)

I am big and I am beautiful, I run - and my mane curls, A long silken tail and my hooves - clop, clop. (Horse)

Task 3. Didactic game “Who gives what voice?” Cow - “moo” (the cow moos). Cat "meow" (the cat meows). Dog - .... Pig - .... Horse - ... . Sheep - ... .

Task 4. Didactic game “One - many” (formation of plural nouns): cat - cats, dog - dogs...; kitten - kittens, foal - foals... .

Task 5. Didactic game “Who has who?” (case agreement of nouns): a cat has a kitten (kittens), a dog has a puppy (puppies), a sheep has ..., a goat has ...; a kitten - from a cat, a puppy - from..., a calf - from..., a foal - ..., a kid - ... .

Task 6. Didactic game “Who eats what?” (use of the instrumental case of nouns): cat - with milk, cow - with grass, goat - ..., dog - ..., horse - ....

Task 7. Didactic game “Who eats what?”: a cow chews, a dog gnaws, a cat laps... .

Task 8. Select signs for the nouns: cat (which?) - ..., puppy (which?) - ..., kid (which?) - ..., foals (which?) - ..., calves (which?) - ... .

Task 9. Didactic game “Name it affectionately” (an exercise in word formation using diminutive suffixes): cat - kitty, dog - doggie, pig - pig... .

Task 10. Solve riddles (use genitive case nouns).

Who has the horns?

Who has soft paws?

Who has the udder?

Who has stubble?

Who has a piglet?

Task 11. Make similar riddles yourself.

Task 12. Write a descriptive story about a pet according to plan. Who is this? Where does he live? What appearance? What are his habits? What does it eat? What benefits does it bring? Who are his cubs?

Task 13. Exercises for fingers.



Task 14. Cut out a picture of pets and paste it into an album.

Sedykh Olga Petrovna
Job title: doe teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU D/s No. 97 "Forget-me-not"
Locality: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk
Name of material: Abstract of GCD on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech
Subject: Lexical topic "Pets"
Publication date: 04.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Abstract of GCD on the formation of lexico-grammatical

means of language and the development of coherent speech in preparatory

group on the topic: "Pets"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 97 “Forget-me-not”

Prepared: teacher Sedykh Olga Petrovna

Correctional educational tasks: consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge

about domestic animals and their cubs, practice matching words according to

cases: activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Home

Encourage children to answer questions with complete answers.

Corrective and developmental tasks: visual development (game “Complete the Draw

animal", and auditory attention(listening to a poem),

logical thinking (treats for guests), development of facial expressions,

articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, development of coherent speech,

improving the grammatical structure of speech (education

possessive adjectives, onomatopoeic verbs,

use of nouns in the plural).

Correctional and educational tasks: to cultivate love and care for

pets, the ability to listen carefully; formation

independence and activity.

Equipment: magnetic board, subject pictures with images

animals, numbers, animals without individual body parts, pictures

domestic animals and their young, soft toy"Cat", cards with

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's go with them

Let's say hello. I am very glad to see you all today.

What's your mood?

Mimic gymnastics.

Now we will do gymnastics for the face. Look at the emoticons

(on the board) and show what mood is depicted on each of them.

Cheerful, angry, surprised, sad.

What mood would you like to take with you? (joyful, cheerful).

I agree with you

Building a dialogue "Pets"

You can guess who we are going to talk about today by guessing the riddles

(a picture is placed on the board for each answer)

What do we know about him?

Guards the master's house,

It growls, it barks,

It wags its tail (the dog)

By what words in the riddle did you guess that it was a DOG? ​​(guards

house, tail wagging, growling, barking)

Red Dairy

Day chews and night chews:

After all, grass is not so easy

Convert into milk. (Cow)

By what words in the riddle did you guess that this was a COW? (dairy-

process milk and make various dairy products, chews

grass, gives milk)

Champion in fast running,

Sometimes I drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats. (Horse)

By what words in the riddle did you guess that it was a HORSE? (quickly

runs, drives a cart, grooms, eats oats and hay)

There is a patch in front,

Hook on the back

In the middle of the back

And there is a bristle on it. (Pig)

By what words in the riddle did you guess that this was a PIG? (nose with a snout,

crochet tail, stubble)

I have known you for a long time,

I say: “Be-be-be!”

I have cool horns

There are legs in hoof shoes. (Ram)

By what words in the riddle did you guess that it was a RAM? (says “Beeee”,

horns, hooves-legs)

I'll tell you: “Me-me-me!

Get ready for winter!

Cut my fur quickly

And knit your own socks!” (Goat)

By what words in the riddle did you guess that this was a GOAT? (says “Meeeee”,

wool socks)

How to call it in one word? Who is this? (Pets).

Why do we call them pets?

What benefits do pets bring?

How does a person take care of them? Well done. All these animals are needed by humans and

he cannot do without them.

Guys, I have another riddle for you.

All furry

The mustachioed one herself,

Sleeps during the day

And he tells fairy tales

And at night he wanders,

He goes hunting. (Cat)

That's right, it's a cat. She came to visit us today. Look what

she is beautiful, elegant. Today is her birthday and she decided

invite friends over. But I forgot their names, I only remember their voices and

asks to help her.

In order to pronounce sounds and words correctly and clearly, let’s first do

exercise for lips and tongue.

Articulation gymnastics.


On the bench by the window

The cat is lying down and dozing

The cat opens its eyes

The cat arches its back

Forming verbs from onomatopoeias.

Now, listen carefully and answer who voices this way.

Children: cow.

What is she doing? (moos)

Igo-go is a horse (it neighs)

Oink-oink - pig (she grunts)

Me-e - goat (she darts)

Be-e - sheep (it bleats)

Woof-woof - a dog (it barks, barks)

Meow - cat (she meows)

Well done, you guessed all the animals.

Now look at your pictures and tell me who you invited to

guests Kitty? (Under the chairs pictures)

Answer in full (The cat invited the dog to visit, etc.)

The numbers will tell you how many such guests came to Kitty.

Let's play the game "Yes and no"(One child says: “I have three dogs,” and

the other answers him: “I don’t have three dogs, but I have five

cats."Children speak in a chain)

And so, the guests all gathered. At birthday parties, it is customary to treat guests.

Let's remember what animals eat?

I have some animal treats on my plate. Choose your card

and feed the animals. Answer with a complete answer (I'll treat the rabbit

carrots, etc.). Well done. We fed the animals.

Game "Feed the Animals".

Children's answers.

Physical exercise.

Birthday is in full swing, it's time to play. I invite you to

onto the carpet and now with the help of magic spells you will turn into

cats. I will say the magic words: “Turn around yourself and look like a cat.”

transform! Now you are cats.

The cat sat down under a bush (squats)

I ate a piece of cheese. (imitate biting cheese)

The cat stood up, (stand up) stretched (stretched high on tiptoes)

The cat's back is bent (bend the back)

Her fur unfolded (they stroke themselves with their hands).

And now “Turn around yourself and turn into a child”! Now you are children

go to your seats.

Guys, while we were playing, the baby animals got lost and couldn’t

find your mom. Help them find their mothers. (On a magnetic board

children place the cubs towards their mother).

Game "Find Mom".

Whose baby is this?

What is it called?

Well done guys, they helped the cubs find their mothers.

Of course, all adult animals were once small...

D/u "Who Was Who"

The dog was...

The horse was...

The pig was...

The cow was...

The goat was...

There was a sheep...

The cat was...

The rabbit was...

The ram was...

The goat was...

The baby animals were so happy to have found their parents that

decided to play with you.

Game: “Say the opposite”(selection of antonyms, playing with a ball)

I will throw the ball and say the word, and you will do the opposite?


A lot or a little


High Low


Hot Cold

Long short

Wide narrow

Far close

Well done. We completed the task.

Our Kitty decided to check if all the guests were there and came up with

little counting rhyme, listen to it very carefully.

A game to develop auditory attention.

In our courtyard

Sheep and lamb

Piggy with a pig

And a goat with a kid,

Good dog Trezorka

And the cow Zorka,

Rabbits, baby rabbits,

Horse, foals.

They are all good

I love them all.

List what animals you heard in the counting rhyme?

Which of you was the most attentive and remembered the dog's name?

What about the cow?

Well done.

Game “Complete the animal”.

Guys, Kitty liked her birthday so much that she decided to make

gift to your friends. She drew them, but was in such a hurry that she forgot

draw some parts of animal bodies.

Let's finish drawing and say what each animal is missing.

And before we draw, let’s stretch our fingers.

Take the clothespin out of the drawer.

"Finger gymnastics"(using a clothespin).

Movements combined with speech “Clothespins”. (Clothespin

alternately “bite” the fingertips from thumb to the little finger and

back, then on the other hand).

The stupid cat bites hard,

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse.

But I'm playing with you, baby,

And if you bite, I’ll tell you: “Shoo!”

Children complete the missing parts of animal bodies and say what they have

each of them is missing (a cat is missing a tail - it’s a cat’s tail,

a cow lacks hooves - these are cow hooves, etc.).

Your homework will be to color these animals.

Summary of the lesson.

What were you interested in doing today?

What do you remember most? Children's answers.

Well done, you all did a very good job. I'm happy with you and Kitty

I really liked it too. And since you were also her guests, she and you

prepared a treat.

Anna Senich
Speech games and tasks on the topic “Pets”

Didactic games and tasks on the topic “Pets”.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Pigs live in a pigsty.

Cows live in a barn.

The horses live in a stable.

Rabbits live in a rabbitry.

The dog lives in a kennel.

The cat lives in the house.

Didactic game “Name the professions” (make sentences with the names of professions).

The calf shed waters the calves.

The shepherd looks after the cows.

Milkmaid milks cows.

The groom washes the horses.

Didactic game “Find the tails” (formation of possessive adjectives).

Bull tail - bull

cow's tail - cow's tail

cat's tail - feline

bunny tail - bunny

horse tail - equine

pig tail - pig tail

Didactic game “Who defends themselves with what?” (case control, formation of the plural form of a noun in the instrumental case).

Ram - horns

dog - teeth

horse - hooves

cat - claws

bull - horns, hooves.

Didactic game "Finish the sentence."

There are many in the herd...

There is a lot in the herd...

There is a lot in the house...

There is a lot in the pigsty...

The milkmaid milks...

The groom gives water...

Didactic game “Who brings what benefit?”

Pig - meat

dog - guards the house

horse - transports goods

sheep - wool, meat

rabbit – fur, meat

cow - milk, meat

cat catches mice

goat – milk, meat

Didactic game “One - many”.

One kid - many kids

one calf – many calves

one foal - many foals

one lamb - many lambs

one pig - many piglets

one puppy - many puppies

one kitten - many kittens

one little rabbit - many little rabbits

Cow moos

cat - meows

dog - barks

pig - grunts

ram - bleats

horse neighs

Didactic game “Who eats what?”

Sheep - grass

cat - milk

cow - hay

goat - grass, hay

dog - meat

Didactic game “Who without what?” (formation of nouns in the genitive case)

Goat - without horns

pig - without a snout

sheep - no ears

dog - no tail

cow - without horns

horse - no mane

Didactic game “Name it affectionately.” (Formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes)

Sheep - sheep

cat - kitty

dog - dog

pig - pig

goat - goat

horse - horse

Didactic game “Match signs for nouns.”

Foal – small, weak, helpless, timid, defenseless, affectionate, cute

puppy – playful, lively, active, curious, angry

kid – stubborn, timid, defenseless, cute, beautiful, affectionate, gray

pig - playful, pink, plump, cheerful, small, funny

little rabbit - long-eared, grey, timid, fluffy, defenseless, timid

lamb – white, timid, cowardly, curly, fluffy, cute

calf – affectionate, stubborn, playful, clumsy, playful

kitten – fluffy, affectionate, playful, dexterous, nimble, playful

Didactic game “Name the family.”

Pig-boar - piglets

ewe – ram – lamb

rabbit - rabbit - little rabbit

goat – goat – kid

bull - cow - calf

horse - horse - foal

Riddles about pets.

Hungry - mooing,

Full - chews,

Little kids

Gives milk. (Cow)

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard:

In front there is a pitchfork, in the back there is a broom. (Cow)

Thick grasses entwined,

The meadows are curled up,

And I myself am all curly,

Even a curl of a horn. (Ram)

Over the mountains, over the valleys

He wears a fur coat and a caftan. (Ram)

The living castle grumbled

He lay down across the door.

Two medals on the chest.

Better not go into the house! (Dog)

Look, he’s being caressed,

You tease and it bites. (Dog)

He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarded

Lives under the porch

Tail in a ring. (Dog)

I can wash myself clean

Not with water, but with a tongue.

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk! (Cat)

The muzzle is mustachioed,

Striped fur coat,

Washing frequently

I don't know about water. (Cat)

Crying at the threshold

Hides his claws

He will quietly enter the room,

He will purr and sing. (Cat)

Pointy ears

There are pillows on the paws,

Mustache like bristles

Arched back.

Sleeps during the day

Lying in the sun.

Wanders at night

He goes hunting. (Cat)

With a beard, not an old man,

With horns, not a bull.

Not a horse, but kicking,

They milk, but not the cow,

With down, not a bird.

It pulls bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes. (Goat)

He walks and walks, shaking his beard,

Requests for herbs:

“Me-me-me, give me something delicious.” (Goat)

There is a nickel,

But he won’t buy anything. (Pig)

Instead of a tail - a hook,

Instead of a nose there is a snout.

Piglet is full of holes,

And the hook is fidgety. (Pig)

I'm digging in the ground with my little snout,

IN dirty puddle I'll take a swim. (Pig)

Four dirty hooves

They climbed right into the trough. (Piglet)

Publications on the topic:

Didactic games for the formation of concepts “Wild and domestic animals” 1 “Who am I talking about” Purpose: To clarify and activate lexicon. Teach children to determine the prepositional case form of nouns.

Homework on the lexical topic “Domestic animals and their young. Sound [and]" Topic: Domestic animals and their young. Sound I 1. Acquaintance with the letter and sound I Copy the letter I in a notebook 2. Teach: Letter I diagonally.

Open lesson on the topic “Pets”. It took place in our group open lesson. Teachers kindergarten came to us to evaluate.

"My little village" ( middle group). Objectives: To improve and clarify children's ideas about domestic animals. Activate the dictionary by.



Children must learn: names of domestic animals and their babies, what parts their body consists of; where they live, what they eat; what benefits do they bring to a person?

The child's vocabulary should include the words: pets, bull, cow, pig, horse, horse, goat, sheep, ram, dog, cat, cub, kennel, barn, farm, pigsty, stable, sheepfold, neigh, bark, moo, meow, horns, hooves, tail , mane udder, mustache, etc.

Grammatical structure

1. “Who eats what?”(mastering the category of the instrumental case, full answer!)
The horse eats oats and grass.
(cat, dog, goat, ram, sheep, pig, donkey)

2. “Who will be who?”(fixing the names of the babies + logical thinking + instrumental case)
The puppy will be... (a dog)
(kid, kitten, calf, foal, piglet, lamb)

3. "Agree and repeat"(use of singular and plural verbs)
The kitten laps, and the kittens... (lick)
The calf moos, and the calves...
The puppy runs, and the puppies...
The kid jumps, and the kids...
The piglet grunts, and the piglets...
The foal is jumping, and the foals...
The lamb chews, and the lambs...

4. "Who's the boss?"(use of possessive adjectives):
Whose muzzle does the HORSE have? - equine(tail, mane, legs, teeth, skin)
COW (horns, muzzle, tail, hooves, tongue)

DOG (fur, nose, tail, paws, bark, collar)

CAT (face, claws, habits, tail, eyes, fur)

5. "Count"(agreement of numerals with nouns in gender, number and case):
One cow, two cows, five cows,
(cat, dog, goat, ram, sheep, pig, donkey, kid, kitten, calf, foal, piglet, lamb)
