Ancient Greece. History of Hellas. Antique Hellas (Ancient Greece)

Ancient Hellas - the country of Greece, in short, existed in ancient times. The events that will be discussed further took place a very long time ago.

  • It was the sixth century BC. If you believe the sources of history, then farmers came to the Balkan Peninsula during the migration of people. Settled its coast. The country formed by the settlers began to be called Ancient Hellas, or briefly Hellas.
  • The country began to develop.
  • In the early Helladic time, tribal relations dominated. But the first large settlements have already begun to appear.
  • In the Middle Helladic period, the Achaeans began to settle in the south of the peninsula. Among them, relations between the clans began to disintegrate.
  • The Late Helladic era was called the Mycenaean.
  • During this period, an early class society arose among the Achaeans. Large state formations appear: Mycenae, Thebes. The original writing is being formed. Mycenaean culture dominates Hellas. At this time, the destruction of the Minoan civilization occurs. Later, the Dorians appeared on the peninsula, with their arrival the Mycenaean statehood perished.
  • In the "Dark Ages" the Mycenaean civilization is finally destroyed. Tribal relations are being revived, the transformation of which creates prepolis social structures.
  • When such structures are formed, Greek tyranny begins. Iron appears in all areas of production. There is private property. Time of Archaic Greece.
  • Classical Greece comes to replace this time. Greek policies begin to develop economically. Culture flourishes. Calculation of self-consciousness of citizens. The Greeks win victories, reflecting the aggression of the Persians.
  • There is growing conflict between new and old state systems. Peloponnesian War. The economy is undermined. The political structure is in crisis.
  • Macedonia captures Hellas.
  • The Hellenistic period was a continuation of Classical Greece. The world power of Alexander the Great is being asserted. Greco-Eastern statehood is born, flourishes and soon disintegrates.
  • All these historical moments are divided into three periods, indicated in three time aspects, which did not last very long.
  • With the collapse of this power, new Hellenistic states were formed.
  • The culture of Hellas is represented by an ancient epic.
  • People in this epic have always obeyed the gods. All the gods led a serene and beautiful life on Olympus. Different regions of Hellas had their own heroes and their own legends about them.
  • And to this day, ancient legends excite people. Beautiful films about those bygone days do not leave the cinema screen.

Ancient Greece, Hellas - an ancient Greek civilization in the southeast of Europe, which peaked in the 5th-4th centuries. BC. - the period that received the name classical in its history. The origins of modern human civilization lie in the culture of Ancient Greece.

Centered on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea and the western coast of Asia Minor, during colonization it spread to Southern Italy, the island of Sicily and the Black Sea region. The history of Ancient Greece is considered in a chronological framework from the III millennium BC. e. until the 1st century BC e., when the Hellenistic states lost their independence and became part of Ancient Rome. The Greeks themselves still call their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes, having received the name "Greece" from the Romans.

Crete-Mycenaean era (until the 12th century BC). In the 3rd millennium BC. in the Aegean region, a culture of the Bronze Age arose with the most important center on the island of Crete. The formation of classes began here (since the 21st century, the construction of palaces for kings). The economy (bronze production, maritime trade) and art (ceramics, painting) developed rapidly. Greek tribes (Achaeans, Aeolians, Ionians) from the northern regions around 1900 squeezed out the non-Indo-European local population of the Peloponnese and Hellas. They adopted (especially since the 16th century BC) many achievements of Cretan culture, including syllabic writing. Mycenae became the center of power, which from the 15th century spread to the islands of Crete, Cyprus and others. From the 12th century, the Dorians, who were still in their primitive stage, began to advance from the north. They defeated the Mycenaean class society and moved to the Peloponnese.

Homeric period (11-8 centuries BC). After the so-called Dorian invasion, slavery in Greece experienced a decline, however, the use of iron caused a new upsurge in the economy. Around 1000 BC Greek colonization of the western coast of Asia Minor began, which, thanks to constant contacts with the East, surpassed the metropolis. Here, around 800, the epic of Homer arose, which is the most valuable source of information about the history of this period, despite the fact that the legendary Trojan War (13-12 centuries BC) is described.

The period of the Great Colonization (8-6 centuries BC). The further economic development of Greece (specialization of crafts, the expansion of the use of slave labor, the export of wine and oil, the growth of ceramics, maritime trade) had certain social consequences. Large landowners from among the tribal aristocracy, having eliminated the power of the leaders-kings, at the same time placed the small landowners in a dependent position, sometimes the latter fell into debt slavery. At the same time, new layers of slave owners arose: wealthy merchants and owners of craft workshops. In the small Greek valleys, cities arose that turned into economic and cultural centers, the final formation of state institutions took place to ensure the class domination of those in power. In many states, the demos to a large extent weakened the position of the aristocracy. The leaders of the demos often ruled like tyrants. Tyranny, however, in most cases was soon replaced by a polis system, while wealthy slave owners (oligarchy) or all full citizens (democracy) could participate in government.

The period of Macedonian hegemony (4-2 centuries BC). After the victory of the Theban democrats (379), Thebes took over the leadership of Greece (BC). Political fragmentation of Greece in the 4th century BC contributed to the stagnation of the slave economy and the impoverishment of the poor. The social struggle weakened the policies. The crisis could only be overcome through state centralization. This task was carried out by Macedonia, whose king Philip 2 at the battle of Chaeronea (338 BC) defeated the Greeks, led by the Athenian democrats (Demosthenes). Philip's son Alexander of Macedon conquered the Persian kingdom, created the prerequisites for an economic and cultural upsurge, in which not so much Greece participated as the Hellenistic states. Greece was under Macedonian rule until the 2nd century BC. Independent political opposition was defended by the Achaean and Aetolian unions, as well as Sparta. Rome gained influence in Greece primarily as an ally of the Greek policies against Macedonia. After the victory over Philip 5 (197 BC), the Romans proclaimed the slogan of "return to freedom". In 168 BC after the battle of Pydna, Macedonia was defeated and in 148 BC. declared a Roman province, to which in 146 BC. all of Greece was annexed. When the Roman Empire was divided (395), the Greek regions passed to the Byzantine Empire.

* Homeric society has not yet emerged from the primitive communal system. It did not have a state apparatus of class oppression. The contradictions between the individual social groups were not yet sharpened to such an extent that such institutions as a standing army, prisons, and courts were required in order to keep the exploited and oppressed social classes in obedience. However, at this time, the gradual separation of the organs of the tribal system from the mass of the people had already begun. Tribal chiefs govern their tribes with little or no public assemblies. The Achaean militia near Troy is led by a council of basilei, the role of the assembly of soldiers is actually reduced to confirming the decisions of this council. And in Ithaca, during the 20-year absence of Odysseus, the people's assembly did not gather. In fact, all matters were decided by the nobility. In the description of the picture of the court, which is available in the epic, the verdict is passed by the elders, and the people only shout sympathy for one or another of the disputing parties.

In terms of size and population, the Greek policies were different. There were very large policies. For example, Lacedaemon, or Sparta, had an area of ​​​​8400 square meters. km, and the population is about 150-200 thousand people. The policy of the Athenians had a total territory of about 2500 thousand square meters. km with a population of 120-150 thousand people, but there were very small policies with a territory of 30-40 square meters. km and with a population of several hundred people, such as, for example, the Fokian policy of Panopia (on the border with Boeotia).

* Ancient Greek law in its influence on the further legal development of Europe in no way can be compared with the law of the other main representative of the ancient world, Rome. Not developed theoretically by Greek jurists, which did not receive the value of a single Greek law due to the fragmentation of Greece, it did not result in a coherent system of norms suitable for reception in other countries. This explains the incomparably smaller proportion of attention that fell to his lot from Western lawyers. Legislation played an extremely small role in the creation of Greek law. Sparta did not have written laws at all, and although Athens had them, they were compiled in a very remote time, they did not reach us in the original. The developed Greek law of the time of orators has never been codified in any complete form. Greece has left us no record of law in the writings of her jurists, whom (in our or Roman sense) she did not know at all.

* Softer forms of paternal power, which took on the character of protection and patronage of the subject rather than actual power; * recognition of sons as full-fledged along with the age of majority; * largely independent property status of the wife; * significantly greater proximity of communal forms of land ownership (ascertained with sufficient persuasiveness in Homer's poems) to the historical period of Greek history; * the undoubted and strong influence of the social principle on the organization of private property, in relation to real estate, sometimes reaching the prohibition of the sale of hereditary plots of land divided among the families of indigenous citizens; * much freer than in Rome, forms of obligations, expressed primarily in a free (informal) contract; * the absence or, at least, a significant limitation of testamentary law and, finally, a number of specific legal entities unknown to Rome, only later some of them received (for example, the mortgage system), these are the main material differences between Greek law and Roman law, usually emphasized by researchers .

The coat of arms of Ancient Greece is the state symbol of Greece and consists of two main elements of an azure shield with a silver cross (a fragment of the flag), and a laurel wreath around the shield. The shield with a cross symbolizes military glory and at the same time the main Greek religion Orthodoxy. The laurel wreath symbolizes the ancient history of Greece, because such wreaths were awarded to the winners of the ancient Olympic Games.

In the days of Ancient Greece, there were no state flags as such (flags were used in the navy to give various signals). Instead, various emblems and symbols were used as identification marks. They were placed on the shields and sails of ships belonging to the army of one or another policy.

National anthem of Greece in the native language Απ΄ τα κόκκαλα βγαλμένη των Ελλήνων τα ιερά, και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελρε Anthem of Greece in Russian I recognize the blade of reckoning, Blazing with a thunderstorm, I know your winged gaze, Embracing the globe of the earth! The pride of the ancient people, Reborn again, Hello, proud Freedom, Hello, Hellenic love! Hymn to Freedom (Ύμνος εις την Ελευθερίαν) IPA: [ˈ imn ɔ s is tin ɛ l ɛ fθ ɛˈ rian] is a poem written by Dionysios Solomos in 1823, consisting of 158 quatrains. In 1865, the first 24 verses were declared the Greek anthem, but in practice, as a rule, the first 2 quatrains are sung. The music for the anthem was composed in 1828 by Solomos' friend Nikolaos Mandzaros; subsequently he revised it twice (in 1844 and 1861)

The ancient Greek civilization in its development went through several periods that are extremely important for the characterization of the ancient Greek culture as a whole - proto-Greek (to-ry of the Aegean world and the "Homeric" period), Greek archaic, Greek classics, as well as the period of Hellenism.

    Proto-Greek culture at the turn of 3 - 3 thousand BC the ancestors of the later Greeks settled in the space adjoining the Mediterranean Sea, where 3 centers of culture were formed - Minoan, Crete-Mycenaean and Cyclatic (center = - Cyclades archipelago) cultures (to-ry of the Aegean world) 14 . The later Greeks considered themselves the autochthonous population of Greece, however, they also retained the idea of ​​the existence of some ancient people who originally inhabited Hellas and the adjacent islands. There is very little information about this period: generally, the culture of this period is an intermediate stage between the cultures of the Ancient East (with their static nature, conservatism, strict canonicity) and the culture of Ancient Greece (freedom, democracy, beauty and "liberty") State. system, apparently, resembled oriental despotism; at the head is the king-priest, here the palace is the concentration of the political, economic, social and religious life of the state. The Cretan-Mycenaean culture is a weak consolidation of the Achaean world (large centers in Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos). Deciphering ancient Cretan writing - probably, the entire household was documented. life of the state: information about the economy (probably was at a higher level than the economy of the Greek archaic), a high level of specialization of handicraft activities. Art more cheerful (than in Eastern cultures), less constrained by canons: (examples of art from excavations - frescoes on the walls of the palace at Knossos 15 - images of Cretan women, the so-called "Parisians", the fresco "Priest King", etc.; distinguish. a feature of architectural structures is monumentality - for example, the famous lion gate in Mycenae, decorated with a relief depicting 2 lionesses, surrounded by huge stone blocks heaping one on top of the other - the Greeks themselves believed that these walls were erected by the Cyclopes (one-eyed giants)). Predominance in the Proto-Greek world - Achaeans(echoes of their power - in the famous poem by Homer "Iliad" about the history of the Trojan War - probably, it was a major conquest campaign of the Achaeans on an important trading and strategic point on the coast of Asia Minor) 16 . But the predominance of the Achaeans in the Aegean world was put to an end by the arrival at the turn of the 12th - 11th centuries. BC. new proto-Greek tribes (Dorians), who opposed the bronze swords of the Achaeans with more effective iron weapons (but in general, the culture is more primitive).

By 15 a.m. BC. almost all civilizations of the Aegean world ceased to exist - perhaps natural disasters befell them, while the rest fell into complete dependence on the Achaeans.

    Period Doric culture (sometimes called Homeric) - 12 - 8 century. BC. With t.sp. economy a step back was taken in comparison with the cultures of the Aegean world: cattle breeding flourishes, trade and crafts are undeveloped, but, at the same time, the development of the technique of smelting and processing iron, iron tools (axe, chisel). Political system- 12 - 8 century. BC. transition from a tribal system to a polis-type organization. The main social unit is the phratry (a type of brotherhood). The origin of slavery - however, the slaves are not separated by an impenetrable line from the whole society (for example, in Homer, the servants-slave wash clothes with the daughter of the basileus Nausicaa) Art- the art of the Dorians is primitive (we can mainly judge about it by decorating household items - vessels - with a geometric pattern - for this reason, the period is sometimes called the era of geometric style). The famous work belongs to the same period. Homer - The Iliad and The Odyssey 17 (approximately the life of Homer can be attributed to the 9th - 8th century BC) . The author sings of distant times (tentatively related to the civilizations of the Aegean world), admires the life system and the exploits of the Achaeans, trying to convey to the listeners the enchanting visions of a long-vanished world.


I hear the silent sound of the divine Hellenic speech

I feel the shadow of the great old man with a confused soul.

(According to legend, the Homeric epic began to take shape in the first. third of the 1st millennium BC, when Greece, poor and devastated, experienced a “dark” time after the resettlement of the Dorians from the Balkans - as a memory of past greatness, of the times when gods and people performed great feats. The Homeric epic has absorbed ancient songs, myths and historical traditions, transformed by the imagination and fiction of the poet.

Causes of the Trojan War (reality) - the campaigns of one of the Greek. tribes - the Achaeans - to the coast of Asia Minor to conquer the rich Trojan lands. Mythologically - the revenge of the Achaeans for the abduction of Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, by the son of the Trojan king Priam, prince Paris. "Heavenly" reasons - the decision of the supreme god Zeus and Gaia-Earth to destroy the human race for wickedness, according to this plan, the most beautiful woman on Earth, Elena (daughter of Zeus and the goddess of revenge Nemesis), is born. The kyklic poems (the foundations of Homer's poems) tell about the causes of the war, about the campaign against Troy, about its ten-year siege, about the destruction of Troy with the help of a wooden horse, about the rivalry of heroes, and, finally, about the return of heroes to their homeland. The Iliad itself tells about the events of the last 51 days of the siege of Troy (the heroes are Achilles, Agamemnon, the leader of the entire Achaean army and their quarrel over the treacherous act of Agamemnon, who took away the beautiful concubine from Achilles). Odyssey - does not have a through plot line, tells about the return of heroes to their homeland (Odysseus at the nymph Calypso, at a feast at the Feacs talks about visiting Hades, how he bypassed the tricks of the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, the subsequent plot - Odysseus in Ithaca cracks down on the impudent suitors of his wife Penelope) Heroes of Homer are often cruel, cunning, vengeful, and at the same time they are not gods, but simply people with their weaknesses, hopes, they cry and suffer, love ... The drama of Odysseus's personality is in the epithet long-suffering, which Homer gives him. The heroes of Homer are always accompanied by the gods (for example, Odysseus is the wise Athena), but this direct connection with the deity does not prevent the Homeric person from acting independently and creating his own life with his own hands (sometimes a person’s independence even causes fear among the gods) Antiquity perceived Homer as an ideal and a role model, and Roman heroic poetry (for example, Virgil) developed under the sign of Homer.

Subsequent periods - archaic and classical can be considered the actual culture of ancient Greece. Archaic culture of Ancient Greece (7 - 5 centuries BC) - the formation of the Greek. mythology, social systems, arts; Greek classics (5-4 centuries BC_ - the highest flowering of ancient Greek culture.

The ancient civilization of the Greeks received the first name "Hellas" from the Romans. The Hellenes spoke of the people. The ancient Greeks, like representatives of other cultures, knew the story of the Flood that hit the world for people's disobedience to God. According to legend, only two people on Earth were saved during the disaster: Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha. From their marriage a son was born, whose name was Ellin. He was considered the progenitor of all Greeks. The descendants of Hellenes, the Achaeans, Dorians and Ionians became the founders of the Greek tribes.

The rise of Greece

The foundation of the Greek state was laid on the islands of the Aegean and Ionian Seas, on the southern territory of the Balkan Peninsula. The coast of Greece is washed by numerous bays. The Greeks have always lived by the sea, so their main trade was associated with this element. The division of the territory of the state was marked along the boundaries of the mountain ranges, which stretched across the entire area of ​​Greece. The climate zone depends on their location. Sailors and fishermen went to sea only in the summer season and early autumn, the rest of the time there were storms and travel by water was dangerous.

Regions of Greece

Initially, the entire territory of the Greek state was divided into three administrative centers. In Thessaly there was a famous mountain peak in the north, which received a certain status in the religion of Ancient Greece - Olympus. The snow cover did not leave it even in the summer months, therefore the statement of the Greeks that this place is the home of the gods was associated with Olympus. The region of Attica became famous for the city of Athens, the majestic capital of Ancient Greece. The Peloponnese occupied an important place in the history of ancient civilization thanks to the two main ports from which ships left for the West - to Italy, and to the countries of the East. The coast of Greece, bordering Asia Minor, is dotted with lagoons. In this area, the most beautiful cities of Ephesus and Miletus were built near the Ionian Islands.

The development of agriculture in ancient Greece

Since there were few fertile lands in Greece, and the climate did not allow growing 4 crops a year, as was the case in Ancient Egypt, wheat was sown in small quantities. Millet was imported for baking bread from other countries. But the humid Mediterranean climate was ideal for growing olives and grapes. Over time, the world's largest and best quality industry based on the processing of olives arose in Greece. They were processed into oil, eaten in salted and pickled form. Wine was made from grapes, the varieties of which are still recognized among winemakers as one of the best. Also in Greece they were engaged in the cultivation of walnuts, apples, peas and beans, garlic and onions. The ancient Greeks sowed fields with flax, from which they made magnificent fabrics. Products and linens made of Greek linen were sold to the East.

Quarries of Greece

In ancient Greece there was copper and iron mining. The main industry was the extraction of marble, from which numerous architectural monuments of the ancient civilization were built. The Greeks kept foodstuffs, oils, millet in clay vessels. Thanks to the excellent qualities of Greek clay, you can see the materials that the Hellenic masters worked with today in museums in Greece and around the world. These are vases, dishes, household items.
