Branch of the bobkov Russian customs academy. How the educational institution was created

The St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Customs Academy trains specialists focused on work in the customs authorities.

The structure of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Customs Academy includes the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Customs;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Law;
  • Advanced training faculty.

The branch provides training for bachelors, specialists and masters in the following areas of training: "Customs", "Jurisprudence", "Management" and "Economics".

The main forms of implementation of the educational process in the branch are lectures and seminars, practical and laboratory classes, business games, consultations.

During their studies, students receive fundamental training in more than 70 academic disciplines provided for by the educational standard for the chosen specialty or field of study. The branch is widely practiced conducting field classes.

Organizing cooperation and maintaining close ties with the customs authorities of the North-West region is important and relevant for the branch. The result of the joint work of the branch and the customs of the region is the timely adjustment of the training process in accordance with the realities of practical activities. Interaction with customs is carried out by attracting customs officials to participate in the educational process, organizing internships for teachers and practical training for students of the branch in customs departments.

On this page you can find out about the cost of training in the St. Petersburg named after VB Bobkov branch of the Russian Customs Academy (St. Petersburg branch of the RTA) for the 2012-2013 academic year, the city of St. Petersburg

Directions of training

Form of study

Cost (per year) rub.

036401.65 Customs (specialist)

based on average


based on average

030900.62 Jurisprudence (bachelor)

based on average

based on higher


based on average

080100.62 Economics (bachelor)


based on average

080200.62 Management (bachelor)

based on average


based on average

The cost of training at the St. Petersburg named after V.B. Bobkov branch of the Russian Customs Academy for persons entering in 2012

Directions of training

The form

(in a year)

030900.68 Jurisprudence

080100.68 Economics

080200.62 Management

The admission of students to study on-site under contracts with payment of tuition fees is carried out in excess of the established admission control figures (CCT) for full-time, part-time and part-time studies.
The relationship between the branch, on the one hand, and the person who entered the field for training under contracts with payment of tuition fees, on the other hand, is governed by an agreement of the established form. The draft agreement is filled in when submitting documents to the subcommittee of the selection committee.
An applicant or a person concluding a training agreement must:

  1. choose the form and procedure of payment (the first compulsory payment - for the academic year (semester), then - for the semesters or for the academic year);
  2. fill out and sign the contract forms (in duplicate);
  3. register the completed agreement with the branch's accounting department and, within three days, transfer funds (for applicants recommended for enrollment) to the branch's current account.

The conclusion of an agreement with individuals under the age of 18 is carried out in the presence of their legal representatives, with legal entities - with the customer's power of attorney and the applicant's passport.
One copy of the completed agreement is kept at the branch, the second is issued to an individual or legal entity.
Enrollment of applicants to places under contracts with payment of tuition fees is carried out in accordance with Chapter IX of the Admission Rules after payment by an individual or legal entity of the tuition fees and the provision of an original state-recognized education document.
Persons who have successfully passed the entrance tests, but have not passed the competition for full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study at places within the framework of the KTsP, have the right, on the basis of a personal application (no later than the deadline for the completion of admission of documents in accordance with the Rules for Admission), to participate with the number of points in the competition for full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees when the list of entrance examinations coincides.

Tariffs - the cost of training in the St. Petersburg named after VB Bobkov branch of the Russian Customs Academy (St. Petersburg branch of the RTA) for the 2012-2013 academic year, the city of St. Petersburg

In the modern world, not only the professions of economist, lawyer, manager and civil servant are relevant. Specialists in foreign economic activity are in great demand. The training of such personnel forms the basis of the work of the Russian Customs Academy (RTA), a fairly young state university in Lyubertsy, Moscow region.

How the educational institution was created

Today PTA is the only educational institution in our country that trains specialists in the field of customs. They thought about opening such a university in the late 1980s. The country began to live in new economic conditions, the number of participants in foreign economic activity increased. The personnel training system that existed at that time in the customs service could no longer cope with its tasks.

The idea of ​​creating an educational institution was expressed by Vitaly Konstantinovich Boyarov (head of the Main Directorate of State Customs Control under the Council of Ministers of the USSR) and Leonid Arkadyevich Lozbenko (first deputy). In 1989, the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Customs Officials was opened. In 1993 it was transformed into the Russian Customs Academy.

PTA at the present stage

The activities of the university began at the Suvorov School in Fili. In subsequent years, active work was carried out to expand the material and technical base. Gradually, the Academy acquired the necessary facilities: a sports building, a hostel, a library. Today PTA is a large educational institution. She has several branches. The property complex of the academy is located in Lyubertsy, Vladivostok, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg. In total, the university has:

  • 13 buildings and structures for educational activities;
  • 4 hostels;
  • 1 dining room.

The organizational structure is not ambitious. It has only 3 faculties responsible for training specialists. The main division is the Faculty of Customs. Applicants are offered the specialty "Customs". The duration of training on it is 5 years (full-time) and 6 years (part-time). On the "Customs business" you can choose the most interesting profile for yourself, in order to eventually become a qualified specialist in a particular field. The list of divisions also includes the Faculty of Economics and Law.

Receiving specialized education at the academy

PTA strives to meet the requirements of the times. For this reason, the university regularly reviews its educational activities. Recently, the academy began to use a new approach in teaching students. The educational process is structured so that the student can receive not only special customs competencies, but also deep knowledge in the field of foreign economic activity.

The acquisition of practical skills is of great importance in the Russian Customs Academy. Work is periodically carried out to expand the bases of practices. In 2017, one of the students of the Faculty of Customs was fortunate enough to have an internship at the Representative Office of the FCS of Russia in the People's Republic of China.

A very important plus of the academy is the presence of a legal clinic. It is specially designed for bachelors and undergraduates of the Faculty of Law, so that students can acquire practical skills through the provision of free legal aid to people in need.

Training of specialists for foreign countries

The prestige of the Russian Customs Academy is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. For this reason, not only citizens of our country study at the university and its branches. About 500 students are foreigners from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

International cooperation with universities, educational centers, representative offices of customs services of foreign countries is at an active stage of development. For example, contacts with Europe have been established. RTA, together with universities from Germany, Italy, Serbia, Poland, develops interuniversity master's programs "double degrees".

St. Petersburg branch named after Bobkov

Not so much time has passed since the opening of the Russian Customs Academy and until the first branch appeared - about 1 year. An educational institution appeared in St. Petersburg. The educational activities of the branch began on October 1. Two faculties were opened at once - law and economics of customs business. It was on October 1 that training of lawyers and economists started at the branch.

Later, the list of directions in the St. Petersburg branch of the Bobkov Russian Customs Academy expanded. Today the branch in this respect is not inferior to the parent educational organization. He implements training in "Customs", "Jurisprudence", "Economics", "Management". The quality of St. Petersburg education is no worse than that of Moscow. The branch is aimed at producing such specialists who could work competently and protect the economic interests of our country.

Vladivostok branch

The Vladivostok branch of the Russian Customs Academy has existed since December 1994. Today this educational institution occupies a significant position in the educational system of the city among other universities. The branch is located far from Moscow, but despite this, the work is disciplined and well-coordinated in it, just like in the parent university. All students receive a very high quality education. This can be seen from the results of the activities of the faculties. Students regularly show a good level of knowledge at regional and All-Russian Olympiads in specialized disciplines and related sciences.

An important feature of the Vladivostok Academy is a decent material and technical base. It allows you to keep a high bar both in education and in the everyday life of students. The educational building of the Vladivostok RTA has new equipment. The university also has a comfortable hostel.

Rostov branch

In Rostov-on-Don, a branch of the Moscow Academy was opened a little later than in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. The official date of its creation is June 30, 1995. The Rostov branch of the Russian Customs Academy is also quite a worthy educational institution. Its auditoriums are equipped with modern interactive equipment. A courtroom is specially equipped for law students. A situational analytical center was organized. It regularly hosts intellectual games, quizzes, video conferences.

The educational process in the Rostov branch of the Russian Customs Academy is being built in cooperation with the customs authorities of the South and North Caucasus customs administrations. Thanks to this, students receive the most relevant knowledge during training.

School rules

A very important nuance that all future students of the Russian Customs Academy and the Rostov, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok branches should know about is that all students wear a special uniform. For young men, it includes several items of clothing: a cap with a cockade, a jacket with shoulder straps, a tie, trousers and shirts. Shirts are used in pistachio color for everyday wear and white for the holidays. The color of the rest of the items is aqua. Complementing the uniform - black leather low shoes.

Girls in the academy are required to wear a cap with a cockade, a jacket with shoulder straps and a skirt, blouse, tie, black leather shoes. The colors of the main items are similar to those of the male uniform. The blouse is also white and pistachio. The cap, tunic, skirt and tie are sewn from navy blue fabric.

The Russian Customs Academy is an effective university in our country. The educational institution provides each of its students with high-quality knowledge, but with the order in the PTA strictly, because very important personnel are trained here for our country.

In October 1990, the opening of the Leningrad zonal courses for training, retraining and advanced training of employees of customs institutions of the IPPC of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation took place. The legal successor of the zonal courses was the North-West branch of the IPK of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation (order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated 04.21.1993). The opening of the IPK branch of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation took place in September 1993. Doctor of Historical Sciences A.N. Myachin, who came to the customs authorities from St. Petersburg State University, by the joint efforts of the creative team of the IPK State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation (A.N. Myachin, A.V. Agrashenkov, S.N. Gamidullaev, V.N. Lukin, S.P. Udovenko , N.L. Koval, M.M. Shumilov) and employees of the State Customs Service of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation (R.A. Perfilyev, T.V. Musienko), a Concept for the development of a personnel training system for the customs service of the North-West region was developed and an integrated training system was created economists and lawyers for customs institutions in Russia. In many respects, this became possible thanks to the constant support of the Branch by the management of NWTU Russia V.B. Bobkov, V.A. Shamakhov, V.A. Kostin and V.N. Zakharov.

On September 22, 1993, the Russian Customs Academy was established by Decree No. 940 of the Government of the Russian Federation, and on August 5, 1994, in accordance with the Program for the Implementation of the Personnel Policy of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation, its St. Petersburg branch was opened.

On October 1, 1994, the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Customs Academy was the first to recruit and begin training economists and lawyers of the customs profile, full-time and part-time, at two faculties - customs economics and law. They were twenty-nine students of the Branch of the first intake. It was to them that the words of V.V. Putin were addressed, who, while still the vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, greeted the freshmen on September 1, 1995 at the Day of Knowledge at the St. Petersburg branch: is important today and it is no coincidence that this educational institution arose. It was created because we must have people who could work competently, protecting the economic interests of Russia. The state cannot do without customs, it makes a huge contribution to strengthening the economic potential of the country. "

The high quality of training and the demand for the Branch's specialists are characterized by the following, most indicative, achievements:

- the graduates of the Branch already occupy managerial positions in many customs offices, although the first graduation (10 out of 28 graduates received a diploma with honors!) Took place only in 1999;

- the graduates of the Branch are constantly winners of the annual competitions of professional skills at NWTU;

- all full-time graduates are assigned to the customs authorities of St. Petersburg and North-West Technical University.

In total, 1950 graduates were trained in the Branch. It is characteristic that the overwhelming majority of graduates prefer to work permanently in the customs authorities of the city and region. Less than 10% of graduates left the customs service.

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