Who by temperament is from the cartoon Winnie the Pooh. Heroes of "Winnie the Pooh" and mental disorders. Rabbit from "Winnie the Pooh" - the main features

I feel like I've read this before. And probably even laughed. But today I suddenly thought that if you take a good look at each of us, there will be a diagnosis. Especially if this diagnosis is ordered, especially if it is paid for...
So, the heroes of Milne's wonderful fairy tale, more familiar to us from Zakhoder's translation of Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All. Let's think about which of them we look like and at the same time find out which of the psychiatric diagnoses is closer to us. :))

So... Pay attention, by the way, to the fact that all these diagnoses were clearly guessed by artists, both ours and Americans! :))

A group of Canadian psychology experts analyzed the characters and behavior of the characters in one of the world's most popular children's books. It turned out that everything is not at all as cute and funny as it seems to an innocent childish look.

In the world of adults, Winnie, Tigger, Piglet and other inhabitants of the Magic Forest have serious mental disorders.

So, the restless Tiger suffers from a pronounced attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which does not allow him to sit still for a minute without trying to attract the attention of others.

Piglet's problem is a pathological causeless anxiety and fear, it is also an anxiety disorder.

This is evidenced by both the shy and nervous nature of the piglet, and its very demeanor: shuddering, tremors, constant attempts to hide in a corner and hide from the terrible world.

Rabbit is a typical anancaste, that is, a pathological pedant.

This is how psychologists describe this disorder: “anxious suspiciousness, fear of getting dirty, fear of thieves, scoundrels, over-accuracy, over-punctuality, exactingness, pangs of conscience…”. Do you recognize our hero?

The owl got OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is also little pleasant: "suspicious personalities, prone to rare maximally decisive actions, which is immediately noticeable against the background of their dominant calmness."

The diagnosis of Eeyore can also be made by a non-specialist: chronic depression.

A droopy look, slow speech, melancholy and inescapable pessimism - these symptoms are understandable to anyone who has experienced depression at least once in their life.

As for the main character, Winnie the Pooh, he, according to psychologists, is a drug addict who suffers from a severe mental dependence on honey.

Honey is the center of his existence, and Pooh is only truly happy when he has it. When there is no honey, all the thoughts of the bear cub are occupied only with how to get it.

Moreover, Pooh, like a true drug addict, is ready to do anything, his brain is very inventive in the fight for honey, while in all other areas of life, Pooh is stupid and has little interest in anything.

That's it! Shiziki. All! Yes, see for yourself!

Diagnostic sources.

As doctors sometimes joke: "There are no healthy people, there are underexamined." Something, but this joke is not such a joke, if we talk not so much about physical health as about mental health, or, speaking scientifically - psychological. There are certainly no healthy ones here, there are underexamined ones. And this applies not only to ordinary people, but also .... heroes of our stories. So, recently the writer, translator and philosopher Vadim Rudnev armed himself with the most modern scientific tool: structuralism and post-structuralism, classical psychoanalysis and post-Freudian analytical psychology, analytical philosophy, Bakhtin's philosophical poetics - and with all this heavy artillery turned to Alan Milne's fairy tale loved by children and their parents about Winnie the Pooh (which he himself re-translated). It turned out that every science has something to profit from in the famous forest, in the company of toy heroes. Including psychology.

“The characters in Winnie the Pooh are surprisingly convex and clearly defined: Pooh is cheerful, good-natured and resourceful, Piglet is anxious and cowardly, I-Yo (translated by Zakhoder - IA-IA) is gloomy and aggressive, Rabbit is authoritarian, Owl is divorced from reality and submerged into himself, Tigger is good-naturedly aggressive and boastful, Ru always draws attention to himself, ”writes V. Rudnev and then describes each hero of the fairy tale in the language of characterology of E. Kretschmer, P. Gannushkin.

Winnie the Pooh himself immediately becomes "an expressive example of a sanguine cycloid, a realistic syntonic ... and a picnic physique": he is squat, full, with a short thick neck (like all teddy bears in the world). A person of such a warehouse loves life and lives in harmony with others. Likes simple things: food, wine, women, fun; abstract concepts are alien to him. Such people are good-natured, but can be narrow-minded. The famous cycloids of world literature are somewhat similar to Winnie the Pooh, V. Rudnev notes: Sancho Panza, Falstaff, Mr. Pickwick.

Piglet is "an example of a psychasthenic, a realistic introvert, whose character is primarily determined by defensiveness, a sense of inferiority." Hence his constant anxiety, cowardly self-doubt, dreary obsessive fear of the future. The psychasthenic's thoughts hinder his actions. He thinks about everything in advance and tends to predict the most terrible outcome of events. But he is very conscientious, ashamed of his cowardice, and in a difficult moment he is suddenly capable of miracles of courage. His physique, according to Kretschmer, is “leptosomal”: he is small, thin.

I-Yo: a psychiatrist, according to V. Rudnev, would say that he suffers from "severe endogenous, which completely takes over the personality and controls his behavior." His character is deformed by this constant depression and is internally contradictory. On the one hand, he is an epileptoid: aggressive and casuistic; on the other hand, he is a schizoid, cut off from his surroundings. But still, he is not so authoritarian as to lose all spiritual subtlety and kindness, and not so self-contained as not to see his friends and the good in them at all. He can subtly mock Piglet, but deep down be very disposed towards him. All this reminds V. Rudnev of the characters of the heroes.

Rabbit, on the other hand, is a typical epileptoid: authoritarian, seeks to subjugate those around him. Psychologically, this is connected with the mechanism of hypercompensation, with the help of which he overcomes his own inferiority complex. The type is realistic but not subtle; a capable organizer, but insincere and narrow-minded. His inner world is empty, because he constantly needs others to use them as a tool to satisfy his socio-psychological ambitions. He is always trying to command someone, but often gets into trouble because he underestimates his partners.

Tigger is infantile and demonstrative: the classic properties of a hysteric. Always wants to be the center of attention, incredibly boastful, completely unable to answer for his words; all this reminds Khlestakov and Nozdryov.

As you can see, in the company of Winnie the Pooh you can find classic characters from a psychology textbook. Their appearance where you least expect to meet them - in a children's fairy tale, causes a smile. Perhaps this smile will save someone from treating any scientific classifications with animal seriousness and looking for exact and complete correspondence to theoretical concepts, ideal types in others. Of course, in Milne these concepts run, talk, laugh and quarrel, but that's what a fairy tale is for, especially a modern one, in which there is always a large share of scientific play. In real life, people always turn out to be more complex and contradictory than the character of I-Yo.

But it is worth thinking about something else. Deprived of psychological subtleties and halftones, fairy tales drag out into the light of day the simplest constructions underlying, in the depths of our social and psychological nature. With specific methods, they do what science does, exposing the skeletons of recurring plots (types of relationships) and characters. So a smile is a smile, but the scientific analysis of fairy tales turns out to be very productive.

Winnie the Pooh is the character that is familiar to many. Most of him is known for the cartoon of the same name since Soviet times. However, in addition to this hero, both in the book and in the cartoon you can meet no less charismatic characters.

The rabbit from Winnie the Pooh is one of them. He's not very funny, quite the opposite. However, it is bright and memorable. And many of his phrases from the cartoon still stuck. However, the original version, which was written by Alan Milne, differs significantly in some points from the familiar to many stories about a cute bear.

Cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all ..."

The cartoon in question was created in 1969. It should be noted that the author of the work is Alan Milne. Winnie the Pooh is not a Russian character at all. However, this teddy bear was to everyone's taste. Cartoons were filmed on it, books adapted for a specific country were written. This is what happened in the USSR.

The animators approached the story with all seriousness, and soon the teddy bear and his friends became familiar to everyone. The images of the heroes were drawn as close as possible to the Russian spirit. Therefore, Winnie came out a bumpkin, but kind and affectionate, Piglet - shy. However, in our version, Piglet fights fear and never leaves Winnie alone in trouble. The bear himself is sure that in order to achieve a lot, you need to work hard. That's why he writes songs.

"Winnie the Pooh": characters

The main characters from "Winnie the Pooh" include:

Differences between the original and Zakhoder's story

Boris Zakhoder is the father of that Winnie the Pooh, who is known in Russia. The fact is that he undertook to translate the work written by Alan Milne. But the writer got so carried away that he rewrote a lot of things, and even removed some points altogether. Part of history began to be understood in a different light, closer to our people.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the original work and its translation differ from each other, sometimes significantly. An interesting fact is that many got acquainted with the original Winnie the Pooh only thanks to the series from the Disney company. It also made it clear that the stories were different. In addition to appearance, the characters differed in character.

In the original work, Winnie is a living bear. However, he has a very small brain. In our version, he has sawdust in his head. In the book, not only the main character named Winnie the Pooh is constantly present. Characters that are secondary are found on the pages of the book regularly.

Also, according to Milne, Owl is a male character. The only female character in the book is Kanga. Therefore, the heroes at first meet her warily. Also, the Owl in Milne's version only sometimes uses clever phrases that she does not always understand. In Zakhoder's version, this is an elderly lady, to whom everyone goes for advice.

Rabbit from "Winnie the Pooh" - the main features

And now let's take a closer look at the image of the most reasonable hero in this cycle of stories. The rabbit from Winnie the Pooh is a charismatic character. He is extremely rational and can find a reasonable explanation for everything. According to Zakhoder's version of the book, when Winnie got stuck in his house, he adapted his legs for a towel dryer. This suggests that the rabbit from the fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh" is not such a pessimist. He finds a way out of any situation.

By temperament, he is a typical choleric. The rabbit from "Winnie the Pooh" is a mobile hero. If you remember the cartoon, you can pay attention to how he adjusts his glasses. All his movements are jerky. He seems to be unable to stand still, moving all the time, doing something.

Also Rabbit is a real leader. He strives to always be at the head of any company. He tries to be in charge, to manage people. He also owns many plans, for example, to tame the Tigers. Not all of his plans turn out to be useful, but this does not stop him.

Rabbit's Dwelling

The House of the Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh is a different story. He is really a home, a lair - a place that the Rabbit loves. He doesn't let anyone in. This is also due to the fact that the Rabbit is also a cautious character.

In the Rabbit's house, everything is in relative order. There is also a kitchen with supplies, and a bedroom. The entrance to the hole, namely the name of the Rabbit's house, is a hole. In front of it is a rug on which guests must wipe their feet. This speaks of the extreme cleanliness of the character.

If you recall the cartoon, it will become clear that the Rabbit is patient, but he will not be silent. After Winnie ate almost all the stocks, the Rabbit did not remain silent, but said the catchphrase "Someone is eating a lot!". Here it is clear that the hero is a good and hospitable host. His house has everything for unexpected visitors.

Rabbit in the original version

If we compare the version of Zakhoder and Milne, we can see a number of differences. The rabbit in the original is clearly a misanthrope. He loves peace. Of course, he is always on the move, for example, looking after his garden. But he clearly does not like it when his order is changed. Therefore, most of all he does not like the Tiger - active and restless.

The Rabbit treats the rest of the characters evenly. They are not so cross to him as the Tiger. Unlike Owl, he really knows a lot, and does not try to seem smarter. This is probably why he sometimes looks like an arrogant hero. However, in reality, the Rabbit is kind, albeit sometimes capricious.

Communicating with people, we often notice that it is easy for us to spend time with some (as if we have known each other for decades), while with others there is no question of ease.

Such compatibility of people directly depends on the types of temperament: someone is attracted by cheerful sanguine people, others by quick-tempered and impatient choleric, silent and pedantic phlegmatic, sensitive melancholic.

Temperament is a constant concept. It determines the emotional state of a person, affects his behavior in society and, of course, changes in mood.

Temperament and mood: is there a connection?

The way a person perceives life and ongoing events directly depends on the type of temperament.


A sanguine person is distinguished by quick reactions and frequent changes in emotional states that do not leave a deep imprint on his personality. This means that he is cheerful by nature, he easily falls into despondency, which after a few minutes is replaced by a new surge of positive emotions.

The nature of the sanguine is fickle, as is his mood. Such a person is easy-going, but at the same time, quickly cools down and loses interest. Despite the frequent change of emotions, the negative does not linger in the memory of a sanguine person: he easily parted with grievances, does not fall into prolonged depression. and the ability to find positive in any situation is a hallmark of people of this type of temperament. Sociability, talkativeness, carelessness and initiative of sanguine people cannot but attract.

Despite the openness and "light" nature of extroverts, a sharp change in the mood of sanguine people complicates their relationship with others, makes people hostages of mood.


Like sanguine people, people of this type of temperament are characterized by a frequent change of emotions. If this does not particularly affect the emotional stability of the former, then choleric people always experience such processes deeper: their nervous system is unstable. Outbursts of feelings, a sharp change of emotions are a common phenomenon for a choleric person. The passion of such people is expressed in their mood. The feelings that captured the choleric will be reflected in his facial expressions and in relationships with other people.

People of this type of temperament are extroverts, but excitable and unbalanced, often unrestrained, irritable and quick-tempered. Despite the activity and passion with which the choleric gets down to business, he quickly depletes his reserves of good mood and inspiration.

Choleric behavior often provokes conflict situations. A sudden change of mood, harshness and straightforwardness, intolerance and incontinence repel others.

Phlegmatic person

Unlike sanguine and choleric people, emotional excitability is not at all inherent in phlegmatic people. These are people with a stable psyche and a calm temperament. Stability is the basis of his life. Such people are imperturbable and unshakable, rarely lose their temper.

The mood of phlegmatic people rarely changes under the influence of external factors; it, like the feelings of people of this type, is distinguished by an enviable constancy. Phlegmatic people are ideal spouses, judges, jury members, etc. Such people rarely get out of emotional balance, prefer to maintain good relations without quarrels and partings. The negative side of eternal peace is rare, but violent emotional outbursts.

It is difficult for phlegmatic people to allow “new” people into their lives, for everyone they are friendly and polite on the outside, but closed inside. As an employee, such a person works more effectively on his own than in a team. Phlegmatic people are emotionally stable introverts.


The feelings of a melancholic are stable, but they are subject to a strong emotional impact. Such people are deeply worried, accumulate resentment, fall into depression and often feel sad. They are not characterized by a quick change of emotions, melancholic people get out of certain emotional states for a long time. Their mood is easily spoiled; vulnerability, exposure to external factors make melancholic people hard to experience what is happening, be closed and uncommunicative.

The mood of melancholic people is often bad, there is no determination in such people, they are passive, often doubt, do not reveal their feelings. The high sensitivity of melancholic people makes them not indifferent to other people's experiences, they are subtle psychologists and often creative personalities. The vulnerability of melancholics creates difficulties in communicating with others.

Compatibility of different types of temperament

In any relationship, it is important to find a middle ground. Popular wisdom that opposites attract is the best way to characterize the compatibility of people of different types of temperament.

hot temper choleric remarkably smoothes balanced phlegmatic person. Positive sanguine and his ability to overcome difficulties will not give melancholy fall into despair. At the same time, the combination choleric and melancholic(given the irascibility of the first and the touchiness of the latter) entails misunderstanding, a manifestation of irritability. A similar effect often occurs in pairs. sanguine-phlegmatic person. You can get rid of negative consequences by showing openness and restraint, consistency and reliability.

Combination of two extroverts - sanguine and choleric- will lead to frequent conflicts, because each type is emotional, initiative, capable of leadership. Pair phlegmatic person-melancholic, on the contrary, is too passive, their relationship is often boring and monotonous.

The combination of two identical types of character is most painfully manifested in a couple of choleric people, a bit better - sanguine people and the most favorable relations are phlegmatic or melancholic.

Of course, in nature, the main types of temperament in their pure form are extremely rare. Each person combines traits of at least two types.

In order to maintain balance in relationships and a good mood, it is important to be open, make reasonable compromises and fight negative character traits.

Video: Laughter can tell a lot about a person's character

The type of laughter can tell a lot about a person's character. Tell us how you laugh and we will tell you about your character.
