Medicinal properties and uses of chamomile. Chamomile tea What medicinal properties does chamomile have?

Chamomile officinalis (also known as chamomile) is a proven all-purpose healing agent. It contains flavonoids (food antioxidants), free organic acids, coumarins, tannins, phytosterols, vitamins A and C, as well as carotene - and this is far from complete. Coumarins have an antispasmodic effect, and phytosterols reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

But the most valuable component is the essential oil, which has a very wide range of beneficial properties. The fact is that chamomile oil contains azulene, a substance known for its anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic activity. This allows the use of teas and decoctions from chamomile inflorescences for the prevention and treatment of a huge number of different diseases.

Benefits of chamomile tea

First of all, chamomile tea is recommended for restoring the nervous system and eliminating migraines. The glycoside apigenin contained in chamomile helps achieve a state of complete peace and relaxation, so decoctions of this plant are especially helpful for increased excitability.
It is best to drink chamomile tea just before bed.

Tea made from dry crushed chamomile flowers is ideal for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is often used as an aid in their treatment. Drinking chamomile tea helps reduce, cleanse the intestines and restore its microflora. In addition, this is one of the few drinks indicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice. This tea is best drunk before meals, as it stimulates appetite and prevents cramps.

Indirectly, chamomile tea helps improve the condition of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases due to its soothing properties.

Chamomile also has a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is well suited for preventing the formation of gallstones and kidney stones. It is useful for women to drink chamomile decoction during menstruation to reduce pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Finally, chamomile tea has long been drunk for colds. It is an excellent diaphoretic and effectively helps the body fight viruses. Chamomile herbal tea improves immunity and helps you stay in good shape.

The medicinal plant chamomile (or as it is also called medicinal chamomile, common chamomile) is an annual fragrant herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. Its other name, “mother herb,” is associated with the medicinal properties of the plant in the fight against gynecological diseases. Tibetan monks appreciated the healing properties of the plant to restore cell structure and activate their regeneration and included it in the elixir of youth.

Description: Chamomile root is taproot, branched, bare. Chamomile flowers are large, have white false-ligulate flowers at the edges and bisexual yellow flowers in the center. It blooms from May to mid-summer. Chamomile seeds begin to form in June.

Where does chamomile grow?

Grows in fields, near roads, on fallow lands. It is a weed and grows wild in areas with moist soil and excess sunlight. The homeland of chamomile is the south, the middle zone of the European part of Russia and the Urals. Chamomile is not the only species; besides it, field chamomile (unscented) and Roman chamomile (noble chamomile) grow in nature. But in Russia, chamomile is considered a pharmacopoeial species.

Procurement of raw materials: the plant for drying is collected at the beginning of flowering in dry weather. Chamomile herb is not a medicinal raw material, therefore, when collecting, only flowers on a stalk no more than 3 cm are picked.

Drying of raw materials can be carried out naturally under a canopy or in dryers at a temperature of no more than 20 C. Raw materials can be stored for 2 years.

What are the benefits of chamomile?

The healing properties of chamomile flowers are due to the rich composition of nutrients:

  • Essential oils;
  • Salicylic and ascorbic acid;
  • Carotene;
  • Bitterness;
  • Slime;
  • Comedy;
  • Bitter substances;
  • Glikozidov and others.

Properties of chamomile

What does chamomile help with? The rich chemical composition of the herb has a huge range of medicinal effects that can help in any situation.

She provides:

  • Antiallergic effect (therefore, allergies to chamomile occur quite rarely);
  • Anti-inflammatory effect (effectively relieves any inflammation);
  • Antispasmodic effect (chamomile reduces muscle tone, resulting in spasms. Chamomile is also effective for pain of any origin);
  • Ulcer-healing effect (has not only a healing, but also a protective function; thanks to this effect, chamomile is effective for gastritis, peptic ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases);
  • Improves digestion (chamomile is irreplaceable for the stomach, especially for chronic diseases);
  • Promotes better bile secretion;
  • Has a slight calming effect (for babies, you can take baths with chamomile before bedtime);
  • Antiseptic effect (due to the combination of sedative and antiseptic effects, doctors prescribe chamomile for coughs, to prevent attacks of suffocation at night).

Chamomile - use, benefits and harm

Treatment with chamomile when taken orally is effective in treating the following diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract (as well as diarrhea, cramps, flatulence);
  • Inflammation of internal organs and respiratory tract;
  • Gynecological problems;
  • Colds and viral infections;
  • Increased nervous excitability, poor appetite and insomnia;
  • Reduced immunity.

External use of the plant:

  • For rinsing and washing with sore throat, pharyngitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease;
  • In the form of compresses - for damage to the skin (ulcers, eczema, burns, frostbite, non-healing wounds);
  • In the form of lotions and eye washes for inflammation;
  • In the form of microenemas for hemorrhoids;
  • For wiping the skin with acne and rashes;
  • In the form of baths and compresses to relieve rheumatic and muscle pain, gout, arthritis, baths with chamomile are effective for bathing newborns.

Chamomile Side Effects: The plant has numerous beneficial properties. Thanks to its healing effects, it is a “lifeline” for the body in case of any disease. But if the rules and regulations for use are not followed, side effects may occur - an allergy to chamomile, vomiting and nausea, increased blood pressure, internal bleeding.

How to prepare chamomile

Chamomile can be used for medicinal purposes in the form of decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, essential oils, and teas.

Chamomile decoction - for its preparation take 20 grams. inflorescences, place in a container with boiling water and keep in a water bath for about half an hour, periodically replenishing with water to the original volume. Then it is filtered and used both for internal use and for external use (compresses, lotions, baths and trays).

Medicinal properties - chamomile decoction taken internally is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract (it cleanses the bronchi and lungs of phlegm and mucus). Should be taken three times a day, half a glass.

Chamomile tincture - put the inflorescences in a liter jar and fill them with vodka or alcohol, cover and put them in a dark place for two weeks to infuse. Strain and the tincture is ready for internal and external use.

Benefit - the main medicinal property is the antibacterial effect of the alcohol tincture. Oral intake is recommended for the treatment of colds and viral infections, stomach diseases, and to increase blood pressure. Externally used for stomatitis, non-healing purulent wounds, chamomile is effective against staphylococci and streptococci for skin diseases (boils and pimples). Used in the form of inhalations, compresses, baths and douches.

Chamomile tea - it is prepared from a tablespoon of flowers and 200 ml. boiling water Cover, leave for 10 minutes, strain and the tea is ready to drink. When brewing, you can add mint leaves, lemon and honey - this will improve the healing properties and taste of the drink. You need to drink freshly prepared tea; when stored, it loses its medicinal properties and acquires a bitter taste.

Chamomile tea: beneficial properties - taking it an hour after meals can improve digestion, remove gas formation and flatulence in the intestines. Drinking tea during the day will relieve headaches, improve appetite, and relax the body. During menopause and menopause, you will feel better and relieve nervousness. In the evening, it is better to take tea with honey, this will help you calm down and speed up the process of falling asleep.

Chamomile infusion – 30 g. Place dried flowers in a thermos and pour 300 ml. boiling water, leave for at least 2 hours. Used for indoor and outdoor use.

Chamomile infusion: benefits - taken orally, you can cure diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, colitis, enteritis, spasms, increased gas formation), symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, and strengthen the immune system. Drink 1/4 cup three times a day. External use will help with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx, hemorrhoids, and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Chamomile essential oil – the inflorescences are placed in a container and poured with hot vegetable oil. Cover and leave in a warm place for about a week. Strain and store in a dark place, as light destroys the healing properties of the oil. Take 2 drops mixed with honey twice a day for a week.

Chamomile oil: application - widely used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. It is included in cosmetics and used in aromatherapy as an antidepressant. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of chamomile oil allow it to be used for colds, stomach and intestinal problems, and increased nervous excitability. Externally used to eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, acne, fungal diseases, to heal the skin from burns and frostbite, to treat a runny nose.

Chamomile for children

Taking chamomile internally is not recommended for up to a year, but then you can take chamomile tea. It has a sedative effect on the child's body, improves appetite and digestion, removes bloating, flatulence, increased gas formation, will help cope with colds and viral infections, rhinitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, and strengthen the immune system. The concentration of tea should be weaker than for adults. Essential oil can only be used from the age of six, as it is highly concentrated and can cause side effects. Before taking medications, you should consult a pediatrician, as an allergy to chamomile is possible. External use is allowed for children from birth. Chamomile for newborns is shown in the form of baths for bathing.

How to brew chamomile for bathing: 200 gr. place the flowers in a container with three liters of water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. Strain and add to bathing water, take a bath for no more than half an hour. Chamomile for babies will help in skin care, it will remove rashes, relieve diaper rash and heat rash.

Chamomile and chamomile together enhance the bactericidal effect and are used for chickenpox (after the rash). For this, an infusion is prepared: 2 tablespoons of the plant are poured into a liter of boiling water, infused, filtered and added to the bath. You need to bathe in chamomile and string for no more than 20 minutes, then pat dry without drying the skin with a towel.

At the pharmacy you can purchase a ready-made preparation for adding to bathing water “Our Mother” - it contains extracts of chamomile, string and yarrow. It has a hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Chamomile for women - medicinal properties and contraindications

Chamomile is indicated for maintaining women's health; it is used for internal and external use. Taking it orally, you can improve the condition of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract, inflammation of the appendages and genitourinary system, gynecological diseases, and relieve nervous conditions during menopause and menopause. Externally used for hygiene and to maintain the beauty and health of skin and hair.

Chamomile in gynecology: used to treat cystitis, thrush, vaginosis, inflammation of the uterus and vagina, erosions. To treat these diseases, the plant is consumed orally, washed with chamomile and douched.

Douching with chamomile at home - for this, prepare a solution of 10 grams. inflorescences and a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and filter. You need to douche at night, with a warm solution, every day for a week.

Chamomile for cystitis - taking sitz baths helps a lot. To prepare them, take 40 grams of dry inflorescences and place them in a container with a liter of water, leave on low heat for 10 minutes, filter and pour into a bath. Chamomile will relieve inflammation and kill pathogenic flora.

Chamomile for thrush - douching is used to treat it at the initial stage. Prepare the infusion: 30 gr. dry chamomile is placed in a container with a liter of water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. Then filter and, when cooled to body temperature, douche with the infusion. To solve this problem, you can use sitz baths; for this, the brewed infusion is added before taking the bath. It should be taken daily until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Harm – chamomile enema and douching are not advisable for women over 40 years of age, since hormonal imbalance decreases the moisture content of the mucous membrane and increases its sensitivity. It is possible to be allergic to chamomile if the components are intolerant to the body.

Chamomile for skin: the plant is suitable for all skin types, dry – nourishes and softens, oily – heals and dries. Cosmetic chamomile is added to shampoos, creams, lipsticks, suntan oils, cosmetics, and anti-cellulite products.

Chamomile for the face - the flowers of the plant whiten the skin and lighten age spots, normalize microcirculation and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, give the skin tone and youth. It is good to wipe your face with chamomile, this relieves the inflammatory process, tones the skin, removes acne and pimples, smoothes out fine wrinkles and improves skin condition.

Chamomile for acne – to get rid of acne and pimples, you need to drink chamomile tea internally (drink a cup of warm tea throughout the day) and wash your face with chamomile.

Chamomile compress - lotions and compresses with an infusion of the plant will help get rid of skin inflammation, swelling and circles under the eyes, relieve skin inflammation and fatigue.

Chamomile ice for the face - prepare frozen cubes in molds from a decoction of the plant. Use cosmetic ice to wipe the skin in the morning to increase tone and microcirculation.

Chamomile for the body - taking baths with a decoction of the plant, you can improve the condition of the skin, relax, relieve nervous tension, get rid of toxins and waste, strengthen the immune system, heal and rejuvenate the skin and the body as a whole.

Chamomile decoction for hair - adding a decoction to water when rinsing your hair normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the head, strengthens the hair follicles, enhances growth, helps get rid of dandruff, adds volume and shine, makes hair healthy and strong.

Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy? You can use chamomile externally during pregnancy. It is not advisable to take it orally or, on the recommendation of a doctor, pregnant women should take less concentrated drinks and no more than 200 ml. per day. Chamomile during pregnancy in the early stages can provoke fetal rejection, and in later stages - premature birth.

During breastfeeding, taking chamomile is also not recommended; an unexpected reaction of the baby to the plant may occur.

Chamomile for men: Chamomile has a positive effect on the male body. It calms the nerves, relieves nervousness and depression, and improves the psycho-emotional state. It is these problems that weaken male potency. By putting the nervous system in order, as well as restoring vital activity, a man can lead a full sex life and increase sexual desire.

Chamomile for prostatitis - to treat this disease, take a chamomile decoction orally 3-4 times a day, half a glass, and make microenemas with chamomile into the rectum (administer 100 ml, after emptying the intestines). It will relieve inflammation and kill pathogenic microflora.

Chamomile for potency - to treat this problem, it is good to use baths with the plant every day for a week before bed. By calming the nervous system, a man will activate sexual desire, relieve inflammation of the genitourinary system, and be cured of prostate and adenoma.

You can drink chamomile to relieve a hangover after drinking too much alcohol; it will cleanse the body and alleviate the condition.

Use of plants in medicine: folk recipes

Chamomile for sore throat – gargling with chamomile is effective; it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. By adding sea salt to the rinsing broth, the treatment will be more effective; you can also add honey and milk (a tablespoon each). This solution will relieve dryness and itching in the throat, and relieve swelling of the vocal cords.

Chamomile for colds - the anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effect of the plant will help get rid of the symptoms of colds and infectious diseases. Taking a decoction or tea with chamomile and honey orally can relieve fever, lower body temperature, and reduce headaches.

For a runny nose, chamomile is used in the nose to treat the symptoms of a runny nose. By rinsing the nasal sinuses with a warm decoction, you can free your breathing and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. It is effective to do inhalations, wrap your head, and breathe in the vapors of the healing decoction. Hot compresses applied to the bridge of the nose help. By doing such procedures several times a day, you can get rid of rhinitis.

Chamomile for cough - to eliminate this symptom, you need to take 30 ml of chamomile decoction orally. during the day, it has an expectorant effect, removes phlegm and mucus, and normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane. Inhalations with chamomile are effective for dry coughs; to do this, you need to inhale the vapors of the decoction brewed in a saucepan, cover your head with a towel, and breathe for 15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

For stomatitis, the phytocompounds contained in the plant kill oral bacteria. It is effective to rinse your teeth with chamomile when they are sick and have gum inflammation.

For hypertension, it is useful to take chamomile tea during arterial surges. Chamomile stabilizes blood pressure, reduces high blood pressure and increases low blood pressure.

Chamomile for pancreatitis - the plant has a choleretic effect and drinking a decoction will help cope with diseases of the liver and bile ducts.

Chamomile for the stomach - by consuming decoction and tea with the plant, you can alleviate the condition of stomach and intestinal diseases. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of chamomile will help reduce stomach pain, relieve intestinal spasms, heal erosions and wounds, normalize digestion, and eliminate fermentation and gas formation in the intestines.

For rheumatism and gout - chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, taking body baths with the addition of a decoction can alleviate the condition of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, reduce pain in joints and muscles, restore mobility and affected tissues. You can drink chamomile to enhance the diuretic and sedative effects and improve your condition faster.

Chamomile for weight loss - the plant activates the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, normalizes metabolism and metabolism. By drinking a cup of chamomile tea a day you can get rid of 3 kg. weight per month unnoticeably and painlessly.

Chamomile for hemorrhoids – microenemas with chamomile are effective for treating this problem. Prepare an infusion with two spoons of flowers and a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes and inject warm into the rectum, which is previously emptied. Taking 1/2 cup of the infusion orally twice a day will speed up the healing process.

Chamomile for diarrhea - the bactericidal property of the plant helps to cope with pathogenic intestinal microflora and, by drinking drinks with chamomile, you can improve your stool and cope with diarrhea.

Chamomile for constipation - taking tea orally can improve bowel function and normalize stool. A chamomile enema will enhance the healing effect.

Is it possible to wash your eyes with chamomile?

Chamomile for the eyes helps cope with viral and pathogenic infections, relieve inflammation and pain. To do this, you need to wash your eyes with infusion every three hours. A compress with chamomile infusion will help; to do this, place a moistened cotton pad on the area of ​​sore eyes. By making lotions, you can relieve swelling and remove circles and bags under the eyes.

Finished medicinal products

Chamomile flowers are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, and teas. Release form: packs of 50 g. costing about 70 rubles.

Herbal tea – chamomile in bags is used for brewing. The drink tones, stimulates the immune system, and calms. The cost of a package with 20 sachets is 60 rubles.

Kartalin - contains chamomile extract, string and grease. Helps with skin diseases, effective for psoriasis. Available in the form of an ointment, 100 ml tube. costs about 830 rubles.

Rotokan is a liquid extract based on ethyl alcohol for gargling. Contains chamomile, calendula, yarrow, and has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Bottle with 50 ml. costs 55 – 65 rubles.

Gastrofit balm – contains chamomile, yarrow, calendula, buckthorn bark and fennel oil. Used for biliary dyskinesia, atonic constipation, increased flatulence. Cost 250 ml. about 100 rubles.

Cycaderma - yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile are included in this ointment. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic for frostbite, burns, insect bites and non-healing wounds. Price per tube of 30 g. – about 310 rubles.

Chamomile suppositories - there is a wide range of suppositories, they are used for the treatment of gynecological diseases, genitourinary infections, hemorrhoids, colitis, cystitis, ulcers, gastritis, etc. The average cost of a package of 10 pieces is 160 rubles.

Aqualife – contains chamomile, yarrow and string. Available in the form of effervescent tablets that are dissolved in the bath. Chamomile for bathing is used as a bactericidal and soothing agent, yarrow kills germs, relieves inflammation and irritation. The series has an antimicrobial and soothing effect on the skin. The price of a package with 10 pieces is from 180 rubles.

The use of chamomile in herbal preparations

Chamomile, sage – inhalations with chamomile and sage are effective in treating coughs, sore throats, colds and viral infections. Sage has a bactericidal effect and enhances the healing properties of chamomile.

Chamomile, linden - this herbal collection helps to cope well with the symptoms of a cold, has an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, relieves pain and high body temperature. By adding honey to the drink, its medicinal properties are enhanced.

Chamomile, oak bark - it is good to gargle with a warm decoction of these plants. Oak bark increases the effectiveness of the bactericidal effect of chamomile and enhances the healing effect for sore throat and pharyngitis.

Chamomile with mint – adding mint to chamomile tea enhances its therapeutic effects in the fight against colds. The calming properties of mint help you relax and speed up the process of falling asleep.

Motherwort, chamomile - the mixture is used to brew tea (in proportions 2:3), take half a glass in the morning and evening. The herbal collection has a calming, sedative and bactericidal effect.

Mint, St. John's wort, chamomile - a herbal mixture is used for weight loss, it cleanses the body and reduces appetite. Recipe for preparing the drink: take equal amounts of sweet clover, chamomile, mint, St. John's wort and brew tea from a mixture of plants (1 tablespoon per glass of water), infuse and filter. You can drink the decoction warm during the day.

Chamomile, celandine - used to cleanse the skin of acne and pimples. To do this, you need to take 4 tablespoons of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, sweet clover, 2 tbsp. spoons of celandine and horsetail. Mix everything and 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over spoons of the mixture, leave in a thermos for 3 hours, strain and drink throughout the day. Can be used externally in the form of compresses and baths.

Chamomile, wormwood - included in the general strengthening collection. To prepare it, take 3 tbsp. spoons of wormwood and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile and yarrow. Stir and 15 g. pour 200 ml of the mixture. boiling water, infuse and take a tablespoon 3 times a day. The decoction normalizes metabolism, blood pressure, and improves immunity.

Chamomile with lemon – chamomile tea with the addition of lemon will boost immunity, restore physical and mental abilities, improve mood in case of depression during menopause and in the off-season period.

Dill, chamomile, anise - take plants in equal proportions (dill is used by seeds), the mixture is mixed and 3 tablespoons are poured into a liter of vodka. Infuse for about a month, strain and consume a tablespoon twice a day. Increases immunity, helps cope with colds and viral infections, improves intestinal function, and reduces increased gas formation.

Birch buds, immortelle, chamomile - take everything in equal quantities, add the same amount of St. John's wort and brew a tablespoon of the mixture to 200 ml. boiling water Infuse, strain and take half a glass 2 times a day with a teaspoon of honey. Used to improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines and liver, to normalize metabolism.

A collection of chamomile, St. John's wort, and immortelle is used to cleanse blood vessels of fatty and calcareous deposits, which prevents heart attack, sclerosis, hypertension, eliminates noise in the head, dizziness, and restores vision.

Plantain, chamomile and calendula - herbs taken in equal quantities are mixed and a tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 200 ml. water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes, filter. Add a dessert spoon of glycerin to the cooled broth. Used for hand skin care baths.

Clover, chamomile - herbal collection is used to treat trichomoniasis. To do this, take 4 tbsp. spoons of violet, 3 tbsp. spoons of chamomile, dried cucumber and calendula, 2 tbsp. spoons of tansy, 1 tbsp. spoon of clover. Mix everything and 15 gr. pour half a liter of boiling water over the mixture and leave. Strain and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Rosehip and chamomile - included in the decoction recipe to cleanse the liver and bile ducts. Take a tablespoon of milk thistle, chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort, mint and hop seeds, pour boiling water over it and leave in a thermos. Drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day.

Nettle, chamomile - adding nettle to a decoction for rinsing hair can enhance the healing effect of the procedure. Nettle has a beneficial effect on hair health, making it strong, voluminous and beautiful.

Chamomile and bay leaf - a decoction of plants is used to rinse hair. It helps improve blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens hair roots and stimulates their growth.

Chamomile has long been revered by our ancestors. After all, it not only contained a symbol of beauty and love, it also perfectly helped our great-grandfathers overcome many ailments. Thus, to this day, the medicinal properties of chamomile have not lost any of their popularity among doctors. The plant is actively used both in folk medicine and in traditional medical practice.

A little about healing

Medieval healers and modern doctors have proven that chamomile, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been carefully studied more than once, is truly effective for many health problems.

And here are the effects it has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • sedative;
  • antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • hemostatic.

The herb chamomile, whose medicinal properties are simply limitless, is an excellent help in cases of colitis, gastritis, gastric ulcers and similar lesions of the duodenum. The plant can have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Patients with similar disorders, taking chamomile infusions, noted an improvement in metabolism, and their belching disappeared. This flower is considered an excellent antiseptic and wound healing agent. And using it in combination with calendula and yarrow eliminates inflammatory processes. Chamomile infusion perfectly dilates blood vessels and increases blood clotting.

The healing properties of chamomile make it possible to use it in case of flatulence. It should also be noted that tea with honey and the described herb effectively helps fight insomnia. The specified remedy is also recommended for use for migraines. This tea will easily bring the nervous system into proper condition.

Chamomile often acts as a medicine to help cope with sore throat. In addition to the above, the flower serves as an excellent means of preventing female diseases. It (remedies from it) is able to dull pain during menstruation, and also has a positive effect in the treatment of fungal and sexually transmitted infections. Chamomile infusion is used during the treatment of cholelithiasis, using the product together with cream. When mixing vegetable (olive) oil with pureed flowers, a good mixture is obtained for the treatment of rheumatism and damaged joints.


Chamomile is widely used in pharmaceuticals. The medicinal properties, appreciated, are contained in many excellent medicines.

  1. The product "Rekutan" performs wound healing and anti-inflammatory functions. Used for colpitis and other gynecological diseases.
  2. The drug "Rotokan" is actively used by dentists to dull pain.
  3. Liniment "Ayurom" serves as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for local use, helps to actively fight radiculitis, arthritis and bedsores.
  4. The product "Romazulon" is used in a variety of situations: for washing and rinsing, as compresses in case of cystitis, otitis, colitis, gastritis.

The essential oil of the plant is considered a very effective bactericidal drug. That is why this remedy is often used to treat colds. It perfectly relieves inflammation of the respiratory canals and also relieves cough. In case of skin disease, the oil is used externally.

Excellent results are also observed in getting rid of herpes, psoriasis, acne and burns. As a lotion and rinse, this is the most effective remedy for periodontal disease.

The use of chamomile in folk healing

Note that various infusions are prepared from the flowers of this plant, as well as products for internal and external use. Numerous traditional medicine recipes that use chamomile, the medicinal properties of which have been revered since ancient times, have survived to this day.

  • Infusion. Let's try to prepare such a medicine together. To do this, you will need to pour 1 liter of water into an enamel container and add 10 g of dried chamomile to it. The pan must be covered with a lid. Let the mixture boil over the fire for 20 minutes. After this, the broth is infused for about 40 minutes. It is recommended to take the resulting product 100 g daily up to five times.
  • Decoction. You need to fill the pan with one liter of liquid, adding 20 g of flowers to it. The broth should be simmered over low heat and left for about 30 minutes. A similar medicine is used for rinsing, in case of burns, leg ulcers and wounds, and as a lotion.
  • Chamomile oil is prepared as follows: pour the dried flowers of the plant into a liter container (only 4 parts), fill them with vegetable oil, and close tightly. Place the prepared composition in a warm place for about 10 days. After which the product must be filtered. The finished medicine can be stored in the refrigerator for a year. It is recommended to use this product by mixing it with regular vegetable oil (proportion 1:10).
  • Chamomile tea. It should be used immediately before bedtime, adding a little honey to the drink. This helps to cope with insomnia and normalize the nervous system. To prepare the above infusion, you will need to pour a spoonful of chamomile with a glass of hot water. The product should be wrapped and left for 30 minutes. After which the tea is filtered.


For such ailments, people gladly use chamomile flowers. The medicinal properties of the described plant are quite numerous. Therefore, they allow you to use chamomile both externally and internally. In the first case, compresses are applied and lotions are made. The second option involves rinsing and drinking.

So, hot steam from infused chamomile helps a lot with the flu, and gargling with a sore throat. When falling asleep, the patient should drink a strengthening tea made from the above-mentioned flowers, sugar and cream. This tool will help make the patient’s rest more effective. For cramps and migraines, the powder obtained from dried inflorescences (2-3 grams every few hours) helps.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

As you know, medicinal chamomile, whose beneficial properties are not limited to fighting colds, also helps with a number of other ailments. It can have a good effect in case of peptic ulcers, gastritis, as well as stomach cramps. By regularly taking this remedy, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, you will need to brew some dried flowers of this plant (1 tablespoon) in 200 ml of boiling water. The broth must be filtered and taken several times a day, a quarter glass 10 minutes before meals. In addition, you can try another remedy: pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The strained product is taken several times a day, 2-3 tablespoons.

A truly unique plant is chamomile.

Medicinal properties in gynecology

The healing properties of the flower are actively used not only in folk treatment, but also in traditional medicine. Today, botanists have studied quite a large number of varieties of this plant, but in medical practice they are still accustomed to turning to the help of pharmaceutical chamomile. The described flower did not bypass gynecology either. Here they treat many women's diseases.

The main thing that specialists pay attention to is the excellent antiseptic properties of the flower. Chamomile often helps women suffering from inflammation of the reproductive organs to cope with their problems. The plant can effectively fight streptococci, fungi and other viruses. The most common procedure in this area of ​​medicine is douching with chamomile decoction. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of this remedy is very high, and it has practically no side effects.

Rheumatism and gout

A bath filled with chamomile decoction is considered an excellent remedy in the fight against joint diseases. For this procedure you will need 8 tablespoons (tablespoons) of dried plant, infused in 1 liter of boiled water. After soaking for 2 hours and straining, this product will need to be poured into an already filled bath. It is recommended to perform a similar procedure immediately before bedtime, immersing yourself in a healing decoction for 15 minutes.

In concentrated form, a similar product can be used as a lotion - applied to the affected areas. In this case, it is necessary to use cotton wool and gauze swabs. Moistened and wrapped in cellophane film and a terry towel, these compresses are applied to the joint for 1.5-2 hours. After the specified procedure, the sore spot is rubbed with alcohol.

Application in cosmetology

Don’t miss the fact that chamomile flowers are often used in cosmetology. The healing properties help not only strengthen the human body, but also have a beneficial effect on the delicate skin. Thus, thanks to chamomile, you can disinfect and cleanse the pores on your face, and also achieve impressive results in the treatment of acne.

For such purposes, it is recommended to prepare the following remedy: pour a cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried flowers and leave the infusion in a cool, dark place for several hours. Then the resulting liquid must be filtered and proceed directly to its use, wiping problem areas of the skin with moistened swabs several times a day. We also note that adding 1 small spoon of alcohol to the specified product will create a lotion. With its help you can combat the problem of oily skin.

Chamomile in pediatrics

Since the flower has a very wide scope of application, it is actively used in the treatment of childhood diseases. Also, the above-mentioned plant has analgesic, soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. Tea infused with chamomile flowers perfectly copes with the problem of painful growth of baby teeth in children. Rubbing the eyes helps with conjunctivitis. Plants such as chamomile are widely used and have medicinal properties for children. A decoction of the herb actively helps with gastric lavage.

Chamomile tea, decoction and infusion are used in courses. Each prophylactic cycle lasts 7-10 days. After this there is a break. If necessary, the procedures are repeated in the same order. It is also not recommended to use such products on a daily basis, since the body may gradually get used to them and will no longer accept the healing properties of chamomile.

Contraindications for use

However, along with beneficial properties, the plant also has side effects. Therefore, if you are interested in chamomile, the medicinal properties and contraindications should be carefully studied. For example, the plant often causes allergic reactions in some people. Excessive consumption of infusions and teas from the above-mentioned herb provokes headaches, cough, hoarseness, depression and fatigue.

You should not be treated with chamomile if you have any mental disorders, especially with complicated schizophrenia. The sedative effect of color can negatively affect the emotional state of an unhealthy person. It is not recommended to use the plant during pregnancy. Here, certain advice can only be obtained in a doctor's office.


Agree, chamomile is a flower pleasing to the eye. Seemingly a simple plant at first glance, it contains a bit of aesthetics and considerable healing power. A bouquet stylized with this color can give others tenderness and admiration. Many people respect the medicinal properties of chamomile, and therefore actively plant these flowers in their front gardens or collect them in forest clearings.

For external use, and the alcohol tincture has very limited applicability precisely because of the presence of alcohol in its composition, the decoction is used both internally and externally, both in adults and in children. Of course, it has certain restrictions, but there are not so many of them. At the same time, chamomile decoction really helps with a variety of diseases precisely due to the very wide spectrum of chamomile activity.

The raw material for preparing chamomile decoction is dried flowers with peduncles.

At the same time, chamomile decoction is often used without reason for diseases and syndromes for which it is not able to help. This use of this remedy is not only useless, but can also be harmful, since chamomile can cause some side effects.

Let's look at what diseases people most often try to use chamomile decoction for, and figure out what it helps with, when it is really useful, and when its use does not make sense and if it works, it is only in placebo mode.

Does chamomile decoction help with ARVI, including influenza?

For influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, a decoction of chamomile is useful for easing sore throats and easing the symptoms of a runny nose. For this purpose it is used only topically:

  • For sore throat, gargle with chamomile decoction. These procedures help to reduce inflammation and sore throat and resolve it more quickly. They do not give an immediate result, but when compared with treatment without such rinses, they can reduce the duration of the pain syndrome by 1-2 days and generally alleviate the patient’s condition;
  • To relieve a runny nose, rinse your nose with the decoction. This allows you to wash out some of the mucus and facilitate its flow out naturally, helps to moisturize the surface of the inflamed mucous membrane and reduce inflammation. In some cases, with proper rinsing, a patient with ARVI does not have to drip vasoconstrictors into the nose;
  • To reduce inflammation in the upper parts of the respiratory tract, inhalations with chamomile decoction are performed. However, there is no particular point in them, since, in fact, the components of chamomile do not penetrate deeper than the nasopharynx, and it is easier to introduce them here, either by simply dripping the decoction into the nose (for small children), or by rinsing it (for adults). Doing inhalation with chamomile decoction using a compressor, ultrasonic inhaler, or nebulizer is strictly prohibited by the instructions for using these devices.

Such inhalations must be carried out with great caution due to the risk of scalding and because they are contraindicated for bacterial infections.

At the same time, for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, there is no point in drinking chamomile decoction. When it enters the digestive tract, it does not cause any effect that may be useful for acute respiratory viral infections. However, it is known that chamomile can cause diarrhea, a very common disorder associated with certain types of viral infections. In particular, with rotavirus infection, it is diarrhea that is the most terrible syndrome, which kills a large number of children around the world every year. Risking its development for the sake of taking chamomile is completely pointless.

A rotavirus virion that can cause an infection that will manifest itself first as digestive upset and then as respiratory syndrome.

There is an opinion that chamomile infusion can help reduce fever. This assumption has not been confirmed by anything; such properties of chamomile are not indicated in pharmacopoeias. To some extent, simply drinking liquid contributes to the normal regulation of temperature in the heat, but both regular tea and clean water can cope with this task equally. There is no point in force-feeding a chamomile decoction that is not the most pleasant to the taste.

Using a decoction for prostatitis

Theoretically, chamomile tea can reduce inflammation of the prostate gland. This use is practically the only specific indication for taking chamomile decoction for men. The likelihood of such an effect is greater if enemas with chamomile and parallel massage of the prostate are performed for this purpose; the same result is less likely if chamomile is simply ingested for this purpose.

There is practically no information about the effectiveness of treating prostatitis (even symptomatic) with chamomile decoction.

At the same time, taking chamomile decoction does not affect prostatitis itself and its course. It is impossible to completely cure the disease with this remedy alone - it only helps to weaken the symptoms. There is no evidence base for the treatment of prostatitis with chamomile. Therefore, the drug can be used for this disease only in parallel with the main treatment and only as directed by a doctor.

When vomiting

For nausea and vomiting, taking chamomile infusion is not recommended. By itself, it has an unpleasant taste and in large quantities can provoke a gag reflex, so it will definitely not improve the patient’s condition.

Does chamomile infusion help with heartburn and can it be used for GERD?

Chamomile infusion does not help with heartburn. There is no known mechanism by which chamomile could influence the activity of the lower esophageal sphincter or gastric acidity.

At the same time, to some extent, chamomile decoction, when taken orally, normalizes the functioning of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, due to which the general condition of a patient with gastroesophageal reflux disease can be alleviated. Heartburn will not go away completely, but the severity of GERD symptoms may decrease.

Inflammation of the female genital organs

The use of chamomile for vulvitis, vaginitis, endocervicitis, genital herpes and other diseases of the female genital organs is very widespread. As a rule, for this purpose, douching or washing is carried out with chamomile decoction.

Statistics show that for such diseases, chamomile decoction has virtually no effect on the course of the disease or on the general condition of the woman. Moreover, douching with it can contribute to the introduction of infection from the vagina into the uterus and subsequent inflammation of the uterus. At the same time, douching itself increases the risk of injury to the vaginal epithelium, disrupts the microbiological background here and is one of the risk factors for the development of cancer pathologies.

For cystitis and various gynecological diseases, chamomile can only be used internally, and douching is strictly not recommended.

To some extent, symptomatic treatment of female diseases, including those associated with inflammation and accompanied by itching and pain in intimate places, is possible. If itching develops specifically on the external genitalia, washing them with chamomile decoction can reduce the severity of the sensations and generally improve the patient’s condition. In these cases, the decoction is really useful. However, it is impossible to completely cure any such disease with the help of chamomile, and therefore its decoction is used only as a means for symptomatic therapy.

It is absolutely clear that chamomile decoction will not help with diseases associated with various neoplasms. For example, it makes no sense to take it for ovarian cysts, cervical dysplasia and various benign formations - chamomile does not affect their growth in any way.

For the same reason, chamomile does not help with mastopathy, which is also associated with the appearance of cysts, but not in the genitals, but in the mammary glands.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by abdominal pain and caused by inflammation, ulcers or muscle spasms, are the main indications for the use of chamomile infusion.

For example, WHO indicates the symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and digestive disorders as the main indication for the use of chamomile decoction orally or in the form of enemas, the feasibility of which has been confirmed by special studies.

Degenerated epithelium of the gastric mucosa during gastritis - when taking chamomile, its regeneration and restoration of mucosal function are accelerated.

So, chamomile is used for:

  • Gastritis (including with ulcer);
  • Colitis, including its nonspecific ulcerative form (UC);
  • Enterite;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Bloating;
  • Flatulence.

For these diseases, taking the decoction helps relieve abdominal pain, remove gases, normalize muscle contractions and eliminate spasms, and cleanse the intestines. It is taken as an adjuvant in the complex therapy of a particular disease.

As a rule, for gastritis, bloating, and dyspepsia, the decoction is taken orally; for colitis, enemas are done with it.

Chamomile decoction for gout

For gout, chamomile infusion is practically useless. There is no reason to believe that foot baths with it, lotions or oral use could affect the deposition of salts in gout or in any way reduce the severity of its attacks.

It is unlikely that such manifestations can be weakened or completely eliminated with the help of chamomile.


The advisability of taking chamomile decoction for cholelithiasis is a subject of debate.

On the one hand, chamomile is known to cause a slight choleretic effect. On the other hand, taking chamomile does not have a pronounced effect on the course and symptoms of gallstone disease. There are no known cases where the use of this remedy would significantly improve the patient’s condition or contribute to the dissolution of stones in the gall bladder.

Gallstone disease is one of the indications for taking chamomile in folk medicine, although in fact there is no evidence of the effectiveness of chamomile decoction for it.

In any case, today it is reliably known that sandy immortelle is many times superior to chamomile in its choleretic effect and benefits for cholelithiasis. Taking chamomile infusion for this disease cannot be considered advisable.

Does chamomile help with late periods?

It is reliably known that chamomile can stimulate the activity of the uterine muscles. Due to this, its decoction is often drunk to speed up the onset of menstruation, especially when it is delayed.

However, this property must be used very carefully. In some cases, a delay in the onset of menstruation can be caused by pregnancy, and stimulation of the uterus with chamomile can lead to miscarriage. Sometimes women even confuse the miscarriage itself too early with heavy periods. Therefore, when taking chamomile decoction to speed up the onset of menstruation, a woman needs to make sure in advance that she is not pregnant.

The effect of decoction on the condition of a woman during menopause

If menopause is severe, a woman may really need a chamomile decoction. Providing a mild sedative, calming, relaxing effect, it helps to reduce the symptoms of “hot flashes” - headaches, pressure surges, emotional outbursts.

The photo shows the same decoction that you can drink 1-2 times a day instead of tea:

At the same time, the effect of chamomile on the nervous system is not as pronounced as, for example, St. John's wort, and therefore, when deciding whether to take traditional medicine, a woman or her doctor must assess the severity and severity of symptoms in order to correctly choose a more appropriate drug.

The benefits of chamomile decoction in cosmetology

Chamomile is widely used in both clinical and aesthetic cosmetology.

In particular, its decoction has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect against acne, excessive sweating, and the appearance of characteristic black spots on the skin. To combat these problems, masks and lotions with chamomile are used.

For example, in the photo there is a typical problem of “blackheads”, which can be partly solved through the regular use of lotions and washes with chamomile:

Chamomile decoction is also used to wash hair - it provides a slight yellowish coloration. There is also a known recipe for a remedy made from egg yolk, honey, almond oil and chamomile decoction, in which a lotion is moistened and applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. After this procedure, the skin becomes matte and smoother.

At the same time, with swelling on the face or different parts of the body, chamomile decoction practically does not help. Some diuretic effect of chamomile is supposed, but it is weakly expressed and in practice, chamomile decoction does not allow you to get rid of edema or even reduce its severity.

Dermatological diseases

The anti-inflammatory activity of chamomile is widely used in the treatment of various skin diseases. Among them:

  1. Dermatitis;
  2. Eczema;
  3. Cuperosis of various etiologies;
  4. Rosacea;
  5. Burns;
  6. Allergic rashes.

The main ability of chamomile used in such syndromes is anti-inflammatory, allowing to reduce the severity and pain of the rash.

With them, lotions or simple rubbing with chamomile on inflamed or damaged areas of the skin helps to reduce inflammation and its manifestations, as well as faster regeneration of damaged tissues. The decoction is also useful for reducing the severity of itching.

On a note

When treating allergic rashes with chamomile decoction, great care must be taken. Chamomile itself can cause allergies or intensify an already developed reaction. Therefore, you can lubricate rashes with its decoction from small areas and apply small amounts of the product. If the decoction does not aggravate the allergy, you can gradually increase the intensity of treating the rash with it.

To some extent, chamomile decoction helps to reduce the manifestations of diathesis if it is prescribed to children for external use. In this case, the product allows you to reduce the severity of hyperemia and inflammation of the skin.

Chamomile decoction for toxicosis

For various poisonings, chamomile infusion is of little use. It does not neutralize toxins, does not accelerate their elimination from the body, and therefore its use does not provide any pronounced effects.

It is very important to use chamomile to treat diseases of the digestive tract, and not randomly collected herbs of little use that are similar to it - nivaria, pyrethrum and others.

At the same time, it cannot be used in case of toxicosis in a pregnant woman because it is contraindicated during gestation.


Insomnia, various stresses, anxiety, and anxiety are typical indications for taking chamomile infusion orally. In these diseases, chamomile has a pronounced calming, relaxing effect, helps normalize the patient’s emotional state and improves the quality of sleep.

For insomnia, this decoction should be drunk 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

Patients suffering from insomnia, when regularly taking chamomile infusion, report easier sleep and a gradual abandonment of pharmaceutical sleeping pills. Moreover, in some cases, when used correctly, chamomile infusion is more useful than strong pharmaceuticals.

Benefits of chamomile for bronchitis and pneumonia

For bronchitis and pneumonia, chamomile infusion practically does not help. This is due to the fact that steam inhalations with it do not allow treating the area of ​​inflammation - the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli, since the components of chamomile settle in the upper respiratory tract. And when taken orally, the effect of the active substances from chamomile on the bronchi is either completely absent or very insignificant.

Chest X-ray for bronchitis - here it is almost impossible to deliver chamomile to the site of inflammation.

In inhalers and nebulizers, which allow the delivery of a working solution to the lower respiratory tract, the use of chamomile decoction is prohibited.

However, there are numerous reviews that steam inhalations with chamomile helped a patient with bronchitis. This is easy to explain: the vast majority of bronchitis is viral in nature and does not require the use of special means at all. With them, even without treatment, the disease will go away on its own, but patients or parents of sick children who used inhalers are convinced that it was such diligent treatment that ensured normal recovery.

Sinusitis and other inflammations of the sinuses

For sinusitis and other sinusitis, chamomile decoction is sometimes prescribed for rinsing the sinuses at home. However, such washing is a very complex and rather unpleasant procedure, and its complexity significantly exceeds the possible therapeutic effect. Chamomile can neither cure sinusitis nor eliminate its cause, and all that can be achieved by using it is a slight reduction in the amount of mucus secreted, easing inflammation and pain in the head. Such effects do not in any way compensate for the difficulties in properly performing sinus rinses, and therefore it is better to avoid such procedures.

X-ray for sinusitis - here it is also difficult to treat areas of inflammation with chamomile decoction.

Taking chamomile orally does not help with inflammation of the sinuses.

Hypertension and hypotension

The ability of chamomile to influence blood pressure is not known. Therefore, for hypertension and hypotension, its decoction is not used as a medicine, and there is no mention of such use in any literary source.


Chamomile decoction is widely used in folk medicine to treat vaginal candidiasis (thrush) and fungal infections of the mouth or throat.

At the same time, special studies have shown that pharmaceutical chamomile has virtually no effect on fungal infections. Its use in patients with candidiasis gave a result identical to the result when using a placebo, and therefore no mention of the antifungal activity of chamomile is found in modern sources.

It is almost impossible to eliminate such fungal infections with chamomile.

At the same time, many women actively use chamomile decoction for douching for thrush. As we have already found out, such procedures are very dangerous, but due to the lack of antifungal activity in chamomile, they do not help cure this disease and do not even have a symptomatic effect.

As a result, it makes no sense to use chamomile for this disease.

Likewise, chamomile decoction does not help when trying to treat nail fungus with it, when special baths with this remedy are prepared for the feet or hands. Such procedures only have a distracting effect.

Chamomile decoction for kidney diseases

It is believed that chamomile decoction helps to reduce various inflammations in the organs of the urinary system. There is also experimental evidence of this: when taking chamomile preparations orally, patients experienced a significant reduction in the severity of symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract. For this reason, chamomile is used in the complex treatment of pyelonephritis, urethritis, glomerulonephritis and even chronic renal failure, not only in folk but also in traditional medicine.

It is interesting that chamomile does not actually have diuretic activity and the effect of using its decoction will be the same as the effect of drinking clean water.

However, it is dangerous to rely only on chamomile infusion for kidney pain, especially for constant pain. By itself, it will not cure either acute inflammation or chronic disease, including chronic renal failure, and therefore chamomile can only be used for kidney disease with parallel complex therapy.

Inflammation of the pharynx and throat

Another widespread use of chamomile is as a gargle for sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, abscesses, pharyngitis or laryngitis. During these procedures, chamomile provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic effect and helps to moisturize inflamed tissues and cleanse them of pus.

With such obvious tonsillitis, gargling with chamomile decoction will help relieve pain and inflammation.

In most cases, with proper rinsing, chamomile decoction helps to shorten the duration of the pain syndrome by several days, and in the acute phase of the disease, reduce the severity of sore throat.

For the same purposes, chamomile is used to gargle for various dental diseases - caries, stomatitis, gumboil, periodontitis. The effect of these procedures is similar to gargling: the patient’s pain subsides, the severity and duration of inflammation somewhat decreases.

Finally, chamomile is used in folk medicine for many other diseases and syndromes: hangover, migraine, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, hemorrhoids, scrofula and malaria. It is difficult to even say under what condition chamomile infusion should not be used. However, in most such cases, its use turns out to be ineffective and is intended to a greater extent to convince the patient that he is being treated and will certainly recover. Indeed, the effectiveness of chamomile has been confirmed only for the above diseases.

Interesting video: typical ideas about the benefits of chamomile in folk medicine


Medicinal (or pharmaceutical) chamomile has long been valued for its healing properties. To this day, this plant is widely used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

Let's look at the composition, medicinal properties and uses of this plant, and also give recipes based on it that will help in the fight against various diseases.

Composition of chamomile

The maximum content of useful substances and compounds is concentrated in chamomile flowers. Such substances include:

  • Vitamins B and C.
  • Hamazulene.
  • Carotenes.
  • Bioflavonoids.
  • Coumarins.
  • Organic acids.
  • Polysaccharides.
  • Phytosterol.
  • Essential oils.
  • Gum.
  • Bitterness.
  • Tannins.
  • Slime.

Such a rich composition of chamomile also determines a wide range of its therapeutic effects on the body.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Laxative.
  • Carminative.
  • Choleretic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Antipruritic.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Tonic.
  • Vasodilator.
  • Sedative.
  • Antihistamine.
  • Anticonvulsant.

And these are not all the beneficial properties of chamomile. But first things first.

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Chamomile for colds

Chamomile-based preparations help speed up the healing process for a cold.

Chamomile decoction is taken orally to enhance mucus removal from the lungs and bronchi.

Preparation of chamomile decoction:

  • 3 tbsp. dry flowers pour 1 liter of cold water.
  • Bring the product to a boil, then keep it on low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Let the broth brew for another 30 minutes in a closed container.
  • Cool the broth to room temperature and strain.
  • Dilute the product with 100 ml of boiled water.
  • Drink the decoction three times a day for 3 to 5 days.

Chamomile tea promotes sweating, which in combination with antipyretic drugs helps normalize body temperature during ARVI and influenza.

To make tea, you can use bagged chamomile tea, which is sold at any pharmacy. One bag of this tea is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. If desired, honey and 20 ml of milk can be added to slightly cooled tea to enhance the healing effect. It is recommended to drink chamomile tea three times a day.

Chamomile infusion for rinsing will help relieve pain and inflammation in the throat with tonsillitis.

To prepare the infusion, 2 tsp. chamomile inflorescences, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave the product for 20 minutes, then filter. It is recommended to gargle with warm chamomile infusion at least three times a day.

In addition, chamomile is used for moisturizing and warming inhalations.

For inhalation procedures, prepare the following chamomile infusion:

  • 2 tbsp. dry chamomile pour a glass of boiling water.
  • The product is infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered and diluted with a liter of boiling water.
  • The infusion, cooled to a comfortable temperature, is used for 20-minute inhalations, provided that the body temperature is within normal limits!

It is necessary to take into account the fact that chamomile decoctions and infusions retain their beneficial properties throughout the day. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare products based on this plant daily!

Chamomile for sore throat

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile can be used in the treatment of not only colds, but also sore throats, both catarrhal and follicular.

In this case, rinsing with a warm infusion of chamomile and sea salt is recommended. How to prepare such a remedy? Easily!

  • Take a tablespoon of chamomile and salt.
  • Pour the ingredients with 300 ml of boiling water.
  • Let the solution sit for 30 minutes and strain.
  • We gargle with the solution 4 – 5 times a day until the pain disappears.

Chamomile for a runny nose

Chamomile infusion for rinsing cleanses the nasal cavity, helps normalize the functioning of the mucous membrane, disinfects and relieves swelling, therefore it is used for a runny nose of any etiology, including allergic rhinitis.

To rinse the nose, you can prepare an infusion of chamomile, or you can use pharmacy packaged chamomile in the form of tea, which is brewed for 15 - 20 minutes.

The main conditions for using chamomile infusion for rinsing the nose:

  • the solution should not contain small plant particles that can damage the nasal mucosa;
  • the solution should be at room temperature.

The procedure for rinsing the nose is simple:

  • We collect the chamomile infusion into a rubber bulb-syringe or a 20 cc syringe without a needle.
  • We tilt our head slightly to the side.
  • Carefully pour the chamomile infusion first into one nostril (the entire syringe), and then into the other.
  • If the procedure is carried out correctly, the solution being poured will flow out through the second nostril.

Avoid strong pressure of the supplied liquid, which will help prevent the development of inflammation due to water entering the middle ear.

Chamomile for the oral cavity

Chamomile decoction effectively fights gum inflammation, gumboils, and ulcers in the oral cavity and toothache, especially in combination with sage.

Decoction for mouth rinse:

  • 2 tbsp. mix chamomile inflorescences with 1 tbsp. sage
  • Pour the resulting mixture with a glass of water.
  • Place the product on the stove and boil it over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  • Next, leave for 20 minutes and strain.
  • We rinse our mouth with a warm solution (you can just keep it in your mouth for 1 - 2 minutes).
  • The procedure is carried out every half hour.

Chamomile for eyes

Infusions and decoctions containing chamomile, will help relieve redness and inflammation of the eyelids. This plant has proven itself to be excellent in the fight against conjunctivitis, as it has a bactericidal effect and eliminates purulent discharge from the eyes.

  • 2 tbsp. chamomile, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Place the product in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the broth from the heat and leave it for an hour.
  • We filter.
  • We bring the product to its original volume by adding boiled water.
  • Every 2–3 hours, apply gauze or cotton swabs soaked in warm chamomile decoction to the eyes.
  • Read also: Tea for insomnia: 6 effective “antidote” options

Chamomile for the gastrointestinal tract

The effect of chamomile on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  • Neutralization of microbes, which are the main causative agents of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Reducing gas formation.
  • Activation of digestion.
  • Normalization of gastric secretion.
  • Elimination of swelling of the mucous membrane, colic and spasmodic pain in the digestive organs.
  • Improved bowel movements.
  • Normalization of intestinal microflora.
  • Increased appetite.

For medicinal purposes, chamomile is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and increased acidity of gastric juice.

In the initial stages of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to drink two glasses of chamomile tea per day.

When treating gastritis, chamomile infusion is useful, which is best prepared in the evening:

  • 1 tbsp. pour dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
  • We leave the product overnight.
  • In the morning, strain the infusion and heat it up a little.
  • Divide the resulting volume into two servings, drinking each of them half an hour before meals.
  • After you drink the decoction, it is advisable to lie on your side for 5–10 minutes.
  • It is recommended to take the infusion for two months.

For peptic ulcers, the infusion is recommended to be consumed for at least 5 months.

Chamomile for the liver and gallbladder

Chamomile decoction increases bile secretion, therefore recommended for pathologies of the gallbladder, liver and biliary tract.

Besides, chamomile-based products have a diuretic and antispasmodic effect, due to which they are used for diseases of the bladder, kidneys and urinary tract.

Chamomile can be taken both as an independent remedy and as part of herbal preparations.

To stimulate the secretion of bile, relieve inflammation, eliminate flatulence and cramps, you can prepare a collection that includes chamomile, wormwood, yarrow, mint and cumin.

  • All herbs are taken in equal quantities - 1 tsp.
  • Pour the herbal mixture into 500 ml of purified water and leave to infuse for 12 hours in a dark place.
  • Next, boil the product for 2 - 3 minutes, after which we remove the broth from the heat and strain.
  • Take 100 ml one hour after meals three times a day.

Chamomile in gynecology

Due to its disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile is used in gynecological practice in the treatment of cystitis, thrush, cervical erosion and vaginosis.

To prepare chamomile solution for douching, you need 1 tsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the flowers of the plant. The product is infused for half an hour and filtered. Vaginal douching is performed daily before bed for a week. The temperature of the douching solution should be 37 - 38C.

There are contraindications to douching:

  • age after 40 years due to age-related decrease in moisture in the vaginal mucosa (douching can further aggravate the situation);
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute period;
  • the first month after delivery;
  • recovery period after gynecological interventions or spontaneous abortion.

In the treatment of cervical erosion It is recommended to use tampons soaked in chamomile infusion used for douching. A tampon soaked in a warm solution is inserted into the vagina overnight. However, if a woman experiences discomfort during this procedure, it is recommended to remove the tampon 1 to 2 hours after its insertion.

Contraindications to the use of tampons soaked in chamomile infusion are similar to contraindications to douching.

Before carrying out these manipulations, you must first consult with a gynecologist.

Chamomile for prostatitis

Inflammatory processes that develop in the prostate gland become one of the causes of prostatitis. Chamomile infusion will help neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

To prepare it, 1 tbsp. The plants are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour to infuse. The drug is taken orally 2 – 3 times a day. It is necessary to prepare a fresh infusion daily.

In case of acute prostatitis, enemas with chamomile infusion will help. Before using the enema, you should empty your intestines, and then inject 100 ml of the infusion at room temperature into the rectum. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily for 10 days.

Chamomile for the heart

This plant increases blood supply to the brain, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the strength of heart contractions.

  • All of the herbs listed are taken in equal quantities.
  • 2 tbsp. the mixture is poured with 250 ml of boiling water.
  • The collection is infused for 15 minutes and filtered.
  • The resulting volume is drunk at one time before bedtime.

Chamomile for the nervous system

Chamomile stimulates the central nervous system, fights increased anxiety, fatigue, apathy and depression, and normalizes sleep.

A compress with chamomile infusion applied to the back of the head helps reduce headaches.

Tea with chamomile, honey and a few lemon balm leaves is not only will help you sleep, but also will make you sleep more soundly, thanks to which you will feel rested and full of energy in the morning.

A bath with chamomile will help you calm down and relax after a hard day at work. To prepare it, take 500 g of the above-ground part of the plant and add 2 liters of water. The resulting product is boiled for 10 minutes, then filtered and poured into a bathtub filled with warm water. It is recommended to take such baths every other day for two weeks.

Chamomile for joints

Chamomile baths will help relieve tired legs.

Compresses with chamomile decoction are applied to inflamed and painful joints to relieve gout, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and bruises.

In addition, such compresses, when used regularly, promote the regeneration of deteriorating cartilage tissue.

Chamomile for skin

Chamomile-based products are widely used in dermatology in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, cuts and abrasions, pustular diseases, burns, difficult-to-heal wounds, and rashes of various etiologies.

This widespread use is due to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of the plant.

Compresses soaked in chamomile decoction relieve redness and itching, restore skin turgor, and promote wound healing.

To eliminate facial irritation and redness 1 tbsp. Chamomile flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for one hour. Then a tablespoon of honey is added to the strained infusion (provided there is no allergy to this product). Gauze wipes are moistened with a thoroughly mixed solution and applied to problem areas of the skin. The procedure is carried out for half an hour, and if the bandage dries out, it should be moistened again in the prepared product.

To combat acne, you can use the following recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. mix chamomile flowers with 1 tbsp. dry celandine, then pour the resulting mixture with a liter of boiling water.
  • Let the product sit for 12 hours and filter.
  • We wipe the areas of the skin where the rash is localized with the herbal infusion.
  • The procedure is carried out at least 5 times a day until the number of rashes decreases.

Chamomile in cosmetology

Masks with chamomile help whiten facial skin and reduce the number of freckles:

  • 4 tbsp. flowers of the plant, pour 500 ml of boiling water and let the product brew for an hour.
  • Add freshly squeezed juice of two lemons and 500 ml of yogurt to the strained chamomile infusion.
  • Mix the product thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • We soak gauze napkins with the resulting composition and place them on the areas of the body that need to be bleached.
  • After an hour, remove the mask.
  • Wash off any remaining product with cool water.
  • Apply a rich nourishing cream to your face.
  • It is recommended to make such masks three times a week.

You can prepare a natural face cream with chamomile, which will not only relieve your skin from dryness and irritation, but also make it more elastic and beautiful.

Cream composition:

  • 50 ml chamomile infusion;
  • 50 g medium fat butter;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable (preferably olive) oil;
  • 1 tsp glycerin;
  • 2 raw yolks;
  • 30 ml camphor alcohol;
  • 2 tbsp. honey

Preparation of cream:

  • Melt honey, butter and vegetable oil in a water bath.
  • Add glycerin, yolks, camphor alcohol and chamomile infusion to the resulting mixture.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  • Pour the resulting mass into a glass container and store in the refrigerator for no more than six months.
  • It is recommended to apply the cream to cleansed skin in the evening, a few hours before bedtime.

Chamomile infusion - excellent remedy for dandruff, dryness, brittleness and hair loss.

  • 4 tbsp. pour half a liter of boiling water over chamomile.
  • Let the product sit for half an hour and strain.
  • Add one raw egg yolk to the infusion.
  • Apply the product to your hair, distributing it along the entire length of the curls.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.
  • A similar procedure is carried out 3 times a week for a month.