An adult has red pimples on his cheeks. Pimples on the cheeks - how to protect yourself from an aesthetic defect. Pimples on the cheeks: causes and treatment Deep pimples on the cheeks causes

You can determine whether a person is healthy or not only by the results analyzes and examinations, but also on the skin of the face.

If it is smooth, healthy, and moderately ruddy, then the person most likely does not have serious illnesses.

Judge about health problems, can be due to unhealthy pallor or too bright blush, as well as the presence of acne.

The scientific name of the disease is . Moreover, each area of ​​the face - indicator of a specific organ. Let's find out what pimples on the cheeks mean and how to deal with them.

Reasons for appearance

Why do pimples appear on the cheeks? There is an opinion that acne occurs only in adolescence and young adulthood. However, this is not the case. They appear regardless of age, since they are only a consequence. The reasons for their occurrence may be different:

What are they talking about?

Which organs and systems should pay attention?

First of all, pimples on the cheeks indicate problems with the lungs.

Moreover, acne on right cheek - a reason to pay attention to the right lung, respectively, left cheek – left lung.

If pimples are located on the cheeks closer to cheekbones, this indicates the occurrence of disturbances in the liver.

If small red pimples, as well as stars and pigmentation in the upper part of the left cheek - this is a reason to check the functioning of the heart. The same symptoms in the upper part of the right cheek are a signal of problems in the right mammary gland.

Acne appeared in lower part both cheeks, and the skin has become dry and rough - check the small intestine.

A large inflamed pimple, the appearance of which is accompanied by temperature rise, This .

It is treated not only with external means, but also with antibiotics.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


How to get rid of acne on cheeks? Treatment of acne on the cheeks should be carried out in complex: taking medications, using ointments and creams, as well as folk remedies.

First of all, you need to find out reason their occurrence and immediately begin to eliminate it.

Perhaps after this the acne will go away on its own. If this does not happen, you will have to deal directly with them.


It should only be appointed dermatologist. He will select the optimal course of treatment just for you. There are several groups of drugs for this purpose:

  • antiseptic drugs. Can be used externally and internally;
  • They have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and prevent inflammation of the epidermis from developing.

  • adsorbent drugs. They are taken orally and act in the stomach and intestines, binding toxins and removing them out;
  • hormonal drugs. They are prescribed for severe forms of acne and disorders of the endocrine system.

Folk remedies

Burdock root lotion

Peel the root, chop it if it is fresh, or take dried. Pour a tablespoon of root into a glass of boiling water, insist, cool. Soak a clean cotton cloth in the infusion and apply it to your face like a mask. Lie down with a lotion 20 minutes. Do not wash your face for an hour.

Make a mixture from dried herbs yarrow, horsetail, linden flowers, St. John's wort, .

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a half-liter jar and pour boiling water to the brim.

After two-hour infusion strain and wipe your face with the infusion: for severe rashes 2 times a day, for single pimples - 1 time a day, for the prevention of acne - every other day.

Any folk remedy must be used in combination with drug treatment.

Before use you must pass examination, since without eliminating the cause of acne on the cheeks, it is impossible to get rid of them with folk remedies alone.

Getting rid of subcutaneous bumps

How to cure an internal pimple bump?

Subcutaneous acne more dangerous than external ones, and are less treatable.

You can understand its appearance by the appearance painful lump. Gradually it turns red on the outside, but the abscess does not appear, since it develops from the inside. Most often, a subcutaneous pimple takes at least a week or two to mature.

You should not experiment and try to cure a subcutaneous pimple with folk remedies, as this can lead to serious consequences, including blood poisoning. Moreover, you can’t squeeze it out.

You need to see a doctor immediately. You may have to open such a pimple in the surgeon's office, but this is not necessary. In some cases, it is sufficient to use antiseptic ointments, which should be prescribed by a doctor!

Prevention measures

How can you not get rid of acne? It is known that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

As for the prevention of acne, you need, first of all, to establish a nutritional system and eliminate the harmful foods listed above.

Monitor your health and get examined on time. But if pimples still appear on your cheeks, you need to clearly understand why under no circumstances should this be done:

  1. Use folk remedies without consulting a doctor.
  2. Squeeze pimples. Pus can penetrate the skin, causing inflammation or even blood poisoning.
  3. Use medications that were not prescribed by a doctor. They may not be effective if the cause of the acne is not addressed.
  4. Refrain from appearing in places where it is hot and humid at the same time, as sweat on the face will aggravate the situation.

What to do if they don't go away? Treating acne on the cheeks is not easy and quick. It must be comprehensive.

It should be dealt with not by a cosmetologist, but by a dermatologist, and a cosmetologist can help eliminate the consequences of acne: scars, spots, scars.

Timely applied correct treatment will give you a greater chance of success.

It can be considered a long-known and scientifically substantiated fact that inflammatory diseases of the skin are one of the manifestations of a violation of the internal balance of the human body.

The main causes of acne on the cheeks

There may be several reasons for the appearance of acne on the cheeks:

  1. Reconfiguration of the hormonal system, as a rule, is characteristic of puberty, pregnancy, and endocrine disorders.
  2. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers, lack of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Eating disorders – an abundance of fast food, sweet and fatty foods, frequent consumption of coffee.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.
  5. Incorrectly selected cosmetics containing comedogenic ingredients.
  6. Violation of hygiene rules. Using aggressive skin care products.
  7. Allergic reactions to external irritants.
  8. Lack of vitamins A, E, B2, B6 and zinc

The cause of red pimples on the cheeks may be a skin reaction to aggressive weather factors. Such acne goes away quickly and does not require the use of medications.

Localization of rashes on the face

Since all human organs are tightly interconnected, constant rashes in the same place can indicate possible disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. The cause of acne on the left cheek may be a malfunction of the pancreas or liver. Therefore, to exclude this cause, you should consult a doctor and do an ultrasound. It would also be a good idea to check the condition of the pulmonary system. Chinese traditional healers believe that one of the reasons for the appearance of acne on the right cheek may be problems with the right lung. And, accordingly, on the left side of the cheek - with the left lung.

Causes of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks

The cause of internal acne on the cheeks is usually a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. As a result of changes in functioning, the sebaceous duct becomes clogged and the outlet for the outflow of sebum disappears. This leads to its accumulation inside the skin, the development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of internal cystic formations containing pus. As a rule, such rashes are typical for people with oily skin.

Treatment of acne should begin with establishing the true cause of its appearance and obtaining advice from a dermatovenerologist. In any case, an integrated approach is used in the treatment of acne:

  1. Treatment of diseases of internal organs.
  2. The use of external agents to combat inflammation.
  3. Changing eating habits, excluding sweets, flour, fatty and fried foods from the diet.
  4. Taking vitamin-containing medications.
  5. Boosting immunity.
  6. Visit to a cosmetologist.

Pimples on the cheeks are quite difficult to treat. To be sure to get rid of them, it is advisable to find out the cause of their occurrence, and then, with the help of a specialist, draw up a treatment regimen or think through it yourself, based on the information provided in this article.

What are the types of pimples on the cheeks?

Small white pimples, also called comedones, are sebaceous plugs that tightly clog skin pores, which can lead to inflammation.

An open comedone looks like a tubercle filled with a whitish liquid and is easily squeezed out. A closed comedon looks like a wen, that is, a white subcutaneous pimple, and is located deep in the pore.

Comedones can also be black due to sebum that has accumulated on the surface of the skin and become oxidized. Such comedones are commonly called blackheads.

Large red pimples, painful on palpation and scientifically called papules, are comedones that have become infected, causing them to become inflamed and change color and size. If you press on such a pimple with your finger, it will turn pale and then fill with blood again.

Red pimples filled with pus are called pustules. When such a pimple is squeezed, whitish or slightly yellowish purulent contents come to the surface.

Pimples can appear not only on the outside of the cheek, but also on the inside, that is, on the mucous membrane.

Reasons for appearance

Pimples in the cheek area can appear in both adults and teenagers or children. Each age has its own causes of rashes on the face.

In adults

There are several known reasons why acne appears on the cheeks of women and men who have reached puberty:
  • disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system and digestive tract;
  • various gynecological problems (in women);
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • severe stress, during which toxins are produced that tend to leave the body through the pores on the skin in the cheek area;
  • genetic predisposition (if the mother once had pimples on her cheeks, then the daughter, most likely, will not be able to avoid a similar fate).

In teenagers

In teenagers, pimples appear on the cheeks for the following reasons:
  • Age-related activation of hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands in the cheek area. Due to the fact that the sebaceous glands begin to produce too much oil, the pores become clogged and white and black comedones appear.
  • Abuse of fast food, sweets, carbonated drinks, fatty and fried foods.
  • Irregular or excessive washing. If you don't use a facial cleanser every night, your cheek pores will quickly become clogged with dirt accumulated on your skin throughout the day, leading to acne. If you abuse cleansing procedures, you can achieve the opposite effect: the pores of the skin, deprived of natural fatty lubrication, will be completely defenseless against various adverse environmental factors.
  • Using low-quality cosmetics. Oil-based face cream can clog the skin channels, resulting in pimples on the cheeks. Using cheap blush, powder and foundation will create similar problems.

In children

Pimples on the cheeks of children most often appear due to:
  • dermatitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • taking strong antibiotics;
  • disturbances of intestinal microflora;
  • poor hygiene.
All the main reasons for the appearance of acne on the cheeks of children, as well as ways to combat them, are discussed in the video of the School of Doctor Komarovsky:

What does localization of acne mean?

The condition of the skin in the cheek area often reflects the condition of the respiratory system. Cheeks covered in pimples usually indicate lung problems. The localization of pimples predominantly on the right cheek indicates that the functioning of the right lung is impaired; on the left cheek, the functioning of the left lung is impaired.

Various dental diseases, as well as problems with the throat (pharyngitis, etc.) are indicated by rashes on the lower cheeks and around the mouth.

If pimples cover the upper part of the cheeks or cheekbones, problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system are possible.

Pimples that cover the entire surface of the skin in the cheek area may indicate diseases of the stomach, intestinal tract (ulcers, colitis, gastritis, etc.), and gynecological problems.

Any rash on the inside of the cheeks (in the mouth) requires immediate medical attention and may indicate diseases such as:

  • (various origins);
  • measles;
  • lupus erythematosus.

Self-treatment of pimples in the mouth can be dangerous to your health.

Ways to fight at home

You can try to get rid of acne on your cheeks at home. The most effective are masks and tinctures aimed at combating any rashes in the cheek area.


Kefir mask. Pour a full glass of oatmeal, crushed using a blender or coffee grinder, with a glass of low-fat kefir, add a couple of drops of lemon juice. The mask can be applied to the entire face or just to the cheek area. Do not leave the mask on the skin for longer than 30-35 minutes. Repeat the procedure every other day. The full course consists of 15 procedures that must be done within a month.

Honey mask. Mix egg yolk, about 15 grams of crystallized honey (you can also use liquid honey, but it will spread), a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your cheeks for 15 minutes. It is enough to repeat the mask 1-2 times a week. Course: 3 weeks.

Soap mask. Grind or grate a piece of ordinary laundry soap (a quarter will be enough). Fill it with warm water (about 50 ml) and rub it thoroughly with your hands to form foam. Add about 10 grams of finely ground salt to the water and mix. Using a cotton pad, apply soap foam to the acne-affected areas of your cheeks and rinse off after 25 minutes. It is recommended to use a soap mask no more than 1-2 times a week for a month.


Chamomile tincture. Pour a couple of tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with boiling water (200-230 ml). After all the medicinal substances have transferred from the flowers to the water, strain the broth and pour into a convenient container. Chamomile tincture can be used as a regular lotion, that is, wipe the skin of the face in the cheek area with it a couple of times a day.

Aloe tincture. Due to the fact that aloe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, it perfectly fights acne and other skin rashes. The most effective will be freshly squeezed juice mixed with cucumber or potato juice. You can also make a tincture from the leaves of the plant, crushed into a pulp, filled with water or vegetable juice (carrot, cucumber, potato). Apply freshly squeezed juice or tincture to your face using a cotton pad 1-2 times a day.

A decoction made from regular rolled oats will also help defeat acne on the cheeks. This video explains this in more detail:

Cosmetical tools

If you have failed in your fight against pimples using home remedies, try using one of the cosmetic products. As a rule, the effectiveness of industrial products significantly exceeds the effectiveness of homemade ones.

First of all, you should try a drug based on benzoyl peroxide - an active substance that destroys harmful bacteria that contribute to the formation of purulent contents in the hair follicles and pores. The most well-known drugs containing benzoyl peroxide include:

  • Desquam
  • Eclaran
  • Benzakne
  • Oxygel
  • Persa
  • Proactive
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Proderm
  • Epiduo
  • Baziron
No less effective in combating acne on the cheeks are retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A. Retinoids cleanse and tighten pores, prevent the appearance of acne, and remove surface skin cells.

Drugs from the retinoid group include:

  • Airol
  • Deriva
  • Zorak
  • Retin-A
  • Differin
  • Lokacid
  • Tazret
  • Epiduo
  • Klenzit
In advanced cases, antibiotics in the form of creams or gels are often prescribed to treat acne:
  • Clindatop
  • Dalatsin
There are also drugs that contain antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide or retinoids:
  • Zenerite
  • Klenzit
  • Isotrexin
You can also try to beat acne with the new miracle soap made from volcano ashes. This method of dealing with rashes on the cheeks is described in this video:

Hardware cosmetology

Pimples located on the cheeks respond well to treatment with hardware cosmetology. Depending on the condition of the skin, the cosmetologist may recommend one of the following procedures:
  • dermabrasion - deep peeling or polishing, which allows you to get rid of many skin defects, including acne;
  • mesotherapy is a procedure that allows you to target the skin, that is, inject the necessary drugs directly into the areas of the skin affected by acne;
  • phonophoresis - the introduction of therapeutic drugs deep into tissue using ultrasonic waves;
  • cryotherapy – treatment of problem skin with low temperatures;
  • mechanical peeling – deep cleansing of pores, removing dirt and excess fat that contribute to the formation of acne;
  • disincrustation – deep cleaning of skin pores using galvanic current;
  • microcurrent therapy - treatment of acne using electric current, acting as a kind of conductor of microelements and other substances necessary for the skin;
  • iontophoresis - the introduction of medications under the skin using ions, as well as the removal of excess sebum, dirt, and dead cells;
  • laser peeling is an analogue of a procedure called mechanical peeling, performed using a laser, which achieves better cleansing of pores;
  • the introduction of collagen preparations is a procedure that helps increase the strength and elasticity of tissues, cell formation, and regeneration of cell membranes.

It is impossible to choose the right procedure for you on your own, so in this case it is better to trust a specialist.

One of the most common procedures in hardware cosmetology is ultrasonic cleaning of problem skin. After cleaning with ultrasound, there are no stains, wounds, or scars left. Ultrasonic waves gently remove pimples on the cheeks, excess sebum accumulated in the pores, and dead skin flakes. Microcirculation in cells and tissues is noticeably improved.

Ultrasonic cleaning allows not only to achieve deep cleansing, but also to prepare the skin for the application of a variety of medicinal products.

Features of the treatment of teenage acne

To treat sensitive teenage skin prone to irritation and redness, products with azelaic acid are best suited. It does not have an irritating effect and has an antibacterial and exfoliating effect. The most well-known drugs containing azelaic acid include:
  • Acne-derma
  • Azogel
  • Skinoren
To combat acne on the cheeks of teenagers, you can also use homemade tinctures and masks, which were discussed above.

Adolescents should use benzoyl peroxide-based medications intended to treat acne, as well as retinoids and antibiotics in the form of creams with caution and only after consultation with a dermatologist.

Features of the treatment of acne on the cheeks in children

To treat pimples on the cheeks of a child under 8-9 years of age, use only those products that have been prescribed by your doctor. Most often, in such cases, pediatricians prescribe an ion-colloidal solution of silver or one percent hydrocortisone in the form of a cream.

A silver solution relieves itching, which may accompany the appearance of acne in young children. In addition, it quickly destroys bacteria growing in the pores of the skin.

Hydrocortisone combats dry skin of the child, relieves skin soreness, and also slows down the secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands.

It is not recommended to use products designed to treat adults to treat acne on the cheeks of a young child. Such drugs may have undesirable effects on delicate skin.

To get rid of acne on the cheeks and prevent their reappearance, it is recommended to follow a non-strict diet.

Firstly, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate the use of:

  • smoked fish, meat, sausage;
  • salt and salty foods;
  • spicy dishes, seasonings;
  • sugar and sweets;
  • flour
Secondly, try to consume as much as possible:
  • vegetables (in the absence of fresh ones, frozen or canned ones are suitable);
  • fruits (it is better not to abuse very sweet fruits);
  • any greens (parsley, lettuce, dill, celery leaves, etc.).

For problem skin in the cheek area, it is recommended to take brewer's yeast, which is a dietary supplement that has a beneficial effect on facial skin. You can buy brewer's yeast at any pharmacy. They should be taken according to the instructions.

During the treatment of problem skin, you should avoid drinking strong alcoholic beverages (only beer is allowed). Cigarettes and any tobacco products are also completely prohibited. Alcohol and tobacco have a negative effect on many internal organs, especially the liver, which leads to the formation of rashes and pimples on the cheeks.


To avoid the appearance of rashes on the cheeks or to prevent their reoccurrence after successful treatment, you must follow a few simple rules:
  • Wash your face regularly. For morning washing, slightly cool water is perfect, but in the evening you can’t do without special cleansers (gel, milk, foam).
  • Apply cold and hot compresses. The towel is soaked in the hottest possible water and applied to the cheeks for several minutes. Then soak the towel in ice water and make a cold compress. Alternate compresses several times.
  • Monitor your digestion. Since pimples on the cheeks can be symptoms of various problems in the digestive organs, it is important to monitor the functioning of the digestive tract: eat at the same time, pay attention to the regularity of bowel movements.
  • Do breathing exercises. If the main cause of acne on the cheeks is lung disease, breathing exercises will help not only get rid of acne, but also improve the condition of the entire respiratory system.
  • Don't rub your cheeks with dirty hands. The habit of constantly touching the skin of the face with dirty hands can lead to infection of the skin canals and trigger an inflammatory process.
  • Do not overuse foundations. Due to its dense texture, foundation clogs pores and disrupts the process of oil secretion, resulting in the formation of pimples.
  • Wash your pillowcases regularly and monitor the condition of your pillows. Linen mites, which live in pillows and bedding, often cause acne on the cheeks. Dirt and dust particles that quickly accumulate on bedding also have a negative impact on the condition of the skin.
You can get rid of acne on your cheeks at home, using cosmetics or hardware cosmetology, but it’s still easier to prevent their occurrence: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and pay attention to prevention.

Next article.

What exactly can the appearance of acne on the face indicate, what can be done to get rid of such an unpleasant picture - read the article.

Often, acne is considered only a cosmetic problem and attempts are made to eliminate it with the help of enhanced facial skin care. This approach does not always bring results, because treating the symptoms does not eliminate the cause of acne. So, the most effective way is to identify and eliminate the problem, the symptom of which is acne.

Pimples on the cheeks in women: causes

Pimples on the cheeks may indicate internal health problems. For example, in many cases they indicate problems with the respiratory system. In particular, the right cheek corresponds to the right lung, and the left cheek to the right. Take a closer look - if you have a little imagination, you will notice that the shape of the cheeks even resembles a lung.

Another common cause of skin problems is disruption of the sebaceous glands, so women with oily skin are more likely to encounter this problem.

In addition to the above reasons, the following factors can trigger the appearance of acne on the cheeks:

  • Disorders in lipid metabolism
  • Stress and overwork
  • Weather
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Diseases of internal organs
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cosmetical tools
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Allergy
  • Bad habits
  • Heredity
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Pregnancy and phases of the menstrual cycle

Pimples on the cheeks before menstruation: causes

According to statistics, about 80% of women sooner or later experience a rash on their cheeks before their period. For some, this is a regular occurrence, for others, they are more fortunate, but regardless of the frequency of acne, this is a serious reason for frustration.

  • The menstrual cycle is divided into phases during which the level of certain hormones in a woman’s body fluctuates. So, before menstruation, the level of progesterone rises, which stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • In addition, the corpus luteum hormone provokes a skin reaction to allergens, external irritants, nutrition or stress.
  • It is worth noting that during the premenstrual period, the growth of propionic bacteria that live on the skin may increase. This phenomenon leads to acne.
  • On days 18-20 of the menstrual cycle, androgens are synthesized in a woman’s body, which can cause the growth of sebaceous glands, and consequently the appearance of a rash on the cheeks.

Pimples on the cheeks - causes in men

Despite the fact that men's skin is considered rougher, and therefore less susceptible to external irritants, acne on the cheeks of men is not so rare.

The most common cause is frequent shaving or irritation after shaving, when a rash appears with the formation of a crust. However, there are still a lot of possible problems that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant rash:

  • Pimples in the cheek area can be a symptom of endocrine system disorders
  • Heredity
  • Neglect of regular hygiene (for example, washing your face once in the morning is not enough to keep your skin clean)
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcers, dysbacteriosis
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Excess ultraviolet radiation (for example, too much sun exposure)
  • Stress
  • Overwork
  • Subcutaneous mite
  • Taking steroids and anabolic steroids can also cause rashes

Acne on the cheeks of a teenager: causes

The first place among the causes of acne in adolescents (acne or acne) is the hormonal surge during puberty. The androgen hormone, especially under stress, provokes rashes. Testosterone also influences the amount of acne in teenagers.

Other reasons include:

  • Poor nutrition. Chocolate, an abundance of fatty foods, snacks, food additives for so-called fast food, “junk food” (chips, crackers, nuts, etc.) - all this has a stressful effect on a fragile body.
  • Lack of vitamins A and B.
  • Insufficient hygiene, neglect of facial skin care, which leads to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  • Activation of the activity of the demodex mite, which lives on the skin.

Pimple on the cheek of an infant: causes

There can be many reasons for acne in infants, but the main factors that cause rash in infants and newborns can be identified:

  • Hormonal rash - a reaction to maternal hormones
  • Allergic rash to food consumed by a child or a breastfeeding mother
  • Allergies to external factors
  • Excessive activity of incompletely formed sebaceous glands
  • Neglect of hygiene
  • Proper feeding disorders
  • Activity of sweat glands during the hot season (or due to indoor heat)
  • Irritation
  • Reaction to frost
  • Reaction to cosmetics

Important: Acne on the face of a baby can be a symptom of a disease, so in any case, do not make a diagnosis yourself, be sure to consult a doctor.

For various reasons, acne of various types may appear: milia, acne, rash. You can read more about the causes of acne in infants and newborns.

Small red pimples on the cheeks: causes

Small red pimples on the cheeks can be a symptom of various problems in the body:

  • Slagging in the body
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • Allergic reaction
  • Irritation from cosmetics
  • Hormonal problems
  • Diathesis
  • Inflammatory process
  • Hormonal imbalance

Important: If your rash appears suddenly, consult your dermatologist for recommendations. If you scratch the rash or get an infection, small pimples can turn into purulent ones, which will begin a serious inflammatory process.

Large subcutaneous internal pimple on the cheek: causes

Subcutaneous acne is a serious problem. This disease affects the pilosebaceous apparatus. In the absence of properly selected treatment, these acne threatens the appearance of a serious inflammatory process and skin lesions visible to the naked eye.

The causes of subcutaneous acne can be:

  • Hypothermia
  • Colds and respiratory infections
  • Deterioration of immunity
  • Problems in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, their blockage
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Depression and stress
  • Avitaminosis
  • Problems with the endocrine system
  • Bad habits
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Impaired metabolism
  • Accelerated growth of hair follicles
  • Pathogenic microflora on the skin
  • Poor quality cosmetics

According to the teachings of Eastern medicine, the location of acne directly indicates certain problems in the body. As for the cheeks, everything is not so clear.

For example, pimples on the top of your cheeks and cheekbones could be a sign that you're not eating well, while a pimple in the middle could indicate lung problems. If the rash appears on the lower part of the cheeks, look for the cause in the oral cavity (for example, problems with the teeth and gums).

White pimples on cheeks: causes

One of the types of acne - millet - is expressed in the appearance of white subcutaneous pimples. They look like pearls or millet grains (for this similarity they received this name among the people).

Like all types of rashes, millet indicates a malfunction in the functioning of one or another body system. In general, the reasons for its appearance are identical to subcutaneous acne (read above).

Purulent pimple on the cheek: causes

Purulent pimples are characterized by inflammation and pain, which disappear as soon as the abscess comes out. They come in different types:

  • Papules - a distinctive feature is the small size of the formations.
  • Pustules - look like balls surrounded by redness.
  • Nodes are an advanced or progressive stage of pustule development, when the inflammatory process occurs under the skin.
  • Cystic formations - abscesses under the skin combine into one large subcutaneous abscess.

Causes of purulent acne:

  • Excessive oil production by the sebaceous glands
  • Overfilling of the sebaceous glands with bacteria due to compaction of the stratum corneum of the facial skin
  • Taking antibiotics
  • Taking steroids
  • Abuse of decorative cosmetics
  • Low quality cosmetics
  • Lack of proper personal hygiene
  • Stress and nervous tension for a long time
  • Hormonal imbalance

Why don't pimples on my cheeks go away?

  • The most important thing in treating acne is to correctly determine the cause of its appearance. It's a big mistake to try to fix the symptom rather than the problem. So, if a gastrointestinal disease is detected in time, for example, it requires treatment.
  • If acne is a symptom of skin problems, then cosmetic procedures may not give the desired result due to improper use. For example, when using a steam bath, do not neglect the final stage of the procedure.
  • Consider the characteristics and type of your skin to choose the right masks and cosmetics.
  • If you do not follow the basic rules of facial skin hygiene, then neither treatment nor cosmetic procedures will eliminate the problem.

How to get rid of acne on the cheeks: treatment

If you are faced with the problem of any type of acne, first of all, visit a dermatologist to get adequate treatment or professional advice.

  • Maintain hygiene, be sure to wash your face in the morning and evening, do not leave makeup on your face at night, use cleansing skin care products.
  • Balance your diet, avoid excessively fatty and spicy foods, fast foods. Introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet.
  • Take steam baths.
  • You can use herbal decoctions for washing, for example, string and chamomile relieve inflammation well.
  • Get tested.
  • If necessary, undergo an examination of internal organs.
  • Visit specialist doctors - gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, urologist.

Important: It is better and cheaper to identify the cause of the rash in time than to self-medicate, as a result of which, at best, you will not harm yourself, and at worst, you can aggravate the situation.

Remedy for acne on cheeks

The main thing for preventing and treating acne is keeping your skin clean. Various tools will help you with this:

  • Peels with fruit acids
  • Nourishing masks
  • Moisturizing masks
  • Products with antibacterial effect
  • Cleansing foams and gels

There are also a number of modern techniques and cosmetic procedures:

  • Ozone therapy
  • Microcurrent treatment
  • Mesotherapy
  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser resurfacing

The best treatments for acne are those containing a bactericidal component called benzene peroxide.

It can be part of multicomponent products, gels, creams and contained in different concentrations. It is recommended to start the course of treatment with a concentration of 5%.

Masks for acne on cheeks

Folk remedies - lotions, decoctions, masks - provide a good auxiliary effect in the treatment of acne.

  • Mix crushed 20 tablets of streptocide with aloe juice to obtain a paste. Add a few drops of iodine. Apply to acne spots for several hours, then wash off with soap.
  • Make pure aloe juice. To do this, put the cut leaves in the refrigerator in a paper bag and leave for a week, then squeeze out the juice. Wipe pimples twice a day.
  • 1 tbsp. Mix blue clay powder with 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. calendula tinctures. Add boiled water until creamy. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix beaten egg white with 2 tsp. oatmeal or ground oatmeal. Apply the mask to your face and leave until completely dry, then rinse with cool water.
  • Mix 1 tsp. honey with 1 tbsp. onion or potato juice. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes daily.

Homemade acne masks, video

As you know, the main mechanism that triggers the appearance of acne is a disruption of the hormones responsible for the sebaceous glands. But a lot depends on the location of inflammation. For example, by the place where acne appears, one can judge the functioning of internal organs (or their pathology), which means it is more effective to choose treatment.

Pimples on the cheeks are a fairly common occurrence, especially among young people.. An experienced doctor, seeing acne in these areas, will immediately suspect problems with the intestines.

  1. Hormonal disorders;
  2. Intestinal diseases;
  3. Gynecological diseases (especially ovarian inflammation);
  4. Exchange disorders;
  5. Hereditary predisposition;
  6. Comedogenic cosmetics;
  7. Decreased immunity as a result of common infections and colds;
  8. Pathogenic microorganisms coupled with poor hygiene.
  9. Perioral dermatitis (reaction to cosmetics).

Pimples on the cheeks need to be treated based on the cause.. So, if you have problems with metabolism, you need to reconsider your diet and go on a special diet, which will be based on limiting fat intake and increasing the content of fresh foods and vitamins.

Products that provoke the appearance of inflammatory phenomena

  • Coffee (especially on an empty stomach, with sugar);
  • Flour and sweets (all kinds of buns and pastries, chips and soda, cakes, cookies);
  • Ice cream and dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • Fats (it is better to use cold-pressed vegetable oils);
  • Peanuts, pistachios, walnuts - you should not abuse them.

In case of intestinal diseases, it is necessary to undergo an examination, which will show which organ needs to be treated. The therapist will prescribe a regimen that, in combination with external care, will produce results. If the intestines are clogged, toxins are constantly absorbed into the blood, causing inflammation. Therefore, pay special attention to this point in treatment.

Girls suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs are often susceptible to acne attacks on the cheeks and chin. Therefore, the treatment of chronic diseases should be taken seriously - only under this condition will acne disappear.

Habits that people usually don't give much importance to can also lead to cheek inflammation. It's about resting your head on your dirty hands. Bacteria always live on your fingers, which you introduce into your pores without noticing it. Also watch your hair - it often happens that strands of hair touching your cheeks and chin cause skin irritation.

How to get rid of acne on cheeks?

  1. Balance your diet;
  2. If necessary, do tests and examination of internal organs;
  3. If possible, give up decorative cosmetics (at least for the duration of treatment). Loose dry products and fatty creams have a comedogenic effect.
  4. Take a course of Polysorb. It will remove toxins from the intestines.
  5. Take steam baths every day. They will open the pores and help clean them. To do this, boil a handful of herbs (chamomile, string, nettle) for several minutes. Pour the broth into a bowl, cover with a towel and steam the skin for at least 10 minutes. If you see that the sebaceous plugs have come out, remove them with your finger, which is wrapped in a sterile bandage. It's even better if the bandage is moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Don't squeeze pimples!
  6. Wash your face daily with a hot decoction of the string. It can be stored in a cold place for 5 days and reheated before use. Lotions are also effective.
  7. If you have dermatitis, you need to use special products. Sea buckthorn oil helps a lot.
  8. The products “Baziron”, “Zinerit”, “Skinoren” have a good effect. They are stronger, so it is better to consult a dermatologist before using them. Before using them, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin. It is good to wipe it with some disinfectant solution, for example, chlorhexidine (sold in pharmacies).
  9. Increase the body's defenses. Give up bad habits, if you have them, walk more often.

Getting rid of acne on your cheeks is quite possible. The only thing you need is patience and perseverance. If you follow the right lifestyle and take proper care of your skin, your face will be clean and acne will not bother you.
