Violation of the body scheme occurs when defeated. Body image disorders (presentation of their own body). What is allohery

Body scheme - The inner representation model, a body model, reflecting its structural organization and performing such functions as the definition of the borders of the body, the formation of knowledge about it, as a single whole, perception of location, lengths and sequences of links, as well as their mobility ranges and degrees of freedom. The body's scheme is based on a combination of ordered information on the dynamic organization of the subject of the subject.

Body scheme - An image of its own body (not always aware), which allows the subject to imagine at any time and in any conditions the relative position of body parts in the absence of any external sensory stimulation. This is an internal reference system, due to which the mutual location of the parts of the body is determined. It plays a crucial role in building coordinated movements when moving in space, in the processes of maintaining and regulating poses

Sources of representations about the body scheme were observations from ancientiques known and described in the XVI century phenomenon phenomenon of amputated limb, as well as clinical observations of patients with certain types of cerebral pathology, which have distorted in ideas about their own body and the surrounding space.

In 1911, H. Had and G. Holmes proposed close to the current definition of a body scheme, as a cerebral forming in the cortex during the synthesis of various sensations of the presentation of the magnitude, position and interrelation of body parts. The researchers also assumed that the body scheme serves to convert sensory information necessary for both perception and planning and organization of movements.

Normally, the perception of the body scheme seems to be neuropric, you can even say, vague, but any disorder of the scheme is perceived by consciousness as a violation of the life foundation of the body. The body diagram is instead of a very persistent formation, which is proved by the phenomenon of the phantom of amputated limbs, when despite the absence of the limb, the subject continues to perceive the diagram of the entire body, including the remote limb.

The rich experience of clinical observations of phantom amputated limbs allowed us to identify the following important features, proving the connection of this phenomenon with the existence in the central nervous system of a person model of the body scheme:

1. After the limb amputation, phantom pains are found in more than 90% of cases - therefore, they are not pathologies of psyche, but there is a reflection of the presence of a representation of the limb in the body scheme;

2. There are descriptions of phantom pain in the case of the innate lack of limb, which indicates the presence of a congenital basis at the body scheme;

3. Phantom pains are more often due to amputation of those links that are capable of arbitrary movements (that is, with limb amputation); In addition, the phantom is most clearly perceived by distal (that is, more distant from the middle plane of the body) departments of the remote limb that have rich sensory and greater mobility;

4. In some patients, after amputation, the illusions of the possibility of movement of the amputated limb are preserved, as well as it can be taken into account when planning actions, which confirms the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of an internal model necessary for organizing movements.

With certain lesions of the brain, there are violations in the perception of space and their own body, testifying in favor of the existence of the internal model of the body scheme. The following manifestations of a violation of the body scheme are observed: changes in the shape, size and severity of individual parts of the body, their disappearance, their separation (head, hands are felt, but separately from the rest of the body), the displacement of the parts (head, the shoulders failed, the back is in front and so on .), Increase, reduce, change the shape and severity of the whole body, split the body (feeling of the twin), the disappearance of the entire body. Disorders of the body scheme, as a rule, are associated with different other sensory disorders. Most often we are talking about the peculiar visual deceptions of senses in the form of geometrically optical disorders, when the subject sees the items perverted, tipped up with legs, reduced or increased in volume, etc., polyopy (multiplication of objects among the number), Porcelies (depth violation: Items Seem too remote or vice versa). In other cases, the violation of the body scheme is accompanied by general feeling disorders and vestibular symptoms. In the disorders of the body and in these optical and vestibular symptoms, the main impaired of the spatial schisoid of perceptions relating to the own body and the outside world.

With the lesions of the right parietal lobe, there are violations of the ideas about the belonging of parts of the body, about their size and form. As examples of such distorted ideas about their body, you can list the following cases: denial of belonging to patient paralyzed limbs, illusory motions of fixed limbs, denial patient defect, phantom additional limbs. With damage to the area of \u200b\u200bthe dark-temporal compound, in addition to the ability to maintain the balance, the phenomena of the so-called "exit of the body" may be observed. In addition, violations in the perception of their own body and its parts may occur in a person in the changed states of consciousness: under the action of hallucinogen, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, in a dream.

An interesting feature of the body scheme model is its ability to "increase": it can spread on an instrument, an object, with which the subject performs an action.

In stock Body schemes can be verified by having spent a small experiment. To do this, it is necessary to cross the index and middle fingers of one hand so that there is a sufficiently large gap between their "painshums". After that, close your eyes, bring your fingers to the nose, put the nose in this gap and, focusing on the sensations emanating from the fingers, to bring them on the nose with light touches. With a well-executed experiment, two will be perceived instead of one nose. The essence of the phenomenon lies in the fact that with such the position of the fingers, the surfaces of their surface, which in this experiment feel the nose, in the usual position can simultaneously contact with two objects. The sensations usually emitted from these surfaces of the fingers, and are part of the strengthening body scheme. In this experiment, we encounter an unusual spatial location of cash with a familiar body scheme, which determines their interpretation.

Body scheme . The sensations coming from their own body are the basis for the formation of a synthetic spatial perception of their body in the form of its scheme. In the norm, this perception seems to be neuropric * can even be said to be vague, but any disorder of the scheme is perceived by consciousness as a violation of the life base of the body. The body diagram is instead of the very persistent formation, which is proved between the other phenomenon of phantom in amputated, when, despite the absence of the limb, the subject continues to perceive the diagram of the entire body, including the remote limb. The following manifestations of the violation of S. T is observed: changes of the shape, size and severity of individual parts of the body, their disappearance, their separation (head, are felt, but separately from the rest), the displacement of the parts (head, the shoulders failed, the back is in front and t . n.), increase, decrease, change the shape and severity of the whole body, split the body (feeling of the twin), the disappearance of the entire body. T. about. We have transitions from partial soda: athopically delimited to more general-total violations approaching depersonalization. Disorders of recognition of parts of its body as a consequence of the violation of its scheme is called autotopagide (PICK), a partial manifestation of K-Roy should be considered a finger agnosy (GERSTMANN). When autotopagnosia, B-Noi loses the iCy landmarks in its own body (distinguishing the right and left, hands and legs, etc.). With the concept of S. t., In addition to the phantoms already mentioned, the anosognosia of the Babinsko-go, when for example, are closely connected. The patient does not perceive his hemiplegia, painfully silent (pain is felt, but does not bind to S. t.). Violations of S. t. As a rule, there are related to different other sensory disorders. Most often, the grandfather goes on the peculiar visual deceptions of the senses in the form of a metamor-phogitey, since. Geometrically optical disorders, when the subject sees items perverted, tilted upside down, reduced or increased in volume, etc., polyopy (multiplication of objects in the number), pore-ropes (vision of vision in the depth of items seem too remote or vice versa). In other cases, violations of Art. accompanied by general feeling disorders and vestibular symptoms. It is important to overthrow that H in the disorders of S. t. And in these optical and vestibular symptoms, the basic is the violation of the spatial schisoid of perceptions relating to the own body and the external world. The connection of those and other disorders is quite constant. This is the last circumstance and served as an attempt to highlight a separate syndrome, so H. Interparietal. Such a name is based on observations showing that the violation of S. t. And the corresponding optical symptoms are with damage to the bark located in the depth of the rear of the interparity groove. It should, however, it should be noted that the interparity bark is the obverse of only the head of the link "of an extensive system having other links and in other places of bark, as well as in a visual bug, the vestibular apparatus, etc., as a result of which the appearance of elements of the" internet "syndrome is possible with lesions. In various parts of the brain (especially in a visual bug); it is possible only to assume on the basis of the data available in the literature (Potzl and its school), that the presence of a complete interparity syndrome with violation of Art., Motam Motamph and Ave. Available more specific localization in the specified area of \u200b\u200bthe crust. This is confirmed by the fact that the violation of S. tons is often accompanied by other lower-gas symptoms (apraxia, optical agnosia, Alexia, Akalkulia, asthcogenosia, etc.). Disorders of the body scheme are usually accompanied by still affective disorders (anxiety, fear, horror). Observed Violations of S. t. With a variety of focal lesions: skull injuries (in the honeycomb region), Oil, arteriosclerosis, syphilis of the brain, etc. It is more common. This is a high-sided lesion, but sometimes right-sided, in general, the question of the meaning for this left and right hemisphey syndrome is not quite clear. There are violations of S. t. With epilepsy, with circulatory disorders (a pa--an example during anopheyoneurosis) and finally, with a psycho. diffuse diseases (for example, in schizophrenia). In such cases, the indicated syndrome is often the starting point for the deployment of the most complicated psychotic paintings, especially in the form of depositance phenomena and other violations of S. t. Local on the form of the main disease: with the tumor, the symptom is in constancy, during epilepsy, the epiging is characterized by its An episodic appearance (when epilepsy is sometimes in the form of a kind of aura). With the syphilis of the brain, the symptom disappears after a specific treatment. Interesting the possibility of the appearance of a violation of S. t. In healthy people under special conditions: Parker (Parker) and Scholeder described this symptom when driving in the elevator (for example, a feeling of lengthening the legs with a sudden stop of the lower elevator). Violation of S. t. It is also obtained experimentally when freezing or heating the defect of the skull in the housing area (Noah, Potzl): the bench during experience was felt that they had a foot or hand and t. n. Similar phenomena were also obtained with experiments with membaline poisoning. Symptom of violation of S. t., Associated with new "human" areas of the cortex undoubtedly matters in the structure of many inxicious diseases, it is not deprived of practical interest for a neural surgeon in the sense of establishing "lesion localization, of course, with comparison with other phenomena. LIT:M., on interparietary syndrome in mental illness, owls. Neuropathol., Psychiatrist, and Psychodigien, t. I, vol. 5-6, 19 32; Oh Zh e.Violation of the PEP scheme due to psychosherapopore disorders in psychosis, IBID., Vol. II. Vol. ?, 1933; Members of L., Body Scheme, Sat. Labor in-she is high. nervous Activities, M., 1934; Gurew IT Sen. ¥., tTber Das In-Terpariel.ale Syndrnm Bei Geisteskrankhciti L, Ztschr. i. D .. GES. Neurol. U. Psychiatr., B. CXL, 1932; HERRMANNG. U.potzlo., Die Optisclie Alnaesthesie, Studien Znr L-Sy- \u003d Chopathologie Der Raumbildun *, V., 1928; Holih. P .. Potzl O., Expevimentellfi Nachbildung Yon Anosognosie, Ztschr. f. d. GES. Neurol. u.psychiatr., B. CXXXVII, 1931; Schilder, Das Korperschema, in., 1923. M. 1 "Urevich.

Agnosia. Subject agnosia - loss of the ability to recognize familiar subjects; With other types of agnosia, individual qualities may not differ: color, sound, smell.

Violation of higher visual functions, the implementation of which is primarily provided by the occipital brain departments, manifests itself in spectative agnosia.

With visual agnosia, the recognition of the subject or its image is violated, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of this subject is lost. The patient sees, but does not recognize the subject familiar to him in the past experience. When feeling this subject, the patient can recognize it. And, on the contrary, during asterognosis, the patient does not distinguish the items to the touch, but learns, considering them.

The defeat may limit the unrecognizance of only individual items of the subject, inevitable to combine individual parts into an integer. So, considering the consistent series of pictures, the patient is sacrificed in their details, but not able to catch the general meaning of the entire series. A face agnosia may be observed ( transopagnosia), in which the patient does not know well familiar faces; Do not recognize and personal photos and even yourself in the mirror.

In addition to the subject agnosia, spatial visual agnosia may be observed; When there is a violation of the perception of consecutive actions, spatial ratios of objects, usually with simultaneous orientation disorder in the surrounding. The patient cannot imagine a well-known room planning to him, the location of the house, which he was consisted of hundreds of times, the placement of the countries of the world on the geographic map.

When the patient without the phenomenon of hearing loss is lost the ability to learn items according to the sounds characteristic of them (for example, the water cut from the crane, barking dogs in the next room, battle hours), you can talk about auditory agnosia. There is no perception of sounds, but an understanding of their signaling value.

As already mentioned, both hemispheres of the brain are engaged in the recycling of the hearing, visual, somatosensory and engine material. But the participation of both hemispheres of the brain in this process is ambiguous. The right hemisphere of the brain is functionally connected with the perception and processing of the material of a non-verbal (inconspicuous) character. It is characteristic of not so much dismemberment and a logical analysis of reality, which predominantly knows the left hemisphere, how much perception of holistic images, operating with complex associations. The right hemisphere is inherent not verbal perception, but sensually-shaped. Those syndromes that are formed during its defeat are flowing from here. A very large part of the symptoms mentioned above is the result of the defeat of the right hemisphere. This, for example, the unrecognizable persons - pro-package, violation of the perception of the surrounding space, violation of the ability to understand images in the pictures, violation of the ability to understand schemes and plans, orientation by geographic map.

The agnosia with respect to non-expensive sounds is also associated with the defeat of the right hemisphere.

The connection of the right hemisphere with visual-spatial thinking determines the emergence of some complex mental phenomena in violations in the right of a hemisphere; For example, with a focus of pathological arousal in the right temporal share, with epilepsy, visual illusions and the state of "already seen" and "never seen" are observed.

There is reason to believe that such a type of visual mental activity, as a dream, is also associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. There are observations that dreaming (in the overwhelming majority of dreams, for the figurative definition of I. M. Sechenov, is an incredible, fantastic implementation of real, probable, experienced events) or they become meaningless in content, are often associated with the topic. Diseases are awesome. The disorder of the body scheme is also considered a sign of the defeat of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Body violation. The concept of violation of the body scheme includes disorientation in his own body, which is associated with a violation of the integration of sensitive perceptions and with a disorder of an understanding of spatial relations. The patient in such cases may seem to seem that his head is exormably large, the lips are bloated, the nose is stretched forward, the hand is sharply reduced or increased and lies somewhere nearby, separately from the body. It is difficult for him to figure out the "left" and "right." The violation of the body's scheme in a patient with a relaxed lesion is particularly sharply sharply expressed. With the simultaneous level of left-sided hemiplegia, hemiagesey and hemianopsy. This is understandable, since the patient does not see and does not feel its paralyzed half of the body. He cannot find his hand, shows that it starts from the middle of the chest, notes the presence of a third hand, does not recognize his paralymp and is convinced of the opportunity to stand up and go, but "doesn't do it", since "does not want." If such a patient show his paralyzed hand, he does not recognize her his. This is a phenomenon anosognosia (from the Greek. Nose - illness, Gnosis - knowledge, recognition, anosault - the absence of consciousness of its illness, usually paralysis of limbs or blindness) and phenomena autotopagnosia (Unrecognizing parts of its own body). If there is also distinguished atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the brain vessels, sometimes delusional thoughts sometimes expressly, arguing, for example, that the dead shake hands and throw him into bed. ("These hands, cold, linger, nails glowing into the skin and body"). The patient is crying bitterly, asking for a ruthless appeal with him. To get rid of the annoying "outstanding" hands, the patient can, grabbing his own hand of his paralyzed hand, beat the last one with all the power of a bed or a wall. There are no beliefs at the same time. Of the various kinds of paresthesia are painfully implemented in colorful and lush nonsense.

Aprage, or disorder, consists in violation of the sequence of complex movements, i.e., in the decay of the desired set of movements, with the result that the patient loses the ability to clearly perform the usual effects in the complete safety of the muscular strength and the safety of movement coordination.

All our actions, representing the integrative function of different levels of the nervous system, are provided by different brain departments.

Arbitrary movements will be clearly performed if available:

1) the preserved affamentation, kintesia, which is associated with the departments of the rear central winding (test: the patient, without looking at their fingers, must copy the position of the doctor's fingers);

2) the preserved visual-spatial orientation, which is associated with the dark-occipient bark departments (test: copy the combination of a brush on a brush, a fist under a fist, folded the figure out of matches, right-left side);

3) the preservation of the kinetic base of movements, which is mainly due to the precedral area of \u200b\u200bthe front central winding (test: copy the fast shift of the fist with two fingers, knock on the table with different rhythm and intervals);

4) the preservation of programming action, its focus, which is associated with the front departments of the frontal fractions (test: performing targets, for example, to animate or treat with a finger, to perform this or that order). In case of damage to one of the listed crust departments, one or another type of Apraqulica will be observed:

2) spatial and constructive apraxia;

3) dynamic Apraquession (Apraquession of Performance);

4)lobonic Apraqulica, i.e. Apraquession ideas, or, as it is also called, ideatorapraquession (Fig. 101).

It is necessary, of course, not to forget that the clarity of our movements depends on other departments of the nervous system, as mentioned above. After all, those learned by man and entrusted in dynamic stereotype (In Motor Image), complex arbitrary movements emerged and developed with very effective participation of both afferent and efferent systems. As V.I. Lenin wrote figuratively, "... the practical activity of man billions times should have given a person's consciousness to repetitions of various logical figures, so that these figures could get an axiom value." The breakdown in the activities of these systems leads to Praxic disorders, the most sharply pronounced in cases of damage in prime or dark bark departments.

The characterization of the character of apraxia is of great importance in the monolocal process, which is the tumor. With vascular lesions, we often observe mixed form of aproxials, such as poses and constructive or structural and dynamic. In the patient, along with a fuzziness of movements, there may be observed at first glance, the phenomena of ridiculous behavior. The patient on the task cannot raise the hand, unimportant, put on a bathrobe, on the offer to light the match can take it out of the box and not covered with a gray ending to start chirk about your bathrobe; He can start writing a spoon, comb hair through the cap;

the possibility of parts to construct an integer, for example, a lodge of matches, pantomimimically portray this or that action, for example, pursue a finger, show how they sew on a sewing machine, clog the nail into the wall, etc. With an ideator apraxia, the patient can be completely helpless.

Often, when aproxias, there is a permerement, that is, "sticking" to once perfect action, slipping into the fashionable path. So, the patient who dried up on demand a language, with each new task - to raise the hand, close the eyes, touch the ear, continues the tongue, and does not perform a new task.

With a violation of visual-spatial perception, a constructive apraxia syndrome is associated with patients with relaxation lesions. Clearly conscious of the purpose of the problem, the patient cannot properly organize the sequence and interconnection of acts in time and space and understand the design of the task being performed. The characteristic combination of agnosia and aproxia made it possible to combine these violations arising from the defeat of the right hemisphere, a single term - apractogitous syndrome.

One of the types of disorders of the central nervous system is a violation of the perception of its own body or, as they also call this disorder - violation of the body scheme. For the first time, this violation described three peak physicians, Head and Schilder. They presented their concept of illness in the early 20th century. Since then, psychiatrists use it to describe the state of the patients who are "confused" in their own body.

In the diseases of the brain, there is an incorrect interpretation of signals coming from receptors from different parts of the body. Normally, they fall into special zones of the brain, where he disassembles them to the components and "decides" that it is indulged, how much he "feels" and where the actual signal came. If these zones are damaged, then a state arises, in which a person cannot say for sure where, for example, it is picked up with a needle, - in the right hand or left, or what size is his head.

What is body scheme disorder?

For understanding, this is the term turn to reference publications. They are written in them that violation of the body scheme - the orientation disorder in its own body or surrounding items in which the patient cannot precisely say what size as far from which side, etc. It is its limb or a specific subject. Most often, this violation occurs during the damage to the parietal share in the region of inter-flat furrows, especially when localizing the lesion in the right of hemisphere.

The violation of the perception of his own body is particularly pronounced in cases where there is a one-sided paralysis of the body in combination with loss of sensitivity in the same half of the body and two-sided blindness with losing sights on one side. People in such a state can not find their limb or specify the place where it begins. At the same time, they can show legs or assume that the hand begins to grow from the elbow or from the middle of the chest.

Some patients can be confident that they have three legs or arms, 6 fingers or 2 noses - they are not only confident in this, but they feel so much. It is characteristic that all patients do not consider themselves as such, they deny the presence of a car or paralysis and also insist on loyalty to their sensations. The denial of their illness is called anosognosia, and the unrecognizer of own parts of the body -, incorrect quantitative estimates of their own parts of the body in medicine are called pseudo.

If this pathology is combined with atherosclerosis of the brain, delirium may also be present, hallucinations, delirium, which significantly complicates the diagnosis. In this state, the patient claims that the limb does not belong to him, her neighbors threw it, and his own hand is in the closet, etc. Variations in this case mass.

If the patient has symptoms of paresthesia - changes in sensitivity, which are often accompanied by a feeling of crawling goosebumps, numbness, tingling, then the patient includes all this in the complex of its sensations and transforms into delusional hypotheses, in which he is tortured, or he from the inside is eaten by worms. Brad has a bright emotional color, so it has a huge number of options depending on the peculiarities of the patient's psyche and its addictions.

Also, the disorder of the body scheme may be accompanied by metamorphicia - incorrect perception of surrounding items, changes in size and static assessment. For example, the patient can look at the chair with a back, and it will seem to him that this is a stool on spiral legs, which also rotates in space and rapidly approaching it. In some cases, the surrounding items may acquire small or, on the contrary, huge sizes, they may seem more in terms than they actually have, they can fall on the patient, try to crush him, draw inside.

Some patients can perceive themselves at the same time, and separately from their body. At the same time, they feel the feeling that they are in their own body, but can observe themselves and from the outside, as if removed.

Quite often, the violation of the body scheme is accompanied by changes in the perception of their own sizes. So, patients can perceive themselves with giants who were in a small place, where all very miniature sizes. As a result, they are afraid to move away, so as not to crush or break anything. Part of the patients argues that they are so big that they need a bed to the entire room, otherwise they will not fit on it, or that their head is much longer than the pillow, but the body disappeared or has become quite small. That is why this violation has another name - Alice Syndrome in Wonderland.

Very important distinct of psychoseensory disorders from hallucinations is a distorted perception of real, rather than fictional objects. In addition, the patient objects will know, but perceives their shape, size, the distance to them is incorrect. This is the main difference between illusory and hallucinatory perceptions from psychoseensory disorders.

What is allohery?

The number of psychoseensory disorders described in patients suffering from the body circuit disorder is actually much more, but the volume of the article does not allow them to describe them all.

Finally, we will dwell on one form of the disorder of the psychosensory perception of their own body - Alllohery.

This term denotes the perception of irritation on the other side of the body. It refers specifically to the hands - "Allos" - with Greek translates as another, and "Cheir" - hand. Consequently, when irritation on the right hand occurs, the patient says that it happens on his left hand, and vice versa. In other words, all sensations are symmetrically tolerated from one hand to another, i.e. All feelings are transferred 180 ° - right-left and from left to right.

In this case, an incorrect indication of irritation may be observed. For example, a patient picked a finger on his right hand, and he will feel that he has fallen in the left hand at the forearm level. Also, this disorder can be combined with hyperalgesia - a violation of temperature perception. In this case, the touch of a cold object to the right can be perceived by the patient as a touch with a hot object to another hand.

When Ovlohery is available

Allohery, as one of the types of disorder of the perception of its own body can be with the defeat of the brain, in particular the parietal lobe on the right.

Also, this violation occurs under cerebral atherosclerosis, in the post-test period, when hemorrhage affected the dark brain department, with brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, some types of epilepsy and migraine, hysteria.

The body image, or the body scheme, is a subjective representation, according to which a person makes a judgment about the integrity of his body, assesses the position of its parts and their movement.

For neuropathologists of the past years, the chart of the body was the postural model (see: Head 1920). Schilder (1935) In his book "The image and appearance of the human body" argued that the postural model was just the lowest level of the organization's scheme and that there are also higher psychological levels based on emotions, personalities and social interaction. It is known that in clinical practice there are anomalies of the image of the body, which affect much more important moments than the quality of posture or movement. These anomalies arise in neurological and mental disorders; In many cases, organic and psychological factors operate in the complex. Unfortunately, neither mental, nor neurological disorders, which are the causes of the impaired image of the body, fully uncovered. In the future description, we are generally followed by the scheme proposed by Lishman (1987), and recommend the relevant sections (p. 59-66) of its books and the review of LukiaNowicz (1967) to the reader who needs more detailed information about these disorders. Term "Phantom limb"It is customary to designate the persistent feeling of the lost part of the body. Essentially, it is probably the most convincing testimony in favor of the concept of body scheme. The specified phenomenon usually occurs after amputation of the limb, but describes similar cases and after the removal of the breast, genitals or eyes (Lishman 1987, p.91). The feeling of the phantom limb usually occurs immediately after amputation, it can be painful, but under normal conditions, as a rule, it gradually disappears, although a small part of patients persistently keeps over the years (see Frederiks Neurology Guides or Review (1969)).

Unilateral lack of awareness of its own Body And "inattention" to the affected side- The most commonly occurring neurologically determined disorder of the perception of their own body. Usually it affects the left limbs and most often arises due to the defeat of the supramaginal and angular convulsions of the right darkest lobe of the brain, in particular after a stroke. With a pronounced disorder, the patient sometimes forgets to wash the affected side of the body, does not notice that he chose only one side of the face or that only one shouted. With the easiest form of this disorder, it is possible to identify only with special testing, using double irritation (for example, it can be concluded about the presence of a violation, if the examination has touched a cotton swab to O (5th patient wrists, and the latter registers a touch only on one side, although when he It makes it himself, the feeling is present on both sides). Additional information can be found at Critchley (1953), whose book contains a detailed description of the syndromes arising due to the damage to the dark brain. Ghemisomato-symbol-disorder (also known as Gemi), occurring much less frequently described Above disorders. The patient reports the sensation of loss of one limb, usually left. The disorder may occur by itself or together with hemiparem. It often happens to him in a one-way spatial. The degree of awareness of this phenomenon varies: Some patients are aware of what is actually limb in place, though no matter Her absence, whereas others are completely or partially convinced that the limbs are really not.

Anosognosia - This is the lack of awareness of the disease, which is also usually manifested on the left side of the body. Most often, this violation occurs for a short time in the first days after acute hemiplegia, but sometimes steadily holds over a long period. The patient does not complain about the loss of the function of the paralyzed side of the body and denies this fact when someone points to it. There may also be denied dysfasia, blindness (Anton Syndrome),Or amnesia (most pronounced in Corsakov syndrome).

Holy Asimblia Device, in which the patient feels pain (for normal perception) stimulus, but does not evaluate it as painful. Although such disorders are clearly associated with cerebral lesions, it is assumed to have a psychogenic element by which the awareness of unpleasant phenomena is suppressed (see, for example, Weinstein, Kahn 1955). Of course, organic damage could hardly act in the absence of psychological reactions, but it is unlikely that the latter are the only cause of the pathological condition, as it occurs much more often on the left side of the body.

Autotopagnosia - This is the inability to recognize, call or indicate according to the team part of your body. This disorder may also appear in relation to another person, but not against inanimate objects. This rarely occurring state occurs due to diffuse lesions, usually affecting both hemispheres of the brain. Almost all cases can be explained by concomitant, dysfazia or disorder of spatial perception (see: Lishman 1987, p.63). Distorted size and form awareness It is expressed in the fact that a person feels like its limb increases, decreases or somehow deformed. In contrast to the already described disorders, these sensations are not directly related to the defeat of the specific brain departments. They can occur in healthy people, especially when falling asleep or when awakening, as well as in strong fatigue. Similar phenomena were sometimes observed during migraine, with sharp brain syndromes, after receiving LSD or as a component of the epileptic aura. Changes in the shape and sizes of body parts (in Russian-language literature, the term violation of the body scheme ") also describe some schizophrenia patients. Almost always, with the exception of some cases, the unreality of this feeling is realized.

Doubling phenomenon - This is the feeling that any part of the body or the whole body doubles. So, the patient can feel that he has two left hands, or two heads, or as if all his body doubled. Such phenomena occasionally occur during migraine, as, as well as in schizophrenia. In an extremely pronounced form, a person appears an experience that consists in the consciousness of the presence of a copy of the whole body, the phenomenon already described as Outoscopic

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