Healthy play hours in the dhow. Recreational - game hour "Call of the Jungle" in the senior group. Progress of educational activities

The recreational play hour is conducted by the group teacher daily after nap directly in the bedroom and group room during the cold season and on the site during the warm season. Group classes are slightly longer in duration than a physical education lesson (up to 25–30 minutes for younger preschoolers and up to 35–40 minutes for older preschoolers). For younger children, exercises and movements should be associated with play and demonstration; for older children, the word predominates or the word is combined with demonstration. The recommended structure of a recreational play hour for preschool children is presented in table 20.

Table 20

Structure of a recreational play hour

The most universal and effective form of training session. It does not always look like a traditional lesson, but the main components of the lesson (preparatory, main and final parts) must be present in any form of lesson organization.

The purpose of the warm-up is to ensure the gradual preparation of the child’s functional systems for more intense loads. During the warm-up period, it is necessary to most carefully prepare those muscle groups that will be most involved in the main part of the lesson. Typically, warm-up involves walking at different tempos, running, simulated jumps, etc. Warm-up exercises involving various muscle groups (1–2 min), breathing exercises (2–3 min).

The main part of the lesson is devoted to the development of physical qualities or learning movements by performing gymnastic exercises with various objects in a game or relay mode (12–15 minutes) and active role-playing games (12–15 minutes). The most complex movements are learned at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, and it is better to develop and improve physical qualities in the following sequence: exercises for coordination, speed, strength, endurance. The duration of the main part is from 20-2 5 minutes for younger preschoolers, to 25-30 minutes for older ones.

In the final part of the lesson - calm walking, relaxation exercises, light jogging, breathing exercises (2-3 minutes). The lesson is carried out with children dressed in lightweight sportswear (initially in a T-shirt and panties, then only in panties), barefoot, in a well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 16 to 20°, with a gradual decrease depending on the physical activity of the children up to 12 °. The temperature regime of the recreational play hour when combined with a pulsating microclimate is described in detail in the methodological manual for hardening children.

On the days of the recreational game hour, a physical education lesson cannot be excluded. They somewhat reduce the motor play load and pay special attention to special hardening procedures (wet rubdowns, contrasting foot baths, etc.).

The modern concept of organizing physical education in kindergarten involves the use of outdoor games as the main component of planned physical education classes, which are part of the “Education Program in Kindergarten.” Children learn life by playing. It is in games that they enter into different, sometimes complex relationships with their peers, showing dexterity, courage, and intelligence. For children, everything around is a fun, joyful and exciting game. If they like it, they are ready to play the same game many times in a row. For preschoolers, all physical education classes that the teacher conducts come down to play.

Gameplay in preschool educational institutions should be focused on compliance with the requirements in which games must:

Influence the psychophysiological development of children;

Develop motor skills;

Organize children for collective action;

Easy to digest by children;

Conduct outdoors whenever possible;

Easy for teachers to use for working with children;

Do not require special devices or benefits. For the first time, the idea of ​​​​the need to give additional game actions a daily routine character was put forward by Yu.F. Zmanovsky. In addition to the 10-15 minute game, he introduced a warm-up, a physical training part (gymnastic exercises of various types) and a final part, in which he attached great importance to breathing exercises.

Then it was proposed to combine air baths with games: children played semi-naked games - first in open T-shirts, panties, socks and slippers, and later - only in panties and slippers. The dosage of air baths ranged from 7 to 28 minutes and was closely related to temperature conditions and the intensity of physical stress. So they began to combine the use of physical exercises in the form of outdoor games and hardening procedures, their main provisions were developed:

Outdoor games and exercises should involve a large group of muscles at the same time. This corresponds to movements such as walking, running, jumping, throwing, and climbing. Less acceptable are movements involving a limited number of muscles: head turns, lateral bends of the body, shoulder movements, etc.;

It is desirable to exercise in which all children are involved at once, and not one by one;

Exercises should be accessible and simple, not require lengthy preparation and a lot of attention. Tasks should be given that children can immediately complete after being shown by the teacher or that are already familiar to them;

It is important to arouse children’s interest in these activities, to create a desire to harden themselves;

During classes, those tasks that the child performs with joy, without suspecting that he is obeying the wishes of adults, are valued;

Strengthening activities related to movement can be used in kindergarten throughout the year in various types of classes.

We are convinced that games are preferable to regular gymnastic exercises. Organized outdoor games develop children's strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, and dexterity. They are the basis for the harmonious development of a child. The value of collective games lies in the fact that they represent the first stage of collective communication between children and help develop the child’s independence, his creative imagination and fantasy. Another advantage of the game is that children who, for health reasons, belong to different groups (according to permitted physical activity) can participate in it. The game allows individual load dosing.

Outdoor games are one of the best methods of air hardening, the conditions for which are created in indoor classes, if the basic requirements for the preparation and content of physical education and game classes are met.

The longer the game, the longer the same set of exercises is worked on, the more pleasure the children take part in them. Frequently changing games is not advisable; it is better to complicate already familiar ones, increasing the distances that need to be overcome, changing the rules of the game, which require greater accuracy in completing tasks.

Children for whom the movements used in the game do not present any difficulties are usually active and cheerful. If during the game a child fails to pass, run or throw an object, his emotional tone decreases, he ceases to rejoice, and becomes passive. The teacher should pay attention to such children, try to ensure that they make all possible movements and become active.

You should not praise some children and emphasize the awkwardness and sluggishness of others. We must remember about individual typological characteristics: children who lag behind their peers feel inferior, gradually give up classes, and become sedentary.

Games with children should be held daily. Not a single day should pass without games and gymnastic exercises, into which special hardening procedures should be woven as a natural element.

Zubareva Elena Mstislavovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 274 for supervision and health improvement"
Locality: Krasnoyarsk
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Wellness and game hour "Vitamins are our friends!"
Publication date: 06.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education



Outline of a recreational game hour

Senior group

“Vitamins are our friends!”


Teach children to show interest in eating food

rich in vitamins;

Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition;

Lead children to conclusions and generalizations (about the benefits of using

fruits, vegetables, healthy foods).


Develop attention, thinking, imagination, active and passive


To instill in children a desire to take care of their health.

I. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, today I invited Khryusha from

"Good night, kids" program.




there is a note: “Guys, please excuse me. I can’t appear at your place,

my stomach hurts."

Educator: Why do you think this happened to him?

trouble? (children's answers).

Educator: Of course, it also seems to me that this is due to the wrong

nutrition. Do you know what I suggest? We will talk about the right

nutrition. I will record everything on a tape recorder, and we will send this recording to Piggy,

so that he knows what food is healthy.

II. Conversation about vitamins and healthy foods.

Educator: What do you like to eat most? (children's answers)

Educator: Why do we eat? (man eats to live).

Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity,

but also material for growth and development.



food? (children's answers)

Educator: The products contain very important for human health

vitamin substances.

Educator: What are they for? (children's answers)

Educator: I want to tell you a little about vitamins. Vitamins

are designated

letters A,

D. (exposes


they are read in Latin. When you go to school you will learn to read these

Vitamin A is found in foods: melon, carrots, garlic,



red bell pepper.

Vitamin B - rice, raisins, beans, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, nuts, bananas,

peas, liver, bread, mushrooms, cottage cheese, salad. In animal products - lamb,

beef, crabs, shellfish.

Vitamin C - black


rose hip,


parsley, apple, sauerkraut.

Vitamin D -

fish oil, fresh herbs, cod liver, beef

liver, butter. The sun in its rays sends us vitamins

III. Physical education session “Glutton”

big pot-bellied guy (round


Ate ten rolls on an empty stomach (put all fingers in front of you)

milk (depict



glass and then drink from it)

Ate the chicken in one piece (spread the fingers of one hand wide,

palm up, bring an imaginary piece to the court)

fried (show

index fingers


And he directed it into the belly of the poor man (to stroke the belly)

The big guy swelled up like a ball (draw a large circle in the air)

The glutton had a blow (lightly hit his forehead with his palm).

IV. Game "Yes-no"

Educator: In order for food to be digested well, you need to follow

me, then raise the green circle. If not, red.

You should always wash your hands with soap before eating.

You need to eat at any time, even at night.

You need to eat foods that are good for your health.

You need to eat quickly. You need to eat slowly.

Food should be swallowed without chewing.

Rinsing your mouth after eating is harmful.

Educator: We have repeated the rules of nutrition. What are they for?

needed? (so that food is well absorbed and beneficial).

V. Conversation about harmful products

To the teacher:



useful? (children's answers)

Educator: Why is cake harmful? Lemonade? Yes, you're right, some

It is better not to eat the products. And if you really want to, that is,

very small quantities.





mixed them up. Please help me collect them.

VI. Game "Collect the image."

Product images are cut into several parts. Need to collect

them, name what happened and tell why they are harmful.

VI. Game "Who can fill the basket faster"

Educator: Now I want to send you to the store to do some shopping. We

We will divide into 3 teams. One team will buy healthy products,



team products are not useful.

Summarize the game.

VII. Summarizing.

Educator: What did we learn about food today? What makes food healthy?

In order for nutrients to be absorbed, what must be observed?


we'll send

we wish

recover faster.

Equipment: red and green mugs according to quantity






"Recreational play hour"
Tararukhina T.V. physical education instructor
Municipal government preschool educational institution of the Shelekhovsky district “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 6 “Scarlet Flower”.

The role of a modern preschool teacher is to organize a pedagogical process that preserves the health of a preschool child. After all, health is an important factor in the performance and harmonious development of the human, and especially the child’s, body.
It is well known that the triad of health consists of a rational regimen, hardening and movement. When organizing a health regime in a preschool educational institution, we strive to fully satisfy the child’s needs for movement, mental stress, provide conditions for the predominance of positive emotional impressions and pay special attention to the rational organization of the motor regime, since movements contribute to the development of physiological systems and determine the pace and nature of the normal functioning of the growing child. child's body.
Scientific research proves that the basis of traditional methods of physical education in preschool institutions is the scheme for the formation of motor skills, laid down in the first third of the 20th century (the teachings of I.P. Pavlov). An adult demonstrates a movement - children reproduce it many times, a dynamic stereotype (skill) is formed with the transfer of the learned pattern to new situations and its final consolidation. A positive result is a firmly acquired motor skill. Culture as an element of “physical culture” is present in the traditional theory and practice of physical education of children nominally. The value guideline of traditional physical education in preschool educational institutions has been and remains the normative ways of organizing physical activity adopted in it.
By focusing its efforts on motor training, traditional practice essentially removes the task of animating movements, developing motor imagination, which represents projects for future movements that the child will have to implement in new, non-standard situations.
The daily routine of our preschool educational institution includes 2 physical education classes in the gym and 1 outdoor class. But given the regional weather conditions from October to April, it is not always possible to conduct classes outdoors. And on active days, children cannot go outside at all, and for this reason, children’s motor activity decreases. Children are in an unventilated room and most often in a statistical position. Therefore, it is very important to organize a flexible, dynamic regime, which provides for a variety of children’s activities, changing rooms (moving children around the kindergarten), organizing “walks” in well-ventilated areas of the sports and music halls, and an entertainment program for children.
We combine all these types of activities into such an innovative form as a “health-play hour”, which assumes an integrated approach that includes health-improving components in cognitive, musical, and visual activities based on the interaction of all specialists.
The purpose of introducing a health-improving play hour in a preschool educational institution is to create conditions for the health of children by optimizing motor activity and stabilizing the emotional state of preschoolers.
“Recreational play hour” is organized in preschool educational institutions on active days (in the morning and in the afternoon). Its duration is 20-25 minutes in junior and middle groups, and 25-35 minutes in senior and preparatory groups. The content of the “health-improving play hour” includes outdoor games with a healing effect; breathing, articulation, finger and visual gymnastics; logorhythmic exercises; elements of relaxation and auto-training. To increase interest in performing the given exercises, figurative and playful plots are used, united by one theme of the day.
A recreational play hour is also organized by a physical education instructor and teachers in the afternoon; in unfavorable weather, it can be done in the first half of the day directly in the bedroom and group room during the cold season and on the site during the warm season.
On the days of the recreational play hour, physical education classes are not excluded. The motor play load is somewhat reduced and special attention is paid to special hardening procedures (wet rubdowns, contrasting foot baths, etc.).
The modern concept of organizing physical education in kindergarten involves the use of outdoor games as the main component of planned physical education classes, which are part of the basic general education program.
Children learn life by playing. It is in games that they enter into different, sometimes complex relationships with their peers, showing dexterity, courage, and intelligence. For preschoolers, all classes that the teacher conducts in physical education come down to a game focused on compliance with requirements, which influences the psychophysiological development of children, the development of motor skills, the organization of collective actions of children, whenever possible, carried out in the fresh air, which is easily learned by teachers for working with children, which does not require special devices and aids.
For the first time, the idea of ​​​​the need to give additional game actions a daily routine character was put forward by Yu.F. Zmanovsky. In addition to the 10-15 minute game, he introduced a warm-up, a physical training part (gymnastic exercises of various types) and a final part, in which he attached great importance to breathing exercises. Then it was proposed to combine air baths with games: children played semi-naked games - first in open T-shirts, panties, socks and slippers, and later - only in panties and slippers. The dosage of air baths ranged from 7 to 28 minutes and was closely related to temperature conditions and the intensity of physical stress. This is how the use of physical exercises in the form of outdoor games and hardening procedures began to be combined.
Outdoor games are one of the best methods of air hardening, the conditions for which are created in indoor classes, if the basic requirements for the preparation and content of physical education and game classes are met.
The longer the game, the longer the same set of exercises is worked on, the more pleasure the children take part in them. Frequently changing games is not advisable; it is better to complicate already familiar ones, increasing the distances that need to be overcome, changing the rules of the game, which require greater accuracy in completing tasks.
In practice, it is noted that children for whom the movements used in the game do not present difficulties are usually active and cheerful. If during the game a child fails to pass, run or throw an object, his emotional tone decreases, he ceases to rejoice, and becomes passive. The teacher pays attention to these children and tries to ensure that they make all possible movements and become active.
Games for children are held daily. Not a single day goes by without games and gymnastic exercises, which are naturally woven into special hardening procedures.
Thus, the recreational play hour is an effective additional form of organizing physical education and recreational work in the activities of the teacher.

Summary of recreational and gaming hours in the senior group

Theme: "Call of the Jungle"

Target:organizationactive recreation for children. Improving the physical education of preschool children, increasing physical activity.


    Promote a healthy lifestyle, encourage children to participate in physical education and sports.

    Make children enjoy sports activities.

    Promote the development of positive emotions and a sense of mutual assistance.

    Develop the ability to interact with each other, provide assistance and support in a group in solving basic tasks in achieving the goal.

(Video of the TV show “Call of the Jungle”)

Two teams come out.


The jungle will greet you today,

Where predators and herbivores live.

And everyone, children and adults,

Adventures and challenges are calling!

So, all the guests have gathered,

The athletes were tired of waiting.

Our holiday begins, the teams introduce themselves.

1. Predators, 2. Herbivores.

1 team:

Lynx, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Lion, Crocodile.


Even though we look formidable,

We are very kind at heart,

Hello all herbivores,

We will not leave without victories.

2nd team:

Elephant, Panda, Koala, Zebra, Kangaroo, Monkey.


We are a team of herbivores

Everyone is beautiful and slim.

Well, what about the chances of winning?

Ours are very big!

Educator: Jungle…..

Children: Name!!!


Before we begin our tests, let's warm up.

Early in the morning the animals came out into the clearing

Straighten their backs together

We'll do some warm-up

Captain Crab: “Warm-up”! (Warm-up video)


Guys, tell me, do all of you like adventure?

Children : Yes!

Educator: We have many tests ahead of us in the jungle.

Now listen to the riddle.

He is with you and with me

Walked in forest stitches.

A hiking friend behind your back

On straps with fasteners. (Backpack)

Children : Backpack.

Educator: That's right, a backpack.

But before getting ready for a trip, we must pack our backpacks and put in them the essentials that we will need on the trip.

1 challenge "Pack a backpack"

Educator: Jungle..

Children : call!

Listen to the rules:

Each of the participants must run with a backpack to the table where the objects are, take the object and put it in the backpack, the last participant takes the object, puts it in the backpack, closes it and puts it on his shoulders.

The team that collects and puts on the backpack the fastest wins!

Attributes – tables, 2 backpacks

Items: 2 bottles of water, 2 first aid kit, 2 rugs, hat, mug, 2 spoons, 2 thermos, 2 packs of cookies.

For each victory, herbivores receive a banana, and predators receive a bone.

Educator : Teams, are you ready?

Children : Yes!

Educator: Reade set Go!

Summing up the results of the first test.

Educator: The backpacks are packed, the weather is fine, there are palm trees and bamboo around.

Monkeys jump through the trees, and the voices of birds are heard. And you and I went to the river. You now need to carefully and quickly overcome the obstacle. (bird voices)

Educator : Jungle!

Children: Name!

Test 2: Obstacle Course

It is necessary to overcome wild thickets and swim across the river.

(The first participants, on command, run through an obstacle course consisting of a gymnastic bench (“river”), a tunnel (“thickets”) and hummocks.

They run around a landmark (standing on the floor and acting as a tropical tree) and return to their team, etc. The first team to overcome the obstacle course wins.

Educator: Jungle!

Children: Name!

Educator : Are the teams ready?

Children: Yes!

Educator : Reade set Go!


3 test "tropical frogs"

Frogs jump here and there through the tropical forests

Like frogs you jump, bring your frogs!

Participants are divided into pairs (boy, girl), boys are frogs and girls are little frogs! The boys must take the girls on a piece of paper (a mat and a small rope) and return them back. The team that runs the fastest wins!

Educator: Jungle!

Children: Name!

Educator : Reade set Go!

Summing up after the test.


And now a musical break for everyone. Fans come out with us.

Aram zam zam (video)

Both participants and fans.


To achieve success

Fatigue is not a hindrance for us

To complete all competitions

We continue testing.

4th test "Seine".

A member of one team (the rest are sitting) temporarily catches the players of the other team with a “net” (hoop) for how much he caught. (whom he caught sits on a bench). Then a player from the second team. Whoever catches the most wins. (stopwatch)

Educator: Jungle!

Children: calling!

Summing up after the test.

5 test “Collect a palm tree”

There were palm trees here and there,

Suddenly they fell apart piece by piece.

Collect the trunk and leaves,

Restore the palm trees!

The children take turns running to the other side of the hall, taking each box, and running back. You need to install the boxes so that you get a palm tree trunk. Stick leaves into the last box. Whoever builds the palm tree first wins.

Educator : Jungle!

The children are calling!

Summing up after the test

Test 6 “Battle of the Leaders” (captains competition)

Participants stand on a long plank. Take a soft pillow in your hands and on command« The jungle is calling » , trying to hit their opponent "pillow"and knock him to the floor.

Whoever leaves the board loses.

Summing up after the test.

7 test "wrecks"

The ships entered the locks (the locks are water containers).

Children carry buckets of water into the locks; the team whose boat rises out of the lock the fastest wins.

Educator: Jungle.

Children: Name!

Educator : Well, our journey through the jungle is over. It's time to count how many bones the predators have and how many bananas the herbivores have.

The Predators team won with a score of 5/4.

However, all teams deserve praise for their activity, mutual assistance, and desire to win

Therefore, all participants in the game “Call of the Jungle” receive prizes!

Goodbye, see you again!

The jungle is calling!

Annex 1

Wellness - game hour

"Call of the Jungle"
