Helps you look younger than your age. “Where are you going?”: How to live when you look younger than your age. Non-surgical skin rejuvenation

Eternal youth is the cherished dream of any woman, at any age. After all, you must admit that none of us wants to grow old, and in order to look younger than our years, any of us is ready to do a lot. In this article we will give recommendations, following which you can find your “rejuvenating apple”, while the quality and habitual routine of your life will not noticeably change. Ready to check it out?

Why do we grow old?

The biological point of view represents aging as the gradual loss of important functions by the body, including slower regeneration and loss of the ability to reproduce. Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult for our body to cope with diseases and withstand sometimes aggressive external conditions.

Human aging is studied by the science of gerontology. But even gerontological scientists hesitate to give a clear answer to the question: why do we grow old? They have already put forward several theories of loss of youth, each of which has its own grounds, but does not provide a complete picture of the prerequisites and conditions of aging. They need to be considered only as a whole. Therefore, we present the main theses and conclusions from them:

  • Poisoning of the body with intestinal poisons. The intestines, which digest food throughout our lives and help us absorb nutrients, cannot process them without waste. And what remains in it forms toxins and wastes, which over time begin to poison the entire body. The more microbes in the intestinal flora, the lower life expectancy.
  • Aggressive forms of oxygen (oxidants), which are produced in the human body during its life, accumulate and have no outlet, destroying it.
  • The process of cell division, which continuously occurs in our body, is not endless. Sooner or later, the amount of “raw materials for division” is reduced, and the body’s cells are renewed less and less often.
  • Each person has their own biological clock. The parts of the brain - the pituitary gland and hypothalamus - are responsible for the production of hormones by the glands, under the influence of which the vital activity of all cells occurs. The genes of our body are programmed for withering and destruction, but the duration of normal functioning of the hormonal system is different for everyone, laid down by nature.
  • Throughout our lives, damage to our body accumulates, which also causes aging.

Based on the above reasons for aging, let’s try to develop for ourselves an algorithm of behavior that will help us not only look young for a long time, but also feel “25.”

How to maintain youth without compromising your quality of life?

Contrary to general prejudices, in order to look great at any age you do not need to radically change your life. To maintain health, beauty and youth for a long time, significantly improve your well-being and increase the overall quality of life, you just need to make minimal adjustments to your usual routine.

As for maintaining physical youth, here are some tips for women of any age:

  • rational nutrition with the inclusion of environmentally friendly dishes with low calorie content in the menu;
  • sufficient sleep duration;
  • regular gymnastics;
  • hygiene and systematic skin care procedures;
  • reducing the number of emotional and physical overloads, sufficient rest after them;
  • giving up bad habits or reducing them;
  • adding variety to your life.

The closest path to youth is a healthy lifestyle, and our advice will be based on compliance with its components.

Gerontological scientists have suggested that reducing calorie intake by approximately 25-30% below normal can significantly prolong the youth of the entire organism: the life cycle increases, the risk of cancer decreases, memory sharpens and reactions improve.

It is worth trying proper nutrition as the main key to maintaining youth. Include in your body as many fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and other foods rich in “essential” vitamins A, C, E, which serve as natural antioxidants and help us fight toxins. Even if you are unable to reduce the size of your portions, make sure that your diet is rich in the following foods - the fountains of youth: carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, citrus fruits, apricots, rose hips, nuts, grapes, pumpkin.

By eliminating overly spicy seasonings from your diet, you will be surprised at how much faster you feel full and how noticeably your portions have decreased.

Youth and attractiveness are directly related to movement. And the category of movements can include not only walking, fitness classes or exercise machines, but also, for example, good regular sex.

By the way: special studies have been conducted, the conclusions of which convince us that if you have sex every day for 6 months, you can actually rejuvenate physically and look 5 years younger than you are.

In addition to the pleasant side described above, make it a rule to use public transport as little as possible, preferring to walk, do exercises at least three times a week, and ideally sign up for aerobics, dancing or swimming - the quality of your life will only improve, it will become much more more interesting and richer.

In order not to go on diets, but to always be in good physical shape, many women practice fasting days, and they do it right. By arranging such a day, you do not cause any significant harm to the body, while a long diet can hurt your metabolism. It is especially good to arrange fasting days after you had a hearty dinner the evening of the previous day and are afraid that excess weight will not slow down on your figure.

So, what is the best way to unload ? Try spending a whole day on one product, choosing from the following options:

  • water;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • tea with milk;
  • apples;
  • cucumbers or green salad;
  • green tea with honey;
  • skim cheese.

Advice: falling asleep with a half-starved stomach for just a few days will help solve the problem of poor sleep and “getting off on the wrong foot” syndrome.

It is not without reason that they say that Tibetan herbs and oils are the elixir of eternal youth, because in all Tibetan cosmetic recipes the main ingredients are natural products. Let's focus on the most beneficial properties of popular herbs for our youth, beauty and longevity:

  • Ginseng– one of the most important and popular plants in Tibetan medical practice. Its composition is rich in essential oils, peptides and saccharides, which are simply irreplaceable when caring for aging skin that loses its elasticity. It has regenerating and tonic effects, ensures a normal level of water-salt balance, and promotes oxygen saturation of the skin and hair.
  • Saffron– a source of vitamins B and PP, essential fatty oils and phosphorus and potassium salts. It is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It is an excellent moisturizer for the skin, smoothes and soothes it, and helps increase its elasticity.
  • Honeysuckle– a storehouse of ascorbic acid and astringents. Strengthens blood vessels, actively tones and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Lofant– a plant that contains high concentrations of essential oils and tannins, vitamins, and various types of acids. It is actively used in cosmetology as part of masks to smooth the skin and maintain a long-lasting effect, as well as to nourish and strengthen hair.

Decoctions and infusions of these herbs and flowers can be used to regularly wipe your face or rinse your hair: their effect can compete with a set of medical procedures or the use of popular branded cosmetics to preserve youth.

In the arsenal of modern cosmetology today there are many procedures and products that can help any of us in the fight for youth. You should not neglect them, but you should also approach the choice of rejuvenation methods selectively, relying solely on your own case. Let's name the most popular anti-aging cosmetic procedures today, which are performed in salons and medical centers:

  • Laser peeling – cleanses the skin of old cells, age spots and spider veins. The effect of the procedure can last for several years.
  • Mesotherapy or hyaluronic acid injections – wrinkles on the skin are filled with special cocktails of active drugs selected by a cosmetologist.
  • Photorejuvenation – effective for facial contour defects, decreased skin elasticity and pigmentation, performed using light flashes. The pain during the procedure is insignificant, the effect will last about a year.
  • Botulinum toxin (Botox) injections , stopping the muscles from working. As a result, fine wrinkles and “crow’s feet” around the eyes and on the forehead are smoothed out. The effect of the drug will last a year, but facial reactions will be significantly reduced.
  • Facial plastic surgery – produced primarily using hyaluronic acid injections. After this procedure, an immediate effect is noticeable and lasts about 6 months.

We invite you to watch an interesting video about the effectiveness and pitfalls of modern cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation.

“It’s impossible not to be nervous at all,” you say. Of course, but you can change your attitude towards nervous situations and increase your resistance to stress in simple ways. Nerve cells are not restored, let's take care of their safety, and at the same time prolong our youth. A few simple practical recommendations:

  • by reducing the consumption of excessively invigorating coffee and tea, you can forever eradicate lack of sleep, improve the quality of sleep and successfully combat the constant feeling of anxiety - the constant companion of all coffee lovers;
  • Surprisingly, if you walk and sit with your back straight for at least a week, you will notice how much your memory has improved and your resistance to stress has increased;
  • By turning off the TV and hiding your gadgets a couple of hours before bed, you not only fight back the stress and anxiety that rain down on us every day from the news feeds, but also free your imagination, give free rein to the flight of thoughts: it is 2 hours before bed that are most suitable for creativity and creativity;
  • use your phone only for business purposes, and you will not only protect yourself from unnecessary information and stress, but you will also understand that there are much more than 24 hours in a day.

In order to stay young longer, we need to take care of the timely removal of harmful substances that accumulate throughout life and clog our body from the inside. Even if you eat right, you need to take measures to cleanse the body, especially the intestines. Several ways to naturally and regularly cleanse the body under normal conditions:

  • compliance with the correct drinking regime (you must drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily);
  • drinking freshly squeezed berry, fruit and vegetable juices (beetroot and carrot juice has a particularly strong effect);
  • herbal infusions will relieve you of toxins: herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds, and immortelle are especially useful;
  • cleansing with folk remedies. So, a paste made from 10 heads of garlic, 10 lemons and 1 liter of natural honey is very effective. Drink this “potion” on an empty stomach, 4 tsp each, until the remedy runs out;
  • cleansing and rejuvenation with tea made from strawberry, raspberry and rosehip leaves.

How not to harm your health in pursuit of youth?

Often dreams of eternal youth push us to perform feats that we regret for years. Unfortunately, as a result of thoughtless actions, we often end up with health problems rather than the desired rejuvenation and beauty.

It is worth remembering that an important role in a woman’s attractiveness is played by her light, cheerful disposition and kindness, charming smile, grooming and culture of speech, and not at all by painful thinness or lack of wrinkles. You should not get carried away with exhausting diets in order to look thinner or younger than the age indicated on your passport: exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often has the opposite effect.

Be careful with cosmetic procedures that can be detrimental to your skin and health in general: before you “transform”, be sure to consult your doctor.

Use our practical advice and in a short time you will notice how your body has rejuvenated, your mood has improved and your self-esteem has increased.

You will need

  • We must pay tribute to mass culture and the development of public consciousness: the 30th anniversary is no longer the threshold beyond which a “girl” automatically turns into a “woman” and “leave the race.” As the age range for starting a family and having children shifts, so does our understanding of the age at which youth gives way to maturity. And yet, the number “30” has a magical effect on many, forcing them to go to great lengths just to look younger than their age.
  • As we approach 40, the question “How to look younger than your age?” takes on a more relevant sound, as signs of age appear more and more clearly, and accumulated fatigue makes itself felt.
  • The desire to look younger than one’s age is a completely natural desire of any woman, because confidence in one’s own attractiveness is an important component of self-esteem. Unfortunately, time does not spare anyone, and looking 25 years old at 50 is simply impossible, but looking 10-15 years younger than your real age is an entirely achievable goal.


Master the art of makeup

If you haven't used decorative cosmetics before, now is not the time to start. Many women who want to look younger than their age make the same beauty mistake - they start wearing bright makeup. Firstly, a sudden change in image will draw attention to changes in your appearance, involuntarily forcing your acquaintances to peer more closely at your face. Secondly, bright makeup in rich, dark colors - and for some reason these are the ones women choose “for...” - visually adds age.

Don’t be afraid to look “gray” - light, pastel shades of lipstick, eye shadow and powder will give your image freshness and youth. Leave dark and rich shades of lipstick and eye shadow for special occasions and evening receptions. Light pearlescent makeup, when appropriate for the situation, will also work to your advantage.

Take care of your lips - nourish and moisturize them, use special lip scrubs if necessary. Moisturized, smooth lips are one of the great ways to deceive age.

If you haven't already done so, choose a shade of lipstick that suits your skin type. The older you get, the more expensive beauty mistakes become.

Pay special attention to the shape and color of your eyebrows. A well-chosen shape will help you refresh and lighten your image and look younger than your real age. Eyebrows that are too wide or too thin are equally unsuccessful in terms of anti-aging makeup. Try to find a middle ground on your own or with the help of a cosmetologist.

If you use foundation, give up products with a dense texture in favor of more liquid ones, and replace compact powder with loose powder. By rolling into wrinkles, foundations with a dense texture will only emphasize your age, and will not hide age spots and other manifestations of age-related skin changes.

Hair color and haircut

There are two common opinions regarding whether older women should have. It is believed that with age, hair color should become lighter and haircut shorter. The first is partly true, but the second is a stretch.

In fact, if you want to look younger than your age, avoid dyeing your hair darker than your natural color. Trying to dye your hair blonde is often the wrong decision. Firstly, with age, hair becomes weaker, more fragile and more vulnerable, grows slower and falls out more, and bleaching is a rather aggressive procedure. Why put your hair through such stress? Secondly, as we have already said, sudden changes in appearance only draw attention to age-related changes.

If you want to lighten up, then do it gradually, no more than 1-2 shades lighter per coloring. Try playing with tones and colors; perhaps bronding or another non-uniform coloring technique will be an excellent alternative for you to complete lightening.

As for the length of your hair, a short haircut will not help you look younger than your age, but rather, on the contrary, will emphasize your age. If you have had long hair all your life, and at the age of 40 you suddenly cut it into a bob, then you are sending a very clear signal to those around you: “I think that I am no longer young, now I can only walk with short hair.” Do you really want this? Look at Hollywood actresses aged 45 and older: how many of them have switched to short hair?

Another argument in favor of a long haircut: the opportunity to divert attention from the neck, which is the first to reveal a woman’s age. If you want to look younger, don’t cut your hair short, especially if your neck is already showing marks of time, the oval of your face has “slipped” and a double chin has appeared.

A short haircut can be justified, perhaps, only in cases where the condition of the hair has deteriorated sharply with age, and a neat short haircut helps to hide this.

Work on your look

You may be surprised, but often it is your gaze that prevents you from looking younger than your age. All life experiences - positive and negative - are reflected in your eyes and on your face as a whole. Look at photos of yourself as a teenager. What do you see? A carefree, mischievous, “sparkly” look, unclouded by problems. Of course, it is difficult to look at the world through the eyes of a 20-year-old girl at 40, but try at least not to frown, smile barely noticeably, as if dreaming of something beautiful. If such a youthful look is difficult for you, practice in front of the mirror at first. Over time, you will get used to it, and those around you will certainly notice the changes in your appearance.

Get on the same page with the sun

If you want to look younger than your age, avoid going to the solarium and limit tanning in the natural rays of the sun. Firstly, tanning makes you look older, purely visually, and secondly, UV rays dry out the skin, which already has problems producing collagen and retaining moisture due to age-related changes.

Make it a rule not to appear outside without sunscreen and, if possible, a hat. If summer and the beach are synonymous for you, then purchase sunscreen with the maximum level of protection, a wide-brimmed hat and a beach umbrella and visit the beach only with this “outfit”.

People have been trying to unravel the secrets of beauty for millions of years. It would be so great to have a product that would help you look younger at any age. Science does not stand still and today there are a huge number of secrets and methods that will help hide some shortcomings and emphasize advantages.

A woman first thinks about the issue of rejuvenation at the age of 30, and the older she gets, the more pressing the problem becomes.

It is very important for every representative of the fairer sex to feel self-confidence, which is the basis of self-esteem. Today there are several proven ways to deceive age. Another important point that is worth mentioning is knowing the limits, since ladies who look too “youthful” look at least funny.

  1. As many say " Eyes are the mirror of the soul", so let's start with them. You can read everything in a woman’s gaze: accumulated experience, problems, fears and, of course, age. It will not be possible to return to youthful carefreeness, but everyone can not frown, do not lower their eyes, and smile at least occasionally. If this is too difficult to do right away, start by training in front of a mirror.
  2. An equally important aspect is the condition of the skin. You need to start following her before the age of 35. Your cosmetic arsenal should include products for basic skin care and cleansing. Choose an anti-aging cream for yourself, since the problem is best prevented, not eliminated.
  3. To cope with the first skin problems use gentle peeling, since it is very important to remove old cells. Such procedures will help activate the process of cell renewal and increase the flow of oxygen. In cosmetic care, it is important to know when to stop, since excess can lead to the opposite process.
  4. Also use hair care products. Use various cosmetic procedures at home. For example, you can perform contrast hydromassage daily.
  5. Another effective procedure is wiping with ice cubes., but no more than a minute. Don't forget about vitamin masks that nourish and moisturize the skin. Water balance is of great importance in the condition and appearance of the skin, so you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid daily.
  6. To know how to look young at 35, 40 and 50, you should take care of your skin and outdoor activities - beware of the sun. Forget about solariums and long walks without some protection. Regular exposure to UV rays dries out the skin, which significantly impairs collagen production. When going outside in active sun, use a special cream.

Other rules that will help you look young both after 40 and after 50:

  • Dream. Not only the body needs rest, but also the skin. During sleep, cells are restored and calmed down. If you do not sleep for the prescribed 8 hours, then within a few days you will see how your face will become haggard, more tired and older;
  • Nutrition. It is important that the diet is filled with vitamins, so remember about fresh vegetables and fruits. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are of great importance. Therefore, eat sea fish regularly;
  • Get rid of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are the main opponents of youth. Bad habits primarily affect the skin, which becomes dull and dry;
  • Laser, Botox and plastic surgery. Firstly, this is a rather expensive pleasure, and secondly, the effect is sometimes completely unexpected, and it is impossible to return something.

We are working on the appearance

  1. A woman’s first enemy is excess weight. It has been proven that every 5 kg adds 5 years to the number in your passport. Develop a rule for yourself - devote several hours to sports 3 times a week. Choose a direction that will bring you pleasure. Try to walk in the fresh air, do not use the elevator, etc.
  2. Many women recommend doing yoga, since it is this direction that allows you to get rid of excess weight, increase flexibility and keep your entire body in good shape. Show business stars especially love this sport. By choosing yoga, you can look younger even at 50 years old.
  3. Haircut and hair color are of great importance in the perception of a woman. The larger the number in the passport, the lighter the shade you need to choose. This doesn't mean that dyeing your hair blonde will make you 18 again. As for haircuts, there is too much controversy on this issue.

Some say that after 40 years you need to cut your hair short, others are sure, on the contrary, long hair will help hide your age. Therefore, the best recommendation in this case is to get a haircut that you like.

Consult a specialist who will help you choose the ideal option. Another secret that will help with rejuvenation is to get bangs. It is important not to comb or curl it.

Now let's look at the rules of makeup to look younger:

  • No experiments or bright colors. Saturated colors, on the contrary, increase age;
  • It is best to choose natural, pastel shades. Use powder and eye shadow, but save foundation for special occasions;
  • Don't forget to take care of your lips. Nutrition and hydration of this part of the face is very important;
  • Eyebrows are an important aspect in age correction. The right shape will help refresh your face and improve your makeup. Avoid options that are too thin or thick;
  • Concealer is a necessary item in every older woman's makeup bag. It is important to know how to apply it correctly: place a little on the inner corners of the eyes and nose. Such manipulations will refresh and rejuvenate the face;
  • Use blush to add emphasis and freshen up your look. The main thing is to choose the right shade;
  • Focus on the eyelashes. They become weaker and thinner with age, so use techniques to make them look thicker and more voluminous.

How to dress to look younger?

It is very important to learn how to correctly select and combine items of clothing in order to hide flaws and highlight advantages.

Age is not a barrier

At any age you can be beautiful and feminine, since, most importantly, this is a state of mind. It is from there that a light invisible to humans appears, which is reflected both in appearance and in the perception of others.

It doesn't matter how old you are, what matters is how you feel. The rules and recommendations discussed above will help you easily achieve your goal.

We all feel the effects of age, but if we try hard, we can add youth and vigor to our appearance. To look ten years younger, you can apply various tricks in makeup, hairstyle and clothing to get the desired result. You can also work on a healthy lifestyle that will help keep you on track. The most important thing is to remember that you are still beautiful no matter how old you are. In fact, many people look even better later in life as a result of their life experiences and therefore their self-confidence and image. If you want to know what you can do to look ten years younger, check out the steps below and get started now.


Part 1

Taking care of your face

    Use lotion to wash your face every day. Make sure to choose cleansers that are gentle and not too greasy. If your cleanser is too harsh, it can dry out your skin, causing it to age prematurely. Make sure the cleanser is aimed at your age group, not teenagers, and that it is described as moisturizing and gentle on the skin. You should use a cleanser before applying any makeup.

    • If until today you have not used cleansers, then, from now on, using one should become a habit, especially if you are no longer young. The cleanser removes traces of chemicals from your face, as well as makeup that can cause aging if you leave it on your skin for too long.
  1. Always moisturize your face after cleansing. Moisturizing your skin to keep it looking fresh and clean is just as important as cleansing it of harmful substances. Find a special anti-aging moisturizer that has a deeply moisturizing effect. Men can benefit just as much from this product as women, even if they are not used to using moisturizer or similar on their face.

    Protect your skin from sun exposure. Sunblock isn't just for the beach. If you really want to look ten years younger, then you need to make sure your skin is protected from the sun any time you're under it. You can find a moisturizer with sun protection factor (SPF) that will protect your facial skin from drying out while preventing harmful UV rays. Sun damage is a factor in premature aging, so make sure to apply at least SPF 15 to your face every day. Otherwise, you may end up with wrinkles, age spots and a dull complexion.

    • Don't just apply sunscreen to your face. Also use it on your arms, chest, and any other parts of your body that are exposed to the sun. This will protect you from the appearance of age spots on your arms and chest.
  2. Exfoliation of the skin. Exfoliation is another practice you should get into the habit of if you want your skin to look younger. It will leave your skin feeling softer and brighter, leaving you feeling refreshed. Again, make sure that you choose the right cream that should be suitable for people in your age group to get the maximum benefit from its use. Get into the habit of exfoliating.

    Use your facial hair to your advantage. Men and women should do the following with their facial hair to look ten years younger:

    • Women should strive to maintain full and beautiful eyebrow shape. You may think that thin eyebrows will make you look sexier, but in fact, such eyebrows will make you look older. If your brows have become thinner as you age, choose a pencil with a lead that's the right size to fill in your brows and add a youthful appearance to your face. Thick eyebrows will create the effect of youth and completeness.
    • Men should take care of their stubble; sloppy facial stubble makes them look older than their age. You'll be surprised at how instantly you'll look younger if you trim your stubble or shave it off completely.
  3. Do the right makeup (for women). There are countless tricks that can help you look younger with the right makeup. Proper use of cosmetics not only helps to hide imperfections, but also highlights your strengths, resulting in your face coming to life. Here are a few tricks you should try:

    Exercise every day. Make sure to get some exercise, either through brisk walks, a short yoga session, or a run in the morning. You may think you're too busy for it or that your health won't allow it, but there are types of exercise that can help almost everyone. Among other things, exercise will give you a boost of energy and make you feel even younger and more energetic. Exercising on a regular basis will help you look younger in no time.

  4. Maintain a healthy diet. Eating three healthy meals a day, along with healthy snacks and plenty of water, will ensure you look youthful both inside and out. Systematically eating only processed foods or constantly overeating will most likely lead to premature aging. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli and oranges, can help you look younger, both externally and internally, and the antioxidants found in berries can help keep your skin looking youthful. Carrots and sweet potatoes are also great for your skin, and low-fat yogurt can help keep your teeth strong.

    • Almost any fruit, vegetable or natural food can have benefits in terms of youthfulness. Avoid processed, fatty foods and you will definitely look younger than ever before.

Part 3

Healthy Habits
  1. Reduce stress. Of course, the phrase “don't worry, be happy” sounds like a cliché, but basically it means trying to live without the stresses of life. The less stress you have in your life, the less mental stress you will experience, which will be reflected in your physical well-being. Have your friends ever gone through difficult times in their lives, and have you noticed how anxious and precocious they seemed? We all go through difficult times, but it all depends on how we treat them. Try to always get enough sleep and rest. If life seems overwhelming, try meditating and thinking positively, because most troubles are only temporary.

    • Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, live in the moment, and take care of your body at the same time.
    • Unfortunately, some things will always cause you stress. You can't avoid stress completely. But working on a positive attitude and having a solid plan for dealing with stress can have a big impact on a positive outcome in your stress management.
    • Laugh as much as possible. By adding laughter to your life, you will help your body cope with stress and will look and feel younger.
  2. Maintain good posture. Keep your back straight and your head up, and you'll not only feel better and ready to take on new daily challenges, but you'll also look noticeably younger. The next time you feel like you're slouching or in a crouched position, think about how much older you look and feel now. It's all about posture - if you keep your back straight, you'll look more energetic and ready to take on the challenges at hand, and will subsequently start looking and feeling younger in no time!

    • You should also pay attention to your posture when sitting. You should keep your back straight, whether you are sitting or standing.
  3. Get more rest. Although each person has different needs for rest, a minimum of 7-8 hours a day is necessary for the body to begin to rest, which will give it a more energetic appearance. You don't want your face to look puffy or your skin to look saggy because you barely slept. Not getting enough rest causes a person to hunch over, and it is unlikely that a person will maintain healthy habits with this regimen. As you get older, your body will show signs of fatigue more quickly, so you should find the number of hours of sleep you need and stick to it.

      Avoid drinking too much or too often. There's nothing wrong with having a drink with friends every now and then and having fun, and you don't have to give up drinking completely if you enjoy meeting up with friends for a martini and having fun every now and then; after all, among other things, you also want to have a fun and energetic time, don’t you? But regular alcohol consumption has been proven to make your skin saggy and dry, which is something you should avoid if you want to look 10 years younger.

      • Of course, some of those people who look young feel young and enjoy life. For some people, alcohol is a fun social lubricant. So, if every now and then you feel like getting a little wild and having a few martinis, then don't cut alcohol out of your life completely.
  4. Be proud of your age. While there are many different tricks to look younger, you should first and foremost be proud of your years instead of hiding the real you. At your age, you have already achieved a lot, and there is no need to look twenty or thirty again. If you maintain a youthful attitude and take pride in yourself and your appearance, then you will actually look much younger than those who are desperately trying to hide their age.

    • Positive thoughts will have a big impact on your appearance and how young you look! You should practice this at least sometimes.