Leading by date of birth matrix of destinies decoding. Fate matrix diagram


So, let's start studying your destiny matrix. All we need is your date of birth and a little perseverance. The mistakes are very simple.

Our task is to understand what your purpose is and what prevents you from developing in society: building a career, finding your place in life or creating a business.

Let's take, say, a person who was born on March 24, 1981.

IN THE FIGURE: straight and diagonal squares for calculating the fate matrix.

And you write your date of birth on paper and do the calculations by analogy with us.


1. To the left corner of the diagonal square We enter the number 6 (because the person was born on the 24th). 24 energy does not exist, so we add 2+4=6. (Remember the main rule, if your numbers are greater than 22, you add them to the lasso number: for example, the 23rd energy does not exist, so we add: 2+3=5, if necessary.).

A birthday is our calling card, which immediately says a lot about a person.

2. At the top point of the diagonal square enter the month of birth. We have 3.

3. To the right corner of the diagonal square We enter the year of birth, which we reduce to the number of the lasso. In our case: 1+9+8+1=19. Enter 19.

4. To the bottom point of the diagonal square We enter the sum of all three energies that we have already calculated. 6+3+19=28, 2+8=10. (There is no energy with a number greater than 28, so if the sum is greater than 22, we add the component numbers until we get a number from 1 to 22). We enter our number 10.

5. To the central point of the entire matrix We enter the sum of all four already calculated energies. 6+3+19+10=38. Now we add 3+8=11. (remember why we add? There is no 38th energy. I hope you have already learned this rule, no further reminders). Enter 11.

The central point is our comfort zone - where our soul subconsciously or consciously strives.

We got Arcanum No. 11 – “ ENERGY OF POWER AND POTENTIAL ”.

SKY - Calculate celestial energy. Take the top and bottom points of the diagonal square and add them. 3+10=13. We write down the number 13 in heavenly destination.

EARTH — Add the left and right points of the diagonal square. 6+19=25. 2+5=7. We write down 7 opposite “EARTH”.


A person must complete it before the age of 40 (it is possible earlier, but at the age of 40 there will be a test, a spiritual exam, and if it is given a “failure” from above, the person may begin or worsen health and financial problems).

We have: 13+7=20. Enter the number 20.

Arcana No. 20 – “ ”.

First destination: Sky=13; Earth=7;

13+7=20. That is, the 20th energy is “ ENERGY OF ANNOUNCEMENT AND CLARITY ”.


1. In the upper left corner of an already RIGHT square enter the sum of the left and top points of the diagonal square. 6+3=9. Enter 9.

2. Next - you need to fill in the point that is located in the lower right corner of a straight square. To do this, add the bottom and right points of the diagonal square. 10+19=29. 2+9=11. We enter 11 in the lower right corner of the right square.

Now we add the resulting two numbers (energies). 9+11=20. We enter 20 in the “men” column. A person must give the advantages of the 20th energy to the male part of humanity. This applies to a brother, a father, a boss at work and a subordinate (but not a life partner).

3. Now we calculate what we should give to the female part of humanity. To do this, we calculate point in the upper right corner of the RIGHT square. To get it, add the top and right points of the diagonal square 3+19=22. We enter 22 at this point.

Now we add together the first and second calculated values. 22+16=38, and once again add 3+8=11. We enter 11 in the “female” column. This means that the purpose for women of the owner of this matrix corresponds to the 11th energy. Arcana No. 11 – “ ENERGY OF POWER AND POTENTIAL ”.

It happens that the purposes for men and women coincide.


To the number of male energy 20 we add the number of female energy - 11. 20+11=31. 3+1=4. We get the number 4. Thus, we get the SECOND PURPOSE, which a person must have time to fulfill by the age of 60.

For us this is Arcanum No. 4 – “ EMPEROR ”.

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Characteristics of the arcana based on the book by Natalia Ladini “Diagnostics of Purpose”

1 lasso Energy of the WIZARD AND WONDERWORKER

Pros of 1 lasso. A person born under this energy is endowed with extraordinary abilities. And his personal and social fulfillment is important to him. It is important for him to find an area of ​​life where he will have the opportunity to create and create something unique in life that is unique to him. These people are innovators and leaders. Powerful materializing ability of thought.

Cons of 1 Arcana(what you need to work on, what prevents you from achieving the desired result in life in any area). Recognition only of one's own importance, value and uniqueness is selfishness. Abuse of one's magical abilities for personal, selfish purposes. Suppression and submission to one's will. Lack of self-confidence. Disrespect for one's personality, complexes.

2 lasso. Energy of Unity, EQUALITY AND HARMONY

Pros 2 lasso. People from birth have diplomatic abilities, the ability to resolve conflicts, and smooth out rough edges. Not everyone is shown their true face; they often create an appearance, but hide the truth from prying eyes. They like to remain in the shadows and manage the situation gradually, carefully unfolding events according to their plans. They love and understand nature and the animal world.

Cons 2 lasso. People are doubtful, capricious and fickle. Often arriving in a state of discontent. Very secretive people, two-faced, deceitful. They change masks and roles, they are artistic and false. Unreliable. Contradiction and duality of nature. Doubts, indecisiveness, passivity, inertia and laziness.

3 lasso. EMPRESS

Pros of 3 lasso. Feminine (yin) energy. Such women are royalty, high-status persons, very feminine and attractive, always well-groomed, status in society, as well as in the family, is very important to them. They have control over all the material blessings of the world. They know how to organize their own business and are often managers of enterprises. With such a royal personage there is always a strong and reliable man nearby, who is ready to throw all the blessings of the world and his care at the feet of his beloved. Men born on the 3rd love to be in women's company and do housework. Such men often have female patrons (usually a mother, and later a wife). Sometimes they are completely led by their patronesses. Then such men need to consciously cultivate masculinity in themselves.

Cons 3 lasso. Despotism and excessive power, hypercontrol over children and loved ones. Moodiness, desire for increased attention and self-care. Obsession with appearance and material goods. Pressure on other people. Failure to accept your feminine nature. For men - excessive softness, unwillingness to take responsibility.

4 lasso. EMPEROR

Pros of 4 lasso. Masculine energy. Such men are reliable, caring fathers and husbands, successful in career and business, responsible, decisive, and good organizers. They are subject to power and money. Women with the energy of purpose do not have it easy. As a rule, she takes on male responsibilities in life. She needs to consciously lower her vibrations to the level of the 3rd lasso, to become soft and fluid. Otherwise, she will attract weak men into her life.

Cons 4 lasso. Authoritarianism, despotism and rigidity, excessive control over loved ones, excessive material attachments, abuse of money and power. Fear of taking responsibility, inability to make decisions.

5 lasso. ENERGY OF LAW

Pros of the 5th lasso. People with such energies in their chart try to live by following rules and traditions. Traditions of family, religion, society, etc. Good speakers and logicians. Family and raising children play a big role. All their lives they love to study, search for new information, and then pass on the accumulated knowledge.

Cons of 5 lasso. The desire is not to teach, but to edify. Accept only your own point of view, imposing your ideas and principles, inability to make compromises. Pride, excessive attachment to family and loved ones. If the 5th lasso is at the entrance to the money channel, then such a person puts in his head too many obstacles to achieving material wealth. In this case, excessive logic limits him, driving him into a framework and thereby denying the support of the Universe.


Pros of the 6th Arcana. People are sociable, they often have many friends and acquaintances, they are nice, pleasant, and courteous. They adore everything beautiful, they like to surround themselves with beautiful things and prestigious work. Trendsetters in everything. They love to be liked, the main motivation of their life is love between a man and a woman.

Cons of 6 lasso. Suspiciousness and distrust, focused only on external beauty: beautiful body, clothes, beautiful actions, etc. To love absolutely, and not “for something” - this is the task of people with the destiny of the 6th Arcana. Obsessed with their appearance, ladies' men.


Pros of the 7th Arcana. This is the energy of movement. A person sets goals for himself all his life and achieves them, leading others. They drive any type of transport well. Tenacious, persistent. Even after failures, they rise and continue to move towards their goal.

Cons of the 7th Arcana. Unfulfilled and lazy people. Often things are not completed. Fear of taking responsibility, belligerent people. If there is a desire in the soul to fight the world, then such a person will attract very difficult situations into his life, with which he will really have to fight. Inability to relax, wearing yourself out.


Pros of the 8th lasso. People with such energy spend their entire lives looking for ways in which they can change and improve their destiny. They are, as it were, connected by invisible threads with many of their previous incarnations. Therefore, it is they who are destined to understand the laws of karma and existence. Realize that everything in the world is measured down to the milligram. And what seems unfair at first glance actually has a cause-and-effect relationship.
For example: money is constantly stolen from an honest working person, or he loses it himself, or his bosses constantly do not pay him a certain amount. At first glance, this is very unfair. But, as you and I have already understood, everything in the Universe is natural. Therefore, we can assume that this soul was a thief in its past incarnations. And now, as punishment and for balance, she is given similar situations, so that he can, as it were, walk in the shoes of his former victims.

Cons of 8 lasso. A heightened sense of justice, the struggle for truth and condemnation, resentment, misunderstanding of the cause-and-effect laws of life, the belief that life is difficult, reluctance to learn from one’s own mistakes and change, pride.

9 lasso SAGE

Pros of the 9th lasso. People are self-sufficient and endowed with wisdom; people turn to them for advice. They love solitude and inner silence. Unhurried and unfussy. Prone to scientific activities. They seem dry and reserved. But in reality they are very deep, reliable and caring people. They spend a long time looking for a mate because they are meticulous and attentive. Very reliable friends.


Cons of 9 lasso. Closed, distrustful, very cautious. A disregard for one's body and home, excessive asceticism, logic, pride, condemnation of people. If this energy is at the entrance to the money channel, then such people do not know how to accept the benefits of the material world.


Pros of 10 lasso. People of the 10th arcana are lucky by fate. The right doors are always open for them, the right people appear at the right time. They live easily and do not strain, the flow of their river of life carries them along their destiny. All that remains is to relax and enjoy this process.

Cons of 10 lasso. If a person has a weak connection with Higher powers, then he may end up in the wrong stream, he will row against the current, strain very much, but at best he will remain standing still, and at worst, life will throw him back. Passivity, laziness, easy suggestibility from outside, lack of independence.


Pros of the 11th lasso. Strength is a manifestation of the uniqueness of people of the 11th Arcana. The world evaluates from the position of strength (thoughts, the power of words, physical strength, etc.). Large volumes of work are possible. Throughout their lives they discover the potential of their abilities. They love sports. They don't tolerate pressure. Leaders are resistant to defeat.

Cons of the 11th lasso. Wearing yourself down, rudeness, imposing your principles, pressure on other people, including force, lack of faith in your potential and abilities, powerlessness, indecisiveness.


Pros of the 12th lasso. People are aimed at selfless mutual assistance and support; their task is to bring goodness and mercy into the world. Innovators, creative and extraordinary individuals. The main task is to learn to serve people without harming yourself.

Cons of 12 lasso. Self-dislike, desire to suffer. Such a person often cannot say “no”, refuse people, and thus, as it were, agrees to a voluntary sacrifice. He is ready to bear the cross of his problems voluntarily. Often gets depressed. Reluctance to live your life. They devote all their time to friends and relatives, but not to themselves. Laziness, apathy, a state of sagging and stagnation. Not ready to start new life cycles.


Pros of the 13th lasso. Active and fearless people, they have a dull sense of death, extreme sports enthusiasts. They easily begin new life cycles and cannot stay in one job for long. Such a person always needs to move somewhere, start new projects. Throughout life, a person dies many times in one capacity and is born in another.

Minus 13 lasso. Harshness and aggressiveness, fear of death and change, optionality, excessive looseness, extravagance.


Pros of the 14th lasso. People of art are aimed at other people's souls. Emotional and receptive to beauty. External forms are secondary for them. People often choose professions related to psychology, medicine, art and creativity. Moderate.

Cons of 14 lasso. Material mundaneness, inability to forgive. They often deal with their past and therefore find it difficult to move forward with this burden. Such people need to learn to forgive. They often go to extremes: for example, they extremely restrain themselves when it comes to food, and then they overeat a lot.


Pros of the 15th lasso. These are X-ray people. They show other people their own shortcomings, they are able to see right through a person, so they are often disappointed in people. Some people love them, while others avoid them and are afraid. Cheerful, energetic, adventurous. If you are not hooked on money, then you attract it into your life easily and cheerfully. If you are very attached to them, finances come hard. They love to shine in society.

Cons of 15 lasso. All of the above benefits do not accrue to people with 15 arcana of fate if they themselves have shortcomings that they are capable of showing to other people: envy, aggression, anger, the desire to reshape another person, control, educate and build him. The disadvantages of this energy are inherent in almost all of us. And our task is to transform all this negativity into love, acceptance and experience. Otherwise, a person will attract people from space with the same qualities of the soul that exist in him.


Pros of the 16th lasso. This energy is a continuation of the 15th lasso. If a person passes all the temptations of the material world with dignity, then he awakens spiritually. This is the essence of the 16th arcana. People who have seen the light strive to change their usual way of life. Destroy all the negative old things and build something better and new in this place. Such a person loves to change everything in ordinary everyday affairs, and to participate in restructuring and reconstruction.

Cons of the 16th lasso. If a person chooses anger, envy, aggression and hatred according to the 15th lasso, then complete destruction comes into his life: in business, family, relationships, career, business. A person does not want to develop spiritually and change his life for the better. Thinks narrowly. His life is chaos and disorder. Increased injury rate.

17 lasso STAR

Pros of the 17th lasso. Creative, stellar people. Such a person always strives to stand out from the crowd. If he takes on something, he reaches the heights of mastery in it. Often such people become famous throughout the country or the world, or famous in certain circles. Intuitive, psychic and sensitive.

Cons of the 17th lasso. Lack of faith in your creative abilities, self-doubt and slowness, complete unfulfillment. People look like extinct stars, despite the fact that they have been given enormous potential and are destined for a wide road. Lack of independence, capriciousness and pride.


Pros of the 18th lasso. The Moon is the most powerful magnet in the Universe. Therefore, people who possess this energy have a powerful materializing ability of thought. They attract into their lives whatever they think about. If a person is focused, say, on success, then that is what comes to him in life. With this energy, people can have mystical, magical abilities, see prophetic dreams or practice lucid dreaming.

Cons of the 18th lasso. Focusing on the negative. If a person is afraid of, say, failures in his personal life, then this is exactly what happens to them, that is, relationships do not work out. Fear is a request to the Universe, as if asking it to be realized. We don’t want it, we are afraid of it, but we think about it and attract it accordingly. A person lives in fear and often becomes depressed. Under a dark moon, one can become stuck in an illusory world (through mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.). Can practice black magic and do evil.


Pros of the 19th lasso. Effective people, social activists, business leaders. They face big challenges. They are the Sun. Therefore, the goal of such people is to light the way for many, to lead large teams and bring material prosperity to people, to take care of people.

Cons of the 19th lasso. Power, elevation above people, self-immolation, that is, dislike for oneself. Aggression. When the sun is aggressive, it burns everything in its path.


Pros of 20 lasso. Such people are able to draw information from the information field of the Universe. Connected by karma with their ancestors, family. They are entrusted with a very responsible mission - to heal the karma of their ancestors through their development and example. Otherwise, he carries the burden of grievances and various negative processes along the line of his father and mother with him throughout his life, and this greatly slows him down in achieving his goals. Diversely developed.

Cons of 20 lasso. Judgment of parents, relatives and people in general. Aggression. Groundedness or, conversely, withdrawal into the world of energies. Fear of death of loved ones.


Pros of the 21st Arcana. Peacekeepers. The whole world is a home for such people. All religions and nations are one. Polyglots, for them there are no language boundaries or state boundaries. They travel a lot. Global worldwide projects are subject to control.

Cons of 21 Arcana. Militant attitude against the whole world, religions, politics. You need everything at once, the inability to move towards achieving your goals step by step. Inciting interstate conflicts.


Pros of 22 lasso. People are free from dogmas and restrictions, frameworks and prohibitions. Their whole life is fireworks and celebration. They can afford to have everything and not cling to anything.

Cons of 22 lasso. Irresponsibility, unwillingness to accept any obligations, escape into freedom through illness and wild life. Complete lack of freedom: hospital, prison, golden cage. Excessive material attachment and the desire to limit the freedom of other people.

*Fate matrix calculator online

Fate Matrix Analysis

Calculations So, let's start studying your matrix of fate. All we need is your date of birth and a little perseverance. The mistakes are very simple. Our task is to understand what your purpose is and what prevents you from developing in society: building a career, finding your place in life or creating a business. Let's take, say, a person who was born on August 26, 1989. in the picture: straight and diagonal squares for calculating the matrix of fate. And you write your date of birth on paper and carry out calculations by analogy with us.
DIAGONAL SQUARE In the left corner of the diagonal square we enter the number 8 (because a person was born on the 26th. 26 energy does not exist, so we add 2 + 6 = 8. Remember the main rule, if your numbers are greater than 22, you add them to the number of the lasso: for example, There is no 23rd energy, so we add: 2+3=5, if necessary.). A birthday is our calling card, which immediately says a lot about a person. We enter the month of birth at the top point of the diagonal square. We have 8. In the right corner of the diagonal square we enter the year of birth, which we reduce to the lasso number. In our case: 1+9+8+9=27, 2+7=9. We enter 9. At the bottom point of the diagonal square we enter the sum of all three energies that we have already calculated. 8+8+9=25, 2+5=7. (There is no energy with a number greater than 22, so if the sum is greater than 22, we add the component numbers until we get a number from 1 to 22). We enter our number 7. At the central point of the entire matrix we enter the sum of all four already calculated energies. 8+8+9+7=32. Now we add 3+2=5. (remember why we add? There is no 32nd energy. I hope you have already learned this rule, no further reminders). We enter 5. The central point is our comfort zone - where our soul subconsciously or consciously strives. We have Arcanum No. 5 - “Spiritual teacher, energy of law.”

SKY We calculate celestial energy. Take the top and bottom points of the diagonal square and add them. 8+7=15. We write down the number 15 in heavenly destination.

EARTH Add the left and right points of the diagonal square. 8+9=17. We write down 17 opposite “EARTH”. HEAVEN + EARTH = FIRST PURPOSE A person must fulfill it before the age of 40 (it can be done earlier, but at 40 there will be a test, a spiritual exam, and if it is given “failure” from above, the person may begin or worsen with health and financial problems). We have: 15+17=32, and once again add 3+2=5. We enter the number 5. Arcana No. 5 – “Energy of the law, spiritual teacher and rules.” First destination: Sky=15; Earth=17; 15+17=32, 3+2=5. That is, the 5th energy is “Teacher and High Priest.” Second purpose: Male=32 (3+2)=5; Female=32 (3+2)=5; 5+5=10. Arcana No. 10 – “Divine Stream”. General purpose: 5+10=15 Arcana No. 15 – “The energy of temptation and earthly pleasures.” Date of birth: 08/26/1989.

RIGHT SQUARE In the upper left corner of the RIGHT square we enter the sum of the left and top points of the diagonal square. 8+8=16. Enter 16. Next, you need to fill in the dot, which is located in the lower right corner of the right square. To do this, add the bottom and right points of the diagonal square. 7+9=16. We enter 16 in the lower right corner of the right square. Now we add the resulting two numbers (energies). 16+16=32, and again add 3+2=5. Enter 5 in the “men” column. A person must give the advantages of the 5th energy to the male part of humanity. This applies to a brother, a father, a boss at work and a subordinate (but not a life partner). Now we calculate what we must give to the female part of humanity. To do this, calculate the point in the upper right corner of the RIGHT square. To get it, add the top and right points of the diagonal square. 8+9=17. We enter 17 at this point. Next is the lower left corner of the RIGHT square. To get it: add the left and bottom points of the diagonal square. 8+7=15. We enter 15 into this point. Now we add together the first and second calculated values. 17+15=32, and once again add 3+2=5. Enter 5 in the “female” column. This means that the purpose for women of the owner of this matrix corresponds to the 5th energy. Arcana No. 5 – “The energy of law, rules and teachers.” It happens that the purposes for men and women do not coincide.

SECOND PURPOSE Then to the number of male energy 5 we add the number of female energy - 5. 5+5=10. We get the number 10. Thus, we get the SECOND PURPOSE, which a person must have time to fulfill by the age of 60. For us this is Arcanum No. 10 - “Divine flow and good luck.”

ENERGY THAT ALWAYS INFLUENCES A PERSON And one more number – a general one. We get it by adding the first and second purposes. We have: 5+10=15. The total number is an energy that always affects a person. We will always be influenced by the energy of Arcana No. 15 - “The energy of temptations and earthly pleasures.” We read the matrix of fate: Before us is a person who can easily understand the cause-and-effect relationships in the Universe, the laws of karma (8 lasso). He is connected, as it were, by invisible threads with the karma of past incarnations, and therefore it is not a problem for him to see and understand: what is in his life did not come by chance (both good and bad).

All my life I have been asking the question: how can I improve my life and what do I need to do for this? If this energy goes negative, then the person has a heightened sense of justice. It seems to him that everything is dishonest and wrong, that he is being offended, that there are many bad people. Perhaps this is a judgmental person. He is forced to spend a lot of energy fighting justice all his life. But until he gives up this struggle and realizes that he needs to draw conclusions from any situation and not fight it, he will not be able to improve his life. As soon as he gives up the fight, life will get better.

This person is also destined to become a very status and rich person, to enjoy life (15 lasso in heaven and in general destiny). If this is not in his life, it means that in his soul and subconscious there live such negative processes as envy, anger, selfishness, aggression, pride, the desire for power over people, the need to build and re-educate others, often with the best intentions. But fate will not give him this sweet candy in the form of all earthly pleasures until he throws all of the above negative programs out of his heart.
The energy of the 5th Arcana in masculine and feminine gender, as well as in the first purpose for oneself and in the comfort zone, indicates that a person loves to study and learn everything new, he is a logician. His parents, most likely, raised him within strict boundaries and rules, imposed their point of view and, perhaps, lectured him in their relationships, and did not want to listen to each other. As a result, the child also developed a “framework” view of life. He lives in captivity of frameworks and stereotypes that exclude miracles and Divine guidance and luck from his life, because a person is accustomed to relying only on himself. His task is to expand his consciousness, to find a place in life for miracles that are not subject to logic. And only then will life become easier. Also, refuse to accept only your point of view and your views on life, because they may already be outdated for this person or cause destruction. And only after such transformations will he fit into his stream of luck (10 lasso). He will relax and begin to enjoy life, without straining at all. His whole life will begin to revolve around him if he can unconditionally trust God and Space.

The 17th lasso in the matrix of a given person suggests that he should reveal his creative potential, even if in childhood such a child was taught that being creative means being poor. Remember that these are frames and stereotypes that exist only in your head and not in reality. The task is also to believe in yourself, in your wide successful path, to recognize the uniqueness of your personality, but not to go too far in your own pride. And then life will bloom like a fountain of marvelous roses.
We wish the same for you!

Today we are taking a journey into the Matrix of Fate method. Together we will open the matrix and get to know ourselves step by step. The material in this article will be of interest to both beginners who are just getting acquainted and in search of themselves, as well as “oldies” who have been in the subject for a long time.

We will start with the key concept introduced in ours at the end of 2016 - the Mirror Matrix.

Mirror matrix

An important element of deep understanding Matrix of Fate method and the difference from other schools is the Mirror Matrix.

“Why is your birth number on the right, and the energy of the year of birth on the left?” - This is a frequently asked question from those who have studied this method on third-party resources.

I answer: The Matrix is ​​our reflection.

If we look in the mirror and do some action, then this action is repeated and reflected in the mirror. The matrix is ​​a mirror of ourselves, and in order for it to become mirrored on a piece of paper, we make the right side masculine and the left side feminine.

Accordingly, the right hand is responsible for the father, the left for the mother. When we display this on the matrix, the number of birth falls on the right side, the number of the year on the left.

Further movement along the matrix occurs clockwise - this is development, and the development of energies occurs counterclockwise, this is the expansion of energy. This creates a complete system.

Working with the looking-glass matrix (printed version of the matrix), when the birth number is written on the left side, is more complex. Today we will see this clearly; when working with volume, this part goes into the shadows. And instead of growth and development, the person himself goes into the shadows. The straight square (foundation) begins to push through it.

In addition, many in the mirror matrix begin to work immediately with a diagonal square, not understanding the difference between the squares - for them it is just a figure on paper. But at the energy level, this difference is incredibly huge!

As a result, the negative energies manifest themselves in life situations stronger and brighter: discord begins in the family, at work, losses in finances, health - a lot of provocations and negativity begin at once.

Matrix of Fate Method It’s interesting because as soon as you discover your energies, as soon as you make the first calculations, write down the energies, they immediately turn on for you. This is a living method, not a monument, as soon as you open and become familiar with your energies, at that very moment they come to life in you.

For a more detailed understanding of the meaning of birth date numbers and the method itself, I recorded a free video course. You can access it via this link:

As soon as you discover some kind of energy and begin to work with it, immediately, in the near future, they begin to turn on provocations, showing and revealing these energies to you. And you either notice these provocations or succumb to them - this is the passage of this or that energy, this or that program.

By the way, the energies of the current day also act in exactly the same way.

EXAMPLE: Today is the 11th, for example, you could be very active today, do a lot of things, or waste your energy, do a lot, but to no avail. Or maybe you didn’t want to do anything today, you felt a state of laziness. Either someone tried to push you, force something on you, or you imposed something on someone. This is the inclusion of 11 energy.

There is a whole topic - a personal horoscope in the matrix. But that's another story... Let's return to the Mirror Matrix.

Turning around the vertical line – the Line of the Spirit

Imagine, we take a vertical line, in the figure it is a line with energies 7 and 5, and unfold the matrix relative to it. The energies on the left side of the printed matrix are transferred to the right side. This is how the Mirror Matrix is ​​formed.

And it turns out that you are already working with a mirror matrix, and are not standing behind a mirror. Your energies begin to unwind in the correct sequence - development clockwise, and the expansion of the energies themselves counterclockwise.

Our goal today is to introduce you to ourselves with the help of an amazing Matrix of Fate method.

Remember, first we strengthen and harmonize the lower and upper crosses, because the energies may be negative, the squares may lie unevenly on each other, the matrix may be half buried in the ground, it may be twisted into a tube, the chakras may not work.

On the right you write your birth date.

This is the number (energy) of personality quality. What kind of person? How does he show himself in society?

If you want to know the description of 22 energies, you can download from this link:

At the top we write the month of birth, there are 12 of them in total.

This position is responsible for the sahasrara chakra and speaks of your connection with Spiritual Teachers. More precisely, your connection goes through this energy. This energy is also responsible for the downward flow of monetary energy. But we already go through this in the course.

On the left we calculate the energy of the year of birth, to do this we add up all four digits of the year of birth one at a time: 1983=1+9+8+3=21.

21 is less than 22, so it is written that way. If you get a number greater than 22, then calculate the energy by adding and write it down. This position is responsible for present karma - repeating events in your life. The file describing the energies that you downloaded earlier will tell you what these events are. in step 1.

Add up the three resulting vertices - day, month, year of birth and calculate the energy of the fourth lower vertex, write it down.

Often asked: “Where to find your purpose? How many purposes do I have?

There are six purposes in total - planetary, tribal, social... but we, going deeper and discovering new knowledge, came to the conclusion that one purpose for a person, is in the center of the matrix. But below is the energy Soul Goals.

Lower energy is also the obstacles that a person goes through, and the experience that a person gains after passing these obstacles.

Forty years is also a given lower position in the matrix of fate, when it can be very painful, and either by sinking to the bottom a person begins to rethink the values ​​of his life and he comes to the top, or...

What happens at the lowest point of the Matrix of Fate?

Every person passes this point around 40 years of age. The vertical diagonal is turned on - the manifested Spiritual core, through which there is a connection with the Supreme Powers (Higher Powers), and when a person does not move along the path of his Spiritual growth, his destiny, then energy provocations begin.

In this way, the sun tries to give clues to a person, first through certain events, in order to sharpen his attention.

When a person does not hear the prompts ( this may be due to the closedness of the Center of the Soul (center of the matrix), when attitudes from parents, schools, imposed by society, personal ones, prevent you from hearing the impulses, the call of your Soul), then the situation begins to worsen - loss of money, real estate, relationships, work, deterioration of health.

Plus, since the lower part of the matrix is in the world of matter, then all these events occur in the material plane. This is not something Spiritual, for example, a crisis of faith, and events hit the most material points, the main elements of which are finances, self-realization, health, relationships.

The Matrix is ​​not an abstract system; many of you have encountered psychics when, upon coming to them, they told you: “Oh, you’re sick. Let's remember what you did then...”

I believe that someday, in a certain number of years, this system will be so well-known and accessible that people will easily interact and work with it, find answers to questions and avoid many errors.

Instead of looking for something or going to someone, a simple layout using the Matrix of Fate method will tell you important and key information about a person.

For a more complete portrait and solving certain problems, there are many other tools. There is a Name Matrix, when based on two combined matrices: the Last Name Matrix, First Name and Patronymic (Full Name) and the Birth Matrix, energies are collected like beads, which gives a deeper understanding of a person’s portrait.

There is a Matrix of the Subconscious. There are provocateurs and helpers, each energy has its own root and flower. This is already the depth that we study in our

But even with initial knowledge, a lot in life already becomes clear.

As soon as you realize the energy that is here and bring it to the positive, it becomes your experience - you have fulfilled your purpose of this level, and as soon as you pass it further you move to the center of the Soul, this is what we do in “The Matrix” Reboot".

Your next goal is Purpose of the Soul. That is, first you fulfill your destiny at the level of yourself as a person, the manifestation of yourself in this world, and then you fulfill the destiny of your Soul - this is the program of the center of the Matrix.

Calculation of a direct square

To find the vertices of a right square, the principle of adding adjacent energies works.

Take the resulting energy of the birth number and add it with the energy of the birth month and get the energy of the upper right vertex of the straight square - this is the energy of the father’s gender.

We count the upper left vertex of the right square in the same way, adding up the neighboring energies. Add up the energy of the month and the energy of the year of birth, the resulting energy is the energy of the mother’s gender.

In exactly the same way we find the lower vertices of a right square.
Add up the energy of the year and the energy of the destination, convert the resulting amount if the result is greater than 22 and write it down.

Add the energy of the birth number and the energy of the lower energy of the destination, convert the result if the sum is greater than 22 and write the energy of the lower right vertex into the matrix.

After you have counted all the vertices of the Matrix, take and write down all eight energies in a row. Look at the energies, write down the qualities of these energies. The next step is to find and record your vibrational pattern.

What it is? How to calculate and write it. There are simple numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and there are composite numbers, these are numbers greater than 9. If you have energies in the matrix of more than nine, then using the addition method you reduce them to one number : 10-1, 11 – 2, 12 – 3, 13 – 4, 14 – 5, etc. – these are root energies.

EXAMPLE: If you look at my matrix, three threes are striking, in addition to this there are 12 - 3 and 21 - 3. The key energy of my matrix is ​​3. For my vibrational series, three is the root energy for the entire series.

The vibration row is a hint that allows you to see how many identical roots are in your row. If the three goes into the negative, then accordingly the entire matrix begins to slide into the negative.

Negativity in three is greed, the desire to control everything, being caught up in material things, living life in the past or in the future, and not in the present. A person does not live the way he would like, either in dreams, or in past grievances, clues, etc.

In the next article you will find out.

Your psychomatrix

The meaning of the psychomatrix cells

Each number in the cells of the psychomatrix is ​​a quantitative indicator of innate quality. We can say it another way: this is an assessment of the influence of a personality trait on a person’s character and fate on a scale from 1 to 9.

What does it mean to calculate the psychomatrix in practice? Of course, answers to those questions that must inevitably arise in the process of developing a relationship with a specific person. What does he want, what can he do, what will he decide to do? And what reaction should be expected from him in this or that life situation?

By knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular, do not wait and do not demand what is obviously impossible.

“1” - strength of character
“2” - human energy
“3” - cognitive potential
“4” - health potential
“5” - intuition and logic
“6” - propensity to work
"7" - luck
“8” - level of responsibility
"9" - memory and intelligence

The meaning of the lines of the psychomatrix

The Pythagorean psychomatrix by date of birth specifies eight lines - three rows, three columns and two diagonals. Each of these lines combines the qualities of its constituent cells, thus becoming an indicator of a personality trait of a higher, total level. Obviously, the degree of expression of this property directly depends on the number of digits in each cell that makes up the line.

For example: exceptional curiosity and a wide range of interests, which is indicated by a large number of “C”s, cannot in any way be considered a guarantee of stability in the presence of weakly expressed diligence (6) and lack of ability to accumulate life experience (9).

The ability to correctly read the lines of the psychomatrix is ​​the basis for understanding the very essence of numerological personality analysis. The cells of the Pythagorean square are a list of the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Lines are a person’s real life, his credo, his code of conduct, his life position.


The meaning of additional numbers of the psychomatrix

Calculating additional numbers is not difficult, but requires care. The first additional number in the table - the sum of all the digits of the date of birth - are qualities that need to be strengthened in order to fulfill their destiny. The second - the sum of the digits of the first additional number - determines the life goal itself.

The third is the difference between the first additional number and double the value of the first digit of the date of birth, and the fourth is the sum of the digits of the third additional number. These are the numbers of innate potential, those qualities that will help you achieve your goal.

Strengthening the psychomatrix

The indicator of each cell of the psychomatrix can be changed - strengthened or weakened by the influence of the row, column and diagonal of which this cell is a part. The Pythagorean square in numerology suggests several options for such transformations for almost any person. Without taking these influences into account, it is impossible to obtain a correct idea of ​​a person’s personality.

Psychomatrix compatibility

Compatibility according to the psychomatrix - assessing the potential of relationships between partners based on the compatibility of key personality traits. Analysis of the psychomatrix takes into account the degree of expression of such character traits as determination, propensity for family life, stability, self-esteem, talent, performance, temperament, spirituality, character and energy. The more indicators coincide, the higher the likelihood of a successful union.

Important and dangerous days

Identification of important and dangerous days is a comparative analysis of special numbers of the date of birth and a specific calendar date. The coincidence in these series of numbers indicates the days when the probability of making a fatal mistake is highest. It is impossible to influence the circumstances and change the initial data. But if you know about this in advance, you can plan your actions in advance and refrain from those that will have irreversible consequences.

Psychomatrix and forecast by year

A change schedule is a description of changes occurring in a person’s type of perception and way of thinking. A characteristic feature of this interpretation is that, unlike the numbers of the personal year, there is no cyclicity or predictable orderliness. In one year, a person can undergo a radical moral gradation that will completely change his value system.

The method is based on the philosophy of 22 codes - these are 22 energies of the structure of the universe. Everything in the World is arranged according to this principle.
22 energies contain your highest potential and unfulfilled karmic tasks.
The 22 energies are divided into three septenaries:

1. Seven of the world of matter (from code 1 to code 7).

2. Seven of the world of the soul (from code 8 to code 14).

3. Seven of the world of spirit (from code 15 to code 21).

Code 22 is transitional. (release of the highest spirit).


Let's consider drawing up a fate map using the example of a person born on May 1, 1969.

The fate card consists of two squares. One square is straight, the other is diagonal. Inside the squares are straight and diagonal crosses. Initially, you and I begin filling out our diagram by date of birth. If the number of the date of birth is two-digit, we bring it by addition to the code number. And this is what we do with all the numerical values ​​that appear in our map, bringing them to the code number.

First step. Fill in the diagonal square. We start filling it with a horizontal line - the earth line. In the left corner of this line we write the number of birth. In this case being analyzed, it is 1. The next corner of the diagonal square, its top point is the month of birth. In our case it is 5. Next, fill in the left corner of the diagonal square - this is the year of birth. We add the digits of the year to the code number and write it in this corner, which is located on the earth line. In this example, it looks like this: we bring our year 1969=1+9+6+9=25 to the code number by adding 2+5=7 code. Therefore, in this angle we write the resulting number (7) (This angle is responsible for the 40 year mark). The next angle - the lowest one - is calculated by adding the three previous values ​​(the left corner of the ground line, the top point of the diagonal square and the right corner of the ground line). We get: 1+5+7=13.

The next step is to calculate the center of the fate map. We find the center by adding four previously obtained values: 1+5+7+13=26=8. We now have a filled diagonal square and a center. There is also one square - a straight one - and we also need to find the value of its angles.

Fill in the straight square. We find all its angles by adding the extreme ones to it, the previously obtained values ​​(neighboring to it) from the diagonal square. You can designate these squares and the corresponding values ​​in different colors for clarity. If you draw diagonals in these squares, you will get two crosses: one is straight (consisting of a vertical line - the line of the sky, and a horizontal line - the line of the earth), the other is diagonal.

A straight cross means destiny for oneself. This is our personal destiny - what we must do for ourselves, what lessons to take, what to understand, what to improve in ourselves. We find personal purpose by adding up heaven and earth. There are two lines in a straight cross: vertical and horizontal. The vertical line is the celestial line, the line of the sky. This is the total energy in us, i.e. our energy potential. We find the sky line by adding the extreme values ​​of the vertical line (without a center). In this case, 5+13=18.

The second line is earthly - our physics is in us, the world of matter is in us, all our material potential. We find the value of the earth line by adding the extreme values ​​of the horizontal line (without a center). We get: 1+7=8. Therefore, personal purpose: 18+8=26=2+6=8.

The diagonal cross is a purpose for people (social purpose) - what we must convey to the world, to people, to the external plane. Destination for people is calculated by adding the values ​​of the male and female lines. The male line is the one that is closer to the birthday number and is located on the diagonal of the right side of the fate matrix. It is also the ancestral line of the karma of the father’s ancestors. The male line is calculated by adding the extreme values ​​of the diagonal line (without the center). In this example: 6+20=26=2+6=8. The female line is on the diagonal of the left side of the matrix and is the line of karma of the mother's ancestors. The female line is calculated by adding the extreme values ​​of the diagonal line (without the center). In this example: 12+14=26=8. Therefore, the purpose for people is: 8+8=16.

The third purpose is the general purpose (spiritual purpose), which is found by adding the two previous purposes (personal purpose and purpose for people). Example: 8+16=24=6 .

The fourth purpose is a planetary purpose; it means a person’s mission for a large number of people (and maybe for the entire Planet). And it means the revelation of his superpowers (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience, transmission of thoughts at a distance, lucid dreams, communication with angels). It is found by adding the purpose for people and the general purpose. In this case it is: 16+6=22.

Planetary = 16+6=22 – fourth planetary purpose.

Your date of birth is the energy of your personality, in this case it is 1.

The top point of the diagonal square means a connection with heaven, with a guardian angel. In this case it is 5.

The center is a comfort zone, through this energy you communicate and you are perceived in society. In this case it is 8.

The lower corner of the diagonal square is the karma of past incarnations. In this case it is 13.

We calculate the energy potential of the seven chakras along the celestial line:

We have already found Sahasrara (crown chakra), this is the top of the diagonal square, in our case it is five.

Ajna (third eye) - calculated by adding the obtained values ​​of sahasrara and vishuddhi, we get the value of the third eye. In our case it is: 5+13=18

Vishuddha (throat chakra) - found by adding the values ​​of the crown chakra and center. In this case it is: 5+8=13

Anahata (heart chakra) is found by adding its extreme values ​​(vishuddha + manipura). In this case it is: 13+8=21

Manipura (solar plexus) is our center. In this case it is: 8

Svadhisthana (umbilical chakra) is found by adding its extreme values, i.e. the value of the center + the lowest point of the diagonal square (this point corresponds to the muladhara chakra). Example: 8+13=21

Muladhara chakra is the value of the lower point of the diagonal square, which we already know, it is 13.

Using anology, we calculate and note the physical potential of each chakra on the earth line.

Sahasrara – in this case =1


Anahata =17

Manipura =8

Svadhisthana =15

Muladhara =7

Next, we draw up a health map. We draw a table where we enter the calculated value of each chakra’s energy potential and physical potential. Then we find the total potential of each chakra by adding the two obtained at each level.
Chakras Energy Physics Summary
Sahasrara (brain, scalp). 5 + 1 = 6
Ajna (occipital and temporal lobes of the brain, eyes, optic nerve, cerebral cortex). 10 + 18 = 10
Vishuttha (thyroid gland, trachea, bronchi, esophagus). 13 + 9 = 22
Anahata (heart, circulatory system, respiratory organs) 21 + 17 = 11
Manipura (gastrointestinal tract, abdominal organs, pancreas) 8 + 8 = 16
Muladhara (genitourinary system, lower limbs, large intestine). 21 + 15 = 9
Svadhisthana (adrenal glands, uterus and ovaries, kidneys, spleen, intestines). 13 + 7 = 20

After we calculated the total meaning of each chakra, we received a ternary code. Using this code, we look for deviations and problems that arise with our health. In one area or another. Then we calculate the energy that is responsible for all systems (immune system, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, circulatory system, nervous system, etc.) by adding the resulting total potential of each chakra. Example: 6+10+22+11+16+9+20=94=9+4=13.

Along the earthly line, the potential of the svadhisthana chakra corresponds to the monetary input. Example: 15

Along the celestial line, the potential of the svadhisthana chakra corresponds to the partner entrance. Example: 21

Either the plus or minus of the energy potentials in these inputs work to attract money and partners, or to repel them.


THE SEVEN OF THE WORLD OF MATTER is our physical body, nutrition, ability to earn money, promote ourselves in society, and keep it all in our space.

The seven of the world of matter is opened by the first code - the energy of the wizard and miracle worker.

Pros of 1 code. A person born under this energy is endowed with extraordinary abilities. And his personal and social fulfillment is important to him. It is important for him to find an area of ​​life where he will have the opportunity to create and create something unique in life that is unique to him. These people are innovators and leaders. Powerful materializing ability of thought.

Disadvantages of 1 code (what you need to work on, what prevents you from achieving the desired result in life in any area). Recognition only of one's own importance, value and uniqueness is selfishness. Abuse of one's magical abilities for personal, selfish purposes. Suppression and submission to one's will. Lack of self-confidence. Disrespect for one's personality, complexes.

2 code. Energy of Unity, Equality and Harmony.

Pros 2 codes. People from birth have diplomatic abilities, the ability to resolve conflicts, and smooth out rough edges. Not everyone is shown their true face; they often create an appearance, but hide the truth from prying eyes. They like to remain in the shadows and manage the situation gradually, carefully unfolding events according to their plans. They love and understand nature and the animal world.

Cons 2 codes. People are doubtful, capricious and fickle. Often arriving in a state of discontent. Very secretive people, two-faced, deceitful. They change masks and roles, they are artistic and false. Unreliable. Contradiction and duality of nature. Doubts, indecisiveness, passivity, inertia and laziness.

3 code. Energy of fertility and conception.

Pros 3 codes. Feminine (yin) energy. Such women are royalty, high-status persons, very feminine and attractive, always well-groomed, status in society, as well as in the family, is very important to them. They have control over all the material blessings of the world. They know how to organize their own business and are often managers of enterprises. With such a royal personage there is always a strong and reliable man nearby, who is ready to throw all the blessings of the world and his care at the feet of his beloved. Men born on the 3rd love to be in women's company and do housework. Such men often have female patrons (usually a mother, and later a wife). Sometimes they are completely led by their patronesses. Then such men need to consciously cultivate masculinity in themselves.

Cons 3 codes. Despotism and excessive power, hypercontrol over children and loved ones. Moodiness, desire for increased attention and self-care. Obsession with appearance and material goods. Pressure on other people. Failure to accept your feminine nature. For men - excessive softness, unwillingness to take responsibility.

4 code. Energy of power.

Pros 4 codes. Masculine energy. Such men are reliable, caring fathers and husbands, successful in career and business, responsible, decisive, and good organizers. They are subject to power and money. Women with the energy of purpose do not have it easy. As a rule, she takes on male responsibilities in life. She needs to consciously lower her vibrations to the level of the 3rd lasso, to become soft and fluid. Otherwise, she will attract weak men into her life.

Cons 4 codes. Authoritarianism, despotism and rigidity, excessive control over loved ones, excessive material attachments, abuse of money and power. Fear of taking responsibility, inability to make decisions.

5 code. Energy of Law

Pros of code 5. People with such energies in their chart try to live by following rules and traditions. Traditions of family, religion, society, etc. Good speakers and logicians. Family and raising children play a big role. All their lives they love to study, search for new information, and then pass on the accumulated knowledge.

Cons 5 codes. The desire is not to teach, but to edify. Accept only your own point of view, imposing your ideas and principles, inability to make compromises. Pride, excessive attachment to family and loved ones. If the 5th lasso is at the entrance to the money channel, then such a person puts in his head too many obstacles to achieving material wealth. In this case, excessive logic limits him, driving him into a framework and thereby denying the support of the Universe.

6 code. Energy of relationships

Pros of code 6. People are sociable, they often have many friends and acquaintances, they are nice, pleasant, and courteous. They adore everything beautiful, they like to surround themselves with beautiful things and prestigious work. Trendsetters in everything. They love to be liked, the main motivation of their life is love between a man and a woman.

Cons 6 codes. Suspiciousness and distrust, focused only on external beauty: beautiful body, clothes, beautiful actions, etc. To love absolutely, and not “for something” - this is the task of people with the destiny of the 6th Arcana. Obsessed with their appearance, ladies' men.

7 code. Energy of movement, winner.

Pros of code 7. This is the energy of movement. A person sets goals for himself all his life and achieves them, leading others. They drive any type of transport well. Tenacious, persistent. Even after failures, they rise and continue to move towards their goal.

Disadvantages of code 7. Unfulfilled and lazy people. Often things are not completed. Fear of taking responsibility, belligerent people. If there is a desire in the soul to fight the world, then such a person will attract very difficult situations into his life, with which he will really have to fight. Inability to relax, wearing yourself out.

SEVEN OF THE SOUL WORLD - The 8th code opens the seven of the Soul World. The World of the Soul is our emotional world, all our emotions, subtle feelings.

8 code. Energy of justice and balance.

Pros of code 8. People with such energy spend their entire lives looking for ways in which they can change and improve their destiny. They are, as it were, connected by invisible threads with many of their previous incarnations. Therefore, it is they who are destined to understand the laws of karma and existence. Realize that everything in the world is measured down to the milligram. And what seems unfair at first glance actually has a cause-and-effect relationship.

For example: money is constantly stolen from an honest working person, or he loses it himself, or his bosses constantly do not pay him a certain amount. At first glance, this is very unfair. But, as you and I have already understood, everything in the Universe is natural. Therefore, we can assume that this soul was a thief in its past incarnations. And now, as punishment and for balance, she is given similar situations, so that he can, as it were, walk in the shoes of his former victims.

Disadvantages of code 8. A heightened sense of justice, the struggle for truth and condemnation, resentment, misunderstanding of the cause-and-effect laws of life, the belief that life is difficult, reluctance to learn from one’s own mistakes and change, pride.

9 code. Energy of wisdom.

Pros of code 9. People are self-sufficient and endowed with wisdom; people turn to them for advice. They love solitude and inner silence. Unhurried and unfussy. Prone to scientific activities. They seem dry and reserved. But in reality they are very deep, reliable and caring people. They spend a long time looking for a mate because they are meticulous and attentive. Very reliable friends.

Cons of code 9. Closed, distrustful, very cautious. A disregard for one's body and home, excessive asceticism, logic, pride, condemnation of people. If this energy is at the entrance to the money channel, then such people do not know how to accept the benefits of the material world.

10 code. Flow energy.

Pros of code 10. People of the 10th arcana are lucky by fate. The right doors are always open for them, the right people appear at the right time. They live easily and do not strain, the flow of their river of life carries them along their destiny. All that remains is to relax and enjoy this process.

Cons 10 code. If a person has a weak connection with Higher powers, then he may end up in the wrong stream, he will row against the current, strain very much, but at best he will remain standing still, and at worst, life will throw him back. Passivity, laziness, easy suggestibility from outside, lack of independence.

11 code. Energy of strength and potential.

Pros of code 11. Strength is a manifestation of the uniqueness of people of the 11th Arcana. The world evaluates from the position of strength (thoughts, the power of words, physical strength, etc.). Large volumes of work are possible. Throughout their lives they discover the potential of their abilities. They love sports. They don't tolerate pressure. Leaders are resistant to defeat.

Cons of code 11. Wearing yourself down, rudeness, imposing your principles, pressure on other people, including force, lack of faith in your potential and abilities, powerlessness, indecisiveness.

Code 12 The energy of a different vision and service.

Pros of code 12. People are aimed at selfless mutual assistance and support; their task is to bring goodness and mercy into the world. Innovators, creative and extraordinary individuals. The main task is to learn to serve people without harming yourself.

Cons of code 12. Self-dislike, desire to suffer. Such a person often cannot say “no”, refuse people, and thus, as it were, agrees to a voluntary sacrifice. He is ready to bear the cross of his problems voluntarily. Often gets depressed. Reluctance to live your life. They devote all their time to friends and relatives, but not to themselves. Laziness, apathy, a state of sagging and stagnation. Not ready to start new life cycles.

Code 13 Energy of rebirth, transformation.

Pros of code 13. Active and fearless people, they have a dull sense of death, extreme sports enthusiasts. They easily begin new life cycles and cannot stay in one job for long. Such a person always needs to move somewhere, start new projects. Throughout life, a person dies many times in one capacity and is born in another.

Minus 13 codes. Harshness and aggressiveness, fear of death and change, optionality, excessive looseness, extravagance.

Code 14 The energy of a mature soul.

Pros of code 14. People of art are aimed at other people's souls. Emotional and receptive to beauty. External forms are secondary for them. People often choose professions related to psychology, medicine, art and creativity. Moderate.

Cons 14 codes. Material mundaneness, inability to forgive. They often deal with their past and therefore find it difficult to move forward with this burden. Such people need to learn to forgive. They often go to extremes: for example, they extremely restrain themselves when it comes to food, and then they overeat a lot.


The 15th code opens the third Spiritual septenary. The spiritual seven is our connection with the Supreme Spirit, these are our principles, our faith. These are the codes that are given to us for evolutionary growth and are the guidance, signs and support of Heaven (Higher Powers). They directly tell us about our karmic lessons. This is the world of energies in us, the integrity of our aura. And our spiritual life.

Code 15 The energy of manifestation, temptations and earthly pleasures

Pros of code 15. These are X-ray people. They show other people their own shortcomings, they are able to see right through a person, so they are often disappointed in people. Some people love them, while others avoid them and are afraid. Cheerful, energetic, adventurous. If you are not hooked on money, then you attract it into your life easily and cheerfully. If you are very attached to them, finances come hard. They love to shine in society.

Cons 15 codes. All of the above benefits do not accrue to people with 15 arcana of fate if they themselves have shortcomings that they are capable of showing to other people: envy, aggression, anger, the desire to reshape another person, control, educate and build him. The disadvantages of this energy are inherent in almost all of us. And our task is to transform all this negativity into love, acceptance and experience. Otherwise, a person will attract people from space with the same qualities of the soul that exist in him.

Code 16 The energy of spiritual awakening.

Pros of code 16. This energy is a continuation of the 15th lasso. If a person passes all the temptations of the material world with dignity, then he awakens spiritually. This is the essence of the 16th arcana. People who have seen the light strive to change their usual way of life. Destroy all the negative old things and build something better and new in this place. Such a person loves to change everything in ordinary everyday affairs, and to participate in restructuring and reconstruction.

Disadvantages of code 16. If a person chooses anger, envy, aggression and hatred according to code 15, then complete destruction comes into his life: in business, family, relationships, career, business. A person does not want to develop spiritually and change his life for the better. Thinks narrowly. His life is chaos and disorder. Increased injury rate.

Code 17 Star energy. The energy of creativity.

Pros of code 17. Creative, stellar people. Such a person always strives to stand out from the crowd. If he takes on something, he reaches the heights of mastery in it. Often such people become famous throughout the country or the world, or famous in certain circles. Intuitive, psychic and sensitive.

Cons of code 17. Lack of faith in your creative abilities, self-doubt and slowness, complete unfulfillment. People look like extinct stars, despite the fact that they have been given enormous potential and are destined for a wide road. Lack of independence, capriciousness and pride.

Code 18 Energy of the moon, attraction and magic.

Pros of code 18. The Moon is the most powerful magnet in the Universe. Therefore, people who possess this energy have a powerful materializing ability of thought. They attract into their lives whatever they think about. If a person is focused, say, on success, then that is what comes to him in life. With this energy, people can have mystical, magical abilities, see prophetic dreams or practice lucid dreaming.

Disadvantages of code 18. Focusing on the negative. If a person is afraid of, say, failures in his personal life, then this is exactly what happens to them, that is, relationships do not work out. Fear is a request to the Universe, as if asking it to be realized. We don’t want it, we are afraid of it, but we think about it and attract it accordingly. A person lives in fear and often becomes depressed. Under a dark moon, one can become stuck in an illusory world (through mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.). Can practice black magic and do evil.

Code 19 Energy of the sun, light.

Pros of code 19. Effective people, social activists, business leaders. They face big challenges. They are the Sun. Therefore, the goal of such people is to light the way for many, to lead large teams and bring material prosperity to people, to take care of people.

Cons of code 19. Power, elevation above people, self-immolation, that is, dislike for oneself. Aggression. When the sun is aggressive, it burns everything in its path.

20 code. The energy of annunciation and clairvoyance.

Pros of code 20. Such people are able to draw information from the information field of the Universe. Connected by karma with their ancestors, family. They are entrusted with a very responsible mission - to heal the karma of their ancestors through their development and example. Otherwise, he carries the burden of grievances and various negative processes along the line of his father and mother with him throughout his life, and this greatly slows him down in achieving his goals. Diversely developed.

Cons 20 code. Judgment of parents, relatives and people in general. Aggression. Groundedness or, conversely, withdrawal into the world of energies. Fear of death of loved ones.

21 code. Energy of the universe, expansion.

Pros of code 21. Peacekeepers. The whole world is a home for such people. All religions and nations are one. Polyglots, for them there are no language boundaries or state boundaries. They travel a lot. Global worldwide projects are subject to control.

Cons of 21 codes. Militant attitude against the whole world, religions, politics. You need everything at once, the inability to move towards achieving your goals step by step. Inciting interstate conflicts.

22 code. The energy of spiritual freedom.

Pros of code 22. People are free from dogmas and restrictions, frameworks and prohibitions. Their whole life is fireworks and celebration. They can afford to have everything and not cling to anything.

Cons 22 codes. Irresponsibility, unwillingness to accept any obligations, escape into freedom through illness and wild life. Complete lack of freedom: hospital, prison, golden cage. Excessive material attachment and the desire to limit the freedom of other people.
