Summary of a lesson on literary reading on the topic “I. Krylov “Siskin and Dove” (3rd grade). Presentation on the topic “Krylov I.A. "The Siskin and the Dove" A lesson in literary reading of the wings of the Siskin and the Dove

Educational complex: “School of Russia”

Class: 3

Topic: I. Krylov “Siskin and Dove”

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge

Target: organize the activities of students to study and comprehend a new work by I.A. Krylov "Siskin and Dove".

Tasks of forming UUD.

Personal: develop the skills of a competent reader; to form a caring attitude towards nature, to develop observation of animal behavior.

Regulatory: develop the ability to analyze what you read, determine the purpose of educational activities, plan your action in accordance with the task, exercise control and evaluate the correctness of your actions;

Cognitive: develop the ability to establish analogies; learn to build reasoning in the form of connecting simple judgments about an object; improve the skills of fluent, correct, conscious reading.

Communicative: contribute to the construction of statements understandable to comrades; learn to control your actions in the classroom; perceive different points of view; ability to work in groups, in pairs and negotiate with classmates.

Planned results:

Know: content of I. Krylov’s fable “The Siskin and the Dove”

Be able to: identify the main idea of ​​the work, master the skills of elementary analysis of the work.

Equipment: textbook “Literary Reading”; presentation; visual material; Handout.

Lesson steps

Time (min)

Teacher activities

Student activities

    Organizing time.


mood for the lesson.

II . Motivation for activity.

III . Exercises for breathing, voice, diction.

IV .Updating knowledge.

V .Goal setting

VI .Discovery of new knowledge.

A) Primary reading.

B) Emotional-evaluative conversation.

Physical education minute.

B) Secondary reading.

D) Discussion of what you read.

VII .Application of knowledge and skills

    Working with proverbs.

    Expressive reading

VIII .Lesson summary.


IX . Homework.

X . Analysis of student activity.

1 min

3 min

3 min

10 min

20 minutes

8 min

5 minutes

1 min

1 min

- Hello guys, sit down! Today I will teach you a literary reading lesson! My name is Larisa Alexandrovna.

Are you in a good mood? Then smile at me and at each other!

Check how your workplace is organized, how textbooks and writing materials are located. Sit correctly.

May this lesson bring us the joy of communication and fill our hearts with noble feelings.

Guys, show me with a gesture, with your hand, the grade that you want to get at the end of the lesson and write it on the card. I hope you will try your best to get these grades.

To find something unusual and interesting in the work of a writer or poet, what should the reader be like?

I wish you all to be attentive and thoughtful readers.

1. Exercises for breathing, voice, diction.

1) Breathing exercise.

Imagine that you came to a flower shop and smelled the delightful aroma of flowering plants. Take a noisy breath in through your nose and out through your mouth (2-3 times).

2) Working with tongue twisters. (slide 1)

Let's work with the tongue twister.

Listen to me read it:

Chizh cleaned
Siskin rosary..
Cleaned with a brush
The rosary is clear.

Now let’s read it in chorus, pronouncing each word clearly.

What sounds are repeated most often?

Let's say these sounds.

Let's read the tongue twister slowly.

Let's read it quickly.

Even faster. Now let’s read it in a whisper, quickly and quickly.

Work in pairs.

Read this tongue twister quickly to your neighbor.

Which pair will say the tongue twister 3 times?

What literary genres do you know?

Look at the diagram, what genre is missing?

Literary genres :

What is a fable?

Why do they write fables?

Every fable contains a moral.

Moral of the story - This is a moral teaching expressed in a short form.

Today we will read one of the fables of the great writer Ivan Andreevich Krylov.

And you will find out what kind of fable this is if you complete the task correctly in pairs.

On the cards that lie in front of you, you need to cross out the repeated letters and read the resulting word from the remaining letters.



State the topic of today's lesson in full.

Based on the topic of the lesson, formulate tasks using supporting words.


Learn to…

Will learn…

Let's talk about Ivan Krylov. Your classmates have prepared a report about the writer. Listen carefully.

(As the stories progress, supporting words are posted on the board)

1 student: Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1768-1844) - Russian poet-fabulist . Was born inMoscow , in the family of a military man. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and the child had to go to work as a scribe. Left as an inheritance from my fatherbox with books - and the boy spent all his free time reading, and at the age of 14 he himself wrote the opera “The Coffee House”.

2nd student: Having moved to St. Petersburg, Krylov began workingjournalist , studied typography, published the magazine “Spectator” - and all the time he worked hardself-education . As a result, he could easily read French and German, learned Italian, learned to draw and play the violin. By the age of 37, he found his calling in writing fables, of which he has about 200. For his work, Krylov was awarded a gold medal.

In what city was Ivan Krylov born?

What did Ivan inherit from his father?

What was Ivan Krylov's job?

What successes did Krylov achieve through self-education?

What other Krylov fables have you read?

Before reading, let's get acquainted with unfamiliar words that you will find in the text.

Trap – a trap for catching birds and animals.

Silok - loop for catching birds and small animals.

I guarantee - I stand by my words

Now make a guess, what is said in the fable?

Listen to me read the fable.

Reading a fable.

- Did you like the fable? How?

- Are your assumptions correct?

Answer the question: is it possible to compare the behavior of animals with human behavior?

Think to yourself: do you laugh at your friends’ failures?

Is it possible to do this?

Now let's have a little rest! Everyone stand up from your desks.

The wind blows over the fields,

And the grass sways.

A cloud floats above us

Like a white mountain.

The wind carries dust over the field.

The ears are leaning -

Right, left, back and forth,

And then vice versa.

We're climbing the hill

We'll rest there for a while.

- Now read the fable to yourself and think about why the trap is called the villain?

Who are the main characters in this work?

Why did the pigeon begin to mock the siskin?

With what intonation should you read the conversation of a pigeon?

Try to convey this mood when reading. Read it.

(One student reads for a dove)

How do you think the dove felt at the end? Why?

Work in pairs.

Selection of proverbs:

Working in pairs, choose proverbs that fit the fable we learned today.

“The raven flew overseas, but did not become smarter”

“A stupid bird doesn’t like its home”

“I stayed away from the crows, but didn’t stick to the peahens”

What proverbs did you choose?


Now let’s prepare for an expressive reading of this work.

Remember what it means to read expressively?

Work in groups.

Work in groups, place logical stress, pauses and prepare for the “Best Reader” competition.

Competition "Best Reader".

You will evaluate the children's reading yourself.

Guys, let's remember once again what work we were introduced to in class?

What is the fable talking about?

What have we learned from reading this work?

Have we met the fable?

Have you learned to analyze it?

So have we completed the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson?

Look at the grade you wanted to get at the beginning of the lesson and evaluate your work in the lesson.

There are circles on your desks.

Color in the part of the circle that suits you best in today's lesson.

It was easy and interesting

It was difficult but interesting

It was difficult and uninteresting.

Raise the circle for those who found it easy and interesting; difficult but interesting; difficult and not interesting.

Open your diary and write down your homework:

S. ... expressive reading.

Today in class the mark “5” is given to..., because... They completed the task correctly and worked actively in the lesson.

“4” - they receive..., because There were inaccuracies in the work.

Students check their readiness for the lesson.

Students check how their workplace is organized.

The reader must be thoughtful and attentive.

Then the children do the exercise together with the teacher.

[h’], [t]

Stories, fables, fairy tales, poems.

"Fable" is missing

A fable is a short work with moralizing content.

To teach the reader something.

Siskin and pigeon

I.A. Krylov "Siskin and Dove"

Get acquainted with I. Krylov’s fable “The Siskin and the Dove.”

In Moscow.

Chest with books.

Journalist in St. Petersburg.

He knew languages ​​and played the violin.

About the conversation between a siskin and a pigeon.

Student answers.

It is forbidden.

Children gently swing their arms above their heads.

Stretching - arms up

Tilts left and right, forward and backward.

Walking in place.

The children sit down.

Because the siskin could not get out of the trap.

Siskin and dove.

Therefore, the siskin was in a trap, and the dove was free.

With mockery and exclamation.

Annoyance, because he was sure that he would not get caught.

“A mouse’s tears will flow to a cat”

“If you laugh at others, you will cry at yourself”

Observe all punctuation marks and intonation.

I. Krylov “Siskin and Dove”

The siskin fell into a trap, and the pigeon began to mock him, but in the end he himself fell into the net.

You cannot mock the failure of another, it is better to help him.




Student statements.

Students fulfill the teacher's request.

Lesson summary on literary reading in grade 3 on the topic

“I.A. Krylov “Siskin and Dove”

Organizes student concentration at the beginning of the lesson

Guys, show me with a gesture, with your hand, the grade you want to get at the end of the lesson

What do you need to do in class to get it?

1. Exercises for breathing, voice, diction.

1) Breathing exercise.

Imagine that you came to a flower shop and smelled the delightful aroma of flowering plants. Take a noisy breath in through your nose and out through your mouth (2-3 times).

2) Working with tongue twister (On the desk)

Let's work with the tongue twister.

Listen to me read it:

Chizh cleaned
Siskin rosary..
Cleaned with a brush
The rosary is clear.

Now let's readin unison , pronouncing each word clearly.

What sounds are repeated most often?

Let's say these sounds.

Let's read the tongue twister slowly.

Let's read it quickly.

Even faster. Now let’s read it in a whisper, quickly and quickly.

Work in pairs.

Read this tongue twister quickly to your neighbor.

Which pair will say the tongue twister 3 times? (survey of 3 pairs)

2.Working with demo material

Whose portrait is hanging on our board?

What is Ivan Andreevich famous for?

- Your classmates have prepared a report about the writer. Listen carefully.

1 student: Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1768-1844) - Russian poet-fabulist . Was born inMoscow , in the family of a military man. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and the child had to go to work as a scribe. Left as an inheritance from my fatherbox with books - and the boy spent all his free time reading, and at the age of 14 he himself wrote the opera “The Coffee House”.

2nd student: Having moved to St. Petersburg, Krylov began workingjournalist , studied typography, published the magazine “Spectator” - and all the time he worked hardself-education . As a result, he could easily read French and German, learned Italian, learned to draw and play the violin. By the age of 37, he had found his calling in writing fables, of which he has about 200.

Why do they write fables? (Every fable contains a moral.)

- What is the moral of the fable?(Moral of the story - this is a moral teaching expressed in a short form.)

3.Checking homework

We continue our acquaintance with the work of I.A. Krylov and listenhomework ("The Mirror and the Monkey" and "The Dragonfly and the Ant")

Why did you choose these fables?

4 Presentation work

*I.A. Krylov (2 slide)

5.Work in pairs with popular expressions ( card 1 )

1 student at the board:

"Elephant and Moska""Why should gossips consider working,
Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?”

"The Mirror and the Monkey" ...I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies

“The Dragonfly and the Ant” Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, Dove

"Siskin and Dove"“Did you sing everything? this business:
So come and dance!”

Self-test according to the sample

6. Statement of the problematic question:

Which catchphrase caused difficulty? Why? (Have not read this fable yet)

What will we do in class?

Formulate the topic of the lesson in full - the fable “The Siskin and the Dove”

Based on the topic of the lesson, formulate the following tasks:

Get to know the fable “The Siskin and the Dove”

Learn to...analyze it

7.Work on the Presentation( 4 and 5 slides)

Before reading, let's get to know these birds better.

Students reading the slide

8 . Vocabulary work (on card 2) - with unfamiliar words that you will find in the text.

Trap – a trap for catching birds and animals.

Silok - loop for catching birds and small animals.

I guarantee - I stand by my words

Self-test according to standard at ( presentation slide 7 )

9.Reading the fable by the teacher according to the Presentation (slide 6)

- Did you like the fable? How?

Is it possible to compare animal behavior with human behavior?

Think to yourself: do you laugh at your friends’ failures?

Is it possible to do this?

10. PHYSMINUTE "A bird flew across the sky"

A bird flew across the sky (arms extended to the sides, waving arms)

The bird flapped its wings (we raise our arms up above our heads, wave our arms)

To the right (hands on the belt, turn to the right), to the left (hands on the belt, turn to the left) flew

And she quietly sat down on a branch (we sit down at our desks)

11.Working with a fable

* reading from a textbook (About myself)

Why is the trap called the villain?

* along the chain at the board (card 3)

* orally

Who are the main characters in this work?

Why did the pigeon begin to mock the siskin?

With what intonation should you read the conversation of a pigeon?

Try to convey this mood when reading. Read it.

(One student reads for a dove)

How do you think the dove felt at the end? Why?

12. Selection of proverbs . Work in pairs.(card 4)

Working in pairs, choose proverbs that fit the fable we learned today.

“A mouse’s tears will flow to a cat”

“The raven flew overseas, but did not become smarter”

“A stupid bird doesn’t like its home”

“If you laugh at others, you will cry at yourself”

“I stayed away from the crows, but didn’t stick to the peahens”

What proverbs did you choose?

13. Competition “Best Reader”.

14.Summing up the lesson

Guys, let's remember once again what work we met in class?

What have we learned from reading this work?

Have we completed the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson?

Remember the grade you wanted to get at the beginning of the lesson and evaluate your work during the lesson.


expressive reading or spoken language (optional)

The functional significance of this lesson is to develop the ability to analyze a fable at the lexical and literary level; in increasing speech activity. The practical goal is to form and develop communication skills, the ability to sympathize and empathize. The presentation has the goal: to “revive” and enhance the emotional perception of the work, to make the lesson bright and interesting.



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Slide captions:

I.A. Krylov “Siskin and Pigeon” 3rd grade Primary school teacher KOGOBU Secondary School with UIOP Svetlana Alekseevna Korotchenko

Read the sentences and tell me where these lines come from? “Your words are true, but I can’t help myself. Do not be angry with me. That’s just the way I am!”



Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1768-1844) - Russian poet and fabulist. Born in Moscow, in the family of a military man. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and the child had to go to work as a scribe. His father inherited a chest of books - and the boy spent all his free time reading, and at the age of 14 he wrote the opera “The Coffee House.”

Having moved to St. Petersburg, Krylov began working as a journalist, studied typography, published the magazine “Spectator” - and all the time he was intensively engaged in self-education. As a result, he could easily read French and German, learned Italian, learned to draw and play the violin. By the age of 37, he found his calling in writing fables, of which he has about 200. Krylov was awarded a medal for his work.

Book exhibition

A fable is a quiet story where the characters are animals, birds, plants, things, and by them people are meant. Fables teach people to live fairly.

Siskin is a small bird of the finch family, yellowish-green in color, 12 cm long. Found in orchards and parks.

The pigeon is a densely built bird with short legs and a small head. Has the ability to find his way home. She can often be found in the city.

“Siskin and Pigeon” I.A. Krylov

Snare Snare I vouch for Vocabulary work

A trap is a trap for catching birds and animals. Snare - a loop for catching birds and small animals. I guarantee that I am responsible for my words.

Choose proverbs that suit this fable: “A mouse’s tears will flow to a cat.” “The raven flew overseas, but did not become any smarter.” “A stupid bird doesn’t like its home.” “If you laugh at others, you will cry at yourself.” “She stayed away from the crows, but didn’t stick to the peahens.”

Competition “Best Reader” “5” – without errors, clearly, distinctly, loudly, expressively. “4” – 2-3 errors, slips of the tongue, clearly, loudly, expressively. “3” – 4-5 errors, repetitions, indistinct, without expression.

Homework. optional: learn by heart, illustrate the fable, read expressively.

Today in class I learned... I understood... I learned... I was... Reflection

List of printed sources used: O.D. Ushakova Proverbs, sayings and popular expressions. I.d. "Litera", St. Petersburg, 2006.

Lesson topic: I.A. Krylov “Siskin and Pigeon”.

Lesson objectives: developing the skill of expressive, conscious reading; development of students’ monologue speech, thinking, and ability to work in pairs; nurturing a sense of empathy and interest in the subject.

System: Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Equipment: exhibition of books by I.A. Krylov, reading textbook.

During the classes:

Org. moment:

- The long-awaited bell has been given, the lesson begins!

Speech warm-up

Working on a tongue twister.

Chizhikha says to Chizhi:
"Fly with your children to the doctor,
It's time for them to get vaccinated
To strengthen the pen."

Updating knowledge

What literary genres do you know?

Literary genres:

Getting to know new material

- To find out which author's work we will meet in today's lesson, complete the task that I have prepared for you. On the cards that lie in front of you, you need to cross out the repeated letters and read the resulting word from the remaining letters.




- Are any of you already familiar with the work of this author?

What did he write?

What is FABLE?

A fable is a short work with moralizing content. (The heroes of the fable evoke laughter, pity, and indignation.)

Why do they write fables?

- Every fable contains a moral. What it is?

The moral of a fable is a moral lesson expressed in a short form.

Teacher's story

Fables have been around for a very long time. The very first of all works of literature. Life prompted me to create them. They teach people, teach them in an interesting way. All this arose from human experience, human wisdom. The people who wrote the fables were smart and wise

Aesop is considered the first fabulist. This is a slave brought to Greece. His fables have reached us. No, he didn’t write them down, they were passed on from mouth to mouth.

The owner of Aesop was having a holiday. The guests argued about what a person can and cannot do. The owner said that a person cannot drink the sea.

Aesop says maybe. “I will give you freedom if you do this.”

The whole crowd moved towards the sea.

Well, drink up.

I will drink if I separate from it the rivers, streams and all the springs that flow into it.

The owner realized that Aesop had outwitted him.

Gives him freedom for his mind. Aesop did not accept it, because freedom was obtained by cunning.

Many of Aesop's fables became known thanks to I. Krylov. He translated them from Greek.

Consolidating knowledge about fables

Many expressions from fables became “catchphrases” and turned into proverbs and sayings. Help me finish them

"Did you sing everything? This is the case:
So go and dance!"("Dragonfly and Ant"").

"Ay, Moska! I know she is strong,
What barks at the Elephant"("Elephant and Moska").

"And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
Everyone is not fit to be musicians!"("Quartet").

Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge

Yes, but things are still there("Swan, Pike and Cancer").

Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?
Because he praises the cuckoo!("The Cuckoo and the Rooster"

Acquaintance with the biography of I.A. Krylov

(The student reads the message.Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1768-1844) - Russian poet and fabulist. Born in Moscow, in the family of a military man. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and the child had to go to work as a scribe. His father inherited a chest of books - and the boy spent all his free time reading, and at the age of 14 he wrote the opera “The Coffee House.” Having moved to St. Petersburg, Krylov began working as a journalist, studied typography, published the magazine “Spectator” - and all the time he was intensively engaged in self-education. As a result, he could easily read French and German, learned Italian, learned to draw and play the violin. By the age of 37, he found his calling in writing fables, of which he has about 200. For his work, Krylov was awarded a gold medal.)

What works did Ivan Andreevich write? What are they about?

Guys, now look at the illustrations and tell me who you see in the pictures? How many of you know what kind of birds these are? (Siskin, dove.)

(The siskin is a small bird of the finch family, yellowish-green in color, 12 cm long. Found in orchards and parks.

The pigeon is a densely built bird with short legs and a small head. Has the ability to find his way home. Can often be found in the city.)

Why do you think I showed you illustrations of these birds? (Today in class we will read about them.)

That’s right, today in class we will get acquainted with I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Siskin and the Dove.” Let's learn to read it expressively.

A trap is a trap for catching birds and animals.

Snare - a loop for catching birds and small animals.

I guarantee I am responsible for my words

Now make a guess, what is said in the fable?

Listening to the fable:

Did you correctly predict what this fable is about?

What is the main idea of ​​this fable? (Don’t rejoice at someone else’s misfortune, don’t gloat.)

Do we have such cases in class when one of you laughs at the failure of your friends?

Reading a fable by students:

Now read the fable to yourself and think about what question you would ask your comrades about this text?


Guys, think and tell me why the trap is called a villain?

Selection of proverbs:

Working in pairs, choose proverbs that fit the fable we learned today.

“A mouse’s tears will flow to a cat”

“The raven flew overseas, but did not become smarter”

“A stupid bird doesn’t like its home”

“If you laugh at others, you will cry at yourself”

“I stayed away from the crows, but didn’t stick to the peahens”

Preparation for expressive reading of the fable:

Work in groups, place logical stress, pauses and prepare for the “Best Reader” competition.

Competition "Best Reader".

You will evaluate the children's reading yourself.

D/Z. optional: learn by heart, illustrate the fable, read expressively.


Today in class

I found out)...

I understood)...

I learned...

I was.
