Download a presentation about sports in English. Presentation in English on the topic "sport in our lives"

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Sport is one of the most popular pastimes all over the world.

Lots of people watch sports programs on TV……

Support their teams at stadiums and go in for different kinds of sport.

Some sports are common, others are not. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard about such team games as…

…football or basketball or such athletics as running and jumping.

with most childhood we consolidated its health an occupation by sport...the game of plays with friends, go in athletic schools and etc. The Sport surrounds us everywhere, on length of the lives.

At the same time there are sports and games that are less common, for example…

motor races, rock climbing and parachute jumping are not to everyone’s taste.

Going in for sport gives you a lot of advantages. It gives you physical exercise, you spend a lot of time in the open air, you meet people who enjoy the same sport.

go in for sport!


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The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece.

In those days Greek games took place every four years.

They included not only sports competitions but also competitions in music, oratory and theater performances.

The earliest information about the Olympic Games goes back to 776 BC, but historians think that the Games began long before that.

The ancient Olympic had only one athletic event - a footrace or a race for runners of about 183 meters.

During the Games there was peace in the country.

The winners of the Games became national heroes.

The Olympic Games are probably the most important international sports event.

Millions of people watch them, supporting their favorite teams and athletes.

Many things have changed but like in ancient times winners of the Olympics become national heroes in their countries.


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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Basketball Basketball (commonly nicknamed "B-ball" or "hoops")is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.

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Tennis Tennis is a sport usually played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a racket that is strung to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent's court. Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society at all ages. The sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including people in wheelchairs.

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Football Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. At the turn of the 21st century, the game was played by over 250 million players in over 200 countries, making it the world"s most popular sport

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Hockey Hockey is a family of sports in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick. Ice hockey is played on a large flat area of ​​ice, using a three -inch-diameter (76.2 mm) vulcanized rubber disc called a puck. This puck is often frozen before high-level games to decrease the amount of bouncing and friction on the ice. The game is contested between two teams of skaters.

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Car racing In sports car racing, production derived versions of sports cars also known as grand tourers (GTs), and purpose built sports prototype cars compete within their respective classes on closed circuits. The main global championship series for GT car racing is the FIA ​​GT1 World Championship. There is also the FIA ​​GT3 European Championship as well as the less powerful GT4 European Cup.

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Climbing Climbing is the activity of using one"s hands and feet (or indeed any other part of the body) to ascend a steep object. It is done both for recreation (to reach an inaccessible place, or for its own enjoyment) and professionally , as part of activities such as maintenance of a structure, or military operations.

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Boxing Boxing, also called pugilism, is a combat sport in which two people fight each other using their fists. Boxing is supervised by a referee over a series of between one to three minute intervals called rounds. The match ends, when an opponent is knocked out or deemed incabable to continue match by a referee (Technical Knockout), if an opponent is disqualified for breaking a rule, resigning by throwing in a towel, or by judges" scorecards at the end of the bout. There are two forms of boxing, amateur and professional.

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Volleyball Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules.

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Karate Karate (空手, English: /kəˈrɑːtiː/) is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands in what is now Okinawa, Japan. It was developed from indigenous fighting methods called te (手, literally "hand"; Tii in Okinawan) and Chinese kenpō. Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands. Grappling, locks, restraints, throws, and vital point strikes are taught in some styles.A karate practitioner is called a karateka (空手家).

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Scuba diving Scuba diving ("SCUBA" originally being an acronym for self contained underwater breathing apparatus, now widely considered a word in its own right) is a form of underwater diving in which a diver uses a scuba set to breathe underwater

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Golf Golf is a precision club and ball sport, in which competing players (or golfers) use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a golf course using the fewest number of strokes. It is one of the few ball games that does not require a standardized playing area. Instead, the game is played on golf "courses", each of which features a unique design, although courses typically consist of either nine or 18 holes.

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Archery Archery is the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow (bow and arrow), from Latin arcus. Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity. One who practices archery is typically known as an "archer" or "bowman", and one who is fond of or an expert at archery can be referred to as a "toxophilite".

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Skiing Skiing is a recreational activity using skis as equipment for traveling over snow. Skis are used in conjunction with boots that connect to the ski with use of a binding.

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Sailing Sailing is the propulsion of a vehicle and the control of its movement with large (usually fabric) foils called sails. By changing the rigging, rudder, and sometimes the keel or center board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to move the boat relative to its surrounding medium (typically water, but also land and ice) and change it direction and speed. Mastery of the skill requires experience in varying wind and sea conditions, as well as knowledge concerning sailboats themselves and a keen understanding of one's surroundings.

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Cycling Cycling, also called bicycling or biking, is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation, or for sport. Persons engaged in cycling are cyclists or bicyclists. Apart from ordinary two-wheeled bicycles, cycling also includes riding unicycles, tricycles, quadracycles, and other similar human-powered vehicles

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Sections: Foreign languages

The complex of educational, educational and developmental tasks includes the development of language competence skills, oral speech on the topic, familiarization with a foreign culture through the intercultural component, instilling respect for one’s homeland and its culture, as well as for the culture of other peoples.

The lesson aims to activate oral speech skills through motivating exploratory reading.

The lesson can take place in a class where the students have a good knowledge of the subject, although, as elsewhere, in the process of speaking there are slight problems with the grammatical aspect of the language. Based on the students’ level of learning, the necessary techniques and methods were selected to implement the goals and objectives of the lesson.

The organizational moment of the lesson should take place quickly and actively, which is typical for children who are always preparing for the lesson. The method of educational conversation in the “teacher-student” mode was used, which allows students to prepare for upcoming communication in different types of speech activity. I believe that at this stage of the lesson the technology of frontal work can be used quite successfully.

The smooth transition to exploratory reading was natural. Students are offered an authentic article from the Olympic website. As a communicative task, students are asked to find information about the problems that exist in the Olympic movement and the reasons that led to them.

The purpose of this stage is not only to control the understanding of the text read, but also to encourage students to speak on the problem.

All preliminary language work in the lesson is carried out to prepare students for the main stage of the lesson - speaking within the framework of creative design. Students will already be emotionally prepared for it by the previous stages of the lesson. No method of positively motivating students is more effective than creative design. Here the principles of person-centered learning are fully realized, when each child can express his opinion on a problem, how he sees it, feels it, and propose ways to solve it.

The teacher can consider his participation in the discussion of projects justified, since in this case the teacher is a kind of “regulator” of the so-called stream of consciousness and in this situation can unobtrusively (latently) guide the learning process. The purpose of problem discussion is to encourage students to speak productively. Students are given guidelines in the form of an outline plan (these are the criteria for selecting sports for the Olympic program), which allows them to stay within the given thematic mode. Group work especially motivates students to speak. And work in shift groups leads students to self-motivation, to the desire to assert themselves on the one hand, and the desire not to let down the members of their temporary team in joint creative work to achieve the main goal - completing the task, on the other.

During the speech process, students can make small phonetic errors, which I consider acceptable when thinking creatively in a foreign language.

Homework and summarizing the lesson is a natural logical exit from the discussion on projects. Students will continue to work on the topic at home during creative writing and in the next lesson.

All types of speech activity are used in the lesson, which encourages students to achieve the main goal of learning: using a foreign language as a tool of communication.

Lesson objectives: activating oral language skills through motivation through reading and information retrieval.

Lesson objectives: teach children to compose statements in a given reference mode based on thematic vocabulary.

During the classes

1. Greeting. (1 min.)

Hello boys and girls! Please, take your seats! Nice to meet you on the first day of spring. I think it's a hint. Spring is time that gives birth to everything new. I do hope that by the end of the lesson we’ll make friends.

2. Warm up. (6 min.)

On your desks you have flash signals. Please choose and show me the one that best describes your mood and feelings at the moment.

(Options to react)

  • Oh, thank you for your enthusiasm. I’ll do my best to come up to your expectations.
  • Oh, I have to do my best to change your mood for the better. Why have you chosen this signal? Do you feel any agitation? What is the thing that worries you so much? (Student responses) I’ll try to be as helpful as I can.

Before we start it would be nice to learn at least smth about each other. Since your current topic in English is “Sport” I want you to introduce yourselves through your likes and dislikes in it. Let's start with me.

I’m Arina Igorevna. I like sport though I’m rather lazy to do it. The only thing I exercise is jogging. But this happens very rarely, only when I try to keep to a diet and to lose some weight. As a risk taker I’d like to try skate boarding though it is dangerous, but very exciting. Take your turn, will you? (Training conversation “Chain”)

3. Development of reading skills by searching for information. (7 min.)

Thank you. So as we see, sport, like practice, makes our body perfect. People pay great tribute to sport by organizing different sport events. Which of them do you know?

(Students' answers)

Yes, you are right. Olympic Games are considered to be the main sport event ever existed in the world. Once in four years sportsmen gather together to demonstrate their skills, achievements and to beat records. Olympic victories are similar to heroic ones. The Olympic movement is constantly in the process of self-perfection, though it has a lot of problems to solve. Some days ago I downloaded an interesting article from the Olympic website. There are some urgent ideas about the Olympic program. I desperately need your help. Will you help me? Take the copies of the article and try to scan it as soon as you can to point out the problem for our discussion.

Olympic Games

The Games have always brought people together in peace to respect universal moral principles.
The upcoming Games will feature athletes from all over the world and help promote the Olympic spirit.

The Olympic Committee declares an internet contest for all volunteers who regard the Olympic movement as an important international affair. We have to admit that the Olympic procedure suffers enormously from subjectivity in refereeing. Since the year of 2001 the Olympic Organizing Committee has been discussing the idea of ​​exclusion of sport gymnastics, synchronized swimming and water jumping out of the program because of numerous complaints of participants and their coaches about corruption in refereeing. We suggest that urgent measures should be taken against it and new sports from the list of recognized could be brought in the Olympic program. We want to hear from you, your feedback is always important to us. The winner will get a personal invitation to the Olympic games in Sochi 2014.
Contact us with your projects and motions.
[email protected]

(Students are given an article to read and highlight the main idea) - reading time 2 minutes.

Checking reading comprehension.

Who does the article appeal to?

Where does the problem come (follow) from?

What does the problem cause?

What ways of solving the problem does the article suggest?

4. Development and activation of oral speech skills in shift groups. (20 minutes.)

Well, guys, I see no reason why we shouldn’t try to help. Do you agree? I think you are brainy and smart enough to cope with this work, aren’t you? But first of all, let’s discuss the criteria for admission of a sport discipline and event to be included in the program of the Olympic Games. For better and more fruitful work I think we have to divide into 3 groups. A group of three or four people is already a team. OK, the groups are ready. You’ve been united by chance, but God knows, may be it is the hand of fortune.

Here is a list of possible criteria among which we can choose the ones we consider to be the most important. Pick out four of them. That will be enough for our work. (Students receive a list of criteria for selecting sports.) Well, guys, I give you 2 minutes to look them through and to make up your minds.


Only sports that conform to the following criteria can be included and remain in the Olympic program:

  1. that is widely practiced in at least 70 countries and three continents
  2. that adopts and implements the world anti-doping code
  3. that is safe enough for human’s life and doesn’t affect sportsmen’s health
  4. that can be spectacular enough
  5. that can provide objective refereeing by an evident victory
  6. that demands (or doesn’t demand) special equipment
  7. that involves a large number of individuals (in a team)
  8. that involves only individuals
  9. that contains a certain level of complexity
  10. that (doesn’t) depend on weather or time limitations

Thank you very much. It's a great job. So each team writes down the criteria you have chosen on these worksheets.

Now you will get the list of recognized kinds of sports and according to your criteria you have to choose the best corresponding sport to meet the demands of an Olympic sport. It will be your creative project. As soon as you are ready all of you will have to speak out to support your idea.


  1. Air sports
  2. Orienteering
  3. Billiard Sports
  4. Polo (a game played between two teams of players riding horses who use wooden hammers with long handles to hit a small hard ball in order to try to score goals)
  5. Bowling
  6. Power boating (boat race)
  7. Bridge
  8. Racquetball (a game similar to handball that is played on a 4-walled court with a short handled racket and a larger ball)
  9. Chess
  10. Roller Sports
  11. Dance Sport
  12. Rugby
  13. Squash (a singles or doubles game played in a four-wall court with a long-handled racket and a rubber ball that can be hit off any number of walls)
  14. Karate
  15. Surfing
  16. Life Saving
  17. Tug of War (a contest in which two teams pull against each other at opposite ends of a rope with the object of pulling the middle of the rope over a mark on the ground)
  18. Motorcycle Racing
  19. Underwater Sports
  20. Mountaineering and Climbing
  21. Water Skiing
  22. Bandy (Russian hockey with a ball)

By the way, do you know what recognized sports mean? They are not yet within the Olympic program but recognized as sports by the Olympic Committee, and on certain conditions they may become Olympic sports. And you have chosen these conditions right now.

As far as we are lack of time you have to present your projects in a nut shell. I think you will manage the work in three or four minutes. OK? (Students prepare projects within the allotted time). Let's start our presentations. Who would like to be the first? Are there any volunteers?

Protection of creative projects.

Homemadeexercise. (2 minutes)

You proved to be very industrious and inventive. Do you think we can choose only one sport that best corresponds to all the requirements? I think it's impossible. Because all your projects are unique. And only the Olympic Committee has the right to decide. But such great work shouldn’t be done in vain. And your homework flows evidently from here. So my idea is: why not write a letter to the Olympic Committee and to share your ideas with it. God knows maybe you have the key to the answer. Here are the worksheets you can use to write an open letter. And here is an e-mail address of the Olympic Committee.

1st October, 2008

[email protected]

Dear Sir or Madam or whoever reads this letter,


Yours faithfully,

5. Summing up the lesson. (3 min.)

Thank you very much for your work and cooperation.

  1. You were very quickly witted.
  2. Your ideas were really bright.
  3. You guys have proven to be real connoisseurs of sport.
  4. You spoke fluently enough.
  5. If your teacher doesn’t mind I would give you excellent marks. It was a pleasure interacting with you.

Oh, thank you. We've done a great job. I hope we've become a great bunch. And here are small souvenirs for you. I would like to thank everyone. And I leave you my heart.

Now, show me your flash signals! Would you like to say something? How did you contribute from the lesson? (Students' answers if there is time). Have a nice day!
