How long can you store breast milk in the freezer? How and how long breast milk is stored after pumping. Separation and foreign odor of breast milk

Breast milk is the best food for a newborn. It provides the baby with good immunity and saves parents money and time. There are times when a new mother needs to go away for a while. But there is no way to leave the baby without food. Then the nursing mother simply expresses breast milk into a bottle. It is important to know how and where it should be stored.

The first thing you need to choose is a bottle or other container for storing expressed milk. It is safest to buy them in pharmacies or specialized departments of children's goods. This cookware has passed all the necessary quality checks and meets the standards. Milk storage containers can be of several types:

  • Glass. Ideal for storage, but afraid of sudden temperature changes. For example, if you put hot water on a cold bottle, the glass may crack. Requires careful handling.
  • Plastic. This bottle is resistant to temperature changes, but is one step lower in quality compared to glass containers.
  • Plastic. Tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Special bags for storing expressed milk, produced by manufacturers.

One bottle should have a volume of about 100 ml. This is exactly how much a baby can eat in one feeding. Frequent manipulation of expressed breast milk (heating, cooling, opening and closing the container) can lead to its spoilage. The golden rule: one bottle for one feeding.

The note! If there are several bottles, be sure to stick a piece of paper on each of them indicating the date and time of pumping.

It is very important to observe the temperature regime for storing milk. If these standards are violated, it will deteriorate and become unsuitable for the baby.

  • Room temperature: 22–24 degrees. At these temperatures, expressed breast milk retains all its properties for 4 hours. The maximum possible storage time without refrigeration is 6 hours. After this time, the milk is poured out.
  • Refrigerator: 4–7 degrees. Allows you to store food for a baby for 4-5 days. The maximum storage time (five days) is possible at a temperature of 7 degrees. When storing milk bottles in the refrigerator, avoid door shelves. Due to the fact that the door is constantly opened and closed, the temperature changes. An excellent option would be to allocate the farthest shelf of the refrigerator for milk.

  • The freezer is a place where breast milk does not lose its properties for up to six months. The exact time depends on the temperature. At -20 degrees, milk does not spoil for six months. If the freezer is equipped with a separate shelf, then the baby's food is safe for three months.
  • A modern cooler bag can keep expressed milk fresh for exactly one day.
  • If frozen breast milk is placed on the refrigerator shelf, it can remain there for 24 hours. During this time, you need to warm up the milk and feed the baby.

Has it spoiled or not?

Every nursing mother needs to know the signs by which she can determine whether breast milk has spoiled or not. The very first and main sign is the smell. If the milk has acquired a sour, rotten smell, it means it is gone. If there is no smell, but you still have doubts, you need to taste the milk. A sour or bitter taste is a sign of spoiled milk. Appearance will also say a lot. Separating the milk into whey and kefir will let mom know that it needs to be poured out.

How to properly freeze and thaw breast milk

  • Breast milk is frozen no later than on the first day after pumping.
  • Re-freezing breast milk is strictly prohibited.
  • Proper freezing of valuable liquid consists of three stages: expressed milk is sealed in a container, the container is placed in the refrigerator for five hours to cool, then it is put in the freezer.

The note! Is it possible to add fresh milk to already frozen milk? This is possible, although not entirely desirable. The volume of fresh milk should not exceed the volume of frozen milk. Freshly expressed breast milk is placed in the refrigerator, where it cools within a couple of hours. Then it is added to a bottle of frozen liquid. This method will prevent frozen milk from thawing.

  • The storage container must be sterile. To do this, use a sterilizer device. It kills bacteria and makes the container safe for the child. If you don’t have a machine, you can simply boil the bottles.
  • You should not store milk in a plastic bag, as this will negatively affect the composition of breast milk. In addition, such containers are unreliable.
  • You can warm up cold breast milk in a water bath or under running hot water. The use of a microwave oven and gas stove is prohibited. This will lead to the destruction of all the beneficial elements contained in breast milk. You can purchase a special safe bottle warmer.
  • If mom needs to leave for only an hour, there is no need to freeze milk. It is enough to express into a bottle and leave it on the table. It is better to avoid unnecessary defrosting and heating processes.
  • If the baby is left without breastfeeding for five hours, some of the expressed milk should be put in the refrigerator, and some should be left on the table. The baby will eat several times, and the first portion he will receive is the freshest.
  • The maximum heating temperature of breast milk is 37 degrees. An increase in this indicator will lead to the breakdown of useful elements.
  • If baby food suddenly turns yellow or gray, this is normal. Milk may also change its smell. But the smell shouldn't be unpleasant!
  • If you have any doubts about the freshness of milk, it is better not to give it to your child.
  • Before feeding the baby, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly. The milk should have a uniform consistency.

It is important to observe the correct storage conditions for the valuable liquid, because it must contain all the nutritional enzymes necessary for the baby.

Only mother's milk, which contains a complex of vitamins, microelements and specific antibodies, brings real benefits to the newborn's body. In the daily practice of a young mother, situations often arise when she needs to stock up on breast milk.

Procuring breast milk for future use is necessary if the baby refuses to suckle at the breast, as well as when the young mother needs to go away. The only solution is to express milk and store it at low temperatures.

Rules for expressing milk

In order for milk to be stored for a long time, it must be properly expressed from the mammary glands; read how to do this. For this purpose, a breast pump is used, which should be purchased at a pharmacy or in stores for young mothers. Expressing is also done manually.

Important! The key to proper pumping is maintaining good personal hygiene. This will prevent the entry of pathogens.

Before pumping you need to:

  • wash and dry the mammary glands;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • Wash and boil the container for collecting milk, as well as the breast pump.

In addition, it is important to follow these rules:

  • The containers in which milk is planned to be stored must be tightly sealed. A screw cap is used for this purpose.
  • Plastic and glass containers are suitable for storage. Glassware is the best option.

How long does breast milk last in the refrigerator?

A decrease in the amount of nutrients in breast milk is observed 4 days after pumping. The temperature range for storing breast milk is from 0 to +4 degrees.

At temperatures from -5 degrees - no more than six months, and at temperatures from -20 - up to 12 months. It is important to remember that the deep freezing process deprives milk of its beneficial properties.

For convenience, you can store in each container as much food as the baby eats at one feeding. If the baby has not finished the milk, then putting it back in the refrigerator is prohibited. This product is not suitable for reuse.

To prevent a young mother from stumbling upon spoiled milk, she should label containers with freshly expressed product. The date and time of pumping are indicated on the container.

After standing in the refrigerator, the milk separates into several parts. Fats, as a rule, settle at the bottom of the container, and the whey part occupies the top layer. In order for the milk to become homogeneous, it is necessary to rhythmically shake the container with the product.

The color of milk varies from snow-white to cream. The smell is usually sweetish.

Before feeding a newborn baby, the cooled product must be warmed up. To ensure that it does not lose its beneficial properties under the influence of high temperatures, it is important to follow the heating technique. To warm breast milk, use the following tips:

  • A tightly sealed container of milk should be placed in hot water and kept until the milk reaches the desired temperature.
  • The cooled product must be poured from the container into a baby bottle and placed in a vessel with hot water. To determine the temperature, 2-3 drops of milk are dripped onto the wrist area.

How long does milk last at room temperature?

The shelf life of the expressed product is significantly lower than in the refrigerator. If the temperature in the room does not exceed 15 degrees, then the shelf life is 1 day. If the room temperature is more than 25 degrees, then the milk is stored in a tightly closed container for less than 6 hours.

If the product has been stored longer than the specified time, then the young mother is strictly prohibited from using it to feed her newborn baby. In such milk, pathogenic microflora begins to multiply, leading to digestive disorders in the baby.

Knowing the rules for cooling and warming breast milk allows a nursing woman to preserve the expressed product without the risk of loss of beneficial properties and nutritional value.

Hello dear readers! Tell me, have you ever had to go somewhere away from your baby? I mean leave it at least for a few hours. If this was the case, how did you organize feeding?

According to statistics, more than 40% of mothers have a supply of store-bought formula for this case. Despite the fact that mother’s milk remains the main nutrition! This is when she is nearby. So why, tell me, should I feed my baby other food? There is an option, even if you have to leave your child for a few days! It's enough just to express. But here another question arises. Any mother in this situation will be interested in how to store expressed breast milk. That's what I'll tell you about today! I’ll also give you some interesting ways to pump!

While in the maternity hospital, I met a young mother. Her baby was in the intensive care unit, and she went to see him every day. So, my mother produced a lot of milk! And the baby was not born to term. And she decided that such good things should not go to waste! We need to pump.

I note that the lady was quite wealthy and she could afford to buy the most expensive store-bought food. Those. The woman did not pump for the sake of saving money. What did you do with the product then? Kept it in the freezer! I’ll tell you how long a little later.

It turns out that breast milk is stored not only in the breast. It is possible to stock the product in reserve. For what cases?

  1. When the milk remains so much that there is excess left.
  2. Need to go somewhere.
  3. Mom is sick.
  4. The child categorically refuses to eat from the breast.

If you fall under at least one point, then now you need to know where you can store such food.

Where to store?

First, tell me, how long do you plan to be gone? Or do you have so much milk that the baby has enough, but there is some left over? The answers to these questions will determine the storage location!

  • On the table, at room temperature. If you are away for a couple of hours, and feeding is coming soon.
  • In a refrigerator. This way you can strain it overnight so that your child doesn’t have to wait long. That's what I did. And such preparations save time and nerves)).
  • Freeze in the freezer. This type of storage is intended for long trips or when there is an excess of breast milk.

Only mothers worry whether the nutritional properties of the products will deteriorate after pumping? My dears, no! You just need to observe the storage time.

How long is it stored?

This depends on the type of storage and temperature conditions. Here are the experts' recommendations:

  • In the room, if the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, no more than 6 hours.
  • In the room, if the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees - a day.
  • In the refrigerator, where the temperature is about 4 degrees - a week.
  • In the freezer, where there is deep freezing down to -20 degrees - a year. If the door is opened often and there is no deep freezing, then the shelf life reaches up to six months.

Of course, check the quality of the food. If the product has spoiled, a musty smell will let you know. But don't be surprised if you see that the milk has separated into layers. Fat floats to the top and is yellowish in color. And at the bottom there remains a less fatty fraction. Then just shake the bottle and everything will return to normal.

But quality is influenced not only by time and place. Let's choose a container!

What should I store it in?

Of course, if you have asked this question, environmental friendliness and safety are important to you. Right? Well, there are the following types of containers:

  • Glass. The most reliable and chosen. Of course, these require careful handling, but the safety is worth it. If you doubt the environmental friendliness of other types, choose this container. You will not regret.
  • Plastic transparent.
  • Plastic opaque.
  • Packages.

In general, it is believed that plastic containers will not cause harm. The main thing is that they are specifically designed for baby food and storage in the freezer. Disposable bags are also in good demand. They close securely, have a measuring scale and space for writing. And you must sign. Suddenly there will be a ton of bags to know what to eat first.

This concerns the freezer. If you're going away for a few hours, you can leave the food in a feeding bottle. I did this too, a very good option, I didn’t even have to heat it up.

But if you use the services of a refrigerator or freezer, you need to know the rules on how to reheat the product.

How to defrost and heat?

There are various controversies surrounding freezing products. This applies not only to milk, but also, for example, vegetables and berries. Scientists have proven that this method cannot destroy vitamins. The composition remains almost unchanged.

The defrosting method has much greater destructive power. So you carefully stored the milk, and then took it out and immediately under hot water, or even better, on the stove or in the microwave. Stop! It is forbidden. Defrosting should be gentle, follow the rules:

  1. From the freezer, the products should be placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  2. Then you take it out and leave it on the table for an hour.
  3. Only then under a tap with warm water, or in a water bath. No stoves or microwaves! Useful and necessary substances will definitely disappear. And then there will be no point in eating such food...

If you just want to heat it up, use the same water bath. Make sure that the food temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. Some will think that it is too labor-intensive. What did you want? It's the same with children. But the reward for such work will be the smile of a healthy and happy toddler!

Expressing correctly

Why know this? Yes, to give the most nutritious and valuable. Look, a child who eats directly from the breast from birth gets everything. From start to finish. And with the help of a breast pump you can get lazy and not get the most nutritious thing.

Not clear yet? Will explain. Look, first comes milk, which the child simply drinks. It is less fatty and nutritious. Contains few vitamins. The latter is more significant. Here is a treasure trove! The most valuable things have accumulated! This is what is important for good nutrition and development of the baby.

Therefore, try to express every last drop. And this is not figurative thinking. It is in the last drops that the bulk of the vitamins are contained. So don't be lazy. Moreover, such actions will help increase lactation. After all, the more often and more fully a woman expresses, the more milk comes in!

Types of pumping

Here's another important point. After all, in order to empty yourself completely, you need to choose the right way! Of course, you simply cannot find a better assistant than your own little one. But if we need to go a different way, we will look for answers. Here are several types:

  1. Manual.
  2. Breast pump.
  3. Grandmother's method.

Oh, I just can’t wait to tell you about the last point! But since I put it last, it means I will tell the story in order.

Manual method

The most economical, but labor-intensive. After proper preparation (more on the rules a little later), we take a bottle and begin to strain. First we massage the breast, then slowly press on the nipple with our fingers. Make sure it doesn't hurt.

But I’ll say right away that this method is good once or twice. If you need to strain for future use, forget it. And get yourself the right technique.

Breast pump

The range of devices is presented from the simplest to the most expensive (more details). Here, choose according to your budget. I had a simple one, but then I regretted it. It’s easy to injure nipples this way, the pain is terrible. So choose, at least from the middle price range.

Today, this is the most reliable and effective way to express. But do not forget that with this process, lactation is less than when the baby is latched. My advice is to use the breast pump infrequently, only if you are cooking for future use. And then it’s up to your capabilities.

Grandmother's method

Now I get to the most interesting part. I used the first two methods, but I have never used this one. I only recently found out about him. We will need a bottle with a small neck. Glass. That's all! See what to do with it:

  1. Wash and dry.
  2. Sterilize.
  3. Cool to a comfortable temperature. But not completely. So that the skin endures.
  4. Apply tightly to the areola. After a while, the breast will latch onto the bottle, and milk will flow from there. The process is slow, please be patient.

I just ask you to regulate the temperature. Don't burn anything! But you can try. What do you think?

Rules for expressing breast milk

To make the milk healthy and suitable for further use, follow simple rules:

  1. Before the process, wash your hands well with soap. It is enough to wash the chest with ordinary warm water.
  2. Take a warm shower and massage your mammary glands. Dry with a warm towel. This will help increase lactation.
  3. You can put a warm towel and lie there for a few minutes.
  4. Drink tea half an hour before. In general, drink more fluids throughout the day.
  5. Cherish everything. Once the process is complete, wait a couple of minutes, then squeeze out the last drops. Remember that they are the most valuable? In addition, this will prevent and.

This will help you achieve good results. And your baby will eat a nutritious and healthy product made by his mother!

Tell us, why did you become interested in storing breast milk? What is your reason? Will you freeze it or just put it in the refrigerator? Is your little one breastfed or only consumes expressed milk? Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Until next time. Bye!

Mother's milk contains a supply of minerals and trace elements that the infant needs. The artificial mixture is significantly inferior to this composition. In life, it is impossible to completely plan your time so as not to leave your baby. Sometimes such a need arises, so every woman should know how to store breast milk after pumping. This mixture is guaranteed to retain all the necessary minerals and trace elements.

In contact with

Modern mothers do not want to “fall out” from active life for a long time after the birth of a child. Many continue to work, but at the same time wish to maintain lactation. You should ask your breastfeeding specialist in advance about how to store breast milk in the refrigerator and at room temperature. In this case, the father or any other relative will be able to take care of the child in the absence of the mother.

Important! There is no need to use the mixture if a woman needs to leave the house for several hours.

Today, not every mother knows how to store expressed breast milk in a bottle. You shouldn't be afraid to do this. The process is completely safe for mother and child.

Expressed milk in the freezer retains all its original properties, so it remains an ideal option for feeding.

When the need arises to express milk. Immediately after the baby is born, many women's milk comes in too quickly. Against this background a young mother can to feel bad.

To relieve discomfort, it is recommended to pump. However, it is strictly not recommended to abuse this process. A small amount of liquid may be removed. The process should be continued until the woman begins to feel better.

However, there are cases when the baby does not have enough milk produced in the mother’s gland. Lactation can be improved through regular feeding and pumping. It is convenient to use a breast pump for this. The procedure helps stimulate the breasts. Thanks to this, a larger volume is guaranteed to arrive at the next feeding.

Pumping is carried out either after the end of feeding, if there is still liquid in the woman’s breasts, or to maintain lactation, if the mother is prohibited from breastfeeding due to illness.

Basics of proper pumping

Every woman should know how to Store expressed breast milk correctly. It is also necessary to understand the significant differences between the process and feeding. That is why the body can react differently to such an action. GW specialists advise drinking warm tea with milk. A warm shower or applying a hot cloth also has a positive effect. The mammary gland must receive sufficient heat.

Important! To stimulate the functioning of the mammary glands, a light massage is allowed, then the nutrient fluid will come out much faster.

Today, experts recommend using several methods for pumping.

Manual method

The pumping procedure can only be done with your fingers so as not to damage the nipple.

  • Before starting the process, you should thoroughly wash your hands and chest in warm water. It is best to also give a light massage;
  • The mammary gland is grasped with the fingers and slightly compressed. All manipulations with the nipple must be done carefully, with the thumb and forefinger placed on both sides of the areola;
  • pressing on the nipple should be done very carefully;
  • You should carefully think through all your movements, perform the procedure gently and carefully.

If pain is felt during the process, then all manipulations stop. If you are planning to pump for the first time, it is best to seek help from a professional. Over time, you can learn to perform the procedure yourself.

Many people ask whether breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator. The expressed product can be stored in freezer in special containers.

Application of electronic device

The easiest way to obtain food for a baby is using an electrical device. Similar devices are available in a wide range in any children's store or pharmacy.

Mommy should not forget about regular sterilization of her breast pump. After each procedure, it must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Pediatricians advise additionally pouring boiling water over it. In this case it will be possible prevent the development of infection.

Electronic devices enable a woman to quickly obtain liquid from both breasts at once. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the inability to control. There are also manual options. With their help, you can control the intensity of pressure.

Advice! You only need to buy a model that can be easily sterilized.

To obtain milk you need to perform a number of simple manipulations:

  1. The first step will also involve thoroughly rinsing your chest and hands, as well as the device.
  2. To cleanse your breasts, you can only use boiled water.
  3. The device is placed on the area where the nipple is located and turns on.
  4. Immediately after use, rinse the device thoroughly.

Important! The milk must then be stored in compliance with the basic norms and rules of the process, then it can be given to the child.

If a mother is using a breast pump for the first time, she must first study the instructions. Some models have non-standard configuration y, to which you will need to adapt. Additionally, it is possible to regulate the intensity of pumping. Remember that the stream cannot be too strong.

Storage Features

Mother's milk is ideal for the baby not only in its composition. He is also guaranteed to like it.

The healing properties will help to form the normal immunity necessary to resist viruses and bacteria.

What to store it in. Today, you can find special containers or bags in any pharmacy.

For their production, only high-quality material without harmful additives is used.

The shelf life of breast milk directly depends on the temperature at which it is stored. Simply leaving it in a container on the table is strictly prohibited. How long does breast milk last at room temperature? This period varies. within 6 - 8 hours. It is best to immediately send it to the freezer.

When determining the shelf life of the mixture, you should evaluate the temperature at which it was spent the most time:

  • 25 degrees – 6 hours;
  • 20 degrees – 10 hours;
  • 16 degrees – 24 hours.

Now we know how long breast milk can be stored at room temperature. In the refrigerator this period increases significantly. However, in this case, a large amount of vitamins that are useful and necessary for the child’s body will be lost from the liquid. The longest storage period is in the freezer. It is within 6 months. After removal from freezing, special equipment should be used to preheat breast milk.

If breastfeeding is optimally organized, there is normally no need to express milk.

But sometimes nursing mothers need to express and store breast milk, e.g.

When a woman shares her milk with another baby (breast milk donation),

When a nursing mother goes to work,

In rare cases of hyperlactation, if other methods of coping with breast fullness do not help (usually in this case we are not talking about full pumping, but about “pumping until relief”),

When additional breast stimulation is needed to increase milk supply,

If you need to create a home milk bank.

We will tell you about the secrets of expressing breast milk and storing it in this section.

Manually Expressing Breast Milk - A Practical Video Tutorial

Expressing breasts by hand

Breast pumping. Basics of the basics.

There is no need for all mothers to pump. Previously, such a recommendation was really needed. It is associated with regular feeding, separate keeping of mother and child in the maternity hospital and a long night break.


How to choose a breast pump

Dr. Sears' 18 Best Tips for Expressing Breast Milk with a Breast Pump

Expressing breast milk is as much an art as breastfeeding. Here are some tips to make pumping easier, help stimulate the let-down reflex, soothe sore nipples, help you express more breast milk, and make pumping more comfortable. (These tips can be used both for creating your own home breast milk bank, if a nursing mother needs to go to work, and for pumping, if you want to become a breast milk mother for someone - approx.)


Hands free pumping

How to make a hands-free pumping bust

Antenatal (prenatal) expression of colostrum

How to make a homemade breast milk bank

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol No. 8: Storing breast milk for feeding full-term infants at home. 2017 edition

The main goal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is to improve clinical protocols, the content of which will not be influenced in any way and where no commercial interests will be affected, but will only address the most common medical problems that can affect the success of breastfeeding. These protocols provide guidelines for the care of breastfeeding mothers and newborns and are not the only true treatment options or standards of care. Depending on the needs of each individual patient, recommendations can be applied in one form or another.


Storing and expressing breast milk

Please note: These recommendations can be followed by mothers with healthy full-term infants (check with your healthcare provider for recommendations regarding storing and expressing breast milk for premature or sick infants).


What is the shelf life of your breast milk?

If you google how long breast milk can be stored on the refrigerator shelf, you will find the following answer: three days to a week. This is a huge gap. Google cannot give an accurate answer to the question: “How long does your breast milk last in the refrigerator?”


Freezing and storing breast milk

Some general principles to remember about freezing breast milk:

Fresh milk can be stored in a freestanding deep freezer for 6-12 months. Sometimes it can last even longer, provided that it is frozen immediately after expression at a minimum temperature (-20 degrees C). If it was stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator before freezing, the shelf life may be reduced.


How to store expressed breast milk

Some people think that breast milk can only be stored in special containers or bags. In fact, a wide variety of containers are suitable for storing and freezing breast milk. There are four requirements for them: they must be durable, close well, clean and inert when frozen (not release anything into the contents).


How to defrost breast milk

Expressed breast milk smells bad - what to do?

Indeed, sour breast milk has a very pronounced sour taste and smell - similar to sour cow's milk. If your breast milk does not have a strong sour or rancid smell, then it is suitable for feeding your baby.


Stir or shake? Shaking damages breast milk. Is it so?

Perhaps one of the most common pieces of advice women who express breast milk hear is how best to mix it after pumping. Human milk is subject to separation after expression and must be mixed before consumption.


Reusing expressed breast milk

Wise use of frozen breast milk supplies when mothers go to work

This article was written by a working mother who, despite going to work, continued to breastfeed her baby. Abroad, in many countries, nursing mothers must return to work quite early after giving birth, so they have to take additional measures to maintain breastfeeding. Going to work does not necessarily mean the end of breastfeeding; the baby can continue to be fed breast milk in the absence of the mother.


Recommendations for handling breast milk are very demanding, based on sound scientific evidence that milk handling practices make a real difference to the health and nutrition of children. Indeed, storing milk properly preserves many of its unique qualities and continues to be the second and third best alternative to infant feeding, far superior to bottle feeding. The type and shape of container, sterilization method, length of time the milk is exposed to air, and storage temperature can adversely affect the stability and composition of the milk.


Assessment of the biofunctionality of donor milk using various processing methods

Donor milk is considered the best nutrition after human milk for preventing neonatal infections and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. However, there is virtually no data available on the biofunctions of donor milk after various processing methods.


A couple of ideas about hand pumping if you're having trouble

Collecting and storing breast milk: to heat or not to heat?

NB article from 1980, before HIV was discovered. Nevertheless, we find it interesting in terms of normalizing attitudes towards human milk. Even then there was evidence that milk has protective factors.
