How do Baptists differ from Christians? Who are Baptists and how do they differ from Orthodox Christians? Current situation of Baptists

There are many different religions in the world. They all have their own characteristics and followers. One of the most popular movements is Baptistism. Even many politicians adhere to this religion. So, Baptists: who are they and what goals do they pursue? The word itself comes from the Greek “baptizo”. Translated, this means immersion.

And baptism among adherents of this faith occurs precisely when immersed in water. Baptists are followers of a separate branch of Protestant Christianity. The roots of the religion come from English Puritanism, where only voluntary baptism was welcomed. At the same time, a person must be convinced that he wants this, give up bad habits, curses of any kind. Modesty, mutual support and responsiveness are encouraged. Baptists have a responsibility to care for members of the community.

Who are Baptists, from the point of view of Orthodoxy?

To answer the question “Baptists - who are they for the Orthodox?” We should go a little deeper into history. To preserve the faith, the Church has long established its own rules, according to which all who violate them are sectarians (otherwise schismatics), and from the doctrine - heresy. It has always been one of the most terrible sins - to have a different religion.

Such a sin was equated with murder and idolatry, and it was considered impossible to atone for it even with the blood of a martyr. On the part of the Orthodox Church, Baptists are sectarians with false ideas and have no relation to God's salvation and the Church of Christ. It is believed that the interpretation of Baptists is incorrect and turning to such people is a great sin for the soul.

How do Baptists differ from Orthodox Christians?

If you ask the question: “Baptists - what kind of faith?”, then you can definitely answer that they are Christians, only differing in their religion. In the Orthodox understanding, this is a sect, although this faith is often classified as Protestant churches. Baptistism appeared in the 16th century in England. So, how do Baptists differ from Orthodox:

1. First of all, how exactly are Baptists baptized? They do not accept sprinkling with holy water; a person must be completely immersed in it. Moreover, it is enough to do it once.

2. Unlike the Orthodox, Baptists do not baptize children under 18 years of age. This faith provides for baptism only as a meaningful decision of an adult, so that he is confident in his decision and can renounce a sinful life. Otherwise, the ritual is unacceptable, and even if performed, it has no force.

3. Baptists do not consider baptism a Sacrament. For this faith, this is just a ritual, simple human actions, simply joining their ranks.

4. For Baptists, seclusion, leaving the bustle of the world to hard-to-reach places, and vows of silence are unthinkable. They have no desire to nurture their spirit through poverty or lack of amenities. For Baptists, such people are renegades. Orthodoxy, on the contrary, calls for repentance and humility to cleanse the soul.

5. Baptists live with the confidence that their souls have long been saved at Calvary. Therefore, now it does not even matter whether a person lives righteously.

6. Baptists have no Saints and reject any Christian symbolism. For Orthodox believers, on the contrary, this is of great value.

7. The main task of Baptists is to increase their ranks and convert all dissenters to their faith.

For them, Communion is just wine and bread.

9. Instead of priests, the service is led by pastors who are part of the leadership of the community.

10. They perceive the temple as a place for prayer meetings.

11. For Baptists, icons are simply paintings or pagan idols.

12. The theological teaching is worked out very carefully in some places, and some important passages are simply overlooked.

13. The worship service is also different. Orthodox Christians pray on it, and Baptists simply read passages from the Bible, study them, and interpret them. Sometimes they watch religious films. Divine services are held only on Sundays, although sometimes believers can additionally gather on another day.

14. Baptist prayers are hymns and songs composed by the pastors themselves. They are not considered important, but rather are of a formal nature.

15. Marriage for Baptists is also not a Sacrament. However, the blessing of the community leadership is considered mandatory.

16. Baptists do not perform funeral services for the dead, since they do not recognize the ordeal of the soul. They believe that a person immediately finds himself in heaven. For Orthodox Christians, funeral services are a mandatory procedure, as are prayers for the deceased.

To summarize, we can say that Baptism is a religion for external piety that does not affect the inner world of a person. There is no spiritual transformation in this religion.

Baptists in Russia, banned or not?

Are Baptists banned in Russia today? Just a few years ago, these believers preached their faith calmly, although they looked warily at the authorities. Now the Russian Union of Baptists (ECB) is a large association in terms of the number of followers and communities. Coordination of activities is carried out with the help of 45 regional associations. In total, the ECB Union includes more than 1 thousand churches.

In Russia, the Baptist religion is not prohibited if all the requirements of 14 Federal Law No. 125-FZ are met. However, in 2016, the President of the Russian Federation adopted a law (to protect against terrorism) prohibiting sermons outside church walls and outside religious sites. There are also restrictions placed on missionary work.

Despite the fact that Baptists also consider themselves followers of Christ and their faith as true, and the Holy Scriptures as the only source of teaching, in other respects they are very different from Orthodox believers. However, many note that Baptists have at least one plus - they allow a person to consciously choose his own path by performing the rite of baptism in adulthood.

Of course it was written there that this is not a cult . From a legal point of view. However, there is a lot more on the Internet. For example, you can often find headlines: “Baptists are sectarians”, “Caution! Sect!" And so on. Agree, it sounds scary...

I, then still a young girl, was very scared. This word stuck in my head and did not give me peace. But I had no idea where I could find out the truth about who Baptists are. Therefore, today, when I have been called a “Baptist” for 11 years, but in fact, I believe in the crucified and risen Christ, I want to talk about who they are, what kind of faith they are, what Baptists believe in, how they treat the Orthodox, how they differ from Orthodox believers.

Baptists - these are adherents of one of the branches Protestant Church . The name itself comes from the word βάπτισμα and is translated from Greek as “to dip”, “to baptize by immersing in water.” Baptists believe that Baptism must be taken not in infancy, but at a conscious age. Baptism is immersion in consecrated water. In a word, a Baptist is a Christian who consciously accepts faith. He sincerely believes that human salvation lies in wholehearted faith in Christ. Christianity, as you know, is divided into three branches: Protestantism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy. What unites them is that they believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Baptist communities first began to form in the earlyXVIIcentury in Holland. However, their founders were not the Dutch, but English Congregationalists. They were forced to flee to the mainland because they were oppressed by the Anglican Church. In 1611, the English in Holland formed a new Christian doctrine, and a year later the Baptist Church was created in England. Protestantism became widespread in the New World, especially in the United States. Evangelical Christians - Baptists today are all over the world: in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, America.

Often Russians, when encountering Protestants for the first time, think that they are "American Faith". And if they come across an American in the church, it is almost impossible to convince them that the church is Russian and not at all American. Yes, indeed, if in Russia most of its citizens are Orthodox, then in America every second one is Protestant. There are no Orthodox churches in American films. But there are often Protestant ones there.

However, this does not mean that the Baptist church is “American.” It’s just that in Russia the Baptist movement began to spread quite late, in the 70s XIX century. For many Russian people who were baptized in childhood and consider themselves Orthodox, it is not clear why people like Baptists are needed. However, a person is not saved from the fact that he was baptized in childhood. He is not saved by wearing a cross. And he is not saved from the fact that he celebrates Christmas and Easter. For most Russian people, Orthodoxy is more of a tradition rather than a sincere belief in the living God. Baptists are baptized at a conscious age. That is, when in the life of a person there was a meeting with God, repentance. A person consciously accepts faith.

What do Baptists believe?

Baptists believe into One God and the Trinity confess the Apostles' Creed and celebrate Communion. The main motive of a Christian's life is God and His Glory . The only source of revelation of God's will on earth is God's Word - Bible . Baptists believe that its author is God Himself - the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is the Bible that is the criterion and rule for any decision in life. (2 Tim. 3:16-17), Col. 2:8). To be a Christian, according to Baptists, means acknowledge Christ as your Savior and accept Him as Lord of all life . Faith, according to Baptists, is manifested in a changed life (2 Cor. 5:17, Eph. 2:10, Philip. 2:9-11)

At the same time, Baptists do not reject the Holy Tradition, the experience of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church and the spiritual experience of world Christianity. Baptists pray as if they were talking to God, in their own words. However, they can also pray with words from the Bible or use as a model wonderful prayers from the spiritual heritage of all Christians in the world. Baptists believe in a universal priesthood. This means that every member of the church is a priest of God, that is, a leader in prayers for other people, a minister of goodness and truth in the world. This does not mean that there is no structure in the church. The church is led by an ordained priest - a presbyter, who is also assisted by ordained deacons. The dominant features of church services are the reading of Holy Scripture, preaching and prayer. Baptists love to sing. Therefore, every divine service is necessarily accompanied by the singing of the choir or all those gathered for the service. A church building can be either large and beautiful or a very simple rural house. This is due to the fact that for Baptists a building is a place of worship of God, a place of prayer, and the Church is the people (community) who make this building a place of worship. Of course, if there is no other possibility, then you can worship God anywhere, but like all Christians, Baptists prefer to use special buildings for this. The building becomes such only after the consecration service. Thus, the community of believers dedicates it to God. Inside, a cross is usually used as decoration, as a symbol of God and his sacrifice.

Baptists believe that every person is a sinner, but God saves man. Therefore, there are no worse or better people, everyone is equally sinful before God, He died and rose again, so that everyone would have the opportunity to come to Him, so that everyone would have the opportunity to be saved. However, not everyone is saved. But only those who accept this sacrifice are saved. Who believes in Christ who came in the flesh, died and rose again.

How do Baptists relate to Orthodox Christians?

Baptists are Protestants. Protestants, just like Orthodox and Catholics, are Christians. Christians believe in One God. Christians believe in Christ. Yes, all three branches of Christianity worship Him in different ways. Some people are closer to the Orthodox Church, some find solace in the Catholic Church, others like Protestants. Man is a unique Creation and each person has his own path to God. And true believers have one thing in common - love for God and love for people, reverent attitude towards the Holy Scriptures. If you don’t have this love, then no matter what you call it, what’s the use of the so-called "faith" there won't be enough. And those who have known the Love of God - the Father, who gave His Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life, have love.

Baptistism(from the Greek "baptizo" - "immerse in water", "baptize") - religious movement related to Christian Protestantism. Founder baptism - John Smith(1554-1612). The main feature of the movement is refusal of infant baptism, the belief that a person must choose faith consciously in adulthood, this is the only way it can be observed principle of voluntariness.

Baptist doctrine is based on the following tenets:

  • The only authority in matters of faith and everyday life is Bible;
  • In the Church there can only be reborn people(those who consciously accepted baptism);
  • Greater freedom for local church communities in independently solving practical issues;
  • Freedom of conscience;
  • Separation of Church and State(until recently, most orthodox Baptists rejected the oath, military service and courts).

The birth of Baptistism occurred in 1609 in Amsterdam, when several English Puritans, under the leadership of John Smith, founded their own religious community. Three years later baptism entered England- exactly there dogmas were finally formulated creeds.

Baptistism is divided into two movements:

  • General Baptists;
  • Private Baptists.

General Baptists it is believed that Christ his victim atoned for the sins of all people without exception. To find salvation you need complicity of God's and human will. From point of view private Baptists, which is close to Calvinism and other Protestant movements, Christ atoned for the sins of only a select part of humanity. Human salvation can only be achieved by God's will, it predetermined from the start, and cannot be affected by good or bad deeds. John Smith and his followers considered themselves General Baptists. The first community of private Baptists was formed in 1638 in England.

Baptists believe in Second Coming of Christ, when the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment occurs, which will reward everyone according to their deserts, the righteous will go to heaven, and the wicked will be doomed to eternal torment.

In the Baptist Church there are elders, deacons and preachers. At the same time, the structure of the church very democratic— the most important issues are resolved jointly at church councils or meetings of believers.

In a relationship rituals Baptists do not strictly adhere to the canon, unlike, for example, the Catholic or Orthodox churches. Sacred rites in Baptistism imply holding prayer meetings with the reading of sermons, fragments of Holy Scripture, the singing of psalms and hymns by all members of the community. Sometimes it is used musical accompaniment. The main worship service takes place in Sunday, although additional meetings may be held on weekdays.

Baptists pay great attention missionary activity to attract new adherents to your church. The founder of missionary work is considered William Carey who went to preach baptism to India in 1793. With virtually no education, Carrie, thanks to her brilliant mind achieved great success in missionary work, translated Bible in 25 languages.

Among famous people who professed Baptistism can be called: writers John Bunyan, whose book inspired Pushkin's poem "The Wanderer", the great English poet John Milton, writer Daniel Defoe- author of a novel about the adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Nobel Prize winner, fighter for black rights in the USA Martin Luther King.

In Russia Baptist communities arose in the second half of the 19th century, and by the beginning of the 20th century there were 20 thousand people professing Baptists.

In the 70s of the 20th century, the USSR developed three independent Baptist organizations:

  • Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists;
  • Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches;
  • Autonomous churches of Evangelical Christian Baptists.

Currently in the world there are 75 million Baptists- this is one of the most numerous Protestant movements. At the same time, about two thirds Baptist adherents live in USA.

BAPTISTS: evil sect or recognized church?

Recently, a number of publications have been observed in the Tver press, the authors of which expressed their biased opinions about Baptists. This prompted me to prepare this article, which attempts to objectively address this issue.

Who are they?

Here is what the Great Soviet Encyclopedia says about Baptist Christians: “Baptists (from the Greek baptizo - I dip, baptize by immersion in water). Adherents of one of the varieties of Protestantism. According to the doctrine of Baptistism, a person’s salvation is possible only through personal faith in Christ, and not through the mediation of the church; the only source of faith is the Holy Scriptures."

Formally, Baptistism arose during the Reformation at the beginning of the 17th century. However, to claim that Baptistism as a doctrine originates at this time is fundamentally incorrect. Baptist Christians did not come up with anything new, but only returned to the principles of the Christian faith, clearly set out in the Holy Scriptures. In religious teaching and preaching, the main place is occupied by moral and edifying issues. The main attention at divine services is paid to the sermon, which is delivered not only by the elders, but also by preachers from among ordinary believers. Great importance is attached to singing in worship: choral, general, solo. An important part of the liturgical meeting is general and individual prayers. The main acts of sacred rites are water baptism by faith and the breaking of bread (communion). Baptists perform baptism by immersing the person being baptized in water. This act is given a spiritual meaning: upon receiving baptism, a believer “dies with Christ,” and, emerging from the waters of baptism, “resurrects with Christ” for new life. In addition, marriages, prayers for blessing children, and burials of the dead are carried out. All this is done free of charge.

Baptists in Russia

The beginning of the Evangelical Baptist movement in Russia is considered to be 1867, when N.I. Voronin, who later became one of the famous and active preachers of the Gospel, was baptized in the Kura River in Tiflis (Tbilisi). In the 60-70s, Baptistism spread to Ukraine, the Caucasus, and the Volga region. In 1884, the Union of Russian Baptists was created. In 1874, the English Lord G. Redstock and retired colonel Prince V.A. Pashkov began preaching the Gospel in St. Petersburg. Through their efforts, the ideas of evangelical Christians spread among the St. Petersburg nobility. By 1912, there were 115 thousand Baptists and 31 thousand Evangelical Christians in Russia. By 1927, the number of evangelical Christians and Baptists reached 500 thousand. However, in 1928 repressions began, which subsided only by the mid-40s. In 1944, the Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists was formed.

Russian Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists today

The Russian Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists (ECB) today is the largest Protestant Christian association in Russia, both in terms of the number of communities and followers, and in terms of distribution throughout the country. It is built on the principle of autonomy of local churches and coordination of the goals of joint ministry. Coordination is carried out by 45 regional ECB associations, headed by senior presbyters (bishops) and the existing presbyteral councils, which include elders of all local churches in the region. The union unites over 1,100 local churches.

The ECB Union has a system of spiritual and educational institutions. Among them are the Moscow Theological Seminary, the Moscow Theological Institute, and a number of full-time and correspondence Bible schools in many regional centers of Russia. Almost every local church has Sunday schools for children.

The ECB Union and many regional associations have their own publishing base, and also carry out work on the air (for example, the “Back to square one” program on the Radio 1 channel).

The spiritual, educational and charitable work of Evangelical Christian Baptists is highly appreciated by the President of the Russian Federation. In March 2002, the senior presbyter for the Samara region, Viktor Semenovich Ryaguzov, was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Previously, senior elders Romanenko N.A. were awarded government awards. and Abramov G.I.

The Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists in the city of Tver is preparing to celebrate its 120th anniversary. So the Baptists in Tver are not a product of the “era of perestroika” or the “expansion of Western preachers”, but a historical reality. Tver Evangelical Christian Baptists hold services in two houses of worship: on Griboyedov Street, 35/68 and on 1st Zheltikovskaya Street, 14.

Relations between the Russian ECB Union and the Russian Orthodox Church

There were different periods in the relationship between Baptists and Orthodox Christians. Since the emergence of Baptists in Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church, relying on the help of the state, has been fighting the Baptists. Some relief came after the Manifesto of October 17, 1905, which proclaimed the principle of religious tolerance. In the 30s of the 20th century, ministers of Baptist churches were with Orthodox ministers in the same prison cells and camp barracks and together they glorified God in prayers and chants, to which there are still living witnesses.

Are Baptists heretics from the position of Orthodox Christians? What do the official documents of the Russian Orthodox Church say about this? In the book “Orthodoxy and Ecumenism. Documents and Materials 1902-1997” (Moscow: MIPT Publishing House, 1998) it is written: “Anglicans and Protestants were a product of the Reformation; never in communion with the Orthodox Church were they condemned by either the Ecumenical or Local Councils ... the Church did not collectively and officially declare them heretics. Officially and canonically, they are our brothers in Christ who have erred in the faith, brothers by unity in baptism and by their participation in the Body of Christ (i.e. the Church as the Body of Christ) as a result of baptism, the validity of which is with them as the Sacraments we acknowledge" (pp. 19-20).

Perhaps the most striking event that sheds light on the modern level of relations was the Anniversary International Interfaith Conference dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity, which took place on November 23-25, 1999 in Moscow. It was organized by the Christian Interfaith Advisory Committee (CIAC), the co-chairs of which are: from the Russian Orthodox Church - Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad; from Roman Catholics - Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz; from Protestants - Chairman of the Russian Union of ECB Konovalchik P.B.

In his welcoming speech, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II said: “The current conference, organized by the KhMCK, serves as a striking example of the fact that Christians clearly understand the need to jointly contribute to the establishment of Christian values ​​and guidelines in the public consciousness.”

In his plenary report, Metropolitan Kirill noted several important aspects of interfaith relations:
“Cooperation in peacemaking and social service between representatives of various Christian denominations seems to me extremely important in this regard. We, followers of Christ, must set a good example for our politicians.”
“Despite the well-known historical difficulties in interfaith relations, in general we can talk more about cooperation and peaceful coexistence than about hostility.”
“Of course, I am far from presenting the relations of Christian denominations in pre-revolutionary times in rosy tones. Of course, the state status of the Orthodox Church in Russia and the fact that the absolute majority of citizens belonged to Orthodoxy led to a certain marginalization of other Christian denominations.”
“As we enter the 21st century, all Christians are called to testify to this to the world, preparing, like John the Baptist, “the way of the Lord” into the hearts of people. We need to unite our efforts so that the concepts of goodness, justice and holiness have a decisive meaning in people’s lives, that we and our children may live (Genesis 43:8).”

And here is what was written down, in particular, in the final document of the Anniversary Conference:
“The anniversary should become an occasion for even more fruitful inter-Christian and inter-religious cooperation, helping to create a basis for their further development. Our Churches and church communities should set an example to society and the world in the matter of mutual understanding and cooperation.”
“In order to successfully fulfill their duty to God and people, Christian Churches themselves must demonstrate to society the experience of reconciled cooperation.”

How are these good intentions practically put into practice? One of the most significant joint programs was the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity and the meeting of the third millennium. Secular authorities also took part in organizing the celebration of this anniversary; in particular, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued (No. 1468 of December 4, 1998). The committee preparing for the celebration of the anniversary included, along with the leaders of the Orthodox Church, representatives of other Christian denominations, including the chairman of the Russian ECB Union P.B. Konovalchik.

The mistakes of the past are also being corrected. One of the practical steps was a letter from the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate to the Chairman of the Russian Union of ECB, P.B. Konovalchik. (out. No. 3551 dated September 11, 1996), in which they expressed regret about the publication of the brochure “Baptists are the most harmful sect” and said that “a warning was given to the publishers, the courtyard of the monastery of St. Panteleimon for the unauthorized publication of a reference to the blessing of the Patriarch.”

As for Tver, the celebration here turned out to be separate. First, the Tver Diocese and the city Administration held joint events. And only in 2002 did a group of Christian non-Orthodox churches (two Tver ECB churches and eight churches of other Christian denominations) hold a festive screening of the film “Jesus”, although the organizing committee submitted an appeal to the city Administration back in 2001. In this joint work, both pastors and ordinary believers of these churches became noticeably closer and became friends.

During the period of the film "Jesus" publications appeared in the press in which Baptists were accused of pursuing "hidden" goals. We, like all Christians, have one goal, and it is commanded by the Lord Himself: “Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you.” In fulfillment of this commandment, we not only participated in the screening of the film “Jesus,” but also conduct spiritual and educational conversations with those who show interest in the Holy Scriptures. For example, in the Tver House of Officers (Garrison) on Sundays from 16:00. We do not “attract” Orthodox Christians, since they go to churches on Sundays and have spiritual shepherds; but we want to serve those people who, in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, are “like sheep without a shepherd.”

Yuri Zaika, deacon of the Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists in Tver

They are called Baptists. The name comes from the word baptize, which is translated from Greek as “to dip”, “to baptize by immersing in water.” According to this teaching, one must be baptized not in infancy, but at a conscious age by immersion in consecrated water. In a word, a Baptist is a Christian who consciously accepts his faith. He believes that a person's salvation lies in wholehearted faith in Christ.

History of origin

Baptist communities began to form in the early seventeenth century in Holland, but their founders were not Dutch, but English Congregationalists who were forced to flee to the mainland to avoid persecution by the Church of England. And so, in the second decade of the 17th century, namely in 1611, a new Christian teaching was formulated for the English, who, by the will of fate, lived in the capital of the Netherlands - Amsterdam. A year later, the Baptist Church was founded in England. At the same time, the first community professing this faith arose. Later, in 1639, the first Baptists appeared in North America. This sect became widespread in the New World, especially in the USA. Every year the number of its adherents grew with incredible speed. Over time, evangelical Baptists also spread throughout the world: to the countries of Asia and Europe, Africa and Australia, well, and both Americas. By the way, during the American Civil War, most black slaves accepted this faith and became its ardent followers.

Spread of Baptistism in Russia

Until the 70s of the 19th century, people in Russia practically did not know who Baptists were. What kind of faith unites people who call themselves this way? The first community of adherents of this faith appeared in St. Petersburg, its members called themselves Evangelical Christians. Baptistism came here from Germany along with foreign masters, architects and scientists invited by the Russian Tsars Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter Alekseevich. This movement was most widespread in the Tauride, Kherson, Kyiv, and Ekaterinoslav provinces. Later it reached Kuban and Transcaucasia.

The first Baptist in Russia was Nikita Isaevich Voronin. He was baptized in 1867. Baptistism and evangelicalism are very close to each other, but they are nevertheless considered two separate directions in Protestantism, and in 1905, in the Northern capital, their adherents created the Union of Evangelists and the Union of Baptists. In the first years of Soviet power, attitudes towards any religious movements became prejudiced, and Baptists had to go underground. However, during the Patriotic War, both Baptists and evangelists again became more active and united, creating the Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists of the USSR. After the war, they were joined by the Pentecostal sect.

Baptist ideas

The main aspiration in life for adherents of this faith is service to Christ. The Baptist Church teaches that one must live in harmony with the world, but be not of this world, that is, obey earthly laws, but honor only Jesus Christ with one’s heart. The basis of Baptistism, which emerged as a radical Protestant bourgeois movement, is the principle of individualism. Baptists believe that a person's salvation depends only on the individual himself, and that the church cannot be a mediator between him and God. The only true source of faith is the Gospel - the Holy Scripture, only in it can you find answers to all questions and, by following all the commandments, all the rules contained in this holy book, you can save your soul. Every Baptist is sure of this. This is an undeniable truth for him. All of them do not recognize church sacraments and holidays, and do not believe in the miraculous power of icons.

Baptism in Baptistism

Adherents of this faith undergo the rite of baptism not in infancy, but in adulthood, since a Baptist is a believer who is fully aware of why he needs baptism and treats it as a spiritual rebirth. In order to become a member of the community and be baptized, candidates must later go through repentance at a prayer meeting. The baptism process includes immersion in water, followed by the ceremony of breaking bread.

These two rituals symbolize faith in spiritual union with the Savior. Unlike the Orthodox and Catholic churches, which consider baptism a sacrament, that is, a means of salvation, for Baptists this step demonstrates conviction in the correctness of their religious views. Only after a person fully understands the depth of faith, only then will he have the right to go through the rite of baptism and become one of the members of the Baptist community. The spiritual leader performs this ritual, helping his ward to plunge into the water, only after he was able to go through all the tests and convince members of the community of the inviolability of his faith.

Baptist attitudes

According to this teaching, the sinfulness of the world outside the community is inevitable. Therefore, they advocate strict adherence to moral standards. The Evangelical Christian Baptist should completely abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages, the use of curses and curses, etc. Mutual support, modesty and responsiveness are encouraged. All members of the community should take care of each other and help those in need. One of the main responsibilities of every Baptist is to convert dissenters to their faith.

Baptist creed

In 1905, the First World Convention of Baptist Christians took place in London. On it, the Symbol of the Apostolic Faith was established as the basis of the doctrine. The following principles were also adopted:

1. Only people who have been baptized can be adherents of the Church, that is, an Evangelical Christian Baptist is a spiritually reborn person.

2. The Bible is the only truth, in it you can find answers to any questions, it is an infallible and unshakable authority both in matters of faith and in practical life.

3. The universal (invisible) church is one for all Protestants.

4. The knowledge of Baptism and the Lord's Vespers are taught only to baptized, that is, regenerated people.

5. Local communities are independent in practical and spiritual matters.

6. All members of the local community have equal rights. This means that even an ordinary Baptist is a member of the community who has the same rights as a preacher or spiritual leader. By the way, the early Baptists were against it, but today they themselves create something like ranks within their church.

7. For everyone - both believers and non-believers - there is freedom of conscience.

8. Church and state must be separated from each other.

Members of evangelical congregations gather several times a week to listen to a sermon on a particular topic. Here are some of them:

  • About suffering.
  • Heavenly mess.
  • What is holiness?
  • Life is in victory and abundance.
  • Can you listen?
  • Evidence of the Resurrection.
  • The secret of family happiness.
  • The first ever breaking of bread, etc.

Listening to the sermon, adherents of the faith try to find answers to the questions that tormented them. Anyone can read a sermon, but only after special preparation, acquiring sufficient knowledge and skills in order to speak publicly in front of a large group of fellow believers. The main worship service for Baptists is held weekly, on Sunday. The community sometimes meets on weekdays to pray, study, and discuss information found in the Bible. The service takes place in several stages: sermon, singing, instrumental music, reading of poems on spiritual themes, as well as retelling of biblical stories.

Baptist holidays

Followers of this church movement or sect, as it is commonly called in our country, have their own special calendar of holidays. Every Baptist reveres them sacredly. This is a list that consists of both general Christian holidays and solemn days unique to this church. Below is their complete list.

  • Any Sunday is the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • The first Sunday of each month according to the calendar is the day of breaking bread.
  • Christmas.
  • Baptism.
  • Meeting of the Lord.
  • Annunciation.
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.
  • Holy Thursday.
  • Resurrection (Easter).
  • Ascension.
  • Pentecost (the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles).
  • Transfiguration.
  • Harvest Festival (exclusively Baptist holiday).
  • Unity Day (celebrated since 1945 in memory of the unification of evangelists and Baptists).
  • New Year.

World Famous Baptists

The followers of this religious movement, which has spread in more than 100 countries of the world, not only Christian, but also Muslim, and even Buddhist, are also world-famous writers, poets, public figures, etc.

For example, the Baptists were the English writer (Bunyan), who is the author of the book "The Pilgrim's Progress"; the great civil rights activist, John Milton; Daniel Defoe is the author of one of the most famous works of world literature - the adventure novel "Robinson Crusoe"; Martin Luther King, who was an ardent fighter for the rights of black slaves in the United States. In addition, major businessmen the Rockefeller brothers were Baptists.
