Pasta with bacon in a slow cooker. Spaghetti carbonara in a slow cooker. How to cook Carbonara pasta in a slow cooker

I want to share a simple and very tasty recipe that will come to the aid of any housewife when there is absolutely no time for cooking. Pasta carbonara in a slow cooker will be an excellent change for pasta lovers.

And your imagination can only add some of your own zest, which will add individuality to your dish. This recipe will transform ordinary pasta into a delicious dish.

Pasta carbonara, homemade carbonara pasta recipe

Pasta carbonara is one of the classic dishes of Italian cuisine. Real carbonara is made with pieces of salted pork cheek. But since this product is not very common in our country, it is most often replaced with bacon. Also, the traditional carbonara pasta with bacon is simply impossible to imagine without the sauce, which is made from eggs.

It is believed that the carbonara pasta recipe spread to Europe after American bacon was popularized here. It is worth noting that jowl is used mainly only in Italy, while in other countries bacon is used.

Ingredients for Pasta Carbonara:

  • - 150 g spaghetti;
  • - 100 g bacon;
  • - 1 yolk;
  • - 30 g parmesan (or replace it with any type of hard cheese);
  • - 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • - 2 garlic cloves;
  • - salt;
  • - pepper.

How to make carbonara pasta at home:

Place spaghetti in boiling salted water. Cook until slightly undercooked. This is called "al dente" - the state of spaghetti when it is still a little elastic, but almost ready.

Fry the garlic cloves cut in half in vegetable oil. When the garlic softens, you need to throw it away - it has already given its taste to the oil.

Now fry the finely chopped bacon in this oil. Cook until golden brown, but be careful not to burn it.

Carbonara is the original name of the sauce, which includes cheek (bacon), yolks and Parmesan. Garlic, herbs or other ingredients are only optional products.

You need to calculate the number of yolks according to the principle “1 piece per 1 serving”. The remaining ingredients can be taken “by eye” - there are no traditional exact proportions.

Many Italian chefs prefer to prepare the dish with the addition of a small amount of white or red wine - pour it into the pan with the bacon. Although the classic carbonara pasta recipe did not use wine.

So, mix the yolk, finely grated cheese, add 1-2 tbsp. l. hot broth from pasta. Pepper well. Pasta carbonara should be spicy, so there is no need to skimp on the pepper. Naturally, within reasonable limits. The hot broth will not only dilute the sauce, but will also allow the yolk to cook faster.

Place the finished pasta in a colander and let the water drain.

Add it to the fried bacon, pour in the egg sauce. Mix everything quickly and serve immediately.

Do not be afraid that the yolk will remain raw - it will become ready from the heat of other products.

Carbonara pasta with ham

Pasta carbonara with ham is eaten much earlier than you even start cooking it. The main thing about this dish is how to prepare it correctly. Only then will the dish turn out the way Italian chefs make it.


450 grams of wide noodles (pappardelle or tagliatelle);

2 tablespoons olive oil;

100 grams each of ham, Parmesan and champignons;

1 piece finely chopped garlic;

50 ml. cream;

2 tbsp. l.fresh parsley.


In a large saucepan of boiling water, cook noodles according to package instructions. Cut the ham into equal strips. Heat oil in a small frying pan. Add chopped garlic and cook until soft for four minutes. Set aside. Fry the champignons in a separate container. In a deep bowl with cream, mix eggs, season with black pepper and salt. Mix with ham, mushrooms and garlic. Add shredded Parmesan cheese.

Mix the boiled noodles with the eggs and sauce (the heat from the pasta will cook all the eggs). Serve with parsley.

Carbonara pasta in a slow cooker

Pasta carbonara is a healthier dish than regular pasta, but it will be much healthier if you cook it in a slow cooker. Carbonara pasta in a slow cooker will be 2 times more valuable in terms of its nutritional qualities. After all, few self-respecting housewives do not have this wonderful appliance in their own kitchen, in which you can cook almost everything. During the process of cooking carbonara pasta, the spaghetti will have to be broken into several pieces, otherwise they will not fit in the multi-cooker bowl.


250 grams spaghetti,

bacon or raw smoked ham,

three cloves of garlic,

30% cream - 250 ml.,

2 tbsp. spicy ketchup,

parmesan - 150 grams,

basil, salt,

olive oil.


How to cook pasta carbonara. Cut the raw smoked ham into thin strips. Fry it in a slow cooker, turning on the “Baking” mode for ten minutes. Pass the garlic through a press and add it to the bacon. Fry the bacon and garlic for a couple more minutes. Then add cream, ketchup, seasoning, table salt, mix and bring the whole mass until completely thickened in the “Baking” mode. As the sauce thickens, feel free to add Parmesan. Stir.

Pour boiling water over the spaghetti just enough to completely cover it. Close the multicooker lid and cook until softened. After the “Baking” mode, transfer the dish to the “Pilaf” mode. After the signal, take out the pasta, put it in a deep dish, sprinkle with grated cheese. Garnish with parsley... and enjoy!

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Carbonara is a stunning dish based on spaghetti. You can prepare pasta carbonara in different ways, depending on your own taste preferences.

Today we want to tell you how you can make it with bacon, cheese, wine and a chicken egg. This set of ingredients will give the dish a special piquancy and originality.

We will bring the recipe to life using a Redmond multicooker, as it is much simpler and more convenient. We will use the Redmond RMC-M4500 model, which has all the necessary programs and modes.

Ingredients for making carbonara in a Redmond slow cooker

  • Pasta (spaghetti No. 5) - 200 grams.
  • Water - 1500 milliliters.
  • Bacon - 120 grams.
  • Sheep cheese made from unpasteurized milk - 90 grams.
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece.
  • Chili pepper - 10 grams.
  • Dry white wine - 30 milliliters.
  • Salt.

Method for preparing carbonara in a Redmond multicooker

1) Pour water into the multicooker bowl, add salt, stir it.

2) Close the lid and start the “Cooking” program for 10 minutes by pressing the “Start” button.

3) When the program starts on the timer, open the lid and put the pasta into the multicooker. Stir it and close the lid again.

4) Wait until the program finishes and then cancel it.

5) Drain the pasta in a colander. Wait until all the liquid has drained.

6) Now prepare the sauce. To do this, first grate the cheese on a fine grater, add an egg to it, then beat with a whisk until smooth. It is better to do all this in a separate container.

7) Cut the bacon into small slices and chop the chili using a knife.

8) Place the bacon in the multicooker bowl and run the “Fry” program for 10 minutes with the lid open.

9) 3 minutes before the end of the program, pour wine into the multicooker bowl, add chili and stir.

10) Cook until the end of the program with the lid open, remembering to stir.

11) Finally, put the pasta in the bowl, add the egg and cheese sauce and mix everything well.

12) Let the dish sit for a while in the slow cooker.

Step-by-step recipe for spaghetti carbonara in a slow cooker with photo.
  • National cuisine: Italian Cuisine
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Spaghetti
  • Recipe difficulty: Not an easy recipe
  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Number of servings: 3 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 53 kilocalories
  • Occasion: For lunch

If you love Italian cuisine, then the recipe for spaghetti carbonara in a slow cooker will definitely suit your taste. The combination of Parmesan, smoked brisket and cream makes this dish incredibly creamy.

Today you learned how to cook spaghetti carbonara in a slow cooker. This is a classic recipe for spaghetti carbonara in a slow cooker, you can easily diversify it by adding any herbs and spices, as well as mushrooms to your taste. You can be sure that you and your family will definitely like this dish!

Number of servings: 3-4

Ingredients for 3 servings

  • Spaghetti - 250 Grams
  • Brisket - 200 grams (Smoked brisket or bacon)
  • Cream - 250 Milliliters (fat content 15%)
  • Cheese - 150 Grams (Parmesan)
  • Basil - To taste (Dried or fresh)
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Water - 550 Milliliters
  • Egg - 1 piece (yolk)
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt - To taste
  • Pepper - To taste

Step by step

  1. Chop smoked chicken breast or bacon into strips.
  2. Then chop the onion and add it to the brisket.
  3. Pour vegetable oil or olive oil, if desired, into the bottom of the multicooker.
  4. Place the brisket and onions into the multicooker container. Select the “Baking” or “Frying” program on the multicooker and set the timer for 10 minutes.
  5. Finely chop the garlic with a knife or press through a garlic press.
  6. Add the garlic to the brisket and onions, remember to stir periodically while frying.
  7. After 10 minutes, pour the cream into the container and mix thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the cream thickens.
  8. Break the spaghetti into 2 parts, add to the filling, then pour water into the multicooker, add salt and pepper to taste and mix everything thoroughly so that the spaghetti does not stick together.
  9. Note! Spaghetti and filling should be completely covered with water. We switch the multicooker to the “Pilaf” / “Rice” / “Spaghetti” mode (depending on what is written on your multicooker).
  10. Grate the parmisan.
  11. Separate the yolk from the white. Add the yolk to the cheese and mix.
  12. 2 minutes before the end of the program, add the yolk-cheese mass and basil. After the readiness signal, stir the pasta again to evenly distribute the sauce.
  13. Place the spaghetti on a plate and serve. Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

So, if you have all the necessary products in your refrigerator and you want to feed your family delicious food, then you can start. First, we open the package with smoked pork belly, place the meat on a cutting board and shred it into strips or small slices 1 centimeter thick.

Then, with a clean knife, cut off the paraffin crust from the hard cheese and grind it on a fine or medium grater into a clean bowl. Next, remove the husks from the garlic cloves, wash them, dry them with paper kitchen towels, place them on a clean board and chop them into small pieces up to 2-3 millimeters in size. After this, we place the remaining products that will be needed to prepare the dish on the countertop and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Prepare carbonara pasta in a slow cooker.

Bring a full kettle of purified water to a boil. Then insert the multicooker plug into the socket and turn on the “Baking” mode. After a few minutes, transfer the sliced ​​brisket to the bottom of the heated Teflon bowl, cover the machine with a tight-fitting lid and cook the meat without a drop of additional fat for 10 minutes, without stirring. Then add garlic to the slightly browned pork and fry them together for another 2-3 minutes, uncovered and periodically loosening with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula or a special plastic spoon.

After this, pour the required amount of cream and ketchup into the bowl of the machine, add salt, ground black pepper and dried basil to taste. Again, loosen everything to a homogeneous consistency and keep it in the same mode until the mixture thickens. This will take about 5 minutes, although it all depends on the fat content of the cream, you may have to simmer longer.

When the sauce thickens, add grated cheese, mix everything again and wait a couple more minutes, after which this dairy product will begin to melt. As soon as this happens, put the spaghetti, previously broken in half, into the bowl and fill it with boiling water from the kettle so that it is completely covered with liquid.

Cover the kitchen appliance with a lid and wait 2 minutes on “Baking” until the pasta softens; if this is not done, it may damage the Teflon coating of the bowl. Then we open the machine again, mix everything until a homogeneous consistency, close it again, set the “Pilaf” mode and go do other important things while the miracle technology works. At the end of the program, the multicooker will turn off, notifying you about this with a corresponding beeping or buzzing signal. We are in no hurry to open it, wait a couple of minutes and only then lift the lid, place the hot spaghetti carbonara in portions on plates and immediately serve it to the table.

Step 3: Serve the carbonara pasta in the slow cooker.

Pasta carbonara in a slow cooker is served hot as a second main course.

Serve it in portions on plates, optionally supplementing each with fresh dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, as well as vegetable salads, pickles or marinades. Tasty and inexpensive! Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

An alternative to ketchup is tomato paste, and smoked pork belly is ham or bacon;

If you want more sauce left, turn off the multicooker 5 minutes before the end of the program;

It is better not to leave the finished food in the “Warming” mode, otherwise it will turn out too dry;

Your kitchen appliance does not have the “Pilaf” mode, then use “Multi cook” or “Cook/porridge”, and for the Philips multi-pressure cooker the “Stew” function is suitable, but for 10 minutes;

Any pasta dish is best served in a preheated bowl because it cools quickly;

The above dish was prepared in a multicooker brand Panasonic 18, bowl volume 4.5 liters, power 680 W, at a maximum temperature in the “Baking” mode – 180 degrees Celsius.

Delicate, aromatic carbonara pasta is a classic of Italian cuisine. This dish began to be prepared in the last century. The original recipe used thin durum wheat pasta, sheep cheese, dried or smoked pork cheek, olive oil, raw chicken yolks and various spices.

Today, housewives use alternative, more affordable products that can be purchased in every store. An amazing Italian dish can be prepared from spaghetti, smoked bacon, any type of hard cheese and yolks. Cream and garlic are often added to the recipe, but the classic cooking method does not include such ingredients.

Advice: bacon can be replaced with other types of meat products. For example, undercut, dried-smoked chicken breast or pork, in particular ham, are perfect.

You don't need any special cooking skills to cook pasta carbonara. It's easy to prepare and quite quick. However, you need to take into account several points in order for the dish to turn out well. First of all, pay attention to the dishes. The best pasta is cooked in a cast iron casserole or non-stick frying pan. But no less tasty, the dish is prepared in a slow cooker or pressure cooker. Pasta carbonara in a slow cooker, made at home according to our recipe, comes out just like in an Italian restaurant.

Carbonara pasta in a slow cooker

For this dish, it is extremely important to properly cook the pasta until al dente, “to the tooth.” This will not only reduce the calorie content of the dish as a whole, but will also allow the pasta to be saturated with the flavors of the sauce.


Servings: – +

  • Durum wheat spaghetti25-30 g
  • Hard cheese 50 g
  • Parmesan 30 g
  • Bacon 100 g
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Fresh parsley and basila few leaves
  • Water 2.5 l
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper optional
  • Cream 20% 100 ml
  • Chicken eggs 3 pcs.

Per serving

Calories: 377 kcal

Proteins: 12.3 g

Fats: 20 g

Carbohydrates: 37.1 g

30 min. Video recipe Print

    Boil the pasta separately. To do this, pour purified or spring water into the pan. Add a little salt. Set over high heat and wait until the liquid boils completely. Once the water is bubbling, add the pasta to the pan without breaking it. Depending on the brand of the manufacturer, the product will cook from 8 to 12 minutes.

    At this time, connect the multicooker to the network. Set the "Baking" mode. Grease the bottom of the bowl with olive oil, squeeze the peeled garlic through a press. While it is frying until golden, divide the bacon into even thin strips. Add the meat slices to the garlic and fry on all sides until golden brown.

    Take chicken eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. This can be done using shells. Pour the yolks into a bowl. Add black pepper to them. Whisk the ingredients thoroughly or use a blender for this task. The result should be a thick, white foam. Add cream here and stir the ingredients again.

    Hard cheese must be thoroughly chopped, so it is recommended to grate it not on a coarse grater, but on the finest grater. The cheese should resemble small crumbs - add them after the cream to the egg yolks. Mix all ingredients again.

    Once the pasta is ready, drain the boiling water using a colander. Immediately add the hot spaghetti to the bacon in the multicooker bowl. Use a special spatula to mix the ingredients. Leave to cook with the lid open for 5 minutes.

    Then switch to the “Extinguishing” mode or an alternative task. Pour in the cream sauce. Mix the ingredients well. Set the time to 10 minutes and continue cooking with the unit lid closed.

    When the timer on the multicooker indicates that the time has expired, open the lid and portion the carbonara pasta into plates. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top of the dish. Garnish with fresh basil and parsley leaves. Serve hot.

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We need to fix it Important:

real carbonara is made from thin spaghetti made exclusively from durum wheat. Please pay attention to this when choosing a product.

It is very important to choose the right hard cheese. First of all, evaluate the appearance of the product, its color, and the integrity of the packaging. Then take a look at the conditions in which the cheese is stored. Hard varieties should be kept in a refrigerator with a temperature range from -4 to +6 degrees. If the temperature is higher or lower than specified, it is recommended to purchase cheese from another store. Also examine the wrapper. Shelf life, composition and net weight - all this is important when choosing high-quality hard cheese.

Pasta carbonara recipe with bacon and cream in a slow cooker is simple, but incredibly tasty. True gourmets will appreciate the delicate creamy sauce and properly cooked spaghetti. The secret of delicious carbonara lies in the homemade cream and cheese sauce. Don’t be lazy to prepare it yourself using the best products - the result will certainly please you!

How long does it take to prepare a dish?

The main secret to successfully preparing a carbonara pasta recipe in a slow cooker is that everything needs to be done quickly: the pasta should not cool down and stick together, the bacon should not get too fried, and the cheese should not get too dry. The egg yolks should be well beaten and retain their shape.

How to present a dish beautifully

Carbonara in a slow cooker - a recipe for dinner or a holiday feast. Traditionally, pasta is served with fresh herbs. These could be parsley leaves, rosemary sprigs or purple basil. For decoration you can use cherry tomatoes and nutmeg. Some cooks add a raw egg on top of the dish. Since the pasta has just been cooked, the egg immediately turns white and is steamed.

The Italian treat is served with white or red semi-sweet wine. The dish will be accompanied by fresh or grilled vegetables. Various salads seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil will also complement the main course.

We need to fix it Since spaghetti cools quickly, it is recommended to serve it in a preheated container. In addition, in many recipes, housewives are advised to leave the pasta in the “Warming” mode. This should not be done, as the carbonara will turn out dry and tasteless.

The form of serving can be any at your discretion, but according to the classic recipe, the pasta is placed by first wrapping it around a fork and carefully placing it in the center of the plate. The top of the pasta is decorated or an egg is poured into it.

This is interesting: It is believed that carbonara pasta in its original form was invented by coal miners working in the mountains. Workers needed to stock up on provisions that lasted a long time. Therefore, the list of products included publicly available pasta, pork, hard sheep cheese and spices.

Carbonara very quickly became popular throughout Italy, and then conquered world cuisine. Try making the treat yourself. Bon appetit!

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