How to take cinnarizine for adults. Cinnarizine - instructions for use. Pharmacological group of the substance Cinnarizine

Some facts about the product:

Instructions for use

Price in online pharmacy website: from 38

Pharmacological properties

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, which are intended for oral administration. The tablets are white and round in shape. The drug is equipped with current instructions. The components of the drug are the following substances:

  • cinnarizine;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • lactobiose;
  • silica;
  • potato starch.
  • Indications for use

  • the recovery process after heart disease or head injury;
  • slowly progressive multifocal or diffuse vascular damage to the brain;
  • vestibular dysfunction;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • tinnitus;
  • involuntary high-frequency oscillatory eye movements;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • gagging;
  • attacks of headache;
  • non-inflammatory disease of the inner ear;
  • seasickness or motion sickness when flying;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • peripheral artery damage;
  • Buerger's disease;
  • angiotrophoneurosis;
  • generalized damage to large and small blood vessels;
  • vein disease;
  • disorders of blood and lymph circulation;
  • peptic ulcer of veins and blood vessels;
  • sensitivity disorders.
  • International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)

    H.81.0. Non-inflammatory disease of the inner ear; H.81.4. Vestibular dizziness; H.81.9. Vestibular disorders; I.73.0. Angiotrophoneurosis with predominant damage to small terminal arteries and arterioles; I.73.1. Systemic immunopathological inflammatory disease of arteries and veins; I.73.8. Other peripheral venous diseases of a certain origin; I.73.9. Vascular diseases of unknown origin; I.79.2. Peripheral blood supply disorders; I.80. Inflammation of the vascular wall of the vein and the formation of blood clots in the veins; L.98.4.2. Trophic peptic ulcer disease; R.20.2. Sensitivity disorder; R.25.2. Involuntary muscle contractions; R.42. Vertigo and vestibular disorders; T.75.3. Motion sickness.

    Side effects

    The drug can cause a number of adverse reactions of the body, which are expressed in the following symptomatic signs:

  • nervous system: drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, movement disorders, involuntary trembling of the limbs, hypertonicity, decreased motor activity, depression;
  • digestive system: dry mouth, abdominal pain, difficult and painful digestion, lack of access of bile to the intestines;
  • skin: hyperhidrosis, dermatosis, skin rashes;
  • general condition of the body: low blood pressure, weight gain, drug-induced lupus.
  • Contraindications

    The drug should not be taken in the following cases:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • shaking paralysis
  • Use during pregnancy

    The drug Cinnarizine should not be taken during pregnancy, as well as while the baby is breastfeeding, as this may affect the development of the embryo and the health of the baby.

    Method and features of application

    The drug Cinnarizine is intended for oral oral administration. The product should be taken after eating food. The recommended dosage, as well as the duration of therapy, are prescribed in the current instructions for use. The dosage and duration of therapy also depend on the type of disease. In the best way, the dosage will be determined by the attending physician after conducting an examination, collecting tests and determining the clinical picture of the disease. Recommended daily dosage for certain diseases:

  • cerebral circulatory disorders: 25-50 mg in three doses;
  • hemodiscirculatory processes: 50-75 mg in three doses;
  • vestibular function impairment: 25 mg up to three times;
  • motion sickness associated with travel by sea or flight: 25 mg every six hours.
  • The recommended dosage for children is half that for adults. The maximum dosage cannot be more than 225 mg. If the patient is found to be hypersensitive to the components of the medication, then it is necessary to reduce the dosage by half and then gradually increase it. The duration of therapy varies depending on the type of disease and can last up to several months. When using Cinnarizine, you must avoid alcoholic beverages and stop taking ethanol-containing medications. Athletes should take the medication with caution before competitions, as the drug may be considered a doping agent during testing. If the drug is taken by patients for a long time, then you should regularly visit your doctor and monitor your blood, liver and kidney counts. When using Cinnarizine for treatment, women should avoid breastfeeding their infant. It is necessary to be extremely careful when driving vehicles, as well as when performing work that requires increased concentration, since the medication can have a negative effect on the speed of psychomotor reactions.

    Alcohol compatibility

    The medication should not be taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, as this can be very dangerous to health. Concomitant use may result in enhanced vasodilatory effects. Shared use can cause serious diseases of the brain and nervous system. The simultaneous use of the drug and alcohol can cause depression, excessive fatigue, or put the patient into a coma. The medication in combination with alcohol-containing drinks can negatively affect the nervous system and also contribute to the rapid destruction of brain cells. At the same time, even a small amount of alcohol can become dangerous for the patient and lead to irreversible consequences, including coma. This depends both on the type of alcoholic beverages and on the general condition of the body, individual characteristics, immunity, as well as the type of disease or diseases. Before starting medication therapy, you must stop drinking alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours before. You should not risk your health and take alcohol together with Cinnarizine, but it is better to undergo complete therapy, and then allow yourself this type of relaxation.

    Interaction with other drugs

    The drug Cinnarizine should not be taken simultaneously with certain other drugs, as this may affect the pharmacodynamic properties:

  • ethanol-containing drugs;
  • psycholeptics;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • neurometabolic stimulants;
  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • vasodilators.
  • Overdose

    In case of an overdose of the drug, the patient may experience the following symptomatic signs:

  • gagging;
  • drowsiness;
  • involuntary trembling of fingers;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • coma.
  • If signs of an overdose of Cinnarizine appear, it is necessary to provide first aid to the patient in the form of gastric lavage and taking an adsorbent drug, and then contact the attending physician for additional symptomatic assistance.


    The following drugs are analogues of Cinnarizine:

  • Stugeron;
  • Cinarizin.
  • Terms of sale

    The drug is sold in pharmacies as prescribed by the attending physician and with a prescription from a medical institution.

    Storage conditions

    The medication should be stored out of reach of children and out of reach of any sources of light and moisture at a temperature of no less than 18 and no more than 20 °C. The shelf life of Cinnarizine is two years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the medication cannot be used and must be disposed of in accordance with sanitary standards.

    The drug Cinnarizine is an effective calcium channel blocker and is intended for the treatment of a variety of cerebrovascular disorders.

    This therapeutic agent has a pronounced vasodilating effect, helps reduce blood viscosity and increase the resistance of body tissues to hypoxia.

    In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Cinnarizine, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Cinnarizine can be read in the comments.

    Composition and release form

    Release form: 25 mg tablets. The blister contains 50 tablets. The composition of the Cinnarizine 0.025 g tablet includes:

    • active ingredient cinnarizine – 25 mg;
    • starch;
    • milk sugar monohydrate;
    • Excipients: PVP 25, Aerosil 200, and magnesium stearate.

    Clinical and pharmacological group: calcium channel blocker with a predominant effect on cerebral vessels.

    What is Cinnarizine used for?

    Indications for taking the drug Cinnarizine are the following diseases and pathological conditions:

    • vestibular disorders;
    • stroke (ischemic);
    • post-stroke condition (rehabilitation period);
    • consequences of TBI;
    • migraine;
    • encephalopathy due to circulatory failure;
    • intellectual-mnestic disorders;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • obliterating angiosclerosis;
    • angiopathy due to diabetes mellitus;
    • other peripheral circulatory disorders.

    For diagnosed kinetoses (“road sickness”), Cinnarizine can be prescribed as a prophylactic agent.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug has a positive effect on cerebral and cardiac circulation due to blocking calcium channels on cell membranes. In addition, Cinnarizine increases the ability of tissues to withstand the effects of oxygen starvation, improves blood microcirculation processes and increases the ability of red blood cells to change their shape without losing their properties.

    During the use of the drug, there is a relief of spasms of vascular smooth muscles and a decrease in their susceptibility to drugs, as well as other substances that have vasoconstrictor effects. There is also a slight blocking of histamine receptors (located mainly in the central nervous system).

    Instructions for use

    The dosage regimen is determined by the indications. The maximum dose is 225 mg per day.

    1. Seasickness and air sickness (before an upcoming trip): adults – 25 mg (if necessary, I take the dose again after 6 hours); children - half the adult dose.
    2. Cerebrovascular accidents: 3 times a day, 25-50 mg.
    3. Peripheral circulation disorders: 3 times a day, 50-75 mg.
    4. Labyrinthine disorders: 3 times a day, 25 mg.

    With high sensitivity to Cinnarizine, therapy begins with 1/2 dose, gradually increasing it. The duration of the therapeutic course can vary from several weeks to several months.


    Cinnarizine has been used in medical practice for a long time, therefore it is a studied and fairly safe drug when used and prescribed correctly. Contraindications to the prescription of the drug are pregnancy and breastfeeding, allergic reactions.

    One should remember about the likely increase in manifestations in patients with Parkinson's disease, up to an akinetic crisis. You should also remember about the possible hepatotoxicity, so you should limit the use simultaneously with drugs that affect the cytochrome system or are simply metabolized by the liver, especially in cases of liver failure. Such drugs include statins, antidepressants, paracetamol and other analgesics, etc.

    Side effects

    Following the instructions for use, the following side effects occur:

    • dermatological rashes;
    • various allergic reactions;
    • increased drowsiness and fatigue;
    • headache;
    • depression;
    • cholestatic jaundice appears;
    • dyspeptic disorders - diarrhea, pain, heartburn, impaired peristalsis;
    • the appearance of excess weight;
    • extrapyramidal type disorders;
    • thirst;
    • inhibited state;
    • heaviness in the epigastric region, as well as painful spasms;
    • tremor.

    If you experience any side effects from taking the medication, you should definitely consult with your doctor who prescribed the drug. It is possible that the doctor will simply reduce the dosage of the medicine or cancel it completely and replace Cinnarizine with another effective medicine with a similar therapeutic effect on the body.


    Structural analogues of Cinnarizine according to the active substance:

    • Vertizin;
    • Vertisin Forte;
    • Combitropil;
    • NooKam;
    • Omaron;
    • Pyracesin;
    • Stugeron;
    • Tsinedil;
    • Cinnarizine Sopharma;
    • Cinnarone;
    • Cinnasan;
    • Phezam.

    Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.

    Cinnarizine is a synthetic substance, a derivative of diphenylpiperazine, which acts as a blocker of L-type calcium channels and acts primarily on the blood vessels of the brain. As an active ingredient, it is included in such drugs as:

    • "Stugeron";
    • "Vertizin";
    • "Cinnarizine";
    • "Cinedil";
    • "Cinnarone";
    • "Cinnasan."

    All these drugs belong to the category of antihistamines, produced mainly in tablets. Let's look at what Cinnarizine helps with.

    Instructions for the drug

    Before using any medicine, you must carefully read the instructions, which are usually found in the package along with the tablets. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of using the drug “Cinnarizine”.

    "Cinnarizine": indications for use

    So, this drug is prescribed in the following cases:

    • with atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain;
    • for recovery after ischemic stroke;
    • for motor problems and vestibular disorders to eliminate symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus;
    • in the treatment of Meniere's disease;
    • to eliminate symptoms of motion sickness.

    How does the drug work?

    The action of “Cinnarizine” is based on the ability of the active substance to block cells from the entry of calcium ions into them, as a result of which cerebral microcirculation improves and brain tissue is saturated with oxygen. This drug also has an antispasmodic effect and reduces blood clotting.

    Cinnarizine works by blocking histamine and muscarinic receptors in the vomiting center of the brain, which prevents nerve messages from being received by the vestibular system.

    Nerves located inside the ear send messages to the brain with information about movement. Along with messages from the eyes and muscles, these nerve impulses help the body maintain a sense of balance. If the nerves from one ear send incorrect or changing information too frequently to the brain, messages sent from the other ear, from the eyes or from the muscles, conflict.

    The brain begins to get confused with signals and this can cause dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. The person feels sick. "Cinnarizine" helps to cope with motion sickness and other problems associated with disturbances in the sense of balance.

    Who should not take this medicine?

    "Cinnarizine" has a number of contraindications for use. So, these tablets should not be taken in the following cases:

    • children under five years of age;
    • people with a rare hereditary blood pathology - porphyrin disease;
    • pregnant or breastfeeding mothers;
    • with intolerance to fructose, galactose, as well as lactase deficiency;
    • in case of allergy to any of the ingredients of the drug;
    • if you have prostate problems or difficulty urinating;
    • in case of impaired functioning of the kidneys or liver;
    • in the presence of pathologies such as glaucoma, epilepsy or Parkinson's disease.

    Side effects

    Medicines and their associated side effects affect people differently. Below we list some known side effects from Cinnarizine:

    • moderate drowsiness;
    • weight gain with long-term use;
    • stomach upset;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • feeling lethargic;
    • fatigue;
    • abdominal pain;
    • sweating;
    • headache;
    • dry mouth;
    • skin reactions;
    • tremors, twitching, stiffness of the arms, legs, face, neck, or tongue;
    • jaundice.

    Stop taking the drug and consult a doctor immediately if yellowing of the eyes or skin is noticed.

    How to take Cinnarizine?

    Before taking this medicine, read the manufacturer's printed information leaflet inside the package. This will give you more detailed information about the tablets and provide a complete list of diseases and conditions indicated for the use of Cinnarizine.

    Take the drug only as prescribed by your doctor! Usually the doctor prescribes the following dosages:

    • for impaired cerebral microcirculation - one 25 mg tablet three times throughout the day;
    • in case of impaired peripheral circulation - two or three tablets of 25 mg three times a day;
    • to prevent “travel sickness” you need to take 1 tablet before the trip no later than 1-2 hours;
    • if long-term travel is anticipated, additional doses may be taken every eight hours as needed.

    What are people saying?

    In conclusion, to complete the picture, we offer reader reviews of the action of “Cinnarizine”:

    • Natasha: “I have stage 1 hypertension. Cinnarizine was recommended for preventive purposes. The expected effect did not come immediately, but it did not disappoint. I feel better, I feel less dizzy, and my memory has improved.”
    • Elena: “I don’t know how it is for anyone, but with the help of these tablets I can only temporarily relieve the symptoms, and then severe tinnitus appears again. Conclusion: Cinnarizine is rather weak for treating my problem.”
    • Luda: “My girls and I have a common problem - we don’t tolerate travel well. A complete torment is motion sickness. They recommended Cinnarizin, and now I can’t go on long-distance transport without it. It helps very well against "travelers' sickness."

    This article is purely informational. Please consult your doctor before using Cinnarizine tablets. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

    An inexpensive and very effective drug that helps eliminate cerebral circulation disorders. In children's practice it is used only from 12 years of age. The vasodilating effect of the drug has also found its application in peripheral circulatory disorders. Additionally, it exhibits minor antihistamine activity, which helps improve blood flow in the brain.

    Pharmacological properties.


    a selective blocker of slow calcium channels, reduces the entry of calcium ions into cells and reduces their content in the plasma membrane depot, reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of arterioles. Directly affecting the smooth muscles of blood vessels, it reduces their response to nutrients (adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, angiotensin, vasopressin). It has a vasodilating effect (especially in relation to cerebral vessels), without having a significant effect on blood pressure. It exhibits moderate antihistamine activity, reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, and lowers the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. Increases the elasticity of red blood cell membranes, their ability to deform, and reduces blood viscosity. Increases muscle resistance to hypoxia.


    absorbed in the stomach and intestines. The maximum concentration in blood plasma after oral administration is 1-3 hours. Plasma protein binding is 91%. Completely metabolized in the liver (via glucuronidation). The half-life is 4 hours. Excreted in the form of metabolites: 1/3 – by the kidneys and 2/3 – with feces.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Cinnarizine is a synthetic substance, a derivative of diphenylpiperazine, which acts as a blocker of L-type calcium channels and acts primarily on the blood vessels of the brain. As an active ingredient, it is included in such drugs as:

    • "Stugeron";
    • "Vertizin";
    • "Cinnarizine";
    • "Cinedil";
    • "Cinnarone";
    • "Cinnasan."

    All these drugs belong to the category of antihistamines, produced mainly in tablets. Let's look at what Cinnarizine helps with.

    Indications for use.

    • symptoms of cerebrovascular insufficiency (dizziness, tinnitus, headache, memory impairment, decreased concentration);
    • vestibular disorders (including Meniere's disease; dizziness, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting of labyrinthine origin);
    • prevention of kinetosis (“road sickness” - sea and air sickness);
    • migraine (prevention of attacks);
    • peripheral circulatory disorders: Raynaud's disease, intermittent claudication, acrocyanosis, trophic disorders (including trophic and varicose ulcers).

    Price of Cinnarizine

    The drug can be purchased via the Internet or pharmacy chains. Its cost is influenced by the number of tablets in the pack and the level of the seller’s markup. In Moscow, approximate prices for the product will be:

    Method of administration and dose.

    Inside, after eating.

    For cerebrovascular insufficiency: 25 mg three times a day. If peripheral circulation is impaired - 50-75 mg three times a day. For vestibular disorders - 25 mg three times a day.

    The maximum recommended dose should not exceed 225 mg (9 tablets) per day. The course of treatment ranges from several weeks to several months. For kinetosis (“road” sickness): adults - 25 mg half an hour before the road (if necessary, repeat 25 mg after 6 hours), for children over 5 years old - 1/2 the dose recommended for adults.

    In case of high sensitivity to the drug, treatment begins with 1/2 dose, increasing it gradually.

    Cinnarizine for infants

    According to the instructions, the use of Cinnarizine under the age of 5 years is contraindicated, but many doctors can prescribe the tablets to infants. Most cases of prescribing medication are not justified, because there are no critical abnormalities in brain function in children. It is erroneous to prescribe the drug for shuddering (increased muscle tone in infants), crossing the legs when supporting, Graef's symptoms (rolling of the eyes), staring eyes, trembling when examined in a cold room or lethargy when overheated, walking on tiptoes.

    All these indications are normal for the development of the baby, and therefore do not require the use of Cinnarizine. Similarly, the medication should not be used in case of widening of the interventricular gap, accumulation of fluid in the ventricles, hydrocephalic syndrome (such a disease does not exist, only hydrocephalus, but it is not treated with this remedy), increased intracranial pressure (a life-threatening condition that requires hospitalization in a hospital). If you suspect a neurological disease in your child, you should consult a doctor.

    Side effect.

    From the nervous system:

    drowsiness, fatigue, headache, extrapyramidal disorders (tremor of the limbs and increased muscle tone, hypokinesia), depression.

    From the digestive system:

    dry mouth, epigastric pain, dyspepsia, cholestatic jaundice.

    From the skin:

    sweating, development of lupus-like syndrome, lichen planus (extremely rare), skin rash. Other: allergic reactions, weight gain.


    It is not recommended to use Cinnarizine for women who are breastfeeding. Or, when using the drug, mothers need to stop breastfeeding the child and switch to artificial feeding. Also, Cinnarizine is not prescribed for low blood pressure.

    Cinnarizine is prescribed with caution for Parkinson's disease. Treatment of elderly patients (over 65 years of age) suffering from or having a history of extrapyramidal disorders should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

    Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary substances contained in the tablets. This is one of the few disadvantages of the drug. In particular, it is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance to take cinnarizine.

    Use of the drug during pregnancy

    According to the instructions, the manufacturer does not recommend the use of the drug during pregnancy. Thus, pregnancy is among the contraindications. Cinnarizine has not been tested in pregnant women, so its use in this case may be unsafe. Therefore, if a woman expecting a child needs to use drugs to treat cerebrovascular and vestibular disorders, she needs to find a replacement drug with the help of a doctor. Of course, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, then the doctor may prescribe this remedy.

    Can young children be treated with Cinnarizine?

    As indicated in the description of the drug, it can be used to treat patients starting from 12 years of age and cannot be used in young children. However, in practice, pediatricians often prescribe Cinnarizine for acute or chronic disorders of the nervous system in the younger age group, sometimes even in infants and newborns suffering from brain hypoxia as a result of birth injuries, prematurity, and hydrocephalus. In this case, therapy cannot be delayed, and any remedy that will help cope with this problem will be most welcome. After all, the baby’s nervous tissue must actively develop from the first days of life, and the slightest deviation from the norm can result in problems with the nervous and mental functions of the body in adulthood. Therefore, many pediatric neurologists prescribe Cinnarizine to infants in a dosage of 1/6 or 1/4 tablets per day, advising them to dissolve them in milk or water.

    However, it should be noted that many experts consider treatment with Cinnarizine at this age unacceptable, and set the lower age limit at which the drug can be taken at 5 years. Of course, Cinnarizine is a remedy familiar to many doctors since Soviet times, has a positive reputation and seems completely safe. But it is also necessary to keep in mind that Cinnarizine does not have pediatric dosage forms, such as suspension, solution or syrup, or solution for parenteral administration, and tablets are not intended for use by young children. Also, the tablets are not easily divided into small parts so that the dosage corresponds to the age of the child. True, the product has a neutral taste, so giving a child a powdered tablet is not difficult. However, crushing the tablet itself cannot be considered the optimal method of administration, because this destroys the tablet shell and, as a result, disrupts the natural process of absorption of the active substance. And this can entail not only an insufficient supply of it in the blood and a decrease in the therapeutic effect, but also a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if possible, you should still choose an alternative to Cinnarizine for the treatment of infants.



    increased severity of side effects, decreased blood pressure, vomiting, coma.


    There is no specific antidote, gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.

    Interaction with other drugs.

    Strengthens the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system of alcohol, seatives, tricyclic antidepressants. Due to the presence of an antihistamine effect, cinnarizine can affect the results of anti-doping control of athletes (false positive result), and can also neutralize positive reactions during skin diagnostic tests (treatment should be discontinued 4 days before the test).

    Cinnarizine for children

    In pediatric practice, Cinnarizine is approved for children over 5 years of age. Some pediatricians may prescribe the use of tablets for children younger than this number, because there is positive experience of treatment without side effects. Also, under the influence of the medicine, the child’s condition improves. Indications for the use of the drug include cerebral circulatory disorders, developmental delay in terms of mastering speech, good concentration, memory, coordination of movements, and intelligence.

    The instructions allow the use of the drug for children with traumatic brain injuries, to eliminate circulatory failure in the brain. It is considered a gross mistake to use medicine by parents to increase the child’s intellectual abilities or for “feeding”. Cinnarizine is not capable of this, and its use without indications can cause side effects (low blood pressure, liver and kidney dysfunction, tremor).

    Special instructions.

    For patients with Parkinson's disease, the drug is prescribed only when the benefits of treatment with cinnarizine outweigh the possible worsening of the underlying disease.

    Due to the antihistamine effect, cinnarizine should be discontinued 4 days before the allergic skin test. Cinnarizine may affect the results of anti-doping control of athletes (false positive result).

    Patients with lactose intolerance should take into account that the drug contains it as an excipient.

    Impact on the ability to drive a car and other operating mechanisms:

    Drowsiness may develop, especially at the beginning of treatment, so caution should be exercised when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions. With long-term use, it is recommended to conduct a control laboratory examination of the function of the liver, kidneys, and peripheral blood.


    Instead of Cinnarizine, the following drugs can be used:

    1. Stugeron is a drug from Gedeon Richter that contains cinnarizine as an active ingredient. It is produced in tablets that can be used in patients over 5 years of age, including during pregnancy. Taking Stugeron is incompatible with breastfeeding.
    2. Phezam contains cinnarizine and piracetam as active ingredients. Both active substances enhance the therapeutic effect of each other. The drug is produced in capsules, which are approved for children over 5 years of age. Fezam can be taken during pregnancy, when the benefits to the mother outweigh the potential harm to the fetus. During treatment you need to stop breastfeeding.
    3. Vinpotropil is a substitute for Cinnarizine in the therapeutic group. The therapeutic effect of the drug is explained by vinpocetine and piracetam. Vinpotropil is available in tablets, capsules and concentrate, from which a solution for intravenous infusion is prepared. It is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
    4. Omarone is a combination medicine, one of the active components of which is cinnarizine. The drug has a vasodilating and nootropic effect, preventing oxygen starvation of tissues. The medicine is available in tablets, which are not recommended for children under 5 years of age, pregnant women or breastfeeding women.


    The main ingredient of the medicine gives the name to the tablets, that is, it is also called cinnarizine. Its amount in one tablet from all manufacturers is 25 mg. Inactive components are represented by aerosil, lactose, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, starch and other compounds. They differ from company to company, therefore, if the patient is intolerant to the excipients, their composition must be specified in the instructions for the purchased Cinnarizine.

    Interaction with other drugs

    The drug enters into chemical reactions with other medications, which can affect the effect of treatment and even worsen the disease. Neurologists take into account the following nuances:

    • Under the influence of Cinnarizine, blood vessels dilate, so it is not prescribed in conjunction with medications that narrow them.
    • The simultaneous use of calcium antagonists with nootropic substances (stimulating blood supply to the brain) is allowed.
    • A drug enhances the effect of vasodilators.

    A comprehensive course of treatment often includes several medications. Do not replace them with analogues or supplement the regimen with additional medications without your doctor's permission.

    Nosological classification (ICD-10)

    • H81.0 Meniere's disease
    • H81.4 Dizziness of central origin
    • H81.9 Vestibular function disorder, unspecified
    • I73.0 Raynaud's syndrome
    • I73.1 Thromboangiitis obliterans [Buerger's disease]
    • I73.8 Other specified peripheral vascular diseases
    • I73.9 Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified
    • I79.2 Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
    • I80 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
    • L98.4.2* Trophic skin ulcer
    • R20.2 Paresthesia of the skin
    • R25.2 Cramp and spasm
    • R42 Dizziness and loss of stability
    • T75.3 Motion sickness

    What are they saying?

    Reviews from both doctors and patients about the drug Cinnarizine indicate that it is effective in many neurological pathologies.

    I recommend the drug to patients suffering from cerebrovascular accidents to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect. This is a reliable and highly effective means for preventing cerebral ischemia in patients at risk.

    Ivan Pavlovich, neurologist

    Over the many years of my medical practice, it was Cinnarizine that helped solve the problems of cerebrovascular accidents in my patients and prevent them from developing apoplexy. If the drug is taken correctly according to the recommendations, its risks are minimal.

    Anna Sergeevna, neurologist

    The doctor prescribed me Cinnarizine to improve cerebral and peripheral circulation. A few days later I noticed the effect of this drug: my hands and feet stopped freezing, my memory noticeably improved...

    Alexander, 42 years old

    My grandmother was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The doctor prescribed Cinnarizine to her to prevent complications of microcirculation. My grandmother has been taking this drug for a long time, and she does not notice any circulatory problems in her extremities.

    Alexey, 26 years old

    Many patients indicate a noticeable improvement in their health when taking Cinnarizine, in particular, a decrease in headaches, improved memory, and concentration. However, adverse reactions occurred extremely rarely.

    Most patients indicate that long-term use of the drug is much more effective.

    An analysis of reviews of use from patients and doctors suggests that Cinnarizine has many more advantages than disadvantages. Of particular note is the evidence of few side effects and improved health status.

    The only drawback, according to experts, is the low effectiveness of the drug in advanced cases: then it is necessary to prescribe more potent drugs.

    Belarusian generics

    Belarusian generics are analogues or synonyms of Belarusian production with pharmacological characteristics identical to cinnarizine.

    The table reflects the main ones:

    Indications and method of use are similar. Indicated for dizziness

    Cinnarizine-nan From 15Cinnarizine-nan is the most inexpensive substitute for the original. Application.

    Tablets are prescribed for fainting conditions, nystagmus, inability to pay attention and concentrate, accyanosis, paresthesia

    Patient reviews

    Cinnarizine is used very often. That is why it is not difficult for a modern person to find information about how this drug is treated and how it works. Here are reviews from some patients who were treated with this drug:

    Maxim, 42 years old

    I suffered from severe headaches for almost half a month. Added to this was a migraine and irritability. I decided that I was just overtired at work. I took a few days off and rested, but my condition remained the same. Then I went to the doctor. The examination showed that my brain vessels were pinched, and blood could not sufficiently circulate through them. The doctor prescribed Cinnarizine for me. I started taking 1 tablet 3 times a day. After a week I felt better and the pain went away. I was examined again, which showed that the condition of the vessels was much better: they expanded after using the medicine. I was satisfied with the treatment, there were no side effects.

    Olga, 30 years old

    I got a job: there I was literally bombarded with a flood of new information and a lot of different things to do. My brain didn’t have time to cope with all this: my head started to hurt, I started making mistakes often. I was recommended Cinnarizine. The drug relieves tension and relaxes brain vessels. Using the pills allowed me to concentrate and do many things well at work. True, at the beginning of the treatment, literally for a few days, I felt a little tired, but then everything went away: it really became much easier to work. The headache also disappeared.

    Igor, 52 years old

    All my life I have disliked long trips and flights. I feel dizzy, nauseous and have tinnitus. My son recently brought me the medicine Cinnarizine. I took the pill half an hour before the trip and I felt great all the way. If you have a long flight, it is recommended to take 1 tablet every 5-6 hours. This is a good way to stop feeling afraid. Now these pills are always with me.

    Experts' opinion

    Parents who had previously given cinnarizine to their infants had the most enthusiastic reviews. The doctor was awarded the title “wizard”; parents who did not sleep all night long could have a normal night’s sleep, just like their little children. No information has been found on whether studies have been conducted indicating the incidence of extrapyramidal disorders in infants and older children.

    Famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky explains the popularity of prescribing cinnarizine in children under one year of age precisely by the fact of normalization of night sleep. Currently, approximately 20% of pediatric neurologists continue to prescribe cinnarizine to infants. This suggests that the positive opinion of experts on the prescription of cinnarizine to infants is justified and advisable. No reports of adverse effects were found.

    The main principle of medical art is “Do no harm!” must be observed, and who, if not the doctor, is guided by it in the process of fulfilling his professional duty.

    Advice to parents. Instructions for use of the drug are written not for the patient, but for the doctor. If the doctor decides to prescribe cinnarizine or its analogues to your infant, simply ask the doctor to justify the prescription because you doubt that the drug is suitable for your child. Find out what possible adverse reactions you should pay attention to and what to do before the doctor arrives if they occur.

    Synonyms of nosological groups

    Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
    H81.0 Meniere's diseaseMeniere's disease/syndrome
    Labyrinthine dropsy
    Meniere's disease
    Meniere's syndrome
    Endolymphatic hydrops
    H81.4 Dizziness of central originVestibular vertigo
    Dizziness of labyrinthine origin
    Dizziness of vascular origin
    H81.9 Vestibular function disorder, unspecifiedVestibular nystagmus
    Cochleovestibular disorder
    Cochleovestibular syndrome of vascular origin
    Labyrinthine-vestibular disorders
    Labyrinthine disorders
    Disturbance of microcirculation in the labyrinth
    I73.0 Raynaud's syndromeRaynaud's disease
    Peripheral angiopathy
    Raynaud's disease
    Raynaud's phenomenon
    Raynaud-Leriche syndrome
    Raynaud's syndrome with trophic disorders
    Raynaud-Leriche syndrome
    I73.1 Thromboangiitis obliterans [Buerger's disease]Berger's disease
    Buerger's disease
    Thromboangiitis obliterans
    Thrombangiitis obliterans
    I73.8 Other specified peripheral vascular diseasesAcrocyanosis
    Angiospasm peripheral
    Arterial angiopathy
    Venous insufficiency and its complications
    Obliterating endarteritis
    Occlusive peripheral circulatory disorder
    Peripheral vascular occlusion
    Intermittent claudication
    Cold feet
    Vascular innervation disorders
    Intermittent claudication syndrome
    Spasm of coronary vessels
    Spasm of peripheral arteries
    Peripheral vasospasm
    Endarteritis obliterans
    I73.9 Peripheral vascular disease, unspecifiedAngiospasm
    Vasospastic disorders
    Violation of venous microcirculation
    Circulatory disorders
    Peripheral circulation disorder
    Insufficiency of peripheral circulation in the lower and upper extremities
    Peripheral artery occlusive disease
    Occlusive peripheral artery disease in stages III-IV according to Fontaine
    Peripheral vascular insufficiency
    Peripheral vascular lesions
    Peripheral vascular disorder
    Peripheral circulatory disorder
    Spasm of the arteries
    Functional lesions of peripheral arteries
    Chronic obliterating endarteritis
    Chronic obliterating vascular disease of the lower extremities
    Chronic occlusive arterial disease
    I79.2 Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhereDiabetic angiopathy
    Angiopathy in diabetes mellitus
    Diabetic arteriosclerosis
    Pain due to peripheral nerve lesions
    Diabetic angiopathy
    Diabetic microangiopathy
    Diabetic vascular damage
    Intermittent angioedema dysbasia
    Macroangiopathy in diabetes mellitus
    Microangiopathy in diabetes mellitus
    Tingling sensation in arms and legs
    Feeling of coldness in the extremities
    Peripheral angiopathy
    Peripheral artery disease
    Mönckeberg's sclerosis
    Chronic occlusive arterial diseases
    I80 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitisInflammation of superficial veins
    Inflammatory vein diseases
    Deep venous thrombophlebitis
    Vein disease
    Vein disease of the lower extremities
    Peripheral vascular diseases
    Peripheral vascular diseases
    Migrating phlebitis
    Insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities
    Exacerbation of chronic thrombophlebitis
    Acute thrombophlebitis
    Acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins
    Superficial periphlebitis
    Superficial inflammation of the veins
    Superficial thrombophlebitis
    Superficial phlebitis
    Thrombophlebitis of deep veins
    Superficial thrombophlebitis
    Phlebitis of deep veins
    Phlebitis of superficial veins
    Chronic thrombophlebitis
    L98.4.2* Trophic skin ulcerVaricose ulcer
    Varicose ulcers
    Skin ulcer
    Non-healing ulcers
    Trophic ulcer
    Trophic ulcer of the leg
    Trophic skin lesions
    Trophic post-burn ulcers
    Trophic ulcers
    Trophic skin ulcers
    Difficult-to-heal ulcers
    Leg ulcer
    Skin ulcer
    Trophic skin ulcer
    Leg ulcer
    Ulcerative-necrotic skin lesions
    Leg ulcers
    Leg ulcers
    Ulcers of the lower extremities
    R20.2 Paresthesia of the skinParesthesia
    Paroxysmal paresthesia
    R25.2 Cramp and spasmPain syndrome due to smooth muscle spasms
    Pain syndrome due to smooth muscle spasms (renal and biliary colic, intestinal spasms, dysmenorrhea)
    Pain syndrome due to spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs
    Pain syndrome due to spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (renal and biliary colic, intestinal spasms, dysmenorrhea)
    Painful muscle spasm
    Facial spasms
    Muscle spasticity
    Muscle spasms
    Muscle spasms due to tetanus
    Muscle spasms of central origin
    Muscle spastic conditions
    Muscle spasm
    Neurological contractures with spasms
    Night cramps in the limbs
    Night cramps in the legs
    Night cramps of the calf muscles
    Symptomatic convulsive state
    West syndrome
    Smooth muscle spasm
    Smooth muscle spasm
    Vascular smooth muscle spasm
    Muscle spasm
    Spasm of striated muscles due to organic diseases of the central nervous system
    Skeletal muscle spasm
    Spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs
    Muscle spasms
    Skeletal muscle spasms
    Spastic conditions of striated muscles
    Spastic pain syndrome
    Spastic state of smooth muscles
    Skeletal muscle spasticity
    Muscle cramp
    Calf muscle cramps
    Seizures of central origin
    Convulsive state
    Convulsive syndrome
    Convulsive status in children
    Tonic convulsions
    The phenomenon of the folding knife
    Cerebral spastic syndrome
    R42 Dizziness and loss of stabilityVertigo
    Vestibular disorder
    Dizziness and nausea while traveling by transport
    Ischemic hearing and balance impairment
    Balance disorders
    Balance disorders
    T75.3 Motion sicknessAir sickness
    Movement sickness
    Sea sickness
    Symptom complex of motion sickness
    Motion sickness syndrome
    Motion sickness

    Excipients: aerosil, calcium stearate, potato starch, lactose, low molecular weight medical polyvinylpyrrolidone.

    50 pcs. - cans (1) - cardboard packs.
    10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (5) - cardboard packs.

    pharmachologic effect

    Cinnarizine is a selective blocker of “slow” calcium channels, reduces the entry of calcium ions into cells and reduces their concentration in the plasma membrane depot, reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of arterioles, and enhances the vasodilating effect of carbon dioxide. Directly affecting the smooth muscles of blood vessels, it reduces their response to biogenic vasoconstrictors (and norepinephrine). It has a vasodilating effect (especially in relation to cerebral vessels), without having a significant effect on blood pressure. It exhibits moderate antihistamine activity, reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, and lowers the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. Effective in patients with latent cerebral circulatory failure, initial cerebral atherosclerosis and chronic cerebral vascular diseases with post-stroke focal symptoms. In patients with impaired peripheral circulation, it improves blood supply to organs and tissues (including the myocardium), and enhances post-ischemic vasodilation. Increases the elasticity of red blood cell membranes, their ability to deform, and reduces blood viscosity. Increases muscle resistance to hypoxia.



    Inside, after eating. At cerebrovascular disorders- 25-50 mg 3 times a day; at peripheral circulatory disorders- 50-75 mg 3 times a day; at labyrinthine disorders- 25 mg 3 times a day; at sea ​​and air sickness, before the upcoming trip adults- 25 mg, if necessary, repeat the dose after 6 hours. For children Prescribe half the dose for adults. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 225 mg.

    In case of high sensitivity to the drug, treatment begins with 1/2 dose, increasing it gradually. The course of treatment ranges from several weeks to several months.

    Side effects

    From the nervous system: drowsiness, increased fatigue, extrapyramidal disorders (tremor of the limbs and increased muscle tone, hypokinesia), depression.

    From the digestive system: dry mouth, epigastric pain, dyspepsia, cholestatic jaundice.

    From the skin: increased sweating, lichen planus (extremely rare).

    Allergic reactions: skin rash.

    Others: decreased blood pressure, increased body weight, development of lupus-like syndrome.


    Symptoms: vomiting, drowsiness, tremor, excessive decrease in blood pressure, coma. In case of overdose, there is no specific antidote; it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and take.

    Treatment: symptomatic.

    Drug interactions

    Pharmaceutical: Chemical incompatibility is not known.

    Pharmacodynamic: Strengthens the effect of alcohol, sedatives and antidepressants. When used simultaneously with nootropic, antihypertensive and vasodilator drugs, it enhances their effect, and when used simultaneously with drugs prescribed for arterial hypotension, it reduces their effect.

    Pharmacokinetic: no data.

    special instructions

    At the beginning of treatment, you should refrain from taking ethanol.

    Due to the presence of an antihistamine effect, cinnarizine can affect the test result during anti-doping control of athletes (false-positive result), as well as neutralize positive reactions during skin diagnostic tests (treatment should be discontinued 4 days before the test).
