Download mods for Skyrim races. Other new races. Eishen Bonus Skills

Various mods for Skyrim races help diversify the game world and expand the possibilities of character creation. Each nationality has a number of specific bonuses, as well as its own weaknesses. It can be difficult for players to choose from the many races, original or added by mods.

Let's try to consider the advantages of some of them.


An exclusively female race of descendants of the famous Nord hunter and elven archer of the San\"Li clan. Closeness to nature and rejection of noisy cities is what distinguishes Lunar. They create their homes by enchanting the crowns of mighty trees.

The new race fashion for Skyrim is influenced by both Nordic and elven blood: Lunars are strong, hardy women with a characteristic ear shape. They are famous centenarians who have inherited the military talents of both races.

Lunars have fast regeneration and, of course, know how to use bows.

Bonus Skills:

Shooting +10;

Light Armor, Block, Destruction, Restoration and Affliction +5.

Outside of combat, Eishen recover health twice as fast. The unique talent of the race is “Reflex”: time will slow down (twelve seconds), the reserve of strength will be restored (seven seconds). The talent is available once a day.

The modification adds:

46 new eyes;

38 new eyebrows;

15 war paints;

8 types of faces.

After installing the Eishen race mod on Skyrim, body replacers will not be needed. For sand elves, other bodies are suitable, added by modifications, for which you need to select suitable clothing.

330 46 Skyrim mod adds the Hobbit race to the game. The main race of the Imperials was taken as the basis of the mod and thereby reduced in size. Both the Hobbit and the new ones have all the necessary skills from the Imperials.
- Stealth +10,
- One-handed weapons +10,
- Pickpocket +5,
- Persuasion +5,
- Light armor+5.
Racial abilities:
- Stamina increased by 50 due to short stature,
- Ability to restore health during battle...

440 56 Skyrim mod adds to the game a new race of Persians, quite beautiful girls and not very beautiful men, in my opinion (their eyes will be slightly made up anyway * Nordic men laugh *) they have the talent of battle fury - once a day for 60 sec, the reserve of strength is restored to 10 times faster, convenient for fans of power attacks.

858 91 Skyrim mod adds to the game a goddess, calm and merciful, who has flown down to console mortals, to whisper to them in her unearthly voice: “Everything is okay, don’t be afraid, the only thing that is required of you is to die”

486 113 Skyrim mod adds to the game a huge number of new 105 eye options for each race, exclusive weapons, as well as 35 new spells from the already mentioned anime. There is no need to say much about the eyes, everyone who is interested in this anime understands what we are talking about, the quality of the textures is excellent The eyes look simply gorgeous.

1176 196 Mod for Skyrim will add to your game, a very attractive and sexy companion named Morannon. Her race is Nordic, but she has all the signs of an Elf. Its level is adjusted to your character. You can find her in the Repose, which is west of Morthal.

Her class: Battle Mage (Destruction) and Necromancy
Specialization: Necromancy and ice magic.

1795 335 Skyrim mod will add the Lunari race. Lunari are girls with a rare pedigree, originating from the Great Hunter Nord Siren and his beloved Reya "Lee", a legendary huntress from the secret forests of the San "Lee" elves. They prefer to live among nature, away from the city and its inhabitants. Lunari are known for creating strong dwellings and enchanting dense tree canopies. Lunars are very strong, and live much longer than Nords.
They inherited the shape of their ears from their elf foremother, but they are gifted with very rapid recovery of strength, and great skill of both of their ancestors. They are good and masterful with weapons, and in particular with a bow.
They have a large amount of health and a large reserve of strength, and with very fast recovery in battle, they have a very good talent that allows them to protect themselves from curses and diseases. The Lunari race includes many elements to suit many tastes.

A mod especially for fans of books and games about The Witcher. You can now select Geralt in the race selection menu. In total, its parameters are as close as possible to “real” ones. Racial bonuses: - Vertical pupils. (Night vision) - Almost impossible to poison due to mutated metabolism...

Succubus Race\ Seductive Succubus Race for Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the

Version: 3.0beta Mod language: Russian A little about the past... Succubi come from Oblivion. They were created by Sanguine for his entertainment. To do this, he gave them the ability to control mortals. But the Succubi themselves are not imbued with malice and hatred of people. After the Oblivion Crisis...

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A new type of kittens. Version: 1.0 Description: Another wonderful mod that pleases us with appearance modifications. Now the cat people - the Khajiit - have been reworked, complete with high-resolution textures, new colors and eyes. Installation: Place the files in the Skyrim / Data folder

Collection mods 18+ for Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the

Screenshots Description and instructions Assembly includes: 17 new companions with their own autonomous bodies (Angelina, Katrina, Tris, Viliana, Dreya, Irina, Aleena, Virana, Ishana, Kali, Lily, Syukkvi + 5 girls from the Gray Fox cafe) 1 Angelina CBBE V3 in a bikini The girl is waiting for you in the Drunken Hunter tavern in Whiterun. Also in the archive there is...

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The Siren Race Description The mod adds a new race of sirens. You can find them in the deep seas, near high mountains. high mountains Features: - 4 pairs of eyebrows; - 10 eye shades; - New body textures; - 4 new abilities. Attributes: Illusion +15 Change +5 Destruction +10 ...

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Version: 1.0 Mod language: Russian Description: This mod includes 5 new races with new textures. Demon Ruthless and seductive. They are hungry to kill, and with the help of beauty and seductive features they can capture any victim. Destruction +10 Affliction +10 Block +5 Heavy Armor +5 One-Handed...

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Lady Body" - TES 5 "Skyrim": Female Body Replacer _____________________________________________ Version: 2.1 - Date: 12/12/2012 Creator: Kris†a™ Helped in the creation: Sefcheg, CGMaik, MorisArty, DarkCat - for which I am immensely grateful to them. Fixes for the version v2.1 1. Fix vampire clothes for...

Abilities from the anime Naruto + eyes v1.62 for Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the

Description: This mod for Skyrim will definitely appeal to all fans of the Naruto Anime, because it will add to the game a huge number of new 105 eye options for each race, exclusive weapons, as well as 35 new spells from the already mentioned anime. There is no need to say much about the eyes, that’s all anyone interested in this anime...

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Translated into Russian version of the Temptress add-on. Description: Adds a race of temptresses and companions of this race, one to each temple in the cities of Skyrim. The race is exclusively female. The male gender is similar to the Nordic race. Mod version - 1.3d. Language - ...

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I corrected the scripts and improved the characteristics of the Predator, and fixed bugs that arose in the game. New encounter areas with xenomrphs have been added. Compatible with WET&COLD, SUPREME STORMS mods. Now it suffers from cold, increased performance in warm weather. ...

Lunari Race/ Lunari for Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the

Version: 1.6 Mod language: Russian Lunari are girls with a rare pedigree, originating from the Great Hunter Nord Siren and his beloved Reya "Lee, the legendary huntress from the secret forests of the elves San"Lee. Lunari prefer to live among nature, away from the bustle of the city. ...

Description: Adds a total of 180 presets for character creation Replaces vanilla presets All races are affected except Argonian Incompatibility: This mod makes changes to most races and will certainly conflict with other mods that change races. Installation Place esp in the Skyrim\Data folder, activate the plugin in the launcher. Delete Delete...

Various mods for Skyrim races help diversify the game world and expand the possibilities of character creation. Each nationality has a number of specific bonuses, as well as its own weaknesses. It can be difficult for players to choose from the many races, original or added by mods.

Let's try to consider the advantages of some of them.


An exclusively female race of descendants of the famous Nord hunter and elven archer of the San "Li clan. Closeness to nature and rejection of noisy cities is what distinguishes Lunar. They create their homes by enchanting the crowns of mighty trees.

The new race in the fashion for Skyrim is influenced by both Nordic and elven blood: Lunars are strong, hardy women with a characteristic ear shape. They are famous centenarians who have inherited the military talents of both races.

Lunars have fast regeneration and, of course, know how to use bows.

Bonus Skills:

Shooting +10;

One-handed weapon, two-handed weapon, eloquence, recovery +8;

Blocking, light armor +9.

These powerful women quickly restore strength, health and mana during battle. Passive talent - increased (50%) resistance to electricity. Another talent that requires activation (Z) is immunity, which is very helpful in clashes with vampires.

Installing a mod for the Lunar race on Skyrim is done using NMM. To change the character you need to use the showracemenu. To conveniently edit your appearance, you should type fov30 in the console - the window will become more convenient.

Sand elves

Long ago, when Azura's curse had not yet overtaken the Chimer race, an expedition from Morrowind was sent to Elsweyr to explore an ancient tomb. Together with Khajiit guides, scientists carried out excavations in the middle of the desert.

They managed to get into the dungeon when a terrible sandstorm collapsed the passage and the way back was cut off. Losing hope, the Chimers wandered for a long time through the tunnels of the ancient burial ground.

In a distant part of the tomb they discovered the shrine of Clavicus Vile.

Hoping for salvation, the Chimer called on the Daedric Lord and begged for help. The insidious Clavicus promised them his protection, but, of course, the Daedra do not do gratuitous favors. The expedition got out of the tomb, preserving all the extracted valuables.

On the surface, the Chimera discovered that their skin had acquired a yellow tint and seemed to be covered with cracks - this was a memory of Vile’s help. As it turned out, their offspring also received the mark of Clavicus.

The expedition members called themselves Sandmer, which means “sand elves,” and settled in Elsweyr. Many centuries later, Skyrim forgot this story. The Sandmeri who appeared in the kingdom at the same time as the dragons surprised the local residents.

Sand elves have increased resistance to fire damage, but are vulnerable to cold. Poisons affect them only half-heartedly. In addition, the Sandmer are strong in fire magic.

Special bodies, textures and underwear have been developed for the plugin.

You can easily verify this if you download a mod for the sand elf race to Skyrim. To prevent female characters from wearing underwear, you should install the files in the “Optional” folder on top of the modification.


This is a small people living in inconspicuous corners of Tamriel. Their ancestors came from Akavir, where they were slaves of the Tsaesci. Eishen are a reclusive race.

They choose a solitary life and avoid the bustle of the big world.

You won't immediately recognize the Eishen crowd; they are no different from ordinary people and often hide their origins. Representatives of this mysterious race remain youthful for a long time and quickly recover from wounds. They are very agile, making them excellent fighters.

Eishen Bonus Skills:

One-handed weapon +10;

Light Armor, Block, Destruction, Restoration and Affliction +5.

Outside of combat, Eishen recover health twice as fast. The unique talent of the race is “Reflex”: time will slow down (twelve seconds), the reserve of strength will be restored (seven seconds). The talent is available once a day.

The modification adds:

46 new eyes;

38 new eyebrows;

15 war paints;

8 types of faces.

After installing the Eishen race mod on Skyrim, body replacers will not be needed. For sand elves, other bodies are suitable, added by modifications, for which you need to select suitable clothing.
