Compatible PS4 and PS3 joysticks. What fits where? PS3 motion controller not working

Today we will tell Will PS4 joysticks fit PS3... Similar questions often arise among those who are planning a couple of evenings to play with friends on their new console, but it is not possible to buy a second DualShock 4 due to its high price.

If you are interested in PS4 and PS3 compatibility, this article will come in handy.

Joystick from PS4 to PS3

Sony is directly interested in implementing new DualShock 4 gamepads so she made it so that it can be fully used on the PS3. In addition, it is to some extent beneficial for the owners of the old console, because they will be able to buy the original controller, which will remain with them when they switch to a new generation platform.

To connect a joystick from PS4 to PS3, you only need:

  1. Open Bluetooth settings;
  2. Register a new device;
  3. Start scanning, and then on the gamepad simultaneously hold down PS and Share;
  4. Wait until the inscription Wireless Controller appears and proceed to using the controller.

Besides, DualShock 4 can be wired, for example, if it is discharged, and you are eager to continue the game.

Joystick from PS3 to PS4

Now consider the reverse situation when you want connect joystick from PS3 to PS4... And in this regard, everything does not look as rosy as we would like.

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Sony hasn't gone out of its way to support older devices with the new console. If you buy old gamepads, the sales of new ones will decrease, which means that the company will lose part of its revenue.

In addition, Sony is well aware that using an old gamepad, the player will not get the emotions that he should experience with a DualShock 4. The new controller has a lot of "gadgets" like a touchpad and built-in speaker, with which you will get new sensations from the game.

Of course, there are several ways to translate your plans into reality, but you need either optional equipment- converter, - or great luck if the console can recognize the old gamepad.

In some cases, the PS3 joystick is suitable for the PS4, but it makes little sense. You will not be able to use all the game mechanics that involve using features that are not available in the DualShock 3, and the controller itself will work. not in all games.

Frequently asked questions

We figured out the gamepads, and now we will briefly answer some questions that arise when using other peripherals of Sony consoles.

  • Q: Will PS3 Camera Fit PS4?
  • A: The PlayStation Eye from PS3 is not compatible with the PS4 system, as stated on the official Sony website. This also works in the opposite direction, that is, the camera from PS4 to PS3 will not work. PS Camera is only used on PlayStation 4, and PS Eye is only used on PlayStation 3.
  • Q: Is Move from PS3 to PS4 suitable?
  • A: Yes, in order to use the Moves, you need to register them on the PS4 system. To do this, the device is connected to the console with a special USB cable.
  • Q: How do I transfer my account from PS3 to PS4?
  • A: You just need to enter information from your account on the new console by creating a new user. All games purchased for PS3 will remain on it, but they will not be available for launch on PS4.

In the article, I have already described the Playstation approach to the new controller: the company has high hopes for its invention, comparative attention is probably paid only to 3D technology. Of course, the ideal option is a game using all the Sony's know-how: playing games with PS Move on a TV that supports stereo-3D picture.

Starter pack

In order to start playing games that use the capabilities of the motion controller, you need to buy the PS Move Starter Pack, Sony has invested the necessary minimum in this kit:

  • Playstation Move controller
  • Wrist strap
  • Playstation Eye Camera
  • Blu-ray disc with demos:
    • video instruction "installing and configuring PS Move"
    • demo version of the game Sports Festival (RUS),
    • demo version of the game Ignite! (RUS),
    • demo version of the game Cut! (RUS),
    • demo version of the game EyePet: Move Edition (РУС),
    • demo version of the game Stars of TV Show (RUS),
    • demo version of the game Tiger Woods PGA TOUR ® 11 (English only),
    • demo version of the game echochrome ii (PSN title),
    • demo version of the game Tumble (PSN title),
    • demo version of the game Beat Sketchers (PSN title)

Design, controls

The Move design has a lot in common with the standard Playstation3 Dual Shock3 joystick. The same forms, the same buttons and elements. Plastic is also familiar - matte, rough. Only the ball on top is "foreign" here. Actually, this ball is the most important element, it is its movements that the PS Eye camera will track. For clarity, during the game, the color of the ball will change: the simplest example is the highlighting of one Move in blue and the second in red - during the game between two players.

All standard PS3 buttons are available: a round PS button to turn on and configure the joystick, the trigger (or trigger) is the T button; in the center is the Move button (along with T, this is one of the most used keys in controlling the controller), around it there are standard keys with symbols. The company decided to abandon the usual arrangement, four buttons are scattered differently: on the right - a triangle, under it - a circle, and on the top left - a square, below - a cross. The buttons have decreased in size, and their travel has also decreased. On the sides are the keys, Start - on the right, on the opposite side - Select.

At the bottom there is a mini-USB port for charging, as well as a port designated as Ext for connecting accessories. There is also an eyelet for attaching a strap. The battery, like the rest of the controllers, is built-in. I would like to note that a mini-USB cable for charging is not supplied in the kit - you will have to use one from the DS3 joystick or purchase a charging station separately (more on it later).

Dimensions, usability

You can compare the sizes by the presented photos. Feels like the Move's dimensions, if not ideal, are close to that. If you grasp the controller with your palm, your index finger rests exactly on the trigger from the back side, your thumb freely reaches all the buttons with symbols. In my case, the ergonomics and length of the Move are exactly the same for the size of the hands.

It is convenient to play, I did not notice any peculiarities or unpleasant moments. Of course, given the active style of games, at first you will get tired of constantly swinging. But you will get used to it over time.

Just a few words about the Playstation Eye camera. The proprietary PS3 camera has a wire (about 1.5 m long), the body is completely plastic, in the upper part there is a massive-looking microphone covered with a metal mesh. Below the microphone are two sensors, and even lower is the lens. The lens rim is adjustable: two positions are available, their use is explained separately in each of the games you will be playing. True, more often the camera will be in the "widescreen" state, that is, the mode marked with a blue circle is activated. The tilt of the camera is adjustable - this is necessary to be able to install the camera both on the TV and under it.

As a reminder, the camera can be used not only in conjunction with PS Move, but also separately: for example, for video chats, I also recall the ability to record clips in the Singstar series of games, transfer your face to other games


All games supported by Move can be divided into the following categories:

  • Casual games. This is fun for the whole family, here, first of all, the controller's ability to accurately transmit movements is used. Most often these are sports projects or entertaining games for several players - for a fun pastime in the company.
  • Games that would have been released without PS Move, but the ability to control with the new controller makes such projects more fun, the control process tries to be as similar to real action as possible.

And one more strong point in the popularization of both Playstation3 as a gaming platform and Move as a new (for this console) type of control: additional opportunities in the hits that took place. For this type of games, a patch is released that adds support for PS Move. Often in the game, in addition to supporting the controller, new levels or characters are added - in a word, such an addition will be a good reason to play the game you have already completed once again.

Another division of games that will need to be played with PS Move is the ability to play simultaneously and the need to transfer the controller to each other.

Most of the games that support Move, but are not available on the demo disc, can be tried out by downloading a trial version from the PS Store.

Back in the summer, at the Afisha Picnic, an early version of Move was demonstrated: then gamers were introduced to the basic capabilities of the controller. I bring to your attention a few photos of those days, in addition, I recorded several videos with the gameplay.

Sports Champions are gladiator fights. This game will be released as part of a collection of sports games published in Russia under the name Sports Festival. Sports Champions is essentially a fighting game and mainly because of its genre attracted more male gamers. In the game, you need to swing the controller, trying to at least approximately repeat the movements inherent in the game. The game is absolutely arcade, so the main task is to wave your hands faster, then you will win. How to play gladiator fights, you can understand from the video below.

The second game is less brutal, but almost as much fun. Playing "Light it up!" more often it was possible to observe small children with their parents.

Up to four players can participate in the game. Before the start of the round, everyone is photographed, the resulting photo is "glued" to one of the characters. In the process, each of the participants, after their attempt, passes the controller to the rest of the players, and at the end of the round the achievements are compared. While playing, we observe our image on the screen, we see what object is in our hands. Depending on the type of game, this can be a racket, a hair clipper, a bat, and other items. The process of playing "Light it up!" was also filmed on camera, see it below in the video.

The following photos and video frames are from another event, where it was possible to evaluate the combination of the Move controller and the ability to display stereo-3D images on Bravia TVs.

Tumble is a multiplayer tower game where several players take turns building a tower. For this, the players have at their disposal various materials: boards, sticky balls, and so on. The main task is to place, stick or lean as many of your objects as possible and prevent your opponent from doing the same, who, in turn, will have exactly the same task. There will also be moving elements at the level that will interfere with your success, they are capable of overturning the building. The controller is used here as a manipulator. That is, having seized an object, you must act as carefully as possible and place all objects literally with your hand. In Tumble, the "immersion" and interest from the game with special glasses is especially noticeable.

The next game in the original is called The Fight ("Fight" in the Russian version). You can only play alone, the opponent is controlled by the computer. At the very beginning, your identification takes place (almost every game that uses a camera and Move needs to be customized "for yourself"): your size, arm length, physique are determined. As the name suggests, the main task is to swing your fists with the Move controllers clutched in them. In this case, the view will be "from the eyes", your character moves independently, and you will need to imitate strikes: perform hooks, jabs and punchy. After each round, you will be given information about the fight, as well as how many calories you burned during the fight. It is quite interesting to play, although, in my opinion, the process is somewhat monotonous and quickly gets boring.

An example of one of the fights from the event, see below:

In addition, I got a glimpse of the Move version of Heavy Rain. Those who have already played this game will probably think that with the help of Move it will be easier and more interesting to play. I do not know about the interest, the demonstrated version was shown for a short time, but the fact that you will have to relearn is for sure. On my own I will say that it was easier to get used to the joystick control at one time. However, I admit that in the course of the game, as you get used to it, everything will go like clockwork. In any case, the purchase of PS Move is a great excuse to get Heavy Rain off the shelf and go through the game one more time, this time doing everything differently, and, accordingly, watch a different ending to the plot.

Finally, a couple more shots of the game Start the Party, as well as an additional video with the gameplay.

Games that are already on sale or will appear on sale in the very near future (the recommended game price is 1,700 rubles): "Sports Festival", "Light Up", "Fight", "Filmed", "TV Show Stars", "Office Kung- Ugh".

Many of the previously released games will acquire (paid, in some cases free) add-on that will add support for Move. These games include Resident Evil 5, Eyepet, Heavy Rain, Little Big Planet, R.U.S.E. The list is incomplete, in total by March 2011 it is planned to release up to 40 games with support for the new controller.

Kits, additional controllers

First of all, I would like to mention a set consisting of a console (320 GB hard drive) and PS Move Starter pack. This is an option for those who have finally decided to get a set-top box - they will be able to enjoy the capabilities of the new controller at the same time.

If during the game it is necessary to transfer the controller, as happens in Start the party, then there are no problems: depending on the number of people gathered in front of the TV, everyone plays in turn.

But if you want to play against a friend, then in most games you will need a second controller. Moreover, some games assume that each of the players will have two controllers at the same time.

For some time, the controller was sold only as part of the Starter Pack, but at the beginning of November it became possible to purchase a PS Move, without a camera and a demo disc. The controller separately costs 1,600 rubles.

In addition, you can buy a navigation controller, you could see its description in the video at the beginning of the article.

The navigation controller is slightly smaller when compared to the Move. There is a PS button on the case for turning on and configuring. In the center there are arrow keys or cursors, a little higher - two buttons with symbols: on the right - a circle button, on the left - a cross. Above is the analog mushroom. The trigger L2 lies under the index finger, there is also L1 above it. At the bottom there is a mini-USB port for charging, and even lower - an eyelet for attaching a strap, however, in this case, the strap will have to be purchased separately.

To be honest, I was a little too hasty to buy a navigation controller, it costs 1,400 rubles. The fact is that this solution is used in a limited number of games (I hope only for now), and the fullness of sensations can be experienced only after the release of Killzone3 and SOCOM4 (we publish it under the name "Spetsnaz"). In the end, I would advise you to buy an additional Move.

As promised in the Russian representative office of Playstation, a little later, various PS Move kits will appear on sale, which will include a different number of controllers - for various options for possible games.


The navigation controller, probably, could also be designated as an accessory, but in this case, in this subsection, I decided to remove all products that are optional and do not carry any additional features, but are intended to increase comfort.

For starters, charging. An official docking station in which you can place either two Move controllers, or one Move and next to it set the navigation controller to charge. In the light of the lack of charging cables, such an accessory can be a very useful thing in the household. Third-party developers also offer 4-joystick charging at the same time.

This is followed by a special pistol. Move is placed in it, and the game of shooters becomes the most natural. But do not forget that with such a pistol, only aiming on the screen will occur, if the game also provides for movement, it will have to be done from an additional controller. Although, there are examples of games - Time Crisis - where you only need to "shoot from all the trunks", the movement through the level occurs automatically.

In addition, you can find silicone covers for Move and navigation controller on sale. Available in 3 colors: red, black and blue.


As I already wrote, Playstation has high hopes for both 3D technology in its technology and the Move controller. Moreover, we can already say that, at least, the start of sales of the controller turned out to be quite successful: in Europe and America, the total sales figures amounted to 4.1 million units (excluding the separately sold controllers). For the year from the start of sales, it is planned to sell up to 15 million controllers in retail. In our country, over the past month since the beginning of sales, the Move Starter Pack has sold 30,000 copies, which is a very good result. It is hoped that the set pace will not slow down, and Sony, as well as third-party developers, will not disappoint with the release of new games.

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Introduction or a little history

Before we start talking about a new device, let's look at the past. Not so, by the way, and distant: we will rewind only five years ago. Even a little less, because Nintendo released the Wii console in November 2006. And this weak game console turned the gaming world upside down. The Wii Remote controller (affectionately - Wiimote) allowed you to immerse yourself in the game much deeper than traditional gamepads. Immediately after the announcement, the Wii began selling faster than any hotcake. In the United States, for example, until the very end of 2009, the console had to be painfully searched for - it was not in stores, it was snapped up as soon as it appeared.

PlayStation 3 also turns five this year

Against the background of the slowly gaining momentum of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the essentially primitive Wii looked much more interesting: it cost less and gave users a completely different experience from the game. Naturally, Sony and Microsoft could not put up with this, so in 2010 they introduced their controllers, built on different principles, but united by one idea: to give the player the opportunity to move. This is how the Microsoft Kinect system, formerly known as Project Natal, was born, as well as the hero of today's review - the PlayStation Move controller.

The EyeToy camera is even older - it appeared in July 2003

In fact, things developed a little differently, and development of what eventually became the PlayStation Move began way back in 2001. This project spun off a branch that bore earlier fruit: in 2003, the EyeToy controller appeared for the PlayStation 2 console, which was essentially just a webcam. The total sales of EyeToy around the world amounted to about 10 million copies, so the project can even be considered successful, but there were only 16 games for it in the first three years of its existence, and this is not a lot. There was a lack of accuracy - one webcam could not cope with recognizing all the player's movements and sometimes confused him with furniture. This is why EyeToy has somehow faded and almost disappeared from the headlines and from store shelves after the Wii was released. In 2001, Sony considered EyeToy and Move (which then existed in the bowels of the laboratories in some original form) as some kind of fun and completely unnecessary addition to the console. But the success of the Wii forced the company to change its mind and start creating commercial samples of the Move, refining and polishing everything possible.

In June 2009, Move, while not yet in its final form, was shown at the E3 conference, and a little over a year later it was officially announced and began to take its rightful places in stores and its market share. In two months since the start of sales, Sony has delivered more than 4 million Move controllers, so the project clearly claims to be a bigger jackpot than in its time - EyeToy. But enough about history, let's talk about ... no, not about practice - it's too early to talk about it. First, as expected, materiel.

PlayStation Move video review

⇡ What does it look like?

We will not talk about the PlayStation 3 itself, since it is already in its fifth year, like the Wii. The release of the Slim version did not change much either. So let's go straight to PS Move. The easiest way to experience beauty is to get the PlayStation Move Starter Pack, which we got.

Our today's miracle of technology is delivered in a small colorful box. It reveals the PlayStation Move controller itself, the Playstation Eye camera (practically repeating the EyeToy) required for its operation, a disc with a user's video manual, and a short paper instruction. There is no USB → mini-USB cable included, although it will also be required for the console to recognize the pointing device. It is believed that the owner of the PlayStation 3 already has the cable, because the player should have got it along with the console itself. Besides, this is not such a rare thing.

Also, the PlayStation Move Motion controller (which is the name of the part that you will be holding in your hands) can be purchased separately, although a camera is still required for the game. Additionally, you can buy the PlayStation Move Navigation Controller, which may come in handy in some games, and the PlayStation Move Shooting Attachment - the latter will come in handy in all kinds of "shooting games".

In appearance, the PlayStation Move Motion resembles a microphone most of all: an elongated handle and a sphere at the end. Upon closer inspection, of course, it becomes clear that this is still a controller for the PlayStation. In place are the familiar four buttons with geometric icons, and the PS key, no less familiar Start and Select on the sides. However, there are no analog sticks, no 8-way D-Pad, no shifters. But there are new buttons: the trigger T (on the underside of the device) - under the index finger - and the Move key (on the upper side) - under the thumb.

At the bottom there is a mini-USB port, which is used to charge the controller, as well as to "sniff" between PS Move and PlayStation 3, which is necessary when the pointing device is connected to the console for the first time. Nearby is the connector for the Move Navigation Controller - a kind of Nunchuck for PS Move. Once met, the console and controller will remember each other. Each time you turn on the PlayStation 3, you only need to press the PS button on the controller, so that it will be given a serial number.

The game console or controller for it must be calculated to the smallest detail - otherwise they simply won't buy it, so the PlayStation Move fits comfortably in your hand and weighs just enough so that you can swing it with ease without feeling heavy. Wiimote, by the way, is much heavier - there is only one pair of AA batteries / rechargeable batteries weighs almost the entire Move Motion.

For the same reasons, the sphere at the end of the arm is cleverly made of soft silicone. A lot of the plastic Wii Remote was smashed against the walls by swiping too hard, and the silicon cases on the Wii controllers looked like ... like ... well, it didn't look good.

The PlayStation Eye camera was once sold separately, moreover, there are games that allow you to work with the camera without using the Move. However, the PlayStation Eye is nothing supernatural: a regular webcam with SD-resolution, an array of microphones and the ability to switch the lens between wide and narrow angles. Connected via USB.

⇡ How does it work?

Despite all the differences we have tried diligently to note, it might seem that the PlayStation Move is a copy of the Wii Remote. However, most of all controllers differ from each other precisely in the principle of operation. The Wii Remote has an accelerometer, Bluetooth adapter and IR receiver on board. The movement of the manipulator is tracked by changing the readings of the accelerometer, and where the Wiimote is directed is determined by data from the IR sensor, which catches light from the touch panel, which is installed above or below the TV. All data is transferred to the set-top box via Bluetooth.

However, as practice has shown, such a scheme of work has one significant drawback - low positioning accuracy. This was recognized even by Nintendo itself, three years after the release of the Wii, which released the Wii MotionPlus accessory to the market, which increased positioning accuracy. MotionPlus incorporates one dual axis gyroscope and one single axis gyroscope.

They are so similar - yet so different at the same time.

In PlayStaion Move, everything is much more complicated. Inside the controller itself are a three-axis MEMS gyroscope, an accelerometer and a geomagnetic sensor (magnetometer). The first two allow tracking the movements of the manipulator, while the latter makes it possible to obtain information about the position of the player relative to the earth's axis, thereby making a correction to the readings of the accelerometer and gyroscope and even more accurately determining the position of PS Move in space.

But that's not all: as we already mentioned, the PlayStation Eye webcam with an array of four microphones comes with the controller. The camera itself monitors the player's movements, allowing not only to use the controller itself in games, but also to use human movements. So, if you raise one hand when playing volleyball, PlayStation will decide that you are hitting the ball with a swing, and if both hands, then you are trying to gently pass the ball. Microphones can be used to communicate with other participants when playing online or for video conferencing. Moreover, some games require you, say, to clap your hands in the right place. Where you clapped is determined by the difference in signal amplitude from all four microphones. There is enough accuracy.

The camera also performs one more function. No wonder there is a sphere at the end of the controller, which is highlighted in different colors when turned on. Such a sphere is very easy to track with a camera - it cannot be confused with anything. Thus, the camera is also used to determine the movement of the controller along the vertical and along the transverse horizontal axis, and by resizing the image of the sphere when the controller is moved forward or backward, the camera allows tracking and movement along the longitudinal horizontal axis.

Also, in many games, the PlayStation Eye is used to create augmented reality: the camera captures what is happening in front of the TV and partially displays it on its screen, supplementing it with game elements.

Like the Wiimote, the PlayStation Move communicates with the set-top box using a Bluetooth 2.0 radio channel. There is nothing to be surprised at, DualShock 3, and before it Sixaxis worked on the same principle and at the same frequencies. A total of up to four PS Moves (or DualShock / Sixaxis) can be connected to one PS3 at the same time, with the spheres at the ends of each of them glowing in a different color.

We disassembled the controller just in case, hoping to see inside the clue to its popularity. But nothing supernatural was found there: most of the case is occupied by a printed circuit board and an impressive lithium-ion battery. Exactly the same is used in the DualShock 3 gamepad - for people who are firsthand familiar with the latter, this immediately suggests that the PlayStation Move will last long enough on one charge. At the bottom there is a motor responsible for vibration feedback. We did not dare to go deeper - we were afraid for the safety of thin flat cables connecting the buttons on the upper half of the controller with the board. So we propose to move on to why all this, in fact, is necessary - to games. For the ultimate immersion, we used a 46-inch Sony Bravia NX7 TV.

⇡ Games: jump and wave

Sports festival

This is a kind of basic game, or rather a set of games that allow you to get better at using Move. This set includes archery, volleyball, table tennis (sysadmins are said to like the name ping pong better), disc golf, gladiator fights and bocce. One or two people can play at the same time, and each is allowed to hold both one Move Motion and, in some games, as many as two. The greatest interest from the whole set, in our opinion, is caused by gladiator fights, volleyball and ping-pong.

The first sport allows you to appreciate why you need a controller at all. And you need it for diving. You have more than a dozen motley characters at your disposal: choose one and go. If you have only one controller in your hands, then it performs the function of a sword, and if you hold the trigger, it switches to a shield. If you got two controllers, then one is responsible for the shield, the other for the sword. The game will carefully ask you if you are right-handed or left-handed, and will give you the right weapon in the appropriate hand.

What is the essence of the game? The enemy must be rr-cut. And with all the foolishness: the stronger the swing, the more game health the blow will take away from the enemy. But opponents are also not bastard - most of the time they cover themselves with a shield, and at high difficulty levels they strike exactly where you are least likely to have time to close. Naturally, all sorts of super attacks are provided - in order to carry out such a technique, you will need to perform a series of swings in the directions indicated on the screen. The main thing is to honestly observe precautions and remove unnecessary objects and unnecessary people away. Otherwise, the first run the risk of falling, the second - getting it in the ear, and you yourself can hurt yourself, swinging for a fatal blow.

Volleyball is good because it makes you actively move and repeat the movements that are quite classic for volleyball: the bottom serve, the top pass, the “gushers” with a jump over the net, and the like. Jumping, however, is not necessary - just raise your hands sharply. If one person plays, then he will be provided with a quite sensible teammate - you will not have to complain about him. Together, of course, more fun.

Table tennis clearly demonstrates how much more accurate PlayStation Move works compared to the same Wii Remote. The racket, that is, the controller, must be turned - the spin of the ball depends on it. The "twisted" ones behave according to all the laws of physics, bouncing off the table not in the same plane in which they flew up to it. You will have to get bored only at the first levels, then your opponents will give you the heat. If you remember tennis on the Wii, then it was enough just to somehow wave the racket at the right moment. Here you have to watch where you hit.

This is not to say that Sports Celebration is an addictive game that engulfs you. But as a periodic warm-up, it works great.

Office kung fu

A magical game, somewhat reminiscent of the good old platformers. The main task is to roll as quickly as possible on an office chair on wheels on the roads, dodging the blows of evil bandits in strict suits, and at the same time giving them a good kick if the opportunity is right. On the road, of course, money and other bonuses are lying around, and the chair can be accelerated, used as a battering ram, and so on.

It would be fun without Move, but the game does not offer this possibility and does not work without a controller. But with Move it turns out just a celebration of some kind of life. To jump, you need to lift the controller up, movements to the left and right accelerate the chair faster, and you can ram the enemy by directing the manipulator to the center of the screen and poking it expressively in this direction. The buttons on the controller are also used, but only two are vital - the T trigger is responsible for squatting, and the PS key is for kicking a badly turned up box or a lingering villain.

A two-player game mode is available - in this case, one player gets a bespectacled loser, and the second gets a fragile Asian-looking girl with a fifth-size bust. In a single player game, you can choose your character - naturally, we liked the girl much more. After passing each of the short levels, the system calculates the points scored and gives the overall result. To get to the next level, it's not enough just to drive to the end of the previous one - you need to get a certain number of points, which can be earned by rolling fast, collecting more money, writing out especially beautiful pirouettes and doing combos. To heighten the fun, in addition to the calculated points, the screen displays the happy face of the player himself, who was carried away by attempts to drive the next stage on his faithful six-wheeled friend. The faces are just wonderful - when playing, people rarely pay much attention to controlling facial expressions. We launched "Office Kung Fu" only in the evenings, otherwise the work got up tight in the entire editorial office. Recommended.

Surprisingly, there are also puzzles for Move. Of course, Create can be played in the absence of this manipulator, but it's somehow more interesting with it. Create is the creation of a world in which you will then have to solve all sorts of tasks, most often not very difficult, but funny. First, with the help of Move, you need to poke around flowers, dinosaurs and paint the sky well to make the world seem more interesting to you, and most importantly, closer and dearer. Then you can proceed to the actual puzzles.

With each new world, the puzzles naturally become more difficult. At the initial stages, it is enough to simply drive, say, a balloon with a load into a ring with the help of a fan, or build a bridge so that the machine can move over the abyss. Using Move, you can select objects from the toolkit, of which, most often, several types are available. For example, a car can be driven by blocks, or you can add hinges and curbs there. Where to place the object - the player chooses by moving the controller in space, and to rotate, say, a fan or the same block, you need to hold down the T button and rotate the controller around its own axis.

The game may seem boring at first, but you have to force yourself to go through several levels, because with each new level new objects are added to the toolbox. The fun begins when you understand that the level can be passed simply, or beautifully. So, it is easy to drive a car through a burning wheel with the help of only one springboard, while it is much more interesting to make it fly through the air, jump from pyrotechnics and perform all sorts of tricks. The more flips over the wing the car makes, the more points you get for the level. And here the brain begins to work, in which more and more cunning paths and labyrinths are born for an innocent machine. The developers from EA declare that the player's actions are limited only by his imagination, but so that the latter does not roam beyond measure, the number of objects available at each level is also limited. For example, it is possible to create a "track" of 10 or less things, and whether it will be balloons and cannons, or springboards and wheels - the player himself decides. With Move, the game does not even acquire additional interest, but a certain sense of greater involvement in what is happening. Also fun and addictive.

Eye pet move edition

It was possible to care for a funny and slightly stupid animal, something resembling a monkey, back in the days of PlayStation 2. The advent of the more powerful PlayStation 3 and Move only allowed the game to be transferred to Full HD screens and added new tasks to it. Eye Pet is intended (not to be confused with iPad - it sounds almost the same) for those who, for one reason or another, cannot get themselves a cat, dog or tame monkey, but would really, really like. The essence of the action is to love, feed and entertain a virtual animal, which for its part also undertakes to fulfill at least the first point. A kind of Tamagotchi. The difference is in how exactly you have to participate in the process of growth and development of the pet (this is how your monkey is called in Russian translation). If there were four buttons in the Tamagotchi, here ...

To begin with, you will be asked to put the camera at knee level and point it at the floor - this is where you will communicate with your pet. Sit down more comfortably - you can start. The pet will have to go with you all the way of evolution - from birth (for some reason, the monkey will hatch from the egg) to a kind of perfection. The road to excellence is long and difficult, and most importantly, it consists entirely of tasks. The latter are very different. The simple ones include, for example, the typical cat game "run after my fingers": move your hand across the carpet, not forgetting to rustle expressively, and the pet chases after it. Hard - teaching your beloved monkey how to drive and fly a toy airplane. All this happens right on your floor, well, or a little above it, and for each task they can give a medal - from bronze to gold. The game part is reduced to collecting the maximum number of gold medals. In this case, between tasks, you need to carefully scan the pet with a special scanner, the role of which is played by the Move Motion controller - this will give you the knowledge of whether the monkey urgently needs to be fed or bathed.

On the one hand, the game demonstrates the possibilities of augmented reality from a favorable angle, and on the other hand, it sometimes looks very boring. In addition, there are often not enough swear words for your beloved animal: you scratched a little in the wrong place - and that's it, be content with bronze instead of the desired gold, because the animal does not always respond to your scratching - the accuracy of the camera alone is not enough. The game can be prescribed as a medicine for people who have been diagnosed with an acute shortage of domestic animals. Others can get bored quickly.

Start the Party! (Light it up!)

This set of mini-games is a classic type of family activity, in which children of preschool and primary school age participate, as well as their parents. Games in Start the Party include a wide variety of games, from haircutting young punks at speed to saving abstract people from cartoon Godzilla or shoving randomly falling chicks into their nests (remember the glorious game "Electronics: Well, wait a minute"?).

All games are extremely simple, so to speak, the gameplay - in each you need to do only one action. In the mini-game "Stylist" - to cut, if you signed up to exterminate beetles - you need to exterminate beetles, if you are going to shoot continuously advancing robots - aim and shoot. Each mini-game has three levels of difficulty, most often an increase in such leads to the fact that the game is simply accelerated: unshorn punks begin to replace each other on the screen almost every second, and chicks pour in like hail - just have time to substitute the fan and blow them off as needed nest.

Start the Party also actively uses the capabilities of the webcam: all the action takes place in your room. The implementation of augmented reality deserves praise, however, the sensations from when you destroy herds and flocks of various beetles in your own home are not always pleasant. Another fly in the ointment is the poor image quality that the camera captures. On a Full HD TV, the extrapolated SD picture looks strange, and the noises that the camera's matrix generates, even in normal lighting, is somewhat painful to the eye. In Start the Party, this, however, does not really interfere - all mini-games are very dynamic, and you hardly have time to pay attention to the quality of the picture.

For adults, the game will be unambiguously boring, but small children will most likely like it: it is easy to handle, and the level of immersion in a simple arcade is always very high - thanks to the camera. Parents and older generation of children Start the Party! can attract excellent voice-overs. When you accidentally grind some loser chick with your fan, the host announces in a tragic voice: "Into the cabbage!" The mood, at least, certainly raises.

Killzone 3

In the third part of the legendary Killzone, we really didn't manage to play it - the controls in the game are complicated, a Move Navigation Controller is required. However, we were surprised to find out that it can be replaced by a regular wireless Dualshock 3. It just has missing keys, like the same 8-way D-pad, so that a combination of Move Motion and Dualshock 3 can serve as a controller for passing Killzone 3.

Another thing is that holding the Dualshock with one hand is completely impossible, especially when you need to actively gesticulate with the other. Therefore, we divided the responsibilities: one of us held a DualShock in his hands and was responsible for walking, squatting and using objects, and the second swung Move Motion and watched where our infantryman was looking and what he was shooting. Massive impressions, but more and more inexpressible. Although, on occasion, you can try to ride on the race track on a regular bike, putting two people on it: one pedals, the second - the steering wheel. That's about the same feeling we experienced all the time when we tried to control the character from Killzone.

By the way, aiming with Move Motion is much more pleasant than using DualShock for this. But for shooters, to which Killzone belongs, we strongly recommend purchasing, for example, the PlayStation Move Automaton and the Navigation Controller. Feelings will be first-class - tested on Wii with its Zapper.

Enough about the games - it's time to take stock.

⇡ Do we need it?

If you have at least a few hours a week that you are willing to spend on video games, then yes, you should. And if you are already a happy owner of a Sony PlayStation 3, then you just absolutely must. PlayStation Move diversifies the gaming experience, allows you to dive deeper into what is happening and take an active part in it. And most importantly, it increases the "buzz" from the game.

In addition, fans of ordinary video games with a gamepad often and imperceptibly grow a decent size of stomachs - long gatherings in front of the TV are very conducive to this. PS Move helps to shake things up - believe me, a couple of hours of battles in the Colosseum: and the untrained hand will hurt all the next day. This is an excuse to transfer the controller to the other hand and practice your skills in using, say, a racket - and your hands will become stronger and you will not be bored.

The controller itself, as we have already said, costs about 1,500 rubles, for a Starter Pack consisting of Move Motion, a PS Eye camera and a training disc, you will have to pay 2,500, and the set-top box along with Move will cost about 15,000. Wii Remote in In this regard, the price is almost the same, but the Wii itself, of course, is cheaper - less than 10,000. Prices for games for PS Move start at 1,000 rubles and end at around 5,500 rubles - this is how much the collectible Killzone 3 Helgast Edition costs. Not cheap: the starting price point for Wii games is about 600 rubles. However, the average price is the same as for Move. In total, at the time of this writing, there are over 20 games that officially support the controller.


  • High positioning accuracy;
  • Excellent ergonomics;
  • Immersion in the game;
  • The opportunity to warm up;
  • Low price of the PlayStation Move Starter Pack.


  • Relatively high price of the Sony PlayStation 3 + Move kit;
  • The need to purchase PS Move Navigation Controller for some games;
  • High price of games for Sony PlayStation 3;
  • Low resolution and high noise of the PlayStation Eye camera.

We are grateful to the Russian representative office of Sony for the provided Bravia NX7 46 TV.

Hello everyone, now it's time to write an FAQ for buying such a wonderful thing as the Playstation Move. Traditionally, the FAQ is built on a question-and-answer basis.

What is PS Move and why is it needed?

PS Move is a motion controller that is quite obviously meant for games.

How does PS Move work?

I can’t say exactly what principles it works on, I’m not a creator. But PS Move works due to the fact that the PS Eye camera reads the movements of the controller, which is in the player's hands by a luminous ball at the end. By the way, the PS Eye camera can also read the movements of the player himself, of course, if the developers have added such an opportunity.

What configuration can I buy the PS Move?

In Russia, they are officially sold:
1) Bundle PS3 + Move Starter Pack
2) Move Starter Pack
3) Move stand alone
The Starter Pack includes:
1) PS Eye motion capture camera
2) PS Move controller
3) Controller strap
4) Disk with demo versions of games with Move support
5) Instructions for use

Do I need to buy additional peripherals, batteries, accumulators?

The only thing that PS move necessarily requires is a PS Eye camera. All other additional devices do not require a mandatory purchase. By the way, the PS Move, like the DualShock 3 (PS3 gamepad), has built-in batteries that can be charged from the console using a regular Mini USB.

What additional devices can PS Move be equipped with?

There are a number of devices available for the PS Move to make it easier to use, but these are optional.
1) Navigation Controller - a special controller that has a stick, rst, L1, L2, cross and circle. This controller replaces the gamepad in games such as MAG, it is still not very convenient to hold the gamepad and Move at the same time. It also has built-in batteries with the ability to charge n
2) Charge kit - a special stand for simultaneous charging of 2 Move or Move + Navigation Controller
3) Gun Attachment - a special handle in the form of a pistol, it is designed to increase convenience while playing MAG, The Shoot, Killzone 3, etc.

What games does PS Move support and will support? Will there be any big titles for the Core audience among them?

The list of games is very wide, I will not describe casual games, you can read about them on the Playstation website. I will focus on games for the Core audience. Yes, Move will support major titles such as: MAG, Killzone 3, Tron Evolution, LittleBig Planet 2, GranTurismo 5, InFamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resident Evil 5. From the list, you can try out the full version of MAG, the Heavy Rain demo is uploaded on PSN. which will appear with Move support in November, just like Resident Evil 5.

Is it difficult to connect PS Move to PS3 system?

No, not at all difficult. For this you need:
1) Connect the PS Eye camera via USB
2) Switch it to blue indicator
3) Connect PS Move via mini USB to the console so that it picks up the controller
4) Turn on the PS Move controller, then unplug it from USB if desired

I saw that some games are played with two PS Moves, do I have to buy a second one for a comfortable game?

No, not required. You can play with two PS Moves only in Sports Champions, but this is not necessary, a comfortable game is provided by one controller. The second is only needed to increase the familiarity with the game. You can wear it comfortably even with the 1 PS Move

What is calibration and why does it happen every time you start the game? Can I do it again?

Calibration is a process that will help you determine the best user experience for your PS Move controller. All players are different in height and build. Calibration helps to make it convenient for all players, without exception. Of course, calibration can be done at any time during the game.

Does the controller ball light up with only one color? Can I choose colors?

The PS Move controller can glow in several colors, depending on what color the developers chose, unfortunately I have not seen games in which it would be possible to customize the controller color.

Sony's PlayStation Move peripherals are a real breakthrough in motion capture technology. With Mov, you not only press buttons, but also perform physical actions. Thanks to the precise transfer of your actions into the world of the game, you get even more familiar with what is happening on the other side of the screen. In this article, we'll show you how to connect your PS Move to your PS4, as well as what to play with the Move on PS4.

Connecting PlayStation Move to PlayStation 4

You will need the Mov device itself, as well as a mini-USB cable (it charges PS3 controllers). Note that the micro-USB cable supplied with the PS4 is won't fit for synchronization. It cannot be used with PlayStation Move peripherals.

So, in order to synchronize "Mov" with your PS4, do the following actions:

    Connect the mini-USB cable to the "Mov", and plug the other end into the connector of the PS4 system (any of the USB ports on the front side);

    Hold down the PS button on your controller to sync it with the console. At this moment, a window with a list of system users should appear in the PS4 menu;

    Select user to which you want to assign Move. If no profiles have been created in the system yet, you can create one yourself;

    After completing the actions, you will return to the system menu... If the Mov controller is charged to the maximum, it can be disconnected from the mini-USB cable. Look at the red light bulb at the bottom of the case. If it blinks, the controller is charging. If the bulb just shines, then the Move is fully charged.

How to manage PS4 menus with PlayStation Move

Once connected, you can now navigate system sections with simple swings of your palm. To do this, hold down the trigger on one of the Move controllers (on the back) and simply wave your palm in the direction you want to move to. Games also use this method, so we recommend that you remember it.

How to pause a game using PlayStation Move

The Move controller has two buttons on either side of the device. On the right side of the "triangle" and "circle" buttons, you will find a button that, as it were, flows into the body. It is difficult to detect it with the naked eye, but it is she who is responsible for the pause in games. Think of it as the OPTIONS button on the DualShock 4. Plus, most games automatically pause when you press the PS button. This can be a convenient alternative.

What to play with PlayStation Move on PS4

PlayStation Move and PlayStation VR - the best combination

Of course, the best combination of a motion tracker is with virtual reality technology, that is, a PlayStation VR headset. Most VR games allow players to use the Moves to play. We will tell you about these projects.

Special edition of the fifth part of the famous role-playing series The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR will allow you to see the homeland of the Nords with your own eyes. The motion controller immerses you in the game even more. You will fight enemies with a sword as if its hilt is in your palm, and magic spells fly out of your fingertips. We don't even talk about ranged attacks with a bow: with the help of PS Move, you can pull the bowstring and shoot arrows like Legolas himself.

With PS Move it is very convenient to play shooters, which is confirmed by the game Until Dawn: Rush of Blood... You find yourself on a minecart in a theme park. The harmless fun turns into a nightmare, and soon you are attacked by terrible monsters. Aim at them with the "Move" and shoot monsters. The gameplay is simple and fun: if you're looking for a virtual shooting game for both VR and motion controller, then Rush of Blood is the best choice.

Another Until Dawn game called Inpatient also benefits from using PS Move. In the game, you take on the role of a patient in a mental hospital. The ability to move with a motion controller immerses you even more in a world of madness and nightmares. The developers have done a great job of integrating "Mov" into the gameplay, and you will appreciate their result. In this game, you can touch objects, pick up objects and even punch with your fists ... with your own palms!

The gaming industry is vast and multifaceted. Almost as much as the virtual worlds created by developers. So that you do not get lost in it, we have prepared answers to popular questions from gamers regarding PlayStaion and Xbox game consoles, licensed games and accessories for consoles.

In 2010, Microsoft presented a new accessory for the Xbox 360 to the public's judgment. Kinect changed the way you interact with the console. The peripheral was the first motion tracking technology that did not require any controllers. However, how does it work? Indeed, the Kinect is not powered by magic. In this article, we'll show you how the most unusual peripherals from Microsoft work.

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