Avar scenes for last call. Last call script material (grade 11) on the topic. Sketch for a physical education teacher

Last Bell is definitely one of the most beloved and anticipated holidays of all school and college students. It is the last bell that ends the school year and is the “key” that opens the magical door to the world of relaxation and summer vacation. However, there are those for whom the last call is a bit of a sad holiday. We are talking about graduates of grades 9-11, who on this day say goodbye forever to their beloved teachers and carefree school days. Of course, the Unified State Exam and prom still await them, but it is at the last bell that they will say goodbye to their younger schoolmates and the learning process as such. And this, you see, is quite sad, especially considering the fact that graduates associate almost their entire adult lives with school. However, so that the last call does not turn into a very sad holiday, we recommend choosing a cheerful scenario. For example, funny and cool scenes for the last bell of 2017 performed by talented students can make this holiday truly sparkling, bright and cheerful. You will find options for interesting, modern and very funny scenes for the last bell at school or college with video in our article today.

Last bell skits 2017 for primary school teachers - funny ideas with videos

The first school graduation does not take place in the 9th grade, as many are accustomed to believe, but after finishing primary school in the 4th grade. Therefore, the last bell at the end of this school year is just as important for children as it is for their older friends. Skits for the last bell in primary school, including funny ones (ideas from the video below), are usually staged by the teachers themselves, and not by the little graduates. Still, in order to put on a really fun and cool number for such an important school event as the last bell, you need experience. But there are also quite simple, but at the same time funny skits, in which even 4th grade graduates can participate in them with the help of adults. As a rule, these are numbers with musical or dance accompaniment that do not require memorizing a large amount of text. If among the young graduates there are children with oratorical talent, then excerpts from humorous stories, anecdotes and funny poems can be used as a cheerful number for the last call. What other options for sketches for the last bell 2017 for primary school teachers and funny ideas with videos will you find below.

Ideas for the funniest scenes for the last bell of 2017 in elementary school

Most often, funny scenes for the last bell in elementary school have a fairly simple, one might even say, everyday plot. For example, a humorous skit in verse can be staged on the topic of how primary school students prepare their homework with the help of their parents and grandparents. In addition to the fact that such a truthful scene can really make everyone present laugh, it also has an instructive function. It is possible that students who recognize themselves in the characters in the skit will draw the right conclusions and begin to learn their lessons on their own.

Another interesting idea for funny scenes for the last bell in elementary school is school everyday life. For example, you can stage a funny number about how fourth-graders spend recess, wait for the holidays, or behave in class. An excellent option is a funny number that shows a situation that actually took place in this class. Also in such scenes you can use the real names and surnames of students who match the type of characters in the issue./p>

Not a single last bell ringing is complete without dance numbers, including in elementary school. But despite the fact that most holiday guests are accustomed to perceiving dance numbers solely as choreographic performances, they can also be funny scenes. For example, you can prepare an unusual dance consisting of different styles, each of which is performed to its own melody. To make such a dance not just cool, but funny, you need to choose cheerful and energetic movements. And the main factor ensuring the success of such a funny dance number is the good mood of its performers and the charge of energy that they give to everyone present!

Modern and very funny skits for school leavers on the last bell

For modern school graduates, the last bell is as important a holiday as it was for their predecessors many years ago. Just like their parents and teachers once did, they are worried and sad, dreaming of leaving the school walls as quickly as possible and at the same time realizing that they will miss their teachers and classmates terribly. Participation in the festive line-up at the last bell, for example, in modern comic numbers and funny skits, can help relieve excess stress for graduates. What could modern and funny skits for school leavers be about at the last bell? By and large, about almost everything in the world! But within reason, of course. Probably, given the atmosphere and meaning of the holiday, it is best to focus on school themes. For example, you can put on a lot of funny skits about how a typical school day went, about the behavior of the class on a test or exam, about your first school love, etc. You can also get a little creative and put on a funny skit on any popular topic. For example, make a parody of a famous person, movie character or director. But in the latter case, it is important to maintain a fine line between good humor and offensive satire. Otherwise, the joyful holiday may be overshadowed by resentment towards the parodists.

Ideas for very funny skits for modern school graduates on the last call

Conventionally, all funny numbers for the last call can be divided into several categories: parodies, musical medleys, funny dance performances, short humorous scenes. These are all fairly simple formats that both students and teachers enjoy using. Therefore, having decided on the format of a humorous act, it is worth choosing a topic that is relevant to it. As mentioned above, a school theme is ideal for the last bell holiday. For example, a funny skit on a school theme can be staged about what happens in the classroom when the teacher is not around. You will find a version of a similar scene to the last call in the video below.

A sketch about teachers and a hat that can read their thoughts from the next video will also be funny.

Well, if you are looking for a funny scene based on a famous fairy tale, adapted to modern school realities, then be sure to watch the video below.

Last bell skits for graduates of grades 9-11: funny options by subject, video

Another popular type of funny numbers for the last call among graduates of grades 9-11 can be called different versions of sketches by subject. The essence of such a thematic issue, as a rule, boils down to showing a typical lesson on a certain subject in a humorous and slightly exaggerated form. Practice shows that such performances are most successful if their plot is not simply copied from the Internet, but includes situations that actually took place in this class. Also funny are numbers in which the characters' personalities roughly coincide with the traits of those who play them. For example, if a math lesson is chosen as a funny number for the last call, in which Sidorov, a poor student, is trying not to get another “pair,” then it is better to take on his role a really not the most successful student in mathematics.

Options for funny skits on subjects for graduates of grades 9-11 for the last bell, video

You will find more interesting ideas for funny scenes for the last bell at school for grades 9-11 in the following video collection.

Modern scenes for the last bell at school for graduates about the Unified State Exam, video

If there is a topic that most interests modern school graduates at the last bell and at the same time is ideal for a funny scene, then it is definitely the Unified State Exam (USE). If you think about how much tension and stress graduates experience before this most important exam, which largely determines their future, it is not surprising that parodies of the Unified State Exam are so popular. As they say, the best way to overcome stress is to approach it with humor. As for the format, modern skits for the last bell at school for graduates about the Unified State Examination are best staged in the format of a medley - musical excerpts and cut-out film quotes, which together set the humorous character of the number.

Ideas for skits about the Unified State Exam for the last bell 2017 for modern school graduates, video

Funny scenes for a funny script for the last bell in college, video

If we talk separately about funny scenes for a funny script for the last bell in college, then they are in many ways similar to similar numbers for school. The only difference, as a rule, is that the main characters of such scenes are not school graduates, but college graduates, in fact, students. And students, as everyone knows, are cheerful and resourceful people. Therefore, funny scenes for the last bell in college often form the basis of a funny holiday scenario.

Funny skits that are suitable for the final bell in college

Below you will find several original and very funny skits for college graduates that are suitable for a last bell concert.

To make the last bell in elementary school, high school or college truly memorable and original, be sure to add fun numbers to the scenario. For example, funny skits for the last bell about teachers, subjects, or taking the Unified State Exam performed by graduates of grades 9-11 can greatly cheer up not only the guests of the holiday, but also the performers. Also relevant will be humorous numbers on modern topics that concern young people, for example, fashion or social networks. We hope that our ideas and videos will inspire you to stage the funniest and most creative scenes for the last call.

Bolshakova E. N.

Before the curtain, a group of graduates performs a song to the music of A. Rosenbaum “Waltz-Boston”.

More and more often I see a dream,
He worries my soul,
Where in my thoughts I return to school again.
Where am I again - a student,
Where I'm used to with my friends
Start your day early in the morning.
Here I am sitting at my desk,
I am diligently writing notes,
My teacher looks at me with hope.
He believes in us more than anyone else
This means success awaits us,
And we are grateful for this with all our hearts.

Has this childhood really left me?
And the years rushed irrevocably into the distance?
Everything that was so familiar is gone forever,
I'm so sad, so sad, and I feel sorry for something...

There were difficult days
But they passed
And out of habit, I hurried to school.
I was in a hurry to get to class again,
The usual bell rang,
And my teachers came to class.
Often the class froze,
And even the whisper died down,
When we listened to the teacher's story.
Everyone sat with their mouths open,
And, forgetting about everything,
We were carried away together in our thoughts into the distance more than once.

Why did our school suddenly become so quiet,
As if a lesson is still going on here?
I still can’t understand in any way, in any way,
That our last bell has already rung.

The curtain opens. On the stage there is a set table with a samovar, at the table there are a son and a mother (they are played by graduate students).

View on topic:

Scene 1


Ivan. How can you not understand me, mother, there are many of them, but I am alone!
Mother. Son, well, you make up your mind! Do you really dislike all of them?
Ivan. Yes, yes, yes! That's the trouble, everyone is loved! How do you choose who loves you the most?!
Mother. Well, that's easy. When there is a lot, you can choose. Are you either too capricious or too picky?
Ivan. I'm not capricious!
Mother. Fine, fine. Tell me this: maybe you don’t like one of them?
Ivan. If! Each one only dreams that I would link my destiny with her.
Mother. How quick everyone is these days! Well, if that’s the case, I’m not your advisor. Let your heart tell you, and I’ll go, I have more than enough to do! (Leaves.)
Ivan. Stop! Mother! Mother!
Mother. Well, what are you doing?
Ivan (bitterly). How many years have I fought them off, but now... now I have to decide and make a choice!
Mother (cheerfully). Well, do it! The main thing is that the dowry is larger! (Leaves.)
Ivan. What other dowry? What is she talking about? Well, she left. Once again I was left alone with my unresolved problem. Eh, brother, here’s what: I’ll go to the gypsies. There they will tell me fortunes, and maybe even give me advice. Exactly! I'm on my way!

A curtain.

Scene 2

A soundtrack of gypsy songs plays and the curtain opens. Graduates dressed as gypsies and gypsies sit on the stage. Someone tells fortunes using cards, someone reads their hands, someone looks at jewelry, etc. Seeing the person entering, some of them rise to meet him and lead him by the arms to the edge of the stage.

1st gypsy. Look, look! Who came to us!
2nd gypsy. Ivan! Ivan!
3rd gypsy. Hello, master!
4th gypsy. Are you thinking of having some fun, master?
Ivan. Good health to all, gypsies, but I’m not in the mood for fun today!
5th gypsy. Why, master?
6th gypsy. Tea, what trouble happened, our dear friend?
Ivan. I need to determine my destiny. Finally and irrevocably.
7th gypsy (sighing sadly). So you have found it, your destiny...
Ivan. That's it, not yet, but this is an urgent matter. I'm having a hard time choosing, so to speak. That's all hope for you.
8th gypsy. Are you speaking to us? Are you looking for your destiny somewhere else? Will you forget us right away?!
Ivan. I am too educated a person, and accordingly they expect noble actions from me. And I won’t get away from you, I swear!
1st gypsy. OK! Why did you pester the master?! That's not why he came here!
2nd gypsy. Why did you come, master?
Ivan. Eh, tell your fortune, dears!
All. Oooh!
3rd gypsy. But you didn’t believe in our fortune telling before!
Ivan. And now I believe, I believe! I believe in everything!
4th gypsy. It’s not in vain, apparently, that I studied!
5th gypsy. OK then. We'll tell your fortune. Call our beautiful Roxana. Even if she tells fortunes, her words always come true.

An elegant gypsy girl appears, Ivan cannot hide his admiration, he gives her his hand, and together they go to the front of the stage. The curtain closes behind them.

Roxana. What, master, haven’t you changed your mind? Tell your fortune?
Ivan. Tell your fortune, honey!
Roxana. Won't you regret it?
Ivan. No, come what may!
Roxana. Well, master, it's your choice. (Looks at his palm.) I’ll tell you everything! Your whole life is in the palm of your hand! Let's start with the past!

Scene 3

The curtain opens. Roxana and Ivan retreat into the background. A fragment of any song about school plays on the soundtrack, the bell rings and a group of first-graders (10-12 people) with their first teacher (her role is played by one of the graduates) rises onto the stage. She fusses around them, seats them on chairs or places them along the stage. The soundtrack of the School Waltz would be suitable here. Children say short poems, after which they stand in pairs and leave to the same music.

1st. For everyone's first time
Accepted to first grade!
2nd. And the children dreamed
About everything in the world
3rd. I'll be an archaeologist!
4th. Well, I’m a geologist!
5th. I'll be a builder!
6th. And then I was the driver!
7th. I want to be an artist!
8th. I want to teach children!
9th. I'll be a writer!
10th. And I am an entrepreneur!
11th. I will be a businessman!
12th. Well, I’m an athlete!

Quiet, children! Do not make noise!
Hurry up to class.
You will learn everything
While you're at school.

It will be easier for you to decide
What to become after school!

Everyone leaves, Roxana brings Ivan to the front of the stage, the curtain closes behind them.

Roxana. Do you remember? Do you remember? Your first teacher, your first grade, first lesson.
Do you recognize yourself among these children, Ivan?
Ivan (confused). No... Although all this is so familiar. True, now I can’t believe that all this happened to me.
Roxana. Of course, it was so long ago!
Ivan. I think I recognized myself. Continue, tell me more!
Roxana. Let's go to! You will see the continuation!

Scene 4

The curtain opens. Gypsies, gypsies sit on the floor, and several gypsies are brought onto the stage under the arms of the school director and seat him in the chair on the right, and they themselves sit on the floor around him at his feet. All the gypsies sing to the tune of the song “Money, money, money everywhere!”

Fun is not a hindrance for us,
The champagne is flowing like a river!
He came to us, he came to us
Our dear director! (or Alexander Mikhalych, Ivan Petrovich, etc.)

He comes to school early
And sits there until nightfall,
Work isn't enough for him,
And my soul hurts for everyone!

Director (sings or speaks in recitative)
There are children, children, children everywhere,
Our children, gentlemen!
And without school life is bad -
No good!

(gypsies singing)
They say, they say
Well, let them say
All the windows in our school are lit until late.
They talk, they talk, they talk.

The gypsies hand the director flowers and run backstage, the curtain closes behind Ivan.

Ivan. Director, oh, how long have you been here?
Keep your proud patience,
Your sorrowful work will not be wasted,

School was given to you for a reason
For business and for consolation,
She will not let you fall into despondency,
And there can be no doubt about that!

Scene 5

The curtain opens. Smartly dressed graduating girls rush by noisily, they dance and sing to music from the operetta by I. Kalman Silva (It’s impossible to live in the world without women, no...)

It’s impossible to live in the world without school, no.
We lived in it for ten whole years.
But the time has come to say goodbye,
Stop studying already!
School, our greetings to you!

Everyone loves school - it's no secret.
Our warmest greetings to teachers!
It's sad for us to leave,
It's always sad to say goodbye.
We will not forget you, no!

They run away. Ivan and Roxana are on stage again.

Ivan. I'm burning with impatience.
Please, another vision
Reveal before me:
Call everyone who is dear to me!
Roxana. Gypsy camp, come to life!

The curtain opens.

Scene 6

A physics teacher introduces two gypsy girls onto the stage. While they are ascending to the stage, the gypsies remaining on stage perform the same verse as the director and present flowers.

Gypsies. Fun is not a hindrance for us,
The champagne is flowing like a river.
He came to us, he came to us
Physicist, dear to all of us! (or Alexander Petrovich, etc.)

Ivan. It is he! I recognize him! Our friend and teacher, a glorious physicist! We learned so much from him! I am the main heir to his ideas!

All the gypsies line up in pairs one after another, as in the game “Rucheyok”, each last pair passes between two rows, as in “Rucheyok”, and stands first. You can diversify this dance with other figures or elements of Russian dance, while the dancers sing to the tune of the song “It’s better than this flower.”
There is no better color
When the apple tree blooms.
There is no better moment
When the physicist enters the classroom,

He will look at the silent class,
Those who are late will be scolded
Well, then, we know for ourselves,
A blitz survey will be done for us.

He looks us straight in the eyes,
I don’t want to look away,
And for us such a drama -
Talk nonsense without a cheat sheet!
He doesn't blink, doesn't breathe,
Everything looks into my eyes,
And he immediately hears the hint,
The terrible deuce threatens.

We try harder
Ask all questions
In order to last longer
We can avoid the survey.

Of course he understands
But he's not angry with us.
Wishing him long life
Every student, every class.

The physics teacher sings (or recites) the answer to the motive of the romance “I loved you...”.

I loved you, love still perhaps
It has not completely faded away in my soul.
Don't let physics bother you anymore
I don't want to make you sad in any way

I taught you, although often hopelessly,
And he gave two marks to make you understand,
But I loved you sincerely and tenderly
And I will remember and love you forever!

The curtain closes. A scene dedicated to mathematics is played out in front of a closed curtain. It involves two girls (or a boy and a girl), not necessarily from the graduating class; they sing to the tune of the song “Oh, madam, tell me, why?..” from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle,” portraying a mathematics teacher and a student.

1st. Ah, madam, tell me why
Are there two points for me here again?
2nd. I'll tell you without hiding:
It’s not in vain that I give two marks.
And of course, this is not my fault.
1st. Ah, madam, you really hurried
Give me a couple for the test!
2nd. Are you joking?
But I must object to you -
You need to learn formulas, my dear.
1st. Ah, madam, but this task
It is beyond the power of an academic to decide.
2nd. It's just a disgrace and shame!
How will you live?
No, you failed to convince me!
The curtain opens.

Scene 7

A math teacher sits in a chair, around her several gypsy girls sing to the tune of the song “It will happen again...”.

Students. Load more and more of us
For some reason they became
We are not afraid now
Even an institute.
The teacher asks us
Difficult tasks
My poor dad, and he
Cries over a task.

Chorus: (all in chorus together with the teacher)
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
Or there will be more, oh-oh-oh.

She is preparing for university
She worked with us.
Kovalevskaya herself
I would be at a loss here
And the computer would die
From her program, -
The best would be bad
The most modern!

The gypsies give the teacher flowers. The curtain closes.

Ivan. (in front of the closed curtain, addressing Roxana) Visions of my happy days
Now the soul is worried more and more.
I remember we had a vocabulary book,
He taught the lessons like a magician!

A literature teacher is sitting in a chair, and gypsies are sitting and standing in the background. One of the graduates reads a dedication to him.

The curtain opens.

Scene 8

I am writing to you.
What more?
What more can I say?
For everything that was in your will
Punish me with an assessment.
But you, to my unfortunate fate
Keeping at least a drop of pity,
You will feel sorry for me!
Yes. I was writing an essay
Even though it wasn't easy.
And you need hellish patience,
To read it to the end,
To correct the mistakes
And in order to understand at least something,
To put commas all around
And don’t cry from melancholy.

Why did you visit us,
Breaking the silence of solitude.
I would never have known you
And I wouldn’t write essays!

Literature teacher.
I foresee everything: it will upset you
My short message
And it will probably surprise you
A little belated confession...
Having once met your glorious class,
Not noticing diligence in him,
I didn't dare to shame you
And I didn’t give in to indignation,
And he gave you complete freedom.
And yet I dared to hope,
What do you think of yourself:
You will understand the literature,
One day I read everything at once.
How wrong I was! How punished!

However, there is an exam ahead,
And the hour is not far away
When I listen to you
And everything between us will become clear.

But know this: I loved
All of you, and I’m sorry to leave,
Although he was probably too strict,
Even though I had to swear.

I really don’t intend to hide,
But so that my life may last,
I have to be sure in the morning
That I will see you this afternoon!

Graduates give flowers to the literature teacher. The curtain closes. Ivan comes to the forefront with Roxana and addresses her and the audience.

Ivan. Among other teachers
Our historian was dearer to me,
Although we often argued with him.
Roxana. Well, Vanyusha, let's see.

The curtain opens.

Scene 9

The gypsies are on stage again, two of them are leading the history teacher onto the stage. The choir sings the greeting “He has come to us, he has come to us, our dear historian!”, the girls hand him flowers and seat him in a chair. One of the graduates sings to the tune of a romance from the movie “Dowry”, others walk around the stage in pairs or sit near a chair on the floor.

It's his fault that it's me again
I sit in front of the screen until nightfall,
My whole family fell asleep
And I have to get up early tomorrow,

But he said that we always
Must be aware of all events
And here I sit all alone,
I look to see where the congress was and where the rally was.

Don't tell me about him!
Don't tell me about him!

It's his fault that I'm sad
That I'm pale and lonely.
Spring doesn't make me happy
I'm just waiting for his lesson.

To the cinema, girlfriend, don’t invite me,
After all, I watch political duels.
Only out of great love for him
I really can't stand it all.

And I just think about him
Day and night about the same thing!

All the gypsies extend their hands to the history teacher. The history teacher's answer is performed to the tune of the song "Russian Field". If there is no vocal ability, the answer can simply be recited.

At school, I'm at school again,
Whether it rains or snow falls,
But I don’t complain, I have my share
You won’t get bored, you won’t get bored forever.

Can't compare with anything
The teacher's destiny
I love you, guys,
I can't be happy without you!
Although there is always a lot to do,
And even though I have turned grey,
But the calling is sacred
And I don’t feel sorry for these years.

Is it worth saying goodbye?
Will we forget each other? No!
We will meet, we will communicate,
Let's be friends for another hundred years!

The curtain closes. Ivan and Roxana go to the front of the stage before the curtain.

Ivan. I remember studying languages ​​at that school.
He embarrassed all the girls with foreign speeches.
With sadness, however, they listened to the teacher’s speech:
They wanted something more from me!
Roxana. Yes, it’s clear you endured a lot of torment at school.
Let's go back, Vanya, to the past. Look, my friend.

The curtain opens.

Scene 10

All participants (or some group), dressed in modern clothes, line up diagonally so that they are clearly visible from the auditorium. One girl (or boy) walks with a pointer in front of the performers, pretending to be a foreign language teacher. The group on stage sings to the melody of D. Tukhmanov’s song “On the French Side.” The speakers can be divided into two groups; teachers and students.

All. On the Russian side
In a great city
Teachers teach us
Different languages.
How tired am I -
Can't say it in words!
All the teachers are crying
Bitter tears.
Teacher (or teachers).
The youth went wrong:
They don't read books
Only from noon until morning
The videos are racing!
We don't know what to do
After all, we have a program
We want to teach them
But they are stubborn!
The stock of words is still poor,
They don't want to study.
How can they live without a tongue?
To go abroad?
All. (kneeling on one knee, arms extended towards the teacher or teachers)
Everyone is ready to take an oath:
If necessary,
We are any of the languages
Let's study everything together.
We say thank you
We are for your torment,
And we all grieve with our souls
In this hour of separation!

The curtain closes and immediately opens.

Scene 11

Two gypsies bring a geography teacher onto the stage. The gypsy choir sings a greeting.

Fun is not a hindrance for us,
And champagne flows.
He came to us, he came to us
Our dear geographer!

The gypsies seat the teacher in a chair and hand her flowers.
Ivan. (addressing the teacher)
You came to us and captivated us all.
School life has become more fun.
We fell in love with geography
Well, you are a million times stronger!

We know thousands of different names
Countries of seas, mountains, villages and rivers.
You gave us so much knowledge at school,
Believe me, they will last for a century!

Gypsies Fun is not a hindrance for us,
And champagne flows like a river,
He came to us, he came to us
Dear athlete!

The curtain closes and opens almost immediately. Two gypsies bring a physical education teacher onto the stage. The gypsy choir sings a greeting.

He told me:
If you jump
Further and higher -
You will become a star!
Sport is joy
Sport is happiness
Owe yours
He will become destiny!
To a foolish heart
That's what he said,
Poor heart
That's what he said,
But he didn't love
No, he didn't love
Oh, he didn't love me.

He told me:
No physical education
There will be no life
There will be no happiness
You won't even have a slim figure
No physical education
No physical education.

To a foolish heart
That's what he said,
Poor heart
That's what he said,
And he convinced
And he taught
And he loved me!

The curtain closes. Ivan and Roxana go to the front of the stage in front of the curtain. At this time, all participants must quickly change clothes: some into gypsy clothes, some into modern ones.

Ivan. Oh, we also had a teacher,
The leader of all class affairs,
He taught us chemistry
He inspired us to be on duty,
In a word, he didn’t let us get bored.
Roxana. You are a big fan of remembering:
Take a look, Vanya, at this room:
Perhaps this is your teacher
Called to you from the past?
The curtain opens.

Scene 12

Two gypsies bring the chemistry teacher onto the stage, seat him in a chair, and hand him flowers. The gypsy choir sings a greeting.

Gypsies. Fun is not a hindrance for us,
Ah, champagne - like a river,
He came to us, he came to us
Chemistry teacher (or Andrey Palych, etc.) dear!

Girls in modern dresses with umbrellas of all colors are dancing and singing to the tune of the song “And the butterflies with their wings - yap-byak-byak...” from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle.”

It's good when you have your own class,
When he is not there, it is sad.
It's an honor for any teacher
So that his class is perfect.
Andrey Palych is always here with the bell,
No matter how trivial it may be...

He knows that girls are blah-blah-bang-bang,
If anything - from the classic jump-jump-jump-jump,
He's their little darling - tsap-tsap-tsap-tsap
And back to the office - sniff-sniff-sniff-sniff.

My birds, he will tell us lovingly,
My stars, berries, fish!
I'm sorry, I'll just not be me!
And I won’t forgive myself for that mistake,
To treat studying as a joke
And succumb to your smiles.

A chemistry teacher performs a response to the tune of the song “Don’t Cry, You Hurt Your Heart...” from the movie “Straw Hat.”

It's time, it's time, it's time to say goodbye, what kind of torment?!
Oh, how will I live without you?
Are we really, really, really destined to be separated?
Will I be able to forget my class?

Don't cry, it hurts your heart,
Brush the tears from your eyes:
I tell you, goodbye
But farewell is not for us!

Katyusha, Elena, Svetlana, Natalya, Irina,
Olyusha, Tatyana, Tamara, Polina, Marina,
Nadezhda, Renata, Christina, Alina, Lyudmila...
There is no heart in the world that would forget you.

Alas, alas, these golden days have passed away,
And you will rush off in all directions.
But everything, but all memories are dear
They will always stay with me!

The curtain closes. Before the curtain Ivan and Roxana.

Ivan. Thank you, thank you, Roxana! I saw all those who taught me these years. Oh, how sad my heart became!

Ivan sings a song based on the song “Coachman, don’t drive the horses,” and Roxana sits in the corner and listens.

How often in previous years
I was sitting at my school desk -
Tell me how and when
Did I manage to finish school?!

Am I really free now?
Is all the torment over?
But it’s sad, oh friend, believe me!
Where should I go now?!

Coachman, don't drive the horses.
I have nowhere else to rush.
I have nothing more to teach
Coachman, don't drive the horses!

Sometimes I didn’t sleep at night:
Crammed, and read, and wrote,
Problems, examples solved
And I felt meaning in life.

Now I'm so alone...
I cast lots to fate.
And the path before me is long -
He scares me, but he attracts me!

Roxana. You are seriously sad, Ivan, but this was your past. Now you will begin a new life. Tell me, what is she like, your beloved? Did you see her?
Ivan. Whom?
Roxana. Your beloved.
Ivan. What? What other lover?
Roxana. The one you wanted to marry.
Ivan. I? Marry? This is too much!
Roxana. Well, you said it yourself: I can’t make up my mind, I don’t know who to choose...
Ivan. Not on whom, but on which one.
Roxana. You see now.
Ivan. So I was talking about sciences.
Roxana. About science?!
Ivan. Exhausted! I can't give preference to any one. I love them all, taught them all, and grades on all
the same! I don’t know who I should become, what I should decide on.
Roxana. Is it true?
Ivan. Is it true.
Roxana. And it's all? So you haven't thought about getting married?
Ivan. Well of course not!
Roxana. Well then everything is simpler. I can give you advice so that all sciences will be useful.
Ivan. Well?! Don't languish!
Roxana. Programmer!
Ivan. Hooray! Indeed, as you read the newspapers, programmers are needed everywhere. And the earnings are decent.

Ivan and Roxana leave. The curtain opens.

Scene 13

Most of the participants sit on the edge of the stage, the rest depict the pre-exam bustle: leafing through notes, reading each other’s notes, etc. The choir sings to the tune of the song “I’ll Only Be a General.”

The year is over, and again
Tests are required to be taken,
They are ordered to take exams.
And, on the go, opening the notes,
You go and give the answer,
And very often inappropriately.
And the answers are out of place
They tell me to go to the director,
And there it is necessary to explain,
What did you study and how?
And why such a trifle
I couldn't explain it intelligently.

It's very nice to be a scientist
It's very nice to be a scientist
I can’t name a better job for you guys.
Of course, I will be a scientist,
Of course, I will become a scientist,
If I survive school, if I survive school.

And he will start from afar,
What, they say, Russia is great
And every work in it is honorable.
Then he will look down on you
And he will hint that he is a fool
They won't even admit you to college.

Director, dear, wait,
Spare me, poor fellow,
Hand me the certificate sheet.
I promise to be better
And one day we'll make up for it all,
After all, this is a programmer!

How good it is to be a programmer
How good it is to be a programmer.
I probably can’t name you a better job.
I'll definitely be a programmer
I will only become a programmer
If there are exams, I will survive these exams!

The curtain closes and opens again.

Scene 14

All the graduates line up on the stage. For them, teachers (women) sing to the melody of the romance “White Acacia Fragrant Clusters” from the movie “Days of the Turbins.”

The time for farewell is approaching.
How many years and winters have passed?
The school education process is over,
Childhood today will melt away like smoke.

The girls have become so beautiful:
It is impossible to take your eyes off them.
If only you were always happy,
Great paths are open to you in life.

The boys are all adults, no doubt
You have matured and are unrecognizable.
Lord, give these children luck,
So that they don’t know adversity and grief!

Our dear, good, glorious!
We are parting, but we will remember more than once:
How funny you were as kids,
And now you are leaving us!

After the teacher’s speech, all graduates sing to the tune of the Bravo ensemble’s song “What a pity that you are not with me today...”.

How quickly it came
Last day of school for us.
Alas, it's already broken
Sad parting tea.

What a pity that we are in class
we won't come again
Not for a single lesson
But maybe we'll freeze for a moment, please wait...

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Skits for the last bell, grade 9, 3.2 out of 5 based on 5 ratings

Scenario of the last bell in 11th grade “The last bell rings for us”

The scenario is intended for the last bell of 11th grade students. This scenario can be used for one graduating class immediately after the ceremonial assembly for all eleventh graders. It is necessary to decorate the classroom with balloons in advance and prepare a sweet table for parents, teachers and graduates.

Scenario “Last Call – a guide to adulthood!”

The script is designed for 11th grade students. In the life of every schoolchild, the last bell plays a huge role. It is he who becomes the guide to a meaningful adult life - life without school. Therefore, it is important to conduct the “Last Call” in such a way that the memory of it will last a lifetime. Not only students, but also their parents and teachers are invited to the holiday.

Last bell script for graduating class students “Goodbye, school!”

Scenario for the last bell line for eleventh grade graduation. The celebration is held in the school yard. The holiday is held by the teacher-organizer. Graduates are dressed in elegant school uniforms.

Scenario for the last bell holiday for 1st and 11th grades

An exciting, unforgettable moment in the life of each of us is graduation. The end of a carefree childhood, ahead lies an independent, adult life with its joys, worries, anxieties.

Scenario for children “Last Call”

The scenario is intended for holding a ceremonial assembly at school. It is very important that the last call is memorable for graduates. The event should be interesting and at the same time not drawn out.

Last call script "Time Machine"

School slides from different years are shown. Next, the presenters announce that the school has invented a time machine, and show it in action. The stage shows fragments of a school lesson from different times: primitive people, the Middle Ages and the school of the future. At the end, graduates sing a song and give flowers to teachers.

Scenario “The Last Essay...”

The script is designed for the last call. As their last words, the children turn to their teachers and read out their latest essays in the form of farewell letters. It is advisable to format each appeal accordingly (decorate with drawings of a bell, school notebooks, write the text in calligraphic handwriting) and present it to your teachers.

Scenario "Goodbye school!"

Scenario for the ceremonial assembly. Each school has its own traditions, you can succinctly include them in a new scenario, thereby introducing innovations and maintaining the usual action.

Last bell script for 9th grade “Oscar Presentation”

A humorous script based on the annual Oscar award in the film industry. Everything should resemble this significant event. Students play the role of film actors who are awarded an Oscar, and their speech of gratitude should be addressed to the teachers who helped them achieve certain heights in their studies.

An unusual modern scenario for the last bell in 11th grade “Farewell to childhood. Raise the sails!

A very touching, interesting modern scenario of the last bell for 11th grade graduates. The last bell is not an easy school holiday, it is a new chapter in life, a new exciting stage from which everything is just beginning. The script will give positive emotions to everyone present and will allow you to plunge into the world of nostalgia about childhood and school days.

Scenario of the last lesson for grade 11 “What we were, what we will become”

After the last bell, each graduating class has the opportunity to say goodbye to their beloved class, to their class teacher at the last class hour. This is more than a lesson, it is a kind of journey that allows you to remember all the wonderful things that happened in school life. We present to your attention a variant of the script for the last class hour.

The last call is a joyful and sad holiday, the holding of which requires a special scenario that would emphasize the full significance of this important day. Here you will find many interesting scenario options that can leave the warmest memories of school in the hearts of schoolchildren. School years are wonderful - the best years in the world!


Good afternoon, dear guests! The historic day for the school has arrived again - May 25th. And how good it is that such a holiday happens in the spring, blooming, joyful, always new.

For our graduates, this spring is a confident and promising start.

And another page was filled in the school chronicle.


Today the school bell will ring,

Which will not be quite ordinary.

The thread of that habitual series will be interrupted,

When lesson changed to lesson.


The graduating class is noisy, worried,

The school ship raised its sails.

And now other paths await him.


Let's salute the brave

Past storms of turbulent school years.

Marching into life along the path of victories, -

Graduates are solemn and important!

Fanfares are playing.

Presenter: For 11 years, graduates, as a sign of respect, standing
We met teachers entering the classroom. Let us stand today and meet those who are leaving school for the big world.

Let's welcome the graduates of 2016 at the Last Bell celebration.

- 11th grade and class teacher Olga Grigorievna;

(Music. Graduates solemnly walk in front of the line of guests and take a place on the stage)


The ceremonial event dedicated to the “Last Bell” holiday is considered open

(Russian anthem plays)


Once upon a time, about eleven years ago,

When the trees were golden

For you there was a holiday of the First Bell -

You entered the classroom for the first time to his trill.


Today you are a little worried,

And the old school hall is full of friends,

The day of the Last Call has come to you

Today YOU say goodbye to school!


Dear graduates!

Today a special bell will ring for you, it will not be like the bells you have heard before.


This call for you is the boundary between childhood and adulthood. And now you will hear parting words on behalf of those who are accompanying you into adulthood.


School is a small state

And every school has its own laws.

In order not to go astray from the right path,

To set the movement vector –

The school has a fair and strict principal

Presenter: to announce the order for admission to state certification is provided to the school director


(speech by the school principal) (graduate presents flowers)


We have a lot of guests today -

Alumni, colleagues, friends,

We came to touch the school threshold


But we have a special guest -

He didn't go to first grade here,

But we are not indifferent to him,

And he congratulates us personally.


__________________________________________ came to congratulate you today(graduate presents flowers)


You have rigor with kindness

Intertwined so subtly.

It was probably given to you from above,

Restless to hear the fight

Children's hearts are sonorous.

Today at our holiday it is very pleasant to see the guardian of discipline, the legislator of the schedule, and just a charming person - our head teachers, Natalya Viktorovna and Ruzina Rizovna, Tatyana Kuzminichna

The head teacher reads out the order on the rules for conducting exams and the number of students admitted to the final certification. He speaks parting words.

(Graduate presents flowers)

The song plays _________________________________

(graduates take their seats)

Host: Let the bad weather pass by
And the world will become brighter for you
Please accept my wishes for happiness
From your little friends

(Music. First graders enter)

1st: These walls remember all their students
The trill of cheerful bells before recess.
Wall chronicles are kept under layers of paint
Here are the guys' names, signatures, tips

2nd: Every wall tells us about our childhood at school
If you look closely, your names are there too.

3rd: You, of course, haven’t forgotten how you did the first time
Together with their mothers they entered their now beloved class.

4th: You didn’t understand anything in that very first year
And textbooks were often flipped backwards.

5th: It’s no coincidence that everyone calls school “a good home”
Now we’ll tell you a secret - wizards live here!

6th: They teach here with warmth and affection, at the behest of the soul
Very soon, as if in a fairy tale, the kids became wiser.

7th: Even mothers did not recognize their children at this hour
This is what they have become - just look at them!

8th: Are these your Ksyusha, Natasha, Olya, Dasha
On this day, to the joy of everyone, have you become adults at all?

9th: For many years you came to the school door
It was quite difficult for your teachers.

10th: Bon voyage! Step forward - the path to happiness awaits you
Just don’t forget the house that is called the school.

All: “We will remember you”!

(Music sounds. First-graders give toys to graduates and the 11th grade class teacher.)
Creative number 11th grade

There is a table and three chairs on the stage. On the table there are Cola, Pepsi and chocolate drinks. Three girls, dressed in modern clothes, sit at the table facing the audience.


We will tell you a fairy tale,

Let it fly through valleys and fields,

We will tell a story from Pushkin,

Only new motives in it.

Three maidens by the window

We talked in the evening.

The first girl speaks.

The first girl.

If only I were a queen

I would like to screw Max

Marry him to yourself.

The house is huge, with a mezzanine,

Near the house there are poplars,

There are carpets and a piano,

How much crystal is there in a pile!

Polish furniture in the kitchen,

Things are super duper,

YES! Your wallet is swelling with money,

The six hundredth Mercedes!


The average girl speaks.

Average girl.

If only I were a queen

I would at any time of the year

I was only involved in fashion

Due to his slim figure

I would have three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi - which is cooler,

And the only perfume is Guchi!


Tell us, girl,

Do you have finance for your dreams?

Average girl.

I'm alone with my mom,

I'm the only one with daddy.

They themselves are very happy

Buy me all the outfits!


The third girl speaks.

Third girl.

One day in class, out of boredom,

I noticed the teacher at the blackboard,

I listened and suddenly began to understand

And it makes sense to write something in a notebook.

At home I decided to open the textbook,

To teach a topic for credit,

And somehow strangely, I became interested,

And getting a C was not enough.

So, I'm tired of just walking,

Dancing to acid at discos.

I don't want to depend on mom and dad

I decided to study well

Open your own business and become a craftswoman.

And let the suitors dry out and wait,

Until I finish my institute.


That's the end of the fairy tale,

It's up to you to decide who is great!!!

Host: And now a little history. The creative activity of the heroes of today's celebration began in 2005 with the comprehension of the basics of reading, counting, and spelling. By the end of the year, the basics were understood, as evidenced by the handwritten inscription on the primer by one of the then first-graders: “To find the minuend, you need to add the subject to the predicate!”

Presenter: Excavations revealed a large amount of used chewing gum, most of it under the covers of student tables. A lot of boots were found - walkers who ran away from their owners and a lot of invisible hats that were never found by their parents. Later, unidentified flying objects began to appear: balls, bricks, etc. The young geniuses successfully passed on their skills and abilities to the next generations of schoolchildren.


Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He put you in first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Graduates take the stage (1 representative per class):

On days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -

God knows in what year, in what region -

We will not forget with a kind word

Your first teacher!

Thank you for your word, for your science,

For the hard work of mastered basics,

For that call that foreshadowed separation,

For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!..

Flowers are presented to the first teachers.


You will remember all the teachers,

But there is one, and everyone agrees with this,

Which is still more expensive and sweeter,

For you, your dear teacher is cool


To you, our spiritual inspirer,

He taught us how to live.

To you, our coolest teacher,

Ready to dedicate an ode.

You generously shared with us

With your warmth.

You and I argued, got angry,

They tried to run home.

But wisely you took control

All the power over our class suddenly.

And hardly anyone will say against it -

You are a loyal and reliable friend.

They defended themselves in front of their superiors,

For pranks they scolded me a little,

We taught you to value friendship?!

You are the coolest, the coolest,

Remain our mother forever!


The floor is given to the class teacher of the graduates:

Music sounds ___________________________________________________


Well, how can we not remember today those

Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter

Who collected for school every day

And sometimes he burned with shame for us...

Parents! We are nowhere without you!

Any trouble with you is not a problem!

And joy - so full of fun!

After all, you still have a long time to study with us at the university... (all together)


The floor is given to parents of graduates.

Parents: parting words

Today is graduation, which means

The door to the adult world has opened for you,

And on this day we laugh and cry -

You have become quite big now!

We all remember how kids

You came to school 11 years ago,

How, when you first entrusted your backpack to your mother,

They carried the bouquet solemnly in their hands!

You have changed a lot since then,

Such adults - we can’t take our eyes off them!

How much have you learned at school?

Here the start was given for a glorious path.

And you will build your life yourself,

From your perseverance and work

Everything depends, but remember, we are with you,

Your parents will always support you!

And know that we respect your choice,

Let everyone find their own path,

Congratulations to everyone on graduating from school,

Good luck, and may you all have good luck!

The song sounds _________________________________________________

Congratulations to parents and students.


Not in words, but according to the old tradition,

Which matches tomorrow's life,

You just have to be born a teacher,

And only after that become!
Presenter: Our dear teachers, you are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, you led us through the years of childhood and youth.

They invested a piece of their heart and their love into everyone, made sure that our knowledge and skills grew year after year, and helped us find our place in life. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you invested in us.


Our dear mentors,

Our dear teachers!

You are not magicians, your work is hard,

But without you the earth would be poor!

How much we owe you:

You can’t even count everything.

We are connected by invisible threads,

It's true, it's not flattery.

Teachers, we ask you to rest a little,

Are you tired of standing at the blackboard for so many years?

Every year graduates are led away from you by the road,

Wasn't it because of those separations that your temples turned white?

We know that sometimes it wasn’t easy for you to be with us,

But now we are almost adults.

We will take with us into this adult life

The warmth and love of your bright soul.

You taught us life in every lesson.

We were sometimes scolded and sometimes praised...

Oh, how stupid we were!

And how much we have understood just now!

Dear teachers!

I want to wish you happiness,

Health, smiles, kindness,

May you be more beautiful tomorrow

Than a week ago, than yesterday.

So that the warmth in the soul does not fade away,

To keep your heart beating and beating.

And such great happiness,

So as not to hug him with your hands!

For the eternal multiplication table,

Because the Earth was given to us,

But we are all your continuation,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

You loved us all equally,

Sharing your love equally with everyone,

Because you molded us into people,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

And there was no one kinder or stricter than you,

When we discovered the world from scratch,

Because we are a little like you,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

Now fate will teach us lessons,

School lessons are over.

Let's leave it to the best teachers in the world

Pieces of noble hearts!

Thank you we say today

And to my dear parents

For their kindness and care

For angelic work and patience

For help in everything and always

Today is your excitement

We share completely.

The song plays ______________________________________________


Hello, creative number 11th grade.

Sketch (on the stage there are desks at which the students are sitting, the teacher enters with a magazine)

Teacher enters: Hello, guys! Thank you for coming…

- Why are there so few of you today? (Opens the magazine, begins roll call).

- ______________?.. Here... ____________?.. - Still sleeping. He came yesterday!

— ______________________..

- What are you talking about, ___________________! Only the second lesson! He comes to the third!

- Ah! Yes Yes…

— __________________?..

— _________ on Tuesdays, he studies at the institute, in the commercial one, in his third year...

- ____________?.. Zarinochka! Are you here?

— I’m leaving after this lesson. We are flying to Cyprus today.

- Good good…

— ____________________?

— He can’t come, his car has broken down.

- But he lives in the next house?

- He’s stressed... He’s worried...

— __________________?..

— _____________ has an exemption from exams. Why does he need to go to school?

— _____________________?..

— _____________’s leg hurt, but __________________________________ let’s go

take him to the doctor...

- Well, it turns out that everyone has good reasons.

Let's write down the topic of the lesson...

(The bell rings and students run out of the classroom.)

Teacher to the hall:

- I didn’t have enough time today...


The bell rings for the last time.

A call of hope and a call of farewell.

And the moments of parting are approaching.

And ahead - confusion of roads.


And the sun shines in the sky as before,

But childhood has its time in life.

And then the bell rings for the last time,

A call of farewell and a call of hope.

Graduates come on stage and sing a song.

- The long-awaited moment has come.
- Friends, there will be no more lessons!
- There is no need to prepare for them...
- Freedom!
— We’ll pass the Unified State Exam soon...
- We must pass!
- And we’ll leave the school threshold...
- Let's become adults!
- But for some reason it’s sad...
- Why be sad? Let's give the last call!
- Yes, you can give a call. So the first grader is ready...
A first-grader with a bell walks onto the stage.
— The right to give the last bell together with the first-grader is granted to ……………………..
The graduate takes the stage.
- Well, shall we call?
“And I suggest that others call too.” So that we understand that this is the last call.
- And who do you suggest?
He takes the bell from the first-grader and goes to the class teacher.
- Svetlana Petrovna, give us the last call.
Cl. hands gives a call.
- Thank you. And now a first grader!
- Wait. It needs to be secured. (To the director) Call, Olga Nikolaevna, please, for us!
The director gives a call.
- Thank you.
- Dear teachers! Our dear parents! Graduates!
- Official! Traditional! Last call….
All graduates stand up. A first-grader and a graduate ring the bell, having walked through the entire hall, they stand in the center of the stage (the graduates ring their small bells from their seats)
The last bell has rung...
The first-grader runs into the hall again, rings the bell again and runs away.
- What was it?
— It was a control call! Graduates, take the stage!
The graduates perform a SONG, several couples spin in a waltz, then the waltz turns into a flash mob: they start (waltz), then the rest join in using modern motifs.
A first-grader enters the hall: And now the last bell, which will take you into a new adult life. (The general bell rings, accompanied by the class teacher, students go out into the school yard)

We bring to your attention a detailed and detailed script for the “Last Call” holiday - a very touching, slightly sad and emotional holiday.

This is a methodological development for teachers and organizers of the Last Bell at School holiday. We wish you success!

Excited and slightly saddened eleventh graders enter the festive assembly in pairs and hear the following words:

Our holidays and everyday life,

Our school years

Let's not forget, let's not forget,

We will never forget.

Didn't sit in class,

Everyone was not happy with knowledge,

Sometimes we wanted to run

Past the school to the kindergarten.

We are on the way to this school

We will find you in ice and hail,

For greetings, for advice

We'll definitely come.

You will come to our aid

In years to come, maybe

Try to remember us

Promise not to forget.

Student. Comrade director, the eleventh graders are lined up for the last bell. May I take your seats? Director. I allow you to take a seat. Student. Maestro, music!

Classical music is playing. Eleventh graders take their seats.

1st presenter. To you, who taught us to distinguish bad from good, truth from untruth!

2nd presenter. You, who helped, advised, insisted, convinced all these years!

1st presenter. To you, the most kind and strict, patient and caring!

2nd presenter. To you, our loved ones, relatives and loved ones!

1st presenter. We dedicate this holiday to you, our dear teachers!

From year to year, for decades now,

Any village, town

Cheerful and a little sad laughter

Gifts the school years with a bell.

2nd presenter.

In a piercing but gentle chime

I hear childhood... Where are you, wait?

It's leaving... No, it's here, at school,

And we are in a hurry to leave with you.

1st presenter. Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to this holiday. Today the last bell in their school life will ring for graduates throughout Russia.

The exams will end, and childhood will end with them. And ahead... There is a whole life ahead, long, complex and interesting. In the meantime... In the meantime, we have a holiday - a holiday of the last call!

The anthem sounds.

Staging. Performed by high school students or teachers.

Deputy Director. Dear Colleagues! You know what a difficult year we have had. There was absolutely no time to take care of children. We had inspections, licensing, commissions. In a word, the children were completely abandoned. But you will all agree with me that we cannot deprive them of the holiday. And today he invites me to his place... to find out how we can help children during exams.

Classroom teacher. Don't worry! Our close-knit team will not let you down! I gave the task a long time ago to prepare gifts for graduates. I think that everyone approached this matter with great responsibility.

Chemistry teacher. I prepared a flask with water from the school source of knowledge!

Head teacher She's a little too muddy for some reason!

Chemistry teacher. Well, you know, like knowledge, like water!

Biology teacher. I prepared a jar of pepper and a jar of mustard so that the Unified State Exam would not seem cloyingly sweet to the guys. After all, they can’t eat a lot of sweets! They should think about healthy eating.

Head teacher I think that the children will be very grateful to you for your gift, especially during the Unified State Exam.

Physics teacher. I have here “Dirol” with xylitol, they all gnawed at the granite of science, so let them restore their teeth.

Head teacher Most likely, after your lessons they will need dental help.

Classroom teacher. I prepared a lot of handkerchiefs for the children to wipe away their tears for their lost childhood. Oh! I think that this gift will be especially useful to you and me. The one who will undoubtedly cry until they pass all the exams is us.

Teacher of Russian language and literature. And ________ and I prepared many volumes of our classics for the children, so that it would be easier for them to write essays for the exam.

Head teacher I beg you to make sure that they don’t get confused about who wrote what works. Otherwise they will look for poems about the old woman Izergil from Vladimir Mayakovsky. Well, now that the gifts are ready, you can go to the last bell celebration.

The teachers disperse to the music (fanfare).

1st presenter. The floor is given to the school director (introduction of guests).


Farewell, beloved classes,

Goodbye dear corridor,

Robbers and Loafers

They are entering a new space.

And the heart groans and cries,

And tear splashes fly,

But the strict director looms at the entrance

And he won’t let us go back.

If the exam doesn't drown us,

We'll swim out foaming at the mouth,

But our office is already occupied,

And the desk is already occupied.

We pass the exams with confidence,

Don't mind laying down your heads

But know, director, that it’s a dirty matter

Today you have an idea.

Unsteady, trembling gait

We are going towards the winds.

The cheat sheet will be a godsend for us,

She will be our salvation.

And the heart groans and cries,

And tear splashes fly,

But the strict director promises us good luck

And he won’t let us go back.

Presentation of flowers to the director.

1st presenter. The floor for reading the order is given to the deputy director for educational work.

The order for admission to the state (final) certification is read out.

The melody of the song “Fair” sounds.

Performance by first-graders at the Last Bell celebration

First graders take turns reading poetry or singing.

1. Fair! Fair!

Get ready, kids, it's time for us to go to the fair!

2. Hey! All! School kids!

It's time to congratulate the graduates!

3. Hurry up! Hurry up! School people!

At the last call something unusual awaits you!

School miracles of miracles, hurry up,

Time is running out!

4. The hall is full of school supplies! Piping hot!

5. A's are on sale! Buy fives!

Come, swoop in, buy it for exams!

(surnames) Don't doubt it, no!

They have straight A [ten] years!

6. At our fair they stand

Athletes statues,

They won everything a long time ago

Universal recognition...

(last names of athletes).

7. Attention! Attention!

New goods have arrived in the trading ranks!

Round dances, songs, dances

From a funny school fairy tale...

Everyone who loves loud laughter is invited.

8. And now for new fun!

Kudos to the school artists at the fair! ...

Go ahead, don't be stingy, buy paintings.

9. Talents gathered in this hall:

Both singers and musicians!

When you walk through our bazaar,

Buy different products!

10. Honest people are sitting here,

Known to the whole school.

People are surprised:

The school year is over for them!

11. There is talk all over ____about them,

We wish you A's in your exams,

To make tickets easy!

May all your dreams come true this summer!

So that the competition is one on one

And everyone is master of his own destiny!

12. This is where our fun ends!

Glory to 11th grade students!

The hosts take turns congratulating the guests.

1. In what year - calculate

In what land - guess

On the same bright morning

The students came together.

All the young people came together,

Pretty and clean,

A large, respectable number,

From the surrounding villages.

2. They agreed and argued:

How will they fare at school?

It will be free, fun

Is it tight ahead?

After all, ten years is no joke!

(Such and such a period was measured.)

And to the foolish children

You can go crazy.

3. Valek said: “We’ll be patient.”

Dimock said: “Let’s push.”

And Stas the Young looked down

And he said, looking at the ground:

“Yes, we will endure, we will not be the first...

Don't be afraid, guys."

4. They would have gone somewhere without knowing!

If it weren't for these women...

(names of teachers)

They said: “Hey, venerables,

It’s time for you to go to school!”

They said, they smiled,

Grabbing the kids by the hands,

And they brought me to school.

2nd presenter. Today our first teachers____ are present at the last bell celebration. They taught us how to make sticks and hooks, put words together from letters, and count to one hundred and back. They also taught us to be friends and work, to love our parents and our Motherland. Look what your yesterday's first-graders have become! Expensive! Thank you for your work!

All graduates stand up and teachers are presented with flowers.

1st presenter. And measured school life began. Anything could happen: ups and downs, delight and disappointment. Fives, twos, fives again. There were, of course, other marks, but they were all rather inconspicuous! But these ones will be remembered forever!

2nd presenter. The student’s diary, found in the last desk of room 3-4, will remind us of his school years. Perhaps you recognize yourself in the author of this highly artistic work.

Student (reads a diary). Today my mother sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. I bought Coca-Cola with all my money, because it is much tastier and healthier than bread and eggs combined. Got a belt. The belt is tasteless, although my mother says it is very useful!

The mathematician is becoming more impudent by leaps and bounds. Today she said that I don’t know mathematics at all, and wrote some number in my diary!

Today there should be a city test in the Russian language. There were seven calls that the school was mined. I know five of them, but who is the other one?

Today in labor class we learned how to make hand-rolled cigarettes.

They smoked in the toilet. Out of habit, I coughed and accidentally missed literature and botany classes.

We went to fight in a parallel class. We made them! They beat us!

The teachers' strike began. As a class, we wrote a letter to the government that first we need to pay off the miners and pensioners.

I thought about the army. I don't feel like going there. They will also kill... Maybe have two children? No, then the parents will kill you. And who invented this army? I would kill him!

My mother teaches me chemistry, my father teaches me behavior. It is true what they say that women make better teachers than men.

Yesterday I finally got an A in physics. After class, I sat down and calculated my average score - it still turned out to be 1.88 for the quarter. Need to do something. Arguments like “physics is nonsense” no longer convince my father.

Students(one at a time).

1. The years are flying by, in a hurry,

The kids have grown up.

Lo and behold, here are the beautiful girls,

And the guys are at least somewhere.

Even though they cry and amuse themselves,

But sometimes they learn,

And they pull the load of science,

Cursing and squeaking.

2. Both chemistry and physics,

And native Russian speech,

And even astronomy

We were able to digest it.

And knowledge bit by bit,

To the grains of sand, the grains of epic

We were able to collect them in our heads

2nd presenter. Graduates are talented people. Our teachers have been convinced of this more than once. How many crazy, seemingly delusional ideas were sometimes born in their heads. How our teachers endured all this is a mystery shrouded in darkness.

1st presenter. We present to your attention another experiment by eleventh graders. We ask you to pay special attention to it from the members of the commission who will be taking our literature exam on May 30th. We don’t feel sorry for ourselves at all - we feel sad about the exam!

Sketch at the last call of the “Poetry Salon”.

Leading. Good evening, dear friends! The poetry salon reopens its doors to all lovers of fine literature. The topic of today's meeting is co-authorship. This is when a work is created not by one, but by several writers at once. Our literature knows examples of very successful duets: Ilf and Petrov, the Weiner brothers. Unfortunately, there is no co-authorship in poetry. And it's a shame. Let's imagine what the fruits of such creativity would look like.

Bitter. Over the gray plain of the sea...

Voznesensky. A girl is crying in the machine...

Bitter. Between the clouds and the sea...

Voznesensky. Covered in tears and lipstick...

Bitter. And loons cry too...

Voznesensky. Frozen ice glistens on your cheeks...

Bitter. Inaccessible to them, the loons...

Voznesensky. This trace of male grievances...

Bitter. The stupid penguin is very timid...

Voznesensky. Blows into thin hands...

Bitter. Fat body in the rocks...

Voznesensky. There is ice in your fingers, and earrings in your ears...

Bitter. The sea catches the arrows of lightning...

Voznesensky. Wrapped up in a chilly coat...

Bitter. Willow extinguishes in its abyss...

Voznesensky. Stained face...

Leading. Lovely, simply lovely. And finally, A. S. Pushkin and K. Chukovsky with the lyrical work “A Wonderful Moment with Doctor Aibolit.”

Pushkin. I remember a wonderful moment...

Chukovsky. He's sitting under a tree...

Pushkin. In the languor of hopeless sadness...

Chukovsky. A fox came to Aibolit...

Chukovsky. Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!..

Pushkin. In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment...

Chukovsky. Came to Aibolit Barbos...

Pushkin. Without deity, without inspiration...

Chukovsky. The chicken pecked him on the nose...

Pushkin. The soul has awakened...

Chukovsky. Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere...

Pushkin. Like a fleeting vision...

Chukovsky. He rode on a mare...

Pushkin. And the heart beats in ecstasy...

Chukovsky. He will heal everyone, he will heal...

Pushkin. Like a deity and inspiration...

Chukovsky. Good Doctor Aibolit...

Leading. Bravo, just a masterpiece. Well, dear friends, our meeting has come to an end. The poetry salon is closing. See you again with the beautiful!

1st presenter. Our school has a glorious tradition: every graduate strives to say something nice to his favorite teacher before the exam. Our graduating class decided to sing to their favorite teacher.



Whirlwinds of induction blow over us,

The forces of Ampere are threateningly oppressing us.

We entered into a fatal battle with the fields,

We still have two marks waiting for us.

But we will write long "spurs"

Let's hide it safely in our hiding places.

There are paper mountains at the doorstep,

They were prepared by graduates.

Physics, children, is not an easy task,

Newton smiled from the portrait,

It's a pity that the apple hung low

It would be a whole law less.

We will not be lost either in the storm or in the cold,

If only I had enough physical strength.

Only science would punish the hammer

The electric shock didn't kill you on the spot.


I am writing to you.

What more?

What more can I say?

For everything that was in your will

Punish me with an assessment.

But you, to my unfortunate fate

Keeping at least a drop of pity,

You will feel sorry for me!

Yes. I was writing an essay

Even though it wasn't easy.

And you need hellish patience,

To read it to the end,

To correct the mistakes

And in order to understand at least something,

To put commas all around

And don’t cry from melancholy.

Why did you visit us,

By disturbing the peace of solitude?

I would never have known you

And I wouldn’t write essays!

1st presenter. Let's imagine for a moment what a literature teacher would say in response to this student.

Literature teacher.

I foresee everything: it will upset you

My short message

And it will probably surprise you

A little belated confession...

Having once met your glorious class,

Not noticing diligence in him,

I didn't dare to shame you

And I didn’t give in to indignation,

And he gave you complete freedom.

And yet I dared to hope,

What do you think of yourself:

You will understand the literature,

One day I read everything at once.

How wrong I was! How punished!

Look, what kind of krales,

Baby killer whales,

Beautiful Galinushka,

Galina Anatolyevna,

And all her people.

Smart, exemplary

(When they lie in their cribs,

Or they are writing a test,

Or their stomach hurts).

Our other kids

Pampered people are not humble people!

After all, they were running from class,

They hid the briefcases,

And, like mountain goats,

They jumped around the desks.

And they snorted and snorted,

And so hard, fun

Sometimes the class behaved

What about poor Lyudmilochka,

Lyudmila light Gennadievna,

The director together with the head teacher

They pumped out for an hour.

Dramatization for the last call

A performance dedicated to the class teachers. Performed by boys.

Dear Sirs! I invited you to tell you the most pleasant news: today is the last call!

What's "hurray"? We are instructed to congratulate our class teachers on this significant date!

What other date? And why congratulate?

What, they had a bad time with us?

No, they didn’t just feel bad with us, they clearly suffered with us! So what are we going to do? Your suggestions.

Maybe we can tell them poems or dance something?

You should also offer to do a round dance with them. Besides breakdancing, do you know how to dance?

Then I dont know. Let's give a book. A book is the best gift!

Yeah, you also remember that a dog is a man’s friend, and give him a puppy.

Well, if you are so literate, suggest it yourself!

So, what should a real gentleman do when given the task of congratulating beautiful women?

They take out their wallets.


They take flowers out from behind the skirts of their jackets.

Come on, gentlemen, be serious! It is necessary to collect all the information about the client: habits, hobbies, passions, even, excuse me, small weaknesses. Is the task clear?

It's clear!

Then let's get to work!

Music from the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

Class teacher 11 “A”: Nordic-pedagogical character, calm, resistant to the environment, constantly works on himself, students, parents and members of the trade union, is fluent in computers, has an excellent knowledge of Russian history, is characterized by increased flexibility in relations with fellow students work, an excellent family woman, has an impeccable appearance and the only weak point - a passionate love for students of class 11 “A”.

Class teacher 11 “B”: super pedagogical character, emotional, constantly working on himself and his 11 “B”, and the first is better than the second, smart, charming, damn attractive, fluent in Russian and German, maintains friendly relations with colleagues at work, she is especially partial to the physics teacher, which she shamelessly uses, begging for good grades for her students, has been repeatedly noticed in a creative approach to organizing leisure time, has no government awards, has not been noticed in any discreditable connections, has the only weak point - dedication to the teaching profession.

The girls bring out cake and flowers.

Our dear class teachers! Your life with us was not always sweet and sometimes did not seem like honey to you. But we know that deep down in your soul you are very sorry to part with us. Therefore, we decided to sweeten the bitter moments of saying goodbye to your 11 “A” and 11 “B”.

Throughout the years, our parents studied and suffered with us.

They were the ones who got us up to school in the morning and handed us a notebook with problems that they solved for us at night.

It was they who whitewashed the crumbling school ceilings and painted the desks covered in writings by careless children.

They were the ones who blushed for us in front of the teachers when we ran away from class or got bad marks.

They are the ones who look at us with pride today and are happy that we were able to withstand all the tests of school life.

Thank you, our moms and dads, for your love, help and support. A word of greeting to you!

Parents' speech.

1st presenter. The right to give a farewell school bell is granted to a student of class 11 “A”, the absolute champion among strongmen... of the region and a student of class 11 “B”... charming and attractive, cheerful and diligent.

Last call.

1. The last bell rang,

He froze on a piercing note.

Only the most important lesson

Ahead, where all life is an exam.

2. May it not be silent in our hearts,

Let it sound and excite again

Ageless school waltz -

Echoes of prom night.

It sounds like a waltz.

Final words from the presenter. Our holiday has come to an end. But our friendship does not end, we believe that the doors of the school are always open for us. Ahead of us are exams, graduation party and... our whole life!

Graduates! You can congratulate your teachers, tell them the unsaid, sing the unsung.
