Documents required to open a logistics company. Step-by-step instructions: how to open a freight transport company from scratch? Features of the transport organization

Cargo transportation is a fairly promising type of activity. People living in villages, big and small towns use the services of transport companies or individuals to transport things and cargo to different places.

At the moment, cargo transportation is in great demand in our country, so the number of companies offering their services in this area is growing every day. If you want to get into this business, you need to take your place and try to organize work in such a way that it generates income, to create conditions that are radically different from the conditions of competing firms.

Cargo transportation: business from scratch

This is quite a troublesome and costly matter. In order to start work, you will have to acquire your own vehicle. If you are limited in funds, then a car like a Gazelle or something like that is quite suitable for the first case.

What is the job? At the first stage, a written agreement is concluded with the client. The next step is packing goods and belongings. Timely delivery plays a big role in this matter: if you miss delivery deadlines even once, the company’s reputation will suffer, and then you will have to earn a good name for the company again. Unpacking and putting things in place - this work is performed upon additional agreement with the customer.

How to open a freight transportation company so that the business brings real benefits? Transportation is often carried out by everyone who does not know what to do with themselves. They put the dispatcher on the phone, take orders, but are in no hurry to fulfill them. The cost of work very often does not coincide with that stated in the agreement, so people are dissatisfied with the work of such “firms”. The final amount is sometimes announced only when things have already been unloaded and the client has to pay the announced amounts. To avoid such mistakes, you need to organize your work honestly towards the customer. Only then will people use the services of your office, and it will generate good income.

The relevance of this type of business

The relevance of cargo transportation in the modern world is difficult to overestimate. Transportation services are in more and more demand every year.

Until recently, the customer had to wait for his cargo for several weeks, or even months. Now the situation has changed radically. People began to value their time more. Therefore, we try to deliver luggage as quickly as possible. Regardless of the purpose of delivery, the relevance of transportation is growing at a rapid pace.

It is difficult to even imagine what will happen if the freight market ceases to function for any reason. Life will come to a standstill, especially in big cities. Essential goods and food products will not be delivered, and medicines will disappear from pharmacies. This list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, the importance of cargo transportation in the modern world cannot be underestimated.

Basic goals

  • Competent organization of transportation by vehicles of various types.
  • Delivery of commercial cargo.
  • Office, apartment, country, industrial moves.
  • Transportation of large-size cargo.
  • Providing trained personnel for loading and unloading operations.
  • Providing services for forced storage of goods.

The most important thing is to have perseverance and strive to achieve your goals. Confidence in yourself and your capabilities is also not in last place.

Company registration and taxes

In order to open a freight transport company, you need. If you plan to deal with small-tonnage transportation, your fleet will have several small Gazelle-type vehicles, and your staff will have a small number of employees, then in this case you can.

You will need to pay a state fee and collect a package of necessary documents. The tax office will give you a list of them. Then an application in the appropriate format is submitted here. It should contain your passport details, a telephone number where tax officials can contact you if necessary, and. All these manipulations can be carried out by you personally or through a trusted person.

Every registered carrier must pay taxes to the state treasury on time. In order for taxation to be optimal, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the scale of the future company;
  • types of transportation.

For sale.

Coffee machines as an easy way to earn money. about the features of vending.

Types of taxation for cargo carriers

  • . This is the most acceptable option. It means the following: you can pay 6% of the company’s total income or 15% of income minus expenses.
  • General system. This is not the best option for small businesses. In this case, you must pay all taxes. In your case, this will be a direct road to ruin.
  • . It can only be applied if your fleet has no more than 20 cars. If you cannot choose a taxation system for yourself, then the regional authorities will automatically transfer your company to a single tax.

In order to earn decent money, make every effort to switch to a single tax. Don’t forget to pay the state in full, and most importantly, on time. There is also a Pension Fund, to which you will also have to make contributions. The amounts of contributions to the Pension Fund often change, so it is necessary to constantly clarify the figures that are transferred from the accounts of your company.

Where and how to open a transport company?

Selecting a room

You cannot do without an office space in which the dispatch service will be located.

The premises can be rented. The choice of its location must be taken very seriously. Saving money by working from home will not achieve good results. The “home” level of work will not bring much income. If you do not have the funds to rent your own premises, you can rent an office in a call center. This will require less cash investment. The dispatch service can be located on 20 square meters. meters.

The office needs to be set up. Dispatchers must have computers or laptops at their disposal. Having a printer and scanner is a prerequisite. Without a landline telephone, work will not be carried out at the proper level. Having two telephone lines is a huge advantage for the company. Employees' mobile phones will be used no less. It is advisable to purchase a walkie-talkie for conversations between drivers and the dispatcher - it is convenient and inexpensive.


A company that plans to engage in cargo transportation must have dispatchers on staff - at least 2 people. Their main quality should be good diction, excellent memory, communication skills and the ability to think logically.

A good manager will help to properly organize the work of the enterprise. A competent accountant will maintain all the company’s documentation, and there will be a lot of it.

A prerequisite for successful work is effective advertising. Therefore, an advertising manager will also come in handy.

Buying cars

Business in this area begins with the purchase of a car. When choosing cars, you need to clearly understand for yourself what goals you set for yourself and what means you have. Used foreign cars are more reliable than domestic cars and are more convenient to use. But Russian cars are much cheaper to repair. At the same time, imported cars break down less often.

Which car to buy is up to you. Gazelles are often purchased for cargo transportation within the city. Thanks to their maneuverability, they cope well with assigned tasks in urban areas. Gazelles are fuel efficient and inexpensive to maintain.

If you plan to transport products, tilt vehicles are suitable for this purpose. For large volumes of cargo, vehicles with additional trailers are suitable - in this case, the carrying capacity will increase to 24 tons. For perishable products you need to buy special refrigerators or isothermal vans. For transporting furniture or office moves, the Russian-made Zil-Bychok machine is indispensable. This car will go where a large truck cannot go.

Which car should I buy to develop my freight transportation business? This question is individual. One point is worth remembering for sure - in order to provide quality services to the population, it is necessary to have an appropriate fleet of cars.

Road transport services for cargo transportation

It is very important if you can organize the work of a company that will provide clients with a full range of services. It will be nice if you provide the customer not only with a suitable vehicle, but also with loaders.

Companies that specialize in this area provide the following services:

  • cargo insurance;
  • services for customs clearance of documents;
  • office, country house, apartment moving;
  • transportation of oversized and heavy cargo;
  • transportation of dangerous and especially valuable things.

In order for the quality of services to be at a high level, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • develop a clear route;
  • calculate the cost of the entire procedure;
  • prepare the necessary documentation;
  • carry out continuous monitoring of the movement of cargo along the entire route.

Marketing plan for company development

Before you begin the paperwork for starting your own business, you need to have a well-developed marketing plan. What does this include?

  • Conducting an active advertising campaign that will fully highlight the services provided by your company. In this case, it is necessary to attract local media, design and distribute the company’s business cards as much as possible.
  • In the near future, try to attract as many clients as possible and interest regular customers with advantageous offers and bonus discounts.
  • A clearly developed enterprise development strategy, which will outline effective measures to promote and develop the business.

A well-developed marketing strategy and the right tactical actions will take your company to a leading position among similar companies in the region.

Marketing research is necessary before drawing up a detailed business plan for the transportation of goods. This data will be the basis for the successful operation and development of the enterprise.

Financial questions: is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation?

You must understand that preparing a detailed financial report to create a trucking company is unrealistic. To obtain specific figures, you need accurate data on the state of the future enterprise. An approximate picture will look like this:

  • "Gazelle" will bring about 10 thousand rubles of net profit;
  • “Zil – Bychok” - 20 thousand rubles;
  • a machine with a carrying capacity of 5 tons will give a profit of up to 25 thousand;
  • truck - 100 thousand rubles.

These figures reflect the picture of an enterprise that regularly pays taxes and salaries to employees.

If you plan to start a business by purchasing 2 cars, you will have the following expenses:

  • costs for the purchase of cars - 900 thousand–1 million rubles;
  • machine repairs and fuel and lubricant costs – 40–45 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises – 10 thousand rubles;
  • boxes – 10 thousand rubles;
  • salary to employees - 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 15 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses – 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, you will need about 1 million 200 thousand rubles. This is provided that you have 1 dispatcher, 1 driver and 1 loader on your staff.

If you need to attract a second car, you will have to drive it yourself. Accounting reports will be kept by a specialist from another company. This scheme of work assumes an income from one car of 30 thousand rubles. per month.

All your expenses will pay off no earlier than 1.5–2 years. If you use rented cars, this period can be halved.

More accurate calculations depend on many factors. So, one of the main components is the location of the company.

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that organizing a small-tonnage transportation business is a profitable and promising business that novice businessmen should pay attention to.

How to open a transport company - features of doing business + step-by-step process of project implementation + financial plan + how to attract clients.

Capital investments: from 9,340,000 rubles
Payback period: 3 years

Nowadays, there is quite fierce competition in many areas, which forces many entrepreneurs to look for new areas for investing their own funds.

But it is important to find a stable and in-demand niche that will not let you down even in times of crisis.

And a striking example of this is our own.

This area is relevant at any time, since many manufacturers and consumers need transportation and delivery of goods for various purposes.

It is best to start such a business if you have experience in a similar field, as well as if you have and are willing to invest large sums of money.

If you are interested in implementing such an idea, then let's find out.

Let's consider the main nuances of running such a business and calculate how much investment needs to be prepared.

Features of running a transport business

To organize a competitive and profitable business, you need to plunge into the idea headlong.

Here, as in any other area of ​​entrepreneurship, it is important to have certain knowledge.

First of all, the activity is related to logistics, that is, with the construction of the optimal route for the movement of goods.

And for this it is necessary that these 6 indicators reunite:

  • cargo;
  • time;
  • place;
  • quantity;
  • quality;
  • minimum transportation costs.

For this reason, any transport company must have a forwarding department, whose specialists can build a route and then track it.

It is also worth highlighting key points related to how to open a transport company:

  • First of all, it is worth saying that the chosen line of activity is not subject to licensing;
  • among companies operating in this area, there is the smallest number of bankruptcies;
  • when choosing a forwarding scheme, capital investments will be relatively small;
  • business is associated with many risks and force majeure - weather conditions, road accidents, possible transport breakdowns.

Types of transport companies

At the first stage of how to open a transport company, you need to decide on its type.

And only then, depending on the chosen format of activity, it is necessary and.

So, you can provide cargo transportation:

    for individuals.

    Most often they operate within one settlement or suburb, and work with medium and small cargo;

    for legal entities.

    Such companies serve wholesale companies and deliver goods throughout the country and even neighboring countries;

    for various manufacturers.

    They work with the industrial sector, so they must have a specialized fleet of dump trucks and tractors;

    specialized direction.

    Some carriers may only transport food, water, construction materials or anything else;

    groupage cargo.

    This direction involves the joint dispatch of several cargoes, which should be received by different recipients.

    As a rule, transportation is carried out over long distances and may extend beyond the country.

Choosing a work plan for a transport company

Regardless of what type of cargo transportation is chosen, transport companies can operate according to two schemes:

    have your own vehicle fleet

    You can organize work by purchasing a truck or leasing it for a long time.

    To realize this idea, you need to have large sums of money.

    offer forwarding services

    The point of running such a business is to be an intermediary between the customer and transport drivers.

    For the provision of dispatcher services, the company takes a percentage, from which the profit is generated.

    This option can be implemented with minimal investment, because there is no need to purchase cars.

Which one should I choose?

The first option is suitable for those who do not want to depend on anyone: you have your own cars and hire drivers, thereby dictating the working conditions yourself.

It is advisable to implement the second option if there are connections with drivers who have personal vehicles.

But in this case, you will have to adapt both to customers and to the truck owners themselves.

Step-by-step process on how to open a transport company

Now you can move on to answering the question of how to open a transport company.

In this matter, it is necessary to follow a clear sequence of actions.

First of all, you need to take care to come up with a memorable name for the future company and properly register the business.

At this same stage, it is worth deciding on the work scheme, because both directions are fundamentally different from each other.

When deciding to have your own fleet of vehicles, you need to purchase freight transport and equip a garage.

For credibility, it is worth renting an office where you can receive clients who want to enter into long-term contracts.

Then you need to select personnel who will take orders and build traffic routes.

An important step is to find clients, because without them the business will simply fail. The larger the customer base, the higher the income. It will also allow it to expand over time.

Business registration and registration

The choice of the legal form in which to open a transport company is influenced by many factors:

  • work format: an individual entrepreneur is suitable for creating a dispatch service - if you have your own fleet of vehicles;
  • number of founders: Individual entrepreneur is for one person, and LLC is for several;
  • provision of services for individuals or legal entities: in the first case, an individual entrepreneur is suitable, and in the second, an LLC, since organizations want to cooperate with VAT payers;
  • desire to expand< : if it does not exist, then it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur, and if there is, then only create a legal entity.

I would also like to focus your attention on creating a unique name.

It is important that it contains something that will indicate the transport company: “auto”, “express”, “trans” and the like.

To open a transport company as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;

But you will have to tinker with the creation of a legal entity:

  • statement;
  • name confirmed by Rospatent;
  • constituent documents;
  • copies of founders’ documents;
  • certificate of opening a bank account;
  • a receipt indicating that the state fee has been paid.

To open a transport company engaged in international transportation, you must obtain a license.

If the traffic routes will be carried out within the country, then this is not necessary.

Otherwise you will need to provide:

  • documents for vehicles that will travel abroad;
  • driver documents - driving licenses and health records;
  • document confirming business registration;
  • contract concluded for vehicle maintenance;
  • availability of own parking.

If you decide to open a transport company based on your own fleet, you will have to purchase several trucks.

Of course, many people start small, and at first you can provide services for individuals and have only a couple of vehicles in your “arsenal”.

But if you want to compete with such organizations, you will have to spend money.

To get started, you can purchase the following trucks:

Vehicle nameQtyCost of one vehicle, rub.Total cost, rub.
Total:7 RUB 8,280,000
GAZelle with a carrying capacity of 3 tons
2 740 000 1 480 000
GAZelle with a carrying capacity of 8 tons
2 1 400 000 2 800 000
1 1 600 000 1 600 000
2 1 200 000 2 400 000

To maintain a car depot, special equipment is also required:

Office space and car park

Recruitment for opening a transport company

The cargo transportation service is provided not only by a fleet of vehicles, but also by numerous personnel.

Conventionally, it can be divided into three categories:

  • drivers;
  • office workers;
  • servicing transport.

Moreover, they all must interact with each other, because the success of the business will depend on how they work together.


    To ensure smooth operation of a transport company, it is necessary to have 2-3 drivers per vehicle.

    Two people can travel long distances in one vehicle, replacing each other.

    If transportation will be carried out locally, then there is no need to have too many drivers.

    Sales department

    The following specialists should work here, each of whom should perform their functions:

    • dispatcher - takes orders and sends drivers on the road;
    • logistician (forwarders) - develops the optimal route and calculates its cost;
    • marketer - engages in attracting clients;
    • accountant - keeps records and prepares reports;
    • administrator - he is entrusted with management and control functions (at first, the owner of the transport company himself can do this).

    You should not save on personnel in this category, because if one specialist combines several duties, this will lead, at best, to a decrease in efficiency, at worst, to incorrect performance of the work.

    As a rule, the office work schedule is 6 days, with a day off on Sunday.

    Transport service

    For a garage, two auto mechanics are enough to carry out diagnostics and repair work.

    It would also be a good idea to hire two security guards who will look after the fleet.

    Thus, personnel costs are a significant expense item when opening a full-cycle transport company.

Labor costs will look like this:

Job titleQtySalary, rub.Payroll, rub.
Total:17 - RUB 254,000
Drivers9 15 000 135 000
Dispatcher1 15 000 15 000
Logistician1 20 000 20 000
Marketer1 18 000 18 000
Accountant1 18 000 18 000
Auto Mechanic2 15 000 30 000
Security guard2 9 000 18 000

How to look for clients for a transport company?

Advertising is a mandatory expense item when deciding to open a transport company.

For any chosen format of work, you need to use the following advertising tools:

  • creation of a website and pages on social networks;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • Internet advertising;
  • placing information on your own cars;
  • mailing to construction, industrial, food companies;
  • offer of cooperation to online stores.

If you decide to open a transport company that will be for individuals, you can also do the following work:

  • post advertisements around the city;
  • distribute flyers;
  • place advertisements on social networks in your city;
  • order advertising on local radio.

If a transport company is focused on working with legal entities, in addition to the above, it is necessary:

  • engage in direct mailing with offers of cooperation to manufacturers and wholesale buyers;
  • participate in tenders.

Note: do not enter into oral agreements with customers, they have no legal force. The contract specifies all the conditions of transportation, as well as actions in the event of force majeure.

How much does it cost to open a transport company?

“As a rule, sustainable success is achieved not through a desperate (“hang yourself by your shoelaces”) one-time (“now or never!”) leap or feat, but as a result of everyday decision-making and their implementation.”
Stephen Covey

After a detailed study of how to open a transport company, you can move on to calculating capital investments.

So, the starting investments in order to work according to the first scheme will be presented in the form:

For a cargo transportation company to operate under the second scheme, the costs will be limited to registration, advertising and office equipment, and will amount to approximately 240-260,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will consist of:

Payment for services can be hourly or per kilometer.

On average, when transporting cargo weighing 3 tons, the cost of one hour is 600-700 rubles, 8 tons - 800-900 rubles, 10 tons - 900-1000 rubles.

Thus, if you decide to open a transport company, you can receive revenue in the amount of 700 -800,000 rubles.

To do this, you need to organize work when cars will make at least 20 trips per month lasting 7-8 hours.

We subtract expenses and get a profit before tax of 240,000 rubles.

With such indicators, the business will pay for itself in 3 years.

This period can be reduced to two years if the cars are always on the road, and for this you need to actively engage with the customer base.

Several tips for the successful operation of a transport company are voiced in the video:

Possible problems when opening a transport company

There is no business that is not exposed to risks. And transport companies are no exception.

Therefore, finally, I would like to talk about possible problems that you need to be prepared for:

    The occurrence of theft.

    The human factor plays an important role in such a business, so you must always control the entire process: installing CCTV cameras and alarms, drawing up and submitting reports at the beginning and end of the journey.

    Bad service.

    Again, the main emphasis is on the human factor, as well as the occurrence of unforeseen situations.

    Poor quality cargo transportation.

    During the delivery process, the cargo may be damaged or show signs of impact.

    To prevent this from happening, it must be packed in accordance with all the rules, and the vehicles must not be overloaded.

    It is also possible to set a limit on the “fight”, and if it is exceeded, drivers must pay a fine.

    Inability to resolve conflicts and compensate for damage.

    As mentioned above, you need to conclude contracts only on paper, where all the terms of cooperation should be spelled out.

The last point regarding how to open a transport company, this is the time it starts working.

Thus, we can say that the transportation business is a fairly popular and profitable business that requires huge investments throughout its entire activity.

If successful, you can open new points and expand, reaching the regional and even state level, which also requires additional costs in the form of purchasing new vehicles and equipping the fleet.

And if you succeed, then you can claim to be a leader in this industry.

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Owning your own freight transportation company is a fairly profitable and promising business. The demand for this service is always high; therefore, there is serious competition in this area. Before opening a transport company from scratch, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this business, as well as objectively evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.

Business Features

If you are going to open a freight transport company, you should first decide on its type:

  • Enterprises that provide services to individuals. This could be the delivery of furniture, equipment, apartment moves, etc. They usually operate within a specific locality;
  • Transportation of goods for large industrial enterprises and corporations;
  • Transportation of goods to legal entities. We are talking about delivering goods to wholesale warehouses and stores;
  • Delivery of consolidated cargo;
  • Firms are intermediaries that do not have their own transport. They find customers for large transport enterprises and receive compensation for this;
  • Another fairly profitable activity option is a business in transport logistics. Developing routes allows you to optimize costs and significantly reduce delivery times, which is why transport logistics services are always in great demand.

Legal registration of activities

Before you open a transport company, you need to officially register your business. Typically, such companies are registered as closed joint-stock companies (CJSC), LLC or individual entrepreneur. Each legal form has disadvantages and advantages.

If you plan to open a branch of a transport company in another city in the future and continue to expand, it is better to immediately open a closed joint stock company. But in this case, you will be faced with paperwork, since you will have to collect a huge number of certificates for registration. Therefore, many beginning entrepreneurs prefer LLC. In order not to waste time on paperwork, you can purchase a ready-made business.

Do not forget that cargo transportation requires a license. It is issued by the Ministry of Transport for 5 years.

Scheme of the company's work

Before developing a business plan for a transport company, you should decide what scheme you will follow:

  1. A company with its own fleet of vehicles. In this case, you will have to purchase trucks or rent them. To operate a small enterprise, you can hire several drivers with their own transport. Thanks to this, you do not have to invest a large amount of money in the business;
  2. Forwarding services. Such a company is a dispatch service for cargo transportation. For each cargo transportation, the commission is 5-10% of its total order value. An office, several employees, a telephone and Internet access – that’s all you need to open a transport company providing forwarding services. This is a fairly profitable line of business that does not require large investments.
  3. Making a business plan

    So, ? To answer this question, you first need to draw up a competent business plan. If you have never done this kind of work, entrust it to the specialists. For a fee, they will prepare step-by-step instructions with all the necessary calculations.

    Let's consider an approximate business plan for a transport company for cargo transportation:

    1. Registration of an enterprise;
    2. Formation of a vehicle fleet. It is advisable to have vehicles of different carrying capacity. You also need to purchase loading and unloading equipment to perform complex work;
    3. Personnel search and salary fund calculation;
    4. Calculation of additional costs of the enterprise - taxes, purchase of spare parts and fuel, insurance, rental of a garage for cars, advertising, etc.;
    5. Don't forget to describe all the business processes of the transport company so that you have a clear idea of ​​what you will be doing.


    If you decide to open a branch of a transport company in your city, you need to hire qualified personnel for the work:

  • Drivers. They must have the rights of the appropriate category, as well as work experience. For each car you need to hire two drivers. This is necessary for long-distance transport;
  • Dispatcher. This specialist accepts orders and prepares the necessary documentation;
  • The sales manager attracts customers and searches for new orders;
  • The accountant is responsible for financial reporting and payroll of staff;
  • A mechanic is involved in car maintenance and repair.

Costs and profits

Before opening a transport company for the transportation of goods, you must carefully calculate all costs and expected profits:


  • Staff salaries;
  • Fuel and lubricants;
  • Tax deductions;
  • Purchase of spare parts for equipment repair;
  • Additional expenses - renting premises, paying utility bills, etc.;
  • Purchase of special equipment and transport. You will have to spend 6–10 million rubles on this.

On average, the profitability of such an enterprise reaches 25–40% of total revenue. It largely depends on what type of transport business you have chosen.


Now let's talk about income. Hourly payment for cargo transportation within the city is 300–1500 rubles. Some companies charge per kilometer - 10–30 rubles per 1 kilometer. On average, one client pays 2–5.5 thousand rubles for services. If you provide a competent approach, with an average load, transport will pay for itself in 18–20 months.

Over time, you may wonder how to open a representative office of a transport company in another city. Thanks to this, you can expand your business and, accordingly, significantly increase your income.

How to start a business without investment?

Beginning entrepreneurs who do not have the start-up capital to open their own business often wonder? The best option is to work in the dispatch service. In this case, you will regularly receive orders, but you will have to give part of your earnings for this.

Let's figure it out, shall we? Cooperation with several dispatch companies allows you to make a good profit. Typically, entrepreneurs who engage in private transportation begin to expand over time and open their own transport companies providing taxi services.

Naturally, we will not tell you a specific amount of earnings, because it depends on many important factors. For example, a taxi driver in the capital will earn much more than a taxi driver from a provincial town. Income also depends on competition in the region, average cost for services, etc.

Small and medium-sized businesses in Russia occupy approximately 95% of the motor transport industry. Consequently, the industry employs approximately 15 million people in the country. Based on data from analytical portals in the Russian Federation, there has recently been a positive trend in the growth of industrial production. Despite the fact that the country's economic development is quite unstable, freight traffic continues to grow. That is why it makes sense to think about creating your own trucking company and drawing up a business plan for a logistics center.

The undeniable advantage of opening such a trucking company is that this business does not require large initial investments. In addition, a license is not required for transport and forwarding activities. However, it is worth noting that the lack of a license quite often entails the dishonest performance of their duties by dispatchers of private motor transport companies. Consequently, this is a rather big disadvantage of opening such an enterprise.

It is worth understanding that at the initial stage of development of a motor transport company, the owner of the enterprise will need to perform most of the work independently. In addition, you will need experience in forwarding activities so as not to fail at work at the very beginning of the enterprise’s existence.

The first steps must be taken with extreme caution, because the activity of freight forwarders is to satisfy the interests of potential clients of the trucking company, as well as to possess information.

There are cases in which only a forwarder is able to resolve the current situation between the cargo owner and the carrier.

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What you need to open a trucking company

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Types of companies that transport various goods

Among the total number of transport companies, the following main types can be distinguished:

  1. Companies that provide services to individuals. Such services include delivery of large-sized furniture and equipment, equipment. Most often, such companies deliver only within the city. Such companies use light-duty vehicles for freight transportation. Loading capacity - only up to 7 tons.
  2. Companies that provide transportation services to legal entities. This can be delivery to wholesale warehouses or from wholesale warehouses to store warehouses. The service geography is quite extensive. There is a possibility of transportation from Russia to neighboring countries. Trucks with trailers are used.
  3. Companies that transport various types of cargo for industrial companies. Such delivery is most often carried out only within the Russian Federation. Road transport includes dump trucks, long vehicles and tractors.
  4. Companies that deliver groupage cargo. Such services most often cover not only the Russian Federation, but also the neighboring countries. There are cases when non-CIS countries are also available. In this case, a type of transport such as a road train is used.
  5. The last type is intermediary companies that search for orders on their own. Such companies most often do not have their own transport, and all orders go to the manufacturing company.

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Organizational and legal aspects of opening a motor transport enterprise

In this business, as in any other, the form of registration of activities should be chosen based on the participants and co-founders. Therefore, if there is only one organizer of such activities, it makes sense to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). If co-founders are also planned, you will need to register an LLC (limited liability company). Regarding the taxation system, it is worth knowing that in order to make the right choice, you will need to decide on the target audience, that is, those people with whom the logistics company will work. If you plan to work only with individuals and companies that operate without VAT, the optimal form of taxation may be a single tax on imputed income. This system allows you to own no more than 20 cars.

If you plan to service entire industrial companies with general taxation, a limited liability company will need to use the general taxation regime. For an individual entrepreneur, the best choice would be the tax regime on personal income in Form 3.

In addition, do not forget that you will need to open a bank account. This is a very important aspect of such activities. This needs to be understood, because in the absence of a current account there may be a situation in which the company will lose a client.

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Selecting suitable employees to open such a company

List of specialties without which no successful transport company can function:

It is worth noting that for the first time you can limit yourself to recruiting employees. This can be done by combining the responsibilities of several positions. But it is worth knowing that such an approach can significantly slow down the work process of a trucking company. Finding a highly qualified and experienced specialist without guaranteeing him a high salary can be quite difficult. That is why it makes sense to hire a capable employee without experience in a similar field and start training him. Regarding accounting, it is worth knowing that here you will need only a highly qualified specialist who has extensive experience. Since responsibility for wages will now lie with the entrepreneur, it is better to avoid risks and use the services provided by the audit company.

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The contract that the driver must have

All drivers and companies with whom cooperation is planned must have with them the full necessary package of documents, registration and permitting papers. It is important to know that it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the drivers, because if this is not done, responsibility for the cargo will lie with the dispatch service. A typical contract for the carriage of goods by road consists of the name, weight, type and volume of cargo, loading location, unloading location, type and number of the vehicle, penalties, signatures and seal of the parties. The exchange of agreements can be carried out by transmission by mail, including e-mail, fax. Payment for work done can be made either in cash upon loading or unloading, or by bank transfer.

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Customer base and search for possible orders

It is worth understanding that the future success of a trucking company that provides cargo transportation services will depend on the number of attracted clients. Therefore, after opening a logistics company, you need to take care of finding potential clients.

Transport companies that plan to provide their services to individuals can use the following actions to attract customers:

Firms that focus on working with legal entities and various industrial companies should take the following steps in order to attract potential clients:

It is worth knowing that in the early stages of a company’s existence there is no point in getting carried away with advertising. This is due to the fact that advertising can lead to a lot of potential clients, which will be quite difficult for a start-up company to cope with. Consequently, this may lead to negative publicity, which will not have the best impact on the reputation of the new enterprise.

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A logistics company is a large business covering a wide variety of transportation areas. This could be rail or air transportation, food delivery, or cargo delivery throughout Russia. How to start your own business in this area? We have prepared a ready-made business plan for you.

In the modern world, during a difficult economic situation, people are constantly looking for additional sources of income and are increasingly thinking about the possibilities of opening and developing a private business. Life does not stand still, new industries are emerging to implement their ideas, but at the same time, in a competitive environment, a considerable number of entrepreneurs with their own businesses and their own ideas are developing in parallel. How to choose your own business so that it does not turn out to be unprofitable and generates income for a long time? As an option, you can consider opening and developing a logistics company. This is a fairly popular service and if it is provided in a high-quality manner, there will be no end to clients.

What is logistics?

The business opportunity in question has absolutely nothing to do with the word “logic.” Logistics is a whole range of services aimed at high-quality and timely delivery of client goods, namely: choosing the most optimal type of transport for a specific cargo; calculation of a short, convenient and at the same time economical route; transportation conditions must be without risks for the goods; The cargo must be delivered on time, to the right place and at minimal cost.

Justified demand

Currently, quite large volumes of goods are produced and sold in our country, and consequently, freight transportation is also in high demand. As you know, in economics demand creates supply, which is why logistics companies headed by a responsible manager are successful. As statistics show, it is much easier for manufacturers to use the services of logistics companies and allocate certain funds than to deal with all of the above transport operations on their own.

Start-up capital for a logistics company

To open and dynamically develop a business in the field of logistics services, you do not need exorbitant sums; it is enough to have about ten thousand dollars. If you have such a sum at your disposal, you may well think about opening a logistics company. According to many successful entrepreneurs in the field of logistics, this business brings good, and most importantly, regular profits. In life, everything is natural, and therefore it is natural that a good result requires certain efforts, and at all stages of a company’s development one must not lose vigilance, but must constantly strive for improvement in order to be able to give a worthy rebuff to competitors.

Where to start, or stages of formation of a logistics company

As a rule, in order to be successful in the field of transport services and cargo transportation, you need to have certain work experience, carefully study the current legislation, analyze the market, determine the demand for the service in the region where you plan to carry out this activity, and also be prepared for possible failures.

Let us consider step by step the process of introducing a new company into the field of logistics:

1. Preparation of documentation. Let’s say right away that no entrepreneur can escape paperwork. To work officially, you need to collect a standard package of documents for opening a business; a license is not needed for this type of activity.

2. Recruit a decent team. Personnel decide everything, well, if not everything, then a lot. The quality of work performed by the company, and, consequently, the further reputation of the company depends on the employees. It happens that a sum of money has been collected to open a business, but there is no experience in providing logistics services. Then it would be advisable to invite a logistician to work. The services of an experienced specialist in this field cost a lot, about two thousand dollars a month, but these costs will definitely pay off in the future (you just need to make sure of the real experience of the future employee).

A good addition, when choosing personnel, will be their interaction with government agencies, freight forwarders, and customs services. These connections can be formed both at the previous place of work and as a result of friendships and family ties. The main tasks for the emerging staff are: organizing the process of purchasing goods and transport services, monitoring the document flow of logistics operations, executing transactions on time and on the most favorable terms for the client.

3. Find work space and warehouses with a convenient location. People are greeted by their clothes... This proverb is also acceptable in our case. When clients enter an office, they evaluate it and draw conclusions about the work of the company itself. For young companies, renting a beautiful and large premises is very difficult financially, so you need to attract clients with the location of the company, even if it is a small premises, but in the very center of the city. A big advantage in the work of a logistics company will be its own warehouses, and the larger their area, the better the business will progress. The market does not stand still, and every time it surprises with new goods that need to be transported from producer to consumer.

4. Give a company name and think about advertising. They say that whatever you call an enterprise, that’s how it will work. Name the company beautifully, but without unnecessary frills. Think about how the name will sound in advertising. After all, in order to develop your company, you will need to advertise it and promote it to new heights. Advertise in all media, create a website for a logistics company, but do not forget that the best advertising is satisfied customers. Word of mouth is the most effective, but at the same time less expensive, compared to many options, method of advertising.

A business plan is an essential component of success

To organize a business in the field of logistics, an entrepreneur needs to develop a clear and accessible business plan for implementation. It is sometimes quite difficult to take into account all the possible pros and cons, especially for novice businessmen, so you can also turn to specialists for help. Today, drawing up a detailed business plan will not surprise anyone, so such a service will cost very little, and will help organize your activities. You also need to clearly assess your potential, otherwise the business may burst.

To begin with, when drawing up a business plan, you need to introduce the company, analyze its structure and goals, and determine the list of products that the company will transport. Then provide market research with calculation of the effectiveness of the planned project. And of course, do not forget to analyze the competition in this market segment and calculate in advance actions in the event of force majeure.

Young companies in the logistics market

In the field of logistics, large companies make the biggest profits. It is logical that large customers do not contact small firms, which, in their opinion, simply may not fulfill all obligations due to their immaturity. Moreover, experienced companies bear financial responsibility for the goods and very often insure them, while new companies cannot offer such conditions due to the lack of sufficient capital.

But, as noted above, progress does not stand still and now the demand for the provision of logistics services is growing, so customers make contact with young companies if these companies have proven themselves, have good reviews and offer affordable prices, unlike the market giants.

Competition in logistics

Competition is the most proven engine of progress. Often, young companies gain momentum precisely in conditions of fierce competition in the market. Competition becomes an excellent incentive for effective development and, as a result, greater profit. Competition also helps reduce prices for goods from manufacturers. As a result, they need to increase the number of goods they sell, thereby adding work to logistics companies. Many companies try to cooperate with large customers in order to maintain their image, but in order to save money, they sometimes try to use the services of newcomers. If a newcomer offers a client a service for little money, but at the same time of higher quality than a company that has been proven over the years, he will definitely turn to it again and again.

To summarize, it can be noted that the logistics business is very profitable, but like any other type of activity, it requires a lot of effort and investment, both financial and physical.

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