Headache after running. Why does my head hurt after and during running? Headache as a result of physical strain

There are over 200 types of headaches. Are you a neurologist? If not, then it will be difficult for you to understand why your head starts to hurt after running (throbbing, pressing, stabbing). You can brush aside the discomfort and stubbornly continue running with a headache.

If you have post-stress primary pain, it will quickly subside. What if cephalalgia manifested itself as one of the symptoms of an impending hypertensive crisis? Then you have two steps left to have a heart attack.

The problem is urgent, because every fifth runner suffers from headaches of varying intensity. We hasten to reassure you right away: it is not the brain that hurts, because it simply does not have pain receptors. Cephalalgia occurs as a reaction to irritation of nerve fibers in the soft tissues of the head.

Cephalalgia may differ in the nature of the pain sensations:

  • If an athlete runs after a grueling day full of emotions, then after training he may experience the so-called pain of muscle tension. Weak or medium intensity, it tightens the skull like a hoop, covering the back of the head, temples, forehead;
  • "Dull, constant, pressing pain, especially in the back of the head" - this is how a person with vascular diseases characterizes his condition after a run;
  • painful sensations are of a pulsating nature, localized in the frontal and temporal parts of the head;
  • burning unbearable cephalalgia covers half of the face, can watery eyes and stuffy nose. On a scale from 1 to 10, cluster (beam) pain can be assigned 8 or even 9 points without hesitation;
  • becomes oppressive and dull, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, tinnitus. The attack lasts from 2-3 minutes to an hour;
  • the head becomes "heavy" and begins to ache slightly.

As you can see, cephalalgia takes on such diverse forms that it is difficult for a person who is far from medicine to determine its root cause. And this must be done.

What for? First of all, in order to know if you can continue your running workouts or you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Let's divide all possible causes of headaches that running training can provoke into two large categories: those that do not threaten the health and life of an athlete and that signal pathology. Only by considering each of these reasons and discarding one by one inapplicable to you, you can determine why every time you run you have a headache.

Causes of headaches that are not life and health threatening

  • temporary hypoxia. After physical exertion, the flow of oxygen to the internal organs increases dramatically. When an athlete enters a stuffy room, his brain does not have time to reorganize and experiences oxygen starvation. Cephalalgia disappears immediately after airing the room;
  • improper breathing technique when running. If you breathe quickly and shallowly (only with your nose), this will lead to a headache, stabbing in your side, and your strength will quickly be exhausted;
  • overstrain of the muscles of the neck and head. Over half of all headache complaints are caused by excessive jogging or other physical activity. Ask the trainer to create an individual schedule for you and practice according to it;
  • emotional stress and extreme fatigue can cause episodic cephalalgia. These factors provoke cerebral vasospasm and hypoxia. After a person has a good night's sleep and rest, the pain disappears.

Important. Migraines should be separated into a separate group. Pulsating pain is localized in the frontotemporal region of the face, mainly on one side. Painful sensations with this ailment are associated with various facts, including irritation of the trigeminal nerve. Its ends secrete vasodilating proteins that provoke aseptic (without the participation of microbes) inflammation. It is this that causes a severe headache.

Causes of headaches dangerous to life and health

In the table below, we have summarized a list of all the possible causes (diseases) due to which you may have a headache after a run. The accompanying symptoms are also listed here in order to reduce the likelihood of error in your predictions.

Causes of head pain after running Type of pain, accompanying symptoms
High blood pressure (hypertension) With physical activity (running), pressing pain occurs in the back of the head. May be accompanied by nosebleeds, sore eyes, and nausea.
Frontitis, sinusitis, or sinusitis It is hard for the runner to breathe, his eyes are watery, he feels a sharp throbbing pain in the forehead area, which intensifies when pressing on the frontal sinus or when the body bends forward.
Osteochondrosis There is a dull pain in the back of the head and temples. It starts from one side, but then spreads to the entire head. It is of a reflex nature, since the cause of unpleasant sensations is the nerves and blood vessels squeezed between the vertebrae of the cervical spine.
Atherosclerosis When running, cephalalgia occurs in the forehead and occiput. It may be accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, tinnitus. The reason is a change in the geometry of blood vessels due to cholesterol plaques, their loss of elasticity.
Vegetovascular dystonia Cephalalgia occurs during warm-up, when, bending down, you lower your head below your chest. It is pulsating in nature, accompanied by ringing in the ears.
Increased intracranial pressure If, while running, a person feels bursting pains in the forehead and crown (less often in the temples), and they are not removed by painkillers, then this symptom may indicate increased intracranial pressure. Strengthens when bending, squatting, accelerating.
Infection (flu, ARVI) It is accompanied by fever, fever and diffuse bursting headache.
Trauma Pain accompanied by dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing and visual impairment, sensitivity to noise, is diagnosed in patients who have suffered various head and neck injuries.

We hope you have found the root of all evil and can now determine why you have a headache while running. The only thing left is to see a doctor or solve the problem with the help of good rest and a handful of pain-relieving pills.

When to see a doctor

You are doing according to the program, which was drawn up by the coach, trying not to overwork, have mastered the techniques of correct breathing and running - and all in vain. After every run, you get the feeling that your head is breaking into a thousand small pieces.

It is much worse when cephalalgia is accompanied by loss of consciousness, numbness of the limbs, disorientation, nausea, mental disorders, nosebleeds. These symptoms are signals that ambiguously indicate one of the diseases of the central nervous system. In this case, your first visit should be to a neurologist who will determine what pathology was the root cause of cephalalgia.

Pale skin, severe head and neck pain, signs of a pinched occipital or cervical nerve? Call an ambulance or go to the hospital - this condition can be a harbinger of ischemic stroke.

And, finally, the "queen" of headaches is migraine. Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet found effective means of dealing with this one-sided throbbing pain. We advise you to contact a neurologist - he will help you choose the therapy that will help you.

But aerobic exercise, which includes running, will have to be limited - they are one of the triggers of migraine. There is, however, an opinion that a migraine attack is triggered not by increased blood circulation, but by the tension of the facial muscles. Try to relax your face as much as possible while running (this point is included in the description of the correct running technique).

How to get rid of a headache

Only 5 cases of cephalgia out of 100 require medical intervention and even hospitalization. In the remaining 95, you can independently stop (or mitigate) a headache attack after running. There are a number of general guidelines that can help you with this.

  1. Rest is the best medicine for headache, especially if it is triggered by emotional stress. 1-2 hours in a semi-dark, well-ventilated room, without gadgets and TV, will make even a painful migraine recede.
  2. Compresses. If a person turns pale during a headache attack (VSD, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris), then hot compresses on the face can help. And a few pieces of ice wrapped in gauze can ease the condition of an athlete with an increase in blood pressure. If the etiology of pain is unclear, apply a vinegar compress - moisten a strip of cloth with this harsh-smelling liquid and place it on your forehead. The vinegar will relieve tension from the temporal and frontal muscles of the head.
  3. Is the pain caused by osteochondrosis? If you regularly (10 sessions every six months) massage the muscles of the thoracic and cervical zone, then the tension and soreness of the muscles of the head and neck will cease to bother.
  4. Those who suffer from painful migraine attacks know that if lights begin to flicker in front of their eyes, and the path doubles under their feet, then the best thing to do is to immediately stop jogging and go home, lie in a dark room. In the first phase of migraine, vasodilator drugs are drunk, in the second - vasoconstrictor drugs. Baths with aromatic oils help a lot.

Folk recipes

Often, headache treatment with traditional medicine can be an order of magnitude more effective than analgesics. We bring to your attention the time-tested recipes.

Recipe number 1

  • Bearberry - 2 tsp (teaspoons);
  • Valerian root - 2 tsp
  • Hawthorn (fruit) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Motherwort five-bladed - 2 tsp.

All components are mixed in the indicated dosage and poured into an enamel bowl. Pour a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour under a tightly closed lid. The dishes are wrapped in a towel. The infusion is filtered and drunk in a third of the glass after meals. It is taken if blood pressure rises after a run.

* Ingredients for the preparation of the infusion are bought in the pharmacy in the form of dry packaged plants.

Recipe number 2

  • Rosehip (crushed fruits) - 4 tsp.
  • Motherwort shaggy - 2 tsp
  • Mushroom drier - 2 tsp
  • Peppermint - 2 tsp

Mix the ingredients and put in a glass or enamel container. Pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the dishes and insulate. Insist for about an hour. Drink half a glass one hour before meals. Infusion is an excellent remedy for headaches with head injuries, depression and overwork.

Recipe number 3

The easiest and most affordable recipe. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds (or 3-4 dried umbrellas) 300 ml of boiling water and let the broth brew for several hours. Strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day (before meals).

Prevention of headaches after exercise

After running, we should feel refreshed and healthy. Does not work? You don't need to quit playing sports right away. Try:

  • reduce the intensity of your workouts. Novice athletes often raise the bar. Start with 15-20 minutes of running;
  • drink a glass of water before and after training. Dehydration can cause headaches;
  • keep your head high and straight while running. The neck and shoulders should be relaxed;
  • watch your breathing technique. If you feel that there is not enough oxygen, inhale the air through your nose and mouth at the same time. The exhalation should be approximately twice as long as the inhalation.

Feeling healthy, slim, strong is not only useful, but also so nice! It is for this that one day we decide to start attending the gym, running in the park and on the track. Or even just do push-ups and abs at home. But what an unpleasant surprise the headache becomes after exercise. So what now? Give up taking care of your health or continue to go through pain to your goal?

Why does my head hurt after training?

The head can get sick not only after physical exertion, but also during. There are several reasons why this happens:

1) For any physical activity above the usual regime, many muscles of the body are involved in one way or another, including the muscles of the neck. If you have osteochondrosis, in particular of the cervical spine, then when lifting weights, the maximum power loads for you at the moment, a spasm of the cervical muscles may occur. And this means aching pain radiating to the back of the head, restriction of neck mobility, inability to turn or tilt the head.

2) It may well be that with osteochondrosis, calcium salts squeeze the vertebral arteries. Being in a calm state, the blood flow is strong enough to provide the brain with the necessary substances and oxygen. Under load, the muscle's need for oxygen and nutrition grows, the heart begins to pump blood faster and faster through the vessels, which are somehow forced to expand. And since this cannot be done due to salt deposits, the blood begins to expand the vessels and press on the nerve endings embedded in their walls. As a result, pain appears - pressing, bursting,. It is often accompanied by dizziness, darkening before the eyes, a feeling of deafening and ringing in the ears.

3) With any physical activity, pressure naturally rises. Normally, the vessels have time to adapt to changes. But if it is already increased, the overload on the circulatory system provokes aching pressure. Possible nosebleeds. Sometimes exercise can even cause a hypertensive crisis, in which nausea and vomiting appear.

4) This also applies to those who have cerebral atherosclerosis. Arteries become inelastic, unable to expand and contract. Strengthening and vice versa, weakening the force of blood flow cause a dull headache in the forehead and back of the head, often worried about the feeling of heaviness, fullness. Sometimes such pains do not allow you to fall asleep, they wake you up at night.

5) Inflammation of the frontal sinuses, accumulation of secretions in the ethmoid bones, where the wings of the nose pass into the cheeks, and associated acute or chronic diseases (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis) can also cause headaches during or after exercise. When bending, jumping, the pain intensifies, there are pressing, aching sensations in the forehead, nose, cheeks, sometimes.

6) Diseases of the inner and middle ear (otitis media, labyrinthitis) can turn training into torment. Shooting, aching pain spreads over half of the head, radiates to the crown, throat, nape. Sometimes the ear is blocked and / or knocks on it.

7) If you have increased intracranial pressure, it is not surprising that after running you have a headache. A feeling of fullness in the forehead or crown of the head may be evidence of stagnation of cerebrospinal fluid. These can be both congenital features of vascular tone, and the consequences of traumatic brain injuries or diseases that have entailed inflammation of the meninges (arachnoiditis, meningitis).

8) Disruption of the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous systems, or in another way vegetative-vascular dystonia, also spoils the life of people suffering from it a lot. When bending over and after any movement that requires the head to be positioned below chest level, the pain, which is usually constricting in nature, becomes more severe, reaching pulsation. At such moments, a person does not perceive the surrounding reality very well and seems detached. He may feel dizzy, ringing in his ears, feel congestion in one and both ears, weakness, and become a shaky gait.

9) It is quite common for a headache to occur once with a serious load, or appears infrequently. This means that you are just overexerted.

What to do and what not to do with headaches after physical activity

If you feel a headache during training or intensive work in the garden, stop, catch your breath. If possible, measure your pressure.

While exercising in the gym, do not rush to take on more weight. With regard to strength exercises, it is better not to do them if you have high blood pressure. And if you do, avoid those that make you push hard, hold your breath. In this case, a moderate cardio workout like jogging or stationary bike is better for you.

After training, to relieve vasospasm, remove accumulated lactic acid that causes pain and muscle tension, take a warm relaxing bath. You can add essential oils of lavender, basil, ylang-ylang, neroli, jasmine, bergamot to it - up to 10 drops. Or a handful of sea salt. Or, brew soothing herbs like valerian or citrus peels and pour the broth into the bathtub.

Massage with the same oils added to the base oil or cream will also help to relax and relieve pain. You can also shower with a power jet. Various needle applicators also cope well with this ailment.

Soothing herbs can be taken internally if you are not allergic to them. Pour a teaspoon of St. John's wort with a glass of hot water (not boiling water). After 20 minutes, when infused, you can drink half a glass and then eat. This tea can be drunk 2-3 times a day.

Don't drink regular tea or coffee after exercise if you know you might have a headache. Better to brew a few leaves of peppermint, it can even cope with.

It may well be that after the start of training for the first couple of weeks, the head will hurt, but then, when the vessels get used to the load, the problem will go away.

If your headaches after training are not frequent, and you do not have special health problems, you can use the usual pain relievers (analgin, spazmalgon, citramone).

If all else fails, this is a reason to consult a doctor: a neurologist, an ENT specialist. Osteochondrosis also needs to be treated - with manual therapy, various devices and medications that restore joints and intervertebral discs.

Before starting to exercise, it is best to find out if you have any health problems, which loads should be preferred and which ones to refrain from. Experienced trainers and doctors can help you answer these questions. If physical activity is not related to training, then look for information on how to do the same work, but with less stress, or, if possible, replace it with something less laborious.

Physical activity is necessary for normal well-being and keeping in shape. Everyone chooses the type of activity that he likes, but whether it be wrestling training or regular aerobics, headaches can occur after classes. This problem concerns not only those who go in for sports professionally, but also those who simply care about their health.

The results of medical research show that the majority of post-workout headaches are caused by spasms of the cerebral vessels of varying intensity. This is what becomes the source of headaches with vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraines, etc.

As for middle-aged and older people, headaches can be the result of various diseases, and with physical exertion, the condition can worsen.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT ARE a guide to action!
  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

In any case, regardless of age, headaches after sports indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the body and require mandatory identification of the causes and their elimination.

If the pains are not episodic, but are systematic in nature and occur after each (or most of them) training, then you need to consult a doctor, telling about what pains arise, where they are localized, after which exercises arise, after what time they pass.


There are many reasons why after a workout you may feel worse and have a headache. The main and most common ones are discussed in the table.

Cause Description
High blood pressure
  • Quite a common reason. During physical exertion, the pressure rises, but normally the vessels quickly adapt.
  • If a person's pressure itself is increased, then there is an excessive load on the circulatory system, pain in the back of the head appears, and blood from the nose may go.
  • If you have a headache and nausea after training, this may indicate the onset of a hypertensive crisis.
  • Post-workout headaches should be an incentive to check your blood pressure. Pain relievers will only relieve symptoms, while the problem may be serious and the solution requires the participation of a specialist, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.
Increased ICP
  • A special fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) protects the brain tissue from damage. If the cerebrospinal fluid accumulates a lot, its circulation is disrupted - this causes an increase in ICP.
  • If there is a feeling of fullness in the forehead and crown of the head, this may indicate stagnation of cerebrospinal fluid. This happens due to injuries or too much stress during sports.
  • It can also be due to a hereditary factor. With low intracranial pressure, pain in the temples may occur.
Pain arising from physical exertion
  • This reason can be considered after a medical examination and exclusion of the presence of pathologies. This type of headache occurs due to excessive stress on the muscles of the neck and head.
  • If your head and neck hurts after a workout, this may be due to a violation of the technique of performing the exercises, the wrong intensity of exercise. If you experience this kind of pain, consult a trainer.
  • Physical stress pains are pressing or constricting in nature and occur in almost half of people who are constantly involved in sports. As a rule, the pain is moderate, but in some cases it can be quite severe.
Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels With this disease, the vessels lose their elasticity, they cannot expand and narrow, therefore, when the strength of the blood flow changes, a dull headache occurs in the frontal and occipital parts. Such pain can wake up at night, interfere with sleep.
  • In this case, compression of the vertebral arteries occurs. If, in the absence of loads, the strength of the blood flow is sufficient to provide the brain with oxygen and the necessary substances, then during sports the needs of the muscles increase, and the vessels must expand in order to pump a larger volume of blood, but this cannot be done.
  • As a result, the blood expands the vessels, presses on the nerve endings and there is a pressing, bursting headache with pulsation. Often, at the same time, it darkens in the eyes, dizziness occurs, ears clog up.
Vegeto-vascular dystonia The pain becomes worse when bending over or any exercise that requires lowering the head below chest level. In this case, the pain (usually constricting) intensifies, begins to pulsate. Often combined with dizziness, congestion and ringing in the ears, weakness, uncertain gait.
Occurrence of one-time pain If the pain does not arise systematically, but manifests itself once after an intense training, then this is considered normal and speaks only of overstrain.

Dangerous symptoms

Physical activity can reveal dangerous diseases that a person did not know about, or remind of previous injuries. For example, sinusitis or sinusitis can present with headaches when the head is tilted downward.

There are a number of signs, in the presence of which it is imperative and urgent to consult a doctor:

  • when signs of a disorder of consciousness, mental disorders occur;
  • with the rapid onset of pain (in a split second) and intense character;
  • in the event of nausea and vomiting;
  • with numbness of half of the face or trunk.

Similar symptoms are typical for life-threatening diseases.


It is advisable to use independent attempts to get rid of a headache if you are sure that it is not caused by dangerous diseases (this is confirmed by tests), the pain is moderate and does not appear on a regular basis.

Of the available medicines, which are always in the first-aid kit, you can stop at "Citramone" or "Analgin".

If there is no desire to use medicines, then you can resort to the following methods:

  • just sit back and relax. Do not continue to be active. Sometimes the best way to get rid of a headache is to sleep normally;
  • yoga classes help to relax and relieve headaches;
  • a sea salt bath will help relieve stress;
  • herbal teas and herbal teas prepared in accordance with traditional medicine recipes;
  • neck massage.

Minimal-intensity exercise, such as breathing exercises, can also be used to relieve headaches.

  • If you experience a headache during exercise, take a break, give your body a break. It is recommended to measure the pressure immediately or after the end of the session.
  • Avoid strength training if you have high blood pressure. Better to choose jogging or exercise bike.
  • Relaxing warm baths with essential oils of ylang ylang, bergamot, jasmine or sea salt can help relieve tension after exercise. You can also add a decoction of valerian.
  • The same oils can be used for massage by adding them to the cream.
  • It is better to refuse tea and coffee after training. Boiled peppermint can help relieve headaches.
  • If the problem lies in the unpreparedness of the vessels, then there is a possibility that the headache will pass in a few weeks, when the vessels get used to the new loads.
  • In any case, consultation with an ENT specialist, a neurologist will not be superfluous. Osteochondrosis also requires treatment - manual therapy is used for this.


To reduce the likelihood of headaches during sports, you need to control your breathing. The elementary rules about inhaling and exhaling, which the physical education teacher tried to convey, and which seemed to be devoid of any meaning, are now relevant. During strength training, do not hold your breath, avoid exercises that require excessive tension.

Control the intensity of the exercise, the load should increase gradually. If you are jogging, then you first need to walk, accelerating your pace, and later start running. This will give your heart and blood vessels time to respond to the increased load.

When strength training, take your time to take on a lot of weight right away.

Pay attention to your diet. With regular physical activity, the value of nutritional quality increases. A complete and energetic diet will include yogurt, nuts, bananas, and protein.

If you want to get the maximum effect from training, which will be reflected in the shape of the body, talk to a trainer about which products you need.

Often, headaches occur against the background of dehydration. This situation is especially relevant when playing sports. Therefore, before starting the exercises, you must drink a glass of water, and after training, it is allowed to drink no earlier than half an hour later.

The water should be clean, not carbonated. Adequate amount of fluid ensures normal blood pressure, so the risk of headaches is reduced.

Poor posture and non-adherence to the technique of performing exercises can also provoke headaches. It is important to strengthen the muscles of the neck, since the state of the vascular system of the brain also depends on them.

Primary cephalalgia is the most common symptom in children. This includes migraine, tension headache, cluster pain. Those. these are not dangerous causes of pain and are most often caused by overwork, dehydration, oxygen starvation, malnutrition or hunger, etc.

Secondary cephalalgia. They are divided into 8 groups:

  • traumatic;
  • diseases of non-vascular structures in the cranial cavity;
  • infectious;
  • caused by various substances, medications, as well as the termination of their intake;
  • arising from a violation of the normal composition of the blood;
  • caused by a disease of the facial and cranial structures;
  • associated with mental disorders.

Neuralgia of the cranial nerves, facial pain, other cephalgic syndromes.

In order not to overload you with information, we will carry out such a classification. Let's divide the reasons due to which the child has a headache into diseases:

  • benign, which rarely lead to life-threatening conditions.
  • in need of urgent measures of assistance, which can lead to serious complications if the diagnosis is not started within 24-48 hours.
  • requiring urgent (in the coming minutes) measures are directly life-threatening.

Causes of headaches during exertion

Exercise is the path to health and longevity. But often during exercise, performing work associated with heavy lifting or intense movements, malaise occurs. The most common ailment is a headache with intense exertion, in the absence of which it stops. What is the reason for this phenomenon? What symptoms other than a sharp headache should alert you?

With headaches that appear after a workout, you need to be more attentive to yourself, since there may be several reasons that caused it. Here it is important to be examined in time and identify them in order to prevent the development of the pathological process.

Any physical activity is stress for the body, to which it reacts in different ways. Muscles that are at rest for a long time begin to actively develop, provoking a certain state. So, the neck muscles are activated when running, and in the case of existing osteochondrosis, a person after training and during training may feel pain of a different nature.

The next reason is calcium salts compressing the vertebral arteries. Exercise increases the stress on the body and requires rapid pumping of blood. The heart speeds up the production process, thereby increasing pressure on the walls of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Therefore, the head hurts after exercise, for example after running and walking. The nature of the sensations can be pressing, pulsating or sharp. Symptoms such as dizziness, darkening of the eyes, and even loss of consciousness are possible.

Causes of "non-dangerous" headache

These diseases cause cephalalgia in a child most often. This includes:

  • migraine;
  • tension headache;
  • cluster headache;
  • cephalalgia with intoxication;
  • taking certain heart medications;
  • headache associated with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • pain caused by short-term intoxication (for example, when inhaling the smell of some flowers, fumes from wood chips, plastic, carpets). As a rule, in this case headache in the forehead.

A migraine is when a headache:

  • passes after sleep;
  • develops after the student has not had time to eat in the morning or at school;
  • appears after lack of sleep or physical exertion;
  • may develop after eating chocolate, nuts, cheese, citrus fruits;
  • occurs "in the weather";
  • felt in half of the head - in the forehead and temple area, around the eye, can begin in the occipital region, then move to the temple and forehead;
  • appears after an attack of weakness, bad mood, increased sensitivity to sounds and smells, weakness in the limbs, "flies", goose bumps, distortion of the shape of objects;
  • coincides with menstruation.

In younger children, migraine develops more often in the second half of the day, with the first attacks, the head hurts on both sides. After puberty, attacks develop in the morning, affecting one half of the head.

Tension headache is pain of a pressing or constricting nature felt on both sides of the head. Feeling such pain, the child will say that "it was as if a tight hat or helmet was put on his head." This symptom appears:

  • after excessive workload at school;
  • after a long stay in a stuffy room;
  • after emotional stress, for example, after a control;
  • after sitting at a table or at a desk for a long time in an uncomfortable position;
  • after a long "conversation" with gadgets.

Tension headache is not aggravated by physical exertion - only by mental. Therefore, there is even a separate term "pain on September 8": when a child, who was resting on vacation, returns to school, then by the eighth day of increased stress, his head starts to hurt.

Cluster headache is another diagnosis. Its characteristics are as follows:

  • she is strong;
  • felt on one side of the head - always;
  • repeated in the form of seizures lasting 15-180 minutes - no more;
  • attacks go one after one with a certain frequency (from several weeks to several months);
  • after a series of attacks, a period of calm ensues;
  • accompanied by anxiety, aggression;
  • at the same time, half of the nose is always blocked or, conversely, a lot of snot comes out from one nostril;
  • during an attack, sweat is released on one side of the forehead and face;
  • the eye reddens on the side of the headache.

Children who suffer from this type of cephalalgia usually have an athletic build. Doctors note that they also have a common character trait: indecision in making decisions.

Why does my head hurt after and during running?

Many people complain of headaches after running. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that physical activity only adds health and is a source of longevity. Indeed, doctors confirm that physical activity, which is carried out regularly and with sufficient intensity, is a prerequisite for maintaining the normal functioning of the entire human body. Thus, thanks to running, a person will feel good.

However, all the benefits of running will fade if a person is constantly suffering from headaches. What if headaches start after a regular run? Such symptoms after physical activity are considered quite rare pathological phenomena. They limit the normal life of a person.

The main symptoms of cephalalgias after running

Headaches after running and other physical activity can result from a variety of injuries, injuries, and serious illnesses. In this case, the intervention of a doctor is necessary. For example, if pain in the head occurs after a person bends forward, then this is a signal that he is suffering from sinusitis or sinusitis.

Headaches can be sharp, throbbing, pulling or constant. In some cases, the neck also begins to hurt. Sometimes the patient feels a pulse in the neck or temples. If a person is injured, then the motor activity of the neck may deteriorate.

It is forbidden to ignore the painful sensations if a person begins to have disorders of consciousness, the personality changes and various psychological deviations appear. In addition, an urgent need to consult a doctor if the pain develops in a split second and differs in intensity. The same applies to bouts of nausea and vomiting.

In addition, medical attention is needed if a person becomes numb. In some cases, only one part of the body or some limbs may become numb. All of these symptoms are signals that a person is developing serious illnesses, so they must be treated immediately.

Causes of stress headaches

So why does your head hurt after running? There are many factors that cause pain in a person's head, especially after physical exertion. Moreover, there are so many of them that doctors can spend a lot of time trying to identify the causes. Various diagnostic methods are needed to determine the factors that provoke head pain.

For example, a person may have increased intracranial pressure. The brain is very reliably hidden in the skull and protected by dense bone structures from various mechanical damage. The fluid in the brain is called CSF. It circulates in the arachnoid space, in the ventricle of the brain and other parts of it.

In addition, the patient may be suffering from hypertension. Quite often, the discomfort after training is explained by this. During normal daily life, a person does not even pay attention to the fact that he has high blood pressure. However, physical activity becomes a factor that causes pain.

In addition, headaches can cause various nerve problems. So, a person may suffer from depression or experience strong emotional stress. Neuralgia can cause pain.

Scientists believe that most headaches are caused by spasms in the blood vessels. Most often, such a mechanism for the development of pain occurs in people who suffer from vascular dystonia.

Pain Syndrome Treatment

If the pain is moderate enough in intensity, rarely appears or is of a periodic nature, then you can try to cope with such a problem on your own.

In most cases, drugs that have analgesic properties help. Examples of such medicines are Citramon and Analgin. Those people who do not want to use drugs can follow the advice of doctors. Rest will help to cope with pain in the head after exercise.

For example, you can just relax or sleep. In addition, there are special therapeutic exercises and yoga that will help get rid of frequent headaches. When choosing exercises, you need to understand that their intensity should be minimal. You can use regular, simple neck exercises to help relax the muscles. Breathing exercises are also great.

When the pain sensations are permanent, and the previous measures no longer help get rid of them, then you need to consult a doctor. Various serious illnesses can be the reasons. So it is better to consult a doctor in time and prevent their further development.

Folk recipes

For headaches after jogging, it is recommended to use various herbal preparations. A decoction of St. John's wort has proven itself well. You will need a spoonful of raw materials for a glass of water. St. John's wort is poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then the agent must be drained and drunk by a third of a glass before meals 3 times a day.

You can prepare a decoction with a mother and stepmother. To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and wait 40 - 50 minutes. Then the drink is filtered. Such a broth is allowed to drink 2 tablespoons before meals 3 times a day.

In order not to have a headache after running, it is recommended to drink tea, to which ordinary peppermint is added. By the way, if a headache occurs after running, then this problem can be solved with a lemon wedge. First, it must be added to tea. And secondly, a slice of this citrus should be applied to the forehead for half an hour. Then the person should be in silence and gradually relax.

A bath with the addition of sea salt will help to eliminate the painful condition after running. It is also recommended to add a decoction of valerian roots to the water. This remedy will help you relax.

However, the best remedy for headaches when running and other types of physical activity is sleep. Be sure to get enough sleep every day. It is also helpful to massage the scalp. Then the pain will decrease.

If folk remedies have not been able to cope with the headaches that occur after physical activity, then it is imperative to consult a doctor and find out the reasons for these pathological abnormalities.

It is better not to delay the diagnosis and treatment so that there are no serious consequences. Only a qualified doctor will be able to determine the cause of the disease and select the necessary treatment individually for each patient.

Regular exercise is one of the essential components of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, often busy ...

Here we include conditions such as:

  • sinusitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • scoliosis of the cervical spine;
  • Arnold-Chiari syndrome;
  • leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (liquorrhea) through the nose or ear, when the cause of cephalalgia is too low intracranial pressure;
  • idiopathic (for unknown reasons arisen) increase in intracranial pressure.
  1. Stroke . Everyone heard that he is now "younger." It is true: doctors diagnose hemorrhages in the subarachnoid space and blood soaking of the brain matter even in infants. Sometimes this happens as a result of a head injury, sometimes it happens spontaneously, if there are incorrectly connected vessels inside the skull, and the child is also nervous.
  2. Meningitis No less terrible diagnoses accompanied by cephalgia are meningitis and encephalitis. And they are often not accompanied by some kind of skin rash.
  3. Brain tumors. Quite rare in childhood, but a brain tumor may develop. It can grow and compress adjacent structures, causing a gradual increase in intracranial pressure. The tumor can disintegrate - then symptoms appear that do not differ much from a stroke.
  4. Occlusive hydrocephalus- a condition when the cerebrospinal fluid cannot normally leave the cranial cavity, and overflows the ventricles of the brain.
  5. Dissection of the vertebral or carotid artery wall.
  6. Vascular diseases: thrombosis of one of the venous sinuses, moyamoya disease, vascular anomalies, vasculitis.
  7. Arterial hypertension, including malignant (when the pressure almost does not decrease under the influence of drugs).
  8. Hypoxia is a condition when there is not enough oxygen in the blood. Acute hypoxia develops against the background of acute pneumonia, tissue poisoning (including cyanide), heart disease. Chronic - with chronic heart and respiratory diseases, heart defects, bronchial asthma.
  9. Hypercapnia is an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. This is possible with carbon monoxide poisoning, bronchostatus (severe attack of bronchial asthma), panic attack.
  10. Traumatic brain injury.

All these diseases should be noticed as early as possible. And immediately call a doctor.

Focus on the following symptoms:

  • a sharp headache (as if struck with a dagger) or one that picks up maximum intensity in less than a minute;
  • delirium, inadequacy;
  • when the head hurts and feels sick, most often, with an increase in temperature, usually after a cold;
  • "Flies" before the eyes;
  • cramps against the background of a headache, which can occur both with an elevated temperature and without it;
  • drowsiness against a background of headache;
  • slurred speech;
  • severe headache: the child lies in a forced position, does not show enthusiasm for offers to play, watch cartoons;
  • asymmetry of the face;
  • severe hearing or vision impairment;
  • weakness in the limbs on the one hand, up to their paralysis;
  • the appearance of any rash on the body in combination with a headache;
  • cephalalgia against the background of symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing during breathing, irregular heart rhythm, chest pain, feeling that the heart is "overturning";
  • headache after head injury or stress;
  • if the head constantly hurts, while the child has lost weight for no reason;
  • cephalalgia increases in a certain position, as well as when coughing, straining, sneezing.

A short video on the causes of headaches in children

Headaches are familiar to everyone. Even children are susceptible to this disease. What could be the reason for the frequent ...

Headaches in children occur most often for two reasons: impaired blood flow during exertion or ...

  • ventilate the room more often;
  • put a sandwich, cookies and an apple in his school;
  • make sure that he does not sit at gadgets;
  • immediately after waking up to do gymnastics, jogging;
  • make sure that he sleeps at least 9 hours a day;
  • be sure to feed him fresh vegetables and fruits daily.

If you have a seizure, use a simple recipe: make your child a quiet and darkened room, place a damp cloth soaked in cold water on the forehead. The child will sleep and feel better. Just make sure there are no dangerous symptoms first.

What can children do for headaches? The only pills for children with headaches are "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol". Nothing else can be taken without a doctor's prescription. Even if you are sure that he has a migraine, it is very dangerous to give drugs with ergot alkaloids without medical permission!

What diseases cause headaches?

A completely natural phenomenon is an increase in blood pressure during physical exertion. But when the pressure is already increased, it will be difficult for the vessels to adapt to the additional load. This condition is very unpleasant and dangerous - most often the occipital part hurts, nosebleeds can go and even develop a hypertensive crisis, the person will be very nauseous.

With atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, a dull headache will appear in the forehead and occiput. And with sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and rhinitis, it is better to give up physical activity altogether, since the already severe pain in the frontal sinuses will only intensify.

With otitis media or labyrinthitis, it is not just a headache after training, but the exercises themselves turn into torture. The pain is strong, breaking, shooting starts from the ear and radiates over the entire head, mainly in the back of the head.

Osteochondrosis and intracranial pressure

If you often have a headache after boxing training, this may indicate not only injuries, but also increased intracranial pressure. The fluid in the brain causes discomfort, which increases with physical exertion. In such cases, it is worth strengthening the neck muscles, then the load on the head will be less.

With cervical osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias, hearing may deteriorate, tinnitus may appear, the vessels are compressed, and pulsating unbearable pain occurs. With a short-term manifestation of the syndrome, you can get by with a decrease in the load so that the body has time to adapt, and if this does not help, you need to undergo a medical examination.

Often headaches after training lying down due to severe spasms of the vessels of the brain.

At the same time, you should know that regardless of age, if you have a headache after training, this is a signal of disturbances in the functioning of the body, which needs examination and treatment.

You should not take a lot of weight in strength exercises. At best, such training should be abandoned or avoided breath-holding exercises and activities in which you have to push hard.

Before going in for sports or at the first depressing symptoms, you need to seek the advice of a specialist and find out which workouts are suitable and which activities are better to refuse.

The body of a person who leads an inactive lifestyle becomes a place of accumulation of toxins. During exercise, these substances begin to enter the bloodstream, which leads to unpleasant sensations, especially in the first classes.

Overweight people often suffer from headaches. In this case, you need to revise the training program, starting at 20 minutes a day and increasing the duration daily.

All lessons must be supervised by an experienced instructor.

Preventive actions

It is important during exercise to monitor your condition and take action when any changes. Any complex is performed gradually with a moderate load, so that the heart and other muscles have time to adapt.

A balanced diet plays an important role - fermented milk products, nuts, fruits should be present in the diet.

It is important to drink as much purified water as possible - at least 200 ml before training, and after training, it is better to drink any liquid after half an hour. Water normalizes blood pressure.

When a head hurts after training the next day, it brings great discomfort to a person, it does not allow active movement and feel confident.

Determine the cause of pain by the leading symptom

No temperature With temperature

In the forehead

With intoxication Then it appears against the background:
  • or colds;
  • or (if against the background of complete health) - when you are in a room where there is chipboard, artificial carpets, plastic products, flowers with a pungent odor
Frontitis: begins to hurt in the frontal part against the background of a cold or after it. Cephalalgia worse when bending forward

Intracranial hypertension. Very strong, bursting, gives off to the temples, sometimes to the eye area

Aggravated by running, tumbling, prolonged sun exposure, head-down bending

Is accompanied by vomiting: at first after eating, medication, liquid, then arising on its own, without nausea

Head and eyes hurt


It captures half of the head, is located in the forehead and temples, around the eye, can start in the occipital region, then move on to the temple and forehead.

Important: the side of pain changes with attacks. If it always hurts on one side, rule out a brain tumor!

Sinusitis: frontal sinusitis, spheno- or ethmoiditis; possible inflammation of several sinuses at once (pansinusitis)

The pain syndrome is especially strong on waking, aggravated by bending, shaking the head, blowing your nose

Cluster cephalalgia

Strong, always in the same direction, accompanied by anxiety, aggression.

It is accompanied by nasal congestion or runny nose, sweating of the forehead / face, lacrimation, redness of the eye. Lasts 15-180 minutes.

Influenza, less often - other acute respiratory viral infections

Accompanied by aching muscles, bones, runny nose

Paroxysmal hemicrania

Pain sensations are localized on one side, last 2-30 minutes, accompanied by redness of the eye, nasal congestion on the side of pain, sweating of the forehead and face - on the side of cephalalgia.

It differs from cluster cephalalgia only in the short duration of the attack


This is a severe headache, accompanied by nausea outside of meals, and sometimes a rash. Occurs mainly after symptoms of a cold

Short-term unilateral neuralgic pain

They have the same symptoms - eyelid redness, nasal congestion / runny nose, eyelid swelling from the side of pain - as in cluster syndrome and in paroxysmal hemicrania.

The difference from them is that all attacks are different in time.

It is characterized by a tingling sensation, lasts a few seconds, may appear as one injection or several injections


The child does not see well what is written on the board. Cephalalgia occurs after a day of hard work at school

Inflammatory eye diseases

(iritis, iridocyclitis, herpes zoster in the trigeminal nerve)

Lachrymation, pain when opening the eye, in connection with which it constantly tries to close, swelling of the eyelid


It starts to hurt after a long load of the organ of vision: reading, watching cartoons

Glaucoma attack

The eye doesn't just hurt, it feels pressure. After that, cephalalgia may begin, which is accompanied by the appearance of "flies", blurred vision, vomiting, decreased heart rate, chills

Sore temples

Cluster cephalalgia

Purulent otitis media

The pain extends to the ear, discharge is noted from it. Shooting, stabbing, throbbing pain

Paroxysmal hemicrania


The pain began in the ear, captured the temporal and parietal regions. There is swelling and redness below the ear

Tension headache

May be accompanied by pain in the heart, abdomen, joints. It is combined with the appearance of fear, feeling of fatigue, disturbed sleep and appetite

Primary stitching headache

The back of the head hurts


Pain appears after stress, overexertion, negative emotions

May be accompanied by nausea, noise in the ears or head, and the appearance of "flies" in front of the eyes

Meningitis, encephalitis

Decreased intracranial pressure

Localized in the crown and occiput. Increases with jumping, coughing, walking, increases during the day

It becomes easier when lowering the head down, bending the head forward, lying without a pillow

Cervical scoliosis

My head hurts and dizzy

Basilar migraine

Occurs in girls of senior school age. Manifests itself as throbbing pain with impaired vision, tinnitus, staggering, creepy hands and feet, dizziness


The headache is severe, accompanied by nausea. Occurs in the background or after a cold

Tension headache Any infectious disease with severe intoxication

Headache and nausea

Migraine Any infectious disease accompanied by intoxication: tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis

Abdominal migraine - pulsating paroxysmal pain in the midline of the abdomen. Their intensity is average. Duration - from 1 hour to 3 days. Is accompanied by nausea, vomiting

Observed at the age of 5-10 years


In this case, the pain is very strong.

Tension headache

Stomach and head ache


Intestinal infection, accompanied by intoxication

Most likely there must be diarrhea and / or vomiting

Abdominal migraine

Enteroviral meningitis

Occurs in August-September, most often - after a trip to the sea. May be accompanied by diarrhea

Why does my head hurt after exercise (physical exercise)?

Folk recipes

In addition to the above reasons, in the pool, the head may ache due to poor-quality water. In order to be sure, you need to consult how to correctly take and hand over water for an extended analysis. The composition will be checked for the presence of harmful impurities, including reactive ones.

A weak neck and low blood pressure are also the reasons for headaches after swimming training.

Pain may also appear in a person who has recently completed a course of taking antibiotics or other powerful drugs. The body must recover, therefore it is not worth loading it, this can only aggravate the situation. If the malaise is accompanied by dizziness, nausea and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the nervous system malfunctions during exercise, in which you need to lower your head, throbbing pain, dizziness, severe weakness and gait disturbance may occur. And with vegetative dystonia, a headache often hurts after wrestling training.

Previous injuries also have a negative effect and make themselves felt during exertion, especially if inflammation of the membranes of the brain was observed or fluid stagnation in the spinal cord occurred.

Indeed, doctors confirm that regular physical activity, sufficient in its intensity, is a prerequisite for maintaining the physiologically correct functioning of the body and normal human well-being.

However, the benefits of regular exercise can be diminished if a person suffers from migraine attacks after such activities, if, for example, a headache after running.

The feeling of headache that occurs after physical exertion is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, significantly limiting the life activity of any person, often breaking the normal way of life.

Why is this happening? How to deal with the problem? Perhaps there are certain exercises for headaches, or is it necessary to fight the ailment with the help of medication?

Medical scientists have long proven that the vast majority of headaches that occur in people at a young age are the result of spasms (of varying intensity) of certain parts of the cerebral vessels. This is the mechanism of pain development in people suffering from vegetative vascular dystonia, migraine, etc. ...

In middle-aged people, the causes of headaches after physical exertion can lie in a variety of diseases, because training can somewhat aggravate the course of the disease.

And in order to be able to help a person cope with such problems, in order to heal the entire body, it is advisable to understand in detail the possible causes of this problem.

Main reasons

Undoubtedly, today there are an incredible number of reasons provoking headaches after exercise.

And so much that medical practitioners can spend a huge amount of time and money on diagnostics and identification of specific provoking factors.

For clarity, we decided to list the most common of these factors that directly affect the discomfort of people involved in sports in the table below.

Causal factorDescription of the reason
Increased intracranial pressure

The human brain tissue by nature is reliably protected from mechanical damage by cerebral fluid (cerebrospinal fluid).

CSF is produced and circulates in the ventricles of the brain, in the arachnoid space, etc. Sometimes the full circulation of CSF is disturbed for one reason or another, as a result of which the indicators of intracranial pressure increase, the patient's head begins to bother.

Excessive exercise or a head injury sustained during such training is a common cause of increased intracranial pressure.

Hypertonic diseaseOften, ailments after intense training are characteristic of patients with essential hypertension. Indeed, with a measured rhythm of life, a person often does not notice increases in blood pressure, physical exertion and headache after them, in this case, turn out to be a kind of marker forcing to measure blood pressure indicators.
Physical stress pain

It is permissible to judge the development of pain in the head of physical exertion only if you are sure of the absence of certain organic diseases, which is confirmed by an adequate diagnosis.

This type of headache is caused by excessive tension in the muscles of the cervical spine, neck and head muscles. The development of this type of pain may be associated with improper performance of the technique of certain exercises, with an incorrectly selected intensity of training, etc.

This type of headache has a pressing or constricting character. According to statistics, almost 50% of people who regularly visit the gym have physical tension headaches.

Other reasonsOther causative factors that cause headaches after sports activities include:
  • depressive states, emotional stress.
  • Various kinds of neuralgia, etc.

Important! But, the most important thing that every person who faces the described problems after playing sports should remember is that if the headaches become too intense and protracted, if the pain appears after each visit to the gym, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms that should alert you

Often, through this kind of ailments, dangerous consequences of previously received injuries, serious diseases that require compulsory treatment to doctors can manifest themselves.

Elena Malysheva recommends for the treatment and prevention of migraines. It contains 16 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in treating migraines, dizziness and cleansing the body as a whole.

For example, headaches when the head bends down may indicate the development of sinusitis or sinusitis.

Feedback from our reader Olga Nesterova

I recently read an article that tells about the collection of Father George's Monastery collection for getting rid of migraines and headaches. This collection cleans blood vessels, calms the nervous system, improves general condition.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check it and ordered the packaging. I noticed the changes after a week: weakness, constant headaches that tormented me before - receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. Try it yourself, and if anyone is interested, then below is the link to the article.

  • accompanied by signs of disorders of consciousness, personality changes, mental disorders.
  • develop in a split second and are too intense.
  • accompanied by severe nausea, profuse vomiting.
  • accompanied by numbness on one side of the face or even the body.

It is important to remember that all the symptoms described above that occur after intense exercise, UNIVERSAL, require MANDATORY seeking qualified medical help.

This is due to the fact that such manifestations may indicate the development of life-threatening emergency pathological conditions.

How to get rid of post-workout pain?

If the pain is mild and bothers you only periodically, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

It is quite acceptable to relieve pain with the usual analgesics for many - say, a pill of "Analgin", "Citramon", etc.

For those who do not want to use drugs straight away, alternative healthcare advice may be ideal.

For example, a mild post-workout headache can be managed by:

  • An ordinary rest. For example, a physical exertion headache can subside after a healthy sleep.
  • Yoga for headaches.
  • Warm bath with sea salt.
  • Herbal teas recommended by traditional medicine.
  • Neck massage.

When choosing exercise for headache as a treatment, it is important to remember that its intensity should be minimal. These can be both elementary exercises to relax the muscles of the neck, and full-fledged breathing practices.

Do you still think that it is impossible to get rid of MIGRAINE !?

Have you ever faced a severe headache that you simply cannot tolerate !? Judging by the fact that you are now reading this article, then you know firsthand what it is:

  • a very bad headache in the frontal or temporal region ...
  • the pain is pulsating or bursting, aggravated by the slightest movement ...
  • pain is accompanied by nausea, and sometimes even vomiting ...
  • light and sounds are unpleasant ...
  • and you have been taking a bunch of medications for a long time ...

Now answer the question: It suits you? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? And how long have you already "wasted" on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later, the SITUATION WILL BE DECREASED. And this can lead to more serious consequences, such as migraine status and migraine stroke.

That's right - it's time to start ending this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish the personal story of Natalya Budnitskaya, in which she talked about how she not only coped with chronic MIGRAINE, but also got rid of a whole bunch of diseases.

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