How to determine the approximate time by the sun? How to know the time by the clock

During the day, it describes a circle around the North Star (the entire constellation rotates).

A straight line from the North Star to the stars 1 and 2 Ursa Major will be called for brevity the arrow of the Bear.

When the stars are 1 and 2 stand directly under the North Star, then the arrow is directed vertically down. Let's agree to say that it shows 6 o'clock, according to conditional account . This will be position I in the figure.

Continuing the observation, we will soon notice that in this position the Big Dipper moves to the right, that is, to the east, and slowly rises, but in a circle, the center of which is the North Star. After a quarter of a day, that is, after 6 real hours, the arrow of the Bear will pass a quarter of a turn of the circle, will now be located not vertically, but horizontally, and we will get position II; now the Ursa hand shows 3 hours according to the conditional account, etc.

Since the movement of the Big Dipper around the North Star is uniform, we can say that the Big Dipper together with the North Star is a conditional sidereal clock. The arrow of this celestial clock is an imaginary line passing from the North Star to the stars. 1 and 2 Ursa Major, but there is no dial at all. But after all, the dial is not particularly needed. When we look at a watch, we very often determine the time simply by the direction of the hands and do not at all try to consider the number to which the hand points.

The hand of a celestial clock turns in the opposite direction to that of an ordinary clock. After position II, it will pass imaginary numbers corresponding to the conditional 2 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 11 o'clock, etc. We will firmly remember that this is not a real watch, but a conditional reading of our imaginary hand..

Below is a description of what tasks can be solved with the help of this imaginary celestial clock.

How to find out how much time has passed by Ursa Major?

Task 1. Imagine that a fighter without a watch went out on a night reconnaissance, when Ursa Major had not yet reached its lowest position. By eye, he determined that Ursa arrow worth showing at 6.5 conventional hours. After completing the task, he looked at the Big Dipper and saw that now her hand was showing 4.0 conventional hours. How much time did he spend in intelligence?

To answer the question, subtract 4.0 from 6.5. As a result, we get 2.5 (conditional hours).

To translate the conditional hours into true ones, you need to multiply the result by 2. So, 2.5 x 2 \u003d 5 hours (true).

Consequently, reconnaissance lasted approximately 5 hours.

Task 2. How much time has passed if at the beginning the hand of the Bear showed 2.0 conventional hours, and at the end 10.5 conventional hours?

In order to subtract 10.5 from 2 hours, you must first add 12 hours to 2 hours (don't forget, "conditional hours" go in the opposite direction with respect to the true ones):

2 conventional hours +12 conventional hours=14 conventional hours. Subtract:

14 conventional hours - 10.5 conventional hours = 3.5 conventional hours. To convert conventional hours to true, we multiply 3.5 conventional hours by 2 and get 7 true hours.

From here we get the following rule:

In order to determine how much time has passed by Ursa Major, you need to:

1) notice how much showed arrowUrsa on an imaginary celestial clock at the beginning and at the end.

2) subtract the second from the first number (if the first number is less than the second, then add 12 to the first and then subtract the second).

3) multiply the resulting number by two.

How can you tell by the Big Dipper that it's midnight?

This task is more difficult than the previous one because the stars of the Big Dipper (like all other stars) make a complete revolution not exactly in 24 hours, but 4 minutes sooner.

In other words, our star clock every day goes forward against ordinary clocks by 4 minutes. Therefore, the lowest position of Ursa Major according to ordinary hours tomorrow will be 4 minutes earlier than it was today, the day after tomorrow - 8 minutes earlier, and so on. In 30 days it will come earlier than today, already by 120 minutes, that is, by as much as 2 hours. Despite all this complexity, the named problem is easy to understand with the help of the following information.

September 22nd Ursa arrow at midnight (that is, at 0000 hours according to our clock) is directed vertically down and shows 6 conventional hours on the heavenly clock.

A month after September 22, i.e. October 22, this vertical position of the arrow will come already two true hours before midnight. Therefore, at midnight on October 22, the celestial arrow will no longer stand vertically, but will deviate to the east (to the right) at such an angle, as if it were directed to the number 5 on an imaginary celestial clock. Arguing further in the same way, we get the following table.

The arrow of Ursa Major at midnight shows:

Let's solve, for example, the following problem:

November 7 falls in the middle between October 22 and November 22. Therefore, from the table we will find that on this day at midnight the arrow of the Bear should dig for 4.5 conventional hours.

This means that midnight will come at a time when Ursa Major will take a position just in the middle between position I (6 conventional hours) and II (3 conventional hours) in Fig. ten.

How to find out what time it is by Ursa Major?

Finding out what time it is means to determine how much time has passed since midnight. With the help of the table above, this is easy to do.

Task 4. On November 7, the arrow of the Bear showed the conventional hour. What time is it really?

In the last problem, we have already determined from the table that at midnight the arrow of the Bear on November 7 shows 4.5 conventional hours. To find out the desired time, it is necessary from 4,5 subtract 2 conventional hours and multiply the result by 2: 4.5-2=2.5 conventional hours.

We multiply the result by 2: 2.5 x 2 \u003d 5 true hours (mornings).

3 task 5. On October 20, the arrow of the Bear showed 7 conventional hours. What time is it really?

From the table for October 20, we get that at midnight the Ursa hand shows approximately 5 conventional hours. To subtract 7 hours from 5 hours, first add 12 hours to 5 hours:

5+12=17 conventional hours; 17 conventional hours - 7 conventional hours = 10 conventional hours. We multiply the result by 2:

10 x 2 = 20 true hours (evenings).

Hence another rule:

To find out what time it is by the position of the Ursa Major arrow, you need to:

1) determine from the table what the Ursa arrow shows for midnight of a given day;

2) subtract from this number the indication of the hand, determined from observations (if the first number is less than the second, then add 12 hours to the first and then subtract the second number);

3) double the resulting number.

Although, unlike space, in time, people can only move in one direction and at one speed, the ability to navigate in time has not bothered anyone yet. Watches, like any human-made mechanism, break too often to be relied upon outside the reach of a watchmaker. And the sun, moon, stars show time for billions of years without stopping and never once failed.

Let's start with a few numbers. The Earth moves at a speed of 29.8 km/sec in an orbit 930 million km long. The tilt of the earth's axis relative to the plane of rotation is 66° 5″. It determines the maximum angle of elevation of the Sun above the horizon and leads to the change of seasons. The period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is 365 days and 6 hours. These same 6 hours lead to the need to arrange a leap year every 4 years.

The duration of the true (solar) day, i.e. of the day along with the night, during the year it changes somewhat depending on the time interval between the returns of the Sun to the meridian. The longest true day occurs on December 22, they are 51.2 seconds longer than the shortest true day on June 22. Well, the truth is that such accuracy is needed more in an observatory than in a forest.

March 21 The sun is at its zenith at the equator, it rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west - this is the day of the vernal equinox, the astronomical beginning of spring "morning of the year."

June, 22- the day of the summer solstice. The sun departs from the equator to the north by 23’5″ this day is the longest, the sun rises to the maximum height for this latitude.

Everything is very simple. To conduct accurate observations of the Sun and determine the date, all that remains is to build something similar in size to an Egyptian pyramid and you will be perfectly oriented in months, weeks and even days.

To determine the hours and minutes, you can get by with simpler devices.

Determination of time by the sun

  • 6 morning in the East
  • 9 morning - in the Southwest
  • 12 - in the South, the shortest shadow
  • 15 - in the South-West
  • 18 - in the West
  • 24 - the sun is in the North, do not rush to smile, the sun is not visible everywhere “at night”. In the circumpolar regions at midnight, it simply occupies the lowest position above the horizon.

In the equatorial regions, the opposite is true. Determining west or east at sunset or dawn is very simple. But here at noon it can be both in the north and in the south.

Determining the time by the sun and compass

Just remember that the Sun moves across the sky at a speed of 15 degrees per hour. In order to determine the time using a compass, we measure the azimuth to the sun, let's say it is 90 °. Then 90 ° must be divided by 15 ° per hour, we get 6.

For Russia, it is necessary to take into account the standard time, i.e. add 1 hour, in addition, now almost all countries of the northern hemisphere will introduce summer time for the summer period, i.e. one more hour added.

So plus one hour (daylight savings time) and we get 7 hours. Or, for example, the azimuth on the Sun is 180 °, so the time will be 12h + 1h (daylight savings time) = 13h.

Determining the time by the moon

Some introductory information. The lunar month is somewhat less than usual for Europeans and is 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes, i.e. The phases of the moon alternate every 29.5 days.

New moon- the beginning of the month: in this phase, the moon is not visible

First quarter- the visible crescent moon is observed half a circle in the first half of the night, sets in the middle of the night.

Full moon- The moon is observed in the form of a disk-circle, it rises in the evening and sets in the morning, i.e. shines all night.

Last quarter- the moon is observed half a circle in the second half of the night, it rises in the middle of the night.

Determining the time by the moon and compass

Let the moon come. Let's direct the north on the compass limb to the Moon (letter C to the Moon), count the degrees from the northern end of the magnetic needle to this direction. We get the azimuth of the Moon (ex. 270) then divide it by 15 and add 1

We determine that the visible part of the Moon is 5 parts of its diameter, on the basis that the full disk is 12 parts. Then we add them 19 + 5 = 24 and this is the time we are interested in. If sum > 24 subtract 24 from it.

On the full moon, you should do the same. For example, azimuth = 90

7 + 12 = 19 - i.e. now 19 hours (7 pm)

And if the Moon is decreasing, we must do the same, but subtract the count in fractions of the visible disk of the Moon.

Orientation in time by the stars

Determination of time by the constellation Ursa Major.
Each star and any point in the sky makes a full circle in 23 hours and 56 minutes.

Sidereal days are the basic unit of time, and their duration remains constant all the time.

Sidereal time is unsuitable for calculation due to the fact that the beginning of a sidereal day during the year goes to different times of the day or night.

When the constellation is at the bottom conditionally corresponds to 6 hours. Star clock hand., because. Since all the stars circulate in the sky not exactly 24 hours, but ~ 4 minutes faster, then the readings of sidereal hours decrease by 1 conventional hour every month.

Therefore, the hand of the dial of the star clock shows at midnight

  • 6 standard hours September 22, 12 conventional hours March 22
  • 5 standard hours October 22, 11 conventional hours April 22
  • 4 standard hours November 22, 10 conventional hours 22nd of May
  • 3 conventional hours December 22, 9 standard hours June, 22
  • 2 standard hours January 22, 8 conventional hours July 22
  • 1 standard hour February 22, 7 conventional hours August 22

Let's say that a traveler decides to find out when midnight will be on November 7th. From the table, he will determine that November 7 is between October 22 and November 22, and on this day the hand of the sidereal clock should show 4.5 conventional hours.

Determining how much time is on the road is even easier. What time does the star clock show at the beginning and at the end

To convert star hours into real ones, you need to double the resulting number.

The hand of the star clock shows 1 arb. hour. According to the table, we find that at midnight 7.11. The hand showed 4.5 hours. Therefore, 4.5-1=3.5 standard hours. =7 hours

If the hour hand shows 6.5 arb. hours, then 4.5+12=16.5

16.5-6.5=10 arb. hours=20h i.e. 8 pm

Another way to define

Let's assume that the hand of the sidereal clock shows 6.5 conventional hours. Let's find the ordinal number of the month from the beginning of the year with tenths that have elapsed from the beginning of this month (every 3 days counts as 1/10 of the month), for example. September 12 \u003d 9.4 The resulting number is added to the indications of the star hour and multiplied by 2.

(6.5 + 9.4) * 2 = 31

This number must be subtracted from some constant for the celestial arrow.

Ursa Major has 55.3, i.e. 55.3 - 31 = 23.5

If after subtracting a number greater than 24, then you need to subtract 24 from it.

You can take other heavenly arrows, for example. Ursa Minor (the brightest star) its constant number is 59.1

Determining time by the movement of stars

The culmination of the North Star happens at different times of the year at different hours. Whether or not there is a climax is immaterial for timing, and so both climaxes can be generalized by adding one per hour (daylight saving time)

  • Jan 15 and 5 July 7 and 19 hours
  • Feb 15 and 15 Aug 9 pm
  • 15 March and 15 Sept. 23 hours
  • 15 Apr. And 15 Oct. 1 hour
  • 15 May and 15 Nov. 3 hours
  • 15 June and 15 Dec. 5 and 17 hours

Definition of time spans

This is the simplest. Imagine that the stars rotate on a dial with one hand and on which it is not 12, but 24 hours. Now, having a compass, we detect the azimuth to the Sun at the beginning and end of the time period, divide the difference by 15.

0 3 469 0

In today's world, knowing the exact time is as essential as air. Business, business meetings, departures and departures, logistics, leisure… In fact, everything requires notification of the exact time.

However, there are situations when conditions do not allow determining the exact time, and there are no watches at hand. On a hiking trip, walking in unknown surroundings, going into the forest to hunt, picking mushrooms, the presence of orientation skills in the sun is a must. Of course, now it is difficult to find a person who does not have a mobile phone. Many people almost always carry other gadgets (tablets, laptops), wristwatches, but there is always the possibility of a breakdown, loss or discharge of the device.

When it comes to your own survival, knowing how to tell time from the sun can be vital.

So, we learn to take this most important information from the sun.

Watch the location of the sun

So, first you need to determine the location of the sun. To do this, follow a few simple instructions.

  • If you are in the northern hemisphere, stand with your back to the north. If you are in the southern hemisphere, stand with your back to the south.
  • When you stand with your back to the north, the east will be on the left, but if you stand with your back to the south, the east will be on the right.

If you do not have a compass with you, determine the sides of the horizon using well-known signs: anthills like to be located on the south side of a tree. If you are in the forest, look for moss on a tree trunk. It grows on the north side.

Determine the equator line

  • Look towards the east and west, find the approximate location of the equator line.

In the first half of the day - until noon, the sun will be in the east side, in the afternoon, that is, after lunch, the sun will move to the west side.

  • When you are close to the polar regions, and the sun does not disappear below the horizon even at night, keep in mind that it is least visible at midnight.
  • If the luminary is located in the center of both sides of the world, in other words, at the equator, then it is now noon, that is, 12 noon.

If the sun is not located strictly along the equator, but with a shift in some direction, you can calculate the time using the following tips.

Focus on the time of year

To determine the time more or less accurately, you need to take into account the time of year, because in winter the days are shorter, and in summer they are much longer.

In the cold season, the day lasts no longer than 10 hours, but in the hot months it lasts no less than 14. In the off-season (autumn, spring), the length of the day is approximately equal to the night, and is about 12 hours.

Conditionally dividing the arc of the sun into even segments, count how many such segments the sun has passed. So, if the luminary has overcome 4 such segments, then you add 4 hours to the time of sunrise of the daytime luminary. If you know the exact time when the sun rises, you can more or less accurately determine the current time.

Incredible Facts

People began to measure time relatively recently in relation to our entire long history. The desire to synchronize our actions came about 5000-6000 years ago, when our nomadic ancestors began to populate the land and build civilizations. Before that, we divided time only into day and night, namely: bright days for hunting and work, and dark nights for sleep. But since people began to feel the need to coordinate their actions for holding public meetings and similar events, they considered it necessary to introduce a time measurement system.

To be sure, scientists will tell you that we are deceiving ourselves when we think we are actually keeping track of time. "The difference between past, present and future is just a persistent illusion," said Albert Einstein. His daily walks near the clock tower in Bern, Switzerland, led the scientist to some world-changing ideas about the nature of time.

However, whether time is real or not, its dimension has nonetheless become vital to us. Over the centuries, people have come up with various creative methods of timekeeping, from the simplest sundials to atomic clocks. Below are different ways to measure time, some of them are the latest and some are as old as time itself.

The sun

Ancient people turned to nature to create the first timekeeping. People began to track the movement of the Sun across the sky, and then began to use objects to measure changes. The Egyptians are supposed to have been the first to create timekeeping science. In 3500 B.C. they erected obelisks and placed them in strategic places where, at certain times, "instruments" would cast shadows. At first glance, these obelisks could only mark the arrival of noon, but then they began to make deeper subdivisions.

Two thousand years later, the Egyptians developed the first sundial, the "dial" of which was divided into 10 parts. The sundial worked by tracking the movement of the sun. When the clock showed noon, it was necessary to move the clock hand 180 degrees in order to measure the afternoon time. Of course, the ancient sundial could not tell the exact time on a cloudy day or at night. In addition, the time shown by the sundial was inaccurate, since at different times of the year the hours were shorter or longer depending on the season. However, a sundial was better than nothing, and by 30 B.C. more than 30 different types of clocks were used in Greece, Italy and Asia Minor. Even today, the sun is at the heart of our timing system. We have created planetary time zones in order to simulate the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.


The ancient Egyptians are believed to have developed the first way of telling time at night, inventing the first astronomical instrument, the merkhet, around 600 BC. The tool is a taut string with a weight that works the same way a carpenter uses a plumb bob today.

Egyptian astronomers used two merkhets oriented to the North Star in order to identify the celestial meridian in the night sky. Time was counted according to the principle of crossing this meridian by the stars.

Stars were used not only to mark the passage of hours, but also the passage of days. This measurement of the Earth's rotation is called sidereal time.

When a certain imaginary point among the stars crosses the celestial meridian, then this moment is designated as sidereal noon. The time that has passed from one sidereal noon to another is called a sidereal day.


The origin of the hourglass goes far back in time. They consist of two glass flasks, one on top of the other with a narrow opening between them. Sand gradually gets from the top to the bottom when the watch is turned over. When all the sand has passed from the top to the bottom, this means that the time is up, however, this does not always mean that an hour has passed.

An hourglass can be made to measure almost any short period of time by simply adjusting the amount of sand it contains, or the opening between the flasks.

water clock

The water clock, known as the "clepsydra", was one of the first devices that did not use the sun or stars to measure time, meaning it could be used at any time of the day.

Water clocks work by measuring the amount of water that drips from one container into another. They were invented in Egypt, but spread throughout the ancient world, and in some countries people used water clocks even in the 20th century.

The ancient Greeks and Romans built large water clocks in the form of towers, and in China such clocks were called "Lu" and were often made of bronze. However, although water clocks were very common, they were not entirely accurate.

Mechanical watches

In Europe, in the 1300s, inventors began making mechanical clocks that worked with a system of weights and springs. These first watches did not have a front and hands, and the passage of the hour was indicated by a bell. In fact, the word clock comes from the French "bell". These huge first clocks, as a rule, were installed in churches and monasteries in order to announce the time of the arrival of the need to pray.

Soon there were watches with two hands, minute and hour. Later, table and mantel clocks began to appear. Although the clock was improved, it was still inaccurate. In 1714, the British Parliament offered a handsome reward to anyone who could develop an accurate clock that would aid the work of maritime navigation. As a result, such clocks were invented, their error was only five seconds. With the advent of the industrial revolution, the mass production of watches began, thanks to which this device got into the house of every person.

Fancy watch

When we think of watches, we tend to think of the familiar dial with two or perhaps three hands. For many centuries, people have created all kinds of designs in order to determine the time. The Chinese invented the incense clock between 960 and 1279, and then it spread throughout East Asia. In one type of incense clock, metal balls were attached to incense with wire. When the incense burned down, the metal ball fell and a gong sounded, indicating the passage of an hour.

Other watches used color in their work, and some used different scents to represent different periods of time. There were also watches made from a marked candle, when the candle burned down to a certain mark, then a specified period of time passed.

Wrist watch

The discovery in the 1400s that spiral springs could be reduced in size led to the creation of wristwatches. At that time and for many centuries after that, pocket watches were the priority of men, while women wore wristwatches. All these fashion rules changed during the Second World War, and as a result, since then, men began to wear wristwatches. The gift of a watch symbolized the transition to maturity.

However, as the 21st century develops, the ubiquitous wristwatch may gradually fade into oblivion, since now we most often check the time by looking at a computer monitor, mobile phone or MP3 player display. However, still an informal survey of several thousand people showed that most of them are not going to give up their watches.

Quartz watch

Mineral quartz, usually with the help of a battery, is the main driving force behind quartz watches.

Quartz is a piezoelectric material, which means that when a quartz crystal is compressed, it generates a small amount of electrical current that causes the crystal to vibrate. All quartz crystals vibrate at the same frequency.

Quartz watches use a battery to create a crystal vibration and to count vibrations. Thus, the system operates in such a way that one pulse per second is generated. Quartz watches still dominate the market due to their precision and low manufacturing cost.

atomic clock

Although the name sounds quite intimidating, in fact, atomic clocks do not pose any danger. They measure time by tracking how long it takes one atom to go from positive to negative energy state and back again.

The official time standard for the United States is set by NIST F-1, the atomic clock of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Boulder, Colorado. The NIST F-1 is a fountain clock named after the atomic movement. Scientists inject cesium gas into the watch's vacuum center and then add direct infrared laser beams at a 90-degree angle. The power of the laser collects all the atoms in one place, which is affected by the microwave-filled area with great force. Scientists measure the number of atoms that are in an altered state, and also control microwaves by setting them at different frequencies until most of the atoms change their state. As a result, the last frequency at which atoms change is the frequency of vibrations of cesium atoms, which is equal to a second. It sounds quite complicated, however, this technology is the world standard for measuring time.

Atomic clocks keep track of the smallest changes in time.


As we have seen, the actual counting of minutes and seconds requires quite complex procedures, but the counting of days and months is based on the position of the sun and moon. Different cultures, however, use different methods.

The Christian or Gregorian calendar, one of the most popular today, is based on the sun. The Islamic calendar uses the phases of the moon, the Hebrew and Chinese calendars rely on a combination of both.

In the Gregorian calendar, a day is the time elapsed from one sunrise to the next, or one full revolution of the Earth on its axis. A month, according to the Gregorian calendar, is approximately 29.5 days, which is one complete cycle of the phases of the moon, and a year is 364.24 days, or the time it takes for the Earth to make a full circle in the orbit of the Sun.

How to determine the time by the sun

Determining the time by the sun in a certain situation can help you out, for example, you will know the exact time if you forgot your watch at home and do not miss the bus or train. The method of determining time by the sun is useful not only for travelers and summer residents, but also for all other people who do not have watches. There are different ways to determine the time by the sun, in fact, we will tell you about them today.


So, to determine the time by the sun, you will need to make (make) the simplest sundial. To do this, you need to determine the exact direction of the cardinal points, a thin stick and the sun. The easiest way to tell time from the sun is to make a sundial out of a compass and a match.

HOW TO DETERMINE THE TIME BY THE SUN WITH A MATCH AND A COMPASS: Set the compass on a flat surface, then accurately determine the direction of the cardinal direction NORTH, set the compass dial so that the compass needle points to the north and compass number 180 degrees azimuth. Place a match exactly on the center of the compass. Everything, the sundial is ready. Now, in order to determine the time from the sun and the given sundial, you need to look at where the shadow of the match falls. It turns out that if the shadow indicates 180 degrees on the dial, this is equal to 12 o'clock in the afternoon, if 270 degrees, then this equals 18 o'clock, and 90 degrees 6 in the morning. It turns out that one hour of time is equal to 15 degrees on the compass. With this definition of time by the sun, it is necessary that the sun shines directly on the compass and match.

HOW TO MAKE A PROFESSIONAL SUNDIAL A: In this case, it will take a little more effort. We will not tell you how to carve a sundial out of wood, since no one will spend time on it on a hike, but we will tell you how to make a sundial on the sand or on the ground and determine the time with the help of the sun. So, for example, you are fishing on the river bank, and you periodically need to know the time, but you don’t want to constantly get the compass and carry out the above manipulations. To do this, you can make a professional sundial on sand or earth, for which you need to draw on the ground a kind of compass with a degree scale (the figure should point strictly to the north with the number 180) and put a long stick in the center, from which a shadow will fall by degrees, and show time. And even in place of degrees you can write the numbers of time. The sun will move across the horizon, the shadow will move, and you will always determine and know the time.

All other methods will not give you an accurate determination of time by the sun, for example, you cannot determine the exact time by sunrise and sunset, since not everyone can know what time sunrise and sunset occur, because it varies depending on the month of the year.


In the southern hemisphere of the earth, the time according to the sun and the compass is recognized in the same way as in the northern hemisphere, except that the compass needle should not point north, but south.


At the equator, the sun passes exactly above the horizon, so you don’t need to know the direction of the north, and to determine the time from the sun, you need to make the same clock as in the first case, but only place them not horizontally, but vertically.


You must remember that you will determine the physical time using the methods described above, but it may differ from the actual time in your region. So, for example, Moscow actual time is 12:00, at the same minute, according to the law of Russia, the actual time in Kazan is 12:00, but the physical time determined by the sun in Kazan is 13:00, since the distance between Moscow and Kazan equals approximately one geographic time zone, and if you take into account the transition to summer and winter time, then the difference can be 2 hours. Therefore, make a sundial, compare it with the actual time and make adjustments. Thus, for the future, you will know how to make an amendment when determining the time using a sundial.

Legendary Thirty, route

Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht - this is one of the most grandiose and significant natural monuments in Russia, the highest mountains closest to Moscow. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.
