How to remove papillomas in the nose. Papilloma in the nose: types of pathology and methods of treatment. Causal factors for the formation of warty growths

Papillomas are benign formations on the skin and mucous membranes. Single or multiple warts can be found on almost any part of the body, including the nose and paranasal sinuses. They are usually localized on the side walls, septum and near the nostrils.

The appearance of such growths indicates that the person is already a carrier of the papillomavirus. Accordingly, treatment should be aimed at two tasks: neutralizing the causes that led to the activation of the virus, as well as eliminating the visible consequences.


Papilloma in the nose can only form when HPV is already present in the body.

All possible genotypes of the virus that provoke the growth of papillomatous growths in the nasal cavity belong to the group with a low risk of oncological degeneration (from 0% probability in the case of the mushroom type, and up to 19% in the case of the cylindrical type).

Ways of transmission of the disease: sexual, and in rare cases, household. The virus is also transmitted from mother to child: through contact with an infected birth canal.

If the body's immune defense is strong enough, the disease may not manifest itself for a long time. As soon as the immune system breaks down, the virus can become active in both adults and children.

Endogenous factors favoring the development of the disease:

Exogenous factors:

  • unsatisfactory environmental situation in the region;
  • smoking, alcoholism;
  • visiting places with high humidity and air temperature (baths, saunas, water parks) without changing shoes and personal hygiene products;
  • ignoring barrier contraceptives when having sexual intercourse with different partners.

Papillomas on the nose, in the paranasal sinuses, as well as in the organ cavity often form during the cold season, against the background of a general weakening of the body.

Types of growths in the nasal cavity

Depending on the morphology, the following types of papillomas are distinguished:

  • Mushroom type: occurs in 50% of cases, localized in the vestibule and on the nasal septum. The age of patients is from 6 years. Fungal papillomas are not prone to malignancy.
  • The inverted type is typical for older people - from 50-60 years old. Localization - walls and septum of the nose. Visually, the pathology resembles ripe mulberries or cauliflower. The inverted type is accompanied by nosebleeds, unilateral obstruction and, as a consequence, difficulty breathing. The possibility of malignancy of inverted papilloma is 5-10%.
  • The cylindrical type of pathology is quite rare: only 5-8%. Localized on the walls of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Middle-aged and elderly people (usually over 50 years of age) are more susceptible to damage. Papillomas of the cylindrical type provoke unilateral nosebleeds (depending on the location of the growths). Quite a high incidence of malignancy: 19-20%.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

Papillomas are warts with a smooth or granular texture that grow in the shape of mulberries or cauliflowers. The formations are raised above the level of the skin. The color usually does not differ from skin tone, but may take on a brownish or red tint. Unlike polyps, neoplasms have a more pronounced vascular network.

The period of growth of intranasal papilloma can be very prolonged. As the growths increase, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

When warts grow profusely in the nasal cavity, breathing is impaired, and papillomatosis is complicated by new symptoms:

  • Nasality.
  • Hearing impairment and tinnitus develop if the pathological process involves the nasopharynx and Eustachian tube.
  • Partial or complete loss of smell. This symptom is rare and can only occur when the disease is extremely advanced, when both nostrils are blocked by papillomatous growths.

If the disease is not treated, the growths can cause destruction of bone and cartilage tissue.


If you experience discomfort in the nose, accompanied by corresponding symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist.

Usually, a doctor diagnoses papillomas based on a visual examination.

To be completely sure, the patient must undergo the following procedures:

  • rhinoscopy;
  • radiography;
  • biopsy to examine cells for the presence/absence of cancer;
  • polymerase chain reaction method.

Drug treatment

Papillomatous growths on the vestibule of the nose do not require complex treatment. A positive effect can be achieved by using agents with a necrotizing effect: cryotherapy drugs, keratolytic ointments.

Local necrotizing drugs:

The action of keratolytics is based on the melting of papillomatous growths:

  • Salipod - patch with salicylic acid;
  • Kolomak is a drug based on lactic and salicylic acids;
  • Lapis is a keratolytic remedy for papillomas and warts in the form of a pencil.

Regular salicylic ointment also has a keratolytic effect.

It must be remembered that the nature of papillomatous growths is viral. This maintains the likelihood of relapse even when using all of the above remedies.

Hardware methods

The inverted type of papilloma is not subject to symptomatic treatment: it must be removed surgically. You can get rid of the problem in a clinical setting - only a doctor will select the optimal method:

  • Laser removal allows you to accurately calculate the required depth of tissue excision and painlessly remove them.
  • Cryodestruction is the treatment of growths using liquid nitrogen. Ice crystals form inside pathological cells, causing them to die.
  • Electrocoagulation is the removal of foci of pathology using high-frequency current pulses. Used for large affected areas.
  • Radioknife is a device for complete removal of papillomas in the nose. Radio wave surgery makes it possible to effectively excise tumors on any scale.
  • The scalpel is an outdated method, rarely used in modern clinical practice, as it leaves unsightly scars.

Traditional methods

Papillomatous formations in the nasal cavity can be cured at home. Ready-made pharmaceutical preparations, as well as folk remedies, are suitable for these purposes:

  1. The pulp of the golden mustache plant. Apply to the affected areas for a week, after which a break is taken. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  2. Infusion of wormwood: 2-3 tablespoons of dry plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 3-4 hours. Soak a cotton sponge with the strained infusion and apply it to the affected area.
  3. The juice of nettle, calendula, celandine, and cabbage will help cope with the problem. Cotton pads are soaked in juice and applied to the affected areas daily until a positive result appears.

Under no circumstances should papillomas be removed manually (even if they are dried out and ready to fall off). This can provoke inflammation, the appearance of new multiple growths, and in the worst case, malignancy of tumors.

Papilloma on a child’s nose is a small neoplasm, in most cases it is benign. Its appearance is caused by HPV after penetration into the body. The growth can occur in children of any age, and they are often already born with it.

Causes of papilloma on the nose of a child

Papilloma on a child’s nose grows due to the active activity of the virus, which bears the same name. The reason for this is an insufficiently strong immune system, which is quite common in childhood. Because of this, he cannot, as expected, resist HPV. Its spread throughout the body provokes the destruction of healthy skin cells, in place of which growths form.

This is what contributes to the appearance of papillomas on a child’s nose:

Children are at risk of developing papillomas on a child’s nose because they often touch it with dirty hands and do not personal hygiene rules. Those whose parents do not respond in a timely manner to the appearance of wounds, scratches and other violations of the integrity of the skin on the face have an even greater chance of this. It is through them that HPV can penetrate inside and become a catalyst for the formation of growths.

One of the established routes of transmission of the virus is infection of the child from the mother during childbirth. This only happens if traces of it are found in a woman’s body. Much less often, this happens as a result of close contact in everyday life, due to the use of the patient’s belongings, visiting a pool or swimming in the sea.

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Photos of papillomas on the nose in children

The papilloma on a child’s nose in the photo looks like brown, red or beige growth. It can be either flat, not standing out very much against the background of the surrounding tissues, or hanging, with a leg extending into the skin. The first type of formation looks more like a wart, and the second - a mole.

The size of a papilloma on a child’s nose is usually small, on average it is 0.6 cm. Its surface is not smooth, rough, the edges are not even, the shape of the growth can be round or oval.

The formation can be localized in any area in this area - near the lips, closer to the eyes, at the bridge of the nose. Usually it does not occur alone, but in groups - 2-3 pieces.

Papillomas can grow both on the lateral surfaces of the nose and on the facial surface. In some cases, the surrounding tissues have a red tint. In addition to this, symptoms such as skin itching and irritation are often disturbing.

  • See also what warts look like in newborns

Methods for treating papilloma on the nose in children

Before starting therapy, it is recommended to consult a specialist - a virologist, dermatologist, immunologist, hematologist, family doctor. Doctors will conduct a thorough examination, prescribe all the necessary tests and rule out the malignancy of papilloma on the child’s nose.

Folk remedies against papillomas on a child’s nose

An effective remedy is sea ​​salt, but it is not suitable for use if the skin is sensitive. You need to prepare a solution from it by combining this product (1 tablespoon) with warm water (50 ml). The composition should be stirred well, there should be no sediment left at the bottom. You need to moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe the formation with it, without affecting it too much. For successful treatment, it is enough to do this once a day.

Here are some other remedies that can be useful for papillomas on a child’s nose:

  1. Lemon juice. It is recommended to squeeze it out immediately before use, otherwise there will be almost no useful substances left in it. It can also be used for external treatment of the growth using a cotton pad or gauze. This is also a good option for preparing compresses, which for effective treatment must be kept on the growth for at least 30 minutes a day. Therapy is recommended for 10 days.
  2. . To treat papilloma on a child’s nose, it must be food grade, suitable for use for culinary purposes, although it does not need to be taken orally. This product should be dissolved in boiling water, keeping the proportions of 1 tsp. for 150 ml of water. Next, in the finished composition, you need to soak a cotton pad and walk it over the papilloma on the child’s nose. If possible, you can keep it on the growth for 1-2 hours. The optimal frequency of such procedures is once a day, the recommended duration is at least 2 weeks.
  3. Apple vinegar. It needs to be ground with the white of a hard-boiled chicken egg. The first component must be taken in an amount of no more than 2 tbsp. l., they must be mixed and the prepared pulp applied to the growth. It can be removed no earlier than 10 minutes after such manipulations. For 2 weeks, papilloma on the child’s nose must be treated without interruption, even for a day.
  4. . You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself by squeezing it from the plant. Soak a cotton pad in it and leave it on the papilloma for 20-30 minutes. If necessary, the compress must be secured on top with a bandage or a good plaster. It is quite enough to treat the formations in this way once a day, you need to be treated for 2 weeks, depending on the size of the growth.
  5. Aloe juice. It is recommended to use it to treat papilloma on a child’s nose, both in addition to celandine extract and without this remedy. Aloe juice must be prepared from the youngest and juiciest leaf located at the bottom of the plant. Before use, you need to wipe it with a clean napkin; it should be applied to the formation for 20 minutes, if this is, of course, convenient. This treatment is carried out for 7-10 days.
  6. . They need to lubricate the papilloma on the child’s nose 2-3 times a day until it dries. To do this, you will need a clean cotton pad or ordinary gauze. Before use, you can keep the product on low heat for a while. If desired, it can be replaced with sea buckthorn or coconut oil.
  7. Herbs. Combine crushed plantain leaves (3 tbsp), nettle (1 tsp), lemon balm (2 tsp) and dandelion (80 g). Pour boiling water (1 liter) over this mixture and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes. After this time, cool it, soak a cotton pad here and wipe the growths, treating them thoroughly. Carry out this procedure 1-2 times a day for at least a week.

Important! Children are more prone to allergies than adults, so before using any remedy for papillomas on a child’s nose, it is recommended to test it for the child’s reaction. To do this, it is enough to treat a small area on the elbow with it and eliminate possible redness of the skin, indicating intolerance to the composition used.

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Medicines for papilloma on the nose in children

In the photo there are medications for papillomas on the nose in children

There are several types of medications to eliminate papilloma on a child’s nose. If the reason for their appearance is a decrease in immunity, then you need to work with this problem, which requires drinking its modulators. In addition to this, you should undergo a course of treatment with antiviral medications, which will help suppress the activity of HPV and speed up the recovery process.

Here are the specific medications that can be recommended for use for papillomas on a child’s nose:

  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. You cannot do without them if your immunity is severely reduced due to a lack of nutrients. To strengthen it, you can drink the Alphabet Kindergarten nutritional supplement, designed for ages 2-7 years. Its cost is 270 rubles. (120 UAH). If necessary, this drug can be replaced with “Complivit-Active for children and adolescents”. It is sold in packs of 60 pieces and costs about 300 rubles. (140 UAH). It has an excellent analogue, Vitrum Baby, sold in containers of 30 tablets, its price is 620 rubles. (310 UAH). Treatment of papilloma on a child’s nose should be carried out within 30 days.
  • Immunostimulants. The most striking among them in terms of effect is Arbidol, available in capsule form. It can be prescribed to children over 6 years of age, the duration of administration is at least 5 days. The cost of this drug is 130 rubles. (56 UAH). It has excellent alternatives, such as Lymphomyosot, which is classified as a homeopathic remedy. It can also be replaced by Echinacea purpurea and Cytovir-3 syrup, depending on age. Therapy is carried out over 10-14 days, depending on the size of the formation.
  • Antiviral. They are given simultaneously with immunostimulants; it is advisable for young children to buy drops and syrups, for example, Anaferon. It costs 150 rubles. (70 UAH) and can be prescribed to a child older than one month. An analogue of this drug for papilloma on a child’s nose is Likopid, available in the form of tablets that must be taken for 4-5 days. It is also worth paying attention to Kagocel, but it has contraindications for use due to age.
  • Cauterizing agents. We are talking about Feresol, Verrukacid, Cryopharm, Condilin. All this should be used only externally, in order to form a crust on the papilloma, after removing which the growth itself will disappear.

Note! Treatment of papilloma on a child’s nose should be monitored by a pediatrician together with a dermatologist, virologist and other specialized specialists.

Procedures for removing papilloma on a child’s nose

The following methods should be used only in the most extreme cases, when it is not possible to eliminate papilloma on the child’s nose with the help of medications and folk remedies. Surgical intervention is not recommended in this case, since general anesthesia is extremely harmful for children. In such a situation, it remains to pay attention to physiotherapy.

Here are the exact procedures suitable for removing papilloma:

  • Electrocoagulation. This method is suitable for children who are over 7-10 years old. It is interesting for a person from the point of view of efficiency; it is possible to burn out the formation in 1 time. In this case, the session usually lasts no more than half an hour, and there are no dangerous consequences after it. The desired results can be obtained through the use of electric current. The price for electrocoagulation of papilloma on a child’s nose is 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  • Cryodestruction. Another name for this procedure is cauterization with liquid nitrogen, under the influence of which the root of the papilloma is weakened and the structure of the formation is destroyed. As a result of such processes, it disappears on its own after some time without the formation of a scar, although in the first weeks a small cold burn may remain in this place. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (150 hryvnia).
  • Laser removal. This is an operation to eliminate papilloma on a child’s nose using a beam that affects the growth with a certain intensity for several minutes. During this process, the formation is completely destroyed, its root is weakened and it is removed along with the base. The procedure lasts no more than half an hour and requires local anesthesia. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (1300 hryvnia).
  • Radio wave removal. This method is the least relevant for use in removing papilloma on a child’s nose, as it can leave a small mark on the face. To perform the procedure, local anesthesia is performed to avoid discomfort. A special knife is used here, which has virtually no contact with healthy tissue. The price of radiosurgical removal is 3,000 rubles (1,200 hryvnia).

If you look at a photo of a child with a papilloma on the nose, you can see that it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. But when located outside, its presence does not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle, and therefore the need to remove this formation does not always arise. You should think about this only after consulting with a specialist and conducting a thorough examination.

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It is well known that a baby’s skin is soft and smooth, pleasant to the touch. Sometimes they say about it “velvet”, “silky”, it serves as a standard for the tenderness of the skin. Therefore, the appearance of any formations on the skin always causes concern among caring parents. The mother may be concerned about the appearance of papilloma in the baby.

Papilloma is understood as a benign neoplasm on the skin or mucous membranes (less commonly). Papillomatosis is a fairly common viral disease: almost 80% of the population is infected with this virus. People at any age are susceptible to the disease. Papillomas are one of the most common diseases in school-age children.

Causes of papillomas

Papillomatosis is a contagious disease caused by (HPV). The virus causes a strong proliferation of epithelial cells, which leads to the formation of growths and warts. The source of infection is a sick person or a virus carrier. The disease can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital papillomatosis develops when a child is infected by an HPV-infected mother in utero or during childbirth. An acquired disease occurs when children are infected through contact and household contact: through dishes, toys and any other objects of common use.

Children who attend child care institutions (kindergartens, schools), baths, and swimming pools are most susceptible to the disease. This is due to the large number of contacts the child has, as well as high humidity. Maintaining hygiene is of great importance for children, since “self-infection” is also possible: HPV, which is ubiquitous, can enter the child’s body if he bites his nails, picks or bites off hangnails, constantly picks off scabs on abrasions or scratches, and rarely washes his hands.

With a healthy immune system, the virus does not manifest itself in anything after entering the body. Factors contributing to the occurrence of papillomas (that is, the manifestation of the disease) are:

  • weakened immune system;
  • long-term drug treatment;
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract;
  • stressful situations.

From the moment of infection with the virus until the appearance of papilloma, a fairly long period passes: several months or several years. Most often, manifestations of the disease are observed 6 months after infection.


Papilloma (epithelial growth) may appear suddenly. They are most often discovered by chance if they are located in skin folds, under the armpits, etc. Children may develop neoplasms on the skin of the face, hands, soles, and, less commonly, on other parts of the body. The disease manifests itself by the appearance of warts, moles, and growths. In addition to the skin, the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, larynx, and bronchi may be affected.

The shape of papillomas can be different: flat, voluminous, elongated, in the form of a fungus on a stalk. Their color varies from white to brown. Most often, these formations are localized in the acquired form of the disease on the face, in the axillary region, on the neck, feet, palms, and in the periungual area.

With congenital papillomatosis, these growths often appear on the oral mucosa and larynx. But the localization of papillomas in infants can be different: on the eyelid, on the eye, on the auricle, on the tonsil, on the face.

Neoplasms appear in the form of a single growth or a whole group of papillomas. Papillomas can grow up to 2-5 cm in diameter, can grow and occupy a significant area of ​​the skin or mucous membranes. When these unsightly formations appear, especially on the face, children may develop psychological complexes. In rare cases, papillomas can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Depending on the appearance and location, there are several types of papillomas:

  • vulgar: warts are round in shape, small in size, covered with a rough, keratinized layer of skin; most often occur on the back of the hands and buttocks, knees, but can also appear on other parts of the body;
  • flat papillomas: they look like a small elevation above the skin level of the same color; in infants, these formations may be accompanied by itching and inflammatory changes at the site of scratching;
  • plantar papillomas: they look like dense small warts of a yellowish color with small small dots inside, located on the sole of the child; may cause pain and difficulty walking; dry callus (outwardly similar to a wart), has no dark spots;
  • small filamentous warts: localized on the face, neck, armpits and groin folds; they look like thin papillae on a stalk, and may have an extension at the end; color - normal skin or with a slight pink tint; if they are subjected to friction by clothing, they can separate on their own with the appearance of a drop of blood in this place;
  • juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx: papillomas are localized in the glottis area and cause breathing and speech disturbances; this serious disease (fortunately, very rare) is typical for infants born from an infected mother and is detected in the first months of life;
  • epithelial hyperplasia is a type of papillomatosis: small thread-like papillomas form on the oral mucosa (palate, tongue, inner wall of the cheek); They can, despite their small size, cause discomfort in the child, so their treatment should not be delayed;
  • warty dysplasia: looks like rough red-brown spots on the skin of the hands and feet; develops very rarely, but can have a malignant course (in 30% of cases).

Warts can appear in a child more than once, which is a manifestation of serious problems in the body and weakened immunity.

Most often, papillomas do not cause concern or pain. When itching and scratching occur, they can become infected and inflamed. It is impossible to tear them off forcibly, as this threatens the spread of the virus in the body and the appearance of a large number of papillomas.

If the papilloma is localized in the inguinal fold or near the anus, the child’s discharge can cause irritation and ulceration of the formations. In this case, to avoid such complications, you need to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs.


Treatment of papilloma combines conservative and surgical methods.

Experts believe that the most optimal is a comprehensive method of influencing the papilloma virus: surgical removal of the tumor is combined with the use of antiviral drugs and the use of immunomodulatory drugs. The doctor selects the necessary treatment for each child individually.

The choice of treatment method and method of removing papilloma depends on the size of the formation, the depth of tissue damage, location, and the results of the examination of the child. If a malignant formation is suspected, methods are used that allow a histological examination of the remote formation.

There are two points of view of specialists on the tactics of treating papillomas in childhood:

  • at an early age, do not touch the papilloma, but observe it: is it growing, is the number of papillomas increasing, is the existing formation inflamed; It is necessary to remove multiple tumors and foci prone to proliferation;
  • the formation should be removed immediately after its detection; Experts justify their point of view on the need for radical treatment by the fact that papillomas are often localized in places where they are easily injured and create a danger of bleeding, spread of the process or malignancy.

Most experts consider it possible to begin complex treatment of the disease with single papillomas with conservative method: use of immunomodulators and vitamin preparations. Conservative treatment also includes local use of ointments and lotions. In mild cases of papillomatosis, the formation may disappear after normalization of immune reactions.

Antiviral drugs are used as conservative treatment. The choice of immunomodulators, agents for local treatment and antiviral drugs, their dosage and determination of the duration of the course of treatment is the prerogative of the doctor.

But very often conservative treatment does not give the expected result. Doctors offer radical treatment methods - removal of papillomas. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion about removing a single formation immediately after detection in the case of the formation of a psychological complex in a child due to a change in his appearance (which is especially important for adolescents).

Laryngeal papillomas (even single ones) must also be immediately removed due to the risk of complications, and in infants - with the risk of the most serious consequence, suffocation (breathing arrest).

There are various methods for removing papillomas:

  • surgical removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser treatment;
  • radiosurgery;
  • cauterization.

The doctor will choose the treatment method necessary for the child individually, depending on age, the extent of the process, and the presence of pathology in other organs. After radical removal of the formation, a course of treatment is carried out to prevent relapse.

Each of the listed methods has its own advantages, indications and contraindications.

Currently, papillomas are removed by traditional carving a scalpel is rarely used in children: when a malignant process is suspected and a histological examination of the removed tissue is necessary.

Cryodestruction– the most effective and frequently used method of treatment in children. The doctor uses a cryoapplicator to influence the formation for 20-30 seconds, the papilloma is destroyed under the influence of liquid nitrogen. The resulting erosion heals in 1-2 weeks.

This absolutely painless method has a number of advantages: no anesthesia (pain relief) is required during its implementation; there is no contact with blood, which means there is no risk of infection; after healing there is no scar left; takes little time. Particularly convenient for treating preschool children.

Electrocoagulation – removal of papilloma using high-frequency current. The destruction of the formation occurs under the influence of high temperature in the tumor tissue itself. The disadvantages of the method are its severe pain and long wound healing period.

Laser treatment– a highly effective method that allows you to remove a tumor at any depth and any size. Removal is performed under local anesthesia. Simultaneously with the removal of the papilloma, the laser stops the bleeding. There are practically no complications.

The disadvantage of this method is the formation of a scar after removal and the possibility of application only with special equipment and a trained specialist. Contraindications for laser treatment are heart, digestive tract, photosensitivity (increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays) and inflammatory skin diseases.

Radiosurgery, or radioknife: single irradiation of papilloma tissue with ionizing radiation in a high dose. A quick and painless method for removing papillomas. Can be used when the tumor size is no more than 3 cm.

Cauterization– destruction of papilloma by applying a special mixture of inorganic and organic acids to it. The method is painful, has a long healing period and leaves scars.


Given the widespread prevalence of the human papillomavirus, it is difficult to avoid infection. But, taking care of the child’s health, it is possible and necessary to exclude the clinical manifestations of the disease.

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that can be found in the sinuses and other parts of the body. Such growths grow from epithelial tissue. Papilloma in the nose appears due to infection and activation of papillomavirus (human papillomavirus, HPV).

Allocate. After infection with them, a wart can grow in the nasal cavity in a person of any age. Each of these HPVs belongs to a group of low-oncogenic viruses. However, under certain conditions, growths in the nose degenerate into malignant tumors.

In many patients, papillomas appear due to a hereditary predisposition. The cause of such neoplasms is considered to be a mutation of certain genes associated with immunity.


  1. In direct contact with a carrier of the virus. Virus particles enter the human body through open wounds or mucous membranes.
  2. By airborne droplets. Basically, doctors who remove papillomas using laser or electrocoagulation become infected in this way.
  3. Infection through blood from mother to child. This happens as the baby passes through the birth canal. A fairly rare method of transmission of the virus.

The virus, penetrating the basal layer of the mucous membranes, stimulates the growth of local cells, as a result of which warts appear on the tip of the nose or the internal septum. In such neoplasms, virus particles remain. Therefore, upon contact with growths, HPV spreads to other parts of the body or infects healthy people.

The human papillomavirus permanently settles in the body. It's difficult to get rid of it completely. Doctors mainly deal with the problem of how to remove warts from the body.

The course of the disease is recurrent. The main reason for the appearance of growths in the nasal cavity is considered to be a decrease in immune defense. In the absence of provoking factors, the virus often does not manifest itself in any way throughout a person’s life.

Risk factors

If papilloma in the nose often recurs, this indicates a sharp weakening of the body’s immune forces. This type of neoplasm occurs under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors.

The first include:

  • poor ecological environment;
  • addiction to smoking, alcohol;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • visiting bathhouses and other public institutions without replacement shoes;
  • refusal to use contraception.

The group of endogenous factors includes:

  • infectious pathologies;
  • long-term use of a number of medications;
  • severe stress;
  • physical, mental fatigue.

Each of these factors provokes a weakening of the immune defense. Therefore, after 50 years, people experience an active growth of warts on the body.

A strong immune system independently copes with the virus for three years after infection or relapse. In other cases, it is necessary to establish the type of tumor and begin treatment.

Types of papillomas

Depending on the morphological characteristics, papillomas are classified into three types:

  • mushroom-shaped;
  • inverted;
  • cylindrical.

The first type of neoplasm is usually detected in the vestibule of the nasal sinuses or on the septum. Fungal papillomas do not degenerate into malignant tumors.

Inverted growths occur in people over 50 years of age. Such papillomas are localized on the walls and septum of the nose. Due to their location and structure, these tumors cause difficulty breathing. In approximately 5-10% of patients, inverted growths transform into malignant tumors.

Cylindrical papillomas are rare. These tumors can grow on the walls of the nose or near its sinuses. Cylindrical papillomas are considered the most dangerous, since in 20% of cases they transform into malignant tumors.

Symptoms in adults

If a person has a papilloma in the nose, then depending on the location and type of growth, the patient is concerned about the following clinical phenomena:

  • labored breathing;
  • nose bleed;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the sinuses;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • sinus congestion on one side;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • voice change;
  • headache.

The first symptoms of the appearance of growths are characteristic of inverted and cylindrical papillomas. In rare cases, the process of formation of tumors in the nose is accompanied by itching.

The given clinical phenomena are characteristic of many other diseases. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct specialized diagnostics and exclude the presence of a malignant tumor in the nasal cavity.

Can papilloma appear in children?

People of any age are susceptible to papillomavirus. However, children usually only develop mushroom-shaped growths on the body. This is due to two reasons:

  1. High prevalence of mushroom growths.
  2. In children, during the first few years of life, the immune system continues to develop, so the body is not able to independently suppress the activity of the virus.

The tactics for treating the disease in children do not differ from the approach used in cases where removal of growths is required in adults.


If you have problems with nasal breathing, you should contact an ENT specialist. If such a need arises, a dermatologist will examine the patient with papilloma.

Typically, diagnosing such growths is not difficult. But due to the fact that different methods are used in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms, a biopsy is prescribed during the examination of the patient. This procedure involves removing tissue from the tumor. Subsequently, a histological examination of the material is carried out.

If cylindrical and inverted neoplasms are detected, a CT, X-ray or MRI of the head is additionally prescribed. Each of these methods makes it possible to determine how much papillomas have grown in the cavity of the paranasal sinuses.

Treatment options

Treatment of tumors in the nose is carried out with medications or surgery.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy is resorted to when papillomas appear near the nasal sinuses. In such cases, the attending physician prescribes:

  • drugs with a necrotizing effect - “Solcoderm”, “Verrukkacid”, “Vartek”;
  • keratolytic drugs - Kolomak, solcoseryl ointment.

To avoid the spread of HPV, oxolinic ointment is used, which has a pronounced antiviral effect. To speed up the recovery of the body, immunomodulators are prescribed.

Hardware methods

These methods are used when there is a need to get rid of growths inside the sinuses. In the fight against warts the following are used:

  1. Cryodestruction. The method involves treating the tumor with liquid nitrogen.
  2. Laser removal. It is considered one of the best ways to remove papillomas. The laser burns out tumors without leaving any damage on the skin in their place.
  3. . The method is similar in effectiveness to the previous one. The growths in the nasal cavity are burned out using high-frequency current pulses. Electrocoagulation is recommended in cases where papillomas reach large sizes.

Sometimes tumors are removed using a scalpel. This method is considered less effective, as visible scars remain after the operation.

Folk recipes

To remove papillomas at home, you can use the pulp of golden mustache leaves. This folk remedy should be applied to the problem area for a week.

Treatment with juice gave good results:

  • celandine;
  • rowan;
  • calendula flowers;
  • nettles

A mixture of onion juice and honey or an infusion of wormwood helps in the fight against growths in the nose. To remove papillomas, you cannot use alcohol-containing compounds. The use of such drugs causes burns on the nasal mucosa.

Complications and consequences

Papillomas, if not injured, rarely cause complications. If such growths are damaged, the likelihood of a secondary infection and the development of concomitant respiratory diseases increases.

A person can also spread the virus to other parts of the body through his actions. In addition, complications that arise from the prolonged development of papillomas include the appearance of a malignant tumor in the nasal cavity.


Preventing the appearance of growths in the nose involves constant work on strengthening the immune system. To do this, you need to regularly take vitamin complexes, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. To avoid infection with human papillomavirus, you should avoid unprotected sex and practice good hygiene.

Papilloma is a formed growth that originates in epithelial tissue. It appears due to the rapid proliferation of cells in this tissue, as well as under the influence of HPV (human papillomavirus). This formation can appear on any human organ, including internal, and simply on the body cavity.

The virus may not make itself felt for quite a long time. Its activity is influenced by conditions favorable to it, which trigger the tumor into action. Weakened immunity, stressful situations, depression, previous or current allergies - these and many other factors can give impetus to the development of such a wart.

What are the symptoms?

Papilloma can be either single or multiple. It all depends on the degree of damage. The wart grows out of the skin, forming a rather high hump, and has either a discreet pink tint with an admixture of gray, or a bright red color. To the touch this formation is quite dense.

When pressed hard, a sharp pain appears that lasts only a few seconds. Most often, the virus occurs in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose or near the nasal turbinates. It often manifests itself in the nasal passage, making breathing difficult, which often leads to such serious consequences as loss of smell, headaches and purulent discharge with possible blood.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you tear off or remove the growth yourself. There is a high risk that a malignant tumor will form in its place. Entrust the treatment to a qualified specialist and do not risk your own health!

Types of papillomas on the nose


It is brown in color and is on a stalk, so there is a high probability of pulling it off. It can be either small or large. Located on the lateral walls of the nasal cavity and on the sinuses. Causes bleeding and difficulty breathing.

Transitional cell

It has a brown tint and is slightly flattened. Located on the septum and also near the nostrils. Due to its close location to the entrance to the nose, it blocks the access of air and prevents normal breathing.


It is small in size and does not differ much from the natural skin tone. Located on the side walls. Causes pain and difficulty breathing.

Reasons for appearance

  • Poor functioning of the body's protective functions;
  • low stress resistance;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • infection in an open wound;
  • unreliable sexual partner;
  • a previous viral disease.

Factors Provoking Growth

The growth occurs due to:

  1. HIV infections;
  2. hereditary diseases;
  3. metabolic disease;
  4. frequent visits to the solarium;
  5. prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Reference. at the state of the nervous system can also provoke the growth of the virus. Any stressful situation can have a serious impact on the body. A sedentary lifestyle and poor lifestyle also cause the tumor to develop quickly.

Photo of the disease

Why are they dangerous?

Due to the fact that the growths are located in one of the most touchable places, there is a possibility that a person may simply accidentally pull off the tumor. This often leads to cancer, so you should be more careful.

If the wart arose in the nose, that is, in the sinus cavity, The following problems are possible:

  • headache;
  • nasal congestion;
  • unpleasant feeling of the presence of a foreign body;
  • inhalation problems;
  • loss of smell.

Advice. To avoid such ailments, you should consult a doctor.

Features of treatment


This method of removing growth is one of the most popular. It is performed by cutting out the tumor and adjacent tissue.

It is used only if the doctor suspects the tumor has re-matured. After the operation, the patient is left with a scar that takes on a slightly dark tint.


Drug treatment acts specifically on the growth, helps remove the virus itself from the body, and prevents it from spreading in the future.

Taking pills and other procedures should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Creams, ointments


Antiviral drugs

Medicine has advanced greatly, and now there are a huge number of drugs that can suppress the development of HPV.



The following types of physiotherapy help to cope with flat growths: ultraviolet light, UHF therapy and phonoresis using interferon. Your attending physician will tell you more about them, and only he can prescribe what you need.


Cryodestruction is the treatment of a growth by freezing it with liquid nitrogen.

It is not used on all types of warts, since the doctor cannot control how much nitrogen will react with the skin as a whole.


Electrocoagulation is a painful and even dangerous method. Current is used to remove the build-up.

It should not be used on particularly sensitive areas of the body. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from serious cardiovascular diseases.

Radio wave removal

This method is often used instead of surgery, since it does not require serious interaction and gives the patient a faster recovery period.

Instead of a knife, the doctor uses high-frequency and low-temperature radio waves, thanks to which the skin does not suffer from overheating, and the incision is made as small as possible. Thus, the papilloma is quickly removed, and the disease itself does not spread further throughout the body.

Laser coagulation

Laser is the most accurate and fastest method of wart removal today. It cuts off the stem of the wart with surgical precision, and also eliminates bleeding, as it instantly cauterizes open vessels.

After spending 10 minutes, the patient loses both HPV and the slightest reminder of it, since the laser does not leave scars.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods can help, but only in cases where modern medicine does not help achieve the desired results.

Attention! Do not resort to traditional methods if you have not yet seen a doctor. Use the following methods only if the methods available today do not provide any results.

Recipe one

Suitable for newly emerging education.


  1. First you should steam the skin.
  2. After this, drop the required amount of juice or tincture of celandine onto the affected area.
  3. It is recommended to perform this procedure three times a day for a week.

Prevention of infection

Prevention of the tumor is quite simple and does not require any serious restrictions. All that is necessary is to avoid infection through cuts, maintain normal hygiene standards, avoid casual sex and not expose yourself to stress.

Papillomas are benign tumors, so it is very important to prevent them from becoming malignant. Preventing such a transition is the main task of every person.
