Drops for the common cold for children: groups of drugs and precautions. Treatment of a runny nose in children - the most effective nasal drops, folk remedies, rinsing and warming Homeopathy against rhinitis

In case of a viral infection, as a rule, local nasal drops are practically ineffective, so using them for a patient with ARVI or influenza is of little use. But for a runny nose of bacterial origin, antiseptic drops perfectly resist microbes. We list the most popular local antiseptics, which are most often prescribed by ENT doctors.


One of the most well-deserved, and at the same time the most controversial drugs for intranasal use, Protargol has not lost its importance in the domestic market for many decades. A highly effective antiseptic based on colloidal silver oxide (the drug contains 8% silver) has a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect. The drug is not active at all against viruses.

Protargol drops are a classic example of an extemporaneous formulation prepared in pharmacies. Pharmaceutical companies do not produce local silver preparations due to their short shelf life - Protargol retains its properties for no longer than a month from the date of preparation.

Indications for the use of Protargol include bacterial and mixed rhinitis and sinusitis, including purulent ones. For viral rhinitis, drops are not used.


Miramistin is a fairly new antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action. It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi and even some viruses. The effectiveness of the drug when applied topically is increased due to the ability to be absorbed through the mucous membrane into the tissue. Miramistin is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and other types of sinusitis.

Boromenthol ointment has been produced by domestic pharmaceutical factories for many years. A modest bottle made of orange glass, through which you can see the dense mass, often goes unnoticed. Meanwhile, boromenthol ointment has a right to life. Its advantages include low cost and uniqueness, which lies in the unique composition of the drug. Boromenthol ointment contains a combination of boric acid as an antiseptic and racementol, which has an antipruritic and local irritant effect. The ointment is applied to the nasal mucosa for rhinitis of any origin..

Antibacterial nasal drops for sinusitis, runny nose

The effectiveness and side effects of antibiotics are legendary. Some patients consider them a panacea and use them for the purpose, and sometimes without it. Others are afraid like fire and prefer a painful existence. The truth, as it should be, hides somewhere in the middle between two extremes.

Nasal drops with antibiotics are not the first or even second aid for a runny nose. All doctors warn:

When nasal discharge appears, there is no need to look for a solution in antibacterial agents. However, sometimes, when bacteria join an initially viral infection or allergy, antibiotic drops are an excellent solution.

One of the most famous intranasal drops with antibiotics is Isofra. This French spray contains framycetin, an antibacterial agent of the aminoglycoside group. Framycetin is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause nasopharyngeal diseases. The drug is used for bacterial sinusitis, rhinitis, and nasopharyngitis.

Nasal drops with hormones - safe?

Another group of drugs that frightens impressionable ENT patients is hormonal drugs. In fact, everything is not so scary - after all, it concerns local drugs that are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not have a systemic effect. Nasal drops with hormones, as a rule, have a combined composition. A classic example of a drug in this group is Polydex with phenylephrine. The composition of complex drops includes:

  • dexamethasone - glucocorticosteroid;
  • neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that is effective against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • polymyxin B is another antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect primarily on gram-negative flora;
  • phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor, a decongestant that facilitates nasal breathing.

The drug should only be prescribed by a doctor, however, in the same way as antibiotic drops. It is important to observe the frequency of use and not to use the medicine for longer than the recommended period (5-10 days).

Drugs that enhance immunity: immunostimulants in the nose

Immunostimulants occupy a special place among all intranasal drugs. They do not harm bacteria and viruses, do not constrict blood vessels and do not relieve a stuffy nose. Often their function remains completely unclear even to those people who obediently follow the doctor’s orders who prescribed intranasal immunostimulants. So what are these drops? Today, pharmacies sell two main intranasal drugs of the immunostimulant group.

Interferon-based drops

Medicines containing interferon alpha-2b stimulate the immune response to respiratory infections of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. The Russian company Firn produces Grippferon drops and spray, indicated for ARVI and influenza. In addition, there is Grippferon with loratadine, an antiallergic component. This form of release is preferable in case of a combined origin of the disease, for example, with a viral infection against the background of allergic rhinitis.

Bacterial lysates

« An unusual” group of drugs containing inactivated bacteria, that is, they are practically an analogue of a vaccine. The only intranasal spray on the Russian pharmaceutical market that contains bacterial lysates is IRS 19. It is a combination of pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria, Klebsiella, Moraxella, Haemophilus influenzae, enterococci and streptococci that have lost their former activity. IRS 19 is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx, including various rhinitis and sinusitis. The drug effectively improves immunity and helps to quickly cope with the disease.

Herbal remedies for runny nose

Herbal medicine is an effective and safe means of combating a wide variety of diseases.

The only serious contraindication to the use of herbal preparations is an allergy to medicinal herbs.

In addition, phytotherapeutic remedies for the runny nose are not often prescribed for allergic rhinitis, which, again, is caused by the likelihood of an allergy to plant materials.

Herbal medicines used for diseases of the nasopharynx can be divided into two main groups: local and internal. Local medications include Pinosol and Sinuforte.


Pinosol, a Slovak drug produced by the famous company Zentiva, is available in the form of nasal drops, spray, as well as ointment and cream. The medicine contains pine, mint, eucalyptus oils, thymol and alpha-tocopherol. Pinosol has an antiseptic effect, due to which it reduces inflammation. The drug is used for acute and chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, as well as rhinopharyngitis.


You can’t ignore the famous Sinuforte, which is produced by the Spanish company Labiana Farmaceutica. The drug contains a lyophilisate obtained from the juice and extract of cyclamen tubers, which is famous for its secretolytic effect. The active substances act on the receptors of the trigeminal nerve located in the area of ​​the middle nasal passage. As a result of stimulation of the receptors, the secretion of nasal mucus significantly increases, and its rheological properties also change - the viscosity decreases. As a result, from 30 minutes to two (!) hours after use, Sinuforte shows its activity, and a patient with sinusitis gets rid of thick purulent discharge accumulated in the sinuses and nasal cavity.

Internal medications for the common cold are two more popular remedies - Sinupret and Umkalor.


Sinupret is a combination of several medicinal herbs, without which complex treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis is rarely complete. The drug reduces inflammation and improves the outflow of nasal secretions. Sinupret is sold in the form of tablets, syrup and drops for internal use, which are also used for inhalation (in nebulizers).


Umkalor drops contain an extract from pelargonium roots, which has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps remove phlegm and nasal secretions. A distinctive feature of Umkalor is its safety: the drug is approved for use in children from 1 year of age. The limitation is explained simply: the medicine contains ethyl alcohol.

Unique cures for the common cold

Among the remedies for the common cold, there is also a place for those that cannot be classified into any of the known pharmacological groups.


An original combination of the mucolytic acetylcysteine ​​and the vasoconstrictor component tuaminoheptane sulfate was proposed by the Spanish company Zambon. The manufacturer called his innovative drug Rinofluimucil. It has been on the market for several years and during this time has gained a lot of fans among doctors and patients. Despite the universal recognition and fame of Rinofluimucil, no other pharmaceutical company in the world has been able to create its analogue. Therefore, Rinofluimucil was and remains the one and only brand drug.

The medicine has a pronounced mucolytic effect due to acetylcysteine, which perfectly thins thick nasal secretions. Alpha adrenomimetic, the second component of the drops, eliminates swelling and facilitates the removal of secretions. Indications for the use of Rinofluimucil are thick purulent discharge in chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, including acute (as well as chronic) purulent sinusitis.


Often a patient, having just read the instructions for Derinat, plunges into silent reverie, not understanding what, in fact, he has been doing for the last few minutes. And no wonder. Even a specialist sometimes cannot “digest” the description of the properties of this drug. What can we say about people who have nothing to do with medicine? We will try to briefly but aptly explain what Derinat is.

The medicine contains sodium deoxyribonucleate, a substance that enhances immunity. It helps the body quickly cope with any infection and accelerates the healing of damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Derinat is used in the form of nasal drops for long-term or severe, as well as recurrent viral and bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Indications for prescribing the medicine are acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis (including frontal sinusitis, sinusitis), inflammatory processes in the pharynx (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis), and respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheobronchitis).

In addition, Russian scientists have proven the effectiveness of Derinat in inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil - adenoiditis and its treatment. The drops reduce the inflammatory process, help restore nasal breathing and even help reduce hypertrophied adenoids. Derinat is produced in two main forms - injectable and in the form of nasal drops. In otorhinolaryngology, the second form of release is used. The medicine is prescribed 3-5 drops repeatedly, 4 to 6 times a day in each nasal passage.

Antiallergic intranasal agents

And let’s finish our excursion into the world of cold remedies with a special group of medications. They help cope with illnesses of exclusively allergic origin and do not in any way change the condition of viral, bacterial, fungal and other runny noses.

Of course, antiallergic intranasal drugs that ideally combine effectiveness and safety are glucocorticoids (Beconase, Aldecin, Nasobek, etc.). We went into detail about these remedies, describing their benefits, side effects and dosages. However, intranasal corticosteroids are not the only antiallergic drugs for topical use. There is another group of intranasal drugs that are prescribed for allergic rhinitis - mast cell membrane stabilizers.

Representatives of this pharmacological group prevent the rupture of the mast cell membrane and the release of allergy mediators from it, which “provide” indescribable and vivid symptoms of the disease. All drugs have the same active ingredient - cromoglycic acid (sometimes the sodium salt of cromoglycic acid, sodium cromoglycate). In Russian pharmacies you can buy several products based on cromoglycic acid for intranasal use, and among them:

  • Vividrin made in Germany;
  • CromoHexal, a German spray produced by Hexal;
  • Cromoglin, another German drug, manufactured by Merkle;
  • Kromosol, Polish analogue;
  • Stadaglycin, spray from Stada and some others.

Let us add that cromoglycates for intranasal use have relatively low effectiveness. The first results can be noticeable only several weeks or even months after the start of treatment, and monotherapy with mast cell membrane stabilizers practically does not bring the desired result. Drugs in this group are usually prescribed in combination with other allergy medications.

As you can see, in order to advise (or prescribe) medicine for sinusitis or a runny nose, you need to have some clarifying information. And even in this case, not every pharmacist (unfortunately) and, even more sadly, not every doctor, will be able to make the right decision. Therefore, before you randomly buy “at least something for a runny nose,” consult a specialist and find out the cause of the ailment. And then - you are welcome to the pharmacy.


The secret of Knoxprey's popularity

The vasoconstrictor Noxprey is often prescribed to children and adults. Patients note the high effectiveness of the drug, long duration of action and affordable cost. However, these are not all the advantages that have led to its great popularity.

  • variety of release forms;
  • starts “working” within 5 minutes after application;
  • can be used 2 times a day;
  • compact, easy-to-use bottle.

Many people are captivated by the lack of need to inject the spray several times a day, because... it “works” for 10-12 hours. A couple of “sprays” and you can safely do your favorite things.

Knoxprey: composition

The drug is based on oxymetazoline hydrochloride. Auxiliary components that should be highlighted are eucalyptol, menthol and camphor.

Eucalyptol (cineole) is the “base” of eucalyptus essential oil, which has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antipruritic properties.

Menthol is a fragrant substance characterized by a calming, refreshing, analgesic, and antiseptic effect.

Camphor is an extract from an evergreen tree native to China and Japan. Valued for its vasoconstrictor, local irritant, warming and partly antibacterial properties.

Noxprey relieves swelling and inflammation of tissues, reduces the intensity of mucus secretion, facilitates breathing, destroys pathogenic microflora and restores breathing. Plant components protect the mucous membrane from drying out and prevent the formation of cracks and crusts in the nose.

Release form

The product is available in several forms, which greatly facilitates the selection of the most effective option in each specific clinical case.

  • Noxprey Baby in the form of drops is created specifically for babies up to 1 year old. A small bottle is filled with a 0.01% oxymetazoline solution.
  • Noxprey Baby is intended for the treatment of children from 1 to 6 years of age. Available as a 0.025% nasal spray;
  • Noxprey 0.05%. Prescribed for children over 6 years of age and adults. Bottle volume - 15 and 20 ml;
  • Noxprey Active. It differs from the usual spray for adults (0.05%) in its thoughtful dispenser, which is easy to use. The capacity of the bottle is 10 ml.

The smallest bottle has a volume of 5 ml (Malysh drops), the largest - 20 ml.

Analogues of the drug

Analogs of the drug that can be prescribed from birth are 0.01% drops of Nazivin Sensitive and Rinazolin. For children over one year old - Nazivin 0.025%, Nazo-spray Baby, Oxamet Mint, Operil, Rinoxyl-N, Nazalong. For adults - the above agents in a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml.

Conclusion: Noxprey is a drug with the aroma of menthol and eucalyptus, which has a vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Nozacar: several options for quick relief from runny nose and nasal congestion

Section: Medicines

Nozacar is a drug characterized by a long-term vasoconstrictor effect. Quickly relieves nasal swelling, reduces mucus secretion, eliminates itching and redness of the mucous membrane, and makes breathing easier. The main active ingredient is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. Spray for the common cold is available in several versions, which makes it easy to choose one or another depending on the age of the patient and the goals pursued.

Release form

In pharmacies you can find several forms of the drug, differing in the concentration of the main active substance and the presence of additional “ingredients”.

The medicine is produced in Palestine by Pharmacare Int. Co. and Pharmacare PLC. Bottle volume - 15 ml.

In what cases is Nozacar prescribed?

The remedy is indicated for acute vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever, eustachitis, otitis media, colds accompanied by a runny nose and difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion.

Nozacar is also prescribed in preparation for diagnostic procedures and surgical operations.

Moreal Plus - Atlantic water for treating the nose

Section: Medicines

The drug with the sonorous name Moreal is held in special esteem by doctors and patients. The reason for this is its composition and wide scope of application. Release form: 1% nasal spray. Volume - 20 ml. Manufacturer: STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG, which has been on the pharmaceutical market for more than a century.

Moreal plus: pharmacological group

The medication belongs to the group of drugs for the treatment and prevention of various ENT diseases. Stimulates tissue trophism, has an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect.

The active ingredients are dexpanthenol, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and sea water. It is worth emphasizing that the water is obtained from the North Atlantic Ocean.

The healing properties of the constituent components

Let's look at what makes the active ingredients so special. What's special about them?

Dexpanthenol is a B vitamin that is transformed in the body into pantothenic acid. This acid is part of coenzyme A, which is involved in cellular metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, hormone synthesis and tissue repair.

Sea water is known for its healing properties. It contains most of the periodic table - iodine, potassium, calcium, fluorine, chlorine, sodium, bromine, sulfur...

To make Moreal, not just any water is used, but water from the North Atlantic Ocean, which is characterized by a high content of microelements.

Moreal maintains the healthy state of tissues, restores the functioning of the epithelium, increases the resistance of the nasal mucosa to the effects of viruses and microbes, thins mucus, and accelerates the healing of microcracks. The spray gently removes dust particles, allergens and other foreign elements from the nasal cavity, reducing the size and intensity of inflammatory manifestations.

When is Moreal prescribed?

The drug has a wide range of applications - it is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the ENT organs.

  • vasomotor and allergic rhinitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx (in combination with other medications);
  • microdamage to the nasal mucosa;
  • influenza and acute respiratory infections, accompanied by a runny nose, dryness, burning and crusting.

The spray is prescribed to people living in harsh climates and those who work in unfavorable conditions (dusty workshops, stuffy rooms, offices with central heating).

Noxivin- a drug for the common cold, which is suitable for treating all family members

Section: Medicines

Noxivin is a vasoconstrictor that is often prescribed for colds. Quickly eliminates runny nose, congestion, swelling and redness of the nasal mucosa. Release form: spray and nasal drops. Suitable for adults and children. The main active ingredient is oxymetazoline. This substance has a strong anti-congestive effect. Simply put...

Active Ingredients

The main active ingredient is oxymetazoline. This substance has a strong anti-congestive effect. Simply put, particles of the medicine, when they get on the mucous membrane, relieve swelling and restore breathing. The effect is noticeable within a few minutes after using Noxivin. It is stored for 10-12 hours.

Also contains: boric acid, sodium chloride and benzalkonium, disodium edetate, macrogolglycerol hydroxystearate, water, eucalyptus oil. The last component deserves special attention.

Eucalyptus essential oil, which has a resinous-tart aroma, contains cineole, flavonoids, organic acids, and tannins. Valued for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic abilities. Gently cares for the nasal mucosa, preventing drying out and the formation of microcracks.

When Noxivin is needed: indications

Drops and spray are prescribed for allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, acute respiratory infections accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, eustachitis and otitis media.

Among other things, Noxivin is prescribed before diagnostic and surgical procedures.

Sinoflurin - spray for the treatment of seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis

Section: Medicines

Sinoflurin is a product of the Russian company SavaPharm, which has been on the pharmaceutical market since 2011. Belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids for local use. Available as a 50 mcg nasal spray. A small 12 ml dark glass bottle contains 120 doses.

Composition of the drug

The main active component of the drug is fluticasone propionate, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Excipients: benzalkonium chloride, polysorbate-80, phenylethalone, anhydrous dextrose, AvicelX, water.

Sinoflurin is a white or grayish suspension intended for intranasal use only.

How does the spray work?

The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the suppression of the proliferation of macrophages, mast cells, lymphocytes and a decrease in the production of biologically active substances during an allergic reaction.

The first results can be felt 3-4 hours after injection. Unpleasant allergy symptoms disappear - sneezing, runny nose, burning in the nose, swelling, lacrimation, a feeling of tightness in the eye area. Sinoflurin significantly improves the quality of life of patients, allowing them to do their usual activities without thinking about the disease.

Are hormones really dangerous?

There is an opinion among patients that glucocorticosteroids (GCS) are harmful to the body - they disrupt metabolism, are addictive and negatively affect the functioning of vital systems. In fact, this does not apply to intranasal corticosteroids - local use eliminates the effect on internal organs.

In addition, Sinoflurin is characterized by low absolute bioavailability. This figure does not reach 1%. What does this mean? After injecting a solution (no more than 200 mcg), it is difficult to determine the concentration of the main active substance in the blood. The highest value that was recorded was 0.017 ng/ml. Absorption is prevented due to poor water solubility. That is, intranasal glucocorticosteroids (subject to correct dosing and patient compliance with medical recommendations) cannot harm.

Often during the period of colds, many people worry. Special drops or sprays will help alleviate the patient’s condition and eliminate nasal congestion. There is a large selection of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract: vasoconstrictors, antibacterials. Antibiotic nasal drops help cure various nasal diseases and get rid of bacterial infections in both children and adults.

The principle of action of antibacterial nasal drops

After using antibacterial drops in the nose, the active substance that is included in the preparations acts on the infection and prevents its reproduction. Medicines help dilate blood vessels, relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore breathing.

Unlike the use of general antibiotics, nasal drops with an antibacterial effect have a number of advantages. After applying the drug to the site of infection, the medicine begins to act faster than drugs intended for oral use.

When using antibiotic-based drugs, the risk of allergic reactions and resistance is reduced. This is due to the fact that the drugs do not enter the bloodstream and intestines.

Nasal preparations with an antibacterial effect do not harm healthy microflora: the product does not spread beyond the nasal mucosa and do not lead to a decrease in immunity.

The most common drugs for the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases are:

  • Isofra
  • Polydexa
  • Bioparox

These antibiotic drugs are quite effective in the fight against, which is caused by various bacterial pathogens.

Antibacterial drops based on antibiotics are used to treat:

  • Rhinita
  • Rhinopharyngitis
  • Tracheitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Laryngitis

In rare cases, a doctor prescribes, but only if serious bactericidal complications occur. Drugs with antibacterial action for topical use are prescribed when the infection lasts more than 5 days and is infectious in nature. Antibiotic nasal medications are used for the discharge of yellow, thick mucus from the nose, as well as for identifying the pathogen by inoculating the nasal mucus.

Features of using the drug Isofra

A medicine that contains the antibiotic framycetin. The drug acts bactericidal and inhibits the vital processes of pathogenic microorganisms. The antibacterial drug is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The drug is prescribed in combination for the treatment of various infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The medicine is available in the form of a spray. Prescribed to children from one year of age and only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

It is prohibited to use medications on your own. When prescribing a particular drug, the doctor takes into account the type of infectious agent, as well as their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Before using the antibiotic drug Isofra, the child’s sinuses should be cleared of sinuses, and then the drug should be injected into each nostril.

This procedure should be carried out at least 3 times a day. The drug should be used for about 7-10 days. Injections for adults should be done at least 6 times. It is important to maintain equal time intervals before the procedure.The patient's condition improves within a few days. If it was not possible to eliminate a runny nose and make breathing easier, then the causative agent of the disease is not sensitive to the antibiotic. In this case, you should stop using the spray and consult a doctor.

Useful video on how to treat a runny nose.

Instructions and features of using Evamenol nasal ointment

In rare cases, when using the drug, adverse reactions such as allergies appear.With long-term use of the drug, the normal microflora of the mucous membrane is disrupted, which leads to dysbacteriosis.

Isofra should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If there is an individual intolerance to individual components of the drug or an allergy to aminoglycosides, then the use of the drug is prohibited.

Action and use of the drug Polydexa

The drug is intended to reduce the amount of mucous secretions. The main active ingredients are the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin. They have different effects on areas of inflammation.

The drug also contains other components that have antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. In otolaryngology, the drug Polydexa is used to treat rhinitis of various microbial etiologies.

The antibacterial drug is available in the form of a spray or drops.

For children, injection should be carried out 2-3 times a day. For adults, the dosage increases and is 4-5 times a day in each nostril.

When using drugs in the form of drops, you must remember that they are intended for instillation only. The use of antibacterial agents for rinsing or inhalation is strictly prohibited. This may lead to the drug being swallowed. In this case, an overdose may occur and allergic reactions may occur. It also contributes to the suppression of the normal microflora of the nasopharynx.

Among the adverse reactions that may occur with prolonged and uncontrolled use of the drug, the following may appear:

  • Edema
  • Dryness and burning in the nose
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Tachycardia
  • Lower blood pressure

It is prohibited to use the drug for viral diseases and the nasal cavity, glaucoma, or hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug. Pregnant and lactating women should use the drug only with a doctor's prescription.

Description and use of the drug Bioparox

An antibiotic drug that contains the active substance fusafungin. The drug is intended to combat pathogens such as streptococci, mycoplasma, staphylococci, pneumococci, and candida. The drug acts not only on the surface of the nasal mucosa, but also on the oral cavity. When using the drug, resistance of pathogenic bacteria does not develop. Bioparox has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects. Does not contain a vasoconstrictor component. The drug can be used by children from 2.5 years of age.

Bioparox is available only with a doctor's prescription. Use the product through the nose or mouth. Before use, the drug must be shaken several times. After the administration of an antibacterial agent, a positive effect occurs several hours later. The drug does not dry out the nasal mucosa and reduces the amount of sputum and nasal discharge.

Taking into account the severity of the disease, the doctor selects an individual course of treatment for each person. For adults and children, the dosage is 4 inhalations per day through the mouth, 2 inhalations through the nose. The drug should be used for no more than 7 days.

The drug is well tolerated, but in special cases nausea, sneezing, bronchospasm, and dry mouth may occur.

Allergic reactions may occur. It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women.It is not recommended to use drugs independently to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Any antibacterial agent for the nose is prescribed by a doctor.

Before treatment, you should consult a specialist and read the instructions for using the antibacterial drug. Frequent use of nasal drops with an antibiotic can lead to negative consequences:

  • Causes addiction to the drug
  • The walls of the nasal passage become thin
  • The supply of nutrients is disrupted
  • When pressure changes, nosebleeds occur

To speed up the recovery process, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his strict recommendations. This will prevent negative consequences from occurring.

Nasal drops are a liquid form of medication designed to quickly and effectively help a child’s “squelching” nose. Therefore, cold drops help children cope with common snot.

Even a slight runny nose cannot be left without proper attention, so it is necessary to help the nose cope with the flow of snot. In most cases, thick, stagnant secretions accumulate in the sinuses, which means nasal drops for children are needed.

What drops can quickly treat a runny nose in children? Let's figure out in detail how to put drops in a child's nose, and when snot flows like a river. There are no identical variants of the course of banal rhinitis, therefore treatment is prescribed strictly on an individual basis.

Taking into account age characteristics and individual intolerance to individual components of medications, sniffles can be cured using the following groups of nasal medications:

  • saline solutions for rinsing the nose,
  • antiseptics,
  • drops with antibacterial effect,
  • based on hormones
  • vasoconstrictors,
  • with antihistamine effect /antiallergic/,
  • homeopathic,
  • antiviral,
  • softening and diluting pathological secretions,
  • immunomodulators.

Let's look at each group of nasal products to get a complete picture of the effectiveness of nasal drops individually. It is important to understand that there are a great variety of remedies for the common cold in the pharmacy chain, so you need to know your assistants by sight. It is important to know which drops to choose and how to put them into the nose correctly to allow the child to breathe freely.

Wash noses with mineral solutions

Correctly instilling drops into the nose means first clearing the nasal passages of excess mucus. And then directly drop the drops into the child’s nose.

Aquamaris Purified solution of sea water, enriched with important trace elements /sodium, magnesium, calcium/. The drug has a beneficial effect on the child’s nasal mucosa and promotes the rapid removal of thick and difficult to separate secretions from the nasal passages.

The solution can be used as a prophylactic agent during the epidemic peak of morbidity in children and adults, as well as for the treatment of runny nose of various origins.
In pediatrics, children's nasal drops are used from 0 years. Physiomer A storehouse of microelements in an aqueous solution, allowing for general cleaning of spouts with the removal of pathogenic microflora and possible allergens. The effect of the drug is multidirectional: it cleanses the nose, moisturizes and restores damaged mucous membranes.
The operating principle of this unique product is based on the regeneration of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa, which will become a natural barrier to pathogenic microflora.
The physiomer is presented in different age forms, so it can be used in children from 0 years of age. Dolphin Multifunctional system for cleansing the nasopharynx from pathogenic microorganisms and allergens in case of pathological runny nose. The device can be used for diseases of the ENT organs accompanied by the release of pathological secretions: ARVI, adenoiditis, sinusitis, sinusitis and other processes in the nasopharynx.
Dolphin is used in children's practice starting from 4 years old. Salin The best drops used to effectively clean the nasal passages and sinuses from pathological secretions. The solution is gentle on the nasal mucosa, saturating it with the necessary moisture. At the same time, it suppresses the activity of allergens, promoting their removal from the nose.
Salin has proven itself well for allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and seasonal hay fever. In pediatrics, the salt composition is used from 0 years.

Antiseptics against runny nose

  1. Ectericide has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, leaving bacteria no chance of survival. It is capable of suppressing the vital activity of even those microbes that are difficult to respond to antibacterial therapy.
    The drug has no age restrictions.
  2. Miramistin is a unique remedy that inhibits the growth and development of viruses and bacteria, therefore it is widely used in various areas of medical practice. Use in childhood is relevant for the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases.
    Miramistin is indicated for use in children from 3 years of age.
  3. Sialor is similar in its action to the veteran pharmacologist Protargol. Effective nasal drops do an excellent job of disinfecting the nasopharynx, forming a protective film against germs. Instillation of drops is advisable for chronic adenoiditis, vasomotor rhinitis (seasonal runny nose), as well as for preventive purposes during an epidemic of influenza and colds.
    Tablets for preparing the solution are used from 0 years.
  4. Protargol has been guarding little noses for many generations, because silver components completely destroy pathogenic microflora. Good drops for snot are prepared in the pharmacy chain, so it is not available everywhere.
    In childhood, it is indicated from birth.
  5. Octenisept has proven itself well as an antiseptic for mucous membranes. Has a detrimental effect on all types of pathogenic microflora. Widely used in surgical practice.
    Indicated for children from 0 years old.

Antibacterial agents for runny nose

Sofradex is a combination of antibacterial and hormonal components in one bottle. The drug has a systemic effect on the body. Contraindicated for use in newborns and children under one year of age.

Isofra works well against most pathogenic bacteria. Drops for runny nose for children from 1 year.

Bioparox is a one-of-a-kind drug that contains an antibiotic and is successfully used to treat all ENT organs (ear, throat, nose). The drug is approved in pediatrics for children from 3 years of age.

Bactroban has a detrimental effect on bacterial flora. Allows you to quickly cope with sinusitis, sinusitis and adenoiditis. The drug can be used from 0 years.

Polydexa is a complex drug containing a vasoconstrictor component, a hormone and an antibiotic. Nasal drops for a runny nose help quickly because they act in three directions at once. Nasal drops are indicated for otitis media in children.
The product can be used for children from 3 years of age.

Hormones protect free breathing

How to properly instill a hormonal drug into the nasal passages? The effectiveness of the course of therapy directly depends on how to instill the nasal remedy.

Only nasal sinuses cleared of pathological secretions can adequately respond to the active substances of the drug.

For this purpose, hormones rush to the rescue.

Nasobex relieves swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa well, but at the same time has a weak vasoconstrictor effect. The drug has a powerful antiallergic and immunostimulating effect.
Allowed for children from 6 years old. Avamis has proven itself to be an effective remedy for allergic rhinitis. Since the drug contains a hormonal component, its use is indicated for children strictly from 2 years of age. Nasonex is a unique remedy that allows you to defeat chronic runny nose of various nature. It relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa well and promotes gentle evacuation of pathological secretions from the sinuses. Aldecin copes well with allergic rhinitis, relieving swelling and inflammation in the nose. In pediatric practice, it can be used only after reaching 6 years of age.

Constrict blood vessels effectively

  1. Tizin is a good medicine for allergic rhinitis. It has proven itself in otolaryngology as a decongestant. Indicated for children only from 2 years of age.
  2. Nazol baby is intended to combat runny nose of various etiologies. Nasal breathing is restored in just a few minutes. Works effectively for up to 6 hours. Indicated for children from 0 years old.
  3. Otrivin quickly relieves the symptoms of rhinitis and allows the nose to breathe freely. Indicated for children aged 1 year and older.
  4. Xylen is ready to fight swelling and provide a healing effect for 8-10 hours. The drug is contraindicated in children of the first year of life.
  5. Galazolin is used as a remedy against runny nose of viral, bacterial and allergic nature. Indicated in pediatric practice from 6 years of age.
  6. Olint effectively fights edematous mucosa, but is not recommended for long-term use. Suitable for children over 6 years old.
  7. Vibrocil provides a pleasant treatment for various types of runny nose, ensuring free breathing for a long time. Drops for runny nose are indicated for children over one year of age.
  8. Farmazolin is a long-acting drug. Well restores the patency of the nasal passages. Children under 6 years of age are a strict limitation for the drug.

Defeating allergens with drops

Ifiral copes well with seasonal allergic rhinitis. In children, it is permissible for use only from 6 years of age. Cromosol Effective as a preventive and therapeutic agent. Blocks the release of histamine, thereby preventing the development of allergic rhinitis. Antiallergic nasal drops are used in pediatrics strictly from 5 years of age. Sanorin Excellent for relieving nasal congestion. In otolaryngology it is used as an antiallergic agent to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa before rhinoscopy. Approved for use in pediatrics from 2 years of age. Cromohexal Helps well with a runny nose of an allergic nature, both acute and chronic. Children under 2 years of age serve as a strict limitation for the use of the drug. Histimet Quickly reduces the symptoms of seasonal runny nose with an allergic component. The drug can be used in children over 12 years of age. Allergodil Effectively blocks allergy symptoms, allowing the nose to breathe freely. Children's drops for the common cold are indicated from 6 years of age.

Homeopathy against rhinitis

Euphorbium Compositum is a natural remedy that allows you to quickly get rid of runny nose in children of a viral, bacterial and allergic nature. There are no pediatric data for the use of anti-inflammatory drops in children under 4 years of age.

Delufen, based on natural ingredients, copes well with swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It starts the regeneration process and promotes painless removal of snot from the child. There are no age restrictions for using the product, so it can be used by both one-year-old children and in the second year of life.

Rhinitol works well against rhinitis in various clinical forms. Contraindicated for children under 18 years of age due to lack of pediatric research.

Cinnabsin cleanses the nose well from excess thick secretions, relieving swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages and sinuses. Actively participates in the regeneration of damaged mucosa. The drug is suitable for use by a child aged 3 years.

Thuja oil is a natural antibiotic that works great for nasal problems. Works well for adenoiditis, allowing you to breathe freely. With a course of use, a homeopathic remedy allows you to avoid surgical intervention on the tonsils. The product is approved for use by children from 0 years old.

Fighting viruses

  • Oxolinic ointment has long been used to protect children's noses, preventing viruses and bacteria from settling in the nose. There are no age restrictions for children,
  • Nazoferon is a unique composition of nasal drops that simultaneously inhibits viruses, relieves inflammation and increases local immunity. You can put drops in your nose from 0 years old,
  • Viferon works great against the virus and stimulates natural immunity. Used in children's practice from 0 years,
  • Genferon is effective against most pathogens of a viral and bacterial nature. In pediatrics it is used from 0 years,
  • Gripferon is indicated for the treatment of influenza and ARVI. Well relieves symptoms of general intoxication of the body. Antiviral nasal drops are used from 0 years.

The pharmacological market is replete with all kinds of nasal drops and nasal sprays. It is beyond the power of a person far from medicine to immediately understand this diversity. We are in a hurry to help you - the following types of nasal drops/sprays are distinguished, depending on their purpose:

  • constricting blood vessels during a runny nose;
  • saline, intended for rinsing the nose;
  • antiseptic, causing death of infections;
  • antibiotics for the treatment of advanced rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis, adenoids, etc.;
  • improving immunity, fighting acute respiratory infections and used for their prevention;
  • directed against allergies, conventionally divided into hormonal and non-hormonal agents;
  • plant-based, for patients who prefer to avoid “chemicals”;
  • complex, containing two or more components.
  • user reviews;
  • expert opinions;
  • cost and effectiveness of the drug.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best nasal drops for a runny nose

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by discharge and sneezing. Nasal drops are considered one of the first measures of resistance by most users. The products presented below are in demand, and their effectiveness is confirmed by doctors and pharmacists.

5 Pinosol

Natural composition, benefits of herbal ingredients
Country: Slovakia
Average price: 144 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Pinosol is a herbal remedy for the common cold, preventing sinusitis and other diseases. The drops are available in a dark glass bottle with a convenient dispenser adapted for nasal injection. The liquid has a strong specific smell, you can smell pine, eucalyptus, mint. The manufacturer added oils known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug quickly relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. Unlike many analogues, Pinosol treats the problem, and does not remove the symptoms. It is suitable for both children and adults.

Reviews note that the drug does not dry out the nasal mucosa, and even moisturizes it a little. It restores damaged skin, which is especially useful for children. Gradually, there is less discharge and you can breathe more freely. The manufacturer offers drops and spray. They are equally effective, but you need to wait several days for results. Due to the large amount of natural oils, the product is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

4 Galazolin

The most budget product
Country Russia
Average price: 32 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Galazolin is one of the most budget-friendly means in the rating, but is considered no less effective. It is prescribed to children from 6 years of age and adults a few drops. They have a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, the results are felt immediately. Swelling of the mucous membrane goes away in a couple of minutes. The drug is available in a 10 ml bottle with a tight-fitting cap. It is convenient to travel with and easy to store. Drops are recommended to be used before bedtime; the effect lasts all night.

Reviews praise the performance, but warn of unpleasant sensations. Drops are aggressive and can cause dryness and irritation. The effect wears off in a few minutes. The drug is allowed to be used for only a few days; it is not suitable as a primary treatment. The child needs a very small dose; the drops have many side effects. The main one is addiction. After stopping use, nasal congestion remains. She disappears after a few days.

3 Sialor Protargol

Astringent effect with a pronounced protective and antiseptic effect
Country Russia
Average price: 230 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Spray for nasal use Sialor Protargol is prescribed for runny nose, rhinitis and otitis, as it has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent effect. A distinctive feature of the drug is the inclusion of silver proteinate (protargol), which ensures high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

The nasal spray is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. The big disadvantage, according to user reviews, is the need to prepare the solution yourself by dissolving the tablet. However, in reality there is nothing complicated about this, and the instructions describe in detail the process of using the antiseptic composition.

2 Nazivin

Excellent drops for nasal congestion in adults
Country: Germany
Average price: 146 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Nazivin drops help relieve swelling of the nasal cavity, reduce mucous secretions and restore breathing. Indications for their use are acute respiratory infections, allergic reactions, rhinitis and otitis. Users prefer these drops at the first sign of a runny nose. After use, relief comes quickly, and the feeling of nasal congestion does not return soon.

Patients in reviews call the pipette convenient and the price reasonable. A 10-ml bottle is enough for a fairly long period, since the course of treatment is only 3-5 days. These drops are not recommended for children under one year old, although there is a special release form - 0.01%. At the age of 1 to 6 years, the dosage is 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day (0.025%).

1 Isofra

Best nasal antibiotic spray
Country: France
Average price: 286 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular antibiotic spray for the common cold is Isofra. This can be stated with confidence based on a user survey. This prescription drug is for children 1 year of age and older and adults. The product has a pronounced bactericidal effect. The spray is prescribed as part of combination therapy for otitis, sinusitis, runny nose and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract - rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis, etc. Contraindications, with the exception of children in the first year of life, include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The dosage implies a 7-day course of 1 injection of the product. Children need 2-3 times a day, adults – 3-4 times a day. Reviews mention a local effect on bacteria, quick relief for congestion, runny nose, and even advanced sinusitis. Addiction is possible, so the spray is not allowed without a doctor’s prescription.

The best nasal drops for allergies

Allergies can be seasonal, or they can take you by surprise. With rhinitis, inflammation of the nasal mucosa develops, which is accompanied by swelling and copious discharge. Conventional vasoconstrictor drops are ineffective in this case. Hormonal and non-hormonal nasal medications come to the rescue.

5 Xymelin

A budget-friendly way to eliminate symptoms
Country: Denmark
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Xymelin is the best choice for quick relief of symptoms. The drug is indicated for difficulty breathing, to relieve nasal congestion. The formula is vasoconstrictive and eliminates swelling. It is considered an excellent choice for rhinitis. The drops do not irritate the mucous membranes and are easy to take. The result comes in a couple of minutes and remains for 10-12 hours. Buyers warn that it is easy to overdo the dosage; the pipette is ill-conceived. The cap needs to be screwed on tightly; it leaks. The drops are inconvenient to take with you.

The drug is approved for children and adults. The reviews write that it helps the main treatment, but does not replace it. The product can be taken for up to 7 days in a row without the risk of overdose and addiction. The formula has many side effects, including irritation and burning. The result is not as long lasting and pronounced as that of more expensive analogues. But as a quick budget aid, it is considered the best.

4 Organelle drops

Normalizes body functions, contains natural components
Country Russia
Average price: 300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Organelle drops are created from bioactive components of natural origin, which have a complex effect on the body. The product copes with symptoms and prevents complications. The formula cleanses blood and lymph, speeds up healing. It improves blood circulation, tone and elasticity of blood vessels. Helps with allergic cough and runny nose. As a pleasant side bonus, dizziness, pain, and vascular spasms are reduced. Drops prevent asthmatic disorders.

The drug comes in a small glass bottle with clips and a spray nozzle. It is difficult to overdo the dosage; the only precaution is individual intolerance. It is recommended to neutralize toxins in allergies. The formula smells strongly of fir oil and is unpleasant to use. However, it has high penetrating ability and is quickly absorbed by the body. The main disadvantage is the risk of addiction.

3 Afrin Clear Sea

Best volume. Does not irritate sensitive mucous membranes, universal targeting
Country: USA
Average price: 225 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Afrin spray is available in large volumes of 75 ml. This drug has a universal purpose - it is suitable for daily care of the nasal cavity, used during viral and bacterial diseases, and makes breathing easier. Doctors recommend this natural remedy for runny nose and congestion, allergies and otitis media.

Users confirm that breathing becomes easier after use. The product qualitatively cleanses the mucous membrane, eliminating secretions, removing allergens, viruses and bacteria. The drug also protects against colds and allergies, acting as a preventive measure. The powerful jet seems like a disadvantage to some, but the vast majority of patients noted the safety of the spray. It is suitable even for those who are familiar with sensitive mucous membranes firsthand.

2 Tizin Alerji

High effectiveness in the fight against seasonal and year-round rhinitis
Country Russia
Average price: 366 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The drug Tizin Alergy, as the name suggests, is intended to relieve allergy symptoms. In fact, these nasal drops, in addition to reactions, are also highly effective for runny nose and otitis media. They are considered a quality measure in the fightwith seasonal and year-round rhinitis of allergic etiology - reduces discharge from the nasal cavity, eliminates sneezing, and relieves itching.

Contraindications include pregnancy, children under six years of age, and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Users consider the advantages of being over-the-counter, ease of use, and speed of relief. Reviews call the cost overpriced. Some complain that the results do not last long.

1 Vibrocil

Soft impact. The best rate of relief of allergy symptoms
Country Russia
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Vibrocil nasal drops for children and adults are a highly effective antihistamine. Thanks to their vasoconstrictive effect, they have found use in the fight against allergies, runny nose and otitis media. Contraindications include individual intolerance, pregnancy, and a period of less than two weeks from the date of completion of treatment. monoamine oxidase inhibitors (antidepressants).

Users in reviews indicate among the advantages the mildness of the effect, the high speed of relieving unpleasant allergic symptoms, a pleasant smell, and the absence of side effects. The bottle has a volume of 15 ml. A convenient pipette reduces consumption and helps to accurately determine the dosage.Doctors recommend thoroughly cleaning the nasal cavity before instillation.

The best vasoconstrictor nasal drops

Nasal drops, which have a vasoconstrictor effect, are highly effective for congestion. After their use, a decrease in swelling and a decrease in mucous discharge are observed. Doctors warn that use should not exceed 5-7 days. If during this time there is no improvement in your health, you should immediately contact a specialist.

5 Glauprost

Reduces eye pressure
Country: Romania
Average price: 632 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Glauprost is an effective remedy for reducing intraocular pressure and is indicated for glaucoma. The effect occurs within a few hours and lasts up to a day, depending on the severity of the situation. The formula penetrates well into the cornea. Drops must be stored in the refrigerator; they are not suitable for travel. There are unusual side effects: changes in eye color, improved eyelash growth. The skin of the eyelids may darken, but then return to normal. Eye color changes permanently with prolonged use.

The reviews warn that the body reacts differently to the drug; the list of side effects is very impressive. But the remedy is universal and powerful, relieving unpleasant symptoms for a long time. It is indicated for long-term use, is not addictive, and it is difficult to overdo the dose. After a few months, eye pressure ceases to be a problem. However, for glaucoma, treatment is lifelong, and the drops are expensive.

4 Adrianol

Powerful concentrated drug
Country: Serbia
Average price: 128 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Adrianol is one of the most aggressive vasoconstrictors in the rating. It has a rapid decongestant effect on the nasal mucosa. Improvement comes almost immediately, normalization of breathing is felt. The solution has a viscous consistency and does not leak. It is indicated for acute and chronic diseases, and is suitable as an adjuvant during more serious manipulations. The manufacturer says there is a low likelihood of side effects, but warns about burning and dry mucous membranes.

Reviews write about immediate relief in breathing. However, before using the drops, you must rinse your nose with another product. Buyers note that swelling goes away in 10-15 minutes. The formula quickly relieves swelling, but does not cure the problem. Using drops is unpleasant. They have a cumulative effect, after 3-4 days the pronounced effect disappears.

3 Snoop

The best spray to ease nasal breathing
Country: Germany
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Snoop nasal spray is one of the most effective vasoconstrictors. The drug eliminates swelling, fights hyperemia, and helps restore patency. Users note the high speed of relief of nasal breathing, as well as the duration of action. The reviews mention the increased volume of the bottle - 15 ml.

The spray is recommended for acute respiratory infections, runny nose, allergic rhinitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other ENT diseases. A significant drawback is the extensive list of contraindications, including pregnancy, children under six years of age, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, tachycardia. With caution, doctors allow the use of the drug during lactation and diabetes.

2 Sanorin with eucalyptus oil

Do not dry out mucous membranes. Comfortable use
Country: Israel
Average price: 146 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Sanorin vasoconstrictor nasal drops quickly relieve symptoms of runny nose and nasal congestion. They make breathing easier for rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, etc. - in a word, they are highly in demand in ENT practice. Long-term use reduces effectiveness, and therefore after a week of use a break is required. The exact dosage is determined by the attending physician and can range from 1 to 3 drops in each nasal passage twice or thrice a day.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components, disorders of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, etc. Taking the drug can cause vomiting and dizziness. For this reason, it is not recommended to use it without consulting your doctor. In general, users respond positively to the drug, noting that the drops do not dry out the mucous membranes. The bottle seems convenient. The addition of eucalyptus oil, according to buyers, makes the treatment more effective.

1 Naphthyzin

Long lasting effect. Convenient pipette
Country Russia
Average price: 61 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Naphthyzin nasal drops are distinguished by their low price, which explains their extreme popularity. Once on the mucous membranes, the product has an immediate, pronounced and long-lasting vasoconstrictor effect. Effective for otitis and runny nose.Reviews say the volume is 15 ml - most other drugs supply nasal drops in 10 ml bottles. Customers also like the small hole in the dropper nose.

Users consider the high likelihood of addiction to be a serious drawback, which is confirmed by experts. Therefore, it is forbidden to use these nasal drops for a long time, and it is not recommended to use them unless absolutely necessary.They are contraindicated for children under one year of age and undesirable for pregnant and lactating women. A complete list of contraindications is indicated in the instructions, which should be carefully studied before purchasing. The dosage is individual.

The best nasal drops for children

Not all drops available in pharmacies are suitable for children. Some are completely prohibited for them, others have age restrictions, and others are acceptable from birth. Carefully studying the instructions and consulting a doctor is your guarantee of effectiveness and safety.

5 For the nose

Effectively eliminates symptoms, helps the main treatment
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 75 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The nose quickly constricts the blood vessels of the mucous membrane, effectively eliminating swelling and making breathing easier. The drug is indicated for rhinitis, it does not irritate the skin and does not cause hyperemia. The manufacturer claims that the effect occurs in 2-3 minutes and remains for 10 hours. The drug contains synthetic ingredients; parents are advised to carefully monitor the dosage. Side effects include irritation, dryness and addiction. They are recommended in rare cases to help a child fall asleep.

The bottle is equipped with a special nozzle without divisions, the number of drops is easy to control. The effect occurs quickly, but in difficult cases does not last long. For many, its effect did not last the whole night; the relief went away within a few hours. Parents praise the convenient round-tip pipette, which is safe for small children to use. The risk of allergic reactions is minimal due to the lack of natural ingredients.

4 Xylene

Permanently removes congestion, treats runny nose
Country Russia
Average price: 27 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Xylene is recommended by parents to quickly relieve symptoms of nasal congestion. The child immediately begins to breathe, and the drops do not cause burning or itching. The effect lasts for 10-12 hours, one course lasts no more than a week. The result largely depends on the main treatment drug. These drops are indicated for children from 6 years of age, but there is a weaker version for the youngest. The drug is available in a soft bottle, instillation occurs by pressing. It is difficult to control the dose.

Reviews call the drops the best for their price. After instillation, dryness is felt, but the effect quickly wears off. At the same time, the nose begins to breathe, the swelling disappears. However, parents say that the effect does not reach the promised 10 hours. On average, the action lasts for half the night. When the nose is tightly clogged, drops help for several hours. They are recommended to help the main remedy when the situation has already improved and it is necessary to reduce symptoms.

3 Rhinostop

Quick relief of nasal congestion
Country Russia
Average price: 27 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Rinostop nasal drops with active ingredient xylometazoline are in demand for a runny nose, otitis, allergies and in preparation for diagnosing the nasal passages. The instructions indicate that the product is intended for children and adults. However, please pay special attention that the acceptable age is from 2 years. Attractively priced drops have a local vasoconstrictor effect, relieve swelling, and eliminate symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance is not the only contraindication. Please review the listing carefully before purchasing. Dosage – 1-2 drops twice a day. User reviews confirm the speed of breathing relief in children and the high duration of the effect.

2 Grippferon

The best antiviral drops for children
Country Russia
Average price: 244 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Grippferon nasal drops are used for viral diseases, colds and flu. Suitable for treatment and prevention in children and adults. Thanks to the active substance interferon has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. Users unanimously voted for these drops as the best antiviral product for children in the first three years of life. Reviews note the ability to use the drug from birth, as well as the absence of a bitter aftertaste, as its leading advantage.

Children under the age of one year are recommended to instill 1 drop 5 times a day at the first signs of illness, from 1 to 3 years - 2 drops 5 times a day. Buyers consider the price acceptable, but the consumption is increased. When used five times, the package lasts for a short period. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

1 Aqua Maris for children

The best nasal drops during pregnancy and for children from birth
Country: Croatia
Average price: 127 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Aqua Maris are popular salt drops designed for rinsing the nose of babies from birth. Hygiene procedures for newborns include cleaning the cavity at least twice a day. Doctors emphasize that congestion can cause poor sleep, poor appetite and ailments. Therefore, you should not neglect such manipulation.

Safe composition is the main advantage: sea water, natural trace elements, purified water. Thanks to instillation it is possible wash away dust, remove allergens, reduce inflammation. The remedy is used for otitis media, runny nose, flu, colds and the prevention of these diseases. Contraindication is individual intolerance.

In otolaryngological practice, nasal antiseptics are used to completely rinse the nasal sinuses of a child or adult. The main purpose of antiseptics, which are used for diseases of the nasal cavity, is to suppress the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Antiseptic nasal agents that thin the mucus in the nasal cavity are most often used for sinusitis and rhinosinusitis. Especially for sinusitis, the use of antiseptics is an important component of treatment.

Their purpose is to destroy bacteria in the sinuses. The most common and used drugs for this purpose are Furacilin, Dioxidin, Chlorhexidine and Miramistin.

When treating, it is necessary to keep in mind that antiseptics cannot completely replace antibacterial nasal drops. Since antiseptic drugs have a different mechanism of action from them and are not able to completely destroy pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Therefore, you should not arbitrarily replace antibiotics prescribed by your doctor with antiseptics.

Chlorhexidine for the nose

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that, among other things, is suitable for treating the nasal mucosa. For the treatment and prevention of viral and infectious diseases of the ENT organs, a low concentrated solution of this drug is used. It is possible to thoroughly rinse the nasal cavity with Chlorhexidine only in a hospital setting, since this will be carried out by a doctor.

You should not do this on your own, as there is a high risk of penetration of the healing fluid into the middle ear or meninges. Which, in turn, is fraught with more serious complications.

Although the instructions for the drug do not indicate that it is used to rinse the nose, it is successfully used for these purposes. A 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine is suitable for this; it can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy.

The procedure for rinsing the nose is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Place vasoconstrictor drops into the nose to restore free breathing.
  2. Heat the rinsing solution to 37 degrees.
  3. Take the medicine into a syringe or syringe without a needle.
  4. Go directly to the rinsing procedure.

Chlorhexidine has been successfully used for therapeutic nasal rinsing in inflammatory diseases.

To rinse one nasal sinus, it is enough to put 20 mg of solution into the rinsing instrument. Such procedures are repeated twice a day for 10 days. A side effect of this drug may include dry nose. In this case, treatment can be supplemented with a spray or nasal drops based on saline solution.

Furacilin will help fight bacteria

Furacilin actively affects gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including staphylococcus and streptococcus, which often cause sinusitis. This determines the effectiveness of Furacilin in the treatment of nasal diseases. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that water-based medicine is suitable for rinsing the nose.

Alcohol tincture of furatsilin can cause burns to the mucous membrane, so it is not suitable for these purposes. If it is impossible to purchase a ready-made tincture, you can prepare a furacilin solution yourself at home from the tablet form of the drug.

To do this, dissolve 1 Furacilin tablet with a dosage of 0.2 g in one liter of boiled chilled water.

It is advisable to crush the tablet first so that it dissolves faster. The tablet will dissolve in too harsh water, so the optimal temperature will be 45 degrees. After preparing the solution, you must immediately begin the procedure.

Miramistin and Dioxidin

Miramistin is an antiseptic with a very wide spectrum of action. It is considered a very effective remedy that affects many types of bacteria, viruses and fungi. In otolaryngology, it is used for the complex treatment of sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

Miramistin is easy to use

It can be used to treat pregnant women and during lactation. The only contraindication for its use is individual intolerance. Another undeniable advantage of this drug is that it can be purchased in a completely ready-to-use form - as a spray. The bottle is equipped with a nozzle with which you can spray to the most difficult to reach places in the sinuses.

Another antiseptic drug used in ENT practice is Dioxidin. Its active components will help cope with pathogenic microflora that provoke the development of bacterial sinusitis, since the drug has a bactericidal and antibacterial effect. A 1% solution is suitable for rinsing the nasal cavity.

This antiseptic can also be purchased in ready-to-use form. This medicine is well tolerated when used topically, but if the patient has the following conditions, then it is absolutely contraindicated:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Such contraindications are associated with the toxicity of the drug. Before using it, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction.

Antiseptic nasal ointment

To treat inflammatory diseases of the nose, not only modern drugs are used, but also drugs that have been known for a long time. But despite this, they have not lost their effectiveness. One of them is Boromenthol ointment.

Effective nasal antiseptic in ointment form

The composition of the drug is very simple and includes 3 components:

  • boric acid is an antiseptic component of the ointment, it eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and prevents their further penetration;
  • Vaseline - eliminates the feeling of dryness in the nose, has a softening effect on the mucous membrane;
  • menthol - has a vasoconstrictor effect, restoring normal breathing through the nose, and helps relieve swelling.

Boromenthol is prescribed for sinusitis or acute rhinitis. It can be used in 2 ways: lubricate the outer surface of the nostrils or apply a thin layer to the inside of the nose. Since this ointment is a topical irritant, a slight burning and tingling sensation may occur, but this usually goes away after a short time.

If the burning sensation is strong, then preference should be given to external application of the ointment. Before applying the ointment, use a cotton swab to thoroughly clean the nasal passages. If the drug does not show any adverse reaction, it can be used frequently throughout the day.

This is precisely the main difference between Boromenthol and vasoconstrictor drops containing adrenergic agonists. After all, their use is not recommended more than 3 times a day.

Boromenthol has contraindications and undesirable effects. It is not used if there is intolerance to the main components, as this causes an allergic reaction. If such a manifestation occurs, you should immediately rinse your nose with water.

Allergic manifestations of the use of Boromenthol may be contact dermatitis, since the ointment has a noticeable irritant effect. If the nasal mucosa or skin around the nose is damaged, it is not recommended to apply this medicine. Boromenthol ointment should not be used to treat children under 5 years of age.

Antibacterial representatives

It is important to consider that these medications are not used if rhinitis is allergic or viral in nature. Specialists prescribe antibiotics locally in case of a runny nose of bacterial origin or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Selecting the necessary medication is the prerogative of the doctor; you should not self-medicate

The best drugs of the group:

  • Isofra - the active substance of the drug is called framycetin, is a representative of aminoglycosides. It can be used even during pregnancy, but only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Polydexa - combines an antibacterial component, a glucocorticosteroid and a vasoconstrictor, which ensures the effectiveness of the drops. Polydexa reduces the manifestations of inflammation, eliminates swelling and hyperemia at the local level, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Sofradex is a combination of a hormonal substance and an antibiotic. To use the medicine to treat the nose, it is better to use a spray.

It is better to use any medications, especially for children, after consultation with specialists and a comprehensive examination of the patient’s body condition.
