Lbs gps what is it. LBS services, or why do you need GPS on your phone? What services based on the location of the subscriber are capable of. The battery of the phone on which the application is installed is draining too quickly due to GPS being turned on, how can you reduce the speed?

July 29, 2015

Sometimes you need an exact location, and sometimes the most general data is enough. The GdeMy.Tracker mobile application has several modes.

It is known that the location is determined both by the satellite signal (GPS mode) and by cell towers and WiFi points (LBS mode). The first method provides more accurate data, but is not always available (the satellite signal is not received in rooms without windows, for example). The second one may show a less accurate result, but you will be guaranteed to at least know the area in which the object is located.

You can select the desired mode in the settings:

GPS mode

  • High accuracy of location (up to 5 meters) and path calculation
  • High energy consumption

This mode is suitable if you are driving a car. Accurate mileage data will be useful for calculating fuel compensation, and if necessary, the phone can be recharged from the cigarette lighter. You can independently adjust the frequency of transmitting coordinates based on the distance traveled and time interval.

Example: When you set the parameters to 100 meters and 30 seconds, the application will send new coordinates every 100 meters. If 100 meters are not covered within 30 seconds, the coordinates will still be transmitted.

Users can send coordinates when rotating more than a specified angle. This option allows you to draw tracks when turning, without cutting corners.

LBS mode

  • Less accurate (approximately 30 meters in urban environments)
  • High device operating time

LBS mode is convenient for tracking pedestrian movements around the city - for example, couriers or children. In this case, the accuracy of the distance traveled is not very important. The main thing is to know where the child is now or what points the courier visited during the day.


  • Golden mean

This mode is available for Android device users and is enabled by default. Where possible, tracking is carried out in GPS mode, and when you get into places inaccessible to the signal, LBS is automatically turned on. We tested this mode on ourselves and came to the conclusion that it is optimal for monitoring employees, children or loved ones.

With the development of technology, more and more new services are coming into people’s lives, one of which is the LBS service. Explanation of the abbreviation - Location-Based Service. This is a service based on determining the location of a mobile device. The service works by linking the phone to a certain point. This could be an access point to a high-speed Wi-Fi network, or a specific position relative to a transmitter tower within a cellular network. That is, using the GPS network is not necessary at all.

This service has many advantages. First of all, it may be of interest to parents for monitoring the whereabouts of their child. The service can also be of great benefit to managers of large enterprises in the field of logistics and trade. The service makes it possible to find out your own location at any time, as well as the location of certain subscribers. The accuracy of the determination can range from 50 to 1000 meters, depending on the location of the mobile device relative to the transmitter antennas.

Having determined a specific location, the system can download maps of the area where the subscriber is located. The convenience lies in the fact that the subscriber will receive all the necessary information about certain infrastructure entities of the zone in which he is located, and can quickly receive weather forecasts for a given area. The system has also found application in the development of dating applications and various games associated with being tied to a specific place.

Hello readers! Have you ever thought that one unit of measurement can be used in different contexts and mean different things? Don't be afraid, I'm not crazy and I'm not trying to put smoke in my eyes, today we will look at the meaning of lbs, what is it? Where can you most often find such an abbreviation and what does it mean?

Lbs as a unit of measurement

The first time I became acquainted with the Lbs indicator was completely by accident. If you read my blog, you probably know that I am fond of sports and have been exercising regularly for more than one year. And as soon as the first electronic scales appeared, I could not resist purchasing them.

Having opened the box, pressing a few buttons (I don’t remember exactly how old I was then), I turned on the scales and immediately decided to use them for their intended purpose. Imagine my surprised eyes when the number 170 appeared on the screen. I was shocked, and only after a few seconds I realized what the catch was. The scales did not show Kg, they showed pounds. It was not clear how to convert lbs to kg.

Conversion to kg

  • Pound (from Latin pondus - weight, weight) is a unit by which mass and weight are measured.
  • The classic pound used in America and England is equal to 16 ounces or 453 grams;
  • Troy (English pharmacy) pound is equal to 12 troy ounces or 373 grams.
  • The Latin word "libra" means a unit that predates the pound; in English-speaking countries the abbreviation lb is still found. Many people have probably heard about the monetary unit pound sterling, which is represented by the symbol £, which also goes back to the word “libra”.

To convert Lbs to kilograms, you need to multiply the number of pounds by 0.453 kg.

Most often this abbreviation is used in the following concepts:

  1. Location-based service is a type of information and entertainment service based on determining the current location of a mobile phone.
  2. The unit of weight is lbs (the correct designation in singular and plural is lb).
  3. Lectori benevolo salutem. (L.B.S.) Greeting to a Favorable Public (Latin.) A formula of author etiquette that was used many years ago.

What is lbs tracker

Location-based service is an information and entertainment service designed to determine the current location of a mobile phone. The visualization capability of a modern mobile phone (often used in a smartphone) will allow you to display it on the screen, which will allow you to use the tracker to solve a variety of business problems, navigation and entertainment.

LBS does not necessarily need to use the technological features of GLONASS, GPS or other satellite systems to determine location. The location where a mobile phone is located, for example, can be determined using previously known information about where the base stations of mobile communication networks GSM, UMTS, etc. are located, as well as information about the location of a Wi-Fi access point.

In each case, the same method for calculating the position is used - a reverse geodetic intersection.

GPS And navigation

Today, the GPS monitoring system serves as a reliable tool for controlling and optimizing transport operations. It allows you to get reliable information about where the car is, how many kilometers it has traveled, what its fuel consumption is, etc. Do you use the GPS service? I think all readers of this article will answer: “Yes.”

The GPS monitoring system is convenient not only for drivers, but also for company managers, because on the basis of the analyzed data, it is possible to make an important management decision, coordinate work at a higher level, and dispatchers and forwarders will be able to see the real and most relevant picture in order to quickly respond for any non-standard situation.

But what to do if the key technology to determine locations - GPS no longer functions, or was negatively affected by the driver himself and did it on purpose? In such a force majeure situation, the only alternative is the LBS monitoring system, which has recently been supported in many existing systems.

Principle of operation

Based on the principle of operation, LBS monitoring resembles GPS, but the signal source is not a satellite, but the nearest GSM station of a cellular operator.

Therefore, if for some reason the GPS signal is lost, you will quickly determine the location of the vehicle wherever there is a cellular network (and the more sticks on your phone that point to the signal, the more accurately you can determine the location).

Monitoring is also used to control the movement of objects in places where a GPS signal is not available: this could be an underground parking lot, a tunnel, a concrete garage.

Determining coordinates as accurately as possible using LBS technology is not as realistic as using GPS. This all depends on the coverage density and network of the base station, what the current local radio conditions are and the cell configuration.

For example, in the central large European town the coordinate error can vary in the range of several tens of meters, on the outskirts and in a small city - up to hundreds of meters. In villages or deserts, accuracy may decrease by several kilometers. But, according to my personal observations and calculations, data from a cellular station will make it possible to quite accurately show on the map which road the object was traveling on. The accuracy of the mileage, of course, cannot be calculated, but the approximate location, as well as the approximate trajectory of movement, can be shown.

Useful addition

We can come to the conclusion that, despite the fact that the functionality of LBS monitoring is inferior to GPS in terms of specificity and accuracy, as you have probably already noted to yourself, it can be considered a worthy assistant and a “second possible option” if suddenly the GPS signal is absent or interrupted by interference .

Therefore, if you do not want your cars to be overlooked, always keep your finger on the pulse - feel free to find on the Internet how to properly configure the LBS detector. You can conduct monitoring manually or automatically.

By the way, LBS services are also actively used in the Yandex.Traffic application. If a person’s location is continuously updated, and a few minutes ago he was in the middle of the road and does not move, you just have to sympathize with him: a friend is stuck in a kilometer-long traffic jam.

Various schemes have been invented around the world to track the situation on the road: operational reports, cameras and detectors that automatically analyze the image, and, of course, software that LBS services use.

If you still have any questions about the topic under consideration, please write in the comments. I will be glad if you become a subscriber. See you soon!

Text— Agent Q.

In contact with

The main task of children's smartwatches is to display the child's location online so that both parents can always know exactly where he is. For this purpose, the device uses several detection methods at once, including the use of satellite, WiFi networks and mobile traffic from an established operator. However, there are places where the first two options simply cannot show results, for example, in the case of a child in the building. This is why the LBS function exists, which allows you to at least approximately determine where the child is, even if we are talking about a structure.

As a rule, we are talking about displaying with an accuracy of 10 meters, which is quite enough to ensure the safety of the baby in the event of a remote check. In this case, the function itself stands for (Location-based service), which, in simpler language, means the use of base stations of the selected operator. They will be used to determine the location in such cases, regardless of which operator was selected.

Is this feature free?

After purchasing a licensed smartwatch, you need to register it and perform a similar procedure in the official application. There are also basic settings, which, like the application itself, are completely free. In addition to purchasing the watch, you will not have to pay for it in any form, however, charging services by the selected operator are paid separately. Why? Everything is extremely simple, since the vast majority of smart watches do not have a built-in number, offering their user a standard slot for a regular SIM card. What tariff was chosen is worth it and you will have to pay for it, but it is important to note that prepaid Internet (recommended - unlimited) is required for the device to work.

February 19, 2016

LBS (Location-based service) is a very useful service that allows you to record the location of objects even in places inaccessible to a GPS signal, for example, in an underground parking lot or subway. In the GdeMy system, LBS technology is used as an auxiliary technology and successfully complements GPS/GLONASS data. Now we've made it even better.

Filtering LBS data by accuracy

The new setting “LBS determination radius” allows you to adjust the accuracy of object determination using geolocation methods alternative to GPS and GLONASS. So, if the position is determined from the signals of GSM base stations and WiFi hotspots, but its accuracy does not suit you very much, you can tell the system to filter the data with an accuracy of, for example, worse than 100 meters.

You can manage the new feature in “Device Management” in the “LBS Detection Radius” portlet.

Thus, under normal conditions, when GPS navigation works reliably, only “good” LBS points will be added to the track, which meet the requirements of high accuracy and do not spoil the track. But in emergency situations, such as locating a missing vehicle or cargo, you can remove strict restrictions to receive all available location information, even if its accuracy is on the order of hundreds of meters.

How LBS location works

As an illustrative example, consider the case when you control a field employee using his smartphone or tablet. To do this you install the application to his mobile device, and you can immediately see where he is on the map. Great! Now imagine that the person you are tracking goes down to the subway, where the GPS signal is not available. How then will we obtain reliable data about the location of an object? This is where “comrade” LBS comes to the rescue.

In simple terms, if your mobile device loses its GPS signal, it begins to navigate using cellular towers and WiFi hotspot signals, which prevents the object from getting lost on the map. This is the key role from LB S service – supplement satellite navigation data.
