Butter is a dairy product. List of fermented milk products. The benefits of fermented milk products

If we consider the daily diet of a modern person, it should be noted that fermented milk products occupy a leading place and are almost an obligatory food product, along with bread, vegetables, and meat products. There are no people on Earth who do not know, have not met, and have not eaten the products that the modern food industry offers around the world.

This feature is not some new trend or fashion, it has always been so, throughout the entire history of the existence of man and mankind, as evidenced by numerous historical documents, some of which date back thousands of years before the birth of Christ.

To understand why this happened, it is necessary to consider in detail what kind of products they are, what they are made from, and what their usefulness is for people.

What are fermented milk products

The simplest answer to this question is given by the etymology of the word fermented milk, one of the roots of which is the word lactic, from the word milk. This is a product somehow related to milk, which is oxidized, as evidenced by the second word.

Indeed, all products in this group are made from milk. For this purpose, any milk from cattle is taken - cow's, sheep's, horse's milk and even buffalo's and camels' milk. Such products obtain specific, sour qualities due to the introduction of lactic acid bacteria or yeast (made from fungi useful for digestion) into milk to change its original properties. This process is called fermentation, and the bacteria used (regardless of their type) is called sourdough.

Technologically, there are two types of fermentation in the preparation of all fermented milk products:

  1. fermented milk (one or more types of lactic acid bacteria are used to ferment milk)
  2. mixed (yeast, sugar, sometimes beneficial non-lactic acid bacteria, enzymes are used).

Milk is a natural habitat for such bacteria. First of all, because of the polysaccharide it contains - lactose, which bacteria feed on. After the breakdown of milk sugars, bacteria release by-products - lactic acid, which gives a specific sour taste, carbon dioxide, water. Modern manufacturers add other additives that become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Variety of fermented milk products and their main types

The types of fermented milk and other bacteria, additional ingredients, and the types of milk used in production determine their enormous diversity. Dairy production technologies regularly improve production and offer new types of dairy products. products.

The main types of k.-mol. products:

The list of types of fermented milk products is not limited to this, there are only thousands of types of cheese and it is prepared from different types of milk. About the diversity and ubiquity of types of k.-mol. There are many local drinks, widespread in a certain geographical area, with local specificity of production. Thus, kumys became widespread among the peoples of the Caucasus, ayran - in Central Asia, and local k.-mol. in Tatarstan. the drink is suzma and kort, in Bashkiria - orot and kaymak. Residents of Armenia prefer tan and machun, residents of Georgia produce matsoni, Ukrainians prepare Varenets. National k.-mol. The Egyptian drink is leben, and the people of Iceland drink skyr.

What are the benefits of fermented milk products?

Their benefits are directly dependent on the usefulness of the main raw material for their production - milk. Despite the processes of fermentation and fermentation, most of the beneficial substances in milk do not undergo any changes, and, one might say, are inherited by the mole. products.

Almost all proteins and amino acids, animal fat, vitamins A, B, D, PP, E, micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorides, selenium, iron, copper) of milk are “inherited”. Carbohydrates, mainly lactose (milk sugar), are broken down by bacteria into glucose and galactose. The vital activity of lactic bacteria also turns out to be useful for human nutrition.

The main usefulness is that they can be eaten by people who have problems with intolerance to the proteins and carbohydrates of milk in their pure form. Thus, people with hypolactasia (intolerance to milk sugar - lactose) can consume almost all types of milk. products, since they contain almost no lactose, even in fresh form they contain it in minimal quantities.

Patients with allergic reactions to pure milk proteins (for example, caseinogen) can use their fermented types in cheeses, cottage cheese, in which the protein structure changes to casein.

The amount of so-called “bad cholesterol” contained in pure milk is significantly reduced by bacteria. The structure of polyunsaturated animal fats changes, which makes milk fat less harmful.

Fermented milk proteins are easier and faster to digest and absorb by the body. Carbohydrates do not require additional body strength to break them down, since they are already broken down by bacteria into monosaccharides, which are the main building blocks for body tissues and cells.

Bacteria and their metabolic products are very useful for the normal functioning of the intestines, normalize metabolic processes, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membranes, and destroy most putrefactive bacteria. Probiotics and lactobacilli, which are found in yogurts, are especially useful in this sense. They are almost the only means that restores the intestinal microflora in the initial forms of dysbacteriosis of various natures. This property of yoghurts gives a clearly positive answer to the often discussed question: are yoghurts classified as or not?

Doctors recommend products with high fat content (sour cream, fermented baked milk, Varenets) and containing large amounts of protein (cottage cheese, cheeses) during the rehabilitation period after severe surgical interventions, underweight, dystrophy, and lack of muscle mass.

Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and yoghurts, due to their low calorie content, are a mandatory part of some diets and weight loss programs.

Why are fermented milk products harmful?

The harm of fermented milk products is also due to the characteristics of the harm from drinking milk.

Due to the increased content of organic lactic acid, it is not recommended to consume mol. drinks for those suffering from gastric ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Patients with a milk protein allergy are advised to refrain from consuming any dairy products until the allergen is accurately identified.

People with high cholesterol are advised to consume only low-fat mol. products.

Fermented milk products are an integral part of the human diet, starting from childhood. The technology for their preparation is based on the fermentation of milk, which is obtained from various animals - goats, cows, sheep, mares, buffaloes and even camels. From the article you will learn what applies to fermented milk products. Their list is very long, but often it includes products that only “pretend” to be such, but in fact have a different origin.

Properties of fermented milk products

Features of fermented milk products

Products such as kefir, butter, yoghurt, cottage cheese and many others are familiar to us and are often eaten. All of them are the result of fermentation from different types of milk and its derivatives (cream, low-fat products, whey).

The basis of the technology for the production of fermented milk products is one - it is ripening with the help of yeast or bacteria. Sometimes milk that has been boiled or pasteurized is fermented. This is done in order to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms and protect people.

People have known about the properties of fermented milk products since ancient times. They were not only famous for their nutritional value and rich vitamin composition, but also for their medicinal properties. However, some nations are still unfamiliar or do not recognize such products. These are the Eskimos, Chinese, Australian aborigines and some others.

The benefits of fermented milk products

A special place among all micro- and macroelements in fermented milk products is occupied by lactic acid, which is able to fight the activity of putrefactive microorganisms in the body. In addition, fermentation products:

  1. well absorbed and easily digested;
  2. rich in vitamins that are well absorbed;
  3. allow lactose and milk sugar to be well absorbed;
  4. suitable for people who suffer from lactose intolerance;
  5. stimulate digestion processes;
  6. protect the intestines from infections and normalize its activity;
  7. prevent tuberculosis;
  8. increase calcium absorption;
  9. vitamins A, B, E, D.

Technology for the production of fermented milk products

All fermented milk products can be divided into three large groups:

  1. those produced by fermenting milk with bacteria are fermentation products. This includes yogurt, rennet cheese, yogurt, acidophilus, etc.;
  2. those that are the result of alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid. Milk sugar releases not only ordinary lactic acid, but also carbon dioxide, alcohol or volatile acids. These are kefir, kumis, shubat;
  3. those that are obtained without fermentation - cream, condensed milk, butter.
Fermented milk products (varenets, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cheese, butter, kefir, shubat, cream): necessary for adults and children to maintain body health and well-being

Types of fermented milk products


Varenets is a fermented milk product that has been known for many centuries. It began to be prepared in Siberia from baked milk. The technology for preparing it is not complicated - the milk must simmer in a Russian oven. During simmering, the milk evaporates, and the creamy foam should always sink to the bottom. When milk is evaporated by 1/3 of its original volume, it turns into a thick mass with a slightly reddish tint. Then sourdough is introduced into it, which could well be sour cream.

Curdled milk

Yogurt is also a product traditional for Russian cuisine. The basis of its preparation is boiled milk that has cooled. Leaven is placed in it, which can become the crust of black bread. By the way, it is not even necessary to use sourdough starter, because it will ferment due to the action of lactic acid lactococcus. Milk with or without starter should be placed in a warm place, where it will remain for 10 to 12 hours.


Ryazhenka is a special type of curdled milk, only its homeland is Ukraine and it is prepared from milk with cream and clay pots. It is cooked while simmering on the verge of boiling, but does not boil. When the milk becomes creamy, a starter is added to it - sour cream or streptococcal bacteria.


Cheese is also a fermented milk product, which has many different varieties that cannot be listed. Among them are soft and hard, with mold, young and many others.


Butter is a product that was prepared in Ancient Rus' and was one of the most expensive. It is prepared by churning milk and sour cream. Vologda butter has a special technology, and is prepared from cream, which is heated almost to a boil, but does not boil.


Kefir is a product that undergoes double fermentation. “Kefir grains”, which have a very complex structure, act as a starter. Kefir has the most beneficial effect on the body, helps fight diseases and strengthens the immune system.


Shubat is also a double fermentation product, only it is prepared from camel milk.


Cream is a product that is collected from the surface of fresh milk after it has stood for several hours after a goat, sheep or cow has been milked.

The list of fermented milk products is very long. Among them are ayran, cottage cheese, kurt, matsoni and many, many other products.

Fake dairy products

Among the products there are those that are considered to be fermented milk, although in fact they are not. Among them:

  1. tofu cheese made from soy milk, which has become very popular;
  2. margarine from fats in the composition. It may not even contain milk fat;
  3. spread is a type of soft margarine.

When purchasing fermented milk products, you should strive not only to try something new and choose something healthy, but also pay attention to expiration dates. A spoiled fermented milk product may not cause poisoning, but it will lead to not the most pleasant sensations and upset of the digestive system.

Milk is a natural, highly nutritious product, including all the substances necessary to maintain the life and development of the body for a long time (it is secreted by the mammary gland during the period of feeding the young).

Milk improves the ratio of the components of the diet. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the human body (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins) in an easily digestible form, while the ratio of nutrients in milk is optimal to meet the body’s needs for them.

Classification of dairy products

Milk is the secretion of the mammary gland of mammals. Milk is synthesized from blood components. To produce 1 liter of milk, 540 liters of blood must pass through the cow's udder.

"Milk“is an amazing food prepared by nature itself,” wrote academician I. P. Pavlov. Milk contains all the nutrients necessary for humans: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, immune bodies. Chemical The composition of milk depends on many factors: the quality of feed, time of year, age of the animal, its breed, etc.

The nutritional value. The content in cow's milk ranges from 2.7 to 3.8%. The main proteins of milk - casein (2.7%), albumin (0.4%), globulin (0.12%) - are complete in amino acid composition. They have high nutritional value and good digestibility (96%).

Milk sugar (lactose) found only in animal milk. Cow's milk contains an average of 4.7% lactose. The sweetest milk is mare's milk (up to 7% lactose). An important property of lactose used in the manufacture of fermented milk products is the ability to be fermented under the influence of lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria, as well as yeast, with the formation of lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, butyric and citric acids. When heated, lactose reacts with the amino groups of proteins and free amino acids - the melanoid formation reaction. As a result of the reaction, dark-colored compounds are formed - melanoidins, which give milk a brown tint (the color of baked milk).

Milk is a good source, especially of calcium and phosphorus, which are found in milk in an easily digestible form and in a well-balanced ratio (1: 1.5).

Milk contains almost all vitamins in small quantities: fat-soluble - A, D, E; water-soluble - B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, PP, etc. The immune bodies of milk prevent the development of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria and neutralize the toxic products of their vital activity. During heat treatment of milk (pasteurization, sterilization), as well as during storage, immune bodies are destroyed.

Milk contains various enzymes: the activity of some of them determines the quality and shelf life of milk. For example, the phosphatase enzyme is destroyed during long-term pasteurization, so phosphatase activity serves as a criterion for the presence of raw milk impurities in pasteurized milk or the quality of heat treatment (pasteurization) of milk. The activity of the reductase enzyme is used to determine the bacterial contamination of milk (reductase test).

The daily physiological norms for the consumption of milk and dairy products for an adult are: whole milk - 500 g; butter - 15 g; cheese - 18 g; cottage cheese - 20 g; sour cream - 18 g.

Classification of dairy products. The “dairy products” group is formed based on raw materials, since the main raw material for goods belonging to this group is milk.

Dairy products are divided into the following subgroups:

  • drinking milk and cream;
  • dairy products;
  • cow butter (butter and ghee);
  • cheeses (rennet and fermented milk);
  • canned milk (condensed) and dry milk products;
  • ice cream.

Milk classification

All types of milk differ primarily in their CO MO content. on food additives and fillers, as well as on the method of heat treatment.

When developing a particular type of milk, first of all, the taste habits of the multinational population of our country, the dietary value of the product and the efficiency of its production are taken into account.

According to the technical regulations for milk and dairy products, which came into force in December 2008, and current standards, the following basic terms characterizing milk and dairy products are currently adopted:

Milk- a product of normal physiological secretion of the mammary glands of farm animals, obtained from one or more animals during lactation during one or more milkings, without any additions to this product or extraction of any substances from it;

Milk products— milk processing products, including a dairy product, a dairy composite product, a milk-containing product, a by-product of milk processing;

Milk product- a food product that is produced from milk and (or) its components without the use of non-dairy fat and protein and which may contain components functionally necessary for milk processing;

Dairy compound product- a food product made from milk and (or) dairy products without adding or adding by-products of milk processing and non-dairy components that are added not to replace the components of milk. This finished product must contain more than 50% of milk components, and more than 40% in ice cream and sweet milk processing products;

Secondary dairy raw materials- a by-product of milk processing, a dairy product with partially lost identification characteristics or consumer properties (including such products recalled within their expiration dates, but meeting the safety requirements for food raw materials), intended for use after processing;

By-product of milk processing- a by-product obtained during the production of milk processing products;

Milk drink- a dairy product made from concentrated or condensed milk or whole milk powder or skimmed milk powder and water.

Depending on the degree and type of processing The following types of milk and dairy products are distinguished:

  • raw milk - milk that has not been subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of more than 40 ° C or processing, as a result of which its components are changed;
  • drinking milk - milk with a fat mass fraction of not more than 9%, produced from raw milk and (or) dairy products and subjected to heat treatment or other processing in order to regulate its components (without the use of whole milk powder, skimmed milk powder);
  • whole milk - milk whose constituents have not been affected by regulation;
  • normalized milk - milk, the values ​​of the mass fraction of fat or protein, or SNF of which are brought in accordance with the standards established in regulatory or technical documents;
  • reconstituted milk is a milk drink made by adding drinking water to a concentrated, condensed or dry milk processing product until the corresponding organoleptic and physicochemical properties of the product are achieved, which has not been concentrated, condensed or dried.

Classification of milk by type of heat treatment provides the following division:

  • baked milk - drinking milk subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 85 to 99 ° C with exposure for at least 3 hours until specific organoleptic properties are achieved;
  • pasteurized, sterilized, UHT-treated milk - drinking milk subjected to heat treatment in order to comply with established requirements for microbiological safety indicators;
  • thermized milk - milk that has undergone recovery at a temperature of 60-68 ° C with exposure for up to 30 s. This treatment is carried out either at the beginning or at the end of the technological process for the production of dairy products.

Depending on the mass fraction of fat, contained in milk, it is divided into skim, low-fat, low-fat, classic and high-fat.

Classification and assortment of milk

Pasteurized cow's milk, intended for human consumption, is divided into natural, whole (normalized or reconstituted), high-fat, baked, protein, fortified, low-fat, malt, and sterilized - into ion-exchange, vitalactate-DM, whole with cocoa or coffee.

Natural- non-skimmed milk that does not contain any impurities. Such milk may have different fat content and other components. It serves as the starting material for the production of other types of milk, as well as dairy products.

Normalized - milk, the fat content of which is brought to the norm of 2.5-3.2%. Depending on the fat content of the original milk, it is normalized with skim milk or cream according to calculation, followed by homogenization, pasteurization and cooling.

Refurbished- milk with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%, produced in whole or in part from spray-dried cow's milk powder, condensed milk without sugar, whole and low-fat; from skim milk, not canned; from cream, butter and ghee.

High fat milk - milk, creamed to a fat content of 6% and homogenized.

Ghee - milk, which is creamed to a fat content of 6%, is subjected to homogenization and long-term heat treatment at high temperatures.

Protein- milk with a high content of dry fat-free substances, produced from milk normalized in fat content, with the addition of dry or condensed whole or skim milk.

Fortified- whole or low-fat pasteurized milk with added vitamin C.

Low-fat(skimmed) milk is obtained by separating whole milk.

Malt - milk produced from normal pasteurized milk with the addition of malt extract, rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, and biologically active elements. Milk contains 1.5% fat; characterized by high density (not less than 1040 kg/m3), slightly sweet taste, taste and aroma of malt. Milk may contain sediment, small particles of flour and malt, as well as a grayish tint.

Sterilized milk in bottles(“Mozhaiskoe”) contains 8.2% fat; its taste, smell and color are the same as baked milk.

Sterilized milk in bags contains 3.5% fat; it must have the same taste, smell and color as the pasteurized one. Milk is stored without access to light at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C for 10 days.

Ionic milk characterized by low calcium content. In the baby's stomach it coagulates to form a soft, easily digestible clot. Ionite milk is produced without additives, with vitamins B and C, sweet (contains 7-7.5% Sugars), sweet with vitamins. This milk is packaged in 200 ml bottles and sterilized in autoclaves.

Vitalakt-DM- baby milk, which is close in chemical composition to mother's milk. It is produced from high-quality whole milk, enriched with whey proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, complex sugars, fat- and water-soluble vitamins, and iron. This milk contains 3.6% fat, its density is 1.036 g/cm3.

The shelf life of ionite milk and Vital Akta-DM is no more than 48 hours at a temperature not exceeding 8 °C.

Milk can be classified according to the characteristics of milk obtained from different animals. Along with cow's milk, the milk of other agricultural animals is used for nutrition and the production of dairy products - sheep, goats, mares, camels, buffaloes, etc. The milk of these animals has differences in the quantitative content of basic substances and in the qualitative composition of proteins and fat.

Sheep milk - white with a yellowish tint, viscous liquid with a characteristic odor and sweetish taste. Compared to cow's milk, it is more than 1.5 times richer in fat (5.4-8.5%) and protein; due to the high content of protein and salts, it is characterized by high acidity (20-28 °T). Sheep milk fat contains more capric acid. The melting point of sheep's milk fat is 35-38 °C, the fat globules are larger than those in cow's milk. The density of sheep's milk is 1035-1040 kg/m3. Milk has high biological value and contains significant quantities of essential amino acids and vitamins C, A, B, B2. Mainly used for making feta cheese and other pickled cheeses.

Goat milk The chemical composition and some properties are similar to cow milk. Contains more protein, fat and calcium, but little carotene and is less heat stable due to the increased calcium content. The fat globules are smaller than in cow fat and contain more capric and linoleic acids. Goat's milk is better absorbed by the human body than cow's milk; it is used for baby food, and when mixed with sheep's milk, it is used to make feta cheese and pickled cheeses.

Mare's milk called albumin - the ratio of casein to albumin in it is 1:1. It is a white liquid with a bluish tint and a sweet taste; differs from cow milk in its increased lactose content, lower amount of fat, salts and proteins. When soured and under the influence of rennet, this milk will not form a clot; casein falls out in the form of small, delicate flakes, almost without changing the consistency of the milk. The acidity of milk is 5-7 °T, the content of vitamin C is 250-330 mg/kg. The fat of mare's milk is more melting (21-23 °C), the fat globules are smaller than those of cow's milk. It has high bactericidal properties; in composition and properties it differs little from women's. It is used to prepare kumys, a valuable dietary and medicinal product.

Reindeer milk characterized by special density and exceptional nutritional value. Its thickness resembles that of cream. When consumed, it is usually diluted. Due to the large amount of fat, reindeer milk goes rancid very quickly.

Classification and assortment of milk. Cream. Quality assessment, conditions and shelf life of milk and cream

Classification and range of drinking milk. Based on its composition, milk is divided into natural: whole (natural, unaltered), normalized by fat content (fat content is brought to a certain value), skim and reconstituted, which is obtained from whole or skim milk powder, often mixed with natural milk. Based on the type of heat treatment, milk is classified into pasteurized and sterilized.

The following types are distinguished: drinking milk:

  • pasteurized (various fat content - 1.5; 2.5; 3.2; 3.5; 6% and low-fat);
  • sterilized (various fat content - 0.5; 1.5; 1.8; 2; 2.5; 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 4; 5.5; 6%). Sterilized milk includes milk obtained using high-temperature technology (HTT or UHT), which involves rapid heating for 4-5 seconds to a temperature of 140°C, rapid cooling and aseptic filling (into sterile containers under sterile conditions). This is how “Domik v Derevne”, “Dear Mila”, “Lianozovskoye”, “Tsaritsynskoye” milk is produced. In addition, “Mozhaiskoye” milk, produced using a special technology, is classified as sterilized;
  • baked (with a fat content of 4 and 6%), obtained by long-term exposure (for 5-6 hours) at a temperature of 95-98°C;
  • protein (with fat content 1 and 2.5%) - with an increased concentration of proteins due to the addition of skimmed milk powder;
  • enriched with fillers: fortified (with vitamin C - 0.05; 2.5; 3.2%; with a complex of vitamins and minerals - varying fat content), with flavoring fillers (chocolate, strawberry, banana, etc. - varying fat content);
  • for young children (ionite milk, similar in composition to human milk due to the replacement of calcium and magnesium ions with potassium and sodium ions; vitalact DM, etc.).

Cream differs from milk in its increased content of milk fat. They are obtained by separating milk. Cream is used as a raw material in the production of sour cream and butter, as well as as an independent food product. They produce pasteurized cream (10, 20 and 35%), sterilized (10 and 20%), with sugar and flavoring fillers (cocoa, coffee, etc.).

Assessing the quality of milk and cream. The quality of milk and cream is assessed by organoleptic, physicochemical and bacteriological indicators. Organoleptic indicators include appearance and consistency, color, taste and smell. The consistency of milk and cream should be homogeneous, without sediment, and the cream should have no stray lumps of fat or protein flakes. Color - white with a slightly yellowish or creamy tint (low-fat milk may have a slightly bluish tint). The taste and smell are pure, without foreign tastes or odors.

The main physical and chemical indicators of the quality of milk and cream are the mass fraction of fat (in %, no less), acidity (in Turner degrees, no more), the absence of phosphatase (in pasteurized milk and cream), for milk - density (g/cm3 , no less), degree of purity. Bacteriological indications
bodies - the total number of microorganisms in 1 ml of milk (cream) and the titer of coliform bacteria (coliforms).

Safety indicators for milk and cream include the content of toxic elements (lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, mercury, arsenic), mycotoxins (aflotoxin M 1), antibiotics, hormonal drugs, pesticides, radionuclides (cesium-134, -137; strontium-90 ), as well as microbiological (sanitary and hygienic) indicators. The safety indicators indicated are general for dairy products.

Storage conditions and periods. The temperature of milk and cream upon release from the enterprise should be no more than 8°C (pasteurized) and 20°C (sterilized). Pasteurized milk and cream are stored at a temperature not exceeding 8°C for 36 hours from the end of the technological process. Sterilized milk is stored at a temperature not exceeding 20°C - from 10 days to
6 months depending on the type of packaging, sterilization mode and storage temperature, sterilized cream at the same temperature - no more than 30 days.

The population of large cities in the country consumes cow's milk processed in state-owned dairy factories. Processing milk in dairy plants ensures the high quality of this product for mass consumption.


To prevent the rapid development of microorganisms that have entered the milk and extend the shelf life of the original quality, milked milk is filtered and cooled, and then sent to dairy plants, where it is accepted for quantity and quality, after which it is purified, normalized, pasteurized (or sterilized), homogenized, cooled and packaged. Milk is purified using centrifugal milk purifiers or by pressure filtration on filters through filter fabrics to remove impurities.

Centrifugal cleaning on a separator cannot achieve complete separation of bacterial cells from milk due to their small size. For this purpose, special centrifuges are used, and the purification process is called bactefunation.

Normalization of milk consists of reducing or increasing the content of fat or dry fat-free substances in it. Milk with a fat content higher than 3.2% is normalized by passing through normalizing separators or mixing with whole milk containing at least 3.2% fat.

To extend the shelf life of milk when its quality changes, it is pasteurized. Depending on the equipment available at dairy plants, pasteurization can be instant, short-term or long-term.

Instant pasteurization is carried out in a few seconds without holding at a temperature of 85-90 degrees, short-term - at 74-76 degrees with holding for 15-20 seconds, long-term - at a temperature of 65 degrees with holding for 30 minutes.

The most widely used method is short-term pasteurization.

HOMOGENIZATION- This is intensive mechanical processing of milk with the aim of breaking up fat globules into smaller ones.

Then the milk is quickly cooled to a temperature no higher than 4-6 degrees and sent for bottling.

Milk is also sterilized. This milk can be stored for a longer time. Milk activation is sometimes used. This sterilization method is based on the use of ultraviolet and infrared radiation.


For direct consumption, pasteurized or sterilized milk is used.


It is produced in the following assortment:

WHOLE milk is normalized or reconstituted milk with a certain fat content - 3.2% and 2.5%

Reconstituted milk is milk made entirely or partially from canned milk. To obtain reconstituted milk, whole milk powder is dissolved in warm water and kept for at least 3-4 hours to maximize the swelling of the proteins, eliminate the watery taste, and also to achieve normal density and viscosity. The mixture is then purified, homogenized, pasteurized, cooled and bottled.

HIGH FAT MILK is prepared from normalized milk with
containing 6% fat, subjected to homogenization.

MAKED milk is milk containing 6% fat, subjected to homogenization, pasteurization at a temperature not lower than 95 degrees and aged for 3-4 hours.

PROTEIN MILK contains an increased amount of dry fat-free substances. It is produced from milk, normalized for fat content, with the addition of dry or condensed milk.

FORTIFIED MILK is prepared from whole or low-fat milk, enriched with vitamins A, C, D2.

LOW-FAT MILK is the pasteurized part of milk obtained by separation and containing no more than 0.05% fat.

STERILIZED MILK. In taste, smell and color (the specific taste is brown) it is similar to melted butter. Available in bottles with a fat content of 3.2% and in bags with a fat content of 2.5;3.5%.


Along with cow's milk, milk from other animals is used in the national economy.

SHEEP MILK, compared to cow's milk, is richer in fat and protein and is characterized by higher acidity and density.

GOAT'S MILK is similar in composition to cow's milk, but contains more albumin.
Due to the lack of coloring substances, it is paler, but contains more vitamin C. It is used in a mixture with sheep for the production of cheeses.

MARES' MILK is a white liquid with a bluish tint and a sweet taste. It has bactericidal properties. Used to prepare kumys.

DEER MILK is characterized by a thick consistency. It resembles cream in thickness and is usually diluted when consumed.


An extensive group of food products made from whole milk or its derivatives (cream, skim milk, whey). All dairy products are divided into whole milk products, canned milk, cheeses, butter , children's dairy and dry dairy Special group (according to manufacturing method) dairy make up fermented milk products (kefir, koumiss, acidophilus, sour cream and others) obtained by lactic acid or mixed fermentation.

Whole milk products (made from whole milk) include more than 100 items; they are produced mainly in urban dairies. The main whole milk products are pasteurized milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese. Full-fat kefir is made from pasteurized milk containing 2.5 and 3.2% fat, and low-fat kefir is made from pasteurized skim milk. Curdled milk (from pasteurized milk): Mechnikovskaya - with sourdough from pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci with the addition of Bulgarian bacillus cultures; acidophilus - on the same sourdough with the addition of acidophilus bacillus; Ukrainian (“ryazhenka”) - from a mixture of pasteurized milk and cream, aged for 2-3 hours at t 95 °C, with sourdough from pure cultures of thermophilic races of lactic acid streptococcus; ordinary - on sourdough from pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus. Yogurt is produced with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%, and Ukrainian - 4.6%. Sour cream is produced by fermenting normalized cream with cultures of lactic acid streptococci; its fat content is 20, 25, 30, 36 and 40% (amateur). Cottage cheese is produced fat (18%), semi-fat (9%) and low-fat (from pasteurized milk). Children's dairy- dry mixtures consisting of milk, cream, with the addition of sugar, vitamins, iron salts, various types of flour and vegetable oil, similar in composition to human milk. Ion milk is also close in composition to human milk - fresh cow's milk processed in ion exchange columns. Sugar is added to it. Canned milk is produced from pasteurized milk or cream by condensation in special vacuum devices; then the condensed milk is preserved by sterilization or the addition of beet (cane) sugar. Cocoa and coffee extract are used as additives. Dry dairy are produced from whole skimmed pasteurized milk or from cream by drying in special devices. The finished product contains 4-7% moisture.

Dairy products are subjected to microbiological and physicochemical control. All dairy must not contain residual amounts of chemical plant protection products. Ready for release dairy products control compliance with the pasteurization regime, acidity, moisture and fat content established by the relevant GOSTs. In salty dairy products determine the content of table salt, and in sweets - the sugar content. The quality of dairy products is controlled by factory, regional and republican dairy industry laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological stations, and quality inspections.
