A short dialogue in English. Funny English jokes with translation. What does studying dialogue in English with translation provide?

Often, in order to amuse an English-speaking interlocutor or simply to lighten up the conversation, jokes in English can be useful. Let's divide the jokes into several categories to make them easier to remember. Don't try to memorize a joke if you don't understand the meaning of all the sentences. Make a translation that you understand, and then tell the joke to your friends.

Please note: by learning English through jokes, you have a better chance of remembering new vocabulary, because... Emotions are involved when reading jokes, and they help in the process of memorizing new information.

English jokes on various topics

— David, your ideas are like diamonds.
— Do you mean they are so valuable?
- No, I mean they are so rare.
— David, your ideas are like diamonds.
“You mean they’re just as valuable?”
- No, I mean that they are also rare.
Wife: If a Monster was my husband, I would have been much happier with him than with you...
Man: But marriages are not allowed in same blood relation!
Wife: if I married a monster, I would be much better off with him than with you...
Husband: but marriages based on consanguinity are not allowed.
I always learn from the mistake of others who take my advice. I always learn from the mistakes of others. Those who follow my advice.
By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he’s wrong. By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he will have a son who thinks he is wrong.
A man placed an advertisement “Wife wanted”. The next day he received hundreds of replies, all saying “You can have mine.” A man posted an ad “Looking for a wife.” The next day he received hundreds of replies saying, “Take mine.”
Men go shopping to find what they want... Women go shopping to find out what they want. Men go shopping to find what they need. Women go shopping to understand what they need.
- Hi sweetie! How was school today?
— You can read all about it on my facebook, dad!
- Hi dear! How was your day at school?
— Dad, you can read about everything on my Facebook page.
Wife: Yesterday night I saw a dream that you were sending me expensive clothes and jewelry.
Husband: Yeah, and I saw you dad paying the bill.
Wife: Last night I saw in a dream how you sent me expensive clothes and jewelry.
Husband: Yes, and I saw your father paying the bill for it.


As in every lesson, we will learn new words.

  • Meal - food.
  • Fly - fly.
  • Soup - soup.
  • Loudly - loud.
  • Definition - definition.
  • Well-informed - well informed.
  • Blood relation - blood relationship.
  • Advice - advice
  • To realize - to realize.
  • Certainly - of course, undoubtedly.
  • Advertisement – ​​announcement.

My brain tells me, “Let’s go to the gym!”, but my whole body says, “Boy, cool down.
This sofa is so comfortable.”

Jokes about students

Let's see what jokes are on English language, the data in the table with translation will be relevant for those who are still studying.

Teacher: I killed a person. Convert this sentence into future tense.
Student: You will go to jail.
Teacher: I killed a man. Rewrite this sentence in the future tense.
Student: You will go to prison.
Teacher to doctor’s daughter: Your grades are terrible! I shall send for your farther!
The doctor’s daughter: If I were you, teacher, I wouldn’t. Daddy always charges 20 dollars for each visit.
Doctor's daughter's teacher: Your grades are terrible! We'll have to call your father!
Doctor's daughter: If I were you, teacher, I wouldn't do that. Daddy charges $20 for each visit.
Student: Brain is like Bermuda triangle – information goes in and then it is never found again. Student: Brains are like the Bermuda Triangle - information gets into it and is never found again.
If a single teacher can’t teach us all subjects, then how can you expect a student to learn all these subjects? If one teacher cannot teach all subjects, how can a student be expected to learn them all?
Boy: Our principal is so stupid.
Girl: Do you know who I am?
G: I am the principal’s daughter.
B: Do you know who I am?
G: No.
B: Good (walks away).
Boy: Our director is so stupid.
Girl: Do you know who I am?
M: No.
D: I am the director’s daughter.
M: Do you know who I am?
D: No.
M: Well, good (turns around and leaves).
It takes 15 trees to produce the amount of paper that we use to write one exam. Join us in promoting the noble cause of saving trees. SAY NO TO EXAM. It takes 15 trees to produce the amount of paper we use to write one exam. Join us in promoting the good cause of saving trees. SAY NO TO THE EXAM.


Write down and remember the following words.

  • To convert - convert.
  • Jail - prison.
  • Grades - grades.
  • Terrible - terrible.
  • To charge – set a price.
  • Bermuda triangle - Bermuda Triangle.
  • Single - one and only.
  • Subject - subject.
  • Principal - director (of school, college).
  • To produce - produce.
  • Amount – quantity.
  • To promote - promote.
  • Noble cause is a good cause.

New seat belt design. Reducing the risk of road accidents by 45%.

Jokes about work

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station. A bus station is where the bus stops. Railroad station– this is where the train stops. I have a workstation on my desk.
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance? Hard work never killed anyone, but why take the risk?
I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday. I really really need a day between Saturday and Sunday.
Sometimes the best part of my job is that my chair swivels. Sometimes the best thing about my job is that my chair spins.
Why did you leave your last job?
The company relocated and they didn’t tell me where.
Why did you leave your previous job?
The company moved and did not tell me where.
One woman says to her friend:
I hope he likes me. Do you think he will call? Maybe I came on too strong.
Relax. If a recruiter wants you he will call you.
One woman says to her friend:
- I hope he likes me. Do you think he'll call? Perhaps I looked too aggressive.
- Calm down. If an employer needs you, he will call you.


Let's see what words you can add to your vocabulary from these jokes.

  • Bust station – bus stop.
  • Train station – railway station.
  • Desk – desk.
  • To take a chance - to take risks.
  • To swivel - to rotate.
  • To relocate – change location.
  • To come on strong - look aggressive.
  • To relax - relax.
  • Recruiter – employer.

That moment when you realize you've only been at work for an hour.

English long joke

If you want to surprise your English-speaking friends with a longer joke, you can choose the one below.

One day a woman goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. The assistant takes the woman to the section with parrots and suggests her to choose one. The woman is interested in the price, ""How much is the orange one?""

The man says, ""$3000."" The woman is really surprised and asks the man why the orange parrot is so expensive.

The man explains, ""It is a very talented. He can type really fast.""

""What about the green one?"" the woman asks.

The man replies, ""He costs $6000 because he can not only type very fast, but he also answers incoming calls and takes notes.""

""What about the red parrot?""

The man says, ""That one"s $10,000.""

The woman is very surprised, ""What does HE do?""

The man replies, ""I don"t know, but the other two call him boss.""

One day a woman comes to a pet store to buy a parrot. The seller accompanies her to the section with parrots and asks her to choose one. The woman asks, “How much is orange?” The seller says: “$3,000.” The woman is very surprised and asks the seller why the parrot is so expensive.

The seller explains: “This parrot is very special. He can type and does it very quickly."

“What about green?” - asks the woman.

The seller says, "It's worth $6,000 because it can type, answer calls, and take notes."

“What about red?” - asks the woman.

The seller says, “This one costs $10,000.”

The woman asks: “What is HE doing?”

The seller says: “I don’t know, but the other two call him boss.”

Tip: It's no secret that Americans smile often. Positive mood and a friendly attitude towards another person is considered the norm of behavior, do not neglect these unwritten rules - smile sincerely and laugh, share jokes with friends.


If you look closely, the above jokes in English also contain several words that are worth taking note of.

  • Pet shop - pet store.
  • Parrot - parrot.
  • Assistant – seller.
  • Section – section, section.
  • Orange – orange.
  • Green – green.
  • Red - red.
  • To be surprised - to be surprised.
  • To explain - to explain.
  • To type – print.
  • Expensive - expensive.
  • Incoming - incoming.
  • To take note - make a note.

Listen to another joke in English, understanding should not be difficult, because... the most difficult videos have been translated. Expand your collection of jokes and anecdotes while learning English. Don’t forget to write out new words from them, adding to your personal dictionary.

Beginners, that is, those who study English in entry level, often encounter tasks such as role-playing games and composing dialogues in pairs. In this article we will look at simple dialogues in English for beginners on the following everyday topics: dating, leisure, family, hotel, restaurant, shopping. Their advantage is that they are easy to remember and can serve as the basis for more detailed dialogues.


Hello. My name's Valerie. Hello, my name is Valerie.

Hi Valerie! I'm Jim Robinson. This is my wife, Hannah.

Hello Valerie. This is my wife, Hannah.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too. Me too.

Free time:

Do you have a lot of free time, Harry? Do you have a lot of free time, Harry?

Oh no, not enough! No, I miss him all the time.

What do you like doing? What do you like to do in your free time?

Oh, a lot of things. Much.

For example? For example?

I love painting. I like to draw.

Painting? That's interesting. Paint? This is interesting.

And I like reading very much. And I really like reading.

What kind of books do you read? What books do you read?

Well, I really like detective stories. Well, I really like detective stories.

What about music? What about music?

I love listening to all kinds of music. I like to listen to any music.

How old's your sister, Danny? How old is your sister, Danny?

Jane? She's twenty-seven. Jane? She's 27.

Is she married? She is married?

Yeah, she is. Yes.

Does she have any children? Does she have children?

Yeah, she has a little boy, Billy. Yes, she has little son, Billy.

What does she do? What is her job?

She's a dancer. She is a dancer.

Ballet? In ballet?

No, modern dance. No, modern dances.

Does she like her job? She likes her job?

Yeah. She loves dancing and she really likes traveling. Yes. She loves to dance and she really enjoys traveling.

Dialogues in English for beginners on the topics "Hotel", "Restaurant" and "Shopping" are an ideal basis for role-playing games. In order to play out typical situations that arise during tourist trips in class, you need to move away from the framework of the training course and get as close to reality as possible. For example, take a real English-language menu of a cafe or restaurant or its short, educational version (there are a great many of them on the Internet), study it, “place an order,” then “pay the bill.”

It is important not to forget that the main goal of role-playing games is communication, understanding the interlocutor, and not perfect pronunciation and impeccable grammar.

Here we provide mini-dialogues for beginners that can be modified or expanded. Lexical material for “tourist” dialogues are the names of dishes, souvenirs, and items of clothing.

In a hotel:

Excuse me. I have a reservation. I booked a room.

Yes. What's your name please? Yes, what is your name?

Katy Blacksmith. Katie Blacksmith.

How do you spell your last name? Spell out your last name.

B-L-A-C-K-S-M-I-T-H. Blacksmith.

Thank you. You're in room 18A. Thank you. Your number is 18A.

In the restaurant:

A table for two, please. Table for two, please.

Yes, come this way. Let's pass.

Are you ready to order now? What will you order?

Yes, I’d like garlic mushrooms, please. I'd like mushrooms with garlic, please.

Could I have the vegetable soup? Can I have vegetarian soup?

And for your main course? What's for the main course?

I'd like the steak. I'd like a steak, please.

Seafood pasta for me, please. I'll have seafood pasta, please.

Anything to drink? Any drinks?

A large bottle of mineral water. A large bottle of mineral water.

In the gift shop:

Hello, can I help you? Hello, how can I help you?

How much are these pens? How much do these pens cost?

$1.50 each. $1.50 each.

Can I have five pens, please? Give me 5 pens please.

In a clothing store:

Excuse me. Have you got these jeans in my size? Excuse me, do you have these jeans in my size?

Yes. What size are you? What is your size?

Let's see. Here you are. Wait. Yes, please take it.

Can I try them on? Can I try them on?

Of course. The changing rooms are over there. Yes, the fitting rooms are over there.

I think they're too big. I think they are too big for me.

No, that’s the fashion now. No, that's fashionable now.

OK. I'll take them. Can I pay by credit card? Okay, I'll take them. Can I pay by credit card?

Yes, of course. Yes, sure.

You've probably heard about the famous "English humor". Slightly specific features, sometimes incomprehensible to us, accompany every joke. But some of them have long been beaten. And in order to be aware and not look like a person without a sense of humor or a fool, it will be useful to read a few jokes in English with translation.

Everyone should have a sense of humor. There are situations when jokes are indispensable, and to prevent dialogue from developing into conflict, it is better to use a good joke. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to even laugh at yourself. The British are sometimes mocked because of their sharp humor, because one of the main characteristics is the use of irony and sarcasm. It is their jokes that are often called dry sense of humour, What does sarcasm mean?

What do the British like to laugh at?

Above everything! Starting from ourselves, ending with members royal family and the government. Yes, sometimes jokes in English are incomprehensible to us, not because of ignorance of words or language, but because of their content, exactly what is being ridiculed. It's all about different mentality, upbringing, habits and customs. Likewise, some of our jokes may not be funny to the English, because everything is based on a play on words. And when translating Russian jokes into English, sometimes they lose their ironic meaning.

Favorite reasons for laughter or irony are the weather and the special way of life of the country. After talking with the residents of Great Britain, you will see that they, like us, love to joke about any topic. Sometimes they themselves don’t even notice that a joke was made; it has already become their way of thinking.

Where can you find English humor?

Everywhere! In personal contact - very often. I would like to give advice. Even if you don't get the joke, it's better to smile or laugh out of politeness. This way you can “establish contact” with your interlocutor. When watching TV shows, movies, or listening to radio broadcasts, humorous statements are constantly used. Yes, if you translate an English joke literally, the result is an absurdity or a completely unfunny phrase. And I really want to understand what “he said there, how he attracted attention, how he made amends,” and so on. That is why we suggest you look at the list of the most popular english jokes. Understand them, look inside the English soul, and thereby make a huge breakthrough forward in learning the language.

An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard: “woman without her man isnothing." The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.The men wrote: “Woman, without her man, is nothing.” The women wrote: “Woman! Without her, man is nothing.”

The teacher wrote the words on the board: “a woman without her man(s) is nothing,” and asked to use the correct punctuation marks. The man wrote: “A woman, without her man, is nothing.” The woman wrote: “Woman! Without her a man is nothing"

What’s the definition of a pessimist? A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.

What is a pessimist? A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.

Charles shouted upstairs to his wife, “Hurry up or we’ll be late.”“Oh, be quiet,” replied his wife. “Haven’t I been telling you for the last hour that I’ll be ready in a minute?”

Charles shouted to his wife: “Hurry! We are going to be late!" “Calm down,” the wife replied. “I’ve been telling you for an hour now that I’ll be ready now.”

There was an Scotsman, an Englishman and Claudia Schiffer sitting together in a carriage in a train going through Wales. Suddenly the train went through a tunnel and as it was an old style train, there were no lights in the carriages and it went completely dark. Then there was this kissing noise and the sound of a really loud slap. When the train came out of the tunnel, Claudia Schiffer and the Scotsman were sitting as if nothing had happened and the Englishman had his hand against his face as he had been slapped.

The Englishman was thinking: ‘The Scottish fella must have kissed Claudia Schiffer and she missedhim and slapped me instead.’Claudia Schiffer was thinking: ‘The English fella must have tried to kiss me and actually kissedthe Scotsman and got slapped for it.’And the Scotsman was thinking: ‘This is great. The next time the train goes through a tunnel I’llmake that kissing noise and slap that English b**tard again.

A Scot, an Englishman and Claudia Slate were sitting in the same carriage of a train traveling through Wales. Suddenly, the train entered the tunnel. Since it was an old type train, there was no light and the carriage became completely dark. Then the sound of a kiss and a resounding slap was heard. When the train left the tunnel, Claudia Slate and the Scotsman sat calmly, as if nothing had happened. And the Englishman pressed his hand to his cheek, as if he had received a slap in the face. The Englishman thinks: “The Scot must have kissed Claudia, and she missed and slapped me instead.” Slate thinks: “The Englishman must have wanted to kiss me, but he kissed the Scot and got a slap.” The Scot thinks: “Great. Next time, when the train is in the tunnel again, I will imitate the sound of a kiss and hit that English guy again...”

A man asked for a meal in a restaurant. The waiter brought the food and put it on the table. After amoment, the mancalled the waiter and said:"Waiter! Waiter! There’s a fly in my soup!”"Please don'tspeak so loudly, sir,” said the waiter, “or everyone will want one.”

The man made an order at the restaurant. The waiter brought the food and put it on the table. At that moment the man shouted: “Waiter! There's a fly in my soup! To which the waiter replied: “Hush, sir. Otherwise everyone will want it.”

What is the longest word in the English language? "Smiles" Because there is a mile between its first and last letters!

What is the most long word in English? ""S mile s. Because there is a whole mile between the first and last letter.

“George, darling, what is it about me you find so attractive? Is it my personality? "No." "Is it my figure?" "No." "Is it my charisma?" "No." "I give in." "That's it!"

George, dear. What do you find most attractive about me? My character? - No. My figure? - No. My charisma? - No. - I give up. - That's exactly it!

- Will you tell me your name?

- Will Knot.

- Why not? (a game English words)

—Will you tell me your name?

- I will be Not.

- Why not?

— I have good news and bad news, the defense lawyer says to his client.

— “What’s the bad news?”

— Your blood matches the DNA found at the murder scene.

- Dammit! cries the client. What's the good news?

“Well,” the lawyer says, “Your cholesterol is down to 140.

“I have two news: good and bad,” the lawyer says to the accused.

-What's the bad news?

— DNA analysis showed that it was your blood found at the crime scene.

- Crap! What's the good news?

— Your cholesterol has dropped to 140.

An admiral is standing at the Naval Academy in Annapolis when he stops a plebe* walking by.

“Sailor, do you have change for a dollar?”

"Sure, buddy," says the plebe, rooting around his pocket.

“That’s no way to address an officer! Now let's try it again. Do you have change for a dollar?”

“No, sir!”

The admiral stands outside the Naval Academy in Anappolys and stops a sailor passing by.

- Sailor, can you change a dollar?

“Of course, buddy,” said the sailor and reached into his pocket.

“You can’t address an officer like that!” Let's do it again. Are you changing a dollar?

- No, sir.

Have you read jokes in English with translation? Take a couple of notes and memorize them. And then in any appropriate situation you can demonstrate your sharp mind and sense of humor. But remember that in every joke there is only a fraction of fiction. And everything else is true. Therefore, always look for an ironic meaning, then you will not get into trouble.

Hello dear readers! I'm glad to see you on my blog page. I suggest reading jokes in English today, having fun and usefully spending time.

When you read books, articles in English or English, are you able to understand all the jokes? Or maybe you've been in a situation where someone told funny jokes and everyone around you laughed, except you? Shall we check?

I have made a selection of short English jokes on various topics. In general, the British love to laugh at themselves, but they also have a lot of good jokes about Russians. One of the best categories are jokes about (but I still wonder what nation is the author of them?). Children and students will find interesting jokes about school. Let's start with them!

About studying

Student : Brains like Bermuda triangle– wheninformation goes in it is never found again.


Student: Brains are like the Bermuda Triangle - once information gets into it, it can no longer be found.

Teacher :Ikilledaperson. Tom Green, convert this sentence into Future Tense, please.

Student Tom Green : You will go to jail.


Teacher: I killed a man. Tom Green, rephrase this sentence in the future tense. Student: You will go to jail.

Ifasingle teacher can't teach us all subjects, then how can you

expectastudent to learn all of them?


If one teacher cannot teach us all subjects, how can a student be expected to learn them all?

One day

Hardwork never killed anybody, but why takeachance?


Hard work has never killed anyone, but why take the risk?

wife : Darling,yesterday nightIsawa wonderfuldream - you were sending

me expensive clothes and jewelry. Husband: Yeah, andIsaw your dad paying the bill.


Wife : Dear, yesterdayAt night I dreamed of you sending me expensive clothes and jewelry. Husband: Yes, and I saw your father pay the bill for it.

Ialwayslearn from the others' mistakes -those who take my advice.


I always learn from the mistakes of others - those who follow my advice.

About everything

- Whatis the longest word in the English language?

- « Smiles». Because there isamile between its first and last letters!


— What is the longest word in the English language?

— « Smiles". Because there is a whole mile between the first and last letter!

Thegirl andtheboy are talking. The girl says," You could bean excellentdancer except for two things." The boy asks, « And what are theyThe girl answers," Your feet."


Conversation between a girl and a boy. The girl says: “You could be an excellent dancer if not for two problems.” The boy asks: “Which ones?” The girl answers: “Your legs.”

- Willyou tell me your name?- Will. Knot.- Why not?


- Can you tell me what your name is? - Yes. Not - Why not?

  • Book « The best English jokes» will add a sea of ​​cool jokes to your collection! I recommend.
  • A this collection (though in electronic form) will enrich your library not only with anecdotes, but also with famous legends and popular tales.
  • Popular English and American jokes in the context of language teaching, this is an excellent option that the well-known Ilya Frank offers us.
  • And one more collection « The best English jokes» will make you smile more than once and at the same time not strain, but enjoy easy reading.

About the English Queen

At the beginning of the article, I said that jokes about the Queen of England are very popular. Yes, but representatives of other nations, for example, we Russians, like such jokes more. The British themselves do not particularly welcome such topics... Either they are afraid of the wrath of the long-lived monarch, or is it really in their blood to be correct in everything!? What do you think, huh?

But still I managed to find one funny joke. I don’t even know who could have come up with it?….

Once Bernard Shaw dropped the phrase that all women are corrupt. The English Queen heard that and when meeting Shaw, asked him:

“Is it true, sir, that you are saying that all women are corrupt?”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

- And me too?! — exclaimed the queen indignantly.

"And you too, Your Majesty," Shaw said calmly.

“And how much am I worth?” asked the queen.

“Ten thousand pounds” Shaw said at once.

- What, so cheap?! The queen resented.

“You see, you are already bargaining about the price,” the playwright smiled.


Bernard Shaw once said that all women are corrupt.

The Queen of England, having learned about this, asked Shaw when she met:

“Is it true, sir, that you say that all women are corrupt?”

- Yes, Your Majesty.

- And me too?! - the queen was indignant.

“And you too, Your Majesty,” Shaw replied calmly.

- And how much do I cost?! - the queen burst out.

“Ten thousand pounds sterling,” Shaw immediately determined.

- What, so cheap?! - the queen was surprised.

“You see, you’re already bargaining,” the playwright smiled.

Sometimes Russian people cannot comprehend the meaning of subtle and sharp English humor, because... Difficulties often arise with translation into Russian. There is an opinion that English humor is peculiar and difficult to perceive. What is the reason?

This happens because many jokes are based on double meaning of phrases or the use of words that sound similar but have different meanings (this is what I'm talking about, by the way). That’s why it’s so important to know the language well, above average.

That is why I recommend that you immediately subscribe to my blog and practice mastering the language regularly. Tell your friends and share the information you receive via links in in social networks. Bye everyone, wait for new articles!

The skill of fluent speaking at the beginning of learning any language seems, if not unattainable, then certainly requires a lot of effort, which often scares off beginning polyglots who are not used to hearing their own voice speaking another language. However, you need to speak English from the very beginning of studying, and this section will help you get off to an easy start. Video files with text and audio tracks will help you not only remember how individual phrases are constructed, but also how they are pronounced.

Dialogues in English are presented in different thematic aspects: in this section there are both elementary questions that students answer at the very beginning of learning the language, and individual situations that will be useful in cases where you are learning a language solely for travel. You can play out the situations presented either alone or in pairs.

Simple dialogues for getting to know each other

Anyone who attended English classes at school knows where learning it begins: just with acquaintance. This is done not only because the teacher needs to get to know the students as soon as possible, but also because information about oneself rarely affects lexical blocks unknown to the beginner. Of course, the need for a full introduction in the case of communication with a native speaker may not arise, however, you will already be able to briefly talk about yourself, listing the most important points of your biography.

For those who study English on their own, dialogue, for example, will be very useful. – the interlocutors meet for the first time, ask each other’s names. Of course, the speech is slowed down and made as clear as possible (in spoken English it will probably be more difficult), but a beginner can already listen to how to get acquainted and repeat after the participants in the video.

Another, no less important question is? - an obligatory part of any acquaintance, especially abroad. Of course, you can’t go into a detailed description of the cultural aspects and traditions of your country yet, but you can learn how to clarify the nationality of your interlocutor and even the homeland of his accent!

And, of course, how can one live without observing the rules of politeness in the life of your interlocutor and his close people? Study these dialogues, and you won’t even notice how your confidence in your own knowledge of a foreign language will greatly increase!

Dialogues for specific situations

Stepping outside the classroom (and comfort zone) can introduce yourself to a more challenging environment than meeting one person to interact with. Even if you are still at the Beginner level, you may find yourself in a situation in which you will need to ask questions, for example: or about the building you need (in place of “Holiday Inn” you can put anything: a train station, shopping mall, hotel). By the way, these dialogues can be modified by adding prepositions of place and direction that you already know: using them regularly will help you remember them faster!

Perhaps the most common question for tourists abroad who are desperately looking for someone to ask for advice is: When this question is asked, communication can be said to have begun as the speakers have established the language of conversation.

Of course, when you find yourself in a situation that requires language proficiency at a sufficient level to exchange information (as a rule, this applies to those moments when you come to a restaurant or even a simple store abroad), you have to use not only the passive use of language through speech patterns, but also active - you have to listen to your interlocutor and understand his answer. However, there are two very important points at work here:

  • pre-worked dialogues in English allow us to assume, at least in theory, that they can answer you, and you will be less afraid if you have at least a rough idea of ​​how to behave;
  • It’s much easier to start a conversation if you have a few phrases in stock, albeit memorized, but absolutely correct in both the grammatical and lexical sense.

There is good news: if your interlocutor sees that you have problems with language, he may start to monitor himself and use simpler vocabulary, or even sign language. In a word, communication will still take place, even if you fail to understand what exactly was answered.

Of course, to consolidate the material, you need to repeat it not just once, but several times, but you still shouldn’t sit endlessly on one dialogue. Over time, you can even think about composing your own dialogues - let the form remain the same, but the content changes slightly. This will help you consolidate the grammatical structures you have learned and get on the path to independently composing colloquial phrases in a foreign language.
