Features of the work of medical staff with HIV-infected and AIDS patients. What is AIDS? No antibodies are specific

Do you really think so?
"""There's so much talk about condoms, it's terrible. A lot of information, including on serious projects, and even in Russian. But no, there are still figures who not only can't read themselves, but also other users they are fooling around with their brains. And at the same time, as usual, they lie shamelessly. They even produced more than one video on this topic where, under intense music, they tell us in an afterlife voice that condoms are the main reason for the spread of sexually transmitted infections. For example, they slip off. Yeah. And also they wrinkle and bend. This is quite simple - not everyone is aware of the existence of different sizes of condoms. And if you take XXL with average indicators, then even the highest quality product will slip, and in the process you may not even notice it.

However, this is not the main message (or “message”, as it is fashionable to say) of the video. The main thing is that condoms do not protect because they have a lot of holes and micropores that are too large to trap viruses, bacteria and even sperm. By the way, a chic phrase is said about HIV - “if the immunodeficiency virus really exists.” Usually, my virologist friend responds to this with a sacramental phrase: “Wow, what I just observed in an electron microscope doesn’t actually exist.”

The video provides the following figures: the diameter of an HIV particle is 0.1 microns. The size of the pale spirochete (the causative agent of syphilis) is 1.5 microns. The cross-sectional size of the sperm is a maximum of 3 microns. And the size of micropores in the silicone from which the condom is made is as much as 5 microns. And through this “door” everything can enter completely freely.

And indeed, it seems to be true. Condoms are thin, latex is a polymer, and it actually has pores. So, life is over, sex is cancelled? Nothing like that. First, do two small experiments: take a condom and inflate it. Pouting? Twist the base tightly so that no air escapes. And watch this makeshift ball for a while. Deflates? No. Why, if the oxygen molecule is much smaller than HIV? We carry out the second experiment. We fill the condom with water (pour in a liter just in case, although three will fit in there), you can tint it with watercolors for clarity. Again, tie the base tightly and place the product in a bowl of water. And we sit and wait for the water to color. Is it painted? No. Another ambush. Doesn't seem very logical?

In fact, everything is more than logical if you know what latex looks like. And it looks like this:

In structure, it resembles not a string bag or fishnet tights, as follows from the video, but a thick sponge. Or even polyurethane foam. Yes, there are indeed cavities in latex - cavities, but they practically do not communicate with each other. In the best case, there will be a move between two adjacent ones. But there is not just one layer, or even ten; the thickness of the latex in condoms ranges from 50 to 120 microns. Plus, these cavities are filled with silicone grease, which performs several functions, including filling cavities, creating additional tightness. And there are no through holes. But even if we theoretically assume that in some place of the condom there is a single passage “to freedom”, then, firstly, the virus or sperm must be equipped with a system for recognizing such “wormholes”, and secondly, they will require accelerated engines and additional batteries to push through the silicone mass in the “hole”, and GPS won’t hurt, because this move will clearly not be straight, but very winding.

Well, as the last nail in the lid of the video, we expose the lies about the inscriptions on condoms. In the United States, this matter is handled by a very serious organization, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services called the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). So here it is. Since December 2007, information that this contraceptive is ineffective in protecting against STDs and HIV must be on the packaging of... gels and suppositories containing nonoxynol-9.
However, it should still be remembered that when used correctly during each sexual intercourse, a latex condom significantly reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of contracting or spreading HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

///Once again taken from the site zdr.ru, I can’t help it, but the information there turned out to be very useful...

This is of course off-topic, it just so happened that I read information about condoms... But in the end it’s very, very sad
In fact, in medical terms, we are more illiterate than our ancestors, and we believe everything that we are told. I was once in the hospital, and in the same room with me was a granny dying of cancer. The bedmate walked around in a cotton gauze bandage and argued with the head of the department, demanding that the granny be removed, because cancer was allegedly transmitted by airborne droplets.
I came across another quote, unfortunately I don’t know the author, may he forgive me.

»» No. 4 2001 Dangerous infections

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a dangerous infectious disease that leads to death on average 10-11 years after infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). According to UN data published in early 2000, the HIV/AIDS pandemic has already claimed the lives of more than 18 million people and today there are 34.3 million people living with HIV in the world.

In Russia, as of April 2001, 103 thousand HIV-infected people were registered, and 56,471 new cases were identified in 2000 alone.

The first reports of patients with HIV infection appeared in the newsletter of the Center for Disease Control (Atlanta, Georgia, USA). In 1982, the first statistics were published on AIDS cases detected in the United States since 1979. An increase in the number of cases (in 1979 - 7, in 1980 - 46, in 1981 - 207 and in the first half of 1982 - 249) indicated an epidemic the nature of the morbidity, and the high mortality rate (41%) indicated the increasing importance of infection. In December 1982, a report was published on cases of AIDS associated with blood transfusion, which made it possible to make an assumption about the possibility of “healthy” carriage of the infectious agent. Analysis of cases of AIDS in children has shown that children can receive the agent that causes the disease from an infected mother. Despite treatment, AIDS in children progresses extremely quickly and inevitably leads to death, which gives reason to consider the problem to be extremely important.

Currently, three routes of transmission of HIV infection have been proven: sexual; through parenteral administration of the virus with blood products or through infected instruments; intrauterine - from mother to fetus.

It was quickly established that HIV is extremely sensitive to external influences, dies when using all known disinfectants and loses activity when heated above 56°C for 30 minutes. Solar, UV and ionizing radiation are harmful to HIV.

The highest concentration of the AIDS virus is found in blood, semen, and cerebrospinal fluid. It is found in smaller quantities in saliva, breast milk, cervical and vaginal secretions of patients.

With the increase in the number of HIV-infected and AIDS patients, the demand for medical care increases, including those requiring both emergency and planned surgical intervention.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the course of HIV infection, it cannot be denied with certainty that it is absent in a particular patient. For medical personnel, every patient should be considered as a possible carrier of a viral infection. In all cases of possible contact with the patient’s biological fluids (blood, wound discharge, discharge from drains, vaginal secretions, etc.), it is necessary to use gloves, wash and disinfect hands more often, use a mask, safety glasses or a transparent eye screen. Do not take part in working with patients if there are abrasions on the skin of the hands or superficial skin defects.

The danger of infection of medical personnel really exists when generally accepted rules of asepsis and hygienic regime are violated during the performance of treatment and diagnostic procedures.

Data have been published where, to determine the risk of infection of medical workers, surveys were conducted of large groups of doctors (from 150 to 1231 people) who did not follow precautions. The frequency of HIV infection was 0% when infected material came into contact with intact skin, 0.1-0.9% when the virus entered the skin once, onto damaged skin or mucous membranes.

Glove punctures occur in 30% of operations, hand injuries from a needle or other sharp object occur in 15-20%. When your hands are injured by needles or cutting instruments infected with HIV, the risk of infection does not exceed 1%, while the risk of infection with hepatitis B reaches 6-30%.

Since 1992, at the Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 3, the surgical department has beds for providing surgical care to HIV-infected and AIDS patients with concomitant surgical pathologies. Over the past period, 600 patients were hospitalized in the department, of which 250 were operated on.

The department has a treatment room, a dressing room and an operating room, where assistance and surgical benefits are provided only to HIV-infected and AIDS patients.

For all admitted patients, intramuscular injections and any manipulations with blood are carried out by medical personnel only in the treatment room wearing gowns, caps, and gloves specially provided for these cases. If there is a risk of splashing blood or other biological fluid, you must wear a mask and goggles. We use regular latex gloves (two pairs), special glasses and gowns made of non-woven material. During intravenous sampling, blood is collected in tubes with tightly closing stoppers. All test tubes are necessarily marked with the initials of the patient and the inscription “HIV”. Referral sheets to the laboratory for blood, urine, and biochemical tests are marked with an indication of the presence of HIV infection. These forms are strictly prohibited from being placed in test tubes with blood.

The urine test is given in a container with a tight-fitting lid and is also marked with a message about the presence of HIV infection. Transportation is carried out in a closed container marked "HIV".

If gloves, hands or open areas of the body are contaminated with blood or other biological materials, they should be treated for 2 minutes with a swab generously moistened with an antiseptic solution (0.1% dezoxon solution, 2% hydrogen peroxide solution in 70% alcohol, 70% alcohol ), and 5 minutes after treatment, wash in running water. If the surface of the table, hand pads during intravenous infusion, or tourniquet are contaminated, they should be immediately wiped with a rag generously moistened with a disinfectant solution (3% chloramine solution, 3% bleach solution, 4% hydrogen peroxide solution with 0.5% detergent solution ).

After use, the needles are placed in a container with a disinfectant solution. This container must be located at the workplace. Before immersing the needle, the cavity is washed with a disinfectant solution by sucking it with a syringe (4% hydrogen peroxide solution with 0.5% detergent solution - 3% chloramine solution). Used syringes and gloves are collected in a separate container specially designed for them and disinfected.

We use analyte solutions or 3% chloramine solution. Exposure 1 hour.

If there is a suspicion that contaminated material has entered the mucous membranes, they are immediately treated: the eyes are washed with a stream of water, a 1% solution of boric acid, or a few drops of a 1% solution of silver nitrate are injected. The nose is treated with a 1% solution of protargol, and if it gets into the mouth and throat, it is additionally rinsed with 70% alcohol or a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, or a 1% solution of boric acid.

If the skin is damaged, you must immediately remove the gloves, squeeze out the blood, and then thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water under running water, treat them with 70% alcohol and lubricate the wound with a 5% iodine solution. If contaminated blood gets on your hands, you should immediately treat them with a swab moistened with a 3% chloramine solution or 70% alcohol, wash them with running warm water and soap and wipe dry with an individual towel. Start preventive treatment with AZT.

A report on an industrial accident is drawn up at the workplace, and this fact is reported to the center dealing with the problem of HIV infection and AIDS. For Moscow, this is infectious diseases hospital No. 2.

The treatment room is cleaned at least 2 times a day using a wet method using a disinfectant solution. Cleaning rags are disinfected in a 3% solution of chloramine, an analyte, for an hour. Washable and dryable. Gastric and intestinal probes used in preparation for surgery and diagnostic procedures after the studies are also processed in an analyte solution or a 3% chloramine solution with an exposure time of 1 hour. They are dried and autoclaved for further use.

The surgical field for patients is prepared using individual disposable razors.

Special precautions should be taken during operations. Medical personnel who have lesions on the skin (cuts, skin diseases) should be exempt from direct treatment of patients with HIV infection and the use of equipment in contact with them. As protection during surgery in our department, surgeons, anesthesiologists and operating nurses use plastic aprons, shoe covers, oversleeves, and disposable gowns made of non-woven material.

Goggles are used to protect the mucous membrane of the eyes, double masks are used to protect the nose and mouth, and two pairs of latex gloves are put on the hands. During operations on HIV-infected and AIDS patients, instruments are used that are used only for this category of patients and are labeled “AIDS”. Sharp and cutting instruments are not recommended to be passed from hand to hand during surgery. The surgeon himself must take the instruments from the operating nurse's table.

After the operation, instruments are washed from biological contaminants in a closed container with running water, then disinfected with a 5% solution of Lysetol with an exposure of 5 minutes, and a 3% solution of chloramine with an exposure of 1 hour. Next, the instruments are washed with running water and rinsed with distilled water, followed by drying, after which they are submitted for autoclaving.

The gowns used are disposable. After the operation, the gowns are kept in a solution of the analyte, a 3% solution of chloramine with an exposure of 1 hour, after which they are destroyed. Plastic aprons, shoe covers, oversleeves are treated in an analyte solution, a 3% solution of chloramine, alaminol with an exposure of 1 hour, washed with running water, dried and reused.

The operating room is processed after the performed manipulations: routine cleaning is carried out with analyte solutions and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Dressing of patients in the postoperative period, as well as manipulations that do not require anesthesia, are carried out in a dressing room specially designed for this category of patients. The surgeon and dressing nurse dress in the same way as during the operation. The instruments are marked with the inscription “HIV” and are used for bandaging only HIV/AIDS patients. Processing of used material, instruments and cabinet is carried out in the same way as in the operating room.

With the increase in the number of HIV-infected and AIDS patients, the number of requests for medical help from this category of patients increases.

When contacting a patient, one should proceed from the premise that all incoming patients are HIV-infected, and strictly implement appropriate preventive measures.

Effective prevention of HIV infection is possible only with routine training and education of medical personnel. This will allow you to overcome the fear of contact with an HIV-infected patient and act competently and confidently.

This is the key to the professional safety of medical workers.

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 3, Moscow


“There lives in our house a person infected with the AIDS virus. Why isn't he isolated? After all, he poses a danger to all of us?


Proposals to isolate people infected with AIDS are contained in many letters. Some even propose isolating people infected with AIDS in special camps, as well as banning the travel of Russian citizens abroad and the entry of foreigners into our country, so as not to “spread the infection.”

These proposals are due to a complete misunderstanding of the problem, not to mention the ethical side of the matter. The attitude towards virus carriers should be based on a clear, scientifically based knowledge of the routes of transmission of this infection. A person infected with AIDS does not pose a danger in everyday life. This is explained by the fact that the AIDS pathogen is not transmitted by talking, coughing, sneezing, or by using shared utensils, food, a bath, a toilet, a swimming pool, or a sauna.Long-term observations carried out abroad on families in which there are patients with AIDS, as well as carriers of the virus, have not found any evidence of the danger of household contacts with people sick and infected with HIV. Even those who cared for dying AIDS patients were not infected. Not a single case of infection occurred through contact at work. Children who carry the virus also do not pose any threat to their peers either in preschool institutions, or at school, or at home.

A person infected with AIDS can infect another only if they have sexual intercourse, are a donor, or share an unsterilized syringe and needle with other people, which is usually common among drug addicts. AIDS continues to spread across the planet, and we must accustom ourselves to the fact that many of us will have to live next to people infected with AIDS. Be humane to them, treat their mental suffering with understanding and sympathy.

Remember: Victory over AIDS is possible only if contact is established between virus carriers, AIDS patients, doctors and the population based on trust, if the infected person does not hide from the doctor, and the population does not shy away from the virus carrier or patient.

“I heard that there are two causative agents of AIDS: HIV-1 and HIV-2. What is the difference?"


Senior researcher at the Specialized Laboratory of Epidemiology and AIDS Prevention of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Candidate of Medical Sciences V. V. Pokrovsky answers:

In 1983, in the laboratory of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, headed by Luc Montagnier, the virus that causes AIDS was discovered and later named the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Over the past 5 years, this virus has spread widely across the globe, and currently, according to WHO, between 5 and 10 million people are infected with it.

In 1986, in the same laboratory, a virus related to the previously known one, but not identical to it, was isolated from an AIDS patient. This virus was named HIV-2. It is less common than HIV-1. HIV-2 can also cause severe illness.

Scientists suggest that HIV-2 arose earlier than HIV-1 and occupies one of the intermediate stages between the immunodeficiency viruses of monkeys and humans. HIV-2 provided further evidence; natural origin of the virus that causes AIDS.

HIV-2 in its properties differs little from HIV-1 and is also transmitted from person to person through sexual contact, with the blood of someone infected with AIDS, and from an infected mother to her fetus. Some researchers believe that the asymptomatic period during HIV-2 infection lasts longer.

In our laboratory, where HIV testing is carried out, a case of HIV-2 infection was identified in a Soviet citizen who had several sexual partners from different African countries.

Now in many countries of the world, including Russia, universal test systems are being developed that will make it possible to establish the fact that a person is infected with any AIDS pathogen.

EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW that you can protect yourself from contracting AIDS if:

Avoid casual sex, as well as sexual contact with homosexuals and drug addicts. people who are promiscuous; the risk of contracting AIDS increases with the number of sexual partners; using condoms reduces the risk of infection;

Do not use random unsterilized injection syringes. If you suspect that you may be infected with AIDS, you should contact your doctor or a diagnostic laboratory.


I walked around this topic for a long time and decided to unsubscribe or not, in the end I decided to leave my opinion.
The idea of ​​isolating HIV+ in itself is not logical and absolutely meaningless.
I'll try to explain why.
If you isolate HIV+ for the purpose of preventing the remaining population, it will not work due to the fact that there are a lot of people who do not know about their status and those who have not been officially examined. It turns out that no matter how much HIV+ is isolated, there will always be HIV+ outside the isolation.
If you isolate HIV+ in order to create some special conditions for them regarding medical services or the like. then it turns out that outside of these (let’s call them settlements) the level of service for HIV+ will quickly decrease and, accordingly, no one will be ready to work with them. And judging by the first argument, this will definitely happen.
If you isolate HIV+ for the purpose of reassuring yourself, like everything is fine with us, they are all there, then 100% there will be people who will hide their relatives and friends and naturally they will simply run away from places of settlement.
And I am silent about the fact that this violates human rights and is essentially discrimination based on “Diagnosis”.
I myself am against it, because I believe that HIV+ is no worse and no better than HIV-. And I am often convinced that people with HIV+ have much more optimism, love for humanity and a desire to understand and help others than people with HIV. people with HIV+ unite and try to stick together. Often these groups include people not only with different levels of income, but also with different outlooks on life. Communication between people who are truly alien to each other (I mean a completely different range of interests in cinema, music and even worldview) gives them the opportunity to enrich each other’s inner world. People without HIV often revolve in their own little worlds and very rarely manage to come into contact with others. We are all aliens to each other, even though we live on the same planet.
Having communicated for almost a decade with doctors who in one way or another deal with HIV+, but who do not deal with HIV professionally, I have seen so much obscurantism, senseless anger and just fear sometimes turning into brain stupor that you simply forget that it seems like doctors are taught to everyone in the Russian Federation from the same books. It seems that medical workers have a much angrier attitude towards HIV+ and this is very depressing.
I don’t remember the source of the publication, but the gist of it was this: An individual’s attitude towards a problem will not change until the source of this problem appears in his immediate environment. And when he wants to solve it himself and is faced with everything that was previously the norm for him and comprehends the absurdity of prejudices, only then will his attitude change, and perhaps all his priorities and value system.

HIV-infected women can give birth to healthy children, but society is not ready to give them this opportunity

60 percent Belarusians believe that the state should isolate HIV-infected people from society of people. Such data were obtained during a study by the Focus Media Foundation, conducted as part of the project “ Supporting a network of HIV-positive women in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus" Women with HIV are not hired, they are denied medical care, and their relatives and friends turn away from them. HIV-positive women also face a special form of discrimination - an attempt to limit their sexual and reproductive rights related to pregnancy and childbirth. For example, obstetricians-gynecologists often begin an “examination” of such a pregnant woman with the words “ Would you like to get rid of the child?" In general, many Belarusian doctors do not show tolerance towards “positive” patients. Society as a whole is disloyal to such people.

As part of the same survey, they tried to find out from Belarusians what they would do if there were children with HIV next to their children? 40 percent of respondents said that they would transfer their child to another institution (kindergarten, school), 6 percent would demand that the administration transfer such a child to another institution, and another 35 percent were at a loss with the answer, which also does not exclude the presence of such sentiments.

Today, about 12.5 thousand registered HIV-infected people live in our country, and half of them are women, including those who want to have a family and children, says the head of the HIV/AIDS prevention department of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health. health Elena Fisenko. - And here the question arises about the vertical route of transmission of HIV infection - from mother to child. Although our society is well informed about the problem of HIV, it is not inclined to classify this infection among other chronic diseases. Meanwhile, medicine knows quite a lot about how to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. HIV-positive women can give birth to healthy children. The risk of HIV transmission from a mother to the child she is carrying when taking preventive measures during pregnancy and childbirth can be reduce to 1 percent and less.

HIV infection cannot yet be completely cured, but antiretroviral therapy can reduce the rate of development of the disease. The use of special drugs makes it possible to live without any social restrictions. Medicines reduce the viral load in the body so much that a person is not able to transmit the virus to others and can lead his usual lifestyle. It's only important start treatment as early as possible.

Today, medical advances are actually equate HIV with chronic diseases. However, society is very conservative about this topic. This is because knowledge on the topic of HIV is not updated in bright minds. Most of our people still, like twenty years ago, believe that HIV is a problem of young people, especially those who use injection drugs, as well as men who have sex with men and women in the sex industry. Meanwhile, HIV did not have and especially does not have any borders. Gradually, the virus became especially relevant not for those around 20, but for those over 30-35, who have convinced themselves that they can “sleep peacefully.” And such a belief has a result - in 85 percent of HIV cases today are transmitted sexually. However, those who are closer to forty do not think about it. A significant part of the population, even of reproductive age, does not make it a rule to regularly take an HIV test. For this reason, the number of officially reported cases and what actually exists differ significantly. In general, 16,169 cases were registered in Belarus (as of April 1 of this year). The estimated number is about 25 thousand. In short, not everyone knows the truth about their health.

Average during the year about 300 HIV-positive women In our country, people are registered for pregnancy. Half of them find out about the presence of the virus after they become pregnant, which means they are unable to start antiretroviral therapy as early as possible. Moreover, in some cases these women are also addicted to drug use. This category of patients is considered the most closed. And not only for friends, but also for doctors. Instead of revealing their status, or rather both, they simply remain silent, which is why they deprive themselves of the chance to resolve even the simplest health issues.

Closedness, incorrect attitude towards modern medical capabilities, non-compliance with medical recommendations sometimes lead to the detection of HIV infection in a born child. Ideally, such a child is also prescribed lifelong antiretroviral therapy. Although here, not everything is so simple. They say that some compassionate grandmothers feel too sorry for their grandchildren and sometimes... cancel the hated “chemistry”, which leads to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of treatment!

There is no comprehensive care in the country or, say, special medical centers to serve HIV-positive patients, says a specialist working with families affected by HIV, thematic coordinator of the Belarusian public association “Positive Movement” Irina Statkevich. - In the organization you can only get counseling and psychological assistance. You should seek medical help at your place of residence. Unfortunately, practice shows that doctors of any specialization are not very friendly. The same obstetricians and gynecologists demonstrate a completely biased attitude: the absolute majority, according to surveys, are convinced that people with HIV lead a promiscuous sex life, that they are not interested in their health, etc. However, HIV-positive people constantly require at least consulting assistance- they need to be supported at the very beginning of antiretroviral therapy (today it is offered to absolutely all people diagnosed with HIV infection), then during this treatment, since there are schemes in which one or two tablets per day are enough for some, but for others -you have to take several medications several times a day. This is not so simple, especially at the first stage, when the body gradually adapts to the treatment. It is necessary to constantly fuel the motivation of HIV-positive people so that they do not refuse treatment. Moreover, they did not voluntarily cancel it for their child... And when the child reaches 8-12 years of age, they revealed the truth to him and explained that the pills he had to take were not “vitamins.” To suppress the truth is sheer stupidity and shortsightedness...

Everyone for whom it is indicated receives antiretroviral therapy for free. This practice remains possible thanks to matching grants Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. By the way, last year in our country the packaging of antiretroviral therapy drugs was established.

Vera, 30 years old: « My parents gave me separate dishes»

I work as a physical education coach for children in a private school. I love sporting events, cycling and rollerblading, I love dogs, traveling, meeting new people... I found out my diagnosis when I was 20 years old: I was undergoing a routine examination for work in a medical institution. It turned out that I have antibodies to HIV. For the first time I was met with the feeling that God had cast me out of His hands. I was very ashamed. It's such a shame that I quit. My parents did not have the information and gave me separate dishes. I myself considered myself “dirty.”

But I didn’t isolate myself like many others. I have an open mind and a medical background! I told my friends, and no one is afraid of hugging me, is not afraid to drink from the same cup, does not hide their children. So far this diagnosis has not affected my life in any way, I just take precautions... Now I am in a relationship with a man who is not HIV positive. He accepted me and is not afraid to be close to me. I really want a family and children and I know that in the modern world and progress in medicine this is possible. I have goals and plans for the future...

Natasha, 37 years old: « There are worse diseases»

There are people in more difficult life situations. And among them there are happy ones. When I think about it, there is no reason to feel sorry for myself. Information about the disease eliminates fear! Take care of your health, love yourself. Are you with or without HIV?

I have a daughter, a beloved man, many friends... In 1997, I graduated from medical school and began working in my specialty. A week after I was hired at the hospital, the head nurse called me and said that I didn’t need to come here anymore. Because I was diagnosed with HIV. “It’s good that we didn’t have time to formalize you,” she said with relief. At that moment the future ceased to exist for me. I am hiding my face today only because my diagnosis could cause trouble for my loved ones. After all, even doctors do not have enough knowledge about my disease: the nurse at the maternity hospital said that with my diagnosis it is impossible to use the telephone that is on duty (!). It was upsetting to the point of tears.

I told my closest friends about the diagnosis, after my mother, then some other friends, and felt relieved that the attitude towards me was not changing. I visited doctors, found out how HIV differs from AIDS and what you need to do to maintain your health for as long as possible.

Important facts

  • Theoretically, you can become infected with HIV, say, during a fight (if the blood of another gets into the wound of one person). However, in practice this possibility has not been proven - not a single similar case has been recorded. In the same kindergarten, school, etc. Children with different statuses can be raised quite safely.
  • Approximately every third child with HIV infection is raised in residential institutions. However, recently the number of cases of guardianship, adoption, etc. has been increasing. such children. However, it is mainly the families of medical workers who go for this.
  • Local psychological research reveals interesting information. It turns out that children who are overprotected are “loved” and receive maximum parental support. more prone to risky behavior! The fact is that in such conditions children subconsciously learn a simple fact: no matter what happens, there is someone to shift the burden of unpleasant consequences onto.

To not be afraid of HIV

  • HIV not transmitted through tears, saliva or sweat. The concentration of the virus in these fluids is very low. It is believed that 3 liters of saliva from an infected person will be needed to become infected.
  • HIV is not transmitted through a handshake or hug. Human skin is an insurmountable barrier to the virus.
  • HIV is not transmitted through towels, clothing, or bedding because it quickly dies in the external environment.
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