Why there may be delays in menstruation. All possible causes of missed periods, except pregnancy. Physiological causes of delayed menstruation

This is a menstrual dysfunction characterized by the absence of bleeding for more than 35 days. A shift in the onset of the menstrual cycle by 5 days or more is sufficient reason to consult a doctor. Physiological reasons and functional disorders can provoke a delay in menstruation. Of course, at different periods of a woman’s life she may experience menstrual irregularities. These include the formation of the cycle after the first menstruation, the reproductive period and premenopause. In other periods, a delay in menstruation may indicate a problem that can only be solved by consulting a doctor.

Menstrual cycle: characteristics and phases

The menstrual cycle refers to cyclical changes in the body of a woman (who is in reproductive age) aimed at the possibility of conception. In this case, bleeding is the final stage of menstruation, which indicates that during the menstrual cycle the fertilization of the egg did not occur and pregnancy did not occur. The duration of the cycle is calculated individually for each woman, but normally it is 28 days. Depending on various factors, the deviation from the norm may be plus or minus 7 days. Doctors consider the first day of menstruation to be the beginning of the cycle.

The first menstrual cycle, which occurs between the ages of 12 and 14 years, is an important event in a woman’s sexual development. This is due to the fact that it indicates the body’s ability to reproduce. In turn, the cessation of menstruation occurs between the ages of 40 and 58 years, when reproductive function fades away during menopause. During the menstrual cycle, processes occur in a woman’s body that are associated with various changes in the ovaries and endometrium. Depending on these changes, several phases are distinguished.

The first day of menstruation falls on the follicular phase of the ovary or the menstrual phase of the uterus, during which the dominant follicle matures. At 7 days of menstruation, the dominant follicle matures and secretes the required amount of estradiol. The development of this follicle is completed during ovulation, which is characterized by the release of luteinizing hormone. All these processes are necessary to rupture the follicle wall and release the mature egg. The time interval between the end of the ovulatory phase, which lasts about 3 days, and the beginning of the follicular phase is called the luteal phase, which lasts 13-14 days.

During this phase, the ruptured follicle forms a corpus luteum, which actively produces progesterone. Together with tarragon, progesterone prepares the uterus for egg implantation by thickening the lining of the uterus. If fertilization occurs during the menstrual cycle, a natural delay in menstruation occurs. The delay in menstruation continues until childbirth. In the case when the egg has not been fertilized, the corpus luteum no longer produces progesterone, then decreases, after which the mucous layer of the uterus is rejected. The detachment of mucus leads to damage to the blood vessels, which is the cause of bleeding.

Delayed menstruation during pregnancy

The most likely reason for a missed period is pregnancy. A delay in menstruation can continue not only during pregnancy, but also after it. The reason for delayed menstruation after childbirth may be an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. But if a woman does not breastfeed, then the delay in menstruation will be minimal. On the contrary, if a woman is breastfeeding, the delay in menstruation will last until the end of the lactation period. It must be remembered that for some women, even when they are breastfeeding a newborn, the delay in menstruation does not last more than 1.5-2 months.

A missed period is one of the main signs of pregnancy. If a woman does not start bleeding at the appointed time, and in the previous month she had unprotected sexual intercourse, then it is possible to determine whether pregnancy is the reason for the delay in menstruation using a special test. The purpose of pregnancy tests is to determine the level of a hormone in the urine, the production of which is activated 7 days after fertilization of the egg. But a reliable result can be obtained no earlier than 12-14 days after conception. If a woman is sexually active, the risk of becoming pregnant is quite high, even if she uses contraception. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the course of the menstrual cycle.

What are the dangers of regular delays in menstruation?

A disorder such as delayed menstruation, the causes of which can be very different, is not in itself a dangerous condition. It is worth paying attention to a delay in menstruation, first of all, because it can be a symptom of a dangerous disease. Most diseases, one of the symptoms of which is menstrual irregularities, must be diagnosed in the early stages. Many women are interested in whether uterine fibroids can cause a delay in menstruation. Indeed, delayed menstruation is one of the symptoms of this tumor. However, uterine fibroids are generally characterized by a health condition when menstruation becomes irregular, since delayed menstruation alternates with bleeding.

You should also consult a doctor if the cause of delayed bleeding is inflammation of the genital organs, endocrine or gynecological disease. For example, during inflammation of the ovaries, a disruption in the synthesis of hormones occurs in them, which causes a delay in menstruation. In addition, it is worth noting that it is much more convenient for a woman to have a regular menstrual cycle. In this case, it will be easy for her to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage. A delay in menstruation is a signal that can indicate both conception and various diseases and deterioration of health. Therefore, it is extremely important not to miss this signal and react to it in time. To do this, it is enough to go for examination several times a year.

Reasons for missed periods other than pregnancy

Although pregnancy is the most common cause of missed periods, it is far from the only one. If there is a delay in menstruation, the test is negative, the cause of this problem may be hidden in various diseases of the genital organs or disorders. These may include mental illness and shock, obesity, vitamin deficiency, genetic diseases, genitourinary tract injuries and much more. To begin with, it is worth noting that girls practically do not have regular periods in the first two years after the start of menstruation. Therefore, a delay in menstruation and menstrual dysfunction during these years is a natural state of the body, which is caused by hormonal instability.

Many women are interested in what causes a delay in menstruation, other than pregnancy. One of the most common reasons for missed periods is stress and nervous tension. In addition to stress, delayed menstruation can also be caused by lack of sleep and overwork. Problems with menstrual function can also be a consequence of an extreme diet. Wanting to get rid of extra pounds, many women torture their bodies with diets. Prolonged fasting, which leads to a sharp reduction in weight, is perceived by the woman’s body as an extreme condition, so in this case it is possible not just a delay in menstruation, but even its complete cessation.

It is also worth noting that in some situations a woman may experience a shift in her periods several times a year. Such a shift, which can happen once or more per year, is a reason to contact a gynecologist. A delay in menstruation can also be caused by intoxication of the body, which is a consequence of drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking or long-term work in chemical production. The occurrence of a delay in menstruation can also be facilitated by taking various medications, among which the most common are antidepressants, anabolics, diuretics, and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

The natural cause of delay and cessation of menstruation is menopause. But it is worth remembering that during this period the risk of unwanted conception is especially high, since menstrual function malfunctions and periods become irregular. In this regard, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor at least twice a year.

Many women also experience a delay in menstruation in the spring, the reasons for which are obvious: an acute lack of vitamins in the spring negatively affects immunity and metabolic processes. Against this background, the hormonal system also malfunctions, so late menstruation in the spring is a common problem.

Gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome. One of the most likely gynecological diseases of the genital organs, which negatively affects the menstrual cycle, is polycystic ovary syndrome. It is worth noting that this disease can occur when the functions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries are impaired. In addition to problems with menstruation, signs of the disorder also include seborrhea, excess weight, and excessive hair growth.
  2. Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary. After ovulation, the formation of the corpus luteum occurs. If immediately after it there is a hormonal imbalance, a disruption of the menstrual cycle occurs. To restore it and resolve the corpus luteum, the doctor usually prescribes a course of therapy.
  3. Inflammation of the genital organs. Inflammation of the internal genital organs often leads to disruption of the processes of follicle maturation, ovulation and the functioning of the corpus luteum. The cause of delayed menstruation in this case may be tumors of the genital organs, endometriosis, or inflammation of the uterine appendages. All these conditions require urgent treatment as they can cause infertility. That is why experts advise women to undergo preventive examinations several times a year.
  4. Abortion. A delay in menstruation after an abortion occurs due to hormonal imbalance. In addition, as a result of curettage of the uterus, a large amount of tissue is removed. This includes damage to the part of the uterus that grows during menstruation and is released during bleeding. It may take more than 40 days for tissue recovery. In any case, you should definitely consult a doctor who will diagnose the presence or absence of problems with menstrual function.
  5. Taking hormonal contraceptives. Since these drugs contain hormones, they are able to regulate the menstrual cycle. Moreover, menstrual function over time begins to obey the schedule of taking pills. Therefore, if a woman stops taking the pill, she may experience menstrual irregularities for several months. This is primarily due to changes in hormonal levels.

Diagnosis of delayed menstruation

If you are experiencing a late period, you should definitely take a home pregnancy test. Please note that the test produces a false negative result more often than a false positive result. If the test is negative, your missed period could be caused by some medical condition. Therefore, in any case, you should consult a doctor. At the clinic, the doctor will conduct an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs to determine the onset of pregnancy, tumor lesions of the uterus or other reasons that caused a delay in menstruation and deterioration in health. In addition, it will be necessary to determine the level of hCG in the blood, as well as the level of hormones of the ovaries, pituitary gland and other glands. To exclude a tumor of the ovaries or pituitary gland, you need to perform an MRI and CT scan of the brain.

Depending on the diagnostic results, consultations with other doctors are prescribed - a nutritionist, an endocrinologist, a psychotherapist. A delay in menstruation is quite rarely a natural process. Often, a delay in menstruation signals the onset of pregnancy or illness, so it is advisable to diagnose its causes as early as possible. After a woman notices a delay in menstruation, she should immediately consult a doctor who can determine the causes of this problem. You can find out from your doctor why the test is negative, whether the missed period was caused by pregnancy or is a symptom of an illness.

Delayed menstruation is a menstrual disorder characterized by the absence of menstruation for more than 35 days. The reason for this may be physiological factors, for example, pregnancy or the imminent onset of menopause, as well as pathologies in the female body. Delayed menstruation occurs at any age. You should consult a doctor if there is no menstrual bleeding more than 5 days after the due date. The gynecologist will help find the cause in order to determine further treatment.

Menstrual cycle

The female body of reproductive age functions cyclically. The final stage of such a cycle is monthly bleeding. They indicate that the egg is not fertilized and pregnancy has not occurred. A regular menstrual cycle indicates coherence in the functioning of the female body. A delay in menstruation is an indicator of some kind of failure.

A girl's first menstruation occurs between the ages of 11 and 15 years. At first there may be delays that are not related to pathology. The cycle normalizes after 1-1.5 years. Pathology includes the onset of menstruation at the age of less than 11 years, as well as if it did not begin at 17 years of age. If this age is 18-20 years, then there are problems that may be associated with impaired physical development, underdevelopment of the ovaries, malfunction of the pituitary gland, and others.

Normally, the cycle should be regular: menstruation begins and ends after a certain time. For most women, the cycle is 28 days, which is equal to the length of the lunar month. For about a third of women it is shorter - 21 days, and for 10% it is 30-35 days. Menstruation usually lasts from 3 to 7 days, during which 50 to 150 ml of blood is lost. After 40-55 years, menstruation stops altogether, and this period is called menopause.

Serious women's health problems include:

  • irregular cycle;
  • hormonal disorders
  • frequent delays of menstruation from 5 to 10 days;
  • alternating scanty and heavy bleeding.

A woman needs to get a menstrual calendar, which will indicate the onset and duration of bleeding. In this case, it is easy to notice a delay in menstruation.

The problem of delayed menstruation in girls and women

A delay in menstruation is considered to be a disruption in the menstrual cycle when the next bleeding does not occur at the right time. The absence of menstruation for 5 to 7 days is not considered pathological. This phenomenon occurs at any age: adolescence, childbearing and premenopause. The reasons for a delay in menstruation can be both physiological and abnormal reasons.

Natural causes during puberty include irregular menstruation for 1-1.5 years during the formation of the cycle. During childbearing years, the physiological causes of delayed menstruation are pregnancy and breastfeeding. During premenopause, the menstrual cycle gradually decreases, frequent delays turn into complete extinction of reproductive function in the female body. Other reasons for delayed periods are not physiological and require consultation with a gynecologist.

Reasons for missed periods

Most often, a delay in menstruation among representatives of the fair sex who are sexually active is associated with pregnancy. Also, in the short term, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands, drowsiness, changes in taste preferences, morning sickness, and fatigue may occur. Rarely, spotting brownish discharge appears.

Pregnancy can be determined using a pharmacy test or a blood test for hCG. If pregnancy is not confirmed, then a delay in menstruation could be caused by other reasons:

  1. Stress. Every stressful situation, for example related to conflicts, work problems, worries about school, can provoke a delay in menstruation by 5-10 days or even longer.
  2. Overwork, which is often combined with a stressful situation. Physical activity is, of course, good for the body, but if it is excessive, it can affect the regularity of menstruation. Overwork, especially in combination with an exhausting diet, negatively affects estrogen synthesis, which can cause a delay in menstruation. Signs of overwork also include migraines, rapid weight loss, and deterioration in performance. If your period is delayed due to physical fatigue, this means that the body is signaling the need for a break. A delay in menstruation is observed in women who work at night or with a flexible work schedule, which involves overtime on days when it is necessary. The cycle normalizes on its own when the balance between diet and physical activity is restored.
  3. Underweight or, conversely, overweight. For normal functioning of the endocrine system, a woman must keep her BMI normal. Delayed menstruation is often associated with underweight or excess weight. At the same time, the cycle is restored after normalization of body weight. In women suffering from anorexia, menstruation may disappear forever.
  4. Change of usual living environment. The fact is that the body's biological clock is very important for the normal regulation of the menstrual cycle. If they change, for example, as a result of flying to a country with a different climate or starting work at night, a delay in menstruation may occur. If a change in the rhythm of life causes a delay in menstruation, it will normalize on its own within a couple of months.
  5. Colds or inflammatory diseases can also affect menstruation. Each disease can negatively affect the regularity of the cycle and cause a delay in menstruation. This could be an acute course of chronic diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, or any other health problems in the previous month. The regularity of the cycle will be restored within a couple of months.
  6. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease accompanied by hormonal imbalance, which causes irregular menstrual bleeding. Signs of polycystic disease also include excessive hair growth in the area of ​​the face and body, problematic skin (acne, oiliness), excess weight and difficulty with fertilization. If the gynecologist determines polycystic ovary syndrome as the cause of the delay in menstruation, he will prescribe a course of oral hormonal contraceptives, which helps regulate the menstrual cycle.
  7. Any inflammatory or tumor disease of the genital organs. In addition to delayed menstruation, inflammatory processes are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and uncharacteristic discharge. They must be treated without fail: such diseases are fraught with complications and even the development of infertility.
  8. Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary. To get rid of it and restore the menstrual cycle, the gynecologist prescribes a course of hormonal medications.
  9. Postpartum period. At this time, the pituitary gland produces the hormone prolactin, which regulates the production of breast milk and inhibits the cyclic functioning of the ovaries. If there is no breastfeeding after childbirth, menstruation should occur in approximately 2 months. If lactation improves, then menstruation, as a rule, returns after its completion.
  10. Artificial termination of pregnancy. In this case, a delay in menstruation is common, but not normal. In addition to a sharp change in hormonal levels, its causes can be mechanical injuries, the presence of which only a doctor can determine.

A malfunction of the thyroid gland also provokes irregular menstruation. This is due to the fact that thyroid hormones affect metabolism. With their excess or deficiency, the menstrual cycle is also disrupted.

Elevated levels of thyroid hormones are characterized by:

  • decrease in body weight;
  • increased heart rate;
  • excessive sweating;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • sleep problems.

With a lack of thyroid hormones, the following symptoms appear:

  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • constant desire to sleep;
  • causeless hair loss.

If there is a suspicion that a delay in menstruation is caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Taking certain medications can also cause a delay in menstruation. The main ones:

  1. Oral hormonal contraceptives are the most common drug-related cause of menstrual irregularities. The norm is a delay in menstruation during a break in their use or when taking inactive medications.
  2. Emergency contraceptives can cause absence of menstruation for 5 to 10 days, which is due to the high content of hormones in them.
  3. Chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of oncology.
  4. Antidepressants.
  5. Corticosteroid hormones.
  6. Calcium channel blockers prescribed for the treatment of hypertension.
  7. Omeprazole for treating stomach ulcers causes a side effect in the form of a delay in menstruation.

Between the ages of 45 and 55, most women enter menopause. This is evidenced by the absence of menstruation for a year or more. But menopause never occurs suddenly: for several years before this, irregular menstruation and frequent delays are observed.

There are some other signs that menopause is approaching:

  • insomnia;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • increased night sweats;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • hot flashes.

How to normalize the problem with delayed periods

To determine the correct treatment for delayed menstruation, you first need to identify its cause, the elimination of which will help normalize the cycle. To treat premenstrual syndrome and normalize hormonal levels, a course of hormonal medications is prescribed, which:

  1. Relieves problems with conception associated with an insufficient luteal phase.
  2. Help restore ovulation.
  3. Reduces some symptoms of PMS: irritability, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands.

If the delay in menstruation is associated with any disease, then its treatment will help regulate the cycle. Preventive measures include the following:

  • If your period is delayed due to physical fatigue or a stressful situation, you can restore the balance of the body with rest, as well as enough sleep. It is important to maintain a positive mood and be calm about events that can trigger stress. The help of a psychologist will also help.
  • Nutrition should be balanced with the necessary content of vitamins and microelements. You can also take a course of multivitamins.
  • Keeping a menstrual calendar will help you track any changes in your cycle.
  • A preventive visit to a gynecologist can prevent any deviations in women’s health.

A woman of reproductive age must monitor the regularity of her cycle. Any disturbance in the body contributes to the development of various diseases.

Delay of menstruation. When to see a doctor

The delay in menstruation should not exceed 5-7 days. Exceptions are age-related hormonal changes during adolescence and premenopause, as well as during lactation. In all other cases, it is imperative to contact a gynecologist.

When discontinuing hormonal contraceptives, a visit to the doctor is required when the cycle does not return for several months. If menstruation is delayed due to lactation, you should consult a gynecologist if menstruation does not occur a year after birth.

In addition to a gynecological examination, the doctor may prescribe the following examinations:

If non-gynecological diseases are identified that cause a delay in menstruation, consultations with other specialists are prescribed.

Types of delays in menstruation

Delays in menstruation vary in duration. After taking emergency contraception, your period may be late for 14 days or more. The same period is typical after injections of the hormonal drug Progesterone, the active ingredient of which is synthetic progesterone. It is prescribed for a deficiency of the corpus luteum in the female body. Progesterone helps reduce uterine contractions. When taking it, only the doctor prescribes the dose and determines the rate of menstruation delay.

After stopping taking oral hormonal contraceptives, the restoration of the menstrual cycle lasts from 1 to 3 months. During this period, a delay of a week or more in menstruation is considered the norm: birth control pills change the cyclicity of the uterus and ovaries. To clarify the functioning of the ovaries, the doctor sends the woman for an ultrasound.

When pregnancy occurs, a characteristic sign of delay is. They are necessary to protect the uterus from penetration of various microorganisms. If, in the early stages of pregnancy, brown discharge occurs, accompanied by abdominal pain, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, which also contribute to a delay in menstruation, the discharge becomes brown in color with a sour odor. They are accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Normally, menstruation may begin with small brownish discharge.

A delay in menstruation may indicate the hidden course of certain diseases of both the genital and internal organs. Gynecological diseases that may not manifest themselves in any way other than a delay in menstruation include: erosion, fibroids, cysts, and inflammatory process.

A long delay of menstruation for a period of 1-2 months can be caused by impaired functioning of the adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Problems with these organs have a direct impact on the maturation of the egg. When they begin to produce insufficient amounts of hormones, it eventually leads to ovarian dysfunction.

Hyperinhibition of the ovaries with the absence of menstruation for several cycles can also be observed when taking or after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives and drugs for the treatment of endometriosis. The cycle usually recovers on its own after a few months.

Often, menstrual bleeding is accompanied by blood clots. Consultation with a specialist is necessary when this occurs regularly and is accompanied by painful sensations.

Folk remedies for the treatment of delayed menstruation

Traditional methods for effectively treating missed periods are quite unique. The use of such drugs must be agreed with a doctor so as not to harm the body. First of all, you should make sure that you are not pregnant: taking herbal medications can cause a miscarriage.

Popular folk remedies that help induce menstruation:

  • Herbal infusion of nettle, knotweed, rosehip, elecampane, rose radiola root and oregano. All components of the mixture can be purchased at the pharmacy, take 2 tablespoons of each type, pour into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight, then strain and drink the entire infusion during the day, 0.5 cups at a time.
  • The onion peels are washed under running water, placed in a saucepan and boiled for 15-30 minutes. The decoction is filtered and taken once in the amount of 1 glass.
  • Ginger decoction should be drunk with caution: it can lead to increased restlessness.
  • Angelica infusion has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. It improves the functioning of the nervous system and blood circulation.
  • An infusion of black cohosh rhizome relieves headaches and depression during menstruation, and also helps regulate the cycle.
  • Cardiac motherwort improves the functioning of the heart, reduces blood pressure, calms and stimulates the functioning of the uterus.
  • White peony tincture reduces blood pressure, has a calming effect and improves blood circulation.
  • A decoction of elecampane root is one of the most powerful remedies in folk medicine. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of elecampane root, leave for 4 hours, strain and drink a teaspoon several times a day.
  • Eating celery stimulates uterine contractions.
  • Taking a hot bath and applying a heating pad to your lower abdomen. These methods help increase blood flow, but you need to be careful with them. A heating pad should not be used if there are tumors or inflammatory processes.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin C. It regulates metabolism and is involved in the synthesis of hormones. This vitamin is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, peppers, strawberries and sorrel. During pregnancy, its excessive content in the body can cause miscarriage.

Reasons for delayed periods - video:

The way a woman's reproductive system functions can be used to judge her overall health. The appearance of cycle disorders and delayed menstruation indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and other systems. Regular periods of normal duration indicate that the level of hormones is normal and the woman is able to become pregnant. The reasons for the delay of menstruation can be the processes of natural age-related changes, the body’s reaction to external factors. Deviation from the norm is often a sign of a serious illness.


What is considered a missed period?

It is considered normal if a woman’s period comes in 21-35 days. A delay of more than 10 days is a pathology if it is not associated with a physiological restructuring of the body. Every woman experiences a slight delay in menstruation 1-2 times a year. If this repeats constantly, then you need to see a doctor for examination.

Menstruation may occur at intervals of more than 40 days (oligomenorrhea, opsomenorrhea), or may be absent for several menstrual cycles (amenorrhea).

There are natural reasons for a missed period. In addition to pregnancy, this could, for example, be lactation or menopause. If the delay is not associated with normal physiological processes, then the nature of the pathology must be immediately established to avoid complications.

Physiological causes of delayed menstruation

The menstrual cycle is a strict sequence of processes associated with preparing the female body for pregnancy. Even a completely healthy woman can experience malfunctions of this mechanism under the influence of external factors. These include:

  1. Emotional state: tense anticipation of menstruation, if a woman fears an unwanted pregnancy, stress at work, personal worries.
  2. Increased physical and mental stress, intense sports.
  3. Moving to a new place of residence, changing climate, occupation, daily routine.
  4. Poor nutrition, addiction to diets, obesity, vitamin deficiency.
  5. Colds, chronic gastritis, diabetes, kidney disease.
  6. Taking antibiotics and some other medications.
  7. Use of hormonal contraceptives, abrupt discontinuation of contraception.
  8. Hormonal changes in the body during puberty. For 1-2 years, periods come irregularly, even missing for several months due to the immaturity of the ovaries. Then the cycle is established. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to find out the cause of the violations.
  9. Changes in hormonal levels during menopause. Rare, irregular periods are a sign of the onset of perimenopause, which precedes the complete cessation of menstruation.
  10. An increase in prolactin levels in the body during the postpartum period associated with milk production. If a woman does not breastfeed, her periods will return after 2 months. If she is breastfeeding, her period comes after she stops putting her baby to the breast.

Note: If your period does not come 1 year after giving birth, this may be a sign of a disease caused by birth injuries.

Constant delays occur due to intoxication of the body with alcohol, drugs, and nicotine. Cycle disorders often occur in women working in hazardous industries on the night shift.

Video: Causes of delayed menstruation. When to see a doctor

Pathologies that lead to delayed menstruation

In addition to pregnancy, diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems can be the cause of missed periods.

Hormonal disorders

A common cause of menstrual irregularities are diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries, which cause hormonal imbalance.

Hypothyroidism- insufficient production of thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Without these substances, it is impossible to produce sex hormones in the ovaries: estrogens, progesterone, FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which ensure the maturation of the egg, ovulation and other processes of the menstrual cycle. Delayed periods are one of the first signs of thyroid disease in women.

Hyperprolactinemia- a disease of the pituitary gland associated with excessive production of prolactin. This hormone suppresses the production of estrogens, which are responsible for the timely maturation of eggs. The work of the ovaries is disrupted by congenital underdevelopment of the pituitary gland and brain tumors.

Adenoma(benign tumor) of the pituitary gland or adrenal gland. Leads to obesity, excess body hair growth, and menstrual irregularities.

Ovarian dysfunction- disruption of the production of sex hormones in the ovaries. This condition may be the result of previous inflammatory diseases, hormonal disorders, installation of an intrauterine device, or the use of hormonal drugs.

Video: Why menstruation is delayed or absent

Diseases of the reproductive system

Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries lead to disruption of the production of hormones that are responsible for the processes of maturation of eggs, follicles, and endometrium. As a result, they are often the cause of delay. At the same time, the volume and nature of the discharge changes, pain appears in the lower abdomen, lower back, and other symptoms. Often, inflammatory processes are the cause of infertility, tumors of the reproductive system, and mammary glands. Inflammatory diseases occur due to infection due to improper hygienic care of the genitals, unprotected sexual intercourse, traumatic damage to the uterus during childbirth, abortion, and curettage.

Salpingo-oophoritis- inflammation of the uterus and appendages (tubes and ovaries). The process can cause ovarian dysfunction.

Endometritis- inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which leads to the appearance of hypomenstrual syndrome (menstruation can come after 5-8 weeks and not even more than 4 times a year).

Cervicitis- inflammation of the cervix. The process easily spreads to the uterus and appendages.

Endometrial hyperplasia. There is a pathological thickening of the mucous layer lining the uterus. It causes a long delay in menstruation, after which heavy bleeding occurs. Pathology occurs due to hormonal disorders caused by diseases of the endocrine glands.

Uterine fibroids- a benign tumor in the uterus, single or in the form of several nodes located both outside and inside the uterus. This disease is characterized by irregular menstruation. Long delays can alternate with short cycles.

Polycystic ovary syndrome- formation of multiple cysts outside or inside the ovaries. The disease may occur without symptoms. It is often discovered when examining a woman for a long (more than 1 month) absence of menstruation.

Uterine polyps- the formation of pathological nodes in the endometrium, which can spread to the cervix. Characterized by delayed menstruation and prolonged heavy bleeding. Malignant tissue degeneration often occurs.

Endometriosis- growth of the endometrium into the tubes, ovaries, and neighboring organs. In this case, the patency of the fallopian tubes is disrupted, which can cause a delay in menstruation. In addition to normal pregnancy, menstruation with endometriosis does not come on time due to ectopic pregnancy, if the embryo is attached in the tube and not in the uterine cavity. As a result, a pipe rupture can occur, which can be life-threatening for the woman. Instead of the expected menstruation, spotting mixed with blood appears. A woman should pay attention to the appearance of such signs as nausea, vomiting, nagging pain in the lower abdomen (on the side where the egg is attached).

Ectopic pregnancy also occurs after diseases leading to adhesions of the tubes and ovaries (salpingoophoritis).

Endometrial hypoplasia- underdevelopment of the uterine mucosa, in which the endometrial layer remains too thin and cannot hold a fertilized egg. This leads to termination of pregnancy at the very beginning, when the woman does not yet know about its occurrence. The next menstruation comes with a delay, and brown spotting may appear before it. Hypoplasia becomes the result of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, operations on the uterus and ovaries, and hormonal disorders in the body.

Addition: One of the common causes of delay is anorexia, a mental illness associated with an eating disorder. It is usually observed in young women. The desire to lose weight becomes an obsession. In this case, food ceases to be absorbed, and complete exhaustion occurs. Menstruation comes with increasing delay and then disappears. If you manage to regain weight, your periods will appear again.

Why are constant delays in menstruation dangerous?

Constant delays in menstruation indicate hormonal disorders, lack of ovulation, and abnormal changes in the structure of the endometrium. Pathology can arise due to serious, even dangerous diseases: tumors of the uterus, endocrine glands, polycystic ovaries. The cause of a missed period is an ectopic pregnancy.

It is necessary to establish a diagnosis as early as possible, to find out the degree of danger of the processes, since they lead, at a minimum, to infertility and early menopause. Diseases associated with delayed menstruation cause breast tumors, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, weakened immunity, premature aging, and changes in appearance. For example, if the delay occurs due to polycystic ovary syndrome, then the woman experiences a sharp increase in weight, up to obesity, hair appears on the face and chest (as in men), acne, and seborrhea.

Timely treatment of diseases that cause prolongation of the cycle often helps to avoid infertility, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Examination methods, establishing the reasons for the delay

To determine the cause of the delay in menstruation, an examination is carried out.

It is checked whether the woman is ovulating. To do this, basal body temperature (in the rectum) is measured throughout the entire cycle and a schedule is drawn up. The presence of ovulation is indicated by a sharp increase in temperature above 37° in the middle of the cycle.

A blood test for hormones is carried out to detect deviations from the norm and possible consequences.

Using ultrasound, the condition of the pelvic organs is studied, the presence of tumors and other pathologies in the uterus and appendages is detected.

The brain and the condition of the pituitary gland are examined using computer and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI) methods.

Probably every representative of the fair sex has at least once encountered the problem of menstrual irregularities, and therefore it would be nice to know the answers to the following questions. Why are periods delayed, how many days can they be delayed, and most importantly, what to do if such a problem exists.

How long can periods last?

Should I worry if my period is late by 1-3 days? Experts believe that such a short delay does not signal any health hazard. Moreover, if your period is delayed by 5 days, this is also considered normal. If your period is delayed for a week or a month, and even more so this happens all the time, then you need to think about the reasons for this behavior of your body.

Why are periods delayed? Main reasons

  1. The very first reason that comes to mind when asked why periods are delayed is pregnancy. So if the delay is more than 7 days, then a pregnancy test must be done, even if you are completely confident in the contraceptives you are using.
  2. Can periods be delayed due to constant stress? Still, depending on the amount of stress experienced, periods can be delayed, either for a week or for several years. This is due to the fact that during nervous shocks, the brain malfunctions, and as a result, the proper functioning of the uterus and ovaries is disrupted. If the reason for the delay is stress, then only resolving the stressful situation and rest will help.
  3. Another common reason for delayed periods is gynecological diseases. This reason is especially likely if during menstrual periods you feel unwell, the discharge is either too abundant or, conversely, too insignificant. If you suspect any diseases of the genital area, then you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist, because in some cases, delay can lead to infertility.
  4. The cause of instability, delay and even complete absence of menstruation can be the use of contraceptive drugs. Also, the reason for the delay may be stopping taking birth control pills.
  5. Delayed menstruation can occur due to poor nutrition. So attention, diet lovers, if you decide to suddenly lose weight, then know that this attitude towards your body can cause problems with the menstrual cycle. And the minimum permissible weight for a woman is 45 kg; below this limit, menstruation may simply not occur. Also, sudden weight loss can lead not only to serious gynecological problems, but also harm the entire body as a whole.
  6. Termination of pregnancy by the female body is regarded as a great stress, and therefore in this case a cycle disruption can also occur. Indeed, as a result of abortion and damage to uterine tissue, the hormonal balance was disrupted, so in such cases, delays are quite common.
  7. For what reasons are menstruation still delayed? The female body is a complex and fragile thing, and therefore any minor change in a woman’s life can lead to a cycle failure. For example, the reason for a delay in menstruation can be climate change, lack of vitamins or physical activity.

What to do if your period is late?

As mentioned above, a delay of 5 days in menstruation is considered normal, so you should think about taking any measures if this time period is exceeded.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy; for this you can use a pregnancy test or do a blood test at the clinic. To ensure the reliability of the results, it is better to purchase several tests from different manufacturers at the pharmacy. The next step to take is visiting a gynecologist. In any case, you cannot avoid contacting a specialist, so is it worth postponing, endangering your own health?

– menstrual dysfunction, manifested by the absence of cyclic bleeding for more than 35 days. It may be due to physiological reasons (pregnancy, premenopause, etc.), as well as various organic or functional disorders. Delayed menstruation occurs at different periods of a woman’s life: during the formation of menstrual function, during the reproductive period and during premenopause. A delay of menstruation for more than five days is a reason to consult a doctor. Diagnosis of delayed menstruation is aimed at finding the main cause of this symptom, on which further treatment tactics depend.

General information

Delayed menstruation A disruption in the menstrual cycle is considered, in which menstrual bleeding does not occur at the expected time. A delay in menstruation not exceeding 5-7 days is not regarded as a pathology. Options for delaying menstruation are such menstrual cycle disorders as oligomenorrhea, opsomenorrhea and amenorrhea, manifested by a decrease in menstrual bleeding. A delay in menstruation can be observed at different age periods of a woman’s life: during puberty, during the reproductive phase, during premenopause and can be caused by physiological or pathological reasons.

Natural, physiological reasons for the delay of menstruation are explained in the puberty period during the formation of the menstrual cycle, when for 1-1.5 years menstruation can be irregular. In women of reproductive age, a delay in menstruation is natural during pregnancy and lactation. During the premenopausal period, menstrual function gradually fades away, changes occur in the rhythm and duration of menstruation, and delays in menstruation are replaced by their complete cessation.

All other options for delayed menstruation, exceeding 5-7 days, are not explained by natural phenomena; in such cases, urgent consultation with a gynecologist is required. A woman’s menstrual cycle is a subtle mechanism that maintains reproductive function and reflects any deviations in general health. Therefore, to better understand the causes and mechanisms of delayed menstruation, it is necessary to clearly understand what is normal and abnormal in the characteristics of the menstrual cycle.

Characteristics of the menstrual cycle

The functioning of the body of a woman of childbearing age has cyclical patterns. Menstrual bleeding is the final stage of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual discharge indicates that fertilization of the egg and pregnancy have not occurred. In addition, the regularity of menstruation indicates that a woman’s body is functioning smoothly. A delay in menstruation, on the contrary, indicates some failures that have occurred.

The onset of the first menstruation usually occurs between 11-15 years of age. At first, menstrual bleeding may occur irregularly; a delay in menstruation during this period is normal, but after 12-18 months the menstrual cycle should finally form. The onset of menstruation before 11 years of age and absence after 17 years of age is a pathology. A delay in the onset of menstruation up to 18-20 years of age indicates obvious pathological processes: a general lag in physical development, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, underdevelopment of the ovaries, uterine hypoplasia, etc.

Normally, menstruation begins and ends at certain time intervals. For 60% of women, the cycle length is 28 days, that is, 4 weeks, which corresponds to the lunar month. Approximately 30% of women have a cycle lasting 21 days, and about 10% of women have a menstrual cycle lasting 30-35 days. On average, menstrual bleeding lasts 3-7 days, and the permissible blood loss per menstruation is 50-150 ml. The complete cessation of menstruation occurs after 45-50 years and marks the onset of menopause.

Irregularity and fluctuations in the duration of the menstrual cycle, systematic delays of menstruation for more than 5-10 days, alternation of scanty and heavy menstrual bleeding indicate serious deviations in a woman’s health. In order to control the onset or delay of menstruation, every woman should keep a menstrual calendar, marking the day the next menstruation begins. In this case, the delay in menstruation will be immediately visible.

Delayed menstruation and pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most common cause of missed periods in women of childbearing age. In addition to a delay in menstruation, the probable occurrence of pregnancy is indicated by changes in taste and olfactory sensations, appetite, the appearance of nausea and vomiting in the morning, drowsiness, and painful sensations in the mammary glands. The possibility of pregnancy cannot be rejected even in cases where there has been interrupted sexual intercourse, sexual contact during menstruation, on “safe” days or using a condom, in the presence of an intrauterine device, taking oral contraceptives, etc., since neither One method of contraception does not provide 100% contraceptive effect.

If there is a delay in menstruation, and in the previous month the woman had sexual intercourse, then pregnancy can be determined using special tests. The principle of operation of all pregnancy tests (test strips, tablet or inkjet) is the same: they determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG or hCG) in the urine, the production of which begins in the body 7 days after fertilization of the egg. The concentration of hCG in the urine increases gradually, and modern, even the most sensitive tests, are able to detect it only after a delay in menstruation and no earlier than 12-14 days after conception has occurred. It is necessary to “read” the test result in the first 5-10 minutes. The appearance of even a barely noticeable second stripe during this period of time indicates a positive result and the presence of pregnancy. If the second stripe appears later, then this result is not reliable. If your period is late, to obtain a reliable result, it is recommended to repeat the pregnancy test twice with an interval of 2-3 days.

It should be remembered that while being sexually active, a woman can always become pregnant, so it is necessary to closely monitor the menstrual cycle and pay attention to delays in menstruation. However, a delay in menstruation can be caused not only by pregnancy, but also by a number of very other, sometimes very serious and dangerous to health reasons.

Other reasons for missed periods

Gynecology conventionally divides all the reasons that cause a delay in menstruation into two large groups: physiological and pathological causes of a delay in menstruation. In some cases, a delay in menstruation is caused by special transitional, adaptive conditions for the body, and usually does not exceed 5-7 days. However, some of these conditions are borderline, and when they worsen, organic disorders may occur, leading to a delay in menstruation as a manifestation of one or another pathology. Caused by physiological reasons can be considered:

  • delay in menstruation caused by strong emotional or physical stress: stress, increased sports, academic or work loads;
  • delay in menstruation due to unusual changes in lifestyle: change in the nature of work, sudden climate change;
  • delayed menstruation due to insufficient nutrition and adherence to strict diets;
  • delay of menstruation during periods of hormonal changes: puberty or menopause;
  • delayed menstruation as a condition after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives, caused by temporary hyperinhibition of the ovaries after prolonged receipt of hormones from the outside. If your period is delayed by 2-3 cycles, you should visit a gynecologist.
  • delay in menstruation after using emergency contraception containing a high dose of hormones;
  • delay of menstruation in the postpartum period associated with the production of the pituitary hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the secretion of milk and suppresses the cyclic function of the ovaries. If a woman does not breastfeed, then menstruation should resume approximately 2 months after birth. When breastfeeding, menstruation resumes after the baby is weaned. However, if your period is delayed for more than a year after childbirth, you should consult a gynecologist.
  • delay of menstruation caused by colds (ARVI, influenza), chronic diseases: gastritis, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases and many others. etc., as well as taking certain medications.

In all cases (except for those when the delay in menstruation is caused by age-related hormonal changes or lactation), the period of delay should not exceed 5-7 days, otherwise it is necessary to visit a gynecologist in order to prevent the development of serious diseases.

Pathological causes of delayed menstruation include, first of all, diseases of the genital area. This group of reasons includes:

  • delay of menstruation caused by inflammatory (adnexitis, oophoritis) and tumor (uterine fibroids) diseases of the genital organs. Inflammatory processes in the genitals, in addition to delayed periods, can manifest as pathological discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. These conditions require emergency treatment as they can lead to serious complications and infertility;
  • delayed menstruation due to polycystic ovary syndrome and associated hormonal disorders. Also, with polycystic ovary syndrome, in addition to delayed menstruation, there is an increase in body weight, the appearance
  • delay of menstruation caused by health-critical weight gain or loss. For women suffering from anorexia, a delay in menstruation can result in their complete cessation.

Thus, regardless of the reasons, a delay in menstruation is the basis for an urgent visit to the gynecologist.

Examination for delayed menstruation

To determine the causes of delayed menstruation, examinations may be required in addition to a gynecological examination:

  • measurement and graphical display of changes in basal temperature, allowing you to verify the presence or absence of ovulation;
  • determination of the level of hCG, ovarian hormones, pituitary glands and other glands in the blood;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs to determine pregnancy (uterine, ectopic), tumor lesions of the uterus, ovaries and other reasons causing a delay in menstruation;
  • CT and MRI of the brain to exclude tumors of the pituitary gland and ovaries.

If diseases accompanying a delay in menstruation are identified, consultations with other medical specialists are prescribed: endocrinologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist, etc.

To summarize the above, it should be noted that a delay in menstruation, no matter what circumstances it is caused by, should not go unnoticed by a woman. A delay in menstruation can be caused by a banal change in weather, or the joyful anticipation of motherhood, or by serious illnesses. If a delay in menstruation occurs, a timely consultation with a doctor will free you from unnecessary worries and worries that can significantly aggravate this condition. In families where girls are growing up, it is necessary to provide them with competent sex education, explaining, among other things, that a delay in menstruation is a problem that must be solved together with the mother and the doctor.
