The profession of a psychologist - is the profession of a psychologist in demand in the modern world? Hot topic: Pros and cons of the profession "psychologist". Review of the opinions of professional psychologists

Psychologist(ancient Greek psycho - soul; logos - knowledge), (English - psychologist) - a specialist in the field of psychology who studies the state of mind and the laws of correcting human behavior, using this knowledge to assist in resolving personal problems, adaptation to the world around, improving the psychological climate in families and teams. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

The main task of a psychologist is to help a person find harmony with himself and the world around him, to develop mechanisms of behavior that allow a person to become more creative in relation to his life, to help identify his psychological resources.

There is a significant difference between the related professions "psychologist", "psychotherapist" and "psychiatrist". Psychotherapist and psychiatrist - doctors who graduated from medical schools. A psychologist, on the other hand, is educated in the specialty "Psychology" at the psychological faculties of specialized universities and is not a doctor. The subject of the psychologist's activity is not a pathological disorder of the human psyche, but his state of mind and inner world.

The psychologist is one of those professions that becomes part of its bearer. By becoming a psychologist, you become one forever! Observing your children, communicating with family and friends, you cannot but use your professional knowledge and experience. The subject of study of psychology - the human soul - is inexhaustible. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in his treatise "On the Soul" wrote that among other knowledge, the study of the soul should be given one of the first places, since "it is knowledge about the most sublime and amazing." But even the best psychologist cannot give a one hundred percent universal recipe for getting rid of all problems. He is looking for ways to solve the problem together with the person himself who needs help, helps to find the internal resources of the body. A psychologist enables a person to look at life in general and at the problem itself from a different angle, directing a person to the idea that our life is in our hands.

Features of the profession

The main activities of a psychologist:

Psychological diagnostics (testing) - the study of the individual characteristics of the human psyche using tests, experiments, observation and interviews.
Counseling is a confidential communication between a psychologist and a client to find ways to solve problems.
Psychological training - active training in ways of emotional self-regulation, problem solving and personal growth through psychological games and exercises, followed by a discussion of the results.

The psychologist is in demand in the modern world. Child psychologists work in schools and kindergartens, helping children quickly and easily adapt to new conditions. The school psychologist determines the child's readiness for school, conducts individual work with difficult children, and provides vocational guidance for high school students, conducting various trainings.

Enterprises need a psychologist to adapt young professionals, to establish relationships in a team, to study the influence of labor factors on the human psyche, recruitment, motivation and personnel assessment. A family psychologist advises families with problems. A sports psychologist tunes the athlete for a winning result and solves the accompanying psychological problems. A clinical psychologist works in psychiatric hospitals (helping a psychiatrist to make a more accurate diagnosis and participating in individual and group psychotherapy), trust services, in rehabilitation centers, where he works as a psychotherapist with people who have suffered psychological trauma, confused in circumstances, seriously ill, drug addicts, HIV-infected , if necessary, involving a psychiatrist in the treatment. In prison, a psychologist is responsible for helping inmates adjust to a normal life after release.

Psychologists have many uses in politics and business.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • interesting creative work
  • the opportunity to take part in solving real problems of people
  • the need for constant professional improvement and, in this regard, the possibility of personal growth
  • the ability to use professional knowledge in everyday life
  • cognition and change of oneself, one's attitude to the events of the surrounding world

Cons of the profession:

  • mental fatigue, emotional burnout
  • difficulties in accepting the client's worldview and in the desire to be sure to give useful advice
  • experiencing the client's problems as their own

Place of work

  • psychological centers
  • private psychological counseling companies
  • educational and medical institutions
  • commercial companies and non-psychological enterprises
  • helplines

Important qualities

  • high general and emotional intelligence
  • the ability to listen carefully and hear a person
  • tolerance
  • ability to empathize and calm
  • tact
  • a responsibility
  • observation
  • emotional stability
  • optimism and self-confidence
  • creativity


The profession of a psychologist today is relevant and in demand. The salary depends on the place of work and the responsibilities of the psychologist. The highest paid is the private practice, where earnings also depend on the number of clients and consultations.

Salary as of 13.02.2019

Russia 15000-45000 ₽

Moscow 20,000—120,000 ₽

Psychologist training

On this course, you can get the profession of a psychologist remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
- One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
- Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
- Training in a completely remote format;
- Certificate of conformity to the professional standard worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
- The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to get a specialty within the framework of additional education courses. It is possible to undergo professional retraining at MASPK in the format of distance learning, being in any region of Russia and abroad. The Academy offers quality additional education and flexible prices.

Higher educational institutions with a psycho-fak are present in almost any city or regional center.

Career Steps and Prospects

Career growth opportunities mainly boil down to professional development, which allows you to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist. You can create your own business aimed at providing psychological services. In order to work at a high professional level and be constantly in demand on the labor market, fundamental education is not enough, it is necessary to regularly take additional advanced training courses and learn a variety of methods of psychological diagnostics and non-medical psychotherapy.

Famous psychologists

Famous psychologists: Wilhelm Wundt, William James, V.M., Sigmund Freud, Karl G. Jung, Wilhelm Reich, A. N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, Eric Byrne, Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir, Abraham Maslow, Victor Frankl, Erich Fromm, Karl Rogers, etc.

Psychology was formed from the foundations of such sciences as astronomy, philosophy, occult sciences. The first representatives of the "healers of souls" can be called sorcerers, sorcerers, shamans. The positive effect of their "treatment" came, to a greater extent, from the power of suggestion than from the use of therapeutic agents. It was only in the 18th century that the first attempts were made to scientifically substantiate their influence on humans. Wilhelm Wundt is considered the founder of psychology as a science, who in 1879 opened the world's first psychological laboratory, where he conducted studies of the phenomena of consciousness by the method of introspection. This year is considered the year of birth of psychology as a science.

About psychologists with humor

There are no mentally healthy people, there are poorly examined people!
The optimist sees a light at the end of the tunnel. A pessimist sees a train coming in the opposite direction. And only the psychologist sees two idiots sitting on the rails!
A psychologist, like a true friend, is a person who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

A psychologist is a non-medical specialist who studies the characteristics of the inner world, the mental component of a person based on the human psyche.

What does a psychologist do? First of all, he acts as an individual consultant on various psychological issues and problems, who helps people to cope with any life situations.

Personal qualities

The main object of a psychologist's work is a person. That is why one of the main qualities that a true professional should have is interest in the human person, respect for its nature and characteristics. Of course, a psychologist should be as sensitive as possible to the person with whom he is working, be able to adapt to various conditions and situations, and have a sense of tolerance and tolerance. In addition, a specialist in this field must be morally stable and capable of creating a certain psychological atmosphere.

Where to study for this profession

Psychology training is conducted at specialized psychological faculties of academic institutes and medical universities. Education involves the comprehensive study of the humanities and natural sciences. You can also get a specialty with a higher education and attending psychology courses in Moscow to obtain a certified status.

Universities of Russia, where applicants can get education for the profession of a psychologist:

  • Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University)

Pros and cons of the profession of a psychologist


  • the profession is humanistic in nature - direct psychological assistance to people
  • constant improvement of views on the world, development of one's own personality
  • the opportunity to provide professional psychological assistance to family and friends
  • demand for highly qualified specialists


  • the possibility of stressful situations for the specialist himself
  • emotional burnout
  • great personal dedication - experiencing the lives and problems of clients

Career. Places of employment

The range of places for the development of a psychologist's career is wide enough and includes all spheres of a person's social life. These are, first of all, various kinds of institutions - administrative, educational, health care, law enforcement, security and departmental structures, etc. Psychologists also work in HR departments of organizations.

In addition, a specialist can engage in private practice, providing professional advice on the basis of individual entrepreneurship.

Also, a psychologist can, in parallel with practical activities, engage in specialized scientific research.

Related professions

The main related professions for a psychologist are psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Often their spheres of activity overlap, but at the same time they have significant differences. The object of all these professions is a person, and the subject area contains the specific features of each of them.

A psychotherapist is a certified medical specialist who deals with therapeutic effects on the human psyche. This is a kind of intermediate stage of work between the activities of a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

A psychiatrist is a medical specialist with a narrower profile,

More recently, they did not even know about the profession of a psychologist in our country. The science of psychology was represented in our country mainly by psychiatrists, in whose office ordinary citizens did not really want to get into. Today, thanks to American TV series, psychologists have become not only popular, but in-demand specialists, whose services are sought in a variety of life situations.

More recently, about the profession of a psychologist in our country did not even know. The science of psychology was represented in our country mainly by psychiatrists, in whose office ordinary citizens did not really want to get into. Today, thanks to American TV shows, psychologists have become not just popular, but in-demand specialists, whose services are sought in a variety of life situations.

From the same American TV series, the work of psychologists seems to us easy and not burdensome: a cozy office, a beautiful secretary, a comfortable couch and a patient with whom the specialist has a leisurely heartfelt conversation. But does reality coincide with what we see on television? Is it really that easy for psychologists to work? All this, as well as other features of this profession, we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible within the framework of this article.

What is a psychologist?

- a qualified specialist who studies the psyche and emotional state of a person and provides psychological assistance in the event of psychological or everyday problems in the life of each of us.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek psycho (soul) and logos (knowledge). In other words, psychologists study the human soul, all its facets, states and possibilities, and on the basis of the knowledge gained, they help us to achieve spiritual harmony. The history of the profession is rooted in antiquity, and the first "healers of souls" can be safely considered shamans, healers and sorcerers, who healed not so much by "laying on of hands" as by the power of words and suggestion.

The official date of the emergence of psychology as an independent science is considered to be 1879, when the world's first psychological laboratory was opened in Leipzig. From that moment, psychology began to actively develop as a result of which its most diverse areas appeared: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, family psychology, pathopsycholinguistics, developmental psychology, etc.

Today psychology covers almost all spheres of human life, and representatives of this profession help to solve almost any problems associated with the psycho-emotional state of a person. Professional duties of a psychologist directly depend on the field of activity of the specialist. Thus, a theoretical psychologist is engaged in research and teaching, and a practicing psychologist provides direct assistance in the social and personal life of a person. For example:

  • clinical psychologist - in hospitals, rehabilitation centers or sanatoriums, corrects the altered psycho-emotional state of patients;
  • organizational psychologist - in companies and enterprises advises management on improving management and marketing efficiency;
  • legal psychologist - specializes in criminal psychology and helps law enforcement agencies in special laboratories for forensic psychological examination;
  • child psychologist - works mainly in children's organizations (kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, sports schools, etc.) and helps children adapt to society.

In general, professional duties look something like this: identifying individual characteristics of a person, helping to determine the primary source of problems, finding ways to solve the problem that has arisen, teaching methods of emotional self-regulation.

What personal qualities should a psychologist have?

It is not difficult to guess that since the main part work of a psychologist is to communicate with patients, the specialist must be sociable, polite and benevolent. In addition, personal qualities such as:

It is a mistake to think that a psychologist only needs knowledge in the field of psychology to do his job. A good specialist is also competent in such areas of knowledge as pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, natural science, philology, political science, law, history, etc.

Benefits of the profession of a psychologist

The main the advantage of the profession of a psychologist, without a doubt, is moral satisfaction from the awareness of the importance and usefulness for society. After all, a psychologist is a profession that provides real help to people, and the result can often be seen "here and now."

Note that it is not only pleasant, but also beneficial to feel like someone's "savior", since people are ready to pay well for help in solving their problems. Today, the average monthly income of psychologists in Russia is about 50-60 thousand rubles (and this we do not take into account the income of psychologists who provide services privately).

It is not difficult to guess that psychologists have the opportunity to work not only as a full-time employee of a particular organization (and a psychology specialist is in demand today in almost organizations of all spheres of activity), but also to carry out private practice. Moreover, for this they do not need large investments, since there is no need to buy expensive equipment or rent premises with a large area.

Well, and most importantly, a psychologist is not so much a profession as a way of life, therefore a specialist applies his professional knowledge and skills, both in his professional activity and in his personal life. This means that a good specialist is guaranteed a life without problems (at least in psycho-emotional terms).

Disadvantages of the profession of a psychologist

However, one should not think that the work of a psychologist consists of sheer advantages. Available from psychology professions and disadvantages... In particular, the main difficulty for a specialist is the need to solve the client's problems in a detached manner. That is, the psychologist cannot cross the line when the client's problems turn into the specialist's own problems. Otherwise, in the shortest possible time, the psychologist is threatened with mental fatigue and emotional burnout.

The disadvantage of this profession can also be considered the fact that a novice psychologist will first have to gain practical experience at work in budgetary organizations, for a fairly modest salary. Therefore, it is not worth counting on the fact that immediately after graduation a young specialist will be able to achieve financial and career growth.

It is very difficult sometimes for a psychologist to develop a relationship with a close environment. And all because professional activity leaves an imprint of "know-it-all" on specialists, and they have a desire to give advice to everyone and everything with or without it. Naturally, not everyone likes such active intervention in their personal space, against the background of which conflict situations arise.

Where can you get the profession of a psychologist?

Since in our country it is still sometimes mistakenly believed that a psychologist, a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist are different names for the same profession, young people who dream get a profession of a psychologist, do not know which university they need to enroll in.

It is important to understand that a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist are medical professions whose representatives treat pathological changes or disorders of the human psyche. And the psychologist deals exclusively with the mental state and inner world of a person, so he does not heal, but rather acts as a person who helps to see the problem from the outside and advises the most optimal ways to solve it.

In other words, in order to become a psychologist, you need to enroll not in medical universities, but in the psychological faculties of specialized educational institutions. And, of course, preference should be given the best psychological universities in Russia whose graduates are more likely to be successfully employed. These universities today include:

  • Moscow State University V.M. Lomonosov;
  • Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities;
  • State Academic University of Humanities;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Moscow City University of Psychology and Education.

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For friends!


Psychology(in Greek "soul and word") is an academic and applied science about behavior and psychological processes in the psyche of people and animals. A psychologist is a specialist in the field of psychology, engaged in the scientific study of the human psyche. The task of the psychologist is to help explore the situation on an emotional level, to better know your actual needs, to realize the ineffective "patterns" of your behavior, to get out of the vicious circle of repeated mistakes, and then take steps to change your life.

The demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Psychologist are in high demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Psychologists.

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Description of activities


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

Most of the respondents believe that the profession Psychologist cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, there has been a demand for representatives of the profession in the labor market Psychologist, despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

The survey data show that for work by profession Psychologist it is imperative to have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in such a specialty that allows you to work Psychologist(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Psychologist.

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Labor responsibilities

The psychologist examines how the psychological, economic and organizational factors of production affect the labor activity of employees of the organization. The purpose of this work is to plan measures to improve working conditions and increase work efficiency. Identifies psychological factors and develops social development programs. Compares theoretical results of psychological research with practical activities, prepares recommendations and proposals for the work done. Analyzes the reasons for staff turnover, selection and placement. Participates in the formation of labor collectives, designs a system for organizing labor and working time. Conducts consultations with heads of enterprises on social and psychological problems of production management, social development of the team.

Labor type

Predominantly mental work

Profession Psychologist- This is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is more connected with the reception and processing of information. In work Psychologist the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

The profession of a psychologist is not careeristic. Nevertheless, at the beginning of his career, a specialist can work in psychological centers, private offices for psychological counseling, in educational and medical institutions, as a manager for organizing trainings and seminars. You can then pursue a career in a specialized psychological service, engage in private counseling, or open your own firm.

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