Silicone patches for scars after mammoplasty. How to reduce the visibility of scars after mammoplasty. Pros and cons of the procedure

Inna (31 years old, Domodedovo), 05/31/2017

Hello Maxim! Tell me, is it possible to increase the breast if there is tubularity of the breast? Mammologist said so. Thank you!

Good afternoon! We can eliminate breast tubularity at the time of plastic surgery, if mammoplasty is appropriate and necessary. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Olga (36 years old, Moscow), 05/21/2017

Good evening! I have too big areolas, and I'm going to lose weight, which means that my chest will look even worse. Tell me, do you carry out operations to reduce them? Thank you!

Good afternoon! Yes, my clinic performs areola reduction surgery. I recommend coming to a face-to-face consultation so that I can see and assess the extent of the problem. Perhaps you simply attach great importance to this, or there is a problem due to a disturbed hormonal background. If plastic surgery solves your problem, then I will gladly make you a little happier! Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Denis (31 years old, Tula), 05/11/2017

Hey! My name is Denis. I have a problem - it's my sagging breasts. Do you remove this? Do you work with male breasts? Are the seams visible?

Good afternoon, Denis. We have come across similar cases. It is important to understand why you have such a breast shape, perhaps there are hormonal disruptions? If such an operation is done, then the recovery period is very short, but remember that small marks will remain near the areolas. I invite you to an internal consultation, where I can more accurately answer your question. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Marianna (22 years old, Moscow), 05/07/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim! I have had slightly disproportionate breasts since childhood. Of course, I know that the asymmetry is natural, but the difference is almost in size. This gives rise to certain complexes and difficulties in choosing underwear and any other open clothing. I have not yet given birth, but I can not plan a pregnancy. Perhaps it will be in 10 years. Therefore, I would like to correct the chest now. Will it affect feeding?

Good afternoon, Marianne. I will be able to answer this question only after internal consultation. Of course, we can reduce one breast or offer implants. Regarding breastfeeding, you will need to pay attention to lactation, especially in reduced breasts. Remember that during the period of breastfeeding, its shape will change again. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Tatyana (32 years old, Moscow), 12/13/2016

Hello, my name is Tatyana, I'm 32 years old, tell me, I have numerous fibroadenomas of the mammary glands, the doctors said that they are small and there is no point in removing them, is breast augmentation possible with such a diagnosis?

Good afternoon, Tatyana! Yes, breast augmentation surgery can be performed with fibroadenoma, during the operation they can be removed.

Anastasia (32 years old, Moscow), 11/23/2016

Maxim, good afternoon, I am planning my operation and a visit to you after the New Year holidays. Please tell me, do you install Natrelle breast implants? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Good afternoon, Anastasia! I have been working with implants from this company for a very long time, so I will be happy to help you make the right choice of the size and shape of the endoprosthesis. I look forward to welcoming you.

Maria (21 years old, Moscow), 09/12/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I have inverted nipples, I am 21 years old, did not give birth. Can I have surgery to make them look normal? Will it affect breastfeeding in the future? Thanks for your reply Masha.

Hello Masha! The normal shape of the nipples can be restored by surgery. But during such an operation, the ducts are completely blocked, therefore, it is recommended that the operation be performed only for women who have already given birth and do not plan to have children.

Alina (33 years old, Moscow), 09/12/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I want to get implants, but I have a busy work schedule and frequent flights. When will it be safe to fly? The implant won't burst under pressure? Thanks in advance, Alina.

Hello Alina! The implant is made of durable materials that are not affected by atmospheric pressure. However, you can fly by air two days after the operation, when you are fully recovered from anesthesia and your condition is stabilized. At the same time, it should be noted that for the first 7-10 days you will need control by a plastic surgeon, so it is better to refrain from flying for this period.

Hello Christina! Indeed, in order for the implant to take its place, it is necessary to wait a while. This process is influenced by many factors, including: the size and shape of the implant, the initial size of the breast, the installation method and the characteristics of the body. The preliminary result is visible after 3-4 weeks, but the final result after 6-8 months.

Mammoplasty is a surgical operation on the female breast with the aim of increasing, reducing or correcting its shape. Any woman who decides to carry out such a manipulation is concerned about a number of questions about the consequences after the operation. One of them is whether there are scars from mammoplasty.

Mammoplasty for some women is a way to gain self-confidence. With the help of such an operation, you can make a sagging breast lift or improve its shape, correct the problem of asymmetry. Some representatives of the fair half make life difficult for too large breasts or very small ones. These issues can also be resolved by contacting a doctor who specializes in plastic surgery.

Carrying out mammoplasty is impossible without the formation of traces after sutures. The location of the scar will depend on the technique of the incision, and its appearance - on the experience of the plastic surgeon and the patient's lack of a tendency to form keloid scars.

But scars after breast augmentation or tightening are not the only thing that excites women who have not yet decided on mammoplasty. Potential patients are worried about the rehabilitation period after surgery. The recovery process after surgery on the mammary glands is accompanied by pain, especially in the first 2-4 days. They must be suppressed with painkillers. Discomfort will accompany the patient for another two or more weeks. Acute pain causes the simplest movements, and even coughing. Also, for some time there is swelling of the tissues, which is why it is desirable to use special underwear. For a long time it is forbidden to raise your hands and make sudden movements, sleep on your stomach, drive a car and do even simple housework.

Types of seams

Scars after mammoplasty are inevitable. But they are hardly noticeable, given the use of modern technology. Most private clinics own surgical units and devices that allow laser correction and breast augmentation. There are such types of scars:

  1. Normotrophic (traces after surgery are light and elastic).
  2. (scars have a pink tint and rise slightly above the level of the skin).
  3. Keloid (scars are more noticeable, protrude above the level of the skin, may have irregularities).

There are four ways to cut breast tissue during surgery:

  1. Submammary.
  2. Transumbilical.
  3. Periareolar.
  4. Axillary or axillary.

In most cases, patients are fitted with drainage tubes to remove fluid. This may be accompanied by swelling and bruising at the injection sites. It is forbidden to make any manipulations with the breast or sutures. Also, you can not wet or lubricate the seams with cream or ointment. To reduce swelling, you must use elastic bandages or compression underwear.

In breast surgery, doctors do not use self-absorbable threads, and 10 days after surgery, the stitches must be removed. This procedure does not cause severe pain to the patient, but is unpleasant.

Where are scars left?

Another exciting question for women is where exactly are the scars on the chest located? In mammoplasty, surgeons use one of four types of incision. And the place where subtle scars remain after breast augmentation depends on the type of incision.

Access technique Description
submammary The most common method of access for mammoplasty. The incision is made along the crease under the breast, through which the implant is inserted to increase the size. The scar remains under the breast and resembles a mark from a bra.
transumbilical The place of insertion of breast implants is the umbilical incision, through which the subcutaneous passage is formed. Through this "tunnel" the implant reaches the mammary gland. The advantage of this incision technique is the low traumatism of the woman's body and the inconspicuousness of the trace near the navel.
Periareolar The incision is made along the border of the pigmented area of ​​the skin of the areola of the nipple and the light cover of the mammary gland. This method is often used to perform a breast lift when there is little excess skin to be removed. Excess skin is removed, and a small trace remains at the site of tissue stitching, which after 5-6 months becomes completely invisible.

With a periareolar incision, there is a risk of loss of sensation in the nipple. In the first 3-4 months, this problem is observed in almost all operated women. Then the sensitivity returns, but in medical practice there have been cases when the nipple remained devoid of sensitivity.

Axillary This method of access to the breast has the advantage that the scar after mammoplasty is localized in an inconspicuous place - the armpits. However, it is not often used by plastic surgeons due to the risk of bleeding. Also, an axillary incision is not made to solve the problem of asymmetry of the breasts or a shift in the natural fold.

What determines the appearance of scars on the chest

Any surgical operation is accompanied by a dissection of tissues, which subsequently inevitably leaves traces on the body in the form of scars and scars. The type and quality of the scar will largely depend on the professionalism of the surgeon.

The invisibility of postoperative traces is due to the age of the patient. Healing and scarring of tissues is accompanied by the production of collagen, a protein that is the basis for connective tissue. Fibrillar protein in young women is produced more intensively than in people of mature age. The type of trace after surgery and the course of healing in women of different ages will have some differences.

Another factor that affects the visibility of scars is increased collagen production. Such people are prone to the formation of keloid scars and need special treatment aimed at resolving postoperative traces.

How to remove scars after mammoplasty

There are several methods and preparations that allow you to completely remove scars after mammoplasty or make them less noticeable. Normotrophic scars after a breast lift can be corrected by resorting to procedures such as peeling or microdermabrasion, which resurface and smooth the skin. You can get rid of hypertrophic scars with the help of deep peeling or laser.

It is more difficult to deal with, but it is still possible to improve their appearance. The most effective in the fight against keloid scars is. This method will even out the color of the overgrown connective tissue and significantly reduce the size of the scar itself. Also, this problem can be dealt with using ointments containing allantoin, silicone patches and gels. As practice has shown, ointments and creams are ineffective in the treatment of obvious marks on the skin. Positive feedback in this area has cryotherapy and the introduction of steroids directly into the body of the scar.

Before deciding on a lift or bust augmentation, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. If the patient has a tendency to excessive production of collagen in the body and pathological growth of connective tissue, then the formation of ugly scars after the operation will be inevitable, and their treatment will be difficult.

Most women try to look attractive. To do this, they go to various tricks and even to conduct surgical procedures. Mammoplasty is a type of surgical intervention that is performed on the female breast to increase the volume and correct its shape. But before you decide on this, you need to mentally prepare for the occurrence of various negative consequences.

If a woman has agreed to breast augmentation, then she must understand that scars will definitely remain after her. Their nature, size and location are determined by the type of section.

The shape and attractiveness of the breasts depend on the experience of the plastic surgeon. An unpleasant consequence of the operation is the formation of keloid scars, which does not depend on the will of the patient or the doctor, but is entirely related to the internal characteristics of the body.

Technical features of making incisions

The nature and structural features of the patient's body determine the complexity of mammoplasty. The main types of techniques for this operation:

The technical method of making the incisions is selected taking into account the initial shape of the breast and the desired results.

Types of seams

The procedure for the formation of sutures on the patient's body depends on the nature of her physique and the experience of the attending physician. Depending on the location, postoperative sutures are visible and invisible.

After the operation, the specialist applies special cosmetic stitches or fixation using a surgical gun with staples (stapler) to hide the sutures. In some cases, special glue is used. As a result, scars become invisible.

Possibility of making invisible seams

The reality of performing actions aimed at hiding postoperative sutures depends entirely on the experience of the specialist who performs the manipulation. But you can't completely get rid of scars.

This means that a woman will have to put in a lot of effort to ensure proper healing of damaged skin. Only in this case, she can count on the fact that the consequences of the operation will be minimal.

Causes of scarring

Before agreeing to the operation, it is necessary to assess the likely consequences after the operation. An experienced doctor and a prestigious clinic are not yet a guarantee of a favorable course of the recovery period. In some women, it passes easily, while others suffer from all sorts of complications.

If the patient has a tendency to excessive production of collagen within the body, then this inevitably leads to the growth of connective tissue, and, therefore, the formation of ugly relief scars.

Scar locations

The complexity of the operation is determined by the structural features of the body, in particular, the patient's chest. The main locations of the scars after the operation for the plastic correction of the bust:

  • armpit;
  • under the breast;
  • around the nipples.

Periareolar access leaves the least visible scar after plastic surgery.

It can be easily disguised as a natural unevenness at the border of the epidermis of the mammary gland and areola, which usually has a darker color.

What determines the visibility of scars

Mammoplasty involves incisions in the skin and layers of connective tissue, as well as their subsequent stitching after all the manipulations. This means that the epidermis at the intervention site will no longer be as smooth as before.

The cause of scarring is closely related to the technical method used in breast correction surgery. But the woman must also follow all postoperative recommendations in order to minimize the consequences of the intervention.

The scars formed as a result of the operation heal quickly. They develop from fibrous tissue, its composition contains collagen. Human skin is able to replace damaged cells with new ones. This is how a flat scar is formed, which is close in color to the natural skin tone.

Surgeons warn that the ability to regenerate the skin is different for everyone. So, it is directly related to the age of the patient. In young people, healing proceeds much faster, so when performing an operation up to 30 years old, there is every chance to avoid ugly marks.

Keloid scar formation after mammoplasty

Keloid scars are similar to a tumor-like growth, this is a dense formation of connective tissue. They are formed as a result of a decrease in the body's immune defenses. The scars are distinguished by a blue-red tint, their localization goes beyond the initial wound. Changes after surgery can be detected only after a few weeks.

At the site of scar formation, itching, pain, goosebumps and a feeling of tightness of the skin appear. The formation of keloid traces does not depend on the surgeon or the patient, it is closely related to the genetic predisposition of the organism.

Keloid scars are rare and are regarded as a pathology. Unfortunately, eliminating such an education at home is unrealistic. To reduce their visibility, you will need to contact specialists.

Doctors usually use laser resurfacing to improve the appearance of keloid scars.

This allows you to correct the color of the connective tissue and significantly reduce the size of the defect. But it is better to deal with such scars using hormone therapy, steroids are injected directly into the body of the scar.

How to remove scars from the skin

When a patient is discharged after a breast augmentation or reduction operation, the doctor must give instructions regarding the care of fresh stitches. If you strictly follow all his recommendations, then the traces of the intervention will be noticeable only with a close examination of the bust.

Do not be upset if the problem of scar formation could not be avoided. There are ways to correct scars after mammoplasty.

Scars and their grinding

After breast correction surgery, you need to be ready for resurfacing. The following types are distinguished:

The essence of these methods is that they are used to remove the top layer of the skin with a laser or aluminum oxide powder. As a result, prerequisites are created for the growth of new cells with the correct structure. Visually, they will be similar to neighboring areas of the skin.

Folk remedies

Various herbs and infusions are suitable as home remedies. They should be slowly and gently rubbed into the skin around the chest. This will improve the elasticity of the skin on the woman's body, moisturize and tighten the dermis around the chest, and increase the pain threshold.

Sage oil is best suited for these purposes. It also has antiseptic properties, which contributes to the speedy healing of damaged skin surfaces.

Ointments and creams

To eliminate keloid scars, special creams based on vitamin E-enriched complexes are required. As a result, the risk of fibrous tissue formation around the implant will be minimized.

Best suited ointment "Kontraktubeks" and "Dermatiks". But any remedy must be agreed with the attending physician.

Surgical correction of scars after mammoplasty

In the case when the scars have already healed, but have an unaesthetic appearance, surgical correction of the scar may be required. It is performed six months after mammoplasty. By this time, the scar is fully mature.

If a keloid scar has formed during the main intervention, then a special therapy is performed before the correction, which prepares it for a second plastic surgery.

With very gentle movements of the scalpel, the deformed scar and adjacent tissues are excised in order to close the skin defect. Seams after correction are transformed into a light strip of an aesthetic appearance.

The duration of such an operation is from half an hour to an hour. The procedure is performed under anesthesia or local anesthesia. A complex operation may require a hospital stay. The professionalism and accuracy of the re-operation is a guarantee of preventing new unaesthetic scars.

Procedure for divergence of seams

Mammoplasty is a serious surgical intervention, which is sometimes accompanied by complications. So, in rare cases, the seams after the operation diverge, and the edges of the skin cease to close. This means that now the tissues do not have the opportunity to grow together without pathology. In addition, when the suture diverges, the risk of infection and the development of inflammation increases many times over.

In such situations, you should immediately contact a specialist. You need to purchase special antiseptic preparations at the nearest pharmacy: Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, manganese solution. They will need to process the postoperative suture.

Important! It is mandatory to consult a doctor in the formation of wounds with redness or swelling of the skin around. An increase in body temperature is also considered a dangerous symptom.

Upon examination, the specialist will find out what caused the discrepancy. Most often, this is a physical impact on the operated area - careless movement of the hands, a blow, but sometimes the problem arises due to more serious internal pathologies. Among them:

  1. Tissue infection. Perhaps after the operation, when the sutures are not completely tightened. To minimize the risks, you need to use special broad-spectrum antibacterial agents.
  2. The occurrence of seroma. This is a postoperative problem that is associated with the formation of a cavity with serous fluid. It appears due to the lack of outflow of fluid from the wound. May occur when ignoring the recommendations of the attending physician.
  3. Hematoma. It is formed as a result of the accumulation of blood in a delimited cavity.
  4. Necrosis. These formations may occur after surgery. This is dead tissue that will prevent scars from healing.

In accordance with the reasons for the divergence of the seams, the doctor will provide first aid, prevent the onset of serious consequences.

Usually, after surgery, women are placed with drainage tubes to remove fluid, but it is extremely rare to avoid swelling and bruising. At this time, all manipulations with the chest and sutures are prohibited.

You can not use ointments and creams to correct the seams, as scars begin to form only after the removal of the drains. Strict implementation of medical recommendations during this period will prevent the appearance of ugly scars.

Mammoplasty consistently occupies the top lines in the popularity ratings of plastic surgery. However, despite the many positive reviews, this procedure has one very unpleasant feature.

We are talking about scars that form at the site of a cosmetic seam after breast augmentation. These traces, often very noticeable, firstly, are not very attractive aesthetically, and secondly, they immediately “give out” the operation.

Let's try to figure out where scars come from, are they really so inevitable and, most importantly, how to prevent their appearance.

Scars after breast augmentation

First of all, the location and size of the postoperative scar depends on the approach chosen by the surgeon. Three main options are currently in use:

  • Submammary - incisions are made in the natural (submammary) inframammary fold. The easiest way for the surgeon, after which, however, a fairly noticeable scar remains, although it is hidden in the fold.
  • Axillary - an incision in the armpit. The scars are also very noticeable, although they do not directly indicate what kind of operation was performed. In addition, when using this type of access, the risk of implant displacement increases significantly, especially of the anatomical shape. Therefore, through the armpits are more often installed
  • Periareolar - an incision along the lower edge of the areola of the nipple. Leaves the least noticeable scar, but is quite difficult to perform. This is the most aesthetic way to carry out the operation.

In addition, the final appearance of the skin area at the incision site will depend on the suturing technique used by the surgeon and, of course, on the “discipline” of the patient and her adherence to basic postoperative recommendations.

In addition to this, modern cosmetology offers many ways to smooth out and make the scars that form after breast augmentation minimally noticeable. But, unfortunately, even with the use of the entire available arsenal, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of them.

That's why The main factor influencing the final aesthetic result is the technique of the operation itself. Despite the fact that its basic principles remain unchanged, each surgeon develops his own, somewhat unique approach in the course of active practice, and especially successful innovations become the basis for training the next generation of specialists.

Breast augmentation without seams and scars - the author's technique of Dr. Sviridov

The currently most relevant breast augmentation technique eliminates the formation of visible scars at the access site, as well as reduces the overall invasiveness of the operation and the length of the rehabilitation period. It was developed, patented and actively practiced by the Russian. This technique, dubbed "Seamless Chest", has the following key features:

Access required for installation is generated not by dissection, but by "blunt separation" of tissues. Thanks to this, the edges of the skin, as well as the blood vessels and milk ducts, remain uninjured, which avoids painful postoperative swelling and, accordingly, the use of strong painkillers.
Modern breast augmentation techniques involve fixing the incision at the end of the operation in one of two ways: either with a cosmetic suture, or with a special gun using metal brackets (like a stationery stapler). As part of the methodology of Dr. Sviridov "Chest without a seam" a special glue is used to connect the skin edges, due to which, firstly, there are no unaesthetic scars at the incision site (since the edges of the skin grow together naturally), and secondly, the operation time is significantly reduced. .

Implants according to the method of "seamless mammoplasty" are installed under the pectoral muscle and breast tissue, which are not dissected by the coagulator, but neatly separated along the border of the parenchymal tissue itself, practically without affecting it. This approach, with all the complexity of its implementation for the surgeon, gives several obvious advantages at once:

  • Minimal trauma (and, accordingly, quick recovery) for the muscle
  • No bleeding
  • Reduced operation time
  • Maintaining breast sensitivity
  • The most comfortable, short recovery period without pain and without reducing the social adaptation of the patient
Due to the fact that postoperative bleeding and swelling are minimized, Dr. Sviridov, as part of his methodology, does not use drainage, which, in addition to the main incision, always leaves small marks on the skin.
A significant reduction in the duration of the operation, achieved thanks to the above complex of copyright developments, allows the use of an easy short anesthesia– much safer and better tolerated by patients.
The low traumatism of the technique "Chest without a seam" makes it accessible to a wide range of women those who wish - regardless of age and a number of other specific features of the body.

Thus, the technique of sutureless mammoplasty is a whole complex of unique developments that, complementing each other, provide an ideal aesthetic result and easy, minimal rehabilitation. During the recovery period, even taking painkillers is not required, there is no significant decrease in social adaptation, which significantly increases the level of patient satisfaction after operations using the "Breast without a seam" technique.

Photos before and after after breast augmentation without scars and seams:

This is what the areola looks like 4 months after the operation (click to view full size):

It is important that this is not just a scientific concept, but a really practiced technique, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews. Enlarge breasts without scars and postoperative sutures

During the period of tissue regeneration, after any surgical intervention, scars form on the skin. Mammoplasty is no exception.

After breast surgery, scars can be localized in one of three areas:

  • armpit;
  • under the breast;
  • around the nipples.

The choice of the incision site depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient. How noticeable the scar will be depends largely on the location and size of the incision.

Incision technique for mammoplasty

There are the following main types of access:

  • periareolar;
  • axillary;
  • submammary;
  • transareolar.

With periareolar access, a circular incision is made at the border of the pigmented skin of the nipple and white skin.

Excess tissue is removed and the incision site is closed with sutures. This method allows the scar to become almost invisible after six months. It is used for small excess skin.

The disadvantage of periareolar access is the risk of loss of nipple sensation. But in most cases, it returns a few months after the operation.

Axillary access consists in making an incision in the armpit. The incision is localized along the posterior edge of the border of the pectoralis major muscle.

The priority of this method is the ability to hide the seams and the resulting scars in the armpit.

The disadvantages of the method include inaccessibility and the risk of bleeding. Axillary mastopexy is contraindicated in case of asymmetry of the mammary glands and, if necessary, displacement of the submammary fold.

Submammary access involves an incision along the contour of the natural crease under the breast. When using this method, the seam is almost invisible.

In addition, the submammary method is considered the simplest and safest.

Transareolar access consists in a transverse incision of the areola - the pigmented skin of the nipple. This method is considered the most unsafe and traumatic.

The advantage is the invisibility of the seams on the pigmented fabric.

The appearance of the skin area where the sutures were applied depends largely on the technique used and the skill of the surgeon. To make them minimally noticeable, the patient should follow the doctor's instructions.

What sutures are used for this operation

When performing mammoplasty, one of the following methods is used:

  1. cosmetic seam;
  2. fix the incision with a surgical gun with staples, resembling a stapler.

Modern approaches in surgery allow the use of a special glue, after which the scars become almost invisible.

Photo: Stitches after surgery

Is it possible to make an invisible seam

The stitches can be made less noticeable, but the scars after mammoplasty will remain in any case.

Getting rid of them completely will not work.

Modern cosmetology offers patients many ways to minimize scars.


After mammoplasty, the resulting scars are usually thin and barely visible. If any postoperative problems occur, rough and noticeable scars are formed.

Among them are:

  • normotrophic;
  • hypertrophic;

  • keloid.
Photo: Keloid scars

Normotrophic scars are an area of ​​skin that is much lighter than neighboring tissues.

They do not protrude over the skin and are elastic to the touch. Peeling or microdermabrasion will help get rid of them.

Hypertrophic scars protrude above the skin and are pink in color. They are removed with the help of surgery.

Effective methods are laser resurfacing, peeling or microdermabrasion.

Keloid scars are considered the most difficult and are not amenable to surgical removal, as recurrence is possible. They are removed by injection with the introduction of hormonal drugs.

Video: What to do

Where are scars left?

With an axillary incision, the place of scar formation is the armpits. After some time, the scar merges with the axillary fold and becomes difficult to see.

The submammary method leaves scars after mammoplasty in the crease under the breast.

Periareolar access leaves subtle scars around the areola.

What determines the visibility of the consequences of the operation

The visibility of the scar largely depends on the technique used and the qualifications of the specialist.

If the patient follows all the advice of the doctor after the operation, the risk of rough and noticeable sutures is minimized.

How to remove scars after mammoplasty

To get rid of stitches, after a breast operation, the application of anti-scar ointments such as Contractubex or Miderma is not enough.

Remove scars after surgery allow:

  1. laser resurfacing;
  2. peelings;
  3. cosmetic procedures.
Photo: After laser scar removal

The most loyal method is the procedure carried out with the help of peeling with fruit acids. This method evens out the relief and reduces the scar.

This happens due to the fact that organic acids stimulate the production of collagen.

Chemical peels are used to treat keloid and hypertrophic scars. The procedures are carried out after a full rehabilitation period (after 12 months).

Skin resurfacing or microdermabrasion is performed using microcrystalline aluminum oxide powder. This method is effective for non-old scars.

Cosmetic procedures performed with retinol and fruit acids give good results if the scars are not old.

Treatment takes place throughout the year, after which there is practically no trace of scars.

To minimize postoperative consequences, the patient must strictly follow the doctor's instructions for skin care.

After this operation, it is necessary to wear compression underwear, which makes the scars more elastic.

Silicone patches can be used to seal the formed wounds. With regular wear, they significantly narrow the resulting scars.

To avoid the appearance of noticeable scars, you should regularly apply a cream containing cortisone (Kontraktubeks, Miderma, Dermatiks) to the seams.

They help to make the scars smoother and contribute to their reduction in size. You can use the funds only after the formed crust at the incision site completely disappears, and the scar becomes light.

Otherwise, it may lead to a larger scar.

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to take vitamin E. It prevents the formation of fibrous tissue around the implant.

Massage of the places where the incision was made will also help reduce scars.

Physical activity on the shoulder girdle and carrying weights of more than 3 kg are not allowed during the first three months after mammoplasty. The scar tissue needs to get stronger. This will help reduce the risk of scar enlargement.

For three weeks, the patient is forbidden to take a bath.

After each hygiene procedure, it is necessary to apply moisturizing creams and lotions with hydrolyzed proteins to the area where the stitches were located.

They help dry skin become more elastic.

When to See a Doctor

If a weeping scar appears with a yellow or white fluid, you should immediately contact the doctor who performed the operation.

If appropriate measures are not taken, there is a high risk of infection of the sutures, which will lead to the formation of rough scars.

It often happens that the inner scar pushes a piece of thread to the surface. In this case, it is best to contact a surgeon who will competently cut the thread and treat it with antiseptics.

If this is not done, there is a risk of infection and suppuration of the sutures.

The divergence of the seams after mammoplasty is a fairly common occurrence.

They are treated with antiseptic drugs:

  • chloroxidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate solution, etc.

But if the resulting wounds are quite large, and the skin around them turns red, medical attention and medical advice will be required.

The postoperative scar can remain pronounced throughout the year.
