Which dows house children with cerebral palsy? Methodological recommendations for working with children with cerebral palsy. What should a kindergarten be like for children with cerebral palsy?

Sections: Working with preschoolers

“Taking care of health is the important work of an adult. From the cheerfulness and vigor of children
their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

One of the most important rights and freedoms of citizens in modern society is the right of everyone to education, which is guaranteed by the main regulations of the state. Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the right of everyone to education, compulsory education, as well as the guarantee of universal access and free education in educational institutions. The special educational standard is a basic tool for realizing the constitutional rights to education of citizens and people with disabilities.

At the present stage of development of education, in accordance with the Education Law, special attention is paid to the implementation of the rights of children with mental or physical disabilities to education. It is important to ensure the equal inclusion of individuals developing in conditions of insufficiency (mental, physical, intellectual) in all possible and necessary spheres of social life. The problem of accompanying children with disabilities in the general education environment requires a sensitive and flexible approach. The specificity of the development of a special Federal State Education Standard is determined by the fact that children with disabilities can realize their potential only if training and upbringing are started in a timely manner and adequately organized - satisfying both those common to normally developing children and their special educational needs determined by the nature of their developmental disorder .

Objectives of the Standard:

1. The state ensures equality of opportunity for every child with disabilities and creates optimal special conditions for receiving a quality education.

2. Ensuring state guarantees for obtaining preschool education for children with disabilities

3. Ensuring the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding preschool education of children with disabilities.

4. Ensuring equal opportunities for social development and mastering preschool education for children with disabilities, regardless of the nature and severity of these limitations, place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status.

5. Ensuring the possibility of developing educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

6. In this regard, ensuring the realization of the right of children with disabilities to education is considered one of the most important tasks of state policy not only in the field of education, but also in the field of demographic and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

Children with disabilities.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and the new Law on Education, most educational institutions work with children with disabilities. This is also due to the fact that many parents strive to ensure that children with special educational needs are raised and educated together with their typically developing peers.

Unfortunately, not all preschool institutions are ready for such changes, since teachers must find the strength within themselves, cultivate the will and desire to work with children with disabilities. And the very definition is HIA. Who are children with disabilities?

Children with disabilities - an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions:

Children with hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);

Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);

Children with speech disorders;

Children with intellectual disabilities;

Children with musculoskeletal disorders (CP);

Children with mental retardation;

Children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior;

Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Let’s take a closer look at organizing the educational process with a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy.


A prerequisite for the development of children with disabilities is interaction with other children in microgroups, which contributes to the formation of social skills of communication and interaction. That's why the main task of all our employees– to create an atmosphere in kindergarten where every little person will feel safe, comfortable, cozy, cared for and respected.

Our kindergarten has all the conditions for working with a child with cerebral palsy:

1. A well-prepared developmental subject-spatial environment has been created (safe, comfortable, corresponds to the age-related developmental characteristics and interests of children, variable, informative). There is a staff call button on the front door.

2. Game approaches to education and training contribute to the development of children with different starting capabilities.

3. Preschool children successfully copy a tolerant attitude towards children with special needs.

4. A large number of leisure activities allows you to connect a variety of children in an emotionally positive context.

5. High qualifications and close interaction in the work of all specialists and educators are important.

In cases where the program cannot be fully mastered by a child with disabilities (in our case, with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy), a Individual program for accompanying a disabled child. When drawing up, you should rely on a number of principles:

1. The principle of focusing on the capabilities of preschool children, that is, the individual psychological and clinical characteristics of children with disabilities.

2. The principle of dosing the volume of the material being studied.

3. The principle of linearity and concentricity.

4. The principle of invariance, which involves modifying the content of the program, combining sections, in some cases changing the sequence in the study of topics, introducing adjustments.

Features of the implementation of correctional orientation in musical activity.

1. Introduction to GCD of special corrective exercises (warm-ups, etudes) that contribute to the development of visual perception, social and everyday orientation, spatial orientation; on the development of touch and fine motor skills, correction of speech disorders; are focused on visual impairments in a child and are aimed at overcoming psychophysical disabilities in children.

2. Interaction with the speech therapist teacher. Studying programs and determining areas of work for the year. Familiarization with diagnostic results and determination of individual escort routes.

3. Preparation for educational joint activities:

Selection of visual material;

Selection of musical works, song lyrics, literary material;

Selection of material for organizing children's activities in a large space in a correctional room, taking into account the diagnosis and level of development of the child.

4. Conducting musical and didactic games. Mutual training of specialists and educators through open demonstration of classes, work methods, and didactic material.

5. Analysis of held matinees and holidays.

6. Joint preparation and conduct of cultural and leisure activities.

Corrective work with a child with cerebral palsy and musculoskeletal disorders.

Goal of the work: correction and development of sensory-perceptual processes in a preschooler with cerebral palsy. Tasks:

1. Development of cognitive processes: perception, memory, mental operations, development of spatio-temporal concepts, general and fine motor skills.

2. Teaching gaming skills and voluntary behavior skills.

3. Reduction of emotional and muscle tension, development of communication skills, skills of interaction with the teacher in order to prevent maladaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Expected results:

1. Increased cognitive activity, increased performance, development of volition and stability of attention.

2. The opportunity to use the acquired knowledge in group correctional and developmental work.

3. Reduction of psycho-emotional and muscle tension.

A child with cerebral palsy.

Since in my practice there was a child with cerebral palsy (musculoskeletal disorder), therefore I would like to talk in more detail about my professional activities in this area.

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder in the form of non-progressive motor impairment (paralysis of the limbs) resulting from damage to the nervous system. Cerebral palsy belongs to a group of diseases associated with a violation of the neurological development program (in this case, motor development). Individual psychological correction is one of the important links in the system of psychological assistance to children with cerebral palsy of varying severity of physical defect.

A child diagnosed with cerebral palsy (moderate severity, paralysis of the lower extremities) came to our kindergarten in the 2nd junior group in the fall of 2014. Raised in a single-parent family. She is raised by her grandmother, who loves her very much and tries to do everything possible to improve her health. The girl very rarely attended kindergarten due to her health condition. She didn't walk, she just crawled. She is a modest girl, but knows how to express her emotions. He enjoys attending music classes. Sitting on a chair, even in the younger group, she performed some movements with her hands. She sang along with all the children. My heart skips a beat looking at her. Thanks to the operation, she started walking in the fall of 2015! However, he walks with the support of an adult or leaning on objects. Since January 2016, with the help of the teacher, she has been dancing in a circle with all the children. Her eyes glow with happiness that she can perform the movements together with everyone. When organizing any kind of musical and rhythmic activity with children, I quite often hear the expression from her: “What about me?... Have you forgotten about me?” <Рисунок1>, <Рисунок2>, <Рисунок3>, <Рисунок4>, <Рисунок5>.

Musical education of a child with cerebral palsy.

In preschool pedagogy, music is considered as an indispensable means of developing children's emotional responsiveness to everything good and beautiful that they encounter in life. Musical education in our kindergarten is carried out on the basis of an exemplary basic educational program for preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and the “Working program for musical leader."

In modern conditions, there is an urgent need to use all pedagogical reserves for the physical and spiritual development of personality. And music can play an important role in this process, since it has enormous healing potential and the ability to influence the spiritual development of a child with disabilities.

Taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of preschoolers and the state of modern society, I believe that the leading ones should be the developmental and health-improving functions of music, which are realized through a multifunctional approach to the musical education of preschool children.

How to work with such children?

When working with this category of children, one has to face special difficulties in developing and conducting classes. Of exceptional significance for the development of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system is the complex impact: medical, psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy, social assistance. Corrective work in this direction is based on the interaction of such components as movement, music, speech.

The first component of the foundation is movement.

Various disorders of muscle tone make it impossible to perform movements at a given rhythm and pace.

The second component of the foundation is music.

On the one hand, music creates a sense of beauty in children, raises their emotional mood, and increases motivation in learning. On the other hand, one of the expressive means in music is rhythm and tempo, the observance of which is extremely difficult for a child with cerebral palsy. The desire to maintain a rhythm and pace can provoke rapid fatigue. A differentiated approach depends on the form of cerebral palsy.

The third component of the foundation is speech.

The works of domestic and foreign researchers note that with cerebral palsy, along with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, various speech disorders are noted. Our girl is a capable child. Despite her diagnosis, her speech is almost clear. At holidays, despite her individual characteristics (shyness, self-consciousness), she began to recite poetry. For the first time at the autumn festival she played one of the main roles. Even if it is not yet expressive and loud enough, we believe that the debut was a success.

The question arises: how to solve existing problems? And this problem can be solved if we use modern educational and health-saving technologies.

Technologies used in the educational process.

The world in which a child lives and is raised is characterized by constant updating of information; it is dynamic and changeable. Such conditions dictate the need for a little person to see his goals, take initiative, design, build social connections and quickly join temporary teams, and we, adults, need to help him with this by applying modern methods, techniques and educational technologies in educational activities.

Modern educational technologies also include those aimed at preserving the health of children. Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and moral well-being.

Children with disabilities (including cerebral palsy) are prescribed choreotherapy, fairytale therapy, vocal therapy, and music therapy. Especially corrective rhythm and dance therapy give positive results in almost all types of disorders, including in our case. Therefore, we pay great attention to health-saving technologies (logorhythmics, psycho-gymnastics, finger exercises, breathing exercises, motor and recreational physical exercises, self-massage, etc.).

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle are very important in the educational process: morning exercises with musical accompaniment, physical education and sports, active recreation (physical education and holidays with musical accompaniment, musical entertainment and holidays, “Health Day”). When spending leisure time and holidays, all children are involved in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, and enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more directly than in classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much stress. <Рисунок6>, <Рисунок7>, <Рисунок8>.

Methods and techniques of correctional and developmental work.

In correctional games, we propose to make maximum use of all possible analyzers to form knowledge in space. During ECD, conditions are created so that the child develops a mindset of success and acceptance of adult help.

It is also important to use exercises to develop mental processes (psychogymnastics): games to develop perception, attention, imagination, thinking, memory, facial expressions, exercises to regulate the muscle tone of the arms and legs. <Рисунок9>, <Рисунок10>.

In my professional activities as a music director, I use the methodology of V.V. Emelyanov (“Phonopedic method of voice development” - exercises aimed at developing articulation and breathing). This method is effective for both healthy children of all ages and children with disabilities.

Working with teachers.

Close cooperation with kindergarten teachers (conversations, consultations, master classes, preparation for holidays and entertainment, organization of puppet shows, information in stands, participation in competitions, etc.) has a positive effect on high levels of good manners, education and development of all children.

Work with parents (legal representatives).

We build cooperation with parents (legal representatives) in the following areas:

1. Involvement of the family in the educational process organized by the preschool educational institution.

2. Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents (legal representatives) is carried out through parent meetings, consultations and conversations.3. Ensuring the unity of influence between the kindergarten and the family in matters of artistic and aesthetic development of pupils (open days, organizing exhibitions and competitions, inviting parents to participate in holidays, theatrical performances, and making costumes).

All of the above helps make parents (legal representatives) their allies and like-minded people in raising children. Such activities are purposeful, systematic, planned. The use of various forms of work promotes the involvement of parents in the organization of teaching activities. <Рисунок11>.

The result of my work:

1. A girl diagnosed with cerebral palsy has become more relaxed, she is developing skills to interact with other people.

2. The child’s cognitive activity has increased, interest in joint activities with adults, and the child’s need to communicate through speech is developing.

3. Speech and sensorimotor function has improved.

4. Music therapy in correctional work helps establish emotional dialogue.


The activities of the entire teaching staff have a positive effect on the development of an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and all mental processes of both healthy children and children with disabilities. And also develops a great interest in playing musical instruments. As a result of the perception of music, the child becomes emotionally meaningful, and musical taste is formed.

When working with preschool children, I rely on the following:

I conduct GCD in a playful and entertaining way,

I create an atmosphere of success

I develop the musicality of every child,

I teach children singing and musical-rhythmic skills,

I develop the ability to perceive, feel and understand music,

I develop artistic and creative abilities.

All of the above allows us to consider the health-improving function of music as very important in working with preschoolers. Music allows you to optimize the emotional state, develops the child’s communication and creative abilities, increases self-esteem based on self-actualization, promotes open expression of emotions, and develops empathic feelings.

In the future, we plan to continue to improve the system of work on artistic and aesthetic education and development of all children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Kindergarten begins with kindness, love and respect for children. We want each of our kindergarten students to feel comfortable, calm, joyful and interesting, so that everyone is loved, respected and appreciated.


  1. Internet resources.
  2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155).
  3. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.

Today we will talk about kindergartens for children with disabilities. What should they be and is it possible to take a child with cerebral palsy to such a kindergarten?

Special children who have limitations in abilities, movement, communications, etc., require very serious care and round-the-clock attention.

Good day, dear readers! Children are the happiness and flowers of our lives. With the arrival of a baby in the family, everything changes, because now there is another person whose desires and needs are important to take into account.

Many parents consider a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy to be helpless and believe that he cannot be tested even in specialized kindergarten or school, let alone career and personal life.

The addition of a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy to a family is a real challenge for many parents. However, these children were born, which means they have their own mission in life and the right to a place in the sun.

It’s just that special children require more careful attention. Today, cerebral palsy is not something new, completely unexplored. Medicine has made huge strides forward and achieved great success.

You should not despair, but you need to fight and rehabilitate the patient in order to improve his condition. After all, otherwise the disease will only progress.

What should a kindergarten be like for children with cerebral palsy?

Of course, miracles do not happen, although many will disagree with this. To achieve success, you need to put in years of hard work. However, if you are constantly comprehensive, the result will please you.

Today there are many different options for children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Kindergarten for cerebral palsy is a place where there are great opportunities for personal development.

A child should not be in isolation; he should grow up with children like him and enjoy life. Nowadays, borders are opening and children with disabilities are increasingly being accepted into schools and kindergartens along with healthy children.

There is no need to be afraid of these institutions, I know from my own experience that little children do not understand the difference between themselves and your child will not be offended on this basis.

Unfortunately, not all cities have specialized institutions. However, medical representatives organized separate

In the development of any child, one day there comes a stage when communication only in the home environment (with parents, grandmother, etc.) becomes insufficient for him and he needs contacts in the children's group.

Entering kindergarten is a difficult stage in the life of every child, and for a disabled child with impaired motor function, adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution becomes more difficult. This moment has special significance. After all, interaction with peers in preschool childhood, as a rule, becomes the basis for the formation of further communication skills and socialization in society.

Naina, that’s the name of the girl who came to us in October 2013, was 4 years old. She attends kindergarten with her mother, because... cannot move independently. The first days of staying in a preschool educational institution caused the child to fear an unfamiliar environment, new requirements, and unfamiliar people. And our task was to solve this problem of fear of others as quickly as possible, and to understand that, despite many limitations, together we can achieve good results: learn to communicate and play with healthy children, and solve certain problems independently.

We began our work first of all by, in a conversation with the mother, finding out all the personal characteristics and habits of the child in order to choose the right individual approach, which in turn softened the adaptation period. As a result of the conversation, it turned out that Naina, and she is the fourth child in the family, was assigned the role of a weak person, and the actions of those close to her were limited only to protecting the child from injury and trouble. She is accustomed to the fact that constant, everyday care becomes an integral part of her existence. Unlimited help led to a passive lifestyle and lack of initiative.

On the very first day, we introduced the new girl to all the rooms of the group: reception, group room, bedroom, toilet, washroom. Together with the guys, we determined a place at the table and showed them a locker for undressing. The children treated Naina very kindly, willingly told and showed all the toys, and offered their help.

The next step was the child’s gradual acquaintance with all the adults: a nanny, a psychologist, a physical therapy instructor, a speech therapist, a swimming instructor, etc. with those people who will surround her every day. We tried to evoke only positive emotions, explained and showed what the children do during different periods of their stay in kindergarten, in order to arouse interest and a desire to try their hand at different types of activities.

Naina was especially interested and delighted by the pool. If indoors she could only move with the help of an adult, then in the pool she swam independently only with the support of inflatable toys and felt more confident.

The child was introduced to all educational activities in stages, giving her the opportunity to get used to it, and the load was increased gradually. This allowed us to achieve the best results, and the child to quickly adapt to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Naina has been attending our kindergarten for a year now. During this period, she makes attempts to dress independently, during meals she holds a spoon and eats herself, collects toys, and orients herself well in space. The child’s vocabulary has expanded and she tries to speak in complete sentences.

Thus, the presence of a disabled child in kindergarten at the same time as healthy children helps solve the problem of loneliness and socially adapt to society.

Gardens for the disabled are preschool institutions where special assistance is provided. It happens that some children require special attention. This may be associated with serious health problems. Every child should develop fully. Therefore, attending preschool is a necessity.

Which children need to attend kindergartens for the disabled?

There are separate types of establishments. They are also called compensatory kindergartens. In other words, this is a place where disabled children can be helped to develop. By attending such a kindergarten, they will adapt to life, acquire the necessary skills, knowledge and skills.

But first, you need to figure out who can attend kindergarten for disabled children:

  • kids who get sick often;
  • orthopedic kindergartens are intended for children with chest deformities;
  • children with visual and hearing impairments;
  • children with speech delay or other serious speech disorders;
  • children with mental retardation. This category includes children with varying degrees of mental retardation, Down syndrome, and autism;
  • children with cerebral palsy. If other children can still be accepted into a regular kindergarten, then this category of disabled people will not be accepted.

Features of kindergartens for disabled people

There are many specialized preschool institutions in the country.

The total number of them in Russia is more than 3969 kindergartens. In Moscow itself there are 177 such institutions. They work according to special state or proprietary programs that have a license.

Having decided to send your child there, you need to find out everything about him. Each garden for disabled people has its own characteristics. We will name the key ones:

  1. In such places, children receive knowledge in accordance with their mental and physical abilities. The main task of the working staff is not only to teach, but also to provide children with self-service skills;
  2. the entire educational, developmental and educational process takes place according to special programs;
  3. groups of children are small. Maximum – 15 people. But there are also kindergartens where the group consists of 2-3 people;
  4. The length of the visit depends on many factors. There are institutions where children stay for only 3 hours, and there are also 24-hour kindergartens;
  5. these are places where specially trained teachers work: speech therapists, massage therapists, psychologists, defectologists, physical therapy trainers, social teachers and music directors;
  6. In such institutions, work is carried out not only with children. Psychologists provide support to parents;
  7. specialized gardening for a comfortable stay. As a rule, they are based in the building of a regular kindergarten. At the same time, they are specially equipped to make children comfortable. For example, for wheelchair users, ramps are installed, doorways are widened, and corridors are equipped with handrails. And for children with vision problems, a special parquet installation is designed in the form of contrasting stripes;
  8. Such kindergartens have good material and technical support. There are physical therapy rooms, massage rooms, music rooms, sensory rooms, group rooms, a psychologist's office, and a speech therapist's office.

Features of classes in specialized gardens

There are not many well-equipped preschool institutions. Recently, the first kindergarten in Russia for disabled children was opened, which fully met the requirements of the state program for the integration of children with disabilities. It was the Zvezdochka kindergarten in the south of Moscow. It is planned to open several more similar establishments soon.

If you want to send your child to such a preschool institution, you should know what the essence of the state program for the integration of children with disabilities is. We will tell you about the features of the classes:

  • Everyone will have their own place - table and chair. They are practical and easy to move;
  • Each student should have the following set: pencils, markers and paints, at least 12 colors, glue stick, oilcloth for the table, scissors with blunt ends on the blades, paper (plain and colored), plasticine and a board for it, jars for water and brushes of different sizes;
  • In their work, educators use demonstration boards and puzzle-based educational games, which are distributed to all students. The most commonly used manuals are those of the authors M.Yu. Evseev. and Evseeva E.L. – “My first hours”, “My first letters”, “Associations” and others;
  • disabled children are withdrawn, shy, have low self-esteem and have problems in society. The task of specialists is to teach children to respect each other, develop their horizons, and raise self-esteem. For this purpose, numerous activities are carried out, taking into account violations and limitations in the health of children;
  • When visiting specialized kindergartens, pupils must undergo physical therapy courses. This is necessary not only for preventive purposes, but also for educational purposes. Such courses involve physical exercise, visiting a swimming pool, and a massage room.

Our editorial office received a letter from a mother who is raising two children alone. The youngest daughter has cerebral palsy and it is difficult to place her in kindergarten. Here's what Zhanna writes:

— I’ve already contacted two kindergartens (cerebral palsy), with no results. In one, next to the house, a group for the disabled was opened this year. They don’t want to take my child, they only accept those who are walking, and he sits in my highchair. But a three-hour group with my mother is not suitable for me. I am alone with two children, the youngest is a special child. I need full-day kindergarten for children with cerebral palsy. Another kindergarten is very far away, which I visited yesterday. The manager is taking us in, but she said the commission won’t let us through, we need to register in the Northern District, we live in the Southwestern District. I no longer have the strength, I need to somehow earn money for my family, but I can’t move, even when I need to do things for children, Social Insurance Fund, a clinic, etc.

The most important thing is that I am not enough for my child; she wants to communicate with her peers, like the rest of us.

It is clear that it is illegal to refuse me, but in kindergarten everything is decided by the head. She said the department forbade her to take from other people's districts and that's it. Maybe she just didn’t want to take us, although she has a lot of children like her. Well, maybe it’s for the best, I’ll torture the child on the road in traffic jams, very far away. We live in the Southwestern district - Teply Stan. Thank you.

Maybe at least next New Year (matinee), my Vikushka will celebrate in her team. She really likes it when there is bustle and a lot of children around.


To begin with, we want to show you a document that says that registration for admission to kindergarten does not matter. Here he is -

Here is a list of all kindergartens in the South-Western Administrative District that accept children with cerebral palsy. Call the list, maybe something will suit you:

  • Kindergarten No. 2309 compensatory type, for children with musculoskeletal disorders and frequently ill children.

Kindergarten address: Venevskaya street, 13. metro station - Admiral Ushakov Boulevard.
Tel.: 716-19-63

  • Kindergarten No. 4 for children with musculoskeletal disorders

Kindergarten address: Universitetsky pr, 6, building 4, metro station - Vorobyovy Gory.
Tel.: 137-65-61

  • Kindergarten No. 710 has a nursery, speech therapy groups, and groups for children with musculoskeletal disorders.

Kindergarten address: Perekopskaya st., 12, building 2. metro station - Kakhovskaya.
Tel: 122-7069

We really have big problems solving such situations. So far there are only the following options:

  • He is suing the nearest kindergarten and legally forcing them to take the child into the group. All the disadvantages of this option are obvious...
  • To take the child “far away” to wherever they are taking him.
  • Hire a nanny (there will obviously be problems with money)
  • Look for volunteers to look after the child, but this is a temporary solution.

I will put this appeal in some communities of parents who have special children, maybe someone will respond and really be able to help Zhanna. Follow the updates on the site, and also do not lose touch with the editors, as soon as new useful information appears on your problem, we will pass it on to you.
