Virologist Galina Chervonskaya about vaccination. Vaccinations: myths and reality. The terrible truth about vaccinations galina Chervonskaya

She began her scientific and practical activities while still a student in the laboratory of especially dangerous infections, renamed the Institute for the Study of Poliomyelitis of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, later - the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis (IPVE) of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and now - the Experimental Production Enterprise of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. . Academician M.P. Chumakov, the founder of this institute. Here, having mastered the methods of "cultural virology", she was directly involved in the manufacture of the first series of the domestic version of the vaccine against polio viruses (according to the primary technology of Dr. Salk and Sabin), as well as in the development and implementation in our country of a unique biological model - CELL CULTURE. Later she defended her dissertation on the problems of chronic viral infections at the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (IEM) named after. Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. The materials of her experimental data were used in three monographs (Modeling and study of chronic forms of viral infections in cell culture. Medicine, 1974; Persistence of viruses. Science, 1979; Essays on viral cytopathology. Medicine, 1979). Then she worked for 12 years at the State Research Institute for Standardization and Control (GNII Control) of medical biological preparations named after A.I. L.A. Tarasevich of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, where she did everything possible to improve the hopelessly outdated methods for assessing the safety of vaccines used massively in children's healthcare practice - vaccinations. Therefore, it is natural that the doctoral thesis was called: "The use of cell cultures in the system of preclinical safety assessment of medical immunobiological preparations."

Author of more than 90 scientific articles, several methodological developments approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR and the Federal Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia (1982, 1991, 1999) on vaccination issues. The methodological instructions consider the issues of using cell culture as an alternative biological model that replaces laboratory animals in medical practice and experimental studies. The proposed model helps to obtain more reliable information about the safety of drugs, including vaccines, as well as food, cosmetics, medical products, etc.

He is the main executor of two inventions (1984,1986) and co-author of three monographs: Vaccine prevention and human rights (1994), Introduction to bioethics (1998), Bioethics: principles, rules, problems (1998), author of the monographs "Vaccinations: myths and reality. Fundamentals of vaccinology" (2002, 2004), "Vaccination calendar - a mistake in medicine of the twentieth century" (2006). Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya took part in the development of laws on healthcare in the Russian Federation - “Fundamentals of legislation on the protection of the health of citizens” (1993), “On medicines” (1998), but her main work in this area is the law “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases” (1998 ).

He is a member of the Russian National Bioethics Committee (RNKB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For the last 15 years, being engaged in teaching and educational activities, she has been actively transferring her knowledge to young people, not only to doctors and biologists, but also to all those who want to receive comprehensive information on vaccinology issues in order to make an informed and voluntary decision on any vaccination as a preventive medical intervention. into the individual and unique nature of each person.

In 2002, I learned the story of a family that shocked me greatly. Briefly, the story is this. In the family of an Izhevsk factory engineer, a daughter grew up, who was often sick. Like everyone else, she was vaccinated - according to the schedule. It is known that without vaccinations, you can’t arrange a child anywhere, neither in a nursery, nor in a kindergarten, nor in school. And once again, the child was vaccinated. There was a complication. She then underwent surgery to remove the tumor. A year later, the weakened girl is "rolled in" another dose of vaccinations. Again - a complication, and again surgery was needed ... But the doctors, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, did not begin to operate on the child ...

Days have passed... “After a week-long coma, my daughter's brain areas were irreversibly damaged. The child has become almost a plant, the gaze is not fixed ... ”- the girl’s father told me with shaking hands ...

Then, in 2002, the parents were looking for the truth, they wanted justice to punish those doctors who were supposed to watch the child. The girl's father said that, in the end, he himself was to blame, because he did not pay attention to vaccinations, he trusted medicine too much. However, it turned out that this is not entirely true. The fault in this story is not doctors, and even more so not parents.

It turns out that there are a huge number of such stories in Russia. Children get sick in droves. Doctors and authorities simply hush up this or give out mass post-vaccination complications of children, for sudden food poisoning, etc.

The truth turned out to be much worse than we can imagine. I decided to tell readers about this (We have collected a lot of information on this topic. See the articles “Where does the bird flu come from?”, “Do not buy drugs from enemies”, “Interview with the former creator of vaccines” and others, in the subsections “Health” and "The facts of the genocide of the Rus" of our site. - D.B.).

Vaccines have existed for a little over two centuries, and all this time the debate about the effectiveness and safety of their use has not subsided. At the same time, a criminal tradition has developed in our country to vaccinate “everyone in a row, because of the convenience from an organizational point of view,” which leads to disastrous results when 80-85% of children with diphtheria are “correctly and timely” vaccinated.

Tuberculosis also does not want to be “eliminated”, despite the illegal medical care provided in maternity hospitals to our babies through the BCG vaccine in the first days of their lives.

Of particular concern are the facts that testify to the large-scale safety trials of new vaccines being conducted on our children under the plausible pretext of “calendar vaccinations”.

Preliminary elimination of epidemics is a thankless job, practically impossible due to its unpredictability, and even unsafe: “To destroy and not wait for a retaliatory strike ... without thinking, but will other, much more aggressive microbes take the vacated place under the sun?” - warned the author of diphtheria toxoid Gaston Ramon.

They will take it, how they will take it! And this place is occupied by aggressive streptococci, new strains of tuberculosis microbacteria that cause tuberculosis of the bones, joints, skin, intestines, genitourinary system - after "correctly" vaccinated children against tuberculosis with the BCG vaccine, as well as many-sided hepatitis and herpes viruses, etc.

In Russia, the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases continues to be dealt with "from above" - ​​epidemiologists and sanitary doctors who are completely ignorant of immunology. But they have other responsibilities...

"From below" for coverage with "economic incentives" are responsible district pediatricians, who, as the practice of communicating with them over the past 15 years, is completely unaware of the immunological aspects of infectious diseases and does not associate infectious diseases, like vaccinology, with the immune system. Their idea of ​​vaccination is very primitive and absolutely concrete: follow the order for coverage - and that's all, as they believe, what is required of them.

But if a pediatrician interfering with the immune system were certified in immunology, I’m sure: none of the pediatricians and medical doctors would have passed such certification ...

Just 100 years ago, pediatricians were the “elite” of the medical corporation. Nowadays, a well-educated pediatrician has become less and less common. Pediatricians must combine knowledge of many frontier areas and medical disciplines. There are many pediatricians, because this quantitative indicator in the country where we lived was always put at the forefront, and they didn’t really care about quality. Meanwhile, the qualifications of children's doctors are often low, and the system for organizing their work is ineffective. Children's health care is at a very low level.

In many states, there are public associations that help resolve conflict situations between officials and parents who refuse mass-calendar vaccinations of their children. The associations employ specialists from different disciplines: microbiologists (virologists and bacteriologists), immunologists, pediatricians, geneticists, psychologists, as well as lawyers, teachers and young parents.

Such organizations help parents, adolescents and adults in making an informed, competent decision on whether or not to vaccinate, and also inform about the actual sanitary and epidemiological situation in a particular region and organized institutions: in schools, kindergartens, boarding schools, etc. d.

The illusion that all infectious agents will be defeated, one has only to vaccinate "everyone" (ie one problem - one solution), gives rise to a criminal approach to this preventive medical intervention in human nature.

However, it is precisely such a system “because of convenience from an organizational point of view” that continues to be promoted by an army of doctors and health officials who are involved in one way or another in vaccinations, but not in vaccinology with the basics of immunology.

First of all, you need to know that only a combination of anti-epidemic measures, professionalism and the use of the achievements of modern immunology, which is more than half a century old, can solve the problems of anti-infective protection. Only in this way can the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and the state as a whole be created.

It is impossible to eliminate any infectious disease only with the help of vaccinations. Like, get grafted - and you will be safe for yourself and for everyone around you. It is not enough to say that this is a myth, it is a utopia about another “universal happiness” in a bright, infection-free paradise, allegedly achieved only with the help of vaccines.

A diabolical obsession arises: without vaccination, the child seems to be inferior, although in fact it is quite the opposite ...

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya

Who is Galina Chervonskaya
Galina Chervonskaya is a virologist with many years of experience. While still a student, she began scientific and practical activities in the laboratory of especially dangerous infections (now - the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences named after academician Chumakov) ...

Galina Petrovna, now talk about vaccination is more popular than ever. They scare us with bird flu, they call us to get vaccinated against ordinary flu in order to protect ourselves from bird flu. Moreover, they refer to the World Health Organization (WHO) ...

All this is not entirely true. Even if the WHO decided something there, each country has its own rules. Birds are being vaccinated there, and we again rushed to vaccinate people against the common flu. By the way, as a virologist, it is not clear to me what a vaccine against a “common” flu is. After all, even one influenza A-type has at least 16 sub-strains. But if a person believes in vaccines and wants to protect himself from infections with a vaccine, please. The only thing is that there should be no violence and coercion here.

And if someone does not get vaccinated, will they get the flu?

Well, let him get the flu, but he'll have lifelong immunity against that strain of the flu. By the way, a vaccinated person very often gets sick in a more severe form than an unvaccinated person, especially if vaccinated with a live vaccine. This is a stereotype - that a person after the introduction of the vaccine gets sick in a "mild form". In fact, how severely he gets sick depends on the individual susceptibility of the organism.
By the way, in the worst case scenario, after vaccination, he can get the flu in a very severe form.

Do I need to get vaccinated against the flu if I have a chronic illness?

A chronic disease from a foreign protein will definitely worsen - both from a live vaccine and from a “killed” one. After all, she is a provocateur for the manifestations of the disease. An inactivated (that is, "killed") vaccine is full of chemicals. And the "chronicles" from this, all the more, nothing good will come of it. The need for vaccinations for people with chronic pathology is another stereotype.

I think we have everything turned upside down.
The precepts of the founder of vaccination, the English doctor Edward Jenner: do not vaccinate weakened people, children of the first weeks of life, and vaccinate only in case of real danger - and only to those who were in contact with the sick person.

Here is the correct approach. But we don't.

In addition, a person may already have antibodies to this strain of influenza. And when there are a lot of antibodies - it's bad. In this case, autoimmune processes develop, for example, kidney disease. Antibodies begin to destroy the cells, tissues and organs of their own body. This means that a preliminary diagnosis is needed, which is carried out through a blood test. Only in this case, and vaccinations will be individual.

Can a vaccine be completely harmless?

No. Any vaccine is inevitably unsafe. The consequence of vaccination is a "minor disease", whether it is a live vaccine or an inactivated one. By the way, only Russia and China allow the use of a live flu vaccine. If it were safe, then certainly it would be used in many other countries, but in Europe, for example, for some reason they do not go for it.

As for bird flu, is it possible to stop the epidemic that many experts predict without vaccinations?

Now such significant epidemics as a thousand, five hundred years ago, and even at the beginning of the last century, simply cannot be. Everything has changed: a whole arsenal of chemotherapeutic, antimicrobial agents, interferons, disinfectants and other things has been invented. And bird flu is just another emergency. The usual excitement, intimidation, coercion. Everything is as it was, and remains.
Companies just need to sell their products.

In general, if the sanitary and epidemiological service puts an epidemic on the cordon only with vaccinations, consider that we do not have such a service in Russia.

Recently, head of government Mikhail Fradkov said that a new national concept of children's health is needed. This concept implies mass vaccination, which will be carried out not only against polio, but also against hepatitis A and B, rubella and the same flu.

Harm to health from this concept will be more than good. Our country does not need so many vaccines. Their number should be calculated not according to the heads, but according to the real need. All this should be carried out with mandatory immunodiagnostics before and after vaccination.

How should this look in practice?

Any self-respecting state, when a child is born, draws up an immunological and genetic map on him. To do this, examine the blood of the newborn, which is taken from the umbilical cord - this is not a traumatic procedure. By the way, in our time, weakened children are mainly born, and according to the testimony accepted all over the world, they
It is strictly forbidden to administer any live vaccine, but we do it.

Are you saying that vaccinations eventually weaken the immune system?

Any vaccination is additional work for the immune system. Each organism's immune system, as well as all the others (circulatory, excretory, etc.) functions individually. The more resources spent - the less remains. And the immune system is not a perpetual motion machine. About me, my opponents say that I am vaccinated from head to toe and therefore healthy. Everything is just not right. I am not vaccinated, nor are my family members. Our immune system was not injured, so we do not understand what acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections are.

In other words, it seems to us that we strengthen the immune system, but it turns out the other way around?

Yes. Starting from the hospital - vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Their detrimental effect begins at birth (for example, vaccination against tuberculosis, with which our life begins - this is a very strong blow to the immune system) and goes almost to adolescence, which leads to paralysis of the immune system. She simply does not have the strength to respond adequately. Meanwhile, complications from vaccinations have been known since 1796.

We are accustomed to the idea that the refusal of childhood vaccinations will inevitably lead to illness ...

Each person is an individual. Out of a hundred, only one is susceptible to tuberculosis. Diphtheria affects 15-20% of the population, depending on the region, ethnicity, and nationality. One in 500 can get polio. It is worth bearing in mind that those who become infected do not always get sick. And the form in which the disease proceeds is different. But we were intimidated that there would definitely be paralysis. But if the bulk of the population is not susceptible to infectious diseases (in fact, due to this, humanity survives), it turns out that only one out of 500 needs a vaccine. And everyone is vaccinated.

What are the complications of vaccinating children?

A reaction to DTP (associated pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine) can be damage to the central nervous system and kidneys. On BCG (live tuberculosis vaccine) - osteitis (bone lesions), osteomyelitis (bone lesions with bone marrow), lymphadenitis, it is impossible to touch the child - all the lymph nodes are inflamed.

When I talk about the many complications from vaccination, the answer is that they are rare. And letters from doctors and parents come to me in bags. A lot of people are looking for me on the phone. If I answered all these calls, I would be on the phone from morning to night.

Is there any official statistics on these complications?

We have been vaccinating for so many decades, but there is no statistics on post-vaccination complications. Proponents of mass vaccination give completely different figures. The sanitary and epidemiological service does not monitor the actual protection of the population from infectious diseases, as well as the effectiveness of vaccines.
In fact, there are a huge number of post-vaccination complications - but it is extremely difficult to prove that they were the result of vaccinations.

Your opponents are making very serious accusations against you. Their main argument is that anti-vaccination campaigns lead to tragedy.

A year after I publicly expressed my views on mass vaccination in 1988, on the composition of the DTP vaccine and on the safety control of our vaccines, officials from the Ministry of Health accused me of leading to a diphtheria epidemic. It turns out that after that article, the people refused to be vaccinated, and already in 1990 an “epidemic” arose. But "my" epidemic in this case should have occurred in 1997-1998.

In addition, the DTP vaccine that I opposed should protect against three infectious diseases. And why then, according to their version, an epidemic of diphtheria arose, and not, for example, whooping cough, by the way, is as contagious as the flu. After all, diphtheria is much more difficult to catch than whooping cough. If you are so smart, then declare a pertussis-diphtheria epidemic. I’m not talking about tetanus: this is a separate conversation. An extremely rare disease, as well as polio. But in fact, even when only half of the children are vaccinated (data for 1982), as the numbers indicate, for some reason epidemics do not happen.

You talked about the low quality of the vaccines used….

Yes, the DTP vaccine, for example, contains two very dangerous preservatives: organomercury salt - merthiolate (mercury salts are more dangerous than mercury itself, they affect brain cells and kidney cells) and the carcinogen formalin (an aqueous solution of formaldehyde). In 1999, the composition of the vaccine was changed: the content of organomercury salt and formalin was reduced by 10 times. Imagine how many of these substances were there before! And in my time, working at the State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations. Tarasevich, had the opportunity to make sure that non-standard drugs come out of the institute. In various series of DTP vaccines, the content of merthiolate and formalin differed significantly!

Are you trying to change something in the Russian vaccination system? .

Yes, a group of specialists (pediatricians, neonatologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, child psychiatrists, virologists, bacteriologists) from Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Moscow, including myself, sent a letter to President Vladimir Putin and Minister of Health Mikhail Zurabov. Signatures under this letter - 30 pages, including parents whose children became disabled or died from vaccinations. We write that the harm to health from mass vaccination is more than good.

In general, people should have the information they need to base their decision on whether or not to vaccinate their children.
Forced vaccination cannot be, it is prescribed in the laws.

The Laws “On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” (1998) and “On the Protection of Citizens' Health” (1993) state that any medical intervention can be carried out only after the informed, informed and voluntary consent of citizens. And if we do not change anything now, we will remain a nation of sick people.

Galina Chervonskaya, professor-virologist.

In 2002, I learned the story of a family that shocked me greatly. Briefly, the story is this. In the family of an Izhevsk factory engineer, a daughter grew up, who was often sick. Like everyone else, she was doing vaccinations - according to the schedule. It is known that without vaccinations, you cannot place a child anywhere, neither in a nursery, nor in a kindergarten, nor in school.
And once again, the child was vaccinated. There was a complication. She then underwent surgery to remove the tumor. A year later, the weakened girl is "rolled in" another dose of vaccinations. Again - a complication, and again surgery was needed ...
But the doctors, on the instructions of the Ministry of Health, did not begin to operate on the child ... Days passed ... “After a week-long coma, parts of the brain were irretrievably damaged in my daughter. The child has become almost a plant, the gaze is not fixed ... ”- the father of the girl with shaking hands told me.
Then, in 2002, the parents were looking for the truth, they wanted justice to punish those doctors who were supposed to watch the child. The girl's father said that, in the end, he himself was to blame, because he did not pay attention to vaccinations, he trusted medicine too much.
However, it turned out that this is not entirely true. The fault in this story is not doctors, and even more so not parents.
It turns out that there are a huge number of such stories in Russia. Children get sick in droves. Doctors and authorities simply hush up this or pass it off as massive post-vaccination complications in children, for sudden food poisoning, etc.
The truth turned out to be much worse than we can imagine. This is what I decided to tell the readers.
Vaccines have existed for just over two centuries, and all this time the debate about the effectiveness and harmlessness of their use has not subsided. At the same time, a criminal tradition has developed in our country to vaccinate “everyone in a row, because of convenience from an organizational point of view,” which leads to disastrous results when 80-85% of children who become ill with diphtheria turn out to be “correctly and timely” vaccinated.
Tuberculosis also does not want to be “eliminated”, despite the illegal medical care provided in maternity hospitals to our babies through BCG vaccine in the first days of their lives.
Of particular concern are the facts that testify to the large-scale safety trials of new vaccines being carried out on our children under the plausible pretext of “calendar vaccinations”.
Preliminary elimination of epidemics is a thankless job, almost impossible in its unpredictability, and even unsafe: “To destroy and not wait for a retaliatory strike ... without thinking, but will other, much more aggressive microbes take the vacated place under the sun?” - warned the author of diphtheria toxoid Gaston Ramon.
They will take it, how they will take it! And this place is occupied by aggressive streptococci, new strains of tuberculosis microbacteria that cause tuberculosis of bones, joints, skin, intestines, genitourinary system - after "correctly" vaccinated children against tuberculosis with the BCG vaccine, as well as many-sided hepatitis and herpes viruses, etc.
In Russia, immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases continues to be dealt with "from above" - ​​epidemiologists and sanitary doctors who are completely ignorant of immunology. But they have other responsibilities...
"From below" for coverage with "economic incentives" are responsible district pediatricians, who, as the practice of communicating with them over the past 15 years, is completely unfamiliar with the immunological aspects of infectious diseases and does not link infectious diseases in any way, like vaccinology, with the immune system.
Their idea of ​​vaccination is very primitive and absolutely concrete: to fulfill the order for coverage - and that's all, as they believe, what is required of them.
But if a pediatrician intervening in the immune system were certified in immunology, I am sure that not one of the pediatricians and medical doctors would have passed such certification ...
Just 100 years ago, pediatricians were the “elite” of the medical corporation. Nowadays, a well-educated pediatrician has become less and less common. Pediatricians must combine knowledge of many frontier areas and medical disciplines.
There are many pediatricians, because this quantitative indicator in the country where we lived was always put at the forefront, and they didn’t really care about quality. Meanwhile, the qualifications of children's doctors are often low, and the system for organizing their work is ineffective. Children's health care is at a very low level.
In many states, there are public associations that help resolve conflict situations between officials and parents who refuse mass calendar vaccinations of their children. The associations employ specialists from different disciplines: microbiologists (virologists and bacteriologists), immunologists, pediatricians, geneticists, psychologists, as well as lawyers, teachers and young parents.
Such organizations help parents, teenagers and adults in making a well-founded, competent decision on whether to vaccinate or refuse it, and also inform about the actual sanitary and epidemiological situation in a particular region and organized institutions: in schools , kindergartens, boarding schools, etc.
The illusion that all infectious agents will be defeated, one has only to vaccinate "everyone" (i.e. one problem - one solution), gives rise to a criminal approach to this preventive medical intervention in human nature.
However, it is precisely such a system “because of convenience from an organizational point of view” that continues to be propagated by an army of doctors and health officials who are involved in one way or another in vaccinations, but not in vaccinology with the basics of immunology.
First of all, you need to know that only a combination of anti-epidemic measures, professionalism and the use of the achievements of modern immunology, which is more than half a century old, can solve the problems of anti-infective protection. Only in this way can the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and the state as a whole be created.
It is impossible to eliminate any infectious disease only with the help of vaccinations. Like, get grafted - and you will be safe for yourself and for everyone around you. It is not enough to say that this is a myth, it is a utopia about another “universal happiness” in a bright, infection-free paradise, allegedly achieved only with the help of vaccines.
A diabolical obsession arises: without vaccination, the child seems to be inferior, although in fact it is quite the opposite.
With diphtheria, in the case of the circulation of the pathogen among the population, the phenomenon of "household" immunization is noted, that is, the formation of immunity in a natural way without a noted disease. Therefore, including the adult population, it is possible and necessary to vaccinate only after diagnosis - a thorough questioning and examination.
Diagnostics is a filter that identifies and screens out individuals who do not need to be vaccinated. And there are quite a few of them... And our vaccination system reduces the titers of existing antibodies (removes protection) and "exposes" susceptible people to their subsequent encounter with diphtheria.
Far from all parents and doctors are aware that childhood disability - a violation of the musculoskeletal system or kidney function - may be the result of an illiterate implementation of vaccination.
One more circumstance cannot be underestimated - the negative effect of toxoids on each other in the composition of complex vaccines such as DPT. This problem has been on the agenda for many years, since antigenic competition of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids has been proven when they are administered together.
And the introduction of pertussis toxoid, both in one syringe and in separate injections, prevents the development of immunity during vaccination. In our country, neither in the production of vaccines, nor in their control, nor in the process of vaccination, the established facts are even mentioned.
New products in the prevention of infectious diseases - recombinant genetically engineered vaccines. An example of such a vaccine is the hepatitis B vaccine.
Armed with genetic engineering techniques, medical biologists have gained direct access to the genome. It is now possible to insert genes, delete them, or duplicate them. For example, a gene from one organism can be inserted into the genome of another. Such a transfer of genetic information is possible even through the evolutionary distance separating man and bacterium.
The DNA molecule can be cut into separate fragments with the help of specific enzymes and these fragments can be introduced into other cells. It became possible to include in bacterial cells the genes of other organisms, including the genes responsible for protein synthesis.
In this way, under modern conditions, a significant amount of interferon, insulin and other biological products are obtained. A vaccine against hepatitis B was obtained in a similar way. The hepatitis virus gene is inserted into a yeast cell.
Like everything new, especially a genetically engineered drug intended for parenteral administration (massively - three hours after the birth of a child!), This vaccine requires long-term observations - which happens with the help of the same large-scale trials ... on children.
From numerous publications it follows: “Observations become more accurate and valuable if they are carried out during mass immunization campaigns. In such campaigns, a large number of children are vaccinated within a short time. The appearance during this period of a group of certain pathological syndromes indicates, as a rule, their causal relationship with vaccination.
The concept of a certain pathological syndrome can include both short-term fever and cough, and complete or partial paralysis or mental retardation.
In addition to the Engerix vaccine against hepatitis B, the South Korean anti-hepatitis vaccine, which is actively imposed on our country by the same French company, is declared “just as safe and effective”.
Genetically engineered vaccines are another prophylactic with many unknowns. Our country is not able to check the safety of these products due to the lack of appropriate experimental bases. We can neither qualitatively control the purchased vaccines, nor create conditions for the preparation of safe own vaccines.
Testing recombinant drugs is a high-tech experiment that requires huge costs. Alas, in this respect we are very far from the level of the world's leading laboratories and are practically not at all focused on the control of such products.
In this regard, everything is registered in Russia that has not passed clinical trials with foreign manufacturers of these vaccines, or tests have passed, but in insufficient volume ...
Hence the avalanche of vaccines from various well-wishers who “strive to help Russia” and bring us not tomorrow’s or today’s technologies, but the day before yesterday’s - in fact, waste from their modern production or those vaccines that need to be investigated in “large-scale experiments on children."
More often this is called "large-scale observations", and the task is the same - experiments on our children!
It seemed senseless and immoral to prove the danger of mercury salts for infants, when the consequences of their exposure to the body of an adult are widely known. Recall that co-mercury is more dangerous than mercury itself.
However, the domestic DTP vaccine containing 100 µg/ml of organic salt (merthiolate-mercury) and 500 µg/ml of formalin (the strongest mutagen and allergen) has been used for about 40 years.
The allergenic properties of formalin include: angioedema, urticaria, rhinopathy (chronic runny nose), asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, allergic gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, erythema, skin cracks, etc.
All this has been noted by pediatricians for over 40 years, but the statistics are hidden behind iron doors from the general public. Thousands of children have been suffering for decades, but medical officials don't care.
There are no data on the action of merthiolate and formalin, and no one has ever studied the effects of this conglomerate on young animals in terms of immediate reactions and long-term consequences.
Companies warn about this and, therefore, do not bear any responsibility for the actions of our vaccinators and their controllers.
Thus, long-term, large-scale trials on our children with the development of various pathological syndromes continue in our country.
Every day, more and more innocent babies (those who avoided abortion) are thrown into this hellish laboratory, joining the ranks of disabled children and their unfortunate parents who are unaware of the true cause of their children's suffering.
A carefully prepared and ongoing "campaign to intimidate the population" with epidemics of diphtheria, tuberculosis, influenza, on the one hand, and on the other hand, mandatory vaccination requirements for kindergartens and schools leave no chance for parents.
It is impossible, moreover, criminally to allow that only manufacturing firms and incompetent vaccinators would decide the fate of our children in a corporate manner.
Since nowhere else in the world is BCG vaccination of newborns carried out in Russia, this event is an experiment, because the evaluation of the effectiveness of combined immunization of newborns against hepatitis B and against tuberculosis is carried out exclusively against the background of mass immunization (this is not the case anywhere in the world, since there is no BCG vaccination for newborns!).
This is an incredibly serious burden on the body of newborns! This is an experiment in the largest state, which provided an unlimited number of its own children for such observations. And without informing the parents about it!
In addition, pathological syndromes can manifest themselves a year or five years later, and even later ... There is, in particular, evidence that the vaccine after 15-20 years can cause cirrhosis of the liver.
What components are included in the "endzherix" (vaccine against hepatitis B)?
1. The basis of the drug is "modified" baker's yeast, widely used in the production of bread and beer. The word "genetically" modified is clearly omitted here - apparently due to the fact that this combination has already pretty scared our population on the example of genetically modified soybeans, potatoes, corn imported from abroad. This vaccine combines the properties of its constituent ingredients, leading to unpredictable consequences when applied. What did genetic engineers hide in a yeast cell besides the hepatitis B virus? You can put in there, for example, at least the gene of the AIDS virus, at least the gene of any oncological disease.
2. Aluminum hydroxide. It should be emphasized here that for many decades it has not been recommended (!) to use this adjuvant for vaccinating children.
3. Thiomerosal. This is merthiolate, an organomercury salt, the detrimental effect of which on the central nervous system has long been known. Belongs to the category of pesticides.
4. Polysorbent (not deciphered). To vaccinate or not to vaccinate this drug with so many contraindications - this should be decided only by parents!
This is the right of parents, they should know what they are getting into if their child is not examined. Doctors are obliged to inform the adult population, covered by orders and resolutions, about existing contraindications, about the lack of diagnostic services, about the composition of vaccines and not to force them to give “prophylactic” injections by threats and intimidation.
All newborns who are vaccinated must first undergo an immunological examination in order to identify immunodeficiency to a particular disease. The event is expensive and troublesome and can only be carried out in "elite" departmental institutions.
In an ordinary maternity hospital, no one will do this. And this means that newborns with immunodeficiencies, susceptible to tuberculosis, but not examined "in depth", are doomed to numerous complications after vaccination with the BCG vaccine, for example, osteitis - a violation of the musculoskeletal system or generalization of that - berculosis process - diseases of tuberculosis.
Thus, we spread tuberculosis, starting from maternity hospitals, vaccinating immunocompromised and susceptible infants. Tuberculosis manifests itself in different forms and at different time intervals - individuality plays one of the main roles here.
Vaccination of children with glomerulonephritis is no less a crime. Domestic pediatricians, for a quarter of a century, have observed the development of glomerulonephritis (poorly treatable inflammation of the kidneys of a complex nature) as a post-vaccination complication of DTP and its “weakened” modifications.
They observed, noted the development of complications and the subsequent disability of children for 25 years ... and were silent, without taking any drastic measures.
“What are we doing,” doctors from all regions write to us, “it’s better not to get vaccinated than to damage the health of the child. With unbridled vaccination as it is now, we are conducting a large-scale experiment on the population of our country, completely unaware that this has already led to an ecological catastrophe in health.
According to the special immunological literature, all of the above is an additional confirmation that all our children, up to the older age groups, have secondary immunodeficiencies.
After immunization of children with an immunodeficiency state or any immunological deficiency, a “vaccine disease” develops - a progressive infectious disease corresponding to the vaccine used.
Naturally, based on this, it is the duty of each vaccinator to make a diagnosis in a timely manner, to recognize the disease before vaccination, in order to decide whether the vaccination will be a salvation in the event of subsequent contact with the causative agent of an infectious disease or will bring even more destruction to health!
Experts share their observations: “In some vaccinated people, instead of immunity, when infected, an infectious disease develops, which occurs in a more severe form than in unvaccinated people - this is a syndrome of paralysis of the immune system.”
In other words, children get sick in a more severe form of the infectious disease from which they were saved by vaccination. That is, the protection of the body did not take place.
It has now been established that many immunostimulants with increased activity, including BCG and diphtheria toxoid derivatives, can cause severe immunopathology. However, as is known, in Russia their mass application in children's practice continues.
Numerous observations and publications on the problem of post-vaccination complications are a taboo for our population. We consider it not only inappropriate, but almost criminal, to bring to the attention of the vaccinated, the public and specialists in other fields of medicine about the abundance of complications.
A significant part of the information about childhood disability - the consequences of vaccinations - is stored on the "DSP" (in instructions for official use), basically this information is available only to some employees of the Ministry of Health, the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the country and other few vaccinators who have "special permission "...
The former USSR overfulfilled all the standards, introducing the totality of routine vaccinations and proclaiming such an approach "the only one in the world, original, inherent only in the USSR."
Despite the existence of contraindications listed in the inserts for each vaccine, they are completely ignored before vaccination. Immunologists are not introduced into any of the existing vaccination rooms, although this was prescribed by order of the Ministry of Health No. 260 in 1960.
The same "immunologists" who have begun to appear in such rooms over the past three years, determine the "immunological health" of children only ... visually. This is not immunology!
Under the guise of "planned", i.e. calendar vaccinations in today's Russia, experiments are still being carried out on children to test the safety of new vaccines. Intimidation, rudeness and coercion to vaccinate by health workers continue to this day.
The leading countries of the world have refused to vaccinate newborns and infants with live vaccines of tuberculosis and poliomyelitis. But our parents are deprived of the right to decide on their own: to protect the health of their children or to cripple him, thoughtlessly accepting the recommendations of vaccinators, who, like manufacturers, are interested in selling vaccination material.
In the archives of the Ministry of Health, there are some documents indicating that the main specialists are aware that BCG can be the cause of the development of certain diseases. So in the reference-conclusion of the chief physiopediatrician of the Russian Federation V.A. Aksyonova talks about investigating the causes of tuberculosis infection of the calcaneus in newborn children ...
Similar data on BCG infection with the vaccine were also found by GNIISK. High officials of various ranks believe that BCG can infect !!! And this causes a serious additional anxiety, because they, in this case, commit a crime:
a) are aware of such consequences - infections with the BCG vaccine, but do not write about it either in the instructions for use or in reference books;
b) continue to use BCG (as an infectious agent!) for newborn children;
c) carry out this event en masse in maternity hospitals! (What these officials have in perfection is the lack of logic - both simply human and medical.)
We will analyze complications, unusual reactions and other pathological processes that occur after immunization of children with DTP.
This is a persistent piercing cry, encephalitic reaction, convulsive syndrome without hyperthermia, convulsive syndrome on the background of hyperthermia, encephalopathy (longer convulsive conditions, sometimes with focal symptoms), post-vaccination encephalitis, reactions (complications) with damage to various organs (kidneys, joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), reactions (complications) of an allergic nature, asthmatic syndrome, croup syndrome, hemorrhagic syndrome, toxic-allergic condition, collaptoid condition, anaphylactic shock, sudden death.
A persistent piercing cry is a sign of damage to the central nervous system (CNS).
It is characterized by an early manifestation of neurological disorders that are pathogenetically caused by neurotoxicosis, therefore, the clinical picture is dominated by cerebral symptoms: lethargy, drowsiness, poor weight gain, respiratory disorders, tonic convulsions, etc.
Disorder of the functions of the cranial nerves is manifested by transient strabismus, a decrease in muscle tone. But the first symptoms of CNS disorders can be convulsions.
Encephalopathy is a brain disease characterized by dystrophic changes. Encephalopathy is characterized by short-term memory loss, short-term or prolonged convulsions.
Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The basis of post-vaccination encephalitis is an allergic reaction, which is expressed in damage to the cerebral vessels with the formation of multiple infiltrates, hemorrhages, and the development of cerebral edema. The first symptoms of the disease usually appear before the 12th day after vaccination, the process is localized mainly in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord.
Post-vaccination encephalitis occurs more often in primary vaccinated children. The disease develops against the background of a sharp rise in temperature to 39-40 °, headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsions. Clinical recovery may be accompanied by impaired coordination of movement, paresis and paralysis, which gradually regress.
And here is how the reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine proceed. Injection site: soreness, redness, induration. Feeling tired throughout the body, fever, malaise, cold-like symptoms. Dizziness, headache, paresthesia (spontaneously occurring unpleasant sensation of numbness, tingling, burning, crawling). Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Abnormal hepatic functions. Rash, itching, hives. Possible - encephalopathy, encephalitis, meningitis, arthritis, bronchospastic symptoms.
Information on a rather extensive complex of complications for vaccination with a genetically engineered vaccine was taken from the prospectus for the use of Enjerix, a recombinant vaccine against hepatitis B. The prospectus was freely distributed by representatives of the Smith Klein Beecham company at the congresses "Man and Medicine" (1998-2000).
In other words, even the manufacturer does not hide the nature of the complications that may result from the inoculation of new genetically engineered products. Unlike Russian doctors, who convince our citizens of the “absolute harmlessness” of vaccinations. And when they write: "The preparation meets the requirements of WHO" - do not delude yourself with safety guarantees.
The problems associated with the use of the latest recombinant hepatitis B vaccine can be quite large, as long-term consequences due to their still uncertainty and unpredictability, not only for the health of modern children, but also for future generations of our population.
The information “about the absence of post-vaccination complications” for the hepatitis B vaccine is absolutely falsified. This is confirmed by the numerous letters received by the RNKB RAS, on radio and television, speaking, moreover, screaming about complications in children when using this vaccine.
These letters could form a separate volume. Here are just some of the letters of parents whose children became disabled or died after vaccination.
“... We have already bothered you, Galina Petrovna, with our phone calls. We think it would be interesting for you to familiarize yourself with a very curious document, which the FSB officers are now interested in. On the territory of Karelia, a vaccine of unknown origin against hepatitis B is used. In addition, it is administered to all children 5 hours after birth ... Now our child has become a severely disabled ... We will look for those responsible and hope for your help. Attached are the documents... Karelia, Pitkyaranta.”
“After being vaccinated against hepatitis B, we had whole families of children with different diagnoses, but doctors say: “The vaccine is useful, and there are no complications from it ...” Krasnoyarsk.
Doctors say, to put it mildly, a lie, since serious complications are known for this vaccine - no less serious than for BCG and DTP ...
Modern pediatrics, having not learned the lessons of many years of vaccination with a large number of post-vaccination complications, is adopting the principle of vaccinating children with health disorders.
Without having our own point of view, guided by the recommendations of American "scientific" and "public" organizations, we use something indefinite in the literal sense for experiments conducted in Russia. This approach is not accidental, because, having only 4-5% of healthy newborns, it is difficult to make money on the vaccination of such a meager number of children.
So it is necessary to expand the testimony, inventing all sorts of tricks. And the intervention of "foreign specialists" is quite understandable, because undermining the health of the nation through vaccination is just one of the fronts of the undeclared war with Russia and its people.
In the 60s of the last century, the effect of DPT on increasing the susceptibility of the child's body to influenza and other respiratory diseases was proven. For 2 months among the vaccinated, twice as many diseases were registered as among children who had not previously received vaccines.
Clinical diagnosis - influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, respiratory infection, catarrhal tonsillitis. The results of observations gave reason to believe that after BCG or DTP vaccinations, sensitivity not only to influenza, but also to other infections increases.
The US medical community has drawn attention to the danger of neurological damage from pertussis and rubella vaccinations and the use of the triple vaccine (diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus - DPT). While most physicians previously dismissed this danger, experts now recognize it.
In the medical literature, there are more than 1000 clinical lesions due to pertussis vaccination. The pertussis vaccine contains high levels of pertussis toxin and endotoxin. The levels of endotoxin in it are 672.5 times higher than in the experimental vaccine, which was administered to volunteers during the test. The same applies to the triple vaccine - 141 cases of damage by this vaccine are known, including 12 with a fatal outcome.
The Bioethics Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences has a huge number of letters from parents whose children ended up in neurological clinics after vaccination. Unfortunately, many more young parents, disarmed by the imperious, commanding tone of health workers, accept this “help” unconditionally, as something absolutely necessary for their child, inflicting violence on their own children, along with district and school officials. vaccinators and other "health care".
The doctor has no right to order!
He must state in an understandable form all the arguments “for” and “against” vaccinations in a particular situation, and only then, together with the parents, make a decision regarding this medical intervention.

Galina Chervonskaya, professor-virologist.
Article from the magazine "Young Guard"

Famous virologist Galina Chervonskaya about the dangers of vaccinations and the complications they lead to

Today, there are debates about the dangers and benefits of vaccinations both on the Internet and in doctors' offices. In the post-Soviet space, one of the first scientists who spoke about the dangers of mass vaccination is Galina Chervonskaya, a well-known virologist, candidate of biological sciences, an independent expert on vaccinology problems. Armed with her educational writings, today parents are legally seeking recognition of their right to refuse to vaccinate their children. In an interview with Realnoe Vremya, Galina Petrovna spoke about the myths that exist around vaccinations and the complications that mass vaccination leads to.

- Galina Petrovna, is it true that pre-revolutionary doctors and doctors of the first decades of Soviet power were wary of vaccinations?

Yes. First of all, because they were real doctors. I have been a vaccinologist all my life. I myself am not vaccinated and all my surroundings never knew what a vaccine is. The old doctors, including my grandfather, were very cautious about vaccinations. Although then there was only one vaccination - against smallpox, but even it was treated with extreme caution. Moreover, articles were published that said that vaccination, that is, vaccination against smallpox, leads to a reduction in the life of mankind. Therefore, even before I went to the mainstream press in 1988 and first spoke about what vaccines were, there were already such materials. They understood that any vaccine is foreign to the child, that it is a risk that it will definitely allergize children, because it consists of foreign proteins and auxiliary chemicals.

In addition, there is a list of contraindications, which I publish in my books. For example, against BCG - a vaccine against tuberculosis - 12 contraindications. Against BCG-M - nine contraindications. Against the ill-fated DPT vaccine, which is made to protect against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus - 16. Is it possible to mass-produce the use of some drug if there are 16 contraindications? The old doctors knew all this, took it into account and had a completely different attitude towards vaccination in comparison with the bulk of modern so-called doctors (however, I don’t call them doctors, I call them rabid vaccinators), who, apparently, were born without conscience and without honor. They are ignorant and illiterate, they generally do not understand what the individual nature of man is. Regular mass vaccination from year to year, from decade to decade - in a word, the notorious vaccination calendar - is not a fight against infectious diseases, it is a fight against human nature. Because the child is in constant tension not only in relation to the immune system, but also in a state of increased mental excitability.

Therefore, there are no practically healthy children in Russia. Some doctors say that there are only 2% of them, but this figure has not been established exactly, and it can be said that there are no practically healthy children. The demographic situation for the indigenous people of Russia is catastrophic. The percentage of women of reproductive age has been drastically reduced. Many couples are unable to give birth. All this is also due to mass vaccination.

“Pyotr Burgasov (pictured in the center) once said that we are the only country that could afford this mass vaccination of children at one time.”

I never oppose vaccinations. They, like any medicines, are needed, but the purpose must be foreseen and proven. Mass vaccination is permissible only in one case: if there is a threat of an epidemic of a particular infectious disease in the country. Edward Jenner, the inventor of the world's first vaccine, produced in 1796, said so. He could not even imagine that children would be loaded with these vaccines year after year! And in our country, vaccination begins with the maternity hospital - there, newborns are vaccinated against tuberculosis. At one time, Pyotr Burgasov, the chief state sanitary doctor of the USSR, said that we were the only country that at one time could afford this mass vaccination of children. While Gennady Onishchenko was the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, he brought a lot of trouble. This should have been thought of - to declare on television that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will be judged that they will be deprived of parental rights! Didn't he read the law, which says that vaccinations are voluntary?

- And what is this law?

One of our well-known academicians, Aleksey Vladimirovich Yablokov, once attracted me to the Health and Safety Committee of the State Duma of the USSR. And then the same expert-working group moved to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, where, until 2000, I participated in the work on a number of laws. Each of these laws states that any medical intervention is voluntary. The first law is "The basis of legislation on the protection of the health of citizens." Entered into force in 1993. Articles 30-34 speak not only of voluntariness, but also of informed consent. That is, you should be informed that there may be some side effects from this or that drug. The same law says that children under 15 decide this with their parents, and after 15 years, a teenager has the right to refuse any medical procedure himself. Second Law on Medicinal Products, 1998. And the third hard-won law is the “Law on the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, 1998, where Articles 5 and 11 say that vaccinations are voluntary. Article 5 explicitly states: a citizen has the right to information about post-vaccination complications. Also, a citizen has the right to refuse vaccination. The same fifth article also says about the obligations of a citizen: you must formalize your refusal to be vaccinated in writing. And Article 11 states that any vaccination is carried out only with the permission of the parents. Post-vaccination complications are also legalized. An article has been introduced on the payment of benefits to citizens for post-vaccination complications, including those for death.

With great difficulty, we approved this law. But, unfortunately, doctors do not inform patients about its existence. Moreover, even our working group was divided into two subgroups at once. Some advocated that there should be total vaccinations, they said: “We will still ask people whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate!” These are doctors with an administrative-prikaz Soviet setting. I have never been an anti-Soviet, but this approach has never been clear to me.

- What is the attitude of Russian doctors to vaccination today?

They treat differently. There have always been and will always be doctors who categorically do not recognize vaccinations. The other part does not recognize vaccination as a mass phenomenon: yes, vaccination is possible, but only in case of obvious danger. The third group of specialists is categorically against live vaccines, because no one knows how a live vaccine will turn out for a child and the biosphere as a whole. Indeed, without going into deep explanations, a live vaccine is a mutant, an altered individual, and in its properties differs from those microorganisms that circulate among the population. From live vaccines, only one trouble, if they are used en masse and without diagnostics.

Now a significant percentage of practitioners are aware of the ambiguity in the use of vaccines. Previously, educated pediatricians used to say this to patients in the ear: “You don’t need to vaccinate your children.” Now they are talking about it openly, there is a lot of information on the Internet, there is even such a heading “Doctors against vaccinations”.

There are doctors who issue false certificates for money that a child is vaccinated. There are doctors who throw packages of vaccines into landfills. It was only in 2014 that I stopped traveling around towns and villages, where doctors showed me refrigerators full of vaccines at polyclinics. But they, by the way, are spending taxpayers' money. And that money is wasted. There should be very serious control over the purchase of vaccines.

“Now a significant percentage of practitioners are aware of the ambiguity of vaccine use.” Photo

“It is planned to produce socks, but not to vaccinate children”

- When did this idea about the planned vaccinations come about?

Soviet people remember that they simply did not let you out of factories until you were vaccinated against, say, the flu. They climbed over fences and ran away. There is a famous quote from a poem by the Soviet poet Sergei Mikhalkov: “I am not afraid of injections.” But there is a continuation of this phrase, which is forgotten all the time: “If necessary, I will inject myself.” If it's necessary! But when “it is necessary” is a very difficult question. If the forecast of the epidemic and people want to preserve their health through vaccination - please. And what if people don't want to, if they protect themselves somehow differently from infectious diseases?

According to the plan, it is possible to produce knitted socks, but only ignorant doctors could suggest the planned vaccination of children. These are harmful to children's health. We came to school and let's vaccinate the whole class. And if there are half of unhealthy children in the class? The plan cannot be released to the whole class. Because there are no identical people in the world if they are not identical twins! At one time, I addressed our officials in this way: “Well, do we have the Soviet Union - are they identical twins from north to south and from west to east?”

Mass vaccination is permissible only in the way that the author of the first vaccine suggested: when there is a threat to the life and health of children. This must be scientifically substantiated, proven, and only in this case is the possibility of mass vaccinations without diagnostics acceptable.

In every self-respecting educated country - unfortunately, we have to refer to Germany and the USA - there is a vaccination calendar and a vaccination card for each child. There, vaccinations are distributed by state, depending on the threat of a particular unfavorable epidemiological situation.

- But there is such an idea that if there is no mass vaccination, then an epidemic will begin.

This is fundamentally wrong. I have published the book "Vaccinations: Myths and Reality", where I analyze such myths. As I said, the creator of the first vaccine expected to use it only in case of danger in order to protect a specific person. We put a barrier to the epidemic with artificially resistant organisms of children. There is also a myth that an unvaccinated person will definitely get sick and may even die. The doctor who claims this should be stripped of his diploma.

If you are told that without a vaccine you will definitely get sick, this can safely be called bioterror. Why should this child get sick? Don't we have a sanitary and epidemiological service? These threats come from unqualified doctors, and what is even worse is that they themselves, as a rule, do not vaccinate their children. After all, all district doctors receive methodological developments from the Ministry of Health called "Investigation of fatal cases after vaccination of such and such."

- You can often hear that the vaccine is a safe and useful thing, it will not bring any harm.

Remember: any vaccine is necessarily a risk. Many domestic experts have written: any vaccine is inevitably unsafe. Of course, this is a foreign protein. Why is vaccination so strict at all? Because basically humanity is not susceptible to infectious diseases. If the world were equally susceptible to tuberculosis, diphtheria, and so on, humanity would have died out long ago only from infectious diseases. Another category of people are those who acquire anti-infective immunity in a natural way, having had measles or rubella in a clinically pronounced form. You can also get sick in a latent, so-called erased form, for example, diseases such as diphtheria or poliomyelitis, often doctors in this case mistakenly diagnose acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.

That is, those horrors that the Internet is full of are true, where it is said that vaccination can lead, among other things, to paralysis?

This is true. There are a lot of complications from each vaccine. There are complications that no one has ever heard of or known about. What is a tuberculin test complication? There are so many complications, up to clouding of the cornea! And we prick it massively, and even annually, and even to some children twice a year!

“Not only mothers, but also fathers went on the attack”

- You say that now there is a lot of information about the dangers of vaccines. Has the population woken up?

Yes, the vaccination situation in the country has improved. People are different now, young people do not take the words of doctors on faith, they read, think sensibly and analyze. There is a problem with the Mantoux reaction - it is required in kindergartens and schools. But, thank God, there are methods that replace this damned Manta: blood is taken from the child and it is determined outside the body whether or not there is Mycobacterium tuberculosis in it. But it must also be taken into account that if the child was vaccinated at the maternity hospital, then any test is useless. How many materials have been written that the Mantoux reaction cannot serve as a diagnostic test if BCG vaccination has been previously carried out. But it doesn't work for anyone.

People from different cities of Russia call me, they consult. I am glad that not only mothers, but also fathers went on the attack. Cases are told that if at first the school did not accept the refusal of vaccinations, then after the arrival of the fathers, the situation immediately changed in a positive direction.

I have already said that nowhere in the world is the BCG vaccine administered in maternity hospitals. This is only our country's idea. Now parents have started to refuse it. At first, I had to fight: "This is my child, I gave birth to him myself." The scandals were terrible. And now they say that there are fewer problems.

- What are the dangers of vaccination in maternity hospitals?

Thanks to vaccination in the maternity hospital, we spread tuberculosis. Many doctors wrote this, there are excellent articles on this topic. But these data, until recently, did not go beyond the circle of a specific category of doctors. TB doctors do their job, neurologists have their own coalition. In general, no one touched vaccination, had no right. It was a taboo topic, especially the discussion of post-vaccination complications. But experts have been writing for a long time: thanks to vaccination in the maternity hospital, we spread tuberculosis. Why? Because there is a certain category of children who are susceptible to tuberculosis. And if three factors coincide together: a live vaccine, a child's susceptibility to tuberculosis and his immunocompromised state, then the result will be the same - the child will get tuberculosis. This applies to any live vaccine.

“Thanks to vaccination in the maternity hospital, we spread tuberculosis.” Photo

- I met with you such a statement that unvaccinated children develop differently. Why?

Because there is no negative impact on all organs and systems of the child's body, not only on the immune system. The child is freed from mental pressure. After all, these endless injections ... Why does the child not want to go to kindergarten? They give injections. Even in Soviet times, doctors wrote that injections cause a serious negative attitude of children towards people in white coats. And we drive them into herds - herd 5A and herd 5B. But children react differently to injections. Someone turns pale, loses consciousness, pants and shirt are wet. This is not taken into account, as if they are some kind of rubber dolls. But the psyche of children is disturbed, they become hardened, they have an aggressive attitude: “Here I will grow up and show everyone!”

- You said that many people use their own methods to protect themselves from infectious diseases. For example?

Follow basic hygiene rules. Wash your hands often. Do not eat, do not drink from one glass, do not bite from one apple. Example: students of some institute came to the dining room, sat, ate and wiped their lips with one napkin. And one of them had hepatitis, and the second also fell ill. Don't allow it. Moreover, you now have such opportunities - a lot of disposable items, there are antibacterial wipes and so on.

Of course, we must admit that the sanitary and epidemiological service in our country works very poorly. She is practically non-existent. We have not been "ah" in this indicator before. But today the name of the sanitary and epidemiological service does not sound at all, they started some kind of Rospotrebnadzor or, as young people call this organization on the Internet: RosNEpotrebnadzor. The name is cumbersome, but there is no point.

The Russian law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" contains 60 articles. It talks about how the sanitary and epidemiological service should work. But now they only write down the vaccination plan, and the more they cover, the more money the pediatrician receives. Where is their work? Who administers the vaccinations? Pediatricians. Who collects the results? Pediatricians, district clinics. There is no work from Sanepidemnadzor. Where is the concern for sanitary and epidemiological well-being? In order for this well-being to exist, there must be supervision, supervision, and once again supervision over the causative agents of infectious diseases. The service is obliged to know which area is dangerous, for example, for poliomyelitis, for diphtheria, for tuberculosis. And no one here knows anything, so mass vaccination is being launched. But this is not salvation, especially without immunodiagnostics.

- And what is this diagnosis?

The immune system should be examined before and after. After all, no one climbs into the cardiovascular system without examining a person before. It is also important to examine a person after the introduction of the vaccine. In terms of severity, it should be like this: a vaccine and a diagnostic kit right there in the package. They did the vaccination and determined: did the protection take place?

- At the beginning of the interview, you noted that there used to be real doctors. Do they exist today?

Certainly. But the general situation in Russian healthcare is such that we are in 130th place in the world in terms of the level of medical care. I call our health care "health care." We are at a very, very low level and it is very difficult to rise from it. The devastation began in the Soviet years, when the level of medical care was getting lower and lower. And how was this help provided? The Central Committee of the Party is one medicine. Departmental institutions are a different kind of medicine. And all the rest were served on a residual basis. Many saw this and remained silent. There is such an interesting book by the author S. Shnol, who writes why we ended up in such a hole in medicine and healthcare, how we destroyed those specialists who tried to say that something needs to be improved. This is what we're talking about now. I remember being convinced at one time at the academic council: “Galina Petrovna, you are such a wonderful person and contacted the journalists!” We had no right to speak, but I disregarded these prohibitions and in 1988 went to Komsomolskaya Pravda, where they had a big interesting interview with me about vaccinations, about the fact that an absolutely disastrous recovery of the nation was going on.

“In terms of severity, it should be like this: a vaccine and a diagnostic kit right there in the package. They did the vaccination and determined: did the protection take place? Photo

“The year 1990 will still haunt us - then all kinds of vaccine scum from different countries poured in to us”

- And what is happening in the field of vaccinology today?

I am sure that 1990 will come back to haunt us. Because then all sorts of vaccines from different countries poured into us uncontrollably. There are certain vaccinators with "vaccination" power who distribute the World Health Organization's expanded program of immunization in the country and receive a lot of money from foreign companies for this. Remember such names as Tatochenko, Uchaikin, Mats, Namazova, Ozeretskovsky... They are the main distributors of vaccines, as well as the initiators of experiments on you, your children and grandchildren. No one knows that these are experimental vaccines. For example, at one time a two-round vaccination against poliomyelitis was carried out. According to the WHO memorandum, this was a new vaccine that had to be tested on children. That is, the whole of Russia, the whole country, all the children are in a constant experiment. Either they check the measles vaccine, which they brought from somewhere, then they check the new vaccine against tuberculosis, they brought six of them. Parents are not informed.

I repeat: the vaccine is needed during the threat of an epidemic. And epidemics, except for influenza, can occur once every 50-100 years. That's only then vaccines are needed and only for those who voluntarily agree to this. Because, for example, in our family no one has ever been vaccinated, with my great-granddaughter it is six generations. And there are many such families. In particular, the same Onishchenko said that he found 6,000 educated respectable families in Moscow who never vaccinate their children. Vaccination can only be used as a medicine in case of trouble. After all, a vaccine is also a medicine. Recently, a group of doctors were surprised to hear this from me. There are medical drugs, and there are preventive drugs, that is, vaccines, immunoglobulins, disinfectants and others. But even doctors don't know that.

Natalia Fedorova
