Atrophic rhinitis: symptoms and treatment of an infectious disease. Atrophy of the nasal mucosa: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment What is it?

Atrophic rhinitis is a pathology of the nasal mucosa of a chronic course, which is characterized by degenerative sclerotic changes (dryness and thinning of the nasal mucosa, atrophy of the bone tissue of the organ, damage to blood vessels and nerve endings). The consequence of atrophic changes is loss of smell, deformation of the nasal septum, scanty but frequent nosebleeds. The disease is diagnosed in representatives of absolutely all age categories. Residents of environmentally unfavorable regions, as well as areas with prevailing dry and hot weather, are most susceptible to it.

A feature of the pathology is the absence of copious discharge from the nasal passages. On the contrary, the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ dries out greatly, which is why crusts form on its inner walls. When they are removed, minor nosebleeds may occur.

Primary and secondary types of atrophic rhinitis in children and adults are determined. Why the first type of disease occurs is still not known exactly. However, its development is associated with exposure to pathogenic agents of the common cold. The second type of atrophic rhinitis occurs due to the influence of an unfavorable environment on a person and various dysfunctions of the body.

But there are other types of disease.

Form of atrophic rhinitis Characteristics of the disease
The initial stage of the disease is called atrophic dry rhinitis. In this case, nasal discharge is very scanty and viscous. Crusts form on the mucous membrane of the organ, breathing through the nose is almost completely absent, dysfunction of the sense of smell is observed, sleep is disturbed, and appetite disappears. Untimely treatment of atrophic rhinitis at the initial stage can worsen the disease - it will become chronic, which is more difficult to diagnose.
Chronic atrophic and subatrophic rhinitis It is characterized by a disorder of nutrition of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by roughness of the internal walls of the organ, their drying out and the appearance of crusts in the nasal passages. However, there are no other symptoms typical of the disease. Because of this, this type of atrophic rhinitis is quite difficult to diagnose.
Infectious form of the disease Characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The process may be accompanied by increased body temperature, insomnia, and poor appetite. After some time, the face swells in the eye area, jaw asymmetry is observed, and the shape of the nose changes (the nasal septum is bent). All these changes are accompanied by a characteristic infectious or atrophic runny nose.
Ozena The most unpleasant and, perhaps, serious manifestation of atrophic rhinitis is ozena. The pathology is characterized by the formation of foul-smelling mucus, which, when dried, turns into green-yellow crusts. As the disease progresses, the voice becomes hoarse, a dry cough appears, and the sense of smell is completely or partially absent.

Warning: the photo may be unpleasant to view.

Infectious form of the disease


Causes of the disease

If we talk about the reasons due to which an atrophic runny nose of an infectious nature can develop, the most common bacteria are Klebsiella, Bordetella, Mycoplasma, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Other reasons include:

  • heredity;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • lack of iron in the body and hypovitaminosis;
  • abuse of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products;
  • poor nutrition;
  • uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops;
  • contact with chemicals;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • complications after operations on ENT organs;
  • frequent stress, overexertion, psycho-emotional instability;
  • work associated with hazardous production.

Atrophic type of rhinitis can also be caused by other diseases of the body:

  • atrophic gastritis;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • autoimmune infections;
  • rhinoscleroma;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • catarrh of the upper respiratory tract;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • nasal injuries (surgical, household);
  • vasculitis

Research shows that secretory cell depletion is interrelated. For example, if dysfunction of the digestive organs is detected in the human body, then there is a high probability that this pathological process will after some time affect the organs of the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis

Each form of atrophic rhinitis is characterized by certain symptoms.

Form of atrophic rhinitis Characteristic symptoms
Dry atrophic runny nose Severe dryness of the nasal mucosa, its thinning, the formation of dry crusts on the inner walls of the nose, which cause discomfort in the patient (sensation of tickling, a foreign body in the nose), difficult nasal breathing, rare mucous discharge, deterioration of the sense of smell with gradual disappearance. When removing the crusts that have formed, nosebleeds may occur due to injury to the mucous membrane of the organ.
Typical shape Manifests itself with all the symptoms of the previous form. An additional clear sign of the disease is dilation of the nasal passages. Moreover, sometimes they can expand so much that during an examination you can see the Eustachian tubes and nasopharynx through them. At the same time, the patient feels quite well, no increase in body temperature is observed.
Subatrophic form It is characterized by a sluggish course, the nasal mucosa is not severely affected. However, mucous discharge from the nose increases in volume, as a result of which the number and size of dry crusts becomes larger. The rate of development of this form of pathology depends on the cause that provoked it.
Diffuse form The pathological process spreads throughout the entire cavity of the organ, and the olfactory function is significantly impaired.
Infectious form of pathology The pathology is accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, fever, conjunctivitis, sleep disturbance, nervousness, restlessness, and poor appetite. Over time, the patient experiences jaw asymmetry, the nasal septum becomes soft and curved. The face takes on a puffy shape, and there is severe swelling under the eyes.
Ozena It is characterized by expansion of the nasal cavity, thinning, pallor and dryness of the mucous membrane. A foul-smelling mucous discharge flows from the nose, which quickly dries out and forms green-yellow crusts. This pathology quickly spreads to the area of ​​the pharynx, larynx, and trachea, resulting in a hoarse voice and a painful cough. Due to a disorder of the olfactory receptors, anosmia develops - complete or selective loss of smell. Since the nerve endings in the nose atrophy, the sensitivity of the organ is impaired. The patient emits a foul odor, to which others do not always react adequately. For a small child diagnosed with ozena, such a reaction from others becomes a cause of depression; for an adult, it causes serious depression.

The following general symptoms may be the reason for an unscheduled consultation with an otolaryngologist:

  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • abnormal formation of crusts in the organ cavity;
  • a feeling of tightness in the nose that is constant;
  • periodic, scanty nosebleeds that are easy to stop;
  • itching, burning in the nose.

These general symptoms are necessarily accompanied by poor appetite, sleep disturbances, nervousness, and headaches.

How to distinguish a regular runny nose from an atrophic one?

A common runny nose is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. It can occur for various reasons: the impact of pathogenic microorganisms, allergens, and other factors that provoke the disease. A common runny nose is characterized by an acute course with a gradual increase in symptoms. But provided that the patient has a strong immune system or uses the correct treatment regimen, the disease goes away within 10-14 days.

A common runny nose is characterized by 3 stages of development:

  1. During the first 2-48 hours, the patient experiences severe itching and burning in the nasal passages, slight hyperthermia is noted, the sense of smell deteriorates, the perception of tastes is impaired, and nasal breathing becomes difficult.
  2. With the active development of the virus in the body, abundant discharge of liquid mucus is observed from the nose, nasal breathing is complicated, the ears become blocked, body temperature rises, appetite disappears, lacrimation and frequent sneezing are possible.
  3. After 4-5 days, the secreted mucus becomes thicker and has a purulent consistency. From about the 7th day, the nasal passages begin to clear of viruses, the mucous discharge gradually disappears, and the patient’s condition improves.

With atrophic rhinitis, the dryness of the mucous membrane is constant, there is practically no mucous discharge, but nasal congestion persists. Due to the crusts that form in the nose, there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, and minor bleeding is possible.

What is the best way to treat atrophic rhinitis?

It is much easier to cure nasal atrophy at the initial stage of development. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist for help when you detect the first signs of pathology. The otolaryngologist examines the patient and, based on the results obtained, will build an optimal treatment regimen for atrophic rhinitis.

Treatment of atrophic rhinitis with folk remedies

It is not recommended to treat atrophic rhinitis exclusively with folk remedies - it is only a good and effective addition to drug therapy. In addition, a doctor must prescribe such prescriptions: independent use of folk remedies can aggravate the disease.

Oils (olive, rosehip oil) are used as non-medicinal products to help moisturize the nasal mucosa, softening the crusts that have formed. Various tinctures and decoctions help strengthen local immunity and eliminate the inflammatory process; aloe juice helps restore cells. In general, traditional medicine for atrophic rhinitis is used for moisturizing, relieving inflammation, and deodorizing during ozone.

Traditional medicine offers the following recipes that significantly improve the patient’s well-being with atrophic rhinitis:

  1. To increase immunity, combine rose hips, raspberry leaves, black currants and lingonberries in equal parts. A tablespoon of the crushed mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and, covering the container, leave for 40 minutes. Take the drink after meals, 70 ml 3 times a day.
  2. To relieve the inflammatory process, mint leaves, St. John's wort and thyme herbs, as well as valerian roots are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. A tablespoon of herbs should be poured into a glass (250 ml) of long tea (boiling). The decoction should steep for half an hour. Take the drink three times a day after meals in the amount of 100 ml.
  3. To rinse the nasal cavity, use a chamomile decoction: pour a teaspoon of chamomile with a glass of boiling water and leave, covering the container with a tight lid, for about 40 minutes. Strain the broth thoroughly and cool to room temperature. Rinse your nose with the decoction several times a day.
  4. Decoction of 2 tbsp. calendula flowers, steamed 2 tbsp. After two hours of infusion, filter boiled water and rinse your nose with it at least once a day.
  5. Grind 2-3 tbsp. sage leaves, pour boiling water (0.5 l) over them and leave for 2 hours. Before using the decoction to rinse the nasal passages, it must be filtered and, if necessary, heated a little.
  6. Instilling 2-3 drops of sea buckthorn or olive oil into each nostril helps soften the crusts and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Rinsing the nose with aloe juice promotes cell regeneration.
  8. Rinsing the nose with sea water is also effective. It is prepared by dissolving a level teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of boiled water. The result is a classic 1% saline solution.
  9. Moisten turundas with 10% propolis oil and insert into the nasal passages. Such procedures relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and promote cell regeneration.
  10. Mix a teaspoon of butter with 50 ml of sunflower oil and 10 g of ground propolis. Moisten the turundas with the resulting mixture and place them in the nasal passages for 20-30 minutes. Perform the procedure in the morning and evening.

Drug therapy at home

The chronic form of atrophic rhinitis, the treatment of which is best coordinated with an experienced ENT doctor, cannot be cured without drug therapy. The entire treatment procedure is divided into general and symptomatic therapy. For general treatment, vitamin complexes (A, C, group B), proper nutrition, iodine and iron complexes (Ferrocal, Ferrum Lek, Ferritin) are prescribed if the patient has a deficiency. The main goal of general drug therapy is to increase the body's resistance.

For symptomatic therapy use:
  • nasal preparations and aerosol inhalations based on oils - these preparations help to soften the crusts and their easy removal from the nasal cavity (Nazivin, Otrivin, Galazolin, Bioparox, Polidexa, Isofra; oils for inhalation - sea ​​buckthorn, peach, olive);
  • saline solutions for moisturizing the nasal mucosa (“Acesol”, “Glucosolan”, “Disol”, sodium chloride);
  • ointments that accelerate tissue regeneration and improve metabolism (“Vaseline” ointment, “Linseed” and “Camphor”);
  • emollient drugs that stop and prevent mucosal atrophy (“Trental”, “Pentoxifylline”, “Curantil”);
  • a course of antibiotics for the infectious form of atrophic rhinitis (broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed - Ciprofloxacin, Amikacin, Rifampicin, Chloramphenicol, Streptomycin);
  • medications to restore the secretory function of the nasal mucosa (Solcoseryl, Sodium Adenosine Triphosphate, Sinupret);
  • physiotherapy (UV irradiation procedures, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, aerotherapy, aerosol inhalations with enzymes - “Trypsin”, “Ribonuclease”, “Collagenase”).

In home therapy, a positive result will be achieved only if the patient unquestioningly follows all the instructions of the attending physician.

Is it necessary to treat atrophic rhinitis surgically?

Methods of surgical treatment of atrophic type rhinitis are used if conservative treatment is ineffective. The surgical process is also indicated for obvious atrophy (excessive expansion of the nasal cavities and atrophy of the bone frame of the organ). Operations to eliminate defects involve implanting various alloplastic materials into the area of ​​the septum and the bottom of the nasal cavity: mesh lavsan, plates of tubular bones, placenta, amniotic membranes, nylon (polyamide), acrylic plastic, etc.

Features of the treatment of atrophic rhinitis in a child

In children, atrophic rhinitis differs in symptoms and treatment, but this difference is insignificant. Pathology in children must be treated by an experienced ENT doctor. Initially, it is important to understand the cause of the disease - the treatment regimen depends on this. As a rule, the doctor will prescribe medications to moisturize the nasal mucosa. These can be special solutions of sea salt or pharmaceutical preparations based on sea water. It is also mandatory to maintain optimal air humidity in the room where the child is.

If the pathology is a consequence of allergies, the child is prescribed antihistamines and avoids contact with allergens. To soften crusts in the nose, inhalations with oil-alkaline solutions are prescribed. In general, complex therapy is used with the use of drugs aimed at stopping the inflammatory process, eliminating the symptoms of the disease, restoring full respiratory function, strengthening the immune system, and stopping tissue atrophy. Proper nutrition and a gentle regimen, as well as a favorable environment in the home, play an important role.

Possible complications

If the disease is ignored, the following complications may arise:

  • anosmia - loss of sense of smell;
  • decreased immunity;
  • deformation of the nose, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • ear infection;
  • meningitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • inflammation of the eyeballs;
  • purulent sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, frontal sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the pharynx, larynx, trachea;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • depressive states, neurasthenia, apathy.

The atrophic form of rhinitis is a rather complex disease that is important to diagnose in time. Any delay can cause serious complications. In addition, the pathology itself negatively affects the general well-being of the patient, reducing his performance and quality of life in general.

Atrophic rhinitis is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. That is, tissue atrophy occurs; glands and some elements of the peripheral nervous system are involved in the pathological process. Drugs against atrophic rhinitis should not only remove a runny nose, but also restore the condition of the tissues.

The pathology is still not well understood. It is often hereditary in nature. In addition, the development of the disease is associated with endocrine imbalance, which most often occurs in people with a lack of iron and vitamin D in the body, with a bacterial or viral respiratory infection, as well as with long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops.

The symptoms and signs of atrophic rhinitis have been studied relatively well.

They include:

  • feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity;
  • constant formation of dry crusts, which can be located both in the anterior and posterior sections of the nasal cavity, which makes it possible to distinguish the disease from the less dangerous dry rhinitis;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • since the body receives less oxygen, weakness is often felt;
  • Sometimes panic attacks occur associated with episodes of prolonged nosebleeds.

There are different forms of pathology. First of all, these are primary and secondary atrophic rhinitis. Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis appear during puberty. But sometimes it also happens that it appears much earlier, even at 12 months of age. You need to see your doctor to determine and eliminate the cause of the pathology, as well as receive recommendations regarding its treatment.

Sometimes subatrophic rhinitis is mentioned separately in the medical literature, but it is not advisable to single it out as an independent disease, since it represents the initial stage of the pathology.

There are 2 more clinical forms that are usually considered separately: ozena and anterior dry rhinitis. Ozena is characterized by a fetid odor and is accompanied by the formation of crusts of a specific green hue (with other types of pathology they may remain grayish-yellow). All other symptoms also appear, including dry nose.

The long course of the disease leads to damage to the mucous membranes of the nose. If this pathology develops unfavorably, it may happen that the structures of the nasal cavity are so damaged that perforation of the septum occurs. At the same time, similar processes occur on the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

Methods of general therapy

The peculiarities of the treatment of atrophic rhinitis are that, unlike other types of runny nose, it involves not only conservative, but also surgical methods such as narrowing the nasal cavity or transferring gland ducts.

Surgical treatment methods are used when conservative therapy has not given any result.

Treatment is aimed at improving the trophism of the mucous membrane, since deterioration in its nutrition is one of the prerequisites for the development of the disease. In addition to medications, a helium-neon laser provides a good stimulating effect in such cases.

As for conservative treatment, it involves methods such as:

  1. Use of antibiotics. These are the latest generation cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones. They are prescribed after conducting a sensitivity analysis of the microflora (bacteria culture). Intravenous antibiotics are provided.
  2. Irrigation of the mucous membranes using physiological or saline solution.
  3. Removing dry crusts using oils or alkaline solutions.
  4. During ozen, an important role is played by the elimination of unpleasant odors caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to the use of systemic drugs, local antibiotics are prescribed.
  5. Use of immunostimulants.

Physiotherapy plays an important role. It is aimed at improving blood circulation in the tissues of the mucous membrane. In addition to the already mentioned helium-neon laser, such means as electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation and aeroion therapy are used.

Methods of general stimulating treatment are used: blood transfusion, tissue therapy (when injections of vitreous humor or aloe extract are given), vaccination.

For people who, due to the nature of their professional activities, are exposed to various chemical agents, prevention plays an important role. It is imperative to use respirators and inhale with alkaline oil solutions. It is important to monitor the cleanliness and humidity of the indoor air.

Drug treatment

When considering procedures that cleanse the nasal cavity and drugs for restoring the mucous membrane, specialists always start with irrigation therapy. For it, normotonic solutions of sodium chloride and sea salt are used.

Such procedures can be carried out with saline solution or preparations such as Aqua Maris based on sea water. The products promote mechanical cleansing of the nasal cavity, they moisturize the mucous membrane and improve its condition.

There are a number of drugs that are applied to the mucous membranes so that they create a protective film and prevent it from drying out and the development of atrophic changes. These are products such as Glycerol, Aevit, Vinilin balm. Some oils used in folk medicine act in much the same way as the above drugs.

To reduce atrophic processes, various ointments with a softening effect are introduced into the nasal cavity: naphthalan, vaseline, lanolin. Candles based on chlorophyll-carotene paste are used. To eliminate disorders of the nervous system and blood circulation, irritant therapy is carried out, stimulating the functioning of the glands, lubricating the mucous membranes with Lugol's solution. This helps eliminate drying mucus and helps normalize secretion production. The dosage of all drugs is prescribed by the doctor.

As for inhalations, they are made based on infusions of plantain or coltsfoot leaves. Standard proportion: 1 tbsp. crushed dry raw materials per glass of boiling water; leave for an hour.


In addition to vasoconstrictor drops, drugs are used to moisturize the mucous membrane, for example, Pinosol. This oil-based preparation is made from plant materials, contains a mixture of essential oils of eucalyptus, thyme, pine, and is enriched with vitamin E.

Pinosol can also be used for inhalation. In addition, in addition to drops, when treating rhinitis, this drug can be used in the form of an ointment or cream, since it contains a high content of active ingredients.

For atrophic rhinitis, Derinat is considered an excellent choice. These drops are used to enhance cellular and humoral immunity. They help the body fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections, stimulate the restoration of mucosal tissue.


Drugs for the treatment of atrophic rhinitis are produced in the form of sprays. A spray with ectoine makes breathing easier. This substance is naturally synthesized by beneficial bacteria. It is necessary to protect the mucous membranes, in particular, it helps prevent the consequences of the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation, dust, and other irritants; prevents dry nose.

For rhinitis, IRS-19 spray is widely used. This is an immunostimulant based on bacterial lysates, which destroy the cells of pathogenic microorganisms that have already settled on the mucous membrane.


To treat rhinitis, tablets are used that reduce the viscosity of capillary blood, improve microcirculation in the mucous membranes and normalize the supply of oxygen to tissues. These are mainly Pentoxifylline and other drugs based on the same active ingredient, for example, Agapurin. In addition, such drugs have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Various means of stimulating the immune system and vitamin complexes are also used:

  • routine;
  • iron preparations with aloe extract;
  • phytin (organic phosphorus).

The drug Ferrum Lek works effectively; The medicine is produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of liquid for injection.

Treatment of illness with folk remedies

Traditional medicine plays a secondary role in the treatment of rhinitis. The fact is that they are only effective as local therapy. At the same time, alternative medicine methods can be more effective than ready-made preparations containing silver, iodine, phenol or ichthyol.

The oils mainly used are rosehip and sea buckthorn, eucalyptus and thuja. They are used in small quantities, just to make it easier to remove the crusts and to speed up tissue restoration. Rosehip oil and other similar products can be applied to cotton pads, which are inserted alternately into each nostril for 15-20 minutes. This softens the crusts and makes the peeling process easier. In addition, it is recommended to cleanse the nose with a solution of pine extract (1 part extract / 5 parts water).

You can rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution (1 tsp/1 liter of warm water). The salt concentration can be reduced if the mucous membrane tingles after using the solution.

Decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula, yarrow herbs) have a good effect. They are all prepared the same way: 1 tbsp. vegetable raw materials per glass of hot water. After the product has infused, it is filtered and used to rinse the nose.

483 10/22/2019 9 min.

Atrophic rhinitis is a complicated form of chronic runny nose, in which single or multiple atrophies form in the cavity of the mucous membrane. They are hard crusts that emit an unpleasant odor. If treatment is not started in time, the disease quickly progresses, affecting an increasingly larger area of ​​the epithelium of the nasal passages. The causes of the disease are not fully understood; depending on the etiology, primary and secondary forms of atrophic rhinitis are distinguished. Therapy for this disease is always long-term and requires an integrated approach. In the early stages, medications and physiotherapy are prescribed; in case of severe atrophy of the mucosa, surgery cannot be avoided.

Definition of disease

Among all types of runny nose, atrophic rhinitis occupies a special place. Unlike other forms, it is not accompanied by copious mucus secretion, but, on the contrary, provokes excessive dryness of the tissues of the nasal cavity. A distinctive feature of this disease is atrophy or thinning of the secretory epithelium. As a result, blood supply and tissue nutrition are disrupted, and characteristic dense crusts appear on the surface of the nasal passages.

The disease is chronic and develops gradually. If treatment is not started in time, serious complications arise, and the sense of smell is completely or partially lost. In later stages, the pathology also affects nearby structures, spreading to the nasopharynx and Eustachian tubes. In rare cases, deformation of bone elements and cartilage tissue occurs, which requires urgent surgical treatment.

In the international classification of diseases, atrophic rhinitis has the ICD-10 code – J31. This group includes all types of chronic runny nose, with the exception of vasomotor and allergic.

Symptoms - how to diagnose the disease

The symptoms of atrophic rhinitis are varied and depend on the person’s age, duration of the disease and secondary diseases. There are several forms of pathology, differing in the specificity of external manifestations and the severity of the case.

Atrophic (dry) rhinitis

In otolaryngology, typical atrophic rhinitis is usually distinguished by a triad of symptoms that are present in all cases (dense dry crusts in the nasal passages, thinning of epithelial tissue and loss of smell). In addition, there are other side symptoms of the disease:

  • feeling of dryness in the nose;
  • breathing problems;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the nasal passages;
  • pain in the central area of ​​the face;
  • periodic nosebleeds.

Infectious atrophic rhinitis

The cause of this type of rhinitis is a bacterial or viral infection. In addition to the main signs, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • increase in temperature, deterioration in health;
  • frequent sneezing, sore throat;
  • anxiety, loss of appetite;
  • puffiness of the face, swelling;
  • softening the nasal septum;
  • green or yellow color of dry crusts;
  • unpleasant smell from the nose.


Atrophic rhinitis is a disease of a multifactorial nature. The exact causes of the disease are still not fully understood. There is a primary form - it develops on its own without an obvious etiology, as well as a secondary form - a chronic dry runny nose appears against the background of infection, systemic diseases or external negative factors.

Upper respiratory tract infections – atrophy of the nasal passages

A common cause of the development of chronic atrophic rhinitis. Typically, the disease appears when infected with Proteus infection, diphtheria bacillus and other types of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, chronic runny nose can develop due to prolonged infection with respiratory diseases, such as the flu or the common cold. Less commonly, atrophy of the nasal passages appears against the background of a systemic infection, more often these are diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs, for example, pneumonia.


There is a conflicting opinion on this matter in the medical literature. Some doctors highlight a genetic predisposition to atrophy as a provoking factor, while other doctors deny it. There are no reliable studies on this issue. However, according to statistics, children whose parents suffer from chronic rhinitis are more often diagnosed with similar diseases, and they are also susceptible to respiratory infections.

The bacterium Klebsiella ozaenae is the causative agent of runny nose or foul-smelling runny nose. It can spread to other organs, leading to severe infection of the body.


An unfavorable environmental situation in itself is not a cause, but serves as a provoking factor. The disease is more often diagnosed in warm regions with increased dry air; the highest percentage of atrophic rhinitis is detected in the countries of Asia and Africa. In addition, pollution and large amounts of dust in the air also contribute to the development of the disease. That is why workers in the production of stone, cement and other building materials have a high risk of developing a runny nose.

Iron deficiency

Iron and vitamin D are the most important elements for the functioning of the circulatory system. With their deficiency, blood pressure and circulation are disrupted, which leads to deterioration in tissue nutrition. This can cause the development of atrophy in any part of the body. Iron deficiency is often accompanied by a decrease in immunity, which increases the risk of contracting infections and colds.


If treatment for chronic rhinitis is not started in time, the disease spreads to other respiratory organs and also leads to serious complications. It is especially dangerous because pathogenic microorganisms reduce overall health and progress rapidly. Possible complications with atrophic rhinitis:

  • Anosmia. This is a complete or partial loss of smell. A typical sign of chronic runny nose; with prolonged illness, sensitivity may be completely lost;
  • Inflammation of the trachea, larynx and pharynx. A large group of diseases that often complement each other. May be complicated by atrophy of respiratory tract tissues;
  • Ear infection. It is rare, usually otitis media is diagnosed with rhinitis, which is due to the anatomical features of this area;
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). A dangerous disease that often becomes chronic and leads to nagging pain during movement. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, several forms of sinusitis are distinguished: sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis and sphenoiditis;
  • Pneumonia. Occurs when atrophy affects the alveoli or lung tissue. It can occur in both infectious and non-infectious forms of the disease. If left untreated, there is a possibility of death;
  • Meningitis. A dangerous and rare complication of atrophy of the nasal passages, when the disease spreads to the membrane of the spinal cord or brain. Accompanied by fainting, severe pain and photophobia. Urgent treatment is required as meningitis can be fatal.

Atrophic rhinitis is dangerous because in the early stages it is almost impossible to determine the presence of a secondary pathology. The first signs of complications occur only when there is significant tissue damage.

Read how to take hormonal drops.

Rhinitis in an advanced form can lead to the development of deadly diseases if atrophic processes affect the deep tissues of the body or sepsis - blood poisoning - has begun.


It is usually not difficult to diagnose atrophic rhinitis. Already during the initial examination, typical symptoms of the disease are clearly visible, which do not occur with other types of runny nose. Diagnostics is necessary to identify possible complications and prescribe effective treatment. Main research methods:

  • Examination of the nasal cavity (rhinoscopy). During the procedure, expander mirrors and a special nasopharyngeal mirror are used. The technique allows you to accurately determine the nature and shape of the lesion, as well as the localization of atrophic processes. In modern clinics, an endoscope is used, which will increase the reliability of the results;
  • Bacteriological research. Analysis of mucous secretions, blood and tissue from affected areas is necessary to confirm or rule out infection. With the help of bacterial culture, you can accurately determine the pathogen strain, as well as select an antibiotic;
  • Tomography or radiography. Hardware methods for atrophic rhinitis make it possible to assess the extent and exact location of the lesion. Necessary to study possible complications, for example, deformation of the nasal septum.

Atrophic rhinitis can cause complications in other organs and systems, so the help of other specialists is often required. For example, if a systemic nature of the disease is suspected, studies are prescribed by an immunologist or allergist. In case of bacterial or viral form, consultation with an infectious disease specialist is required.

How to treat the disease and restore the mucous membrane

For atrophic rhinitis, complex treatment is prescribed, aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease. The disease tends to progress, so therapy must be as effective as possible, therefore, undergoing diagnostics is a mandatory requirement.

The specifics of treatment depend on the severity of the pathology, age and secondary diseases.

Medication - a list of good and effective drugs

It is used at all stages of the disease; depending on the drugs chosen, drug treatment can be symptomatic or supportive. For atrophic rhinitis, both means for external use (drops or rinsing) and oral administration (capsules, tablets, powders) can be used.

Read how to use Otrivin.

In the atrophic form of rhinitis, the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops is strictly contraindicated, as this can lead to worsening of the condition and the development of complications.

List of remedies for chronic runny nose

The main medicinal methods for treating dry runny nose:

  • Washing with saline preparations. The procedure has an antiseptic effect and washes away dust particles and allergens from the nasal cavity. Additionally strengthens blood vessels and nourishes the affected areas of the epithelium. The treatment regimen and composition of the drug for rinsing are prescribed by a doctor depending on age;
  • Moisturizers (oil-based). They are used in the form of nasal drops (Chlorophyllipt, Vitaon, Pinovit) or aerosol inhalations (solutions of medicinal herbs or essential oils). They are necessary to soften the crusts inside the nasal cavity, and also help to increase blood flow, nutrition and tissue regeneration;

The approximate cost of the drops is 100 rubles.

  • Antibacterial agents. They are used only for the treatment of the infectious form of atrophic rhinitis. For this purpose, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used in the form of drops, or less often - tablets. Effective drugs: Amikacin, Ciprofloxacin, Rifampicin and Chloramphenicol;
  • Ointments and gels. An important part of drug therapy is necessary to accelerate healing and improve nutrition of the affected areas. Products for external use are easy to use and show quick results. For atrophic rhinitis, Vaseline, flaxseed or camphor ointment, Solcoseryl are prescribed.

In addition, for atrophic rhinitis, a course of vitamins is prescribed as maintenance therapy, as well as drugs to restore the concentration of iron in the blood (Ferritin, Ferrocal, Hemofer). All medications should be selected only by a doctor based on the results of a diagnostic study.

Read which spray for nasal congestion is better.

Surgical treatment of diseases of the nasal mucosa in adults

Surgeries for rhinitis are prescribed only in severe and advanced cases. Surgery is required when atrophy has spread to the bone elements of the nasal passages and cartilage. The operation does not lead to a complete recovery, but is necessary to alleviate the condition and reduce the likelihood of complications.

The main surgical method for this form of runny nose is implantation or transplantation to narrow the widening of the nasal septum. In addition, it is a widespread practice to remove the ducts of the secretory glands into the nasal cavity to restore the necessary moisture of the mucous membranes.

For implantation, surgical polyester (lavsan) thread, amniotic tissue, acrylic plastic or composite materials are used. The choice of remedy depends on the degree of damage and sensitivity of the patient’s body to the composition of the implant.

Traditional methods of treatment at home

There are a large number of folk methods to restore the nasal mucosa at home. They are not a panacea and are practically useless if the lesion is large.

Read how to quickly cure a runny nose in an adult using folk remedies.

Home remedies can increase the effectiveness of drug therapy and improve health.

  • 2 tbsp. l. Pour calendula flowers into 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain the product and use it for instillation twice a day;
  • 2-3 s. l. Grind the sage leaves to a powder, add 200 ml of water and let it brew for 2-4 hours. After this, strain the infusion and use it to rinse the nasal cavity;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dissolve sea salt in 200 ml of boiling water, apply 2-3 times a day for rinsing;
  • mix 10 g of grated propolis in 50 ml of olive or linseed oil. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and place it in the nasal passages for 20-30 minutes twice a day.

Some ingredients of traditional methods are strong allergens. If adverse reactions occur during the procedure (rash, redness, sneezing, etc.), you should discard the product and consult your doctor.


Atrophic rhinitis is difficult to treat and can lead to serious consequences. To avoid this unpleasant pathology, you need to follow simple preventive measures:

  • monitor nose and hand hygiene;
  • adjust your diet, take vitamin supplements;
  • avoid hypothermia and severe stress;
  • promptly treat all infectious diseases;
  • regularly ventilate the room, monitor the microclimate of the house;
  • monitor your health, perform gymnastics and hardening;
  • For increased dryness of the nasal passages, use oil drops and aerosols.

All types of runny nose usually develop against a background of weakened immunity or vitamin deficiency. To prevent this, you need to monitor your health from childhood, exercise and eat well.

Read about the treatment of bacterial rhinitis.


This video describes the symptoms and treatment methods of atrophic rhinitis.


  1. Atrophic rhinitis is a form of chronic runny nose in which dry crusts appear in the nasal cavity and the epithelial tissue becomes thinner.
  2. The main symptoms of the disease are increased dryness in the nose, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and a decreased sense of smell.
  3. The disease has a multifactorial origin. Appears due to heredity, infectious and systemic diseases, against the background of decreased immunity and iron deficiency.
  4. In advanced cases, a dry runny nose can cause complications from the respiratory system (sinusitis, anosmia or pneumonia) and hearing organs (otitis media). Less commonly leads to the development of meningitis and sepsis.
  5. Rhinoscopy, laboratory tests, tomography and x-rays are used for diagnosis.
  6. A set of measures will help to reduce symptoms, improve health and eliminate the causes. For this purpose, medications, physiotherapy and surgical methods are used.

Atrophic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, in which the atrophic and degenerative process leads to loss of its functions. When the disease is severe, the pathology can spread to the bone tissue of the nasal concha, which leads to their destruction. The disease in most cases is chronic with a long and sluggish course. Most often, patients do not pay due attention to the symptoms of the disease, considering them a common runny nose, and do not carry out the necessary timely treatment. Because of this, the pathological process progresses and starts, and the success of therapy decreases.


The appearance of atrophic rhinitis can be triggered by various reasons, most of which are associated with external negative effects on the body. Doctors identify the following as the main factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • severe air pollution in the area of ​​residence;
  • working in hazardous industries without using proper protective equipment;
  • catarrh of the respiratory tract;
  • excessive use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays;
  • hereditary predisposition to thinning of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  • unfavorable climatic conditions - excessively cold and humid air in winter and dry and hot air in summer;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • dry air in the apartment;
  • complications of operations in the nasal cavity;
  • smoking - equally passive and active;
  • frequent stressful situations or chronic stress;
  • mental disorders leading to changes in the functioning of the mucous membranes;
  • frequent use of air flavorings;
  • viral infections - influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • use of oral hormonal contraceptives;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • pregnancy period;
  • decreased immunity;
  • nasal injuries;
  • facial bone injuries;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • chronic lack of sleep.

Whatever the cause of atrophic rhinitis, the disease must be treated as early as possible. It is also important to reduce the impact of negative factors that will further aggravate the problem, significantly complicating treatment.

Types and symptoms

Doctors divide the disease into 4 types. Each of them has its own characteristic manifestations. It is important to promptly identify the onset of pathology and prevent its further development.

  1. Atrophic simple rhinitis. The treatment is the easiest. Patients often complain of a feeling of a foreign body in the nose, scanty, very viscous mucus and minor bleeding. In addition, as the disease progresses, the following are noted:
    • cortical formations in the nasal cavity that appear when mucous secretions dry out;
    • loss of smell;
    • whistling when inhaling;
    • predominant mouth breathing;
    • loss of appetite;
    • insomnia.
  2. Subatrophic rhinitis - there are no obvious signs of the disease, and the presence of rhinitis is indicated only by the presence of dry crusts on the mucous membrane and its roughness. Such a runny nose is often not detected in a timely manner and remains untreated for a long time.
  3. Infectious rhinitis. Symptoms are caused by pathogens and are divided into two categories - primary and secondary. Primary signs include:
    • inflammation in the nasopharynx;
    • increase in body temperature - depending on the individual characteristics of the body, from minor to serious;
    • sneezing;
    • severe runny nose;
    • restlessness;
    • increased nervousness;
    • poor quality sleep;
    • decreased appetite.

    When treatment is not carried out at this stage of the disease, the pathology progresses, and the patient develops the following additional symptoms:

    • jaw asymmetry;
    • swelling of the eyes;
    • swelling of the face;
    • deviated nasal septum;
    • softening of the nasal septum.
  4. Ozena. A severe form of the disease in which a necrotic process develops in the mucosa. The mucus secreted by the glands has an intense putrid odor. The crusts that form in the nose are greenish-yellow in color and also smell bad. The patient is haunted by a feeling of nasal congestion and a rapid decrease in the acuity of smell. Urgent treatment is required.

Possible complications

If a patient ignores his condition for a long time and does not seek medical help, he has a high risk of severe complications. The main consequences of atrophic rhinitis are:

  • structural changes in the nose;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • meningitis;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • decline in immunity;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases of the throat;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • neurasthenia;
  • depression;
  • hearing loss.

In particularly severe cases, sepsis (blood poisoning) is possible. This complication is observed extremely rarely and occurs only when several unfavorable factors are combined at once: an extreme decrease in immunity, extensive wound surfaces on the nasal mucosa and the particular aggressiveness of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal cavity.

Diagnostic methods

For medical help, after discovering manifestations of atrophic rhinitis, you should contact an otolaryngologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs the following:

  • collection of anamnesis of the disease;
  • performing rhinoscopy;
  • a smear from the nasal passages with further microscopic examination and culture on a nutrient medium (in this way the causative agent of the disease is determined);
  • X-ray examination;
  • CT scan;
  • tests to detect disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • checking hormonal status;
  • blood analysis;
  • endoscopic examination of the nasal passages.

The pathology is easily diagnosed, and after the initial examination of the nasal mucosa, the correct diagnosis is made. Advanced diagnostics are needed to obtain additional information about the disease in order to select the most effective treatment.

Treatment methods

If atrophic rhinitis occurs, self-medication is highly undesirable, since during the time spent on it, most likely to no avail, the pathology will progress. In treatment, in addition to traditional medications, physiotherapy, traditional methods, and in severe cases, surgery are used.

At home, treatment is carried out only after visiting a doctor and agreeing with him on methods, which may also include folk remedies. Such therapy is excluded when there are already complications affecting the lungs, brain, or all systems and organs combined.

Hospitalization of a patient who does not have complications is required only if he has a high risk of developing them, or there are indications for surgical therapy.

The method of therapy is chosen exclusively by the attending physician, depending on the general condition of the patient and the stage of atrophic rhinitis.


The complex of drug treatment includes the following stages:

  • irrigation of the nasal cavity with saline solution;
  • rinsing the nasal cavity with antiseptic compounds;
  • removing crusts from the mucous membrane using alkaline compounds;
  • irrigation of the mucous membrane with a composition containing 25% glucose and 75% glycerol;
  • local antibiotics;
  • emollient ointment for the nose;
  • systemic immunomodulators;
  • Estradiol spray;
  • vitamins B and D by injection or orally.

If rhinitis is caused by pathologies that the patient already has and manifests itself only as a symptom, then they are eliminated and corrected first. Hormonal therapy may be used for this.

Watch how to prepare your own solution for rinsing the nose and restoring the mucous membrane.


Physiotherapy is indicated to improve blood circulation in mucosal tissues and reduce its atrophy. The main procedures are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • helium-neon laser;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • inductothermy of the nasal cavity;
  • aeroionotherapy.

Physiotherapy treatment is carried out according to strict medical recommendations.


Surgical intervention is prescribed in cases where its necessity is determined by a doctor after conservative therapy. Surgical treatment may be as follows:

  • reduction of the nasal cavity if it is excessively enlarged;
  • transplantation of donor tissues in case of irreversible destruction of one's own;
  • transplantation of your own healthy tissue.

With surgical treatment of the disease, the recovery period is significantly prolonged.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used to moisturize the mucous membrane and improve blood circulation in it.

  1. Rinse the nose with a decoction of calendula. Prepare the composition at the rate of 1 tsp. for 250 ml of water. Rinse your nose at least once every 3 hours. The product not only qualitatively moisturizes the mucous membrane, but also has a powerful antiseptic effect.
  2. Putting olive oil in your nose. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day for at least 3 weeks. Place 1 drop of oil in each nostril. It is important that the product is free of impurities.
  3. Rubbing the nose with sea buckthorn oil. Soak a cotton swab with sea buckthorn oil and treat the nasal passages 4 times a day for at least 2 weeks.

Features of treatment during pregnancy and lactation

For nursing mothers, treatment is carried out using standard methods.

Atrophic rhinitis often occurs during pregnancy. The disease is predominantly acute. It is unacceptable to use physiotherapy for treatment at this time. The rest of the treatment is carried out according to the standard regimen.

Features of treatment in children

If atrophic rhinitis occurs in childhood, the child must be shown to a doctor. Children receive the same treatment as adults, but with age-appropriate treatments. They try to prescribe antibiotics only as a last resort.

  1. Contact an otolaryngologist.
  2. Compliance with all medical recommendations.
  3. Regular ventilation of the room in the absence of the child.
  4. Using a humidifier in a child's room.

What not to do

For atrophic rhinitis, the following is strictly prohibited:

  • use vasoconstrictor drugs for instillation;
  • use drying drops in the nose;
  • smoking;
  • being in dusty places;
  • extraction of dry crusts without preliminary moistening.

If these restrictions are not observed, the disease progresses and leads to negative consequences.

Forecast and preventive measures

It is impossible to completely cure and restore damaged mucous membranes, which is why the disease is chronic. With proper treatment, it is only possible to stop the pathological process and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

To prevent the disease, regular hardening, proper nutrition and proper rest are recommended. It is also important to ensure that the air in the apartment is always sufficiently humid.

Attending doctor

The disease is treated by an otolaryngologist. If you suspect a disease, you should contact him.

One of the rarest but most severe chronic diseases of the nose is atrophic rhinitis. What it is? What does diagnosis include, and what are the main methods of treating atrophic rhinitis?

Atrophic rhinitis (AR) is a progressive dystrophic process, which is accompanied by atrophy of the mucous membrane, submucosal layer, and, with a progressive course, the periosteum and bone tissue of the nasal cavity.

The disease is less common than other forms of chronic runny nose. The prevalence of chronic atrophic rhinitis in adults is higher than in children.

AR has two forms:

  • simple;
  • ozena, or foul runny nose.

Depending on the extent of the process, simple AR can be limited and diffuse.

A limited form of pathology, or anterior dry rhinitis, primarily affects the anterior nasal septum and the anterior ends of the inferior turbinates. In the diffuse form, the disease spreads to the entire nasal cavity.

Ozena is characterized by a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane and bone walls of the nasal cavity. Rough crusts with a very unpleasant odor quickly form on the walls.

The severity of ozena can be mild, moderate or severe.

ICD-10 code (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision): J31.0 – chronic rhinitis: atrophic rhinitis, ozena.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The development of AR is based on a violation of the blood supply and innervation of the nasal mucosa. The causes of the disease are varied:

  • genetic constitutional dystrophy of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular pathology of the liver and biliary tract;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • injuries of the nose and paranasal sinuses;
  • surgical interventions (conchotomy, adenotomy, removal of foreign bodies, polypotomy, prolonged or repeated nasal tamponade, as well as conditions after septoplasty);
  • carrying out radiation therapy in the nasal area;
  • long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • disadvantaged social conditions;
  • nutrition with vitamin imbalance;
  • psychogenic stress during puberty.

Atrophic rhinitis occurs more often in people living in dry, hot climates.

The etiology and pathogenesis of ozena have not been definitively established. There are several theories:

  • genetic;
  • constitutional;
  • endocrine-vegetative;
  • trophic;
  • bacterial;
  • psychogenic.

Among the many supposed causes of ozena, there is an infectious theory, according to which the disease develops as a result of infection of a weakened organism with a specific ozena pathogen - Klebsiella Abel-Levenberg. In addition to this microorganism, a specific fungus, the Zhilkova fungus, is often isolated in the blood serum or urine.

Infected hyposiderosis (excessive formation and accumulation of hemosiderin, a pigment consisting of iron oxide), in which the level of serum iron in the blood decreases, is of great importance in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Once in the upper respiratory tract, Klebsiella pneumoniae ozaenae causes inflammation of the nasal mucosa with increased production of mucous secretion. A large number of leukocytes migrate to the site of inflammation. Subsequently, tissue breakdown products and destroyed bacterial capsules are released in the form of purulent discharge. The secretion becomes thick and viscous, its discharge is impaired, and crusts form on the walls of the nasal cavity.

Klebsiella pneumoniae ozaenae causes dysbiosis in the nasal cavity. At the same time, blood supply and innervation of tissues deteriorate, and degenerative changes occur in bone tissue and mucous membrane.

Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis

Simple AR is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • reduction of mucus discharge;
  • tendency to form crusts, but odorless;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • feeling of dryness in the nose;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • minor nosebleeds;
  • irritability, general weakness.

Ozena is characterized by a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane and bone walls of the nasal cavity. Rough crusts with a very unpleasant odor quickly form on the walls. After they are removed, the foul odor disappears for a while until new crusts form. At the same time, the patient himself does not feel this smell due to atrophy of the receptor zone of the olfactory analyzer.

As the atrophic process spreads to the pharynx, larynx and trachea, hoarseness develops, an obsessive cough appears and breathing becomes difficult.

Atrophy of the mucous membrane and turbinates leads to the fact that during anterior rhinoscopy the posterior wall of the nasopharynx is freely visualized. The disorder can spread not only to the nasal cavity, but also to the pharynx, larynx and trachea.

As a result of bone atrophy, the external nose can become deformed, the bridge of the nose sinks and a duck-shaped nose develops.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints, medical history, results of laboratory and instrumental research methods. Patients with AR report painful nasal dryness, sticky, crusty discharge, and difficulty breathing.

On examination, pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes and mouth breathing are observed. With AR, pale, atrophic mucous membranes are determined during rhinoscopy.

During anterior rhinoscopy, the following signs are revealed:

  • expansion of the nasal cavity, which is associated with a decrease in the inferior turbinates;
  • the mucous membrane is pale pink, thin, shiny;
  • dilated nasal passages are filled with thick, purulent secretion;
  • The discharge dries and forms crusts on the walls of the nasal cavity.

Atrophy of the mucous membrane and turbinates leads to the fact that during anterior rhinoscopy the posterior wall of the nasopharynx is freely visualized. The disorder can spread not only to the nasal cavity, but also to the pharynx, larynx and trachea.

Bacteriological culture during ozenosis reveals ozenous Klebsiella.

Cytological or histological examination of the nasal mucosa during ozena reveals:

  • sharp thinning of the mucous membrane;
  • thinning of the bone tissue of the turbinates and walls of the nose;
  • metaplasia of columnar epithelium into stratified squamous epithelium;
  • reduction in the number of mucous glands;
  • poor development or disappearance of cavernous tissue;
  • changes in blood vessels such as obliterating endarteritis;
  • replacement of bone tissue of conchae with connective tissue.

To reduce the atrophic process, oil drops and emollient ointments (vaseline, lanolin, naphthalene) are used, which are introduced into the nasal cavity.

As a result of bone atrophy, the external nose can become deformed, the bridge of the nose sinks and a duck-shaped nose develops.

When a pathogenic pathogen is identified, taking into account sensitivity, systemic and local antibacterial therapy is selected (tetracycline series, chloramphenicol group).

Other therapies:

  • treatment of concomitant diseases, iron deficiency anemia;
  • exposure to helium-neon laser (to stimulate trophism of the nasal mucosa);
  • general stimulating treatment: vitamin therapy, autohemotherapy, protein therapy, injections of aloe extract, pyrogenal;
  • vaccine therapy: a vaccine made from bacteria growing in the nasal cavity of patients with ozena.

How to treat ozena if conservative treatment is insufficiently effective? In this case, palliative operations are performed to artificially mechanically narrow the nasal cavity. Poorly differentiated tissues that do not have pronounced antigenic properties are implanted into the area of ​​the lower nasal passage and nasal septum: autocartilage, umbilical cord, amniotic membranes. Cancellous bone plates, fat, Teflon, nylon, acrylic plastic, and alloplastic antimicrobial polymer can also be used. Due to stimulation of the nasal mucosa after surgery, the hydration of the nasal mucosa improves, the number of crusts and the foul odor decreases.

Traditional methods of treating ozena (vegetable oils, aloe juice, mint, sage, seaweed, honey) can be used only after consultation with a specialist against the background of the prescribed primary treatment.


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