Chernorechenskoe reservoir (Crimea). Fishing and recreation on the Chernorechensky reservoir Chernorechensky reservoir Crimea fishing what fish are there

The Chernorechenskoe reservoir is the largest on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula and is located in one of the most environmentally friendly places in Crimea - in the Baydar Valley.

Geographic coordinates of the Chernorechensky reservoir on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.478377 E 33.809442

To date, Chernorechenskoe reservoir is closed to visitors, swimming and fishing. The reservoir is a strategic reservoir of drinking water for Sevastopol, Inkerman, Balaklava and about 30 other settlements. Geographically, it belongs to the city of Sevastopol, although it is located at a considerable distance from it - in the Baydar Valley. For several years now, the issues of opening fishing on the territory of the reservoir have been discussed, but no organization has yet decided to take responsibility, and the city authorities did not approve the decision at the city session.

Area of ​​the Chernorechensky reservoir about 600 hectares, length and width are approximately 3.5 km, average depth is about 11.5 meters, maximum is around 33-35 meters. All figures are approximate due to the constantly changing volume of water in the reservoir. The water in it is constantly in dynamics, starting from the melting of snow in the mountains and summer water intake, together with natural evaporation. Even the amount of precipitation plays a significant role in the volume and area of ​​the Chernorechensky reservoir. The volume of the reservoir is about 65 million m3, the working volume is on average 70% of the total, the critical point today is 7 million m3. The years 2012-2014 were quite dry and the water in the reservoir was always close to a critical level. To avoid such a situation, several reserve wells were drilled, which were used several times, to their full capacity, in 2015.

History of the Chernorechensky reservoir:

The area of ​​the Baydar Valley has been studied quite little. There were practically no major archaeological excavations in these places. But even from what we know, people lived in these places 4 - thousand years ago, as evidenced by ancient monuments - Skel Menhirs (stones like Stonehenge), near the village of Rodnikovoe. Most likely, most of the settlements should have been located near the bed of the Chernaya River, but in 1949, in order to provide water supply to Sevastopol, it was decided to make an artificial reservoir in the Baydar Valley, which should accumulate water from the Crimean Mountains. In 1956, the construction of a 28-meter dam was completed and the history of the Chernorechensky reservoir began with it. In 1984, the height of the dam was raised to 36 meters, thereby giving the current appearance of the reservoir.

How to get to the Chernorechensky reservoir:

Get to the Chernorechensky reservoir, The easiest way is from the Sevastopol - Yalta route. Not far from Balaklava, there will be a turn towards the village of Orlinoe, practically in the center of the village of Orlinoe, there will be a sign for Podgornoye, Rodnikovoe. Here, in fact, from the village of Podgornoye, the reservoir will be narrower, at a glance.

Chernorechenskoye Reservoir, in the Baydar Valley, is not the only attraction. In addition, it is worth visiting the Kazyrek waterfall, and many other stunning attractions of the Baydar Valley. There are also quite a few hotels in the valley that operate year-round, and there are also a lot of small lakes in the valley with amazing fishing. So, if you are planning to visit Crimea, be sure to look into the Baydarskaya Valley, climb the mountains and you will see that there is nothing better and more picturesque than the Baydarskaya Valley in Crimea!

Chernorechenskoe reservoir on the map of Crimea

– they come here for the holidays, to fish, barbecue, and in the spring, before the water in the sea warms up, to swim. Fortunately, the swimming season here can be safely opened on the May holidays.

All lakes of the Baydar Valley

This is a natural basin surrounded by low mountains, which create their own unique microclimate here, including trapping clouds carrying moisture. There are many bodies of water in this place - from the very impressive Chernorechensky reservoir to miniature water reservoirs that almost dry up in the summer.

View from the mountain - Nizhnye is ahead, Chernorechenskoe village is behind it.

The main ones:

  1. Chernorechenskoe reservoir.
  2. Lower Lake.
  3. Mulovskoye Lake.
  4. Upper Lake.
  5. Topolinoye Lake
  6. Kizilovskoye Reservoir.

Plus there are several more nameless reservoirs - a fairly large lake near Shirokoye, a smaller one near Novobobrovsky and before reaching Rodnikovsky, three in Tylovoye. The bets around Eagle have interesting names:

  • Old Dam Pond;
  • Traktorka pond;
  • lake Zelenukha.

Local bodies of water have different names - pond, stavka, lake, but almost all of them are man-made, not natural. Although now it is already difficult to understand - the banks are overgrown with forest and reeds, the water is mostly clear, there are fish and crayfish.

Chernorechenskoye Reservoir the largest and most beautiful body of water in the valley, giving it a unique identity. There is a fairly wide water protection zone around it, so if you are going to swim, fish and barbecue, you will not be welcome here.

Central part of the basin

Lower Lake, although it is only a few minutes' drive from the highway, it is completely invisible from it. This is a fairly large reservoir on the site of a river that was once blocked by a powerful dam.

lake Lower, May, daisies are blooming.

The best way to get to Nizhny is through the center of the village of Peredovoye, where you turn onto Vodopadnaya Street and drive along it to the cemetery, then along it until you see the surface of the water. Turning a little earlier, you can get to the Kozyrek waterfall, one of the main local ones.

Upper Lake of the Baydar Valley

This is a body of water that we primarily recommend to lovers of outdoor recreation. There are equipped places for rest around it - tables, canopies. In a nearby recreation center you can inexpensively rent a barbecue, or even stay for a week. In general, the nature here is very picturesque, from early spring to late autumn. Lovers come to Verkhny to celebrate Christmas and New Year in the snowy forest, which is usually not the case on the coast; in general, it’s real Switzerland!

Getting to Verkhny is not difficult - you also turn in the center of Peredovoy, but this time onto Pionerskaya Street, and along it, without turning anywhere, you go up the mountain, soon you will see a reservoir on your left hand right from the road.

The photo shows the surroundings of Verkhny in March, the forest is still bare, but it’s already warm enough to take off the jackets tired of winter:

Spring forest on the mountain behind the lake. Upper

Primroses and scillas are already in full bloom:

Primroses bloomed in the forest.

Mulovskoye Lake- another great place in Baydar for relaxation, and most importantly - for fishing. It is also surrounded by mixed forest, but the mountains are not as dense as Verkhne.

Equipped places for recreation and fishing, lake. Mulovskoe

To get to Mulovskoye Lake, you again come to the center of Peredovoye, there on the street. On Korsunskaya you leave the village and drive along the country road until you hit a barrier. Behind it, turn left, a couple of minutes and you are there.

There is a guard on duty at the barrier; here you can rent gear, buy firewood and pay for fishing. Pedestrians who simply want to explore the surrounding area are admitted free of charge.

A local resident who was gaping and caught for a photo session:

Cute amphibian

By the way, we didn’t catch a single fish in the pond, but this is more likely because we are no fishermen, because the fish splashed there, a crayfish slowly crawled along the bottom, and numerous dragonflies flew over the water.

Some other lakes in the Baydar Valley also offer paid fishing and equipped places for recreation. So, no matter what part of it you go to, you can relax in comfort everywhere, and if you wish, spend your entire vacation in this wonderful land.

The Chernorechenskoe reservoir is located in the Baydarskaya Valley, near the village of Ozyornoe, on the Chernaya River. Refers to the reservoirs of the Crimea of ​​the riverbed or natural type. The main source of filling the Chernorechesky reservoir is the waters of the Chernaya River. The Chernorechenskoe reservoir was designed to provide water supply to Sevastopol.

In 1956, construction of the first stage of the reservoir was completed. A 28-meter dam was erected and this made it possible to collect 33.2 million m³ of river water. The waters of the Chernorechensk reservoir, in addition to the needs of Sevastopol, also began to be used for the Chernorechensk irrigation system. Later, the dam on the reservoir was increased to a height of 36 meters, and the volume of the reservoir began to be 64.2 million m³.

The maximum width of the Chernorechensky reservoir is 3.55 km, the length is about 3.45 km, the average depth is about 10.7 meters, the maximum depth of the reservoir is 31.7 meters, the area of ​​the water surface is 604 hectares.

The spillway structure on the Chernorechensky reservoir is a spillway blind gravity dam that operates automatically. The Chernorechenskoe reservoir is considered the largest reservoir in Crimea. One of the Crimean canyons, the Chernorechensky Canyon, begins next to it.

Photos Chernorechenskoye Reservoir (Sevastopol)

Chernorechenskoye Reservoir on the map

Geographical coordinates 44°29"2.4576"N, 33°48"38.1456"E

The Chernorechenskoye Reservoir is a large body of fresh water. It is the largest in Crimea, and it is located in the city of Sevastopol. In addition, it supplies the entire water supply of this city.

General information

The average depth of the reservoir is approximately 10.5 meters. At some points the depth reaches almost 32 meters. The size of the reservoir is also impressive: 3.5 kilometers long and the same width. The total amount of water is 64 million m³. The length of the coastline is 61 kilometers.

The water in the storage facility comes from rain, from the springs of the Chernaya River, as well as from melting snow. The source is the Skelsky spring, which is located near the village of Rodnikovoe.

In 2014, it became noticeable that the reservoir began to shrink. This could not be allowed, as it threatened a disaster for the whole of Sevastopol. To avoid problems with water supply, specialists had to drill additional wells so that water supplies could be replenished.


The Chernorechenskoe reservoir is located in Crimea, 18 kilometers from the famous tourist village of Foros. The reservoir is located in an area called Crimean Switzerland. The lake is surrounded by mountain peaks and forest.

In 1944, the Baydarsky reserve was founded on the territory of the reservoir. Therefore, the waters of the Chernaya River are protected and are not polluted. The territory of the reserve is famous for its rich flora and fauna. There are different animals there: deer, foxes, hares, wild boars, eagles, roe deer and many other animals. The wealth of plants is also amazing: juniper, beech, hornbeam, yew, hazel, dogwood and many others.

The dam, built in 1956, was the first dam to collect 33 million m³ of river water. Water from the storage facility was used not only for drainage in Sevastopol, but also for the Chernorechensk irrigation system, which is used to water crops.

Relaxation on the pond

I would like to say right away that swimming in the Chernorechensky reservoir is strictly prohibited, since the reservoir contains drinking water intended for consumption by residents of Sevastopol. The shores near the lake are fenced off so that tourists do not have the desire to break the rule.

In addition to contemplating the beauty of the surrounding area, horseback riding is organized around the reservoir. There are stables in the nearby villages of Kolkhoznoye and Peredovoye.

In the village of Rodnikovoe, located near the Chernorechensky reservoir, there is a settlement of the first people. The stone blocks and menhirs in which the Cro-Magnons lived are open to tourists.

Bicycle rides are organized, during which you can admire the Crimean beauties.

In addition, within a radius of five kilometers from the Chernorechensky reservoir there are several other attractions:

  • This place is famous for its beauty. On the territory of the canyon there are the Dry Waterfall, the Dead Gorge and the source of the Kanly-Gol River. For those who like to swim in cool mountain rivers, this is the best place.
  • Historical monument.
  • Damn stairs. A winding climb in the form of a staircase 250 meters long, the angle of inclination is 20 degrees.
  • Kozyrek waterfall. So named because of the upward-pointing canopy at the top of the waterfall. The height of the falling water is 14 meters. This place is not yet famous, although it is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea.

Fishing on the Chernorechensky reservoir in Sevastopol

Many tourists wonder whether fishing is allowed in this reservoir. Previously, fishing was strictly prohibited, since the reservoir was a protected site. However, on September 26, 2016, a law was passed allowing recreational fishing on the Chernorechensky Reservoir and in the waters of the Chernaya River.

Permission was also given to breed mussels in the reservoir. Mussels serve as an excellent natural filter for water. One unit of mussel from the Black Sea passes through three liters of water per hour. The law approved the creation of a mussel farm. This will allow not only to obtain the product for sale, but also to purify drinking water.

In the Chernorechensky Reservoir you can catch crucian carp, carp, bream, silver carp, carp and pike perch. There are also crayfish.

How to get there

The Chernorechensky reservoir can be reached by a direct route from Foros or Balaklava, going to the village of Ozernoye or Rodnikovskoye. The reservoir is located between these villages. From the transport stop you can walk to the reservoir. You can arrange a fishing trip, a bicycle excursion or a horseback ride on the spot on the same day.

The decision to relax on the Chernorechensky reservoir is a great way to combine active recreation in the beautiful Crimean surroundings, and fishing will help you relax and enjoy the soft rays of the sun. In addition, fishing will give you the opportunity to go home with your catch and enjoy delicious fish in the evening. The best time for a big catch is early in the morning when the fish come out to look for food.

The Chernorechenskoye Reservoir is deservedly included among the important man-made attractions of Crimea. Sevastopol, which owes almost a complete water supply to it, sends a considerable share of holidaymakers to its shores. And the peninsula itself still remains a favorite vacation spot for Russian tourists. Perhaps this status will remain unchanged for future generations - the region is of great interest to many people.

Where is Chernorechenskoye on the map of Crimea

It is located in the southeast of the Balaklava district of the city of Sevastopol. The reservoir surrounds several settlements at once - Orlinoe, Pavlovka, Shirokoye, Ozernoye, Peredovoe, Novo-Bobrovskoye, Rossoshanka, Rodnikovskoye and Podgornoye.

History and description

The cities of Crimea traditionally suffered from thirst throughout the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries due to the scarcity of water resources throughout the area. Sevastopol, which was in dire need of fresh water for almost the entire period of its existence, was no exception to this. Attempts to solve this problem were made repeatedly before and after, but they constantly ran into some difficulties that made uninterrupted water supply impossible.

The only feasible solution to this pressing issue was found only in the middle of the last century, when Soviet scientists explored the Chernaya River with a view to building a reservoir on it that could provide Sevastopol with water resources. Research was carried out from 1938 to 1940. and gave a positive result, but the war that began shortly after this and the occupation of the region by German troops did not allow plans to create a reservoir to be realized.

This issue was returned to in the second half of the 40s; in the spring of 1949, a decision was made at a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of a reservoir. The construction of the dam began in the same year, in the most convenient and suitable place for this - in the very center of the Baydar Valley, located near. The foundation lasted more than 6 years and ended in 1956, when a powerful dam grew here, reaching a height of 28 m, which made it possible to collect over 33,000,000 cubic meters. m of drainage from the Chernaya River. After 20 years, modernization was carried out, as a result of which from 1977 to 1984. it grew another 8 m, and its height was 36 m.

The Chernorechenskoe reservoir, which provided Sevastopol and almost all its suburbs with fresh water, has long been considered a miracle of engineering and the most ambitious project on the peninsula. It stretches from southeast to northwest for almost 3.5 km, its width slightly exceeds its length, which makes the object unusually “round” for reservoirs of this type.

The total area of ​​the water surface is slightly more than 6 square meters. km, the reservoir is relatively small, but the depths here are almost sea-level, reaching 32 m. The volume is 64,200,000 cubic meters. m, of which the reserve intended for operation exceeds 44,300,000 cubic meters. m, however, the water level, especially in the summer months, often drops to a critical level.

Fishing on the Chernorechensky reservoir and recreation

Holidays here and in the surrounding area are very varied and interesting. First of all, we are attracted by the beautiful area where the Chernorechenskoye Reservoir is located. It is surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges covered with forest, as if admiring their reflection on a calm, mirror-like surface.

For the peculiarity of the landscape, these regions were called Crimean Switzerland - being on the shore of Chernorechensky, it seems that it really looks like alpine high-mountain lakes,
only in a decorative form. Often vacationers, taking photos on the local shores, jokingly pass them off as taken in those distant countries, and many believe this. What confuses tourists is the ban on swimming in the man-made lake, which attracts with its cleanliness and coolness during the summer heat. But it’s not surprising - it contains drinking water, not industrial water.

But fishing has recently been allowed. The Chernorechenskoe reservoir in Crimea until 2016 had the status of a strictly protected site, and in fact it still is, but the strict measures have been softened somewhat. True, the permit only applies to amateur fishing methods, using a float rod and no poaching techniques - this is strictly prohibited. But the catches here can please avid fishermen - while the ban was in effect, a separate, undisturbed ichthyofauna formed here.

The fish in Chernorechenskoye are not very diverse, but numerous, and there are specimens of considerable size. These are mainly peaceful species, such as grass carp, crucian carp, carp, bream, silver carp; there are also pike perch and others, less numerous. As local residents note, the best bite is early in the morning – when the fish go out in search of food. Although in the summer, in the heat, the fish also take great. We recommend using boilies or seasoned dough for carp, and potatoes and green peas for carp. It’s easy to catch pike perch with live bait, and bream with an earthworm or rolled bread mugs.

Many guests of Crimea, having visited the Chernorechenskoye Reservoir, willingly leave eloquent reviews, where, among other things, the question is often asked - why didn’t I know about it before?! Well, it just so happens that we all sometimes do not see what is right under our noses, but at the same time we try to look beyond the horizon. In conclusion, watch a short video about the described place, enjoy watching!
