A girl with a severed head in her hand. The nanny cut off the child's head and promised to blow herself up. Full version. The body of a dead child was found after an apartment fire

On the afternoon of February 29, Moscow police detained a woman in a hijab walking around with the severed head of a child in her hands at the entrance to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. She walked down the street, called herself a terrorist and shouted “Allahu Akbar!”

As it later turned out, the woman turned out to be the victim’s nanny - 38-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan Gulchekhra Bobokulova. The deceased was about four years old. An Interfax source in law enforcement agencies claims that at the time of her arrest the woman was under the influence of psychotropic substances. During interrogation, she admitted that she killed the child.

Bobokulova worked as a nanny for this girl for a year and a half, and the family had no complaints against her. After waiting for her parents and their eldest child to leave the apartment on People's Militia Street, for unknown reasons she committed murder, set the house on fire and disappeared.

Attention! Extremely difficult shots. Strictly 18+.

The woman walked down the street with the baby’s head in her hands for a long time. As follows from video recordings and eyewitness accounts, she shouted that she was a terrorist, hated democracy and wanted to blow herself up. No explosives were found on the woman’s body after the arrest.

“Taking into account the obviously inappropriate behavior of the detainee, the investigators immediately ordered a forensic psychiatric examination on her to establish her ability to understand the meaning of her actions and deeds,” said the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow.

The victim’s parents, a family from the Oryol region who rented the apartment, are in a state of severe psychological shock, and specialists are working with them. In addition to the deceased daughter, they have a 15-year-old son. The child's mother worked in a bridal salon, and the father was a technician at a cellular communications company.

At the moment there is no reliable information about the motive for the murder. A criminal case has been opened and an investigation is underway.

A brutal crime took place in Moscow. The incident near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station became the main news of last Monday. The woman was waving the severed head of a child and screaming that she was a terrorist.

On Monday February 29 a woman in black clothes appeared near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. She pulled the child's head out of the bag and began waving it around. Eyewitnesses claim that the woman shouted the words “I am a terrorist,” “I want your death,” and “Allahu Akbar!” This went on for about 20 minutes, after which police officers heroically detained the woman. After searching the woman, it turned out that she did not have one. The FSB team, which arrived at the scene and thoroughly checked the entire area, also did not find any explosives.

Later it became known that there had previously been a fire in an apartment on People’s Militia Street. Firefighters who responded to the call found the headless body of a four-year-old girl in the apartment. The child's killer turned out to be a nanny who was left to look after the girl.

38-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan Gulchehra Bobokulova waited until the girl’s parents left the apartment, killed the child, took the head with her and set the apartment on fire. After that, she showed up near the metro. Here a policeman approached her and asked her to show her documents. In response to this, she took off her jacket, revealing a hijab underneath, pulled out a severed head from her backpack and began shouting terrorist slogans. Due to the fact that the woman behaved clearly inappropriately, there were suggestions that she was under the influence of psychotropic substances. The parents of the murdered girl said that the citizen of Uzbekistan had worked for them for more than a year. During this time, she seemed to them to be a responsible nanny. However, they noted that recently Gulchehra was in an extremely nervous state.

Investigators ordered a forensic psychiatric examination of the detainee. Based on this fact, a criminal case was initiated under the article “Murder of a minor” (Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

After the arrest, the “nanny” behaved extremely inappropriately, either due to psychosis or due to some kind of drugs. However, she later agreed to the investigative experiment. Investigators brought her to the apartment where the crime was committed, where she told how she committed the murder and set the house on fire.

During interrogation, the 38-year-old native of Uzbekistan confessed to the crime and told what made her commit such actions. According to Bobokulova, her husband’s betrayal pushed her to take such a step. A little over a month ago, Gulchehra went to her homeland, where she learned that her husband had a new family. She was asked to become the second wife. The parents of the murdered girl also say that the nanny complained about a bad relationship with her husband. Bobokulova could not explain exactly how the child is connected to her personal problems.


“She walked down the street for a long time and shouted something”

Eyewitnesses: a woman walked around Moscow with the severed head of a child for about 20 minutes

The woman detained today in Moscow with the severed head of a child, Gulchehra Bobokulova, walked along the street for about 20 minutes before being stopped, RIA Novosti reported, citing eyewitnesses to the incident. “She came to the entrance to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station with a red bag, from which she took out the child’s head. She walked along the street for a long time and shouted something, but no one approached her, everyone was afraid,” said one of the witnesses of the incident.

According to another eyewitness, the woman was quickly noticed by a police officer, but as he walked towards her, she shouted at him not to come closer, otherwise “she will explode.” “When other police officers appeared, they blocked the sidewalk and did not let anyone near her and did not approach her either, then more police cars began to arrive, and she was eventually detained,” said one of the witnesses.

Meanwhile, we note that a number of Russian public and political figures responded to the terrible incident in Moscow with untimely statements. Thus, Federation Council Senator Elena Mizulina, as reported by Regnum, stated that such crimes are caused by the general unstable economic situation in the country and conflicts with neighboring states. The senator also stated that an “aggressive environment” can lead to such crimes. “We now live in an extremely aggressive environment. Under these conditions, people with weak psyches will inevitably break down. What happened today in Moscow is a shock, an inexplicable terrible tragedy!” - said Mizulina.

The Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Pavel Astakhov, advised parents who hire a nanny for their children to first check her mental state. “When hiring a nanny for your child, at least check her mental state, demand that she undergo a medical examination, and obtain a certificate from a psychiatrist!” - the children's ombudsman wrote on Twitter.

In Moscow, a woman with the head of a child was detained near a metro station

The Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber (PP) of the Russian Federation on Security, Anton Tsvetkov, addressed the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, with a petition to encourage the police officers who participated in the detention of Gulchehra Bobokulova. “Thanks to the clear and coordinated actions of the Moscow police, in particular, employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Western Administrative District, it was possible to prevent panic among people who were at that time in the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro area.” It is important that the police did not give the opportunity to the inadequate killer to go down to the metro,” Tsvetkov told TASS. According to him, the woman could cause mental shock for some citizens. “It is difficult to predict the consequences of her appearance in a hijab and with a child’s head in her hands. But we can definitely say that a large number of passengers, including minors, would have received a serious psychological shock,” he noted.

Let us remind you that this morning in an apartment of one of the residential buildings on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street in Moscow, after extinguishing a fire, the headless body of a child, approximately 3-4 years old, was discovered. Then, near the Oktyabrskoe Pole metro station, a woman dressed in a hijab was detained, holding a severed child’s head in her hands and threatening to blow herself up (later, sappers did not find explosives at the scene).

A criminal case was opened into the murder. As it turned out, the detainee was a 38-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan, Gulchekhra Bobokulova. For reasons still unknown, a woman who worked as a nanny killed and beheaded the child she was looking after and set fire to the apartment where the murder was committed.

Published 02/29/16 16:00

A nanny killed a child and set fire to an apartment in Moscow: the criminal named the motives for the brutal reprisal.

Murder of a child by a nanny in Moscow: the woman was under the influence of drugs

Gulchekhra Bobokulova, a native of the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan, detained in Moscow on suspicion, is allegedly in a state of drug intoxication. According to preliminary data, she was taking psychotropic substances. Interfax reports this with reference to a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A nanny killed a child in Moscow out of revenge against her parents

The 38-year-old killer nanny herself, during interrogation, named a new intkbbee motive for their crimes.

“Bobokulova stated during interrogation that she wanted to draw maximum attention to her act and was not going to hide, did not intend to deliberately set fire to the crime scene and destroy evidence. According to the woman, she wanted the baby’s parents to know who exactly dealt with their daughter,” - LifeNews quotes a source.

Earlier, Bobokulova told law enforcement officers that her husband’s infidelity pushed her to commit reprisals against an innocent child.

Let us remind you that a shocking incident occurred this morning on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, building 29, building 1 in the north-west of Moscow. After waiting until the girl’s parents and their eldest child left the apartment, the nanny killed her four-year-old pupil, cut off her head and set the room on fire. CCTV cameras captured the moment when Bobokulova came out of the entrance with a large bag in her hands. As it turned out later, a woman was carrying the severed head of a baby in it.

A nanny with a child's head comes out of the entrance VIDEO

After this, the nanny went to the Oktyabrskoe Pole metro station, where she waved the severed head of the child, shouted “Allahu Akbar!”, and also threatened to blow herself up.

The police cordoned off the scene and spent about an hour finding out whether the criminal really had explosives, after which an arrest was made.

Nanny with a child's head, "October Field" VIDEO

The parents of the brutally murdered girl - a family from the Oryol region who rented an apartment in the capital - told the police that they hired Gulchehra Bobokulova about a year ago. During this time, her work did not raise any complaints. However, recently the nanny began to complain to them about her bad relationship with her husband.

Now the mother and father of the deceased baby are in a state of severe psychological shock. Psychologists work with them.

It is known that in addition to their four-year-old daughter, they have a 15-year-old son. The mother of the murdered girl is an employee of a wedding salon, and her father works in the technical department of a cellular communication company.

We add that Bobokulova’s sanity will become known based on the results of a forensic psychiatric examination.
