Summary of the educational activity "Contact with animals is dangerous" lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Contacts with Animals What Only Zookeepers Know

Target : introduce children to the rules of communication with animals, explain to children that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous.

Planned results: takes an active part in the game, knows how to negotiate with peers and distribute actions in joint activities, reacts emotionally to literary works.

Materials and equipment:drawings of animals.

Soft Paws,
And in the paws -

At home, in the field, on the road -
This is a jack of all trades.
And when sometimes it’s hard,
“Igo-go,” shouts (HORSE).

The sun rises. You can hear: - Moo, -
Aren't you ashamed of the shepherd?
Early in the morning at half past six
Wants to sleep some more (COW).

Drinks milk
Sings songs.

Even the cat in the yard
He will say very menacingly: “Meh!”
Not afraid of anyone
Because the (GOAT) has horns.

There's a lot of trouble with him on the road -
He doesn't want to go forward.

Instead of a nose - a snout,
Instead of a tail there is a hook.
My voice is shrill and ringing.
I am a cheerful (PIG).

And he washes himself cleaner than everyone else.

Lives in the yard
In a personal home - a kennel,
And for everyone he doesn't know
She either growls or barks.
- Guys, raise your hands, which of you has pets at home?
- Today we will talk about how to treat pets.
Animals must be loved and cared for, but we must remember that even pets can be dangerous.
Reading of Yuna Moritz's poem "A Huge Dog Secret"
Issues for discussion:
- Why are dogs angry? - (Children's answers are listened to).
- How should you take care of your pets? - (Children's answers are listened to).
- Now I will introduce you to several rules when communicating with dogs.
Rule N 1. Even if you are afraid of dogs, never show it. The dog may sense this and attack you.
Rule No. 2. Never run away from a dog. She may mistake you for game and hunt you.
Rule No. 3. Remember that wagging the tail does not always mean the dog is in a friendly mood.
Rule No. 4. If you want to pet someone else's dog, ask permission from the dog's owner. Stroke it carefully, without making sudden movements.
Rule No. 5. Do not feed other people's dogs or touch them while eating or sleeping.
Rule No. 6. Do not approach a dog sitting on a leash.
If you are going to visit,
And the dog is at the gate,
Throw sausages to the dog
Or a cheese sandwich.
Throw a sausage into her bowl,
Can I have fresh sausage?
After a couple of cutlets
Offer her pate.
Offer her some stew
Chicken leg, liver,
Finally, throw in the minced meat.
And boldly march through the gates!
And the dog growled -
Start all over again...
- Guys, you have just listened to a comic poem about what you should do if you go outside and there is a dog sitting at the entrance.
Rule No. 7. Do not approach large dogs of guard breeds. They are often trained to lunge at people who come close.
Rule No. 8. Do not try to take away the object with which the dog is playing.
- So, guys, we talked to you about the fact that dogs are not only kind, but also evil. Now we’ll talk about how cats can be dangerous.

Cats can scratch and bite a lot. Diseases such as lichen, scabies, and rabies are transmitted to people from cats and dogs. Rabies is a very dangerous disease that can occur after an animal bite. You can even die from it.
Rule No. 9. After you pet a dog or cat, be sure to wash your hands with soap.
Rule N 10. If you are bitten by a dog or cat, immediately tell your parents about it so that they can take you to the doctor.
- Guys, have any of you gone to visit your grandmother in a village where other domestic animals live - cows, goats, sheep? - (Children's answers are listened to).

Rule N 11. Do not come close to other people's cows, bulls, goats.
- What do you think, why can’t you come close to other people’s cows, bulls, goats? - (Because they have horns and can gore strangers).
Health gives us
Cow's milk.
But if you want to be healthy,
Then don't go near the cows!
Rule No. 12. If you meet a herd of cows, then go around it.
Rule #13: Be careful with calves. Their horns are itchy and can cause serious injury to you.
- In parting, I want to remind you once again that you must follow safety rules when interacting with animals. There is no need to harm animals on the street. And if you have any animals at home, then you need to constantly take care of them, then they will love you.

"A Huge Dog Secret"

The dog can be a biter
Only from the life of a dog,
Only from a dog's life
Dogs can bite!
The dog grabs
With my teeth on my heel,
Dog eats
Citizen Horse
And with her Citizen Kota,
When does he live?
The dog is not in the kennel
When she howls
In the stomach, And it’s clear to everyone
What is this dog -
Cool-eyed orphan.
Nobody's missing
With my teeth on my heel,
Nobody eats
Citizen Horse
And with her Citizen Kota,
When the dog
There is a booth and a bowl,
Collar, moon
And there's sausage in the stomach.
And it’s clear to everyone
What is this dog -
Not an orphan!
The dog is unhappy -
Very dangerous
After all, she's unlucky
In this life
It's terrible how unlucky she is!
That's why she barks
Like a dog.
That's why she's evil
Like a dog.
And it’s clear to everyone
What is this dog
All indiscriminately
Beautiful dog
Sitting in a booth!
Blooms in her soul
A clarinet plays in the stomach!
But jokes
With a homeless stray dog
Dangerous, especially
Midnight dark, -
This is the most doggy one
Here's the biggest one
Huge Dog Secret!
The dog can be a biter
Only from the life of a dog,
Only from a dog's life
Dogs can bite!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Target. To provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting and communicating with various domestic and stray animals. Objectives: Teach children to understand the condition and behavior of animals. Teach careful handling of animals...

Summary of GCD on life safety for children of senior preschool age “Safety rules for contact with animals”

Goal: To provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting and communicating with various domestic and homeless animals. Objectives. Teach children to understand the condition and behavior of animals. Teach careful handling of animals...

In November 2015, Muscovite Tatyana and her family went to the Wonderful Paradise petting zoo in Konkovo. There she was bitten by a raccoon dog. The administrator treated the bite with peroxide and showed the dog’s passport: she was vaccinated against rabies in August 2014. Tatyana was told that the vaccination is valid for 3 years. At first the victim did not worry. But then a veterinarian she knew scared her: the vaccine works for a year. Tatiana received emergency anti-tetanus therapy, an immunoglobulin injection and vaccination against rabies - 6 injections over a couple of months.

One little girl at the petting zoo was scratched by a nose that was reaching for an apple. The staff immediately treated the wound and calmly assured the mother that all the animals were vaccinated, but did not show the documents. The girl was taken to the doctor, who immediately prescribed injections.

Another little Muscovite was injured while playing with a rabbit in the Rio shopping center on Dmitrovka. The rabbit bit her finger, the staff offered iodine - but did not even ask which animal showed its teeth. Animals weighing up to 500 grams are not required to be vaccinated - this is exactly the case with rabbits. To understand whether a small animal is healthy, you can take tests from it or observe whether it dies after ten days.

The administration offered to buy a new ticket after 10 days if you want to see if the rabbit is alive: 500 rubles on weekdays, 600 on weekends. The persistent woman brought veterinary station employees to the zoo, who also did not want to be allowed in without tickets. The rabbit was alive, although his documents were not perfect.

Under almost every second Instagram post, under a portrait of a contented toddler hugging animals, you can read a comment about how they chewed, scratched, or bit someone. Most people don't take small teeth seriously, but a petting zoo animal is not a house cat. The animal had previously had contact with a huge number of other people and animals - and not of its own free will.

All entertainments in Moscow

Petting goats, taking pictures with a jerboa, drinking coffee with a cat - family outings with the participation of trained and not-so-trained animals have become a new favorite entertainment for families with children.

The first cafe for dogs in Moscow appeared: Groom Room. Beef tartare, breast carpaccio: the menu for dogs was developed by the chefs of the Ginza Project. Before going on vacation, the cafe announced the start of yoga classes in the company of cats.

It’s also easy to order a zoo to your home. The average price of an outdoor event is 15 thousand rubles, of which 15 minutes are a show with a spectacular appearance of each animal, another 15 minutes are a photo shoot and games with pets. A half-hour comic show with a rabbit costs 7 thousand rubles, and for 10 thousand you can even count on a simple illusion: one of the spectators will turn into a live horse.

Where are the animals from?

In Moscow's petting zoos there is a whole Noah's Ark. There are kangaroos, noses, hamsters, goats, dwarf ponies, mountain goats, raccoons, monkeys, foxes, lemurs, snakes, crocodiles and bearded dragons - lizards with a spiked jaw. The owner of the “My Little World” zoo says that animals, even the most exotic ones, are bought in Russia. The range of prices is huge: for a banal guinea pig they ask for 2 hundred, for a catta lemur you can pay from 120 to 250 thousand rubles.

Almost all nurseries are presented on the Internet in one way or another and the prices are approximately the following: a striped raccoon can be bought for 25 thousand rubles, a raccoon for 35 thousand rubles, a silver fox for 15 thousand rubles. The cost of a desert fennec fox will be 100 thousand rubles, a European squirrel - 6 thousand rubles, a chinchilla - 3500 rubles, for a porcupine you will have to pay 45 thousand rubles, for a skunk - from 30 thousand rubles, for a ferret - from 4000 rubles, a peacock costs from 25 to 60 thousand rubles, and kangaroos - from 150 to 250 thousand rubles, etc.

How does the economy of a menagerie work?

In Moscow alone, according to 2GIS, there are 38 petting zoos. As a rule, such a zoo is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. On weekdays there are from 10 to 15 visitors per hour, on weekends and holidays - up to 30 people. A ticket for an adult costs on average 300 rubles, children under 3 years old are free. Almost all visitors also take a glass of macrobiotic food: for 50 rubles they add a little dried banana, nuts, seeds and carrots. A successful petting zoo earns more than 1.5 million rubles a month from ticket sales alone. According to employees of one of the Moscow zoos, this business pays for itself in six months.

A franchise for one of the popular zoos costs 500 thousand rubles for the fee, with subsequent months deducting 5% of the profit. The owner is taught how to manage the zoo, helps to establish contacts with zoologists and animal suppliers, and is also given advice such as the optimal wall color for the child’s psyche. Sometimes training is simply instructions transmitted on a computer disk.

Are animals in petting zoos safe?

Exotic animals must be vaccinated once a year. Here is the approximate cost of veterinarian services for one visit: 300 rubles for an examination, 1,500 rubles for the cost of a vaccine, 600 rubles for an injection. On average, 36,000 is spent per year on a standard procedure for 15 animals.

A child who comes to play with a furry animal cannot always calculate his strength. Some animals become aggressive after repeated squeezing.

Only the owner himself monitors their condition - no authorities are obliged to control the animals after they are sold to a company or private individual. Therefore, the animal’s mode of life also depends solely on the will of the owner. Some inhabitants of petting zoos in shopping centers are walked right in the building, among food courts, while others are not allowed out of their enclosures at all.

Kings of Moscow menageries


1 of 6


2 of 6


3 out of 6


4 out of 6


5 out of 6


6 out of 6

One of the most popular petting zoos in Moscow is located on Novy Arbat and belongs to the association of the best museums and attractions in the world, Big Funny. It was invented by the well-known former mayor of Arkhangelsk. In October 2006, Donskoy announced his participation in the elections for the post of President of Russia, and later several criminal cases were brought against him. In February 2008, he was found guilty of using a fake diploma and was forced to resign as mayor. In 2011, Donskoy founded a museum of erotic art in Moscow and began producing other museum-attractions on the verge of trash, among them: the Museum of Death, the Mobius strip labyrinth, the labyrinth of fear, the upside-down house, the anti-stress attraction “Bash the Dishes” and so on.

After many years, I was able to earn good money from my knowledge of theft mechanisms

The matter was not limited to Moscow - Donskoy’s simple imaginariums multiplied in the regions of Russia, Spain and Holland. Alexander Donskoy also wrote a book with the telling title “Sell yourself in business, in politics, in your personal life,” where, among other things, he said the following:
“It’s interesting that after many years I was able to earn good money from my knowledge of theft mechanisms.”

Another big fish in the Moscow menagerie is the company that owns the brands “Country of Enotia” and “Guys about Animals” (there are branches in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the main shareholder is Rasim Bayram Ogly Mamedrzaev). Mamedrzaev was one of the most successful sellers of Kirby vacuum cleaners - a product of the first network marketing. Traveling salesmen went to apartments, demonstrated the gadget and set a price for it depending on the enthusiasm of the owners - it reached several hundred thousand rubles. However, vacuum cleaners quickly broke down, spare parts for them were very expensive, and they could not be returned. Then Mamedrzaev and the equally successful “kirbist” Latsis Raivis created a similar business selling Bluefilters water filters. Sellers showed tricks with test tubes, where the water changed color and became cloudy. Buyers were convinced that the water they were drinking was bad, but it could be improved by a filter costing 70 thousand rubles or more. Later, with the money they earned, the “kirbists” began to open other businesses, including petting zoos.

Another network of petting zoos, “White Kangaroo,” was opened in the capital by Vladimir Yemanov, general director of the aquarium on Rublyovka. Emanov also owns the Atoll Research Institute, a leading enterprise in the development of positional lighting systems for underwater and surface conditions in various waters of the World Ocean. The company was involved in such large projects as the pavilions of the Moscow Zoo and the zoo in Brno, Czech Republic, an aquarium complex in Tashkent, aquariums in Sochi, and the Kva-kva-park water park in Mytishchi.

Who goes to work at the zoo?

In a good way, each visitor should be met by a specialist with instructions. He gives out shoe covers and asks to wash your hands: this is necessary so that the animals do not catch the infection from the street. This job often involves students who are trained by professionals.

Ideally, the room should be cleaned several times a day, and the cages should be cleaned at the end of the day. But not all zoos follow such disinfection measures. Sometimes they even hire schoolchildren to clean enclosures for the joy of interacting with animals.

The Rosselkhoznadzor website states that every large zoo is required to undergo an inspection at least once a year, and its work is regulated by a huge number of documents. But the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance says nothing about the control of petting zoos. There we were informed that the animals were being assigned to veterinary clinics in the districts. For example, “Arbat, 16” is served by the veterinary clinic of the Central Administrative District.

State clinics believe that any petting zoo should have a full-time veterinarian. If an animal bites a visitor, then it is he who must show the animal’s passport and veterinary book, and also explain to the frightened parents how to proceed. Unfortunately, most zoos skimp on staff veterinarians. Moreover, not every zoo has a basic first aid kit with peroxide and iodine. Experts advise always asking for and keeping a ticket that proves you visited a particular zoo: if something happens and you want to complain, the ticket and photos will help prove that you were there at all.

Children just want to touch and cuddle - this is not an interest in nature, but a consumer attitude towards animals

Children are often disappointed that the animal they came to cuddle with is not acting very friendly. In this case, employees of petting zoos say that the animal is simply tired or that it has that kind of character. Zoologist at the Moscow Zoo Olga Maykova, in response to our question about whether animals are, in principle, capable of living happily in a small reservation, explains:

“Adequate meeting time with visitors depends on the size and amenities of the premises, as well as on the number of these same people. In small petting zoos, animals are more likely to work as living toys. Without fresh air, without sun, without the opportunity to run and express their instincts, animals feel bad. In a small cage with a constant flow of people, the animal has nowhere to go and nowhere to hide, there is no opportunity to throw out energy, its desires are not taken into account. If an animal is choleric, then under stress it can begin to behave aggressively; if it has a phlegmatic character, then it hides and becomes inhibited. This is a kind of protection.

Premises for animals, especially raccoons, should be spacious - and with a large number of climbing frames, houses, feeders in different places. The worst thing in zoos for animals is not the lack of food, but boredom. At the Moscow Zoo we give toys, hide food so that the animal does not immediately find it, so that there is an element of play, constant employment, and interest in life is maintained.

In petting zoos, animals do not have the opportunity to express their natural behavior. Children just want to touch and cuddle them - this is how they develop not love and interest in the animal world, but a consumer attitude towards nature and animals.”

When is the right time to complain about a zoo?

A year ago, one of the leading centers for the protection of animal rights discovered a Red Book fur seal in the “Animals as Toys” petting zoo. This petting zoo is part of one of the largest Russian networks.
“We are amazed how such an illegal phenomenon as petting zoos could become widespread. “All possible violations are brought together here: veterinary, sanitary, ethical,” comments Irina Novozhilova, president of the Vita animal rights center.

The general director of the fur seal zoo, Konstantin Toshchakov, retorted: “Keeping Red Book animals in the zoo is not prohibited, provided that the zoo has all the necessary documents. We have already visited the prosecutor’s office - and more than once, they did not find any violations in the care of animals.”

However, soon the management of the petting zoo assured that the fur seal was in their foster care and would soon move - a pool with a displacement of 13 tons was being built for it at Kolomenskaya.

A two-month-old lion cub was found in a private petting zoo on Arbat. Visitors called the hotline of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and said that he lived in terrible crowds and that everyone was taking pictures with him. No documents were provided for the animal. “Some of the animals were in quarantine, but there are no premises suitable for this. Due to improper maintenance, the lion was removed from the zoo and placed in a holding center,” said an employee of the Moscow Veterinary Committee. The rest of the inhabitants of this zoo were arrested as migrants - there were no documents for them either. However, they continued to live in this zoo, and they are prohibited from being transported. An administrative case was initiated under the article “Destruction of rare and endangered species of animals or plants”; the fine for legal entities under this article ranges from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. In their defense, the zoo staff said that their cages were clean.

“All children are different, and they perceive everything differently. If you are not sure that your child will not be harmed physically and psychologically, then you should not take risks.

Many parents do not want to have animals at home, so they bring their child to petting zoos - and there they want to teach the child responsibility. But a petting zoo is no help here. Children come there to cuddle, play and forget.

If a child went to a petting zoo and liked it, but was bitten there, then you can take him there again, even if the child has developed fear. To overcome fear, you need to face it, otherwise a phobia may develop. Fear is cured by fear."

What only zoo owners know

The employees refused to answer some of our questions, even in the popular off-record manner in Russia. For example, how do they still buy them? And where is the animal buried if it dies? Even though the entire petting zoo business is completely legal, none of the zoos say where their pets come from. Petting zoos bring entrepreneurs good money without unnecessary responsibility to visitors, as practice has shown. Theoretically, every second person can open a petting zoo. So far, zoos are opening in shopping center buildings, where no one is bothered by the smell or noise from the animals. It is cheaper to rent a room in a residential building. One of the owners has already joked that he will keep an eye on it, but, as you know, there is some truth in every joke.

Goal: to provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting various pets and when communicating with them. Objectives:

  • Teach children to handle pets carefully, explaining that contact with them can be dangerous.
  • Foster a caring attitude towards pets.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary with words: homeless, aggressive, master.

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at illustrations of cats and dogs.
  • Observations of a cat and a dog.
  • Children's stories about their pets.

Materials: recording of the sounds of a cat meowing and a dog barking, images with rules of behavior when communicating with pets. Progress of educational activities:
(Children enter the hall, hear the sounds of a cat meowing, find it, then hear the sounds of a dog barking, find it, and sit down on chairs).

Q: Guys, what kind of pets live in your home? (Children's answers).
If they are pets, does that mean someone cares about them? Who? (Man, owner).
Does this happen when pets have no owner? (Happens).
Who cares about them then? (Nobody).
Where do they live? (On the street). This means they don't have a home.
How can you say in one word about an animal that has no home? (Homeless).
Guys, do you think it’s okay to touch a stray cat? (No). Why? (Because she is dirty, she may be sick, she may scratch her.) Dynamic pause: let's show how the cat releases its claws.

Is it possible to touch a stray or someone else's dog? (No, she can be aggressive - she can attack and bite). Under no circumstances should you take food from animals or touch animals while they are eating, because they may think that you want to take food from them and will attack you.
-Guys, is it possible to tease dogs? (Children's answers).
- How can you help homeless cats and dogs? (You can feed it). Yes, you can feed, but very carefully.
- Now do you want to play? What is our favorite game about a dog? (“Shaggy Dog”).

Game "Shaggy Dog".

You and I played the game "Shaggy Dog", but what game do we know about a cat? The game "Vaska the cat".

Now let's once again remember all the rules of behavior with domestic and stray animals. (The teacher puts out cards, the children say how to behave).
- Children, you need not only to love animals, but also to be able to handle them correctly, know their habits, and remember to be careful.

Waiting for a baby is a wonderful time. The future father rejoices, potential grandparents rejoice, everyone who is somehow involved in this rejoices. And the dog, who has been living in your house for a long time or was warmed up only a couple of months ago, is happy too. No, he cannot understand the reason for the general rejoicing - no matter what they say about a dog’s mind, he is not able to comprehend your thoughts - but he is able to feel that something is happening in the owner’s family. And only one question haunts you: how will everything be now - after all, you have a dog?

The problem of a dog in a pregnant woman's house is quite acute. The expectant mother is worried: will the dog cause her any harm? Wouldn’t it be better to part with him? Of course, such a decision is given to many with difficulty and great internal pain, especially since there is no particular need for this.

When a dog lives in the house of an expectant mother - big or small, it doesn’t matter in this case - the whole range of a woman’s fears can be divided into two large groups: will she be safe during pregnancy - she and her unborn child? And what will happen later, when the child is already born? After all, a dog can get sick and infect its owner, it may have an attack of unmotivated aggression, it may simply not get along in the same house with the baby...

On the other hand, take your dog’s point of view and think: he did not give his consent to your pregnancy, with the advent of your child, big problems are expected in his life - at least, restriction of freedom of movement around the apartment! You will also probably wash him more often, have him examined by a veterinarian more regularly, pet him less - in short, the dog will have a very, very hard time.

But you, inspired, proudly wearing your belly, do not notice this and with pleasure entrust morning walks with the dog to your husband - but the dog loved these moments so much...

A child... or a dog? Contact with animals during pregnancy

In fact, this is a completely wrong way to pose the question. It is formulated somewhat differently: how to make the coexistence of a pregnant woman and a dog safe? Therefore, now we will talk about how to prepare a dog for the appearance of a new member in his pack.

Experts from the World Health Organization note: you have no reason to part with your beloved dog, in addition, the presence of a faithful and devoted animal in the house will have the most beneficial effect on the formation of the baby’s character.

But the psychology of pets is such that during your pregnancy they will in any case suffer from jealousy - just like children with the expected birth of a brother or sister. Therefore, do not forget to pay attention to your four-legged friend and, as far as possible, try not to reduce the time that you usually spend with him.

Ornithosis (psittacosis) is a zoonotic disease (i.e. a disease in which a person becomes infected from an animal) with an airborne transmission mechanism, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication, lung damage - pneumonia, high fever, cough, and sometimes stabbing pain in the chest. Damage to other organs (brain membranes, intestines) is also possible.
The causative agent of psittacosis is Chlamydia psittaci.
The reservoir and source of infection are domestic and wild birds (more than 150 species). In parrots, ducks and other birds, psittacosis is sometimes asymptomatic, but the pathogen continues to be released into the environment.
Ornithosis in pregnant women does not lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus and deformities, but severe forms of the disease in the early stages can cause.

Vaccinations are an urgent need

As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, pick up a special dog passport, in which the veterinarian records the vaccinations given to the dog, and carefully review it. The last vaccination in the passport must be dated no later than one year ago.

Vaccinations will protect your friend from diseases that he can contract at the dog park, in the forest, or on the street. Some of these diseases are transmitted to humans.

Since there is nothing wrong with the fact that the next vaccination will be given a month ahead of schedule, maybe it’s better not to delay and take care of it in advance? And if you have never vaccinated a dog before, now this is task number one for you, since thanks to these vaccinations you will save yourself from serious danger.

Before vaccinating a dog, it is necessary to give it medicine against helminths, even if it never had worms - if there are at least a couple of eggs in the dog’s body, the vaccination will not work.

If, two or three days after taking the antihelminthic drug, you find worms in your dog’s stool - they are usually visible to the naked eye - you should give the dog a second dose of the medicine after a week.

Since your dog will most likely refuse to swallow unpalatable tablets, you can try crushing them and mixing them with dog food or slipping the crushed medicine into your dog's mouth with a treat your dog loves.

Ascariasis- This is helminthiasis (helminthic disease). The “culprit” of its development is the roundworm, the human roundworm (Ascaris Lumbricoides).
Manifestations of the disease depend on the stage of the process. The lungs are affected (a cough appears). Characteristic changes in the skin, which often take the form of hives or small blisters with transparent contents on the hands and feet. Penetration of roundworms into the pancreatic ducts causes acute pancreatitis. The entry of worms into the appendix (vermiform appendix) causes appendicitis or so-called non-inflammatory appendicular colic.
The source of ascariasis is a sick person who releases worm eggs into the external environment with feces. Animals can carry pathogen eggs on fur and paws contaminated with soil.
During pregnancy, depending on the form and stage of the disease, ascariasis can lead to, in which the baby lacks nutrients, or termination of pregnancy.

If after re-taking the medicine you find worms again, repeat the cycle until the stool is clean.

Attention: A pregnant woman should not examine her dog's stool herself!

In the future, repeat the deworming cycle every four months. This is necessary so that your dog remains “clean” and cannot infect you, which would lead to a serious drop in your immunity, and, consequently, to defenselessness against diseases.

Peaceful coexistence with your pet during pregnancy

Hygiene issues are of particular importance during this period.

If earlier you could turn a blind eye to the fact that your dog immediately after a walk rushed into the living room, leaving dirty footprints everywhere - anyway, cleaning is coming soon! - now this can no longer be allowed. Try to wash your dog regularly, comb his fur so that there are no dirty lumps in which bacteria feel so comfortable, and brush his teeth.

Attention: if you have a lap dog that is accustomed to relieve its needs in the apartment in a special toilet, another family member should clean and wash this toilet. If there is no one else to do this but you, put on rubber gloves.

Psychological preparation of a dog for the birth of a child

You should start psychologically preparing your dog for the arrival of a new family member as early as possible. If your dog has the habit of putting his paws on our shoulders and you stagger under its weight, try to wean your dog off such displays of love as quickly as possible, because one day you may not be able to stand on your feet.

Decide in advance which room you will place your baby in. The dog must firmly understand that he can only enter it with your permission and in your presence.

A water bowl should always be at your dog's disposal, but a food bowl should only appear on the floor at certain hours - prepare in advance for the time when your little one begins to explore the world. He may get carried away by the brightly colored dog food and pop a couple of dry food pads into his mouth.

Keep in mind: a dog engrossed in play can bite a baby - not out of malice, no, simply not proportionate to the strength of its teeth, it can knock him down so that he hurts himself painfully, he can seriously frighten him if he growls or shows his teeth. Therefore, it is very important that, from puppyhood, your dog learns to see children as non-secondary members of the pack - this is possible if the children of your friends came to visit you and the dog “asserted itself” in the process of communicating with them: it grabbed with its teeth, even if not It hurt, he growled quietly, and did not let him near his toys. In order to avoid such incidents, always follow the following rules:

  • Never show displeasure towards children running up on the street, even if the child almost knocked you down. Try to suppress even a dissatisfied thought: dogs easily “read” the necessary information from your movements, from involuntary gestures, from muscle contractions that are elusive to the eye. Many owners are even sure that dogs “can read minds.”
  • Try not to interfere with your dog's close contact with unfamiliar children on the street - of course, if the children are well mannered and do not drag the dog by the tail! But even in this case - no shouting, no harsh tone, no severity in conversation, genuine or feigned. Tell your child: “You know, a dog’s tail is a very sensitive part of the body, the dog “talks” to it: look, now it’s pressed against her - this means that the dog is unpleasant. Pulling a dog’s tail is the same as pulling you hard by the ears". Usually this is enough. As a rule, dogs enjoy spending time with children - after all, you can have a lot of fun with them, which adults usually don’t do.
  • Immediately and firmly suppress any manifestation of aggression towards children. Do not allow the dog to jump on children, “spread its teeth”, even lightly, or bark. Puppies are especially different in this - they usually treat children like other puppies. Stop this - for example, with a sharp reprimand or a slap with a newspaper. The latter remedy is especially suitable for small dogs.
  • Treat children and adults differently. A very good way is to start saying something affectionate when a child approaches: “Oh, my joy, where are you from so pretty, smart, etc.”, while smiling. The dog strives to imitate the behavior of the leader, that is, in the future we will also “break into a smile” at the sight of a child running towards it with all his might.
  • Don't play aggressive or competitive games with your dog - your dog will always behave aggressively during play in the future, including with a child.
Toxoplasmosis- a disease caused by intracellular protozoan microorganisms Toxoplasma gondii, which are found everywhere and affect herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, as well as birds and reptiles. Acquired toxoplasmosis in adults often occurs in a latent (latent) form. In the acute form, the brain, eyes, lymphatic system, liver, spleen, heart and other organs can be affected. The disease is manifested by enlargement and soreness of various groups of lymph nodes, possible fever, headache, impaired consciousness, muscle and joint pain, rash, enlarged liver and spleen, signs of damage to other internal organs.
Human infection occurs through contact with any material contaminated with feces from infected cats, such as petting or grooming a cat, or contact with soil or sand contaminated with feces.
Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can lead to the pathogens being transmitted to the fetus. If Toxoplasma infects the baby, the pregnancy may end in spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature birth, or the birth of an infected baby at term. Manifestations of congenital disease are varied: fever, loss of appetite, rash, generalized lymphadenopathy (enlargement of several groups of lymph nodes), enlargement of the liver and spleen, jaundice, microphthalmia (small size of the eyeball) and convulsions. Intracerebral lesions and chorioretinitis (inflammation of the choroid and retina) can be detected already at the time of birth, but often appear later.

But your emphatically friendly attitude towards children should in no way extend to adults - otherwise the dog will not see the difference between them. The dog should treat adults with marked indifference and at the same time vigilance.

After the maternity hospital: newborn and dog

Since the dog will be desperately jealous of your child, it is very important to stroke and caress it upon returning from the hospital - let the dog see that you still love him.

Allow the animal to examine and lightly sniff the baby - under your supervision, of course! Do not allow the dog to lick the baby.

Of course, even the calmest animal should not be left alone with a child. But when you are nearby, you should not be overly careful: the dog may well watch how you care for the baby - this will only serve to strengthen the relationship between all family members.

Newborn and pets. A little about cats

As for cats, these creatures are quite independent and will not bother their owners again. Most likely, neutrality will reign in the family, but your task is to make sure that the cat does not choose to sleep in the baby’s stroller or crib, as this may lead to her lying on the baby’s face or chest, which will lead to suffocation.

Never allow your cat to scratch your baby! These scratches may then become inflamed and not heal for a long time.

Hamsters, parrots, etc. let them live their own lives, but it’s still not worth letting them out of the cage to walk or fly, especially when the baby starts walking.

In general, live calmly, love everyone around you and remember that a good owner has a kind and calm dog, a good friend and a true protector. Your attitude towards the new family member will definitely be passed on to the dog, and soon he and the baby will become best friends. The main thing for you in this situation is reasonable, but not excessive caution.

Text: Anastasia Pivovarova

Medicine relies on animals: Whether we like it or not, they are the ones that new drugs or therapies are tested on before starting human studies. Animal tissues and cells are used to develop medicines, and alternative medicine uses leeches, snakes and bees.

Lately, there has been more and more talk about animals as a source of emotional support - we are talking about the Instagram of Hamlet the pig, who helps his owner cope with epilepsy. It also comes to comical situations: in November last year, a passenger was removed from a US Airways flight whose therapeutic pig began to pace around the cabin of the plane. We talk about the kindest use of animals in medicine - pet therapy, in which animals do not suffer, and people feel better.

Why ask for animals
about help

Treatment with animals, or pet therapy, is one of the methods in rehabilitation and psychotherapy. Boris Levinson began to seriously develop this direction in 1961: the doctor noticed that the presence of a dog helps to establish contact with a child with autism. It is known that animals help children who are facing painful procedures such as injections not to be afraid. Even a small aquarium in the lobby of a clinic or medical center should already slightly muffle fear.

How pigs can help
and cats

Scientists are still figuring out exactly how pet therapy works and to what extent it is effective. According to some studies, when observing animals, the activity of the prefrontal cortex of the cerebral hemispheres increases - this area is involved in decision making and is responsible for social interaction. Contact with animals releases endorphins in our body - as when playing sports, kissing or pleasant memories. Endorphins have an analgesic effect, so pet therapy to some extent reduces the severity of pain syndromes, for example, with. These same substances reduce stress and anxiety, calm and improve your mood. Contacts with animals, apparently due to the same hormones, normalize high blood pressure and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

It cannot be said that any one animal helps treat a specific disease. All animals improve the condition of patients in general: thanks to working with animals, patients are more committed to treatment (apparently, it is more interesting to be treated in good company), experience more positive emotions, relax and even recover faster from anesthesia. Watching animals distracts you from your own problems and helps you switch gears. Contact with animals is communication that helps combat the feeling of isolation in patients with mental disabilities and saves older people from loneliness.

But zootherapy also has effects that depend on the specific animal. For example, hippotherapy - treatment using horseback riding - is recommended for neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy. To stay on and control a horse, you need physical strength, a sense of balance, coordination - and horseback riding helps develop all these skills. In addition, a horse is an animal with character, and you need to communicate with it, even while sitting on horseback, which helps develop social skills. It’s also nice that self-esteem increases - literally because a person finds himself “on horseback”. All together, this turns hippotherapy into a tool of socialization.

Dolphin therapy has approximately the same effect on humans. Movement in water and contact with an intelligent animal develops physically and emotionally, helps a person move and perform non-standard actions. And feline therapy, that is, communication with cats, is usually recommended for relieving stress: vibrations from purring and observing the soft movements of cats help to relax. When choosing animals, their character is also taken into account. For people with disabilities that prevent them from moving, calm, phlegmatic animals are selected as companions. For patients who need to be motivated and helped cope with depression or fear, active animals are suitable.

Is it possible to buy a dog
and get well

All this sounds tempting and raises the question: is it even possible to replace medications with communication with animals? It would be great to have a hamster and get rid of bipolar disorder, and pet a cat to say goodbye to childhood traumas. But the animal itself is not a pill or a certified specialist. The animal does not know how and who needs to be treated (contrary to common myths about the special sensitivity of cats). Therefore, when working with pets, if a therapeutic effect is required, you need to work together with a specialist. Pet therapy is usually used not on its own, but as part of a comprehensive treatment.

Of course, to a certain extent, an animal can improve health and quality of life just by its presence - this is called “non-directive pet therapy”. For example, the very fact that a person has a dog imposes a number of obligations on him: the dog needs to be walked, that is, pick up a leash and walk along the streets. This is physical exercise, that is, useful activity, and dog owners, especially those who love walks, are more likely to remain healthy, even if they do not exercise. In addition, dogs sometimes perform the function of, if not a psychotherapist, then a confidant: things that patients do not dare to tell another person, they can tell the dog.

Anna, a patient in the neurosis department of one of the psychiatric clinics, recalls: “I had two diseases at once: I suffered from depression and panic attacks. I was afraid to leave the house out of panic, but even behind closed doors I was scared. If it wasn’t scary, it was just bad; I could lie in bed all day or not brush my teeth for several days. During treatment I got a guinea pig. I had to get out of bed at least to clean the cage, get to the store to buy food and vegetables - I didn’t do this, the innocent hungry animal began to whistle shrilly. Every time I went outside was a feat, these feats helped me - after all, if I was able to get up and clean up after the animal, then I had already done something. It was a small victory every day. Besides, the pig is soft, warm and smells like sawdust.”
