One leg swells more than the other. If one leg is shorter than the other - what to do One frog is larger than the other reason

When one leg is thicker than the other, then this pathological process is called lymphedema or elephantiasis. But it should be borne in mind that the human body is not symmetrical, and if one limb is approximately 2 cm thicker than the other, then this is not considered a deviation from the norm. This feature can be explained by the development of muscles. For example, right-handers will have thicker right leg.

Causes of elephantiasis

There is an acquired and congenital form of pathology. If the lymphatic outflow from the tissues is disturbed, the muscles are impregnated with proteins. This causes fibrotic changes in the subcutaneous tissue. The congenital form of the pathological process can be inherited and is more often diagnosed in the female. But if a child is born with this anomaly, its symptoms may not appear immediately. With a congenital form, one leg may become thicker than the other after a certain period of time, provided that there are no other predisposing factors to this disease.

The acquired form of elephantiasis can develop under the influence of many factors. The cause of the disease can be:

  • infection with larvae of filaria Bancroft;
  • removal of lymph nodes;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • limb injury;
  • erysipelas;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • burns;
  • tumors.

A phlebologist or a vascular surgeon can make an accurate diagnosis for a patient, as well as prescribe an ultrasound examination of the extremities.

Elephantiasis is not a fatal disease, but its presence can cause disability. Therefore, if the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a specialist.

The first sign of the development of the disease is a slight swelling of the legs. It is localized in the back of the foot. The pathological process intensifies in the evening, and in the morning, after a night's rest, the swelling subsides and the process repeats itself.

If this symptom is ignored, then soon the limb will not return to its usual size after a long rest. Puffiness will not only disappear, it will become more extensive and spread to the upper part of the lower leg, and then to the thigh. In addition to increasing in volume, tissues become denser.

With severe swelling, the leg takes on a cylindrical shape. A thick cylinder, on which folds form, resembles elephant skin in appearance. It is for this reason that the pathological process received its name.

If no action is taken, the patient's condition worsens. The epidermis of the limb begins to turn red and an inflammatory process develops. The patient is always accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which leads to rapid fatigue. After some time, pain develops. Chronic dermatitis occurs on the skin of the leg, cracks and trophic ulcers form. In some patients, the appearance of warts is additionally observed.

The sooner the diagnosis is made, the greater the chance for a speedy recovery. A characteristic feature of lymphedema is compliance with pressure on the soft tissues of the affected limb.

You should not count on the fact that the pathological process will stop. Without proper treatment, the thickness of the leg will only increase. After a series of diagnostic procedures, which are aimed at assessing the patient's health status and determining the main provocateur of the disease, treatment will be prescribed. The therapeutic course is also selected taking into account the degree of elephantiasis of the leg.

In the early stages, when the patient has only slight swelling, the patient is advised to wear compression stockings and bandage the leg. Additionally, various kinds of massages and physiotherapy exercises are prescribed. In the treatment of this pathology, electrophoresis, vacuum massage and ointments such as Troxevasin and Venoruton have proven themselves well.

Treatment of elephantiasis in the stable, deforming or fibrous stage is usually carried out with surgical methods.

In order to improve the outflow of lymph, a partial excision of the pathogenic site is initially carried out, and then draining measures are carried out. With an advanced form of the disease, a decision may be made to remove the connective tissue, skin and fascia. This method of treatment is quite complicated and requires a long stay in the hospital.

In addition to drug therapy, the patient must follow a certain diet during treatment. With elephantine feet, all foods consumed should be low-calorie, and also not salty. Preference is given to fruits and vegetables.

To avoid additional complications, it is recommended to carefully monitor the condition of the skin. Regularly carry out hygiene procedures and keep the foot clean. Any injury to the limb can lead to serious complications.

Another important point in the process of treating elephantiasis of the leg is to ensure proper rest of the limb. In addition, tight clothing and shoes should be avoided.

It all happened not immediately, but about 2 months after the bruise came down. First, the foot swelled, then everything gradually began to move up the limb. As a result, it turned out that my legs became completely different in thickness. I am very worried about this. After all, such a nuisance not only takes away the opportunity to wear open clothes, but also makes you seriously think about your health. Sometimes a swollen leg starts to hurt when the weather changes dramatically, which causes even more discomfort. Tell me, if one leg is thicker than the other, the reasons may be an injury or disease? Thank you in advance for your response.

Hello! If one leg is thicker than the other, the reasons may be different. But among the people, all people call this phenomenon elephantiasis. The medical name is lymphedema. Such a disease is not so common, it can be difficult to get rid of it if you do not seek help in time. Why does it occur and what to do about it?

Lymphedema is formed when a large amount of tissue fluid accumulates under the skin, which is not excreted from the body. As a result, edema develops, which over time only becomes larger in size.

There are two types of lymphedema, depending on the causes of the disease: it is primary and secondary lymphedema. Primary elephantiasis is considered the most dangerous and complex disease, which is extremely difficult to treat. It is due to the fact that some lymph nodes are completely absent or the lymphatic system does not work properly. Elephantiasis that has arisen for this reason is most often treated by surgical intervention, but even then not completely.

The secondary form of the disease is much more common and develops due to impaired lymph flow, which often occurs against the background of certain infectious and oncological diseases, as well as as a result of injuries. As for oncology, often after excision of a tumor located in the immediate vicinity of the limb, fluid begins to accumulate.

Lymphedema also often develops after a small blood clot forms in a vessel (most often a vein). The risk of such a disease in people suffering from varicose veins is increased. But if appropriate measures are taken in time, this form of lymphedema can be completely cured.

It is better to immediately go to the hospital when the first signs of this disease are detected, especially if the child has edema. There, depending on the specific cause, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. After all, it is far from always that when you press on a limb, pain is felt, which in most cases makes you see a doctor. Reversible edema - when the tissues are still soft and depressions form when pressed - is much faster and easier to treat than irreversible lymphedema, when the tissues are already beginning to harden. Then complex painful treatment is often prescribed, which does not always give the desired result.

Lymphedema of the lower extremities: treatment and photo of the disease

Surely you have sometimes noticed people in whom one upper or lower limb is much thicker (more voluminous) than the other. This disease is called "elephantiasis" or lymphedema. It is an accumulation of tissue fluid as a result of various reasons, which leads to swelling of the affected area. Most often occurs on the legs and arms. There are the following types:

  • Primary. A rather rare species, associated with heredity (improper development of the lymphatic system or the absence of some lymphatic vessels). It is difficult to treat with medicinal, folk and surgical means.
  • Secondary. The most common variant. The cause of the secondary form is any pathology that leads to a violation of the flow of lymph (with cancer, infections of varicose veins). Quite often occurs with varicose veins complicated by thrombosis (this is when a clot forms in the lumen of the vein). This form of edema is easier to treat than the primary one.

Secondary lymphedema of the right leg


Lymphedema of the lower extremities is classified into the following degrees:

  • Mild (reversible) swelling.
  • The leg increases in volume in the evening, in the morning the swelling decreases slightly. Many patients at this stage intensively use folk methods to combat the disease, bandage their legs with elastic fabric. Turning to a doctor at this stage for help, there is a chance with the help of tight bandaging and drugs (venotonics) to stop the progression of the disease and get rid of the edema completely.
  • Spontaneous irreversible edema is directly lymphedema.
  • As a result of the proliferation of connective tissue, the skin becomes hard. If you press on the area of ​​​​edema, then a dent remains. Due to the strong tension of the skin, pain can be disturbing. But the pain is not so significant as to force the patient to consult a doctor. At this stage, the help of a vascular surgeon is indispensable. If a patient with this degree of illness strictly adheres to the treatment regimen, then recovery is possible.
  • Irreversible swelling. There is such a degree of tissue damage that the leg loses its shape, significantly increases in size. This condition is called "elephantiasis" - lymphedema has reached an extreme degree. A person cannot fully move around, since the lower limb has become significantly heavier, the tissues have become very stretched, the joints are unable to function fully.

stage 3 lymphedema

Consequences of breast cancer

Lymphedema of the upper limb develops most often after a mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast). It goes through the same stages of development as with the defeat of the lower limb. This operation is carried out in connection with the oncological process of the breast. The fact is that during the operation, regional lymph nodes are removed, the integrity of the lymphatic vessels is violated. If after a mastectomy it is not enough to pay rehabilitation, then the swelling of the hand can reach a significant size. In addition, the hand may become red and sore. Then you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor, as these signs may indicate the presence of a complication after a mastectomy in the form of inflammation. The doctor will select the best treatment option for you.

So, you should contact your doctor for medical help if you have the following symptoms of lymphedema after a mastectomy:

  • The arm is swollen in any part of it (fingers, hands, shoulder),
  • If in the upper limb there is a feeling of fullness, heaviness, "pouring",
  • The skin became tight and stretched,
  • The hand began to bend worse at the elbow joint and the wrist area,
  • It became more difficult to dress, fasten buttons and snakes on clothes,
  • Watches, rings, bracelets have become tighter than before.

Symptoms of lymphedema in the left leg

Ways to fight

To defeat the disease, you need to consult a doctor when the first signs appear, when lymphedema is easier to treat. The patient is advised:

  • Diet. Food should not be salty, low-calorie. You should also reduce your carbohydrate intake. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits.
  • Carefully monitor the skin of the affected area. It is necessary to prevent any damage that can become an entrance gate for infection. Therefore, it is necessary to process scratches, abrasions, burrs in time.
  • On the affected area, injections, blood sampling, burns, excessive insolation should be avoided.
  • Elevate your arm or leg while you sleep. Compression stockings must be worn.
  • If the patient has lymphedema in the foot area, then you should not walk barefoot. If the facial area is affected, shaving should be done with safe appliances. And after a mastectomy, the purse should be worn on the healthy side.
  • You should regularly massage the limbs, do therapeutic exercises, visit the pool once a week.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

During the course of treatment, several methods are used. One such remedy is manual lymphatic drainage, that is, massage. With this method, the outflow of lymph from the upper and lower limbs occurs. Therapeutic exercise is a set of special exercises that is performed in special compression underwear or bandages (for varicose veins of the lower and upper extremities). Pneumomassage is also used - with the help of air, the lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels.

Lymphedema can be treated with medications. They are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. For example, with varicose veins, antiplatelet agents and venotonic drugs are needed, and with infectious inflammation, antibiotics are needed. One of the means of struggle is surgical treatment, which is used after the failure of conservative therapy. Diseased vessels and excess tissue are surgically removed. It is used when the movement of the limb becomes difficult.

Unfortunately, some patients turn to doctors at a significant stage of the disease after self-administration of folk remedies, missing the moment when the process is still reversible. Folk methods suggest using all kinds of compresses, lotions, wraps made from potatoes, kefir, coniferous resin, lavender oil, beetroot, St. John's wort, etc. more difficult.

One leg is thicker than the other: the causes of the disease

The human body is asymmetrical and it often happens that one leg is thicker than the other, the reasons for which this phenomenon is observed are very diverse. If this is not a disease and the difference in the volume of the legs reaches no more than 2 cm, then you should not worry about this. In addition, in right-handers, the biceps of the right limbs are traditionally more developed. In other cases, the situation requires a thorough professional investigation and diagnostic study.

Reasons why one leg is thicker than the other

1. Increased load on one of the limbs due to injury or professional activity.

2. Numerous genetic and other diseases, which include:

  • uneven development of the hemispheres of the head;
  • spinal cord anomaly;
  • kidney and heart disease;
  • Raasel-Silver syndrome;
  • hemiparesis;
  • Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, characterized by the presence of vascular changes;
  • hemihypertrophy.

3. Stagnation in the lymphatic vessels, causing primary lymphedema. Doctors distinguish between a birth defect, observed in 25% of cases, in which girls most often suffer from the disease, but over the years their condition may improve. An anomaly called Milroy's disease is hereditary and accounts for 2% of the total number of pathologies in the development of the lower extremities. The most common form of the disease is Praecox lymphedema (65%), which predominantly affects the left leg and manifests as edema and decreased lymphatic vessels. If only the right limb suffers, then soon the disease passes to the left side. Women get sick 4 times more often than men. Praecox lymphedema occurs before the age of 35. The third form of anomaly, which manifests itself after 35 years, is Tarde's lymphedema (Meige), characterized by the growth of lymphatic vessels and the appearance of edema.

A relatively rare disease is elephantiasis, which can be caused by repeated erysipelas. The first symptoms are manifested in the form of edema of the foot, ankle and different volumes of the limbs. In case of delay in treatment, proliferation of coarse fibrous connective tissue is observed.

A phlebologist or a vascular surgeon can make an accurate diagnosis for a patient, as well as prescribe an ultrasound examination of the extremities.

In case of lymph stagnation, stagnation can be eliminated only by getting rid of toxins, giving up tobacco, alcohol, chemicals and movement. Only a combination of an active lifestyle with the right food can get rid of blockage of the lymphatic vessels.

My left leg is thicker than my right

From the age of 3 months (as soon as I started to gain weight) my mother noticed that the left leg (from the knee to the groin, part of the abdomen and buttocks) is thicker than the right one .. went to the doctors (surgeon, vascular surgeon), they said that with age it will pass .. somewhere at the age of 8-10 we again turned to a specialist, and he said that we should have approached earlier .. we waved our hand at it .. now I am 16 years old .. and no matter how beautiful it looks, since the leg does not tan and you can see a clear line, the one where there is this thickening .. this zone is much lighter .. now the left leg is 3-4 cm thicker than the right one .. a little, but very noticeable .. it is interesting that this is generally possible is there any way to change it?

Lera, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine, 16 years old


Belyanina Elena Olegovna

Surgeon-phlebologist-lymphologist, surgeon of the first category

Most likely it is angiodysplasia or primary lymphedema. It is unlikely that anything will be done radically with such a birth defect. But you need to try. You need to start the examination with a duplex scan of the veins and arteries of the lower extremities.

Sincerely, Belyanina Elena Olegovna.

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Why one leg is thicker than the other: external factors and diseases

Different thickness of human legs is a common phenomenon. A slight difference in volume between the right and left leg is usually not considered abnormal. A signal for concern can be asymmetry, visible to the naked eye, swelling, deformities.

If the difference in the coverage of the lower leg is no more than 2 cm, such a violation of proportions may cause aesthetic discomfort, but it is absolutely natural. The human body is never perfectly symmetrical.

The causes of disproportion are diverse and unique in each individual case. Consider the main, most common of them.

Why is one leg thicker than the other in an adult

There are several reasons for the different thicknesses of the lower extremities, among them both pathological and caused by external influences.

External factors

With age, you can notice that one of the legs becomes thicker than the other. Most often, the so-called “bearing leg” increases in size - that is, the one that accounts for a significant part of the load. For most people, this role is played by the right.

Sometimes the difference becomes noticeable with an increase in the volume of loads, for example, when playing active sports. In such cases, the “lagging” leg, whose muscles are tense and less worked out, remains visually thinner. A similar effect is observed with a sharp decrease in weight during weight loss, when the weaker limb loses its tone first.

In all these cases, there is a natural asymmetry of the body, uneven distribution of the load and, accordingly, a different degree of development of muscle mass in the two legs. However, thickening of the leg may be due to other factors.

Against the background of a limb injury, a change in volume and shape is often manifested. As a result of a complex fracture, the movement of the lymph can be disturbed, the leg will begin to swell, swell. Another option is also possible - muscle atrophy, due to a decrease in mobility, a decrease in loads. This is especially noticeable after the removal of the cast, when the limb was inactive for a long time.

Important! Muscle atrophy in one or both legs can be caused by a number of reasons, including diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal failure, chronic diseases, and genetic disorders.

This factor can also explain the phenomenon when both legs have lost a lot of weight. If a clear loss of tone is observed for no apparent reason, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Alarming symptoms preceding visual changes are a feeling of weakness, fatigue of the affected limb. Pain, trembling, sensation of crawling under the skin.

Attention! I remind you that in case of any problem, you can seek advice from our specialists.

A burn can lead to leg swelling. Depending on the degree of tissue damage and the cause of the burn, the swelling may last from a couple of days or longer. Sunburn is quite insidious, because it occurs imperceptibly.

If you overdo it a little with sunbathing, you can feel quite unpleasant consequences: itching, skin rashes, swelling of soft tissues as a result of fluid accumulation and stagnation.


Swelling of the legs, or one of the limbs, may indicate a number of internal diseases. The most common problems that this symptom signals:

  • violation of the kidneys;
  • heart failure;
  • interruptions in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • hypoproteinemia - a condition in which the percentage of protein in the blood plasma is extremely low;
  • lymphedema;
  • phlebeurysm.

It is worth dwelling on the last two points in more detail, since it is they who often cause a pronounced disproportion of the lower extremities.

Lymphedema (lymphostasis)

Otherwise, this phenomenon is called "elephantiasis", which very eloquently describes the appearance of the leg in this disease. Due to edema, the relief of the muscle is smoothed out, the leg swells and takes on a resemblance to the limb of a famous African animal.

The cause of lymphedema is the accumulation of tissue fluid, which ceases to be excreted from the body naturally. At the same time, the edema does not subside after rest and the usual procedures for relieving symptoms, it only increases with time.

There are primary and secondary lymphostasis. A complex, difficult-to-treat disease is considered primary. It is called by a pathology in the work of the lymphatic system, sometimes by the complete absence of some lymph nodes.

Attention! Lymphostasis is a severe pathology. Surgical intervention, which is prescribed to a patient with such a diagnosis, does not always give a 100% result.

Secondary lymphedema is more common. This form of the disease manifests itself in violation of the outflow of lymph associated with autoimmune diseases, infections, traumatic injuries of blood vessels and tissues.

Watch a video in which the doctor talks about lymphostasis.

Sometimes the impetus for the development of elephantiasis can be the appearance of a blocking blood clot in the vessel. People suffering from varicose veins are especially susceptible to this danger.

Timely seeking medical help can save you from many problems, including disability. Don't wait for the pain to show up. The disease is much faster and easier to treat at the very beginning, when the edema area is still soft and pliable.

Varicose veins

This disease has been known since ancient times. According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from varicose veins, most of them are women. This is due to the fact that in the female body hormonal processes proceed quite rapidly, which, together with a lack of connective tissue, lead to the development of varicose veins.

What is this disease? Dilation of the peripheral vessels, which leads to weakening of the valves that ensure the steady flow of blood and lymph up the veins back to the heart.

Remember! The slower the blood circulates, the more it stagnates in certain areas, stretching the walls of the vessels.

This leads to a deterioration in the condition: spider veins appear under the skin, legs swell.

The cause of the development of the disease most often becomes poor heredity. Factors contributing to the deterioration of this condition are:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • disproportionately high physical activity,
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Varicose veins can develop unevenly, which leads to visual disproportion of the lower extremities.

Reasons for a child

A noticeable difference in the volume of the legs is often observed in children under one year old. This disproportion disappears with time. Usually, from the moment when the baby begins to walk, the difference in girth is smoothed out and ceases to be evident.

In some cases, a violation of proportions can serve as a signal of the presence of serious developmental disorders. If complex symptoms are detected, the infant should be checked for diseases such as hemiparesis, hemihypertrophy, as well as anomalies of the spinal cord.

The presence of other obvious deviations from the norm may serve as the basis for a comprehensive examination.

Why is the right leg thicker than the left

As mentioned above, the disproportion in the development of the right and left limbs is caused by natural causes. Such as: uneven distribution of the load (especially with increased body weight or active sports), natural predisposition. A slight violation of the proportions of the right and left halves of the body is inherent in most people and is not a pathology.

What to do if one limb is larger in volume

If a larger volume of one of the lower extremities is not associated with the presence of a disease and other disorders, but is a natural feature of a person, then it is not required to be treated. However, in the case when the disproportion causes significant moral discomfort, there are several useful recommendations for correcting this shortcoming.

  • Sports activities should take place regularly, preferably under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  • With a large deviation from the norm and muscle inflexibility, the load on the “weak” limb should be increased compared to the “leading” one.
  • If swelling, pain, heaviness and other clinical symptoms appear, consult a doctor to determine the cause of thickening of the leg.

    Useful video

    The doctor tells why one-sided swelling of the legs develops.


    A visual difference in limb development can be alarming. Sometimes it is justified, it becomes a signal of a malfunction in the body. Do not, however, panic and worry too much about a physical defect. Ideal proportions are found on our planet only in inanimate nature.

    There are a lot of leg diseases: varicose veins, arthrosis and arthritis of the lower extremities, flat feet, foot deformity, myalgia, gout, fungal infection, protruding thumb bone, heel spur, calluses, corns. And although each of us understands that even a small callus on the foot can greatly complicate life and spoil the mood, we often do not pay due attention to our feet. One of the most common diseases of the legs is varicose veins.

    Athletic feet weren't mold on the feet

    Therefore, antimycotic solutions are more suitable. The sharp, intensely reddish wolf form is also aided by drying surfaces such as hypermanganese. You can also avoid intimate, wet handkerchiefs designed to solve this problem. Fragrances are all around us and we can get them in many ways. Men get it most often from bad boots when their feet are muddy, or from swimming pools, showers or locker rooms.

    The disease is manifested by itching, burning, but also with blisters or cracks on the legs and fingers. In addition to regular hygiene and high quality shoes, we offer a wide range of antimycotic products. If it's a big problem that will affect the nails, for example, it's a good idea to visit a dermatologist.

    Varicose disease is a progressive chronic disease that causes damage to the deep and superficial veins. It leads to irreversible changes in the skin, muscles, liver, bones and even the nervous system. Very often, varicose veins are accompanied by hemorrhoids and osteochondrosis.

    According to doctors, 70% of women aged 30-45 and 30% of men in the same age group suffer from varicose veins. After 50 years, the percentage of incidence of the stronger and weaker sex is approximately the same.

    Older people are especially affected by the legs and arms. With nails, the legs are especially affected, which their users overload, for example, athletes. They constantly put pressure on the nail, causing injury. The same can lead to wear on shoes that are too tight.

    Remove the overgrown nail only after softening the surrounding skin and nails in a warm bath. With the utmost care and caution, we can carve the nail. Experts recommend immediately disinfecting the wound, or at least washing out the herbal ointment with a healing effect.

    Help can also shrink the nail with a file, which also helps to remove the nail and so the nail stops growing. However, these procedures are safer with a trained pedicure. You may also have a problem with your surgeon or plastic surgeon. The smell from the mouth is unpleasant for each of us. And statistics show that in fact, unattractive breath beats around more often than, say, the smell of sweat, dirty nails or hair disheveled and greasy.

    Causes of varicose veins

    The opinion that varicose veins most often occurs in those who walk a lot has no scientific evidence. According to medical data, varicose veins primarily affect those who are forced to spend a lot of time standing in one place (64%) and lead a sedentary lifestyle (29%). Only in 6% of cases, varicose veins occur in those people who walk a lot. Looking at such statistics, it becomes clear how dangerous it is to ignore exercises in the morning, walks in the fresh air and, in general, maintaining an active lifestyle. There are many hypotheses for the occurrence of varicose veins. But it is worth mentioning such provocateurs of the disease as smoking and throwing “legs on legs” in a sitting position. In other words, if a woman likes to “businesslike” sit and smoke cigarettes, then it can almost certainly be argued that she will develop varicose veins. Complications of varicose veins can be diseases such as cellulite, bleeding, thrombosis, dermatitis and trophic ulcers. Varicose veins and their complications can lead to long-term disability, and in some cases even cause disability.

    Mouthwash or halitosis is not always caused by poor hygiene. It is caused by anaerobic bacteria that live inside the mouth. They produce sulfur, from which an odor is emitted. However, anaerobic bacteria are needed by humans to help break down proteins. So they have all the people in the body.

    Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive care of oral hygiene, use chewing gum or lollipops for fresh breath. If the problem persists, you will need to determine the true cause of the problem. First of all, a man should visit a dentist, and if this does not help, see a doctor with a specialization in the digestive tract.

    Symptoms of varicose veins

    1 stage - the appearance of a venous pattern on the popliteal cup. Then the disease progresses and the veins begin to swell. There is a feeling of rapid fatigue and heaviness. “It’s as if it’s not blood that flows in the veins, but lead,” many patients note. If the blood is retained in the lower extremities, then the veins dilate, and the blood does not flow well into the upper body.

    Many sexual problems in men cause a lack of experience or later health complications. Therefore, young men suffer not only from erectile dysfunction, but also from premature ejaculation or the inability to climax. All of these issues can be easily resolved with patience, as well as the ability to talk about the problem, especially with a partner. If this does not help, then the sexologist comes to you.

    Surely you have sometimes noticed people in whom one upper or lower limb is much thicker (more voluminous) than the other. This disease is called "elephantiasis" or lymphedema. It is an accumulation of tissue fluid as a result of various reasons, which leads to swelling of the affected area. Most often occurs on the legs and arms. There are the following types:

    Bend the leg you're standing on and go into battle. Stay in the lower phase for a while. It's important to keep your body straight - don't lean forward or lift yourself up if you're lifting. The upward movement is power and comes from the foot of the front foot. You will return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

    If you want to increase the load, take a dumbbell in each hand or you can put a large dumbbell on your shoulders. This training is just an example - multi-level training, of course, a lot. Grigore Alexandrescu - parrot and other birds, parrots and other birds Grigore Alexandrescu Leaving their cage in the forest, the parrot began to roam; And as soon as he came to judgment, he put on the song of the birds. Filamel was still saying that she couldn't do it, that her voice was too long. And so on any small or large bird, he said nothing.

    • Primary. A rather rare species, associated with heredity (improper development of the lymphatic system or the absence of some lymphatic vessels). It is difficult to treat with medicinal, folk and surgical means.
    • Secondary. The most common variant. The cause of the secondary form is any pathology that leads to a violation of the flow of lymph (with cancer, infections of varicose veins). Quite often occurs with varicose veins complicated by thrombosis (this is when a clot forms in the lumen of the vein). This form of edema is easier to treat than the primary one.

    Secondary lymphedema of the right leg


    Lymphedema of the lower extremities is classified into the following degrees:

    • Mild (reversible) swelling.
    • The leg increases in volume in the evening, in the morning the swelling decreases slightly. Many patients at this stage intensively use folk methods to combat the disease, bandage their legs with elastic fabric. Turning to a doctor at this stage for help, there is a chance with the help of tight bandaging and drugs (venotonics) to stop the progression of the disease and get rid of the edema completely.
    • Spontaneous irreversible edema is directly lymphedema.
    • As a result of the proliferation of connective tissue, the skin becomes hard. If you press on the area of ​​​​edema, then a dent remains. Due to the strong tension of the skin, pain can be disturbing. But the pain is not so significant as to force the patient to consult a doctor. At this stage, the help of a vascular surgeon is indispensable. If a patient with this degree of illness strictly adheres to the treatment regimen, then recovery is possible.
    • Irreversible swelling. There is such a degree of tissue damage that the leg loses its shape, significantly increases in size. This condition is called "elephantiasis" - lymphedema has reached an extreme degree. A person cannot fully move around, since the lower limb has become significantly heavier, the tissues have become very stretched, the joints are unable to function fully.

    stage 3 lymphedema

    Consequences of breast cancer

    Lymphedema of the upper limb develops most often after a mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast). It goes through the same stages of development as with the defeat of the lower limb. This operation is carried out in connection with the oncological process of the breast. The fact is that during the operation, regional lymph nodes are removed, the integrity of the lymphatic vessels is violated. If after a mastectomy it is not enough to pay rehabilitation, then the swelling of the hand can reach a significant size. In addition, the hand may become red and sore. Then you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor, as these signs may indicate the presence of a complication after a mastectomy in the form of inflammation. The doctor will select the best treatment option for you.

    So, you should contact your doctor for medical help if you have the following symptoms of lymphedema after a mastectomy:

    • The arm is swollen in any part of it (fingers, hands, shoulder),
    • If in the upper limb there is a feeling of fullness, heaviness, "pouring",
    • The skin became tight and stretched,
    • The hand began to bend worse at the elbow joint and the wrist area,
    • It became more difficult to dress, fasten buttons and snakes on clothes,
    • Watches, rings, bracelets have become tighter than before.

    Symptoms of lymphedema in the left leg

    Ways to fight

    To defeat the disease, you need to consult a doctor when the first signs appear, when lymphedema is easier to treat. The patient is advised:

    • Diet. Food should not be salty, low-calorie. You should also reduce your carbohydrate intake. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits.
    • Carefully monitor the skin of the affected area. It is necessary to prevent any damage that can become an entrance gate for infection. Therefore, it is necessary to process scratches, abrasions, burrs in time.
    • On the affected area, injections, blood sampling, burns, excessive insolation should be avoided.
    • Elevate your arm or leg while you sleep. Compression stockings must be worn.
    • If the patient has lymphedema in the foot area, then you should not walk barefoot. If the facial area is affected, shaving should be done with safe appliances. And after a mastectomy, the purse should be worn on the healthy side.
    • You should regularly massage the limbs, do therapeutic exercises, visit the pool once a week.

    Manual lymphatic drainage massage

    During the course of treatment, several methods are used. One such remedy is manual lymphatic drainage, that is, massage. With this method, the outflow of lymph from the upper and lower limbs occurs. Physiotherapy exercises remove diseased vessels and excess tissue. It is used when the movement of the limb becomes difficult.

    Unfortunately, some patients turn to doctors at a significant stage of the disease after self-administration of folk remedies, missing the moment when the process is still reversible. Folk methods suggest using all kinds of compresses, lotions, wraps made from potatoes, kefir, coniferous resin, lavender oil, beetroot, St. more difficult.

    The condition in which one leg is shorter than the other is called "short leg syndrome". Different leg lengths are a common occurrence in both an adult and a child. According to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10), defects that shorten the lower limb are assigned to class Q 72. Even if the length of one lower limb is only 4–5 mm longer than the other, it can still lead to various musculoskeletal disorders.

    The difference in leg length, which is about 5 centimeters, is visible externally. In a person suffering from this disorder, gait is disturbed, lameness appears. If one leg is shorter than the other up to 5 cm, it is almost imperceptible outwardly due to the inclination of the pelvis and curvature of the spine. In addition to posture disorders, gait changes, the patient is also worried about pain in the joints and spine. A problem that does not receive proper therapy can eventually lead to diseases such as arthrosis, bursitis, etc.

    There are several types of shortening of the lower extremities: anatomical (due to a decrease in the length of the bone), relative (dislocation, reduced joint mobility), combined. Various growth disorders, in which there is a delay or accelerated growth, can affect the length of both limbs.

    The reasons provoking the occurrence of such a phenomenon as different leg lengths include the following:

    1. Congenital shortening of the leg due to intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus (according to ICD-10 Q65-Q79). In this case, pathologies such as clubfoot, hip dislocation, hemophilic hemarthrosis develop. Dislocations and deformities of the hip in a child are possible, which in the future may lead to adverse consequences (ICD-10 Q65).
    2. Inflammation (tuberculosis, arthritis, elephantiasis, thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities).
    3. Neuropathic factors (cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis).
    4. Tumors.
    5. Traumatic shortening. It is associated with damage to special growth zones that are located at the ends of the tibia and femur. With such damage, the child has a slowdown in the growth of one or both limbs. In childhood, due to the growth of the child, such a shortening develops and worsens, while in adults it remains unchanged.

    If one leg is shorter than the other, then the load on the spine is unevenly distributed. The spine begins to bend, osteochondrosis appears. Twisting of the pelvis is observed, as well as a turn of the fifth lumbar vertebra.

    With this violation, shortening of both one section of the lower limb (thigh or lower leg), and all sections at the same time can be observed. According to ICD-10, longitudinal shortening of the femur is classified as ICD-10Q72.4, longitudinal shortening of the tibia ICD-10 Q72.5, longitudinal shortening of the fibula ICD-10 Q72.6.

    Some body asymmetry is normal. But even if the leg is only a few centimeters shorter than the other, this can lead to some problems and diseases.

    Children at risk

    The earlier a problem is identified, the easier it is to treat. This is especially true in the treatment of children, because the shortening of the leg progresses over time and becomes more and more obvious. Violations of the musculoskeletal system in the fetus can be detected using ultrasound already in the early stages of pregnancy.

    There are symmetric and asymmetric fetal growth retardation. With a symmetrical violation, the ratios of circles and sizes are within the normal range and are harmonious. But the size of the fetus is proportionally reduced. With asymmetric delay (occurs at a later date), there is a delay in the growth of certain areas. There are certain standards for fetal development at each stage of pregnancy: the circumference of the fetal head, tummy, and the length of the fetus. Data on the length of the thigh in the fetus is also used to determine the gestational age.

    If you have any suspicions, then the approximate difference in your child's legs can be measured independently at home. First you need to determine if there is a difference in the length of the thigh. To do this, lay the child on his back, bend his knees so that 90 ° angles form at the hip joint and at the knee joint. If one knee is slightly higher than the other, then this may indicate that one thigh is larger than the other.

    To compare the length of the lower leg, lay the child in the same position. Legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. Visually draw a line above the knees. If one knee is higher than the other, you should consult a specialist for advice.

    In children, the height of the longitudinal arches is often asymmetric, which can lead to scoliosis. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine in any direction from the axis. Scoliosis disrupts the muscle structure, the structure of muscles, ligaments and cartilage. This is dangerous because the child's body has not yet fully formed.

    Scoliosis and unequal leg length are directly related to each other.

    Treatment: there is a way out

    The fact that the leg is shorter than the other is not a sentence. Treatment of pathology exists and is quite successfully used in modern medicine. Today, with the help of modern methods, it is even possible to lengthen short legs or correct the curvature of the legs.

    There are several methods that can help patients who have one leg shorter than the other. A conservative method of treatment is applied to patients whose leg is larger than the other by no more than 2 centimeters.

    If one leg is much larger than the other, then surgical treatment is recommended. The most common method is the lengthening of the lower limb in the Ilizarov apparatus. The bone in the required area is dissected, and then the leg is fixed using the apparatus. The bone tissue will grow towards each other, and over time, the two bones will grow together. The bone growth rate is 1 mm per day, i.e. it takes 10 days to lengthen the leg by 1 cm. It takes about six months for a person to fully recover. After removing the device, another period of rehabilitation is necessary.

    This method is also used in aesthetic surgery to lengthen short legs. But without special indications, it is not recommended to lengthen short legs. In addition to the high cost, pain and duration of manipulation, in any case, this is an intervention in the body that does not pass without a trace. Before deciding on such an operation, you should seriously think about this issue. Perhaps your short legs are a problem that is being treated by a psychologist, not a surgeon.

    Another treatment is to block growth zones. In this case, manipulations are performed with a healthy leg. The method is used in children and is aimed at curbing the growth of one leg, so that over time both legs become equal in length.

    There are a lot of leg diseases: varicose veins, arthrosis and arthritis of the lower extremities, flat feet, foot deformity, myalgia, gout, fungal infection, protruding thumb bone, heel spur, calluses, corns. And although each of us understands that even a small callus on the foot can greatly complicate life and spoil the mood, we often do not pay due attention to our feet. One of the most common diseases of the legs is varicose veins.

    Varicose disease is a progressive chronic disease that affects the deep and superficial veins. It leads to irreversible changes in the skin, muscles, liver, bones and even the nervous system. Very often, varicose veins are accompanied by hemorrhoids and osteochondrosis.

    According to doctors, 70% of women aged 30-45 years and 30% of men of the same age group suffer from varicose veins. After 50 years, the percentage of incidence of the stronger and weaker sex is approximately the same.

    Causes of varicose veins

    The opinion that varicose veins most often occurs in those who walk a lot has no scientific evidence. According to medical data, varicose veins primarily affect those who are forced to spend a lot of time standing in one place (64%) and lead a sedentary lifestyle (29%). Only in 6% of cases, varicose veins occur in those people who walk a lot. Looking at such statistics, it becomes clear how dangerous it is to ignore exercises in the morning, walks in the fresh air and, in general, maintaining an active lifestyle. There are many hypotheses for the occurrence of varicose veins. But it is worth mentioning such provocateurs of the disease as smoking and throwing “legs on legs” in a sitting position. In other words, if a woman likes to “businesslike” sit and smoke cigarettes, then it can almost certainly be argued that she will develop varicose veins. Complications of varicose veins can be diseases such as cellulite, bleeding, thrombosis, dermatitis and trophic ulcers. Varicose veins and their complications can lead to long-term disability, and in some cases even cause disability.

    Symptoms of varicose veins

    1 stage the appearance of a venous pattern on the popliteal cup. Then the disease progresses and the veins begin to swell. There is a feeling of rapid fatigue and heaviness. “It’s as if it’s not blood that flows in the veins, but lead,” many patients say. If the blood is retained in the lower extremities, then the veins dilate, and the blood does not flow well into the upper body.

    2 stage development of varicose veins seizures and severe pain . Convulsions appear, as a rule, at night.

    3 stage thickening of the veins . Visually noticeable expansion of the veins on the foot, lower leg and thigh. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    4 stage the wall of the veins becomes thin and trophic ulcers develop . This not only poses a threat of disability, but also becomes life-threatening.

    Exacerbation of varicose veins most often occurs in spring and autumn. If a person is full, and he has deep vein varicose veins, then in the initial stages it can be very difficult to determine this.

    The main symptom of varicose veins and its complications is swelling of the legs. However, it must be borne in mind that legs can swell in case of violations of the kidneys or problems of the cardiovascular system. How to find out what is venous edema?

    With pathologies of the heart, usually two legs swell evenly. The legs are warm, and the swelling does not cause severe pain. With varicose veins, on the contrary, they are cold, and the swelling itself is very painful. Often, with varicose veins, the legs have a bluish color. In addition, they can swell very unevenly. One leg can be 30-40 centimeters thicker than the other!

    Varicose veins proceed slowly and gradually, so everyone has every chance to stop its development in the early stages, and not bring it to surgery.

    Prevention and treatment

    The company NPTsRIZ produces a complex of products, among which you can find a lot of funds for the prevention of varicose veins and its complications.

    Month of admission The product's name Directions for use Mechanism of action


    4-6 drops under the tongue in the morning


    / 1-2 capsules in the morning before meals Strengthen the vascular wall, increase venous tone
    2 capsules daily before meals (morning/afternoon)
    1 capsule 2 times a day with meals


    6 drops externally 1 time per day Strengthen the vascular wall, increase venous tone
    2 capsules daily before meals (morning/afternoon)
    2-3 teaspoons daily with meals Helps lower cholesterol levels

    But the best that can be offered is to perform procedures in combination with the use of drugs commonly usedwith varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Then the delivery of drugs will be much more efficient, and their combined action is longer, and therefore more effective.

    With an acute course of varicose veins, one cannot do without elastic bandages and special underwear. But if you just bandage your legs and lie down on the sofa, this will not give a positive result. It is necessary to walk around, while you can’t give a big load to the legs.

    An effective method of treating varicose veins and thrombophlebitis is the use of a medical leech.

    Veins should be trained with cold dousing. Useful for the prevention of varicose veins pool, skiing and swimming.

    Doctors advise to sunbathe less and take a hot bath as little as possible to avoid overheating of the legs.

    With varicose veins, you can not stand for a long time, wear too tight clothes, tight belts and elastic bands. Heels of shoes should be no higher than 3-4 centimeters.

    During sleep and rest with varicose veins, it is recommended to keep your legs in a slightly elevated position, placing a small pillow under them, for example.

    If cramps occur, you need to stand on the cold floor and press on it with your whole foot, and then pinch the muscle. If nothing helps with severe pain and swelling, then you should consult a doctor.

    Do not rub your legs in order to reduce pain, but simply stroke them.

    It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, and you should not delay if the symptoms of varicose veins are already present. Let's help ourselves without waiting for serious signals from our body, so that later we do not have to invest more time, effort and money in applying emergency measures. Then life will always be pleasant, and not only at the moment when the disease temporarily releases you.
