Why does a jellyfish head appear on the stomach, characteristic symptoms and treatment. Enlarged veins in the abdomen - head of a jellyfish External signs of liver cirrhosis

What is "jellyfish head"? In medicine, this is the name for a symptom that can often be observed in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. It is characterized by the fact that the saphenous veins expand on the skin of the abdomen. In this place there is a very rich network of vessels with a large number of branches. All this is reminiscent of a character from the myths of Ancient Greece - a jellyfish, on whose head snakes grew instead of hair. This symptom appears in liver cirrhosis due to portal hypertension.

in medicine: causes of appearance

This leads to disruption of blood flow in the portal vein system. The blood volume increases due to vasodilation, but the flow within the liver is hampered due to the proliferation of connective tissues. Because of this, the pressure in the vein increases to 12 millimeters of mercury, when normally it should be no higher than 7 millimeters. Due to the development of portal hypertension, many complications of liver cirrhosis occur. Since there is an obstacle to blood flow inside the liver, bypass routes begin to appear in order to dump blood. They are called collaterals. The same pathways develop on the skin of the abdomen. So they got the name “jellyfish head”. In medicine, this phraseological unit has already been established, but for others it sounds unusual. Collateral vessels are connected to the periumbilical vein. In addition to the growth of the venous network, all veins expand into varicose veins. For this reason, the entire network of vessels is very clearly visible. It is even better visible when ascites develops. What it is? This is what the accumulation is called. Because of it, the volume of the abdomen increases significantly, the skin becomes thin and in the later stages begins to shine and become translucent.

So, “jellyfish head” is one of the symptoms that indicates a disruption of blood flow in the portal vein system.

Other causes of symptoms

This symptom can occur not only in liver cirrhosis. It also accompanies other pathological conditions leading to the development of the same hypertension. These conditions include:

  • acute liver diseases (alcoholic hepatitis, failure);
  • chronic liver diseases (malignant tumors, sarcoidosis);
  • thrombosis of the portal and inferior vena cava;
  • abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.

Symptom treatment

Of course, there is no therapy that is aimed at eliminating this particular symptom. But doctors prescribe treatment for hypertension, which is dangerous because bleeding from dilated veins may develop and ascites may occur. In order to reduce pressure in the venous system, various techniques are used, including both therapeutic and surgical.

Prescription of drugs that dilate blood vessels

These drugs help relax the muscular walls of the vessels of the portal system. Drugs that dilate blood vessels are nitrates. They are prescribed only in combination with other drugs. Vasoconstrictors are used to narrow the blood vessels in the spleen. Thus, the pressure in the portal vein system decreases. Such drugs reduce the volume of blood flow and have a direct effect on the walls of blood vessels. It is worth noting that direct vasoconstrictors have a large number of side effects, so their widespread use is difficult. More often they use indirect ones, which dilate blood vessels, and their point of application is directly the substances of the body. Such substances have almost no effect on the systemic blood flow and do not cause many side effects. They are used in the treatment of portal hypertension, as well as its complications.

Sometimes the drug "Octreopid" is prescribed alone if the bleeding has already stopped by the time its localization is diagnosed. Thus, the use of drugs of both the first and second groups helps in the treatment of hypertension, reducing pressure in the portal vein. The “jellyfish head” decreases in size.

Surgical methods

“Jellyfish head” is not only treated with drugs in medicine. The photo of this symptom looks unpleasant. To get rid of it, different types of bypass surgery are used. This is the formation of artificial connections between the vessels included in the portal system and the vessels of the general blood flow. The operation helps reduce pressure in the portal vein and prevent bleeding. Ascites can also be avoided through surgery.

How common is the “head of jellyfish” symptom in liver cirrhosis? Not in all cases. Most often, dilation of one or a pair of veins occurs.

It must be remembered that self-medication can lead to irreparable consequences for health. At the very first manifestations of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Head jellyfish is a clinical sign of hypertension, in which the pressure in the portal vein increases sharply. The symptom has such an unusual name because it is similar to the Gorgon Medusa. Let us remind you that snakes grew on her head instead of hair. The saphenous veins expand in the abdomen and begin to meander around the navel. This is one of the manifestations of liver cirrhosis and other diseases.


When a person has ascites, the skin on the abdomen begins to become translucent and thin, and the network of blood vessels has a clear outline. Ascites in this case persists for a long time and is not treated at all.

The head of a jellyfish is characteristic of the following conditions: hepatitis, cirrhosis, sarcoidosis, hepatosis. In addition, the symptom is characteristic of portal vein thrombosis, endophlebitis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, and heart disease.

The symptom appears with a metabolic disorder - hepatic dystrophy, amyloidosis, helminthiasis. Also, an unpleasant sign is characteristic of oncological pathologies - liver polyps, cancer.

In some situations, the jellyfish symptom develops due to exposure to toxins, subsequently chemotherapy (after treatment with cytostatics), and may be a consequence of a burn or injury.

Pathology is sometimes a consequence of infection, intrauterine thrombosis of the hepatic vein, intestinal, gastric bleeding. Sometimes the jellyfish symptom develops after treatment with diuretics, tranquilizers, and also with regular drinking of alcoholic beverages.


Please note that the head of a jellyfish is only one of the signs of pathology. Hypertension is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • The stomach is bloated.
  • The person loses his appetite.
  • At first, constipation bothers you, and after a while, diarrhea.
  • My stomach hurts a lot.
  • There is a feeling of fullness when a person eats even a little food.
  • Insomnia.
  • Lethargy.
  • My head is spinning.
  • I'm worried about intoxication.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Myalgia, arthralgia.
  • Nails quickly break and hair falls out.
  • Weight drops sharply.
  • Urine darkens, feces lighten.
  • The sclera and skin turn yellow.
  • Unbearable itching appears.
  • I am worried about pain under the right rib.
  • Spider veins appear on the legs.
  • Arrhythmia is becoming more common.
  • The mucous membranes of the mouth and nose bleed.
  • The man begins to cough.
  • Disruptions occur in the nervous system.


First of all, the doctor listens to the patient’s complaints, then collects his medical history. Afterwards, he visually examines the patient and palpates the liver. Urinalysis and blood analysis are of no small importance.

The main signs of blood circulation include tortuous, dilated veins near the navel, a hernia, and severely swollen limbs. A coagulogram and blood test for hepatitis are of no small importance.

Additionally, various instrumental techniques are used: liver scintigraphy, Doppler, angiography, X-ray. Using MRI and CT, you can identify nodules in the liver tissue and various neoplasms. When necessary, a liver biopsy is performed.

If portal hypertension is not treated in a timely manner, it will end in encephalopathy, which manifests itself in the form of increased drowsiness and irritability. Memory also decreases sharply and concentration is impaired. Here you cannot do without the help of a neuropsychiatrist.

Treatment methods

Please note that it is almost impossible to eliminate the “jellyfish head” symptom. In this case, it is necessary to take care of treating the underlying disease that caused the unpleasant symptom to appear.

First, conservative therapy is used, then surgery is performed. To reduce blood pressure, medication is required. The patient may be prescribed:

  • Vasoconstrictors – Somatostatin, Vasopressin.
  • Hepatoprotectors.
  • Anaprilin has a hypotensive effect.
  • Diuretics, for example, Lasix, help reduce swelling and remove toxic substances from the body.
  • Nitrates – Nitroglycerin reduces hepatic blood flow.
  • Vitamins B.

Diet is important. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in your diet; it leads to fluid retention in the body, and this is bad for people suffering from ascites and edema.

It is worth limiting the amount of protein in the menu, this way you can prevent the development of liver encephalopathy. For any pathology, it is prohibited to consume fried, fatty, smoked, spicy, spices, and canned food.

In severe cases, surgery is performed. With it, an anastomosis is artificially created between the vessels. In advanced cases, when surgical, conservative intervention does not produce the desired results, liver transplantation or splenectomy is required.

It is especially important to treat portal hypertension in a pregnant woman, otherwise in the future it can affect the health of the child and mother. Additionally, traditional methods of treatment are used:

  • It is recommended to drink the dandelion decoction warm. To prepare it, you need to prepare the raw materials of the plant, then pour boiling water over it. Everything should stand for 30 minutes and drink.
  • It is recommended to drink 100 ml of beet juice before meals.
  • Take yarrow, nettle, rose hips, chamomile. All herbs should be taken in the same quantity (2 tablespoons in total), pour boiling water.

If the disease is bothered by a symptom - the head of a jellyfish, it lasts for a long time. If the outcome is unfavorable, the patient may die from internal bleeding. The prognosis is favorable only if portocaval anastomoses are performed in a timely manner. It is very important to consult your doctor immediately to avoid complications.

So, the symptom of a jellyfish is quite unpleasant. It's easier to prevent. To do this, you need to constantly take urine and blood tests, eat a balanced diet, give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The level of its activity, the presence of pathology of other organs. Requires special knowledge, experience and skills to differentiate symptoms.

However, paying attention to yourself and your health, detecting the first alarming manifestations will help to identify them in time and prevent the spread of the disease. High-quality medical care will help save life and improve a person’s health.

By eliminating the cause, the disease will also be eliminated!

Liver cirrhosis is the outcome of a long destructive mechanism and the replacement of healthy liver tissue with dense fibrous tissue has many causes. Doesn't show itself for a long time.

Deviations in tests may be discovered accidentally during a routine examination or during a medical examination.

In clarifying the causes of cirrhosis, it is important to take into account the following:

Nonspecific symptoms occur in most known diseases and cannot clearly indicate to us the organ concerned. With cirrhosis, these symptoms appear at the onset of the disease. These include:

  • Dyspeptic symptoms in the form of gas formation, vomiting, heaviness in the right side, constipation, bloating, abdominal discomfort, and lack of appetite occur.
  • Vegetative and asthenic syndromes are associated with low work capacity, high fatigue, and unmotivated weakness.
  • Psychoneurological disorders debut in the form of sleep and mood disturbances, memory impairment, and behavioral disturbances.
  • Losing weight, sometimes to the point of exhaustion.

The symptoms are specific, and based on them we assume the possibility of liver cirrhosis.

  1. Hepatomegaly- increase in liver size due to the formation of regenerative nodes and replacement of tissue with fibrosis. First of all, growth occurs due to the right lobe, and then due to the left. In the last stage of cirrhosis, there is a decrease in liver volume due to its compaction.
  1. Splenomegaly- increase in the size of the spleen due to stagnation of venous blood, hyperplasia of the reticulohistiocytic tissue of the spleen, proliferation of fibroreticular tissue, formation of arteriovenous shunts. There is a feeling of heaviness in the left side and the presence of pain on the left.
  1. progresses when the metabolism of bilirubin breaks down and its excessive accumulation in the blood. Color varies from saffron yellow, lemon yellow to olive green. - This is an autoimmune breakdown in the liver cells, which provokes staining of the skin and mucous membranes.

Jaundice grows gradually and is difficult to notice at first. The mucous membranes are the first to stain, best noticed in the mouth or the mucous membrane of the eyes. Tip: Icteric sclera is better determined when compared with the healthy color of the sclera.

  1. Itchy skin the result of the development of jaundice and cholestasis, the cause is the accumulation of bile components and cause skin itching.
  1. Cholestasis syndrome often occurs in biliary cirrhosis and is associated with impaired bile metabolism. It accumulates excessively in the liver, making its excretion difficult. Manifested by skin itching.
  1. Hemorrhagic syndrome or bleeding, is the result of a drop in the number of platelets in the blood and a deterioration in blood clotting. Bruises, bruises on the skin, nasal, gingival, uterine and other bleeding occur.
  1. Anemia. With venous bleeding, iron deficiency anemia develops. Hemolytic anemia results from the death of red blood cells - erythrocytes. Megaloblastic, hyperchromic anemia is diagnosed with a lack of vitamins B12 and folic acid.
  1. Heaviness in the right side or dull pain, characteristic of a noticeable increase in liver size due to stretching of the Glyson capsule. The liver tissue itself is devoid of pain receptors, so pain in the side does not occur. Pain may appear when neighboring organs are involved in the process.
  1. External manifestations of liver cirrhosis: increased vascular pattern or telangiectasia - on the upper half of the body, palmar erythema. “The head of a jellyfish” is an extended anastomosis - veins on the abdomen. A violation of fat metabolism manifests itself in the form of xanthoma and xanthelasma appearing on the skin.
  1. Temperature rise recorded during an exacerbation of the process or during the active stage of the disease. Reflects the death of liver cells. Associated with the presence of active waste products of bacteria that the liver cannot neutralize. The temperature cannot be brought down; it decreases on its own as the condition of the liver improves.

  1. Chronic gastritis. A frequent “companion” of liver cirrhosis. It is detected when harmful substances enter the gastric mucosa. Complaints of a dull pain in the epigastric region that increases with eating, loss of appetite, nausea.
  1. Ulcerative elements of the stomach and duodenum, occur randomly and do not have a typical pain syndrome.
  1. Characterized by a “liver tongue” or “lacquered raspberry tongue.”
  1. Damage to the pancreas due to the close anatomical connection with the liver. Worries about the presence of fat in the stool, weakness, increased blood glucose, weight loss.
  1. Violation of absorption processes in the intestine, excessive growth of harmful microorganisms, restriction of bile products. Complaints of pain along the intestines, rumbling in the stomach, bloating along the intestines, weight loss.
  1. Endocrine problems in men it appears in the form of active growth of the mammary glands, testicular atrophy, decreased libido and potency, decreased hair growth on the chin and in the axillary area. In women, it is characterized by irregular menstruation and infertility. Changes in adrenal function are responsible for the formation of ascites.
  1. Disorder of the central nervous system. Drowsiness predominates during the daytime, at night - insomnia, paresthesia, characteristic tremor of the fingers, cramps in the legs. Vegetative disorders are present, such as: redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat, sweating. Memory function gradually decreases. Difficulties in thinking function are noted.
  1. Dupuytren's contracture- This is a shortening of the flexor tendon of the fingers.

Symptoms of complications of cirrhosis

  1. Varicose veins (in the esophagus, stomach and intestines)– are common complications of cirrhosis. There is a risk of bleeding, which can predict mortal danger. Damage to the blood coagulation system and the presence of gastropathy are important.
  2. Reflux– esophagitis forms when pressure in the abdominal cavity increases with ascites. It is expressed by regurgitation, belching of air, attacks of heartburn. It is accompanied by incompetence of the upper gastric sphincter. Varicose veins of the esophagus prolapse into the stomach and become traumatized, which is dangerous due to bleeding.
  3. - This is an accumulation of free fluid in the abdomen. The size of the abdomen increases gradually until intense ascites, in which laparocentesis is performed to evacuate fluid.
  4. Symptoms of portal hypertension- this is a complex of symptoms that arise as a result of impaired blood flow and an increase in pressure in the portal vein. Includes varicose veins of the esophagus, splenomegaly, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy.
  5. Signs of hepatic encephalopathy- This is a mental disorder, with clouding of consciousness, personality disorganization and disorder in behavior. Acute signs of encephalopathy, with timely treatment, can be restored, and chronic signs can progress. In advanced cases, coma will follow and lead to death.
  6. Infectious complications– represented by sepsis, sudden bacterial peritonitis, pneumonia.
  7. Presence of hepatorenal syndrome, indicates the involvement of the kidneys in the process. The specific development of renal failure and abnormalities in tests have not been previously recorded.

General blood analysis. In initial cases and in latent cases, there are no deviations in the blood test. With exacerbation of cirrhosis, a decrease in red blood cells and platelets and an increase in ESR are observed. In severe situations, when complications develop, an increase in leukocytes, and in some cases, leukopenia, is recorded.

Blood chemistry. The most typical increase in the amount of AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, GGT, increased bilirubin levels, hypoalbuminemia and dysproteinemia develops. Changes in the coagulogram are detected. There is an increase in blood glucose levels and a decrease in cholesterol levels.

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

It makes it possible to understand the size of the spleen, liver and other organs, assess the density and structure of the organ, the size of the bile ducts, and clarify the presence and amount of fluid. The Doppler mode makes it possible to understand the state of the portal vessels and their patency. In dynamics, it allows you to carry out a control procedure.

Computed tomography makes it possible to evaluate the structure and size of the liver, the presence of ascites, and also, using contrast, to evaluate collaterals and determine signs of portal hypertension.

Magnetic resonance imaging offers more accurate information about the structure of the liver and surrounding organs and tissues. Helps assess the condition of the bile ducts and vascular collaterals.

Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. Helps in finding obstructive barriers.

Radionuclide liver scan Tc 99m helps in confirming cirrhosis, this is supported by its uneven distribution. This method is rarely used today.

To confirm portal hypertension and varicose veins of the esophagus, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and X-ray contrast examination are used.

Liver biopsy and morphological confirmation. Biopsy can be targeted or puncture. Targeting is performed during laparoscopy or laparotomy, a more traumatic procedure, therefore it has limitations in routine practice. Puncture is performed through the skin, under ultrasound control, has its own indications and risks, and is less informative, because gives false negative results.

Vascular angiography allows you to evaluate collaterals and examine vessels. Used to narrow down indications for surgical treatment.

To clarify the etiology, identifying markers will help. In alcoholic cirrhosis, there are no typical markers, but there is a connection with frequent alcohol intake. In blood biochemistry, an increase in the numbers of aminotransferases, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, triglycerides, uric acid, and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin is visible.

Features of symptoms of primary biliary cirrhosis. Typically, it begins with skin itching, gradually, then jaundice appears, and there is an increase in alkaline phosphatase, disconnected from the level of bilirubin. An increase in IgM and an increase in mitochondrial antibodies are detected.

Features of symptoms in the development of secondary biliary cirrhosis. Signs of cirrhosis are typical; a search for the disease that triggered the development of cirrhosis is necessary.

In the viral variant, serological markers HBV and HCV dominate.

In autoimmune cirrhosis, laboratory markers are anti-smooth muscle antibodies and antinuclear antibodies.


Determination of etiology, preservation of liver function, and the formation of complications are considered decisive in determining the prognosis. In modern medicine, treatment methods are being improved, new ones are emerging, and diagnosis does not stand still, which helps influence the prognosis.

Prevention of cirrhosis.

It consists of eliminating the undesirable effects of etiological factors, early diagnosis, starting treatment of liver diseases and biliary tract diseases as early as possible, and preventing complications. Prevention of re-exposure to the liver of alcohol, hepatotoxic substances, viruses.

“Jellyfish head” is a clinical sign of portal hypertension caused by increased pressure in the portal vein and its branches. This symptom got its name due to its external resemblance to the mythical character - Medusa the Gorgon, who had not hair growing on her head, but snakes. Dilated saphenous veins run along the anterior surface of the abdomen and meander in the umbilical region. In medicine, “jellyfish head” is a clinical manifestation of liver cirrhosis and other diseases.

A blood vessel that collects blood from the abdominal organs and approaches the “gate” of the liver, which is how it got its name. In the liver tissue, the portal vein branches, the blood is filtered from toxins and metabolic products. Purified blood in the lungs is enriched with oxygen and distributed to internal organs and tissues.

– a symptom complex manifested by dyspeptic symptoms, dilated abdominal veins, hepatosplenomegaly, and ascites. Diagnosis of pathology consists of X-ray and ultrasound examinations, percutaneous splenomanometry, and gastroduodenoscopy. To get rid of the “jellyfish head”, it is necessary to create a bypass path for the blood flow by performing an anastomosis. Portal hypertension complicates the course of gastroenterological, cardiovascular and hematological diseases.

abdominal vessels forming the “head of the jellyfish” syndrome


When the outflow of venous blood from the unpaired internal organs of the abdominal cavity is disrupted, a “jellyfish head” appears on the abdomen. Obstacles that arise in the bloodstream of the portal system lead to the appearance of bypass paths - collaterals. Through them, the blood goes around the existing barrier. The collaterals expand, grow and become clearly visible on the abdomen, resembling the “head of a jellyfish”. In the presence of ascites, the skin on the abdomen becomes thinner and translucent, as a result of which the vascular network acquires a clear outline. Ascites in this pathology is a pathognomonic sign that persists for a long time and is difficult to treat.

direction of blood flow through the veins of the abdominal wall with obstruction of the portal vein (left), with obstruction of the inferior vena cava (right).

“Jellyfish head” appears in various conditions:

  • Liver dysfunction – cirrhosis, hepatosis, hepatitis, sarcoidosis,
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels - endophlebitis and portal vein thrombosis, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • Metabolic disorders - amyloidosis, carbohydrate liver dystrophy;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Oncopathologies - liver tumors and polyps, cancer and liver metastases;
  • Long-term exposure to toxic substances – hepatotropic poisons;
  • Chemotherapy - treatment with cytostatics;
  • Complications of operations, consequences of injuries and burns;
  • Infectious diseases of the digestive system;
  • Intrauterine hepatic vein thrombosis;
  • Bleeding from the stomach and intestines;
  • Treatment with loading doses of tranquilizers and;
  • Regular consumption of strong drinks


“Jellyfish head” is not the only symptom of pathology. Portal hypertension manifests itself with a variety of clinical signs.

Dyspeptic disorders are the earliest clinical signs of portal hypertension. These include:

  1. Loss of appetite,
  2. Bloating,
  3. Constipation followed by diarrhea
  4. Feeling full when eating small amounts of food
  5. Abdominal pain.

manifestations of the “head of Medusa”

Signs of asthenia and intoxication:

  • Dizziness,
  • lethargy,
  • Insomnia,
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure,
  • Muscle weakness
  • Arthralgia and myalgia,
  • Hair loss, brittle nails,
  • Weight loss,
  • Fever.

Signs of obstructive jaundice:

  1. Dark colored urine
  2. Light feces,
  3. Yellow skin tone and icteric sclera,
  4. Itchy skin
  5. Pain in the right hypochondrium.

Symptoms of multiple organ failure:

  • Hepatosplenomegaly,
  • Nervous system dysfunction
  • Dyspnea,
  • Bleeding of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth,
  • Cough,
  • Arrhythmia,
  • Dropsy of the abdomen with swelling of the ankles.


Diagnostic measures for diseases manifested by the “jellyfish head” symptom:

  1. Listening to the patient's complaints,
  2. Collection of anamnestic data,
  3. Visual examination of the patient,
  4. Palpation and percussion of the liver,
  5. General clinical blood and urine tests,
  6. Instrumental techniques.

Signs of collateral circulation, which are determined visually: tortuous and dilated veins on the abdomen near the navel - “jellyfish head”, ascites, periumbilical hernia, swelling of the extremities.

Hepatosplenomegaly is determined by palpation: the hepatic edge is dense and sharp, protrudes from under the edge of the costal arch, its surface is hard and lumpy.

Laboratory diagnostics consists of paraclinical blood and urine tests, coagulograms, and determination of antibodies to the causative agent of hepatitis. A decrease in leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets is detected in the blood,

Instrumental diagnostic methods: angiography, liver scintigraphy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, Doppler ultrasound of liver vessels, esophagoscopy, FGDS, sigmoidoscopy, contrast radiographic examination. Computer and magnetic resonance imaging reveals nodules in the liver tissue, neoplasms, and hepatolienal anastomoses. If necessary, a liver biopsy and histological examination of the biopsy specimen are performed.

In the absence of timely treatment of portal hypertension, patients may develop manifested by drowsiness, irritability, decreased memory and concentration. Such patients are referred for consultation to a neuropsychiatrist.


Getting rid of the “jellyfish head” symptom is difficult. To do this, it is necessary to cure the underlying pathology that became the root cause of this problem through conservative therapy and surgical treatment.

Drug treatment is aimed at reducing pressure in the portal vein when the problem has not yet started. Patients are prescribed:

Diet therapy also has a beneficial effect on the general condition of patients with portal hypertension. Experts recommend maximizing the daily intake of salt, which retains fluid in the body, which is undesirable for patients with edema and ascites. The amount of protein in the diet should also be limited. Low protein diet reduces the risk of hepatic encephalopathy. For any diseases of the digestive system, fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods, alcohol, canned food and spices are strictly prohibited.

Surgery at a later date allows you to achieve the desired result. It consists of artificially creating an anastomosis between the vessels, which allows to reduce blood pressure in the portal vein. Surgeons perform a portocaval anastomosis, which creates a bypass for blood flow. In addition to bypass surgery, pathological areas of the vessels are sutured or ligated, sclerotherapy is performed and tightening rings or staples are installed, and electrocoagulation is performed. In advanced cases, when conservative and surgical interventions do not produce the expected results, splenectomy or liver transplantation is performed.

The treatment of portal hypertension in pregnant women deserves special attention, since this pathology can seriously affect the health of not only the mother, but also the child.

ethnoscience may complement primary drug treatment. The use of folk remedies for portal hypertension is permitted only after consultation with a specialist. This is especially true for pregnant women.

The most common popular recipes for the treatment of dilated veins of the abdomen:

  1. Dandelion decoction is taken warm three times a day. To prepare it, pour boiling water over the raw materials, leave for half an hour and drink.
  2. Take half a glass of freshly squeezed beet juice before meals.
  3. A medicinal mixture of yarrow, chamomile, nettle, and rose hips is poured with hot water, heated in a water bath for thirty minutes and taken 2 tablespoons three times a day.

Diseases manifested by the “jellyfish head” symptom have a long and persistent course. If the outcome is unfavorable, the death of patients occurs from internal bleeding. Timely application of portocaval anastomoses has a favorable pathological prognosis, improves the quality of life of patients and prolongs their life by ten years. When the first clinical signs of pathology appear, you must immediately consult a doctor and begin the prescribed therapy.


Preventive measures to avoid the appearance of the “jellyfish head” symptom:

  • Fight the causes that provoke the development of portal hypertension syndrome,
  • Take blood and urine tests regularly,
  • Get tested in a timely manner if you are at risk,
  • Eat properly and balanced
  • Take vitamins
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol,
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.

And the most important thing to remember is that there are no harmless diseases that affect vital organs. Only timely detected pathologies can be completely eliminated with the help of adequate therapy that gives effective results.

Video: jellyfish head in the program “Live Healthy”

They develop secretly, so there are practically no symptoms of the disease. The first external signs of liver cirrhosis appear in the later stages, when the disease has affected large areas of the organ. The main external manifestations are associated with changes in the color of the face, palms, atrophy of the muscles and phalanges of the fingers. When cirrhosis complicated by ascites occurs, an enlarged abdomen appears, the mammary glands become denser in women and enlarged in men, hair falls out on the abdomen, pubis and legs, and the limbs become severely swollen.

In the early stages, cirrhosis does not “show” itself, but as it develops it affects the color and shape of the integument, and bloats the abdomen.

External signs of liver cirrhosis

Along with general symptoms, such as pain in the right hypochondrium, colic, nausea with vomiting, decreased muscle tone and strength, itching, diarrhea and exhaustion, patients with cirrhosis change greatly in appearance. It is the visual signs that are specific for cirrhosis.

The most characteristic external manifestations of cirrhosis of the liver are as follows:

  • jaundiced skin tone;
  • drying of the dermis with severe peeling;
  • xanthelasm - yellow-brown pigment spots around the eyes;
  • thickening of the fingers on the upper extremities with swelling of the lower extremities and obvious swelling of the joints;
  • spider veins and spider webs on the abdomen, limbs, joints;
  • swelling of the tongue.

At the terminal, last stage, most cirrhotic patients develop ascites - excessive accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The main symptom of this complication is an enlarged abdomen with a pronounced network of blood vessels, similar to the “head of a jellyfish.” At the same time, the skin is smooth, mirror-like without hair growth.

Some of the signs indicate concomitant diseases that developed against the background of cirrhosis.


The first external manifestations of cirrhosis are visible on the face, which becomes very thin and differs:

  • unhealthy subicteric skin tone with bright scarlet, unnatural lips;
  • prominent cheek bones with erythema and dilated capillaries;
  • dark brown circles under the eyes;
  • smooth, translucent skin, which due to dryness is very flaky and appears wrinkled.

Changes in the facial skin and vascular networks cannot be hidden by cosmetics, and dryness cannot be eliminated by creams of any fat content.


With cirrhosis of the liver, the skin suffers greatly. Numerous rashes of different types form on it, the color becomes jaundiced. The skin constantly dries out, so it itches, wrinkles and flakes. This sensation is associated with an excess of bile components in the blood due to obstructive liver damage. Antihistamines and a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids and cholestyramine help reduce itching.

Along with a variety of rashes similar to hives, cirrhosis causes the appearance of “stars” on the skin in the upper part of the body, which is associated with dilation of blood vessels. The skin of the palms and soles undergoes a strong visual change, becoming unnaturally red. This symptom is called palmar erythema. Sometimes redness is observed on the bends of the phalanges of the fingers.

When the liver becomes inflamed, the skin loses its elasticity, itches, and turns yellow.

Pigment spots gradually appear on the body, which quickly fade when pressure is applied, but quickly return as the pressure stops. Purpura also develops, which is characterized by a small hemorrhagic rash. The symptom appears on the lower extremities and legs.

If the hepatobiliary system has been affected, dirty gray spots appear on large surfaces of the skin. With secondary hormonal disorders, atrophic stripes appear in the thighs, legs, buttocks and lower abdomen.

With cirrhosis, blisters, superficial scars and other age spots may appear on exposed skin.


A characteristic sign of progressive cirrhosis is the icteric color of the skin, mucous membranes and eye sclera. The condition is associated with the loss of the affected organ's ability to process bilirubin. This substance begins to be released into the blood and urine, so the skin turns yellow and the liquid emitted by urea darkens.


In the final stages, this organ in people with cirrhosis acquires an unnaturally bright red hue. As the condition worsens, the color darkens to a purple hue. The organ dries out and swells greatly, which signals the development of liver failure.

Spider veins

This term refers to a condition in which the subcutaneous vessels greatly dilate, which is manifested by the appearance of a web of blood vessels or spider veins. The cobweb is an uncharacteristic cluster of veins that is localized on the skin of the torso, face, and arms.

Inflammation of the liver makes itself felt by the formation of blood “webs” on the skin.

When pressing on the angioma, a red “star” dot will pulsate in the center - the central arteriole. As the blood spreads through the capillaries, the point will turn pale.

Spider veins indicate serious liver damage. However, the symptom can appear not only during illness, but also during pregnancy, severe malnutrition, and also in healthy people.


This term refers to changes in the skin caused by lipid metabolism disorders. Xanthomas are yellowish soft plaques located around the eyes on the eyelids. This symptom often develops in women with cirrhosis.

Redness of the palms

A specific external manifestation of cirrhosis is redness of the palms, which is also called hepatic or erythremal. The symptom is externally similar to a pronounced spotted red rash. Redness is localized mainly on the outer side of the palm in the direction from the thumb to the little finger. The condition is associated with changes in hormone metabolism and vascular changes against the background of cirrhosis.

Other diseases manifested by this symptom are the following:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • blood cancers.

A pregnant woman's palms may turn red due to hormonal changes.


Inflammation of the liver also harms the human horny tissue.

In cirrhotic liver disease with massive obstruction, the nails are severely affected. Changes in the structure of the nail plate are associated with severe metabolic disorders, poor protein synthesis and insufficient absorption of vitamins and minerals. Against this background, the nail plate is destroyed at the cellular level due to disruption of the maturation processes of the base. With the gradual destruction of liver tissue and the appearance of persistent dysfunction, the nails become:

  • thin, fragile;
  • grow weakly;
  • covered with whitish spots and stripes of varying sizes.

There are several states:

  • Milky nails, when the plate becomes a solid white shade with an invisible nail hole. The root cause of the symptom is a disruption in the production of keratin, a protein involved in nail maturation.
  • Muhrcke's lines, when whitish stripes appear on the plate, running parallel to its hole. This is explained by a reduction in the concentration of albumin produced by the liver.
  • Terry's nails, when the lower half of the nail becomes dark in color, and the upper half becomes light milky. This is caused by developed swelling and poor circulation. Between these zones, a pink or brown stripe is formed on the plate, the width of which is 0.3-0.5 mm.

  • “Hour glass”, when the nails become convex and too smooth, mirror-like. This is caused by the replacement of healthy tissue between the bone and the nail plate by the connective tissue.


The condition is called "clubs" when the terminal phalanges become rounded and swollen and the nail plate protrudes. Gradually, the muscular part of the long phalanx “shrinks”, and the joint swells. Fingers become hooked.

The root causes of the development of symptoms are:

  • metabolic disorders under the influence of severe liver damage;
  • oxygen starvation due to impaired blood circulation of the terminal phalanges and the appearance of anastomoses to improve blood flow.

“Drumsticks” often indicate the development of biliary liver disease.
