Signs that a child has Signs of the disease in children. Interests, habits, behavioral characteristics of a child with autism

It happens that parents rejoice at the restlessness and restlessness of their child, but then they find out that they have a hyperactive child. Not everyone knows what to do in this case and why the diagnosis is terrible. Like any disease (and it is a disease), the sooner it is diagnosed and appropriate action taken, the better.

If you ignore the obvious signs and reassure yourself that the kids are “outgrowing” this, you can get to the point where it will be very difficult to do anything to help the baby. Hyperactivity is a problem not only for others; without specialized therapy, irreversible personality changes are possible, which will negatively affect the communication and social skills of the little person.

What is hyperactivity and how does it differ from hyperactivity?

The pathological condition was identified as an independent disease in the 80s of the last century. It is characterized by attention deficit, the child’s inability to focus on a specific thing or goal. Such children cannot control their behavior and are restless and impulsive. The spread of factors that negatively affect pregnancy leads to the fact that the phenomenon is becoming more common among children, but this does not mean that every active baby can be given a similar diagnosis.

Experts identify the following causes of hyperactivity in children:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If one of the parents suffered from an illness, there is a 20-30% chance that the baby will repeat his fate.
  2. Pathologies of intrauterine development. Toxicosis, a stable increase in blood pressure in the mother and hypoxia in the baby increase the risk of developing hyperactivity three times.
  3. Prolonged or rapid labor is also considered a risk factor.

Contrary to popular belief, the overflowing energy that the baby tries to apply somewhere is not always a symptom of pathology. Don't panic if a very active baby gradually turns into a mischievous fidget. There is a whole list of signs indicating the presence of a hyperkinetic disorder, which must be combined. Only then will you need to think about contacting a specialized specialist and the possibility of conducting behavior-correcting therapy.

Signs of hyperactivity in a newborn

All infants are normally active and excitable; they can sometimes exhibit signs characteristic of hyperactivity. It’s bad if the baby is in this state all the time. In general, symptoms in children under one year of age are vague and not very pronounced, but there are things that should alert parents.

  • The baby is restless, capricious, sleeps poorly during the day and at night, and often has a disruption in his biorhythms.
  • Such babies quickly and easily refuse to rest during the day, and even after a stormy day it is difficult to put them to bed in the evening.
  • Often there is an increase in muscle tone, against the background of which vomiting occurs (after feeding, vomiting may occur in a fountain).
  • A hyperactive newborn does not like to be swaddled or dressed in clothes that restrict movement.
  • The baby reacts violently to any irritants (from loud sounds to too bright sun), expressing his protest by loud crying, and not by simple whims, like other children.

Advice: Practice shows that it is almost impossible to please a hyperactive baby in terms of creating comfortable conditions. Instead of adjusting to your baby every day, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. You may need medication correction, without which the child will not calm down and will only weaken the parents’ nervous system.

  • The very first months of such a baby’s life are marked by unprecedented activity of the limbs. Hyperactive children begin to roll over, crawl and walk earlier than standard periods. They do not have a feeling of fear, which is especially pronounced at the age of 3-5 years.

If you draw the pediatrician’s attention to the listed signs in time, he will recommend a further course of action. It is worth considering that the main role in the treatment of pathology diagnosed at such an early age is given to parents. The effectiveness of the approach in this case depends on the patience and interest of adults.

Obvious symptoms of hyperactivity in older children

Starting from 2-3 years, the behavior of a hyperactive child clearly indicates the presence of certain disorders. The signs are especially pronounced in children sent to kindergarten. Once in a new environment with its own rules and laws, children find themselves under significant pressure and do not know how to cope with it. If you ignore the problem and do not take adequate measures, you can destroy the child’s psyche.

Problems should be expected if the following symptoms are present:

  • Children who obviously have difficulty sitting still are at risk. Even in the process of eating or performing any detailed work, they move their legs, constantly change their body position, and find additional activities for their hands.
  • The child cannot concentrate on one thing, even if he is really interested in it. He won’t finish watching his favorite cartoon, won’t finish playing the chosen game, and will only leave aside the book he started.
  • Any activity that requires attention and mental activity causes difficulties and attacks of aggression in them. At the same time, their intellectual level is usually very high, they often have creative talents and deep intuition.
  • Hyperactive children read slowly, have ugly handwriting, and have difficulty retelling received information.
  • Fine motor skills are so poorly developed that the child cannot independently cope with laces, fasteners, and buttons.
  • The baby’s activity often does not have a specific goal or any meaning at all. He tries to direct energy not in one specific direction, but to apply it everywhere and at once.
  • Children suffering from this problem cannot explain the reasons for their actions; they completely lack motivation and planning skills. They literally do not hear the demands, requests or wishes addressed to them, which often results in conflicts.

  • Relationships with other children do not work out for hyperactive children. The reason is unmotivated aggression and irritation that others cause in them. Refusal to carry out the accepted plan and quickly switching from subject to subject leads to the fact that other children quickly lose interest in their new friend.
  • Due to the lack of fear, children are prone to frequent injuries. It is worth noting that their sense of pain is dulled, so extreme games sooner or later come to the fore for them.
  • It is typical that some children experience urinary incontinence at a conscious age, both nighttime and daytime.
  • Such children do not ride a bicycle, do not play with a ball, and generally try not to do things that require good coordination of movements.
  • There are practically no social frameworks for them; they do not understand why some things cannot be done in front of everyone. Moral principles are again very blurred.
  • The poor appetite of hyperactive children against the background of constant thirst is noteworthy. Children often complain of headaches, suffer from dyspeptic disorders, and react sharply to any external irritants.

Today, special psychological tests can be used to make a final diagnosis. Together with an assessment of the child’s behavioral characteristics, they make it possible to identify the problem and determine methods for solving it.

In what cases can you independently diagnose a child with hyperactivity?

Before consulting a doctor, it is necessary to collect all the information that a specialist may need to make a quick and accurate diagnosis. There is no doubt that a child has hyperactivity if for six months in various life situations he has the following signs (at least six from the list):

  1. The child cannot stay still; even sitting or lying down, he constantly crawls or moves his limbs.
  2. The baby is always striving somewhere, even if he himself does not understand where he needs to go and why.
  3. Very often, such children suddenly take off or appear as if out of nowhere.
  4. The child does not have a specific goal; he can just sit and bang on the table with a spoon, just to keep himself occupied with something.
  5. It is useless to entrust such guys with quiet activities; even assembling a construction set or puzzle turns into torture for him.
  6. Hyperactive children talk a lot, often without meaning, and do not finish their thoughts. They love to ask questions and don’t even expect answers.
  7. They constantly interfere in other people's affairs or conversations, interrupt, disturb everyone they can.
  8. The child cannot stand silence; he tries to accompany all his actions with noise.
  9. Karapuz does not listen to what he is told and does not respond to comments.
  10. Uncontrollable anger, causeless aggression and short temper are an integral character trait of hyperactivity.

Parents need to remember that making a diagnosis is the doctor’s task. If a specialist claims that the child is not sick, the cause of his special condition must be sought in something else and there is no point in tormenting him with unnecessary corrective manipulations.

The entire treatment program will be provided by a specialist; in addition, parents must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to learn to calm your child. To do this, you can use physical contact; hyperactive children are very prone to this. Sometimes it is enough just to pat your child on the head and hug him to achieve the desired effect. Sometimes isolating yourself in a separate room and taking a sip of water helps. A bath with pine tree extract, massage and light music will help the restless person fall asleep faster.
  • It is useless to use prohibitions when communicating with such children. Instead of asking your child not to do something, it is better to offer him an alternative behavior.
  • If a child is given a task, it should be limited by a time frame.
  • You cannot give hyperactive children several tasks at once. Your wishes must be formulated consistently and clearly.
  • The shorter the sentences addressed to the baby, the higher the likelihood that he will perceive everything correctly.

It is worth making sure that the child has an interesting and appropriate hobby. It is necessary to pay attention to the interests of your child and choose something that does not traumatize his psyche. Drug treatment has been proven to be highly effective, but it is carried out symptomatically, for as long as it takes to completely block the signs of the disease.

Typically, helminths have to overcome several protective barriers of the body to get into the intestines: salivary enzymes in the mouth, the acidic environment of the stomach, and local intestinal immunity.

In children, the enzymatic system is not so strong, so it is easier for worms to penetrate to a potential habitat. Therefore, the manifestation of helminthic infestation in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren is not uncommon.

Which worms are most often detected in children?

Most parents know such a sign of a baby's infection with helminths as grinding teeth in their sleep.

However, this is far from the only symptom of the presence of worms in children. It is important for adults to know other signs of helminthiasis in a child in order to recognize the problem in time and begin treatment.

General signs

First of all, it should be remembered that the vital activity of worms has a toxic effect on the human body, therefore, among the symptoms of helminthic infestation is intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in children as increased fatigue, headaches and dizziness, and lack of appetite.

Babies are capricious, cry and get irritated more than usual.

In addition, the following general symptoms may appear:

  1. Allergic skin reactions - from urticaria to eczema.
  2. Problems with the digestive system: constipation and diarrhea (often these phenomena alternate), flatulence, seemingly causeless nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, especially in the umbilical area.
  3. Noticeable weakening of the immune system: frequent colds and viral diseases, fungal attacks (in particular, candidiasis).
  4. Severe allergic-toxic reaction to vaccinations.
  5. Decreased hemoglobin levels.

Parents should be especially concerned about the persistence of these symptoms in the child and the unsatisfactory results of treatment for ARVI, thrush and other diseases. In this case, it is quite natural to assume that the child has worms.

Specific symptoms


The first symptom of ascariasis in a child is a dry cough, which appears simultaneously with a rash on the skin; after a couple of weeks, general symptoms of intoxication appear, coupled with a sore tummy. A specific sign is also the unstable neuropsychic state of the baby.


Pinworms manifest themselves by dry mouth and quite severe itching near the anus, which causes the child to scratch this area and the skin becomes inflamed. In girls, in addition to these symptoms, enuresis and vulvovaginitis may appear.

By carefully monitoring the child's condition, parents can with a high degree of probability find out whether he has helminths. However, it should be remembered that at home there is little chance of making an accurate diagnosis, much less choosing the right therapy.

What to do if your baby shows signs of helminthiasis?

If you suspect any disease, whether it is helminthiasis or not, you should first consult a doctor and act according to his advice.

If the symptoms are similar to worm infection, the doctor will first of all recommend taking the necessary tests to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

Diagnosis and treatment of helminthiasis in children

Taking tests

Additionally, your doctor may order a complete blood test to check if your vital signs are normal.

However, it should be remembered that such folk remedies for fighting worms may not be suitable for all children, so before using them you should definitely consult a doctor.

Thorough house cleaning and laundry

The mother will have to wash and iron all the child’s underwear, including the obligatory underwear, wash and dry all the toys in the sun (worm eggs cannot tolerate sunlight). It doesn’t hurt to arrange an unscheduled general cleaning of the house.

Personal hygiene of the baby

You should also pay special attention to the child’s intimate hygiene: it is necessary to wash the baby and change his underwear at least twice a day. If the skin in the anal area is irritated, it is necessary to soften it with any suitable cream.

In addition, constantly remind your child that they need to wash their hands often: after a walk, after using the toilet, playing with pets (and contact with non-pets), before eating, and just like that throughout the day. It is important to teach your child not to pick up or eat food that has somehow ended up on the floor.

Is it necessary to check a child for worms for preventive purposes?

In this regard, some doctors advise taking a course of preventive treatment for worms twice a year.

According to statistics, 9 out of 10 children with TBI are diagnosed with a concussion. The reason for this is that in children under two years of age the head is larger and heavier, and the coordination of the body does not allow it to react in a timely manner to a fall, so in infancy the child’s head is the first to suffer.

The harder the impact, the greater the likelihood of a concussion, despite the fact that the bones of the baby’s skull are strong, and the cerebrospinal fluid prevents the brain cells from colliding with the tissues of the skull.

Reference. Liquor is a fluid that circulates in the anatomical spaces of the spinal cord and brain.

Signs of a concussion in a child under 1 year of age

Most children begin to speak by age two and are able to express emotions, which helps parents understand whether their child is sick or not. Family members may notice uncharacteristic signs of behavior in a young child:

  • Loss of orientation in space.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Lethargy.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Pale skin tone on the face and body.
  • Bad, restless sleep.
  • Sudden loss of appetite.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Headaches (“rumbling in the head”).
  • Loss of concentration.

Attentive parents who notice these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor. In newborn infants, the first symptoms are very vague as they are often similar to other disorders.

After an injury, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Restless crying.
  • Decreased appetite, even to the point of absence.
  • Frequent regurgitation.
  • Enlargement or displacement of the fontanel.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Restless sleep or lack thereof.

Attention! The first symptoms of TBI can appear both in the first hours after injury and within 24 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition and well-being of the child during this period.

The first symptoms in a baby

  1. Strong restless crying, with short-term cessation of breathing.
  2. Paleness of not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes. Often due to lack of blood flow, bluish lips and areas of skin may appear.
  3. Regurgitation, body temperature can rise to 38 degrees.

Excessive crying and elevated body temperature are the main indicators of traumatic brain injury. Babies often have bruises and contusions after an injury., but thanks to the elastic skull, severe injuries are unlikely.

Much more dangerous signs of a concussion in a child under 1 year of age, requiring immediate hospitalization, are:

  1. Swelling, displacement, curvature of the fontanel.
  2. Decreased or absent reflexes.
  3. Impaired motor function of the eye - rolling of the eyes (or eyes), squint, drooping eyelid.
  4. Complete lack of appetite.

If parents do not consult a doctor in time, a concussion carries a number of complications:

  • Strabismus.
  • Developmental delay (or even mental retardation).
  • The child will suffer from headaches.
  • Hyperkinesis is uncontrolled movements of body parts.
  • Vegetative-vascular disorders.

Signs of head injuries by age and their complications

Let's look at how to understand that an infant or a child aged 2 years has suffered a concussion after a fall.

In an infant during the first 20 weeks

How does a concussion manifest in an infant in the first months of life? Signs:

At this stage, vomiting and regurgitation are the main symptoms. It is difficult to lull the baby to sleep; the baby may refuse to eat and the sucking reflex may be impaired.

Important! If after receiving an injury the baby immediately loses consciousness, you must immediately call an ambulance.

If you do not provide help, you may encounter a number of complications in the future:

  • Impaired coordination of movements.
  • Developmental retardation (inhibition in motor and speech development).
  • Increased sensitivity to various infections.
  • In a particularly severe form, hydrocephalus may develop.

In a baby from 6 to 9 months

In this age from six months to 8 or 9 months, symptoms are very similar, but you should pay attention to:

  1. Pain when lifting, difficulty supporting the head on your own.
  2. Uncontrollable crying with temporary delay (swallowing) of air.
  3. Intermittent sleep.
  4. Not typical activity for a child.
  5. Uncontrolled body movements, most often on one side.
  6. The size of the pupils - if the pupils are of different sizes, this is a sign that the brain is damaged and urgent hospitalization is necessary.

In babies from 9 to 12 months

Signs of a concussion in an infant over 9 months of age and in a one-year-old baby:

  1. Increased heart rate from 140 beats and above.
  2. A sharp increase or decrease in pressure.
  3. Lack of appetite.
  4. Tearfulness.
  5. Cold extremities.
  6. Excessive salivation.

In this age, after an injury, it is necessary to measure the pulse every 20 minutes and note the dynamics. It is necessary to check the fontanel and the site of the bruise, carefully monitor the child’s condition and well-being.

At this age, a concussion carries the same consequences as mentioned above, but epilepsy, seizures and tics can also develop.

How to determine after 1 year?

Let's consider signs of TBI in a one-year-old child and under the age of 2 years.

  1. Head pain and dizziness.
  2. Temporary blindness.
  3. Noise in ears.
  4. Temporary disorientation.
  5. Whims, bad mood.

In addition to these complications, the following may also occur:

  • Meteor dependence.
  • Depression and frequent mood swings.
  • Some people find it difficult to manage their emotions.
  • Loss of appetite leads to lack of body weight, as well as a lack of vitamins.
  • Frequent fatigue, lethargy, weakness.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Frequent headaches, dizziness.
  • Memory and speech disorders.
  • Motor and movement function is impaired.

Children over the age of one year often experience increased sweating, weakness and a rapid pulse.

Reference. With a brain injury, a child immediately loses orientation in space, the ability to concentrate and fixate his gaze.

TBIs are divided into 3 degrees of severity


These are minor injuries that are not particularly dangerous. Most often, your health improves after 20-30 minutes.

  • loss of consciousness is not observed, symptoms are visible in the first 15-20 minutes. Characteristics of TBI are increased body temperature, vomiting and regurgitation. After this time, the babies return to normal and calm down.
  • In children aged one to two years:
    • a short-term loss of consciousness may occur;
    • headache;
    • nausea;
    • Noticeable damage may appear (bruises, contusions, nosebleeds, etc.).



  • In newborns and infants:
    • severe crying;
    • loss of appetite;
    • lack of coordination (on the one hand);
    • pallor;
    • sometimes blueness of the skin;
    • possible shortness of breath;
    • displacement, curvature, depression of the fontanelle;
    • vomit;
    • sleep disturbance.
  • In children aged one to two years: loss of consciousness for a short period of time, the victim does not remember what happened:
    1. blurred vision;
    2. temporary blindness;
    3. disorientation in space;
    4. Strong headache;
    5. increased sweating;
    6. pallor;
    7. nausea and vomiting.

    Coordination and regulation in space are impaired, a feeling of squeezing of the head and slurred, meaningless speech may appear.

First aid

What should parents do if their child has a head injury? Of course, the most important thing is to call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital yourself for an immediate examination by specialists. If you still decide to wait for the ambulance, then the injured baby should be provided with rest and quiet (but not sleep). It is necessary to calm the child; you can apply a cool, moistened towel to the site of the bruise.

There is no need to start treating your child on your own; the most important thing is to immediately seek qualified medical help. Signs of a concussion in children 2 years old will help you recognize the injury in time!

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Each skill and ability has its own optimal development time. It is at this time that the skill develops quickly and well on its own or with minimal help. But if this time is missed, everything becomes much more difficult. Tips from Maria Melnik- Gestalt therapist, practicing child psychologist, what to do if you find any of the described signs in your child?

Why is it so important to get diagnosed on time? Firstly, a delayed skill is always more difficult to develop. Secondly, because by developing a lagging skill (and even more so by waiting for him to do it himself), we are already taking away time and slowing down the development of the next one. Simply put, at 2-3 it is much easier for a child to start or develop delayed speech than at 4-5. At 4-5, a child can already fully master his native speech and then this will provide the opportunity to develop social skills (full communication with peers), thinking (verbal, that is, speech, intelligence and the opportunity to learn more and more information, which in the world around him is encoded in many places). speech), fantasy, role-playing, as well as attention and memory. But what if speech is just beginning to develop at 4?

Therefore, it is actually important to notice when something is wrong and seek help in time. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list all the warning signs and immediately teach them to notice them. But here are perhaps the most critical:

Common warning signs:

  • Lack of eye contact. This is when the child does not look you in the eye at all. Or he looks, but only briefly to mom and no one else.
  • Stereotypical movements. This is when the child constantly makes the same short movements. For example, he waves his arms or sways his torso. Especially if he does this often and for a long time. If he can run in a circle for more than five minutes without changing his trajectory and not responding to your comments, come here.
  • Aggression. If it is constant and causeless. For example, everything is definitely fine at home and in the garden, but the child fights, bites and generally expresses his emotions exclusively through yelling and beatings. Especially if he doesn’t stop after your attempts to calm him down and can yell for several hours. Sometimes, by the way, this happens in healthy children, with advanced manipulative behavior and lack of normal communication with parents, but this is also a reason to seek help.
  • It is especially important to note the emergence of sadism– when a child begins to catch and torment cats/hamsters/bugs, repeatedly and clearly with interest and pleasure, nodding indifferently to your “no” and “it hurts him.”
  • Autoaggression. Almost any and especially long-lasting: from banging your head against the wall, to biting your nails, tearing out your hair and sucking your knuckles to bloody bruises.
  • Savantism. This is a conventional name for situations when there is a strong advantage in the development of abilities and skills - some are developed too well, while others are too poorly developed. For example, a child at four can add three-digit numbers, but speaks poorly and hardly communicates with peers.
  • Complete reluctance to contact people. Both increasing and sudden.
  • Compulsive behavior. This is when a child constantly needs to perform some identical actions in a certain sequence. For example, we put on a T-shirt first, then shorts, the other way around is not possible. Or first we arrange pocket dolls, and then we sit down to draw. If the pattern is violated, there is a violent protest reaction. The key word is constantly.
  • Passion for order and uniformity. This is when a child, getting into any space, begins to arrange all the toys or objects by color or size (or in general according to any invented pattern, but the main thing is that until he organizes it, he calms down).
  • Uneven or delayed intellectual development. This is when your child has a very different level of development and behavior from his peers on the playground or in kindergarten/center/club/school. And when there are sharp leaps in skill acquisition and academic performance. For example, I used to study well, but then my friend stopped understanding, forgot, and became interested in more infantile games than before.
  • Constant nervous excitement and hyper/hypo tone of the limbs. This is when the child is always nervous, excited, demands attention and has tense “wooden” arms and/or legs. Or, on the contrary, apathy and constantly flaccid muscles of the limbs.
  • Sleep disturbance. Waking up, screaming, constant nightmares. In very young children, this may include crying for no reason and falling asleep for no more than 20-40 minutes. That is, you are sure that he is full, the diaper is dry, the tummy is soft, but the child never falls asleep for more than 40 minutes a day and constantly screams.
  • In older children it is clearly visible when the nervous system cannot calm down– the child has not slept for a long time, yawns all the time, but cannot calm down and fall asleep. This may be normal if the child is easily excitable and you have had a stormy day, but if going to bed for many hours happens every day, this is already serious.
  • Any motor deficiencies and anomalies. There are some suspicious or constantly repeated movements, paired limbs move unequally, tics, twitching convulsions.

Speech development:
At one and a half years of age, speech understanding is absent or poorly developed. The child does not understand what you say to him, even in terms of the simplest everyday things. Doesn’t respond to his name and requests like “come here”, “no”, “bring the ball”. There is no speech in the form of the first words in the child's language. Usually in one and a half there should be at least a couple of words like “mom”, “dad”, “no”, “give”, “vzhzh”, “kisya”, etc. Yes, it is important that these are words, and not syllables or individual sounds.

At two to two and a half years, understanding of speech is absent or very poorly developed, conscious words have not appeared (for example, there are only echoic repetitions of adults). The vocabulary does not exceed 10 words - usually at this time the child is normally actively gaining vocabulary. There is no understanding of the communicative function of speech - that is, the child does not understand that speech is needed for requests and generally communicating with parents and does not use it for this.

At three, the first sentences of at least three words and meaningful expressions of one’s requests and needs should appear - drink, eat, write, cartoons. It’s not scary if all this is there, but not with adult forms of words or with imperfect pronunciation. The main thing is that the speech centers are working, the rest can then be talked about or corrected with a speech therapist.

After 3 years:

  • Merging with mother. It is the inability to break away from her, let her out of sight, or even be anywhere without her.
  • Rapid exhaustion, disturbances in volume and concentration. This is when a child cannot hold on at all, over any process for more than a minute - he immediately jumps up and runs somewhere. Very often, along with this comes social maladjustment, that is, the inability to play and communicate with peers. There seems to be interest, but there is not enough attention to stay in contact. This also includes the inability to concentrate on a subject or activity. Inability to complete any task to completion. Constant chaotic change of activity.
  • Motor development disorders- awkwardness, disinhibition, slowness, tics, excitability.
  • Panic avoidance of failure when a child, for example, replaces chips in every game or argues with other players in order to win at any cost, a strong emotional reaction in case of criticism. Systematic avoidance of uninteresting but necessary activities. That is, you don’t get used to the word “must” at all, in any situations, despite your long efforts.
  • Constant forgetfulness regular loss of personal belongings, constant ineradicable mistakes always and everywhere.
  • Constantly disruptive and socially unacceptable activities— screams, throws things around, takes off clothes in public places.
  • Continuous competition with everyone and everything, constant disregard for other people's boundaries and rules of behavior(provided that you voiced them to him several times, and did not decide that he would guess on his own).
  • Inability to wait one's turn or wait at all.
  • Increased anxiety and lack of independence. Obsessive thoughts and actions.
  • Constant fears about everything around – people, animals, places.
  • Complete or partial absence of speech in an adult(from 5 years) age not associated with speech therapy problems and developmental delays. Loss of speech occurs unconsciously in stressful places and situations.
  • Non-existent friends, especially up to 5-7 years. At five seven this often happens to healthy but very lonely children.
  • Yes, you can’t erase words from a song, frequent or constant masturbation in the form of fidgeting in a chair, rubbing against corners and hands in the wrong places. Moreover, if the child has already stopped hiding and being embarrassed by you and other adults, this is a serious cause for concern.

What to do if you find any of the described signs in your child?

Go for a diagnosis to a good, tested professional psychologist and/or neurologist. You can go to a good diagnostic center, there are many other necessary specialists who may be needed. What you shouldn’t do is get scared, think that we’ll survive somehow, and put off going for a diagnosis for a long time. What you absolutely cannot do is yell at the child, blame him for his problems and leave him alone with them.

Because from any, even the most difficult situation, there are always many ways out. This city is very big, and this world is even bigger, and there will always be people, situations and resources that can help you and your child. After all, testing is not a diagnosis. Therefore, first we figure out what is happening, and then we get scared and think about what to do.

As noted, childhood is characterized by the spread of the disease, which is expressed in the disease covering several organs of the body. Therefore, different diseases have many similarities.

1) One of the first signs of the disease is a change in the baby’s behavior. You can notice how quickly he gets tired - he lies down during the day, does not want to go for a walk, perhaps, on the contrary, he becomes restless and capricious. In such cases, the baby usually experiences a decrease in appetite and academic performance. If the disease is not accompanied by pain and fatigue, the child himself is usually the last to discover the disease. The baby usually answers “no” to the doctor’s questions about complaints. Young children do not have the ability to introspect, so they cannot localize unpleasant sensations. If there is a sore throat, the baby may say that his mouth, head, etc. hurt. In infants and young children, poor health, fatigue, pain and other signs of illness are expressed in anxiety, moodiness, and decreased appetite.

Children rarely feign illness. But there are funny things. For example, if there is a grandmother in the family, her heart hurts, one day the child may joyfully announce heart disease. The baby can believably imitate the limp if it sparks interest. It happens that a child complains about a bad condition in order to attract attention. “Bad condition” is sometimes observed among schoolchildren who do not want to attend school.

During adolescence, the ability to sense oneself begins to appear, then children can usually accurately identify their complaints.

If the parents have good contact with the child, they will immediately notice that something is wrong. It is necessary to remember why the changes occurred and when they intensified.

2) Pain. When a child complains of pain, you need to try to find out its location, the cause of its occurrence, the nature of the pain, and its duration.

The child is easily suggestible. To the question: does it hurt? – he usually answers in the affirmative, even if he does not experience pain. A similar response can be heard when asking “Has it passed yet?”

The most common type of pain is abdominal pain. Their causes can be not only diseases of the digestive tract, worms. Often the pain is accompanied by acute appendicitis, but sometimes it occurs with acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, nephritis, and cystitis.

Abdominal pain occurs in nervous children

Morning pain is typical for children who suffer from “school” neurosis.

Tummy pain occurs in children who suffer from constipation. They are observed when the diet is violated. Abdominal pain also occurs with food allergies. In infants, the main cause of pain is gas and indigestion.

If you have abdominal pain, you need to find out whether it is related to food intake, whether it is accompanied by nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Report any observations to your doctor.

If you suddenly experience sharp pain in the navel area, which then moves to the right and down the tummy, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out if there is appendicitis.

Headache in a child

Children rarely complain of headaches. Therefore, headache can be considered one of the reliable signs of illness. Typically, headache occurs at the beginning of acute illnesses, almost always combined with an increase in temperature. The pain during sinusitis is dull and localized in the forehead.

School-age children may experience migraine-like headaches. This is often hereditary.

But the causes of headaches may not always mean illness. For example, headaches occur in children with a disrupted daily routine - lack of sleep, chronic fatigue.

At school age, complaints of pain in the heart area appear. Possible causes are unoperated heart defects, myocarditis, rheumatism, increased physical activity.

Joint pain in a child

Joint pain also bothers children. They are usually associated with rheumatism, acute diseases, tuberculosis, blood and skin diseases.

Child has a sore throat

Children often complain of a sore throat. As a rule, they are associated with acute respiratory infections.

    Temperature increase. The main cause of fever is infection in the body. There is no need to be afraid of the temperature. It represents a protective reaction of the body. For example, at 38° the reproduction of viruses slows down.
