Self-massage of the muscles involved in the breathing process. The effect of massage on the respiratory system. How breathing techniques affect the human body




Massage for respiratory diseases

The effect of massage on the respiratory system.

Various types of chest massage improve respiratory function and relieve fatigue of the respiratory muscles.

Massage improves the function of external respiration, increases the saturation of arterial blood with oxygen, normalizes cortico-visceral relationships, musculocutaneous and neurovascular reactions.

In the pulmonary system, it restores and improves peripheral and pulmonary circulation, shortens treatment time, stimulates the evacuation and drainage function in the bronchi, strengthens the respiratory muscles, improves chest mobility, promotes hardening and strengthening of the whole organism.

Under the influence of massage, gas exchange increases. The aftereffect of massage is manifested in the normalization of the acid-base state, in increasing the elasticity of the lung tissue, bronchial patency and respiratory reserves.

Vigorous, but not prolonged, massage of the chest using techniques such as effleurage, rubbing and chopping promotes a reflex deepening of breathing, an increase in the minute volume of breathing and better ventilation of the lungs.

It is rational to prescribe massage to patients with bronchopulmonary pathology in accordance with motor modes, since a massage procedure for a patient can be regarded as passive physical activity.

Massage and movement regimens for patients with respiratory diseases.

In a hospital setting, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and treatment objectives, the attending physician recommends and prescribes one of the following motor modes:

I-A- strict bed,

I-B- lightweight bedding,

II- semi-bed or ward,

III-A- free or general transitional,

III-B– general mode.

The purpose of the motor regimen depends on the severity of the disease, its course and other factors.

As the patient's condition improves, the patient is consistently transferred to the next motor mode.

Strict bed rest (I-A). Corresponds to the acute period of the disease. The patient's general condition is serious. In the clinic: high temperature, sharply increased ESR and high leukocytosis.

The patient is prohibited from independent movements, including changing position, in order to create the greatest peace.

In this motor mode, massage and therapeutic exercises are contraindicated.

Light bed rest (I-B) It is prescribed when the patient’s general condition improves, the temperature decreases, the ESR slows down and the blood tests and other laboratory parameters tend to normalize. The patient is allowed, independently or with the help of medical personnel, to perform a number of active movements of the limbs, eat, turn over in bed, perform the toilet, and move to a sitting position.

During this period, against the background of ongoing drug therapy, massage of the limbs and the anterolateral surface of the chest, and therapeutic exercises are prescribed.

Objectives of massage: increase the overall tone of the body, normalize the function of the respiratory organs and cardiovascular system, stimulate the processes of resorption of existing foci of inflammation.

To improve peripheral circulation and facilitate the work of the heart, as well as to stimulate pulmonary circulation, a massage of the extremities is prescribed. The extremities are massaged according to a general massage scheme using all appropriate techniques of medium intensity on these areas. Each limb takes from 5 to 7 minutes.

With further stabilization of the patient's general condition, the massage procedure includes massage of the anterolateral surface of the chest in the initial position of the patient lying on his back. Light and short stroking and rubbing are used, paying attention to massage of the sternum and parasternal area, since this reflexively dilates the bronchioles and intercostal space, respiratory function improves. The duration of the massage is 5-10 minutes.

Semi-bed or ward (II) mode(with satisfactory general condition of the patient, normal temperature and improvement in laboratory parameters). The patient is allowed to sit, stand up, and carefully walk within the ward to expand motor activity.

Z massage benefits and therapeutic exercises: further strengthening of the body, stimulation of the processes of resorption of foci of inflammation in the lung tissue, prevention of complications, activation of mechanisms of nonspecific reactions of adaptation of the body, promoting recovery and recovery.

The intensity and duration of the massage are gradually increased, and deeper techniques are added to the massage procedure. Massage the chest from all sides, including the shoulder girdle areas. The massage can be performed in the patient's original position (IP) - sitting.

Free or general transitional (III-A) mode. The patient's condition is satisfactory, moderate walking, climbing stairs, short walks, etc. are allowed.

Objectives of massage: further restoration of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, adaptation of the body to physical activity.

Massage the chest on all sides. The massage is used at medium intensity, gradually increasing the strength and duration, using all the most effective and rational massage techniques. Particular attention is paid to the articulations of the ribs with the sternum and spine, and to the intercostal spaces.

Free (III-B) mode. Prescribed before discharge of patients from the hospital. The main tasks of this period: adaptation of the patient to everyday stress, elimination of reversible residual effects after an illness, further training of compensatory mechanisms.

A chest massage is used from all sides or a general massage with an emphasis on the chest. They use all massage techniques that are rational for the areas being massaged, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. The duration and intensity of the massage is increased gradually.

Contraindications to massage for respiratory diseases:

acute inflammation of the respiratory system and severe general condition of the patient, active pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant and benign tumors, hemoptysis.

1.2. Methodology classical massage for pneumonia.

Acute pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue, predominantly of a bacterial nature. In some cases, the disease begins suddenly, against the background of complete health, with an increase in body temperature to 39-40°, chills, chest pain, cough, initially dry, then with sputum, sometimes with hemoptysis. This is lobar pneumonia.

Clinic of focal pneumonia: fever, chills, cough. But it does not begin as suddenly as lobar pneumonia. Usually, a few days before this, signs of acute respiratory viral infection or flu appear: runny nose, cough, malaise, aches throughout the body, slight fever. The second wave of the disease is characterized by increased temperature, increased cough, weakness, and sweating. In some cases, pneumonia is characterized by a somewhat blurred picture of the course of the disease. Pneumonia may be hiding under the mask of ARVI. Its signs: low temperature, weakness, malaise, moderate cough.

In all cases, you should consult a doctor, since only after listening to the patient, an X-ray examination and a blood test can you diagnose acute pneumonia and select a remedy for treatment.

For all types of acute pneumonia, it is necessary to use antibiotics, which are best administered by injection. In addition, expectorants, bronchodilators that promote mucus separation, and physiotherapeutic methods are used.

Massage begins after the acute phenomena have subsided during the period of reverse development of the disease with a satisfactory general condition and normal temperature. The presence of weakness and pain in the side are not contraindications to massage and therapeutic exercises.

At the stage of light bed rest The massage is performed in the IPP while lying down. The anterolateral surface of the chest and lower limbs are massaged for a reflex effect on peripheral circulation. Apply superficial plane stroking, alternating rubbing, deep plane stroking, sawing, grasping stroking in two rounds. The duration of the massage procedure is 5-10 minutes. When massaging the limbs, the techniques of grasping stroking and light or medium intensity rubbing are used.

When transitioning from bed rest to ward rest The massage begins from the back surface of the chest in the IPP lying or sitting:

2. Alternate rubbing of medium intensity.

3. Superficial planar spiral stroking.

4. Sawing.

5. Ironing (1 option).

6. Spiral rubbing with four fingers, grasping the shoulder girdle.

7. Embracing stroking in two rounds.

8. Light patting or tapping.

9. Superficial planar stroking.

Then massage the anterolateral surface of the chest:

1. Stroking in two rounds.

2. Alternate rubbing.

3. Ironing (2nd option).

4. Medium intensity sawing.

5. Separate-sequential stroking.

6. Spiral rubbing with four fingers parasternally and along the intercostal spaces.

7. Rake-like stroking along the intercostal spaces.

8. Linear rubbing along the intercostal spaces.

9. Lightly patting the entire anterolateral surface of the chest.

10. Superficial planar stroking or stroking in two rounds.

During the period of the ward regime massage the chest from all sides. When massaging the back, special attention is paid to rubbing the soft tissues near the spine, the interscapular area, the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the area under the lower angles of the shoulder blades and along their inner edge:

1. Superficial planar stroking.

2. Vigorous alternating rubbing with gripping the neck and shoulder girdle.

3. Embracing stroking in two rounds.

4. Vigorous sawing involving the neck and shoulder girdle.

5. Deep separate-sequential stroking.

6. Deep spiral rubbing, especially carefully along the spine.

7. Ironing (2 option).

8. Semicircular kneading.

9. Vigorous, but not frequent, patting.

10. Superficial planar stroking.

On the anterolateral surface of the chest the following is used:

1. Embracing stroking in two rounds.

2. Alternate rubbing.

3. Ironing (2nd option).

4. Separately - sequential stroking.

5. Spiral rubbing.

6. Vigorous rake-like rubbing of the intercostal muscles.

7. Rake-like stroking.

8. Vigorous, but not frequent, patting.

9. Embracing stroking in two rounds.

In free motor mode A general massage is indicated, but more often a chest massage is used from all sides. When massaging the back, the techniques of transverse continuous kneading, semicircular kneading, and rolling are added to the previous techniques. Focus on massaging the interscapular area, the area of ​​the shoulder blades, under the lower angles of the shoulder blades and along their inner edge.

On the anterolateral surface of the chest, the same techniques are used as in the previous mode, but with slightly greater force and intensity.

The duration of chest massage on all sides gradually increases to 15-20 minutes. Course of 12-15 procedures daily. After a month, it is advisable to conduct a second course of massage.

By massaging the muscles involved in voice formation, we “warm up” them, prevent muscle tension that interferes with work, and promote the free flow of sound. Massage of the resonator cavities helps the formation of sound, its entry into the resonators without any effort to “pull out”, “direct” the sound forward, “to the teeth”, “into the mask”.
Since ancient times, massage has been used not only as a therapeutic procedure, but also as an activation of blood circulation and metabolism. Many cycles of physical health exercises are known to be accompanied by self-massage.
According to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, the positive effect of massage is associated with irritation of nerve endings in the skin, muscles, and vessel walls. Irritation causes a reflex reaction both from individual organs and from the higher parts of the brain.
Self-massage in our discipline has the goal of sequentially preparing and warming up the muscles and organs involved in speech production.
Therapeutic massage has several techniques. In our work we offer two main ones, useful and accessible to everyone: hygienic, stroking, and vibration, tapping. />When stroking, the work of nerve endings located close to the skin is activated. During vibration massage, the nerve endings located deeper are “warmed up” and prepared for action. In addition, self-massage has a calming effect, relieves fatigue of the muscles involved in voice formation, and gives vigor.
In addition to stroking and tapping, in our gymnastics we offer the connection of a “sound wave”: the pronunciation of voiced fricative consonants zh, z, v and sonorous m, n, l, r, i.e. those sounds that can be drawn out continuously with a veil. A sound wave from inside a stream of air massages the inner walls of the vocal apparatus, affecting
thus affecting the smooth muscles of the oronchi, trachea, nose, and indirectly includes it in the work.
Hygienic massage (stroking) should be carried out first silently, then with the inclusion of the consonants mentioned above as you exhale. You should start with a hygienic massage, and then connect a vibration massage.
Vibration massage must be performed with sound. After the massage, it is necessary to check the result: the release of muscles from clamps, their working condition, sound quality and the feeling of lightness, “comfort” when pronouncing some text (sayings, proverbs, small phrases, quatrains). For this purpose, each student selects several texts that he pronounces meaningfully, while at the same time testing the freedom of his muscles and finding a sound that is comfortable for himself.
We recommend starting self-massage classes first under the supervision of a teacher, and then doing it yourself every day in the morning. In senior courses, it is useful to perform self-massage an hour before rehearsals or a performance. If for some reason muscle tension occurs and fatigue sets in during a performance or performance, then you should do self-massage, taking advantage of the break.
GENERAL RULES FOR SELF-MASSAGE The skin of the massaged parts of the body and hands should be clean. All movements of the massaging hand should be directed along the lymphatic and venous vessels. The muscles being massaged should be relaxed. The massage is done slowly and smoothly.
Exercise 1. Self-massage of the forehead. Stroke your forehead with the fingertips of both hands from the middle of your forehead to your ears. Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12

Exercise 2. Self-massage of the upper face. Using the fingertips of both hands, stroke from the middle of the face (from the back of the nose) to the ears. Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 11).
Exercise 3. Self-massage of the middle part of the face. Using the fingertips of both hands, stroke from the middle of the upper labial space to the ears. Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 12).

Exercise 4. Self-massage of the upper and lower lips. Pulling the upper and lower lips over the teeth, massage with your fingertips from the middle of the lip to the corners. Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13

Rice, 14

Exercise 5. Self-massage of the lower jaw. Stroke from the middle of the chin, first with the backs of both hands to the ears, then with the palms from the ears back to the middle of the chin. Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 14).
Exercise 6. Self-massage of the oral mucosa and gums. Lips closed. Using the tip of your tongue, vigorously pressing on the gums, lick from right to left and from left to right the upper and lower gums from the outside. Repeat 4-6 times.
Exercise 7. Self-massage of the hard palate. Lips are half open. Use the tip of your tongue to vigorously move across the hard palate from the front upper teeth towards the pharynx and back. Repeat 4-6 times.
Exercise 8. Self-massage of the neck. Stroke the front of the neck (throat) with either the right or left hand from top to bottom, grabbing the chin as you begin massaging (but not lifting it). Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 15).
Rice. 15

Exercise 9. Self-massage of the abdomen. Stroke the stomach with circular movements of both hands in a clockwise direction, starting from the lower abdomen, then up and down. Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 18).
Exercise 10. Self-massage of intercostal muscles. Stroke the sides of the chest with both hands, moving from the waist forward, then up and around. Repeat 4-6 times (Fig. 19).
Exercise 11. Self-massage of the back. Stroke the back area with both hands (or alternately, first with one hand, then with the other): along the lower back up to the shoulder blades and back (Fig. 20).

Exercise 1. Tap your forehead with the fingertips of both hands from the middle of the forehead (where the frontal sinuses are located) to the ears and at the same time “pull” out loud the sonorant consonant m. Repeat 4-6 times.
Exercise 2. Tap the upper part of the face with the fingertips of both hands from the back of the braid (where the maxillary cavities are located) to the ears and at the same time loudly “pull” on the vyschokha alternately sonorant m or n with the vowel u, WITHOUT OPENING THE LIPS, Repeat 4-6 times .
(We remind you that when pronouncing the nasal consonants m and n, the oral cavity remains open for an active voice, and when pronouncing the vowel at the pharynx, it is expanded.)
Exercise 3. Tap the upper supralabial space with the fingertips of one hand and at the same time “pull” out loud the fricative consonant v. Repeat -6 times. (We remind you that when pronouncing a consonant, the air stream involuntarily goes forward to the upper teeth.)
Exercise 4. Tap the space under the lower lip with your fingertips and at the same time “pull” the consonant z out loud on the vyshchokha. Repeat 4-6 times.
(We remind you that when pronouncing the fricative consonant z, the air stream is also directed forward, but towards the lower teeth.)
Exercise 5. Tap the fingertips of one or both hands on the upper part of the chest and at the same time “pull” out loud the fricative consonant w or sonorant m. Repeat 4-6 times.

Exercise 6. Tap the lateral part of the chest (from the lower back to the armpits) with the ribs of the palms of both hands from bottom to top and at the same time “pull” the sonorant m out loud while exhaling. Repeat 4-6 times.
Exercise 7. Tap the area of ​​the lower abdominal muscles with the fingertips of one hand while tapping the lumbar area with the other hand. While tapping, “pull” on the vyschokha sonorant m. Repeat 4 times.
Exercise 8. Tap simultaneously with the palms of both hands (in a grasping motion) the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the back of the intercostal muscles (as far as the length of the arms allows). While tapping, “pull” on the vyschokha sonorant m. Repeat 4 times.

For respiratory diseases, physical therapy helps eliminate or reduce the manifestations of respiratory failure by developing chest mobility and increasing the vital capacity of the lungs. As a result of exercise, congestion in the lungs disappears, gas exchange in tissues improves, and full deep breathing is restored. The therapeutic effect of physical exercises for diseases of the respiratory system is based primarily on the possibility of voluntary regulation of the depth and frequency of breathing, its delay and forcing. By using special static and dynamic breathing exercises You can transfer shallow breathing to deeper breathing, lengthen or shorten the inhalation and exhalation phases, improve the breathing rhythm, and increase ventilation of the lungs. Therapeutic exercises with a rational combination of general strengthening physical exercises with special breathing exercises and different phases of breathing enhance lymph and blood circulation in the lungs and thereby contribute to a more rapid and complete resorption of infiltrates and exudate in the lungs and in the pleural cavity, preventing the formation of adhesions in it. Treatment of acute diseases of the respiratory system (in the subacute stage) with physical exercise significantly increases its effectiveness and preserves the patient’s ability to work in the future, and in case of chronic lung diseases it allows for the normalization of impaired respiratory function. When applying physical exercises, it is necessary to take into account that inhalation occurs actively, due to the contraction of the respiratory muscles, and exhalation occurs passively: when these muscles of the chest are relaxed.

Classification of special gymnastics for respiratory diseases

  1. Respiratory gymnastics– a rational combination of special static and dynamic breathing exercises, training evenly the phases of inhalation and exhalation, with general development ones.
  2. Expiratory gymnastics– development and consolidation of the skill of extended exhalation by developing the strength of the auxiliary and main muscles involved in exhalation.
  3. Relaxation and respiratory gymnastics– equal importance is given to breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises with elements of auto-training.

Objectives of exercise therapy

  1. improvement of respiratory function;
  2. strengthening the respiratory muscles;
  3. increased excursion of the chest and diaphragm;
  4. stretching pleural adhesions and clearing the airways of pathological secretions.

The choice of the patient's starting position is important. It must be taken into account that lying on your back the chest corresponds to the inhalation phase, the function of the abdominal muscles is limited, the diaphragm is raised, and exhalation is difficult; in IP lying on your stomach the ribs of the lower half of the chest are most mobile at the back; lying on your side– movements on the supporting side of the chest are limited, and on the opposite side they are free; sitting– abdominal breathing is difficult, lower-lateral and lower-posterior breathing predominates; in standing IP there are no restrictions on the movement of the chest and spine; this is the best position for breathing exercises.

The purpose of exercise therapy Peculiarities
Improving the drainage function of the bronchiFrequent change of IP
Improving apical ventilationIP – hands on the belt
Improving ventilation of the posterior sections of the lungsStrengthens diaphragmatic breathing
Activation of breathing in the lateral sections of the lungsIP lying on the opposite side
Formation of compensatory reactions (improving ventilation of healthy sections)IP lying on the sore side, arbitrary deepening and slowing of breathing, in case of irreversible changes in the respiratory apparatus (emphysema, pneumosclerosis, etc.) - exercises to strengthen the act of inhalation or exhalation, training diaphragmatic breathing, strengthening the respiratory muscles, increasing the mobility of the chest
Increased inhalationRemoving your arms to the sides, behind your head, straightening or bending your torso back
Increased exhalationIncreasing the duration of exhalation; tilting the head forward, bringing the shoulders together, lowering the arms, bending the torso forward, lifting the legs forward, bending the legs at the knee and hip joints
Decreasing breathing rate and increasing its depthThey create resistance: inhaling through narrowed lips, inflating rubber bladders, etc.
Stretching of pleural adhesionsFor pleurodiaphragmatic adhesions - tilt the body to the side in combination with a deep breath; for adhesions in the lateral parts of the chest - bending to the healthy side in combination with exhalation
To enhance drainageTilt of the body in the direction opposite to the localization of the pathological process, in the direction of the tracheal bifurcation
Reduced excitation of the respiratory centerRelaxation exercises
Static and dynamic exercises Breath control
1. Chest breathing- this is breathing predominantly in the upper and middle parts of the chest, during which intrathoracic pressure changes, which leads to changes in general and local blood circulationThe patient places his hand on his chest and takes a deep, slow breath through his nose for 3-4 counts, the chest rises, stretching the intercostal muscles. Exhale through the mouth - lips are folded into a tube. Exhalation can be calm, slow, long or short, intermittent, sharp.
2. Diaphragmatic breathing- this is breathing predominantly from the lower parts of the lungs, promotes the removal of air and fluid from the pleural cavity through drainage, facilitates the work of the left ventricle of the heart, increases blood flow to the right ventricle, stimulates the function of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces congestionThe best IP is lying on your back, legs straight, right palm on your stomach, left palm on your chest. Exhale for a long time through the mouth with pursed lips (the stomach is drawn in), then inhale through the nose, while the stomach protrudes (intra-abdominal pressure increases)

Massage for respiratory diseases

Tasks: reflex trophic effect on the lungs, strengthening the respiratory muscles, improving blood and lymph circulation, increasing the mobility of the ribs.

Indications: outside the period of exacerbation in chronic pneumonia, pneumosclerosis, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma.

Contraindications: acute febrile conditions, acute exudative pleurisy, bronchiectasis in the stage of tissue decay, degree cardiopulmonary failure.

Some people are overweight. They have tried many different remedies, but nothing helps. However, do not despair when there is an effective way to forget about cellulite once and for all. You may not believe it, but such a remedy is massage of the muscles involved in the breathing process. It’s better when it’s done by professionals, then the effect will be on the face in a fairly short time. But you can also try this procedure yourself.

When a child is very tired or nervous, only parents can calm and appease. The warmth of a parent's hands always calms a child. How nice it is to feel gentle touches on your body. I want to fall asleep, relax and just enjoy these moments. Parents often give their children massage courses in Belgorod; thanks to the stroking, the child feels calm and the pain that was bothering him goes away.

In our lives we always have to worry about something; constant stress affects our health. Even calming herbs do not help restore former calm. A wonderful procedure will help you take your mind off your problems - is it possible for pregnant women to have a thigh massage? Half an hour is enough and all worries will turn out to be such trifles. There will be a feeling of lightness in the body, thereby creating a lot of energy for doing things. A daily procedure can always keep the body healthy.

Manual massage of the muscles involved in the breathing process

Nowadays, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle. Basically, all work is done on computers. This causes severe fatigue, and health becomes worse and worse. To keep fit, they start going to the gym and jogging. After training, fatigue appears again and the body begins to ache. To improve the condition of the body, many people prefer coffee massage against cellulite. It helps relieve fatigue and eliminate pain.

If you want to experience adrenaline, you don’t have to jump with a parachute or dive into the depths of the ocean with sharks. You just need to come to the spa salon, where they can perform an effective and useful procedure called massage starvac price. It is during this action that a substance such as adrenaline is released. In addition, it releases the hormone of happiness, so it is no coincidence that a person experiences pleasure and complete calm.

Have you ever thought about how you breathe? In life, we use less than half the volume of our lungs; we inhale air superficially and rapidly. This wrong approach disrupts the functioning of the body and provokes the appearance of many ailments: from insomnia to atherosclerosis.

The more often we inhale air, the less oxygen the body absorbs. Without holding your breath, carbon dioxide cannot accumulate in the blood and tissue cells. And this important element supports metabolic processes, participates in the synthesis of amino acids, calms the nervous system, dilates blood vessels, stimulates the respiratory center and makes it work in optimal mode.

Why is improper breathing dangerous?

Rapid shallow breathing contributes to the development of hypertension, asthma, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and other diseases. In an effort to replenish the excess loss of carbon dioxide, the body turns on the defense system. The result is overstrain, which leads to increased mucus secretion, increased cholesterol levels, narrowing of blood vessels, spasms of the bronchi and smooth muscles of all organs.

How to normalize the breathing process?

The enrichment of blood with carbon dioxide is facilitated by sleeping on the stomach, fasting, water procedures, hardening, sports activities and special breathing practices. It is also important to avoid stress, overeating, taking medications, alcohol, smoking and overheating, that is, to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What are the benefits of breathing exercises?

  • Prevention of bronchial diseases (bronchial asthma, obstructive, chronic bronchitis).
  • Massage internal organs, improve intestinal motility and strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • Concentrating attention and increasing intellectual activity.
  • Reducing fatigue, combating stress, etc.
  • A surge of energy, vigor and excellent well-being.
  • Young, elastic skin and even losing extra pounds.

Five general rules for performing breathing exercises

  1. Start with the lightest, gradually increasing the load.
  2. Train outdoors (or in a well-ventilated area) and wear comfortable clothing.
  3. Don't get distracted while studying. Concentration is important to achieve maximum effect.
  4. Breathe slowly. Slow breathing promotes the greatest saturation of the body with oxygen.
  5. Have fun doing the exercises. If unpleasant symptoms appear, stop training. Consult a specialist regarding reducing the load or increasing the pause between sets. The only acceptable discomfort is slight dizziness.

Types of breathing exercises

Yoga practice

Many centuries ago, yogis discovered the relationship between breathing and the emotional, physical and mental development of a person. Thanks to special exercises, chakras and channels of perception open. Breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on internal organs, you gain balance and harmony. Yogis call their system pranayama. During exercises, you need to breathe only through your nose.

Pranayama is the ability to consciously control breathing and manage the energy of the body through inhalation and exhalation.

Kapalabhati - belly breathing

Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the area between your eyebrows. As you inhale, inflate your stomach: relax the abdominal wall, and the air itself will enter the lungs. As you exhale, pull your stomach towards your spine, the movement should be active. The chest and upper lungs are not involved in the process. Start with 36 breaths. When you get used to it, bring it up to 108.

Nadi shodhana - breathing through the left and right nostrils

Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale and exhale evenly through your left. Perform five cycles (inhalation and exhalation count as one cycle), then switch nostrils. Inhale and exhale through two nostrils - also five cycles. Practice for five days and move on to the next technique.

Inhale and exhale through your left nostril, then close it and inhale through your right. Change fingers, covering alternately the left and right nostril. Perform 10 breathing cycles.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

This gymnastics was developed as a way to restore the singing voice. However, practice has shown that A. N. Strelnikova’s method, based on gas exchange, is capable of naturally and effectively healing the entire body. The exercises involve not only the respiratory system, but also the diaphragm, head, neck, and abdominals.

The principle of breathing is to inhale quickly through the nose every second while doing the exercises. You need to inhale actively, intensely, noisily and through the nose (while the nostrils should close). The exhalation is imperceptible, it happens by itself. Strelnikova’s system includes many exercises, the basic ones being three.

Exercise "Palms"

Stand up, bend your elbows and point your palms away from you. Clench your hands into fists while taking sharp and noisy breaths. After completing a series of eight breaths, rest and repeat the exercise for a total of 20 cycles.

Exercise "Epaulettes"

Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, your hands at waist level, your palms clenched into fists. As you inhale, sharply lower your arms, unclenching your fists and spreading your fingers. Try to tense your hands and shoulders with maximum force. Do eight episodes eight times.

Exercise "Pump"

Leave your legs in the same position. Inhale loudly, slowly bend down and reach your hands towards the floor without touching it. Then smoothly return to the starting position, as if you were working with a pump. Do eight episodes eight times.

Buteyko method

According to K.P. Buteyko (Soviet scientist, physiologist, clinician, philosopher of medicine, candidate of medical sciences), the cause of the development of diseases is alveolar hyperventilation. With deep breaths, the amount of oxygen received does not increase, but the amount of carbon dioxide decreases.

An interesting fact confirms this theory: the volume of the lungs of a patient with bronchial asthma is 10–15 liters, and that of a healthy person is 5 liters.

The goal of this breathing exercise is to get rid of hyperventilation of the lungs, which, in turn, helps to cope with diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergies, asthmatic bronchitis, angina pectoris, diabetes, and so on. The Buteyko system includes artificial shallow breathing, holding, slowing down and difficulty breathing up to the use of corsets.

Initial stage of training

Measure the control pause - the interval from a calm exhalation to the desire to inhale (so that you do not want to breathe through your mouth). The norm is from 60 seconds. Measure your pulse rate, the norm is less than 60.

Sit on a chair, straighten your back and look slightly above your eye line. Relax your diaphragm, starting to breathe so shallowly that your chest feels short of air. You need to stay in this state for 10–15 minutes.

The point of exercises according to the Buteyko method is to gradually reduce the depth of breathing and reduce it to a minimum. Reduce the inhalation volume for 5 minutes, and then measure the control pause. Train only on an empty stomach, breathe through your nose and silently.


This is a technique for combating excess weight, sagging skin and wrinkles, developed by Greer Childers. Its undeniable advantage is the absence of age restrictions. The principle of bodyflex is a combination of aerobic breathing and stretching. As a result, the body is saturated with oxygen, which burns fat, and the muscles tense, becoming elastic. Start mastering gymnastics with five-stage breathing.

Five-step breathing

Imagine as if you are about to sit on a chair: bend forward, resting your hands on your legs, slightly bent at the knees, put your buttocks back. Place your palms about 2-3 centimeters above your knees.

  1. Exhalation. Purse your lips into a tube and slowly and evenly release all the air from your lungs without any trace left.
  2. Inhale. Without opening your mouth, inhale quickly and sharply through your nose, trying to fill your lungs with air to capacity. The inhalation should be noisy.
  3. Exhalation. Raise your head up 45 degrees. Move your lips as if you were smearing lipstick. Forcefully exhale all the air from your diaphragm through your mouth. You should get a sound similar to “groin.”
  4. Pause. Hold your breath, tilt your head forward and draw in your stomach for 8-10 seconds. Try to get a wave. Imagine that the stomach and other abdominal organs are literally placed under the ribs.
  5. Relax, inhale and release your abdominal muscles.

Muller system

Danish gymnast Jørgen Peter Müller calls for deep and rhythmic breathing without pauses: do not hold your breath, do not take short breaths and exhales. The goals of his exercises are healthy skin, respiratory endurance and good muscle tone.

The system consists of 60 breathing movements performed simultaneously with ten exercises (one exercise - 6 inhalations and exhalations). We recommend starting with easy difficulty. Perform the first five exercises slowly six times. Breathe through your chest and nose.

5 exercises to strengthen your core muscles

Exercise No. 1. Starting position: hands on the belt, feet next to each other, back straight. Alternately raise and lower your straight legs forward, to the sides and back (one leg as you inhale, the other as you exhale).

Exercise No. 2. Place your feet a short stride apart. As you inhale, bend back as far as possible (with your head), push your hips forward, bend your hands clenched in fists at the elbows and hands. As you exhale, bend down, straighten your arms and try to touch the floor with them. Do not bend your knees.

Exercise No. 3. Keep your heels closed and do not lift. As you inhale, tilt your torso to the left, while simultaneously moving your half-bent right arm behind your head. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the movements to the right side.

Exercise No. 4. Spread your feet as far apart as possible. Heels point outward and arms hang loosely at your sides. Turn your body: right shoulder back, left hip forward, and vice versa.

Exercise No. 5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, slowly raise your arms in front of you. Do a deep squat as you exhale. Straighten up and lower your arms.


No matter how great the benefits of breathing exercises are, they should be performed carefully. Consult your physician before starting any activity. Gradually increase your exercise to avoid the unpleasant symptoms of hyperventilation.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated for people after surgery and with certain diseases. Limitations are severe hypertension, a high degree of myopia, previous heart attack, glaucoma in the acute stage of the disease against the background of hyperthermia, ARVI, decompensated cardiovascular and endocrine pathologies.

Surprisingly, it is true: the natural process of inhalation and exhalation can greatly change your life. Correctly selected breathing technique can improve health and provide. The main thing is the desire to learn and a competent approach.
