Hearing analyzer, structure, functions. Basic principles of the structure of the auditory analyzer Composite parts of the auditory analyzer

Hearing analyzer, ear structure, receptor function.
1) Lunge analyzer Provides the perception of sound information and its processing in the central sections of the brain cortex. The peripheral part of the analyzer is formed: internally ear and hearing nerve. The central part is formed by subcortex centers of the middle and intermediate brain and the temporal area of \u200b\u200bthe bark.

In the hearing body, three species receptors are laid: a) receptors that perceive sound oscillations (oscillations of air waves) that we feel like sound; b) receptors that give us the opportunity to determine the position of our body in space; c) receptors that perceive changes in the direction and speed of movement.

2.) Normal blood test for a healthy person.

Blood consists of 55% of the plasma. Blood cells and blood plates 45% as part of plasma 90-92% water, 7-8% proteins, 0.12% glucose, 0.7-0.9% fat, 0.8% mineral salts.

3.) The structure and properties of neurons.
The main property of the neuron is the ability to be excited, that is, to form an electrical impulse, and transmit (conduct) is the excitation to other neurons, muscle or glandular cells. The main properties of neurons: irritability, excitability, conductivity, lability, inertness, fatigue, braking, regeneration, etc.

Ticket 12.

1. Visual analyzer, eye structure, optical eye system.
According to sensitive nerves, nerve impulses from receptors are transmitted in the corresponding zone zone of large hemispheres. The totality of the nerve element that perceive, conducting, and analyzing irritations, physiologist I.P. Pavlov called analyzers. Thus, analyzers consist of three departments:
1) Peripheral part perceiving irritation - the receptor of the body in which it is located.

2) conductive part-nerve, which carries out excitation from receptors to the brain

3) the central part of the cortex of large hemispheres, where the analysis of the received excitations is

Optical System Eyes - optical apparatus of the eye; Consists of 4 refractive media: cornea, chamber moisture, lens and vitreous body.

2. Hardening the body.
Hardening is an increase and development of the body's stability to adverse environmental conditions. It is achieved by various paths: walking in the fresh air, bathing in cold water, sunbathing. Our body is adapted (getting used).

3. Human brain, his departments. Functions of brain departments
The brain is located in the brain department of the skull. The average weight of 1300-1400 consists of white and gray matter.
Brain hotels: the brain consists of five departments
1. The oblong brain-continuation of the top of the spinal cord in the skull cavity
Reflexes of the oblong brain
-Customs (sneezing cough vomiting tearing)
-pish (sucking swallowing saliva and digestive juice)
-Serordic-vascular (regulation of heart and blood vessels)
- Silent (respiratory center Adjusting inhale and exhale)

4. 2. Rear brain-stands from Varoliev Bridge and cannay. Varoliev Bridge lies between the oblong and middle brain and connects them, so it is called the bridge. The neurons of neurons can be connected to all brain departments. Mozhok supports the tone of skeletal muscles. Damage can be disrupted by coordination of movements, body equilibrium, quick fatigue and legs, reduction of muscle tone.
3. The middle brain is located between the rear and intermediate. Incoming and outgoing conductive paths are passing through it (and these are gigabytes of fresh information) with the help of it are approximately estimated reflexes.

5. 4. Intermediate brain lies above and in front of the middle brain. Through the intermediate brain are transmitted to the bark of large hemispheres of pulses from all body receptors. An interior brain regulates the exchange of stuffed ammonic-vascular activity, the work of the inner sections glands, isolation, sleep. as well as thermoregulation.

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The auditory system is a sound analyzer. It distinguishes the sound and sound visible devices (Fig. 1). The sound-conducting apparatus includes an outdoor ear, secondary ear, labyrinth windows, membrane formations and liquid media of the inner ear; Sound-skinning - hair cells, auditory nerve, neural formation of the brain barrel and hearing centers (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Schematic structure of the ear (peripheral structure of the auditory analyzer): 1 - outdoor ear; 2 - middle ear; 3 - Interior Ear

Fig. 2. Scheme of the sound and sound visible apparatus: 1 - outdoor ear; 2 - middle ear; 3 - inner ear; 4 - conductive paths; 5 - Corner Center

The sound-conducting machine provides speaker signals to sensitive receptor cells, sound-visible - transforms sound energy into nervous excitement and conducts it in the central hearing analyzer departments.

Outdoor Ear (AMIS EXTERNA) includes an auricula (Auricula) and an external auditory passage (Meatus Acusticus Extemus).

The ear sink is an oval formation of an irregular form near the beginning of an external auditory passage. Its base is elastic cartilage covered with skin. In the lower part of the shell, which is called the Lobulus Auriculae, no cartilage. Instead, under the skin is a layer of fiber.

In the ear sink distinguish a number of elevations and pits (Fig. 3). Its free, rolicly bent edge is called the curl (Helix). The curl starts from the rear edge of the lobe, stretches all over the perimeter of the sink and ends on the entrance to the outer hearing pass. This part of the auricle received the name of the Curl leg (CMS Helicis). In the upper seat of the curl of the curl, the oval thickening is determined, which is called dying tubercular (tubercuhtm auriculae).

Fig. 3. The main anatomical formations of the ear shell: 1 - curl; 2 - a leg of a logvilite; 3 - Foot curl; 4 - front cut; 5 - Sukzelki tubercle; 6 - kids; 7 - external hearing pass; 8 - Intercosecase cut; 9 - Antique: 10 - Middle (earrings); 11 - Rear ear furrows; 12 - anti-raising; 13 - ear sink; 14 - Pondeye Pieca; 15 - ear bumps; 16 - Triangular Pie

There are still the second roller - anti-facilities (Anthelix). There is a triangular fossa between curl and anti-drawer (Fossa Triangularis). The anti-raising ends above the urine of the elevation, which received the name of the opposite (Antitragus). In front of the opposite is a dense cartilage education - a goat (TRAGUS). It partially protects the auditory passage from penetrate into it foreign bodies. A deep jamb, located between the kozelk, the anti-raid and anti-erasell, is the eared ear sink (Concha Auriculae). The muscles of the ears are rudimentary and do not have practical significance.

Own sink goes to an external hearing pass (ICUSTICUS EXTERRMS). The outer part of the passage (approximately 1/3 of its length) consists of cartilage, the inner part (2/3 of the length) is bone. Refluence-cartishing part of the external auditory passage is movable, leather Contains hair, salted and sulfur glands. Hair protect the ear to penetrate insects into it, foreign bodies; sulfur and # ir lubricated and clean the hearing pass from scales and foreign particles. The skin of the bone of the outdoor passage is thin, devoid of hair \\\\ glands, fits tightly to temporal bone.

At the junction of the cartilage part in the bone hearing pass, the Isthmus is somewhat narrowed. The bone part of the passage has an incorrect S-shaped form, which is why the front-view of the drumpoint sections are not visible sufficient. To expand the space and better consider the eardrum, it is necessary to delay the ear shell up the back. This structure of the outer auditory pass is of practical importance in the clinic. In particular, the presence of sebaceous glands and the system; US only in the cartilage part predetermines the occurrence of boils, folliculites; The narrowing of the passage on the border of its interfachable-cartilage and bone part is dangerous, since it creates a threat to the pushing of the foreign body into the depth of the auditory pass when it is imperative.

The outdoor ear and nearby fabric are supplied with blood from small vessels of the outer carotid artery - a. Auhcularis Posterior, a. Temporaalis Superfacialis, a. MaxillaRis Interna and others. The innervation of the outer ear is carried out by branches V, VII and X cranial nerves. Participation in this process, a wandering nerve, in particular his ear defense (Auricularis), explains the cause of the reflex cough in individual patients in mechanical irritation of the skin of the outer auditory passage (sulfur removal, toilet ear).

The middle ear (Auris Media) is a system of air cavities, including a drum cavity (Cavum Tympani), a cave (antrum), a carial cell of the cottage process (Cellulae $ Astoideas) and a hearing tube (TUBA Auditiva). The outer wall of the drum cavity is the eardrum, the inner - the lateral wall of the inner ear, the top is the roof of the drum cavity (Tegmen Tympani) separating the drum cavity from the middle skull, the bottom - bone formation separating the bulb of the jugular vein (Bulbus Venae Jugularis).

On the front wall there is a drum hole of the hearing pipe and a channel for the muscle straining eardrum (T. Tensor Tympani), on the back - the entrance to the cave (Aditus ad Antrum), which connects the drum cavity through the Abbravel Space (ATTIC) with a cave of a mastoid process (ATTIC) Antrum Mastoideum). The hearing tube connects the drum cavity with the nose of the throat. The bone canal is located behind and below the opening of the hearing tube, which passes the inner carotid artery, ensuring its branches of the inner ear. Anatomical structure

DI. Zabolotnaya, Yu.V. Mitin, S.B. Smesaping, Yu.V. Deev

Subject: "Hearing Analyzer"


1. The concept of analyzers and their role in the knowledge of the surrounding world

2. The structure and function of the organ of hearing

3. Sensitivity of the auditory analyzer

4. Human hearing hygiene

5. Remove the deviation from the norm in the work of your group's hearing analyzer

1. The concept of analyzers and their role in the knowledge of the surrounding world

The body and the outside world is a single integer. The perception of the environment of us occurs with the help of the senses or analyzers. An Aristotle was described five major feelings: vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Term "analyzer" (decomposition, dismemberment) was introduced by I.P. Pavlov in 1909 to designate the set of formations whose activity ensures decomposition and analysis in the nervous system of irritants affecting the body. "The analyzers are such devices that decompose the outside world on the elements and then transform irritation in the feeling" (I.P. Pavlov, 1911 - 1913).

Analyzer is not just an ear or eye. It is a combination of nerve structures that include a peripheral, perceiving machine (receptors) transforming irritation energy into a specific excitation process; conductive part represented by peripheral nerves and conductive centers, it transmits the resulting excitation into the bark of the brain; The central part is the nervous centers located in the cerebral cortex, analyzing the information received and forming the corresponding feeling, after which a certain tactic behavior is produced. With the help of analyzers, we objectively perceive the outside world as it is. This is a materialistic understanding of the issue. On the contrary, the idealistic concept of the theory of knowledge of the world is nominated by the German physiologist I. Myulller, which formulated the law of specific energy. The latter, according to I.Muller, is laid and formed in our senses and this energy, we perceive in the form of certain sensations. But this theory is not true, as it is based on the action of inadequate for this irritation analyzer. The intensity of the stimulus is characterized by the threshold of the sensation (perception). The absolute threshold of sensations is the minimum intensity of the intensity that creates a corresponding feeling. Differential threshold is the minimum difference in the intensities that is perceived by the subject. This means that the analyzers are able to give a quantitative assessment of the growth of the sensation towards its increase or decrease. So, a person can distinguish a bright light from the less bright, give an estimate of the sound at its height, tone and volume. The peripheral part of the analyzer is represented by either special receptors (nipples of the language, olfactory hairs cells), or a complex organ (eye, ear). The visual analyzer provides perception and analysis of light irritation, and the formation of visual images. The cortical department of the visual analyzer is located in the occipital shares of the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain. The visual analyzer is involved in the implementation of written speech. The auditory analyzer provides perception and analysis of sound irritation. The cortical department of the auditory analyzer is located in the temporal area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex of large hemispheres. With the help of the auditory analyzer, oral speech is performed.

The speech analyzer provides perception and analysis of information coming from speech bodies. The cortical department of the spectavatic analyzer is located in a post-central overhang of the crust of large hemispheres. With the help of reverse impulses coming from the cortex of the brain to the motor nerve endings in the muscles of respiratory and articulation organs, the activity of the speech apparatus is regulated.

2. The structure and function of the organ of hearing

The hearing body and equilibrium, the predver-ulital body in humans has a complex structure, perceives the oscillation of sound waves and determines the orientation of the position of the body in space.

The sentence-ulitskoy organ is divided into three parts: outdoor, medium and inner ear. These parts are closely connected anatomically and functionally. The outer and secondary ear conducts sound oscillations to the inner ear, and thus is a sound-conducting device. The inner ear, which distinguishes bone and membrane mazes, forms a hearing body and equilibrium.

Outdoor Ear Includes ear shell, an external hearing passage and a drumpoint, which are designed to capture and conduct sound oscillations. Own sink consists of elastic cartilage and has a complex configuration, covered with skin outside. Purchase is absent at the bottom, the so-called slices of the ear shell or the lobe. The free edge of the shell is wrapped, and is called a curl, and in parallel it is a rolling roller - an arrangement. The front edge of the ear shell also stands out a ledge - a guide, and the opposite is located behind him. The ear shell is attached to the temporal bonds with ligaments, has rudimentary muscles that are well expressed in animals. The ear sink is arranged so as to maximize the sound of sound oscillations and direct them into the outer auditory.

External hearing aisle It is an S-shaped tube that opens with a hearing aid and blindly ends in depth and separated from the cavity of the middle ear drumpot. The length of the auditory pass in an adult is about 36 mm, the diameter at the beginning reaches 9 mm, and in a narrow place 6 mm. The cartilage part, which is a continuation of the cartilage of the auricle, is 1/3 of its length, the remaining 2/3 are formed by the bone canal of the temporal bone. At the place of transition of one part to another, the outer hearing pass was narrowed and curved. It is lined with leather and rich in fat glands that distinguish ear sulfur.

Eardrum - Thin translucent oval plate with a size of 11x 9 mm, which is located on the boundary of the exterior and middle ear. It is permanent, with the lower wall of the auditory passage forms a sharp angle. The eardrum consists of two parts: a large bottom - stretched part and a smaller upper - non-tight part. Outside it is covered with leather, the base is formed by connecting tissue, inside the mucous membrane is wall. In the center of the eardrum there is a deepening - the navel, which corresponds to the attachment from the inside of the handle of the hammer.

Middle ear Includes mucous membrane and air-filled drum cavity (about 1 cm3) and auditory (Eustachiev) pipe. The cavity of the middle ear is connected to the cottage cave and through it - with the mastoid cells of the mastoid process.

Drum cavity Located in the thickness of the pyramid of temporal bone, between the eardrum of the lateral and bone maze medial. It has six walls: 1) the upper trench - separates it from the skull cavity and is located on the upper surface of the pyramid of the temporal bone; 2) the bottom jugular - the wall separates the drum cavity from the outer base of the skull, is located on the lower surface of the pyramid of the temporal bone and corresponds to the region of the yapper; 3) Medial labyrinth - separates the drum cavity from the bone maze of the inner ear. On this wall there is an oval hole - a runway window, closed by the base of the tears; The protrusion of the facial channel is slightly higher on this wall, and below the snail window, closed by a secondary eardrum, which separates the drum cavity from the drum staircase; 4) the rear apartment - separates the drum cavity from the mastoid process and has a hole that leads to a deputyid cave, the latter in turn is connected to the maternity cells; 5) Front Sleepy - borders with a sleepy canal. Here is the drum hole of the hearing pipe, through which the drum cavity is connected to the nasooplot; 6) lateral interfaches - formed by the eardrum and the surrounding parts of the temporal bone.

In the drum cavity there are three auditory bones covered with mucous membranes, as well as ligaments and muscles. Hearing bones have small sizes. Connecting each other, they form a chain that stretches from the eardrum to the oval hole. All bones are connected to each other with joints and covered with mucous membrane. The hammer of the handle is combed with a drumpoint, and the head with a joint is connected to an anvil, which, in turn, is movably connected to stirrup. The base of the stirrup closes the Thread Starts window.

In the drum cavity there are two muscles: one goes from the same channel to the handle of the hammer, and the other - a striving muscle - heads from the rear wall to the back leg of the stirrup. When reducing the stirred muscle, the pressure of the base on periilimf is changed.

Hearing trumpet It has an average length of 35 mm, a width of 2 mm serves to enter the air from the pharynx to the drum cavity and maintains pressure in the cavity, the same with external, which is very important for the normal operation of the sound hardware. The hearing tube has a cartilage and bone part, is lined with fiscal epithelium. The cartilaginous part of the hearing pipe begins the pharyngeal hole on the side wall of the nasopharynx, is sent down and laterally, then narrows and forms the experiencing. The bone part is smaller than cartilage, lies in the semi-channel pyramid of the temporal bone of the same name and opens into the drum cavity by a hole of the hearing pipe.

Interior Ear Located in the thickness of the pyramid of the temporal bone, separately from the drum cavity with its labyrinth wall. It consists of a bone and interputed labyrinth inserted into it.

The bone maze consists of a snail, the run-up and semicircular channels. The eve of the cavity of small sizes and incorrect shape. There are two holes on the lateral wall: the running window and the snail window. On the medial wall of the antihow there is a fighting comb, which divides the eve of the eve of two recesses - the front spherical and rear elliptic. Through the hole on the back wall, the inversion cavity is connected to the bone semicircular channels, and through the hole on the front wall, the spherical deepening of the thread is connected to the bone spiral snail channel.

Snail - Front of the bone maze, it is a convoluted spiral snail channel, which forms 2.5 turns around the snail axis. The base of the snail is essential to medially towards the internal auditory pass; The top of the dome of the snail - towards the drum cavity. Snail axis lies horizontally and called the bone rod snail. A bone spiral plate is wrapped around the rod, which partially blows up a spiral snail channel. At the base of this record there is a spiral channel of the rod, where the spiral nervous knot is lying.

Bone semicircular channels They are three arcuately curved thin tubes, which lie in three mutually perpendicular planes. On the transverse section, the width of each bone semicircular channel is about 2 mm. The front (sagittal, upper) semicircular channel lies above other channels, and its upper point on the front wall of the pyramid forms an arcuate elevation. The rear (frontal) semicircular channel is located parallel to the back surface of the pyramid of the temporal bone. Lateral (horizontal) semicircular channel slightly acting in the drum cavity. Each semicircular channel has two ends - bone legs. One of them is a simple bone leg, the other is an ampular bone leg. The semicircular channels are opened with five holes in the eve of the runout, and the adjacent legs of the front and rear valves form a common bone leg, which opens with one hole.

Meat Labyrinth In their form and structure, coincides with the form of the bone maze and differs only in size, as it is located inside the bone.

The gap between the bone and connecting labyrinates is filled with perilimph, and the cavity of the interfluent labyrinth is endolymph.

The walls of the connecting labyrinth are formed by the muffin layer, the main membrane and the epithelial layer.

The overfit residue consists of two recesses: elliptical, which is called treasure, and spherical - bag. The bag passes into the endolymphhatic duct, which ends with an endolymphatic bag.

Both deepening together with the connecting semicircular ducts, with which the Matchboxes are connected, form a vestibular device and are an equilibrium organ. They contain peripheral nerve vehicles in anticipation.

Theused semicircular ducts have a common webbed leg and are connected to bone semicircular channels in which they are locked by connecting and mushrooms. The pouch is reported to the cavity of the snippene channel.

The webbed snail, which is also called a snellest duct, includes the peripheral devices of the snipiching nerve. On the base plate of snellest duct, which is a continuation of the bone spiral plate, is the protrusion of neuroepithelia, which is the name of the spiral or cortiene organ.

It consists of reference and epithelial cells located on the main membrane. Nervous fibers are suitable for them - the processes of nerve cells of the main ganglia. It is Cortiev that the body is responsible for the perception of sound irritation, since the nerve processes are the receptors of the Ulitskaya part of the sentence-snitular nerve. Over the spiral body is a coating membrane.

3. Sensitivity of the auditory analyzer

The human ear can perceive the range of sound frequencies in fairly wide limits: from 16 to 20,000 Hz. The sounds of the frequencies below 16 Hz are called infrasounds, and above 20,000 Hz - ultrasound. Each frequency is perceived by certain areas of auditory receptors that react to a certain sound. The greatest sensitivity of the auditory analyzer is observed in the medium-sized region (from 1000 to 4000 Hz). Speech uses sounds within 150 - 2500 Hz. Hearing bones form a lever system, with the help of which the transmission of sound oscillations from the hearing aid air can be improved to the perilimph of the inner ear. The difference in the magnitude of the base of the fusing (small) and the area of \u200b\u200bthe eardrum (large), as well as in a special way of the articulation of seats acting like levers; The pressure on the oval window membrane increases 20 times or more than on the eardrum, which helps to enhance the sound. In addition, the system of auditory bones can change the strength of high sound pressures. As soon as the sound wave pressure approaches 110 - 120 dB, the nature of the seed movement is significantly changing, the pressure of the stirrup on the round window of the inner ear is reduced, protects the hearing receptor from long sound overloads. This change in pressure is achieved by reducing the muscles of the middle ear (the muscles of the hammer and austrix) and the amplitude of the oscillations of the stirrups decreases. The auditory analyzer is capable of adapting. The prolonged effect of sounds leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the auditory analyzer (adaptation to the sound), and the absence of sounds - to its increase (adaptation to silence). Using the auditory analyzer, you can relatively define the distance to the sound source. The most accurate estimate of the speed of the sound source occurs at a distance of about 3 m. The direction of sound is determined by the binaural hearing, the ear, which is closer to the sound source, perceives it earlier and, therefore, more intensely sound. This determines the delay time to another ear. It is known that the thresholds of the auditory analyzer are not strictly constant and fluctuate in large limits in humans depending on the functional state of the body and the action of environmental factors.

There are two types of sounding oscillations - air and bone sound conductivity. With air conductivity of the sound, the sound waves are captured by the ear shell and are transmitted according to the outer auditory passage to the eardrum, and then through the system of hearing bones of perilimph and endolymph. A man with air conduction is able to perceive sounds from 16 to 20,000 Hz. The bone conductivity of the sound is carried out through the bones of the skulls, which also have sound-conducting. Air conduction sound is better expressed than bone.

4. Human hearing hygiene

One of the skills of personal hygiene is to follow the tidwing of his face, in particular the ears - should also be given to the child if possible. Wash ears, follow their cleanliness, delete selection, if any.

In a child with a thread from the ear, even seemingly the most insignificant, the inflammation of the outer auditory pass is often developing. About eczema, the reasons for which are often purulent average otitis, as well as mechanical, thermal and chemical damage caused during the purification of the auditory passage. The most important thing at the same time is the observance of the Hygiene of the ear: you need to clean it from pus, to dry in case of injection of droplets with an average purulent otitis, lubricate the auditory passage by vaseline oil, cracks - tincture of iodine. Usually doctors prescribe dry heat, blue light. The prevention of the disease is mainly in the hygienic content of the ear with a purulent average otitis.

It is necessary to clean your ears once a week. Pre-drip in each ear for 5 minutes a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Sulfur masses softened and turn into a foam, they are easy to remove them. With the "dry" cleaning, a risk is a risk to push a part of the sulfur masses into the depths of the outer auditory passage, to the eardrum (sulfur tube is formed).

I need to pierce the uhulie the ear only in cosmetic cabinets so as not to cause infection of the auricle and its inflammation.

Systematic stay in a noisy atmosphere or short-term, but very intensive impact of sound can lead to hearing loss. Further ears from too loud sounds. Scientists found out that the long-term impact of loud noise harms hearing. Strong, sharp sounds lead to the rupture of the eardrum, and constant loud noises cause the loss of elasticity of the eardrum.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize that the hygienic education of the baby in kindergarten and at home, of course, is closely related to other types of education - mental, labor, aesthetic, moral, i.e. with the education of the person.

It is important to observe the principles of systematic, graduality and sequence of formation of cultural and hygienic skills, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the baby.

5. Remove the deviation from the norm in the work of your group's hearing analyzer

The technique of pedagogical examination of the hearing of children of preschool age depends on whether the child owns a speech or not.

For hearing examination of speaking children, the test material is selected. It should consist of a well-known child words that meet certain acoustic parameters. So, for Russian-speaking children, it is advisable to use words selected by L.V.Nemoman (1954) to examine the hearing of children with a whisper and include an equal number of high-frequency and low-frequency words. All words (only 30) are well acquainted with children of preschool age.

For children of preschool age from these 30 words, we have been selected for 10 words of low-frequency (Vova, home, sea, window, smoke, wolf, ear, soap, fish, city) and 10 high-frequency (bunny, clock, Sasha, tea, bump, soup, cup, bird, seagull, match), well acquaintances to all children over 3 years old.

It has already been mentioned that two lists are compiled from these words, each - 5 low-frequency and 5 high-frequency words:

bunny, house, Vova, bump, fish, watches, bird, ear, tea, wolf;

soap, smoke, cup, window, soup, Sasha, city, seagull, sea, match.

When examining the hearing of children, the words of each list are presented in a random sequence.

Survey of hearing speaking preschoolers

Situation A.

To prepare a child to the examination, a support list of words, consisting of 10 familiar toys known to children, for example: doll, ball, ball, stroller, bear, dog, car, cat, pyramid, cubes. These words should not be included in the main list of words. The corresponding pictures are selected to the words of the main and auxiliary lists.

The verifier tries to arrange a child, soothes him if he worries. The survey begins only after contact with the child is installed. Adult moves away from him for 6 m and says: "Listen, what I have (at the doll, a teddy bear) pictures. I will speak quietly, whisper, and you repeat loud. " Having closed the face with a sheet of paper writing, he pronounces in a whisper one of the words of the auxiliary list, for example, the "ball" and asks the child sitting or standing to him, repeat the word. If it copes with the task (i.e. repeats the named word loudly or quietly), an adult (or toy) shows him the appropriate picture, thereby confirming the correct child's answer, praises him and suggests listening to the second word of the auxiliary list. If the child repeats him, then it means that he understood the task and is ready for the survey.

Examination procedure

Rita stands sideways to the educator. In the opposite ear insert a cotton swab, the surface of which is slightly moistened with any oil, for example, vaseline. Rita in a random sequence is presented the words of one of the two respective lists. Words are pronounced in a whisper from a distance of 6 m. If it does not repeat the word after two-time presentation, it should be closer to it 3 m and repeated the word again with a whisper. If in this case, Rita did not hear the word, it is pronounced in a whisper near the child. If in this case, the word is not perceived, then it is repeated by the voice of colloquial volume near it, and then in a whisper from the distance of 6 m. Similarly, the educator proposes Rita subsequent words of the list that pronounces in a whisper at a distance of 6 m from the child. If necessary (if the word is not perceived), the educator approaches rita. At the end of the survey, again from a distance of 6 m repeated in a whisper of the names of the pictures, in the perception of which the child was difficult. Each time, with the correct repetition of the control word, the educator confirms its response to the corresponding picture.

Situation B.

The teacher places the word with a whisper from 6 m. If Dima does not give the correct answer, the same word is repeated by voice of colloquial volume. With the correct answer, the next word is again pronounced in a whisper. The word that caused the difficulty is presented again after listening to the child two or three words of the list or at the end of the check. This option allows you to reduce the time of the survey.

Then Dima is offered to get up to another side of the tutor, and the same ear will examine the second ear using the second list of words.

Thus, together with the educator, the children were examined by the whole group to work the auditory analyzer. Of the 26 children, reveal the deviation from the norm managed from one child. The remaining 25 children completed all tasks from the first time well.

Note for parents.

Dear Parents Keep your child's rumor!

Every day, millions of people are subject to noise influence that experts are defined as "irritating hearing and harmful to health." And indeed, regardless of whether you live in a big city or a small village, you can get into 87% of people who risk losing a part of hearing over time.

Children are especially vulnerable to the deterioration of hearing associated with harmful noise effects, and, as a rule, it happens painlessly and gradually. Excessive noise damages microscopic sensory receptors in the inner ear of the child. In the inner ear, there are from 15 to 20 thousand such receptors, and damaged receptors can no longer transmit sound information into the brain. The situation worsens the fact that hearing damage under excessive noise effects is practically irreversible.

The importance of early diagnosis

Experts believe that the first few years of the child's life are the most important for its development. Not enough good rumor can significantly slow down the mental development of the child. And if the insufficient rumor is diagnosed late, the critical time can be missed for stimulating the hearing aisters leading to the auditory centers of the brain. A child may have a delay in speech development, which will lead to a slowdown in communication and training skills.

Unfortunately, most problems with hearing are quite late. From the beginning of the worsening of the hearing and before that time you can notice the obvious signs of a hearing impairment from your child, it can pass quite considerable time. There are several signs, depending on the age of the child, for which you can understand whether he has everything in order with hearing:

Newborn: Must shudder with hands with hands 1-2 meters from it and calm down at the sound of your voice.

From 6 to 12 months: Must turn the head, hearing familiar sounds, and serve a voice in response to a human speech facing him.

1.5 years: Must talk simple single words and show on parts of the body when he is asked.

2 years: Must perform simple teams filed with voice without gestures, and repeat simple words for adults.

3 years: Must turn the head directly to the sound source.

4 years: There should be two simple commands alternately (for example, "Passing hands and eat soup").

5 years: Must be able to maintain a simple conversation and have more or less a self-parting speech.

Schoolboy: The deterioration of hearing in schoolchildren is often manifested in the form of inattention during lessons, insufficient concentration, poor study, frequent colds and ear pain.

If you notice that your child lags behind in rumors and / or speech development, or has problems with hearing, consult a doctor immediately.

Children living in cities are especially susceptible to the destructive effect of noise. The most often affected by the rumor of children whose homes or schools are close to the loaded tracks or railways. But no less important and home furnishings. Try that your child will not be so familiar to us to sources of loud noise, like a TV, home theater or stereo on high volume. With urgent need, for example, working with a drill, it is better to wear a child without sound.

At home, the most simple techniques will help to protect the child's hearing from external noise effects:

Floor carpets from the wall to the wall.

Panels on the ceiling and walls.

Well fitted and tightly adjacent windows and doors.

Potentially harmful noise

According to medical data, a long-term noise impact of more than 85 decibels can lead to a hearing deterioration. Below are some levels of different sounds that a child can hear in the surrounding setting:

Route with a big movement: 85 Decibel

Noise from a restaurant or cafe: 85 Decibel

Music player on average volume: 110 Decibel

Snowmobile: 110 Decibel

Emergency Siren: 120 Decibel

Rock Concert: 120 Decibel

Loud musical toys: 125 Decibel

Fireworks and Petardes: 135 Decibel

Drill: 140 Decibel

organ hearing analyzer sound


1. Agadzhanyan N.A., Vlasova I.G., Ermakova N.V., Torshin V.I. Fundamentals of human physiology: textbook. Ed. 2nd, copy. - M.: Publishing House Rudn, 2005. - 408 p.: Il.

2. Anatomy and physiology of children and adolescents: studies. Manual for studies Ped. universities / Mr.Sapin, Z.G. Buryxina. - 4th ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 432 p.

3. Batuev A.S. Physiology of higher nervous activity and sensory systems: Textbook for universities. - 3rd ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2006. - 317 S.: ISBN 5-94723-367-3

4. Galperin S.I. Physiology of man and animals. Studies. manual for un-tov and ped. In-Tov. M., "Higher School ", 1977. - 653 p. With IL. and table.

5. N.A. Fomin Physiology of a person: studies. Manual for students faces. Phys. Ped culture. In-Tov, - 2-H Ed., Pererab. - M.: Education, 1991. - 352 p. - ISBN 5-09-004107-5

6. I.N. Fedyukovich Anatomy and Physiology: Tutorial. - Rostov - N / D.: Publishing House "Phoenix", 2000. - 416 p.

7. N.I. Fedyukovich Anatomy and physiology: studies. benefit. - MN: Polyfact - Alpha LLC, 1998. - 400 p.: Il.

8. Neklenko T.G. Age physiology and psychophysiology / T.G. Nikylenko. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2007. - 410, p. - (Higher education).

9. Sapin M.R., Sivhogoldov V.I. Anatomy and human physiology (with the age characteristics of the children's body): studies. Manual for studies environments Ped. studies. establishments. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 448 p., Il. ISBN 5-7695-0259-2

The auditory analyzer includes three main parts: an organ of hearing, auditory nerves, subcortical and cortical centers of the brain. As the auditory analyzer works, not many know, but today we will try to understand everything together.

A person recognizes the world around him and adapts in society thanks to the senses. Some of the most important are hearing organs that catch sound fluctuations and provide a person with information about what is happening around it. A combination of systems and organs, which ensure a sense of hearing, is called an auditory analyzer. Let's look at the device of hearing organ and equilibrium.

The structure of the auditory analyzer

The functions of the auditory analyzer, as the above mentioned, to perceive the sound and give information to a person, but with all, at first glance, simplicity, it is a rather complicated procedure. For it is better to figure out how the hearing analyzer divisions work in the human body, it is necessary to thoroughly understand What is the inner anatomy of the auditory analyzer is.

The auditory analyzer includes:

  • receptor (peripheral) apparatus is, and;
  • conductive (medium) apparatus - hearing nerve;
  • central (cortic) apparatus - hearing centers in the temporal shares of large hemispheres.

Hearing organs in children and adults are identical, they include the receptors of the hearing aid of three types:

  • receptors that perceive air waves oscillations;
  • receptors that give a person the concept of body location;
  • receptor centers that allow you to perceive the speed of movement and its directions.

The hearing body of each person consists of 3 parts, considering the details of each of them, you can understand how a person perceives sounds. So, this is a totality and auditory passage. The sink is a cavity of elastic cartilage, which is covered with a thin layer of skin. The outside ear presents a certain amplifier to convert audio oscillations. Own sinks are located on both sides of the human head and the roles are not playing, as they simply collect sound waves. Still, and even if their external part is missing, the structure of a human auditory analyzer will not receive much harm.

Considering the structure and functions of the outdoor auditory passage, it can be said that it is a small channel with a length of 2.5 cm, which is lined with skin with small hairs. There are apocryne glands in the channel that can produce ear sulfur, which together with hairs allows to protect the following ear departments from dusting, pollution and foreign particles. The outer part of the ear helps only collect sounds and conduct them to the central hearing analyzer department.

Drumpatch and middle ear

It has the form of a small oval with a diameter of 10 mm, a sound wave is passed through it in the inner ear, where it creates some fluctuations in the liquid, which fills this department of a human auditory analyzer. For the transfer of air oscillations in the Human ear there is a system, it is their movements that activate fluid oscillation.

Between the outside of the organ of hearing and the inner department is located. This ear department has a form of a small cavity, a capacity of no more than 75 ml. This cavity binds to the throat, the cells of the mastoid process and the auditory pipe, which is a kind of fuse that levels the pressure inside the ear and outside. I would like to note that the drumpoint is always subjected to the same atmospheric pressure both outside and inside, it allows you to normally function the hearing body. If there is a difference between pressures inside and outside, there will be violations of hearing acuity.

The structure of the inner ear

The most difficult part of the auditory analyzer is, it is still called a "labyrinth". The main receptor apparatus that catches the sounds, is the hairs of the inner ear or, as they say, the "snails".

The conduction department of the auditory analyzer consists of 17,000 nerve fibers, which resemble the structure of a telephone cable with separately insulated wires, each of which transmits certain information into neurons. It is the hayl cells that react to fluid oscillations inside the ear and transmit nerve impulses in the form of acoustic information into the peripheral department of the brain. And the peripheral part of the brain is responsible for the senses.

Provide fast transmission of nerve impulses conductive paths of the auditory analyzer. Speaking easier, carrying out the paths of the auditory analyzer summarize the organ of hearing with the central nervous system of man. The excitation of the auditory nerve activates the motorways, which is responsible for example, for jerking the eye due to a strong sound. The cortical department of the auditory analyzer binds the peripheral receptors of both parties to each other, and when the sound waves is captured, this department compares sounds at once from two ears.

Sound transmission mechanism at different ages

Anatomical characteristic of the auditory analyzer with age does not change at all, but I would like to note that there are some age features.

Hearing organs begin to form an embryo at the 12th week of development. The ear starts its functionality immediately after birth, but at the initial stages, the human's hearing activity is more reminiscent of reflexes. Different sounds and intensity sounds cause different reflexes in children, it can be closing an eye, shuddering, opening of the mouth or a rapid breathing. If the newborn reacts so much to distinct sounds, then it is clear that the auditory analyzer is normal. In the absence of these reflexes, additional research is required. Sometimes the child's reaction inhibits the fact that initially the average ear of the newborn is filled with some liquid, which interferes with the movement of auditory seeds, over time, the specialized fluid dries completely and instead of it the average ear fills the air.

Diocese sounds The baby begins to differentiate from 3 months, and on 6 months of life begins to distinguish colors. For 9 months of life, a child can recognize the voices of parents, the sound of the car, bird singing and other sounds. Children begin to define familiar and someone else's voice, recognize him and begin to look, rejoice or look at the source of native sound at all, if it is not near. The development of the auditory analyzer continues up to 6 years, after which the threshold of the child's hearingness decreases, but the acuity of hearing increases. So continues up to 15 years, then operates in the opposite direction.

In the period from 6 to 15 years old, it can be noted that the level of hearing development is different, some children better catch sounds and are able to repeat them without difficulties, they manage to sing well and copy sounds. Another children manage it worse, but at the same time they hear perfectly, they sometimes say "the bear in the ear" sometimes they say. " Communication of children with adults is of great importance, it is it forms a speech and musical perception of the child.

As for the anatomical features, the newborn, the auditory pipe is much shorter than adults and wider, because of this, the infection from the respiratory tract so often affects their hearing organs.

Sound perception

For the auditory analyzer, the sound is an adequate stimulus. The main characteristics of each audio tone are the frequency and amplitude of the sound wave.

The more frequency, the sound is higher by the tone. The strength of the sound expressed by its volume is proportional to the amplitude and is measured in decibels (dB). The human ear can perceive the sound in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (children up to 32,000 Hz). The greatest excitability of the ear has a frequency of 1000 to 4000 Hz. Below 1000 and above 4000 Hz, the ear excitability decreases.

The sound by force of up to 30 dB is heard very weak, from 30 to 50 dB corresponds to a human whistery, from 50 to 65 dB - ordinary speech, from 65 to 100 dB - strong noise, 120 dB - "pain threshold", and 140 dB causes damage Average (rupture of the eardrum) and internal (destruction of the Cortiene organ) ear.

The threshold of speech hearing in children is 6-9 years old - 17-24 dBA, in adults - 7-10 dBA. With the loss of the ability to perceive sounds from 30 to 70 dB, it is difficult to have difficulty conversation, below 30 dB - there is almost a complete deafness.

With long-term action on the ear of strong sounds (2-3 minutes), the hearing acuity decreases, and in silence - is restored; For this, it is enough to 10-15 seconds (hearing adaptation).

Changes in the hearing aid throughout life

The age characteristics of the auditory analyzer change a little throughout the human life.

The newborn perception of the height and volume of sound is reduced, but by 6-7 months, the sound perception reaches the norm of an adult, although the functional development of the auditory analyzer associated with the production of subtle differentiations to the hearing irritants continues until 6-7 years. The greatest acuteness of hearing is characteristic of adolescents and young men (14-19 years old), then gradually decreases.

In the elderly, the auditory perception changes its frequency. So, in childhood, the sensitivity threshold is much higher, it is 3200 Hz. From 14 to 40 years we are at a frequency of 3000 Hz, and in 40-49 years in 2000 Hz. After 50 years, only 1000 Hz, it is from this age that the upper limit of hearing, which explains the deafness at the old age.

In the elderly, there is often a lubricated perception or intermittent speech, that is, they hear with some interference. Part of speech they can hear well, but a few words to skip. In order for a person to hear normally, he needs both ears, one of which perceives the sound, and the other supports equilibrium. With age, a person will change the structure of the eardrum, it can under the influence of certain factors compact, which will disrupt the balance. As for gender sensitivity to sounds, men lose their rumor much faster than women.

I would like to note that with special training, even in the elderly, you can enhance the threshold of hearingness. Similarly, the impact of loud noise in constant mode, which may adversely affect the auditory system even at a young age. In order to avoid negative consequences from the constant impact of loud sound on the human body, it is required to follow. This is a set of measures that are aimed at creating normal conditions for the functioning of the auditory body. In young people, the critical noise limit is 60 dB, and in school children in children, the critical threshold of 60 dB. It is enough to stay in a room with such a noise level for an hour and negative consequences will not make you wait.

Another age change in the auditory apparatus is the fact that over time ear sulfur hardens, it prevents the normal fluctuation of air waves. If a person has a tendency to cardiovascular diseases. It is likely that blood in damaged vessels will circulate faster, and a person will distinguish foreign noises in the ears.

Modern medicine has long understood how the auditory analyzer is arranged and works very successfully on auditory apparatus, which make it possible to return to people after 60 years and make it possible to children with defects in the development of an auditory body to live a full life.

Physiology and scheme of the auditory analyzer is very complex, and it is very difficult to understand its people without appropriate skills, but in any case every person should be theoretically acquainted.

Now you know how the receptors and the hearing analyzer departments work.


  • A. A. Drozdov "ENT Diseases: Lecture Suit", ISBN: 978-5-699-23334-2;
  • Palchun V.T. "A brief course of otorhinolaryngology: guide for doctors." ISBN: 978-5-9704-3814-5;
  • Shvetsov A.G. Anatomy, physiology and pathology of hearing organs, vision and speech: Tutorial. Veliky Novgorod, 2006

Prepared by Reznikova A.I., doctor of the first category

Front of the confused labyrinth - snailing Doc, Ductus CochlearisEnclosed in bone snail is the most significant part of the hearing body. Ductus Cochlearis begins with a blind end in the Recessus Cochlearis Spelsee of a few post from Ductus Reuniens connecting snail duct with Sacculus. Then Ductus Cochlearis passes through the spiral bone snail channel and ends blindly in its top.

On the cross section, the sniest duct has a triangular outline. One of its three walls is growing with the outer wall of the bone snail channel, the other, Membrana Spiralis is a continuation of the bone spiral plate, stretching between the free edge of the latter and the outer wall. The third, very thin wall of the street move, Paries Vestibularis Ductus Cochlearis, stretched out of the spiral plate to the outer wall.

Membrana Spiralis on the Basilar Planner laid in it, Lamina Basilaris, carries the device that perceives sounds - spiral organ. With Ductus Cochlearis Scala Vestibuli and Scala Tympani are separated from each other, with the exception of the place in the snail dome, where there is a message between them called the snail hole, Helicotrema. Scala Vestibuli is communicated with the perilimpatic space of the run-up, and Scala Tympani ends blindly by the snail window.

Spiral Organ, Organon SpiraleIt is located along the entire snelled duct on the basilar plate, occupying part of it, close to Lamina Spiralis Ossea. Basilar plate, Lamina Basilaris, consists of a large amount (24000) fibrous fibers of various lengths stretched like strings (hearing strings). According to the famous theory of Helmholts (1875), they are resonators that cause their fluctuations to the perception of tones of different heights, but, according to electron microscopy, these fibers form an elastic network, which in general resonates strictly graded fluctuations.

The spiral organ itself is composed of several rows of epithelial cells, among which it is possible to distinguish sensitive hearing cells with hairs. It serves as a "reverse" microphone transforming mechanical oscillations into electrical.

The artery of the inner ear comes from a. Labyrinthi, branches a. Basilaris. Going along with n. Vestibulocochlearis in the inner hearing pass, a. Labyrinthi branches in an aurora labyrinth. Vienna put blood from the labyrinth mainly in two ways: v. Aqueductus Vestibuli, lying in the channel of the same name, along with the Ductus Endolymphaticus, collects blood from UTRICULUS and semicircular channels and poured into Sinus Petrosus Superior, V. Canaliculi Cochleae, passing along with Ductus Perilymphaticus in a snail water pipe channel, carries blood mainly from the snail, as well as from the run-free from Sacculus and Utriculus and flows into V. Jugularis Interna.

Ways of sound. From a functional point of view, the hearing body (peripheral part of the auditory analyzer) is divided into two parts:

  1. the sound-conducting apparatus is an outdoor and middle ear, as well as some elements (perilimph and endolymph) of the inner ear;
  2. sound-skinning the device is an inner ear.

Aerial waves collected by ear sink are sent to the outer hearing aisle, hit the drum membrane and cause it vibration.

The vibration of the eardrum, the degree of tension of which is regulated by the reduction of m. TENSOR TYMPANI (innervation from N. Trigeminus) leads to a movement with her handle hammer. The hammer is moving, respectively, the anvil, and an anvil - the stirrer, which is inserted into the Fenestra Vestibuli leading to the inner ear. The descendency of the tears in the Thread window is regulated by the reduction of M. Stapedius (innervation from N. Stapedius from n. Facialis).

Thus, the bone chain, connected by moving, transmits the oscillatory movements of the eardrum directively to the Thread Thread window. The movement of the tears in the Thread Starts window causes the movement of the labyrinth liquid, which protrudes the dust snail window membrane. These movements are necessary for the functioning of highly sensitive elements of the spiral organ.

The first perilimph of the Three Experience is moved; Her oscillations on Scala Vestibuli are torn to the top of the snail, passing through Helicotrema to Pereilimfea in Scala Tympani, descend to Membrana Tympani Secundaria, which closes the snail window, which is a weak place in the bone wall of the inner ear, and, as it were, return to the drum cavity. With perilimphs, the sound vibration is transmitted to endolymph, and through it a spiral body.

Thus, air fluctuations in the outer and middle ear due to the system of auditory bones of the drum cavity are transferred to fluctuations in the fluid of the reconciliated labyrinth, causing irritations of special hearing hairs cells of the spiral organ constituting the receptor of the auditory analyzer. In the receptor, as it were, a "reverse" microphone, mechanical fluid oscillations (endolymphs) are converted into electrical, characterizing the nervous process, propagating through the conductor to the cerebral bark.

The conductor of the auditory analyzer constitutes hearing conducting paths consisting of a number of links. The cell body of the first neuron lies in Ganglion Spirale. The peripheral proceeding of bipolar cells in the spiral body begins receptors, and the central goes as part of Pars Cochlearis N. Vestibulocochlearis to its nuclei, Nucleus Cochlearis Dorsalis et Ventralis laid in the diamond pamph.

Different parts of the auditory nerve spend various sound oscillation frequency. In these nuclei, the bodies of the second neurons are placed, whose axons form the central hearing path; The latter in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear core of the trapezoid body is crossed with a co-name path, forming a lateral loop, Lemniscus Lateralis. The fibers of the central hearing journey running from the ventral nucleus form a trapezoidal body and, passing the bridge, part of the lemniscus lateralis opposite side. The fibers of the central path, which are from the dorsal nucleus, go along the bottom of the IV ventricle in the form of Striae Medullares Ventriculi Quarti, penetrate the formatio reticularis of the bridge and together with the fibers of the trapezoid body come into the lateral loop of the opposite side. Lemniscus Lateralis ends with part in the lower hills of the roof of the mid-brain, part in the Corpus Geniculatum Mediale, where third neurons are placed. The lower hills of the roof of the midbrain serve as a reflex center for auditory pulses. They go to the spinal cord of Tractus TectOncinalis, through which motor reactions to auditory irritations are performed entering the middle brain. Reflex responses to auditory impulses can be obtained from other intermediate auditory nuclei - the nuclei of the trapezoidal body and the lateral loop associated with short paths with the motor nuclei of the midbrain, the bridge and the oblong brain. Ongoing in the formations related to rumor (lower hilly and Corpus Geniculatum Mediale), auditory fibers and their collaterals join, in addition, to the medial longitudinal beam, with which they come in touch with the kernels of the glasses and with engine cores of other cranial nerves and spinal cord. These links explain the reflex responses to auditory irritation. The lower hills of the roof of the mid brain do not have centripetal ties with the bark. Corpus Geniculatum Mediale is the cellular bodies of the last neurons whose axons in the inner capsule achieve the bark of the temporal lobe of the big brain.

The cortical end of the auditory analyzer is in Gyrus Temporaalis Superior (field 41). Here, the air waves of the outer ear, causing the movement of the hearing seeds in the middle ear and fluid oscillations in the inner ear and turn further in the receptor into the nerve impulses, transmitted along the conductor into the brain bark, are perceived in the form of sound sensations. Consequently, due to the hearing analyzer of air fluctuations, i.e., an objective phenomenon of an existing independently of our consciousness of the real world around us is reflected in our consciousness in the form of subjectively perceived images, i.e. sound sensations. This is a vivid example of the justice of the Leninsky reflection theory, according to which an objectively real world is reflected in our consciousness in the form of subjective images. This materialistic theory exposes the subjective idealism, which, on the contrary, the first place puts our sensations.

Due to the auditory analyzer, various sound stimuli perceived in our brain in the form of sound sensations and complexes of sensations - perceptions becomes signals (first signals) of vital events. This constitutes the first signaling system of reality (I. P. Pavlov), i.e., specifically visual thinking, characteristic and animal. A person has a ability to abstract, abstract thinking using a word that signals the sound sensations that are the first signals, and therefore is a signal signal (second signal). Hence, oral speech is the second signaling system of reality, characteristic of only a person.

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