The occurrence of shortness of breath in heart failure. Shortness of breath in heart failure: causes and treatment First aid for severe shortness of breath

Heart failure is always accompanied by painful shortness of breath. This is due to increased stress on the heart. Lack of air appears in ischemic conditions, as well as arterial hypertension. Shortness of breath is present with excess weight, restless sleep, and abnormal blood pressure. Left ventricular failure is always accompanied by a pre-infarction state, shortness of breath, and suffocation. Acute coronary syndrome, thrombosis, angina pectoris, and atherosclerosis can provoke shortness of breath.

Dyspnea is a disorder of a person's respiratory function. It often appears during physical exertion, stress, while at high altitude or in a confined space. Cardiac shortness of breath is accompanied by a bluish tint to the face, rapid breathing when lying down, an increase in the volume of urine excreted, and a cough.

The main cause of shortness of breath is heart problems. Impaired breathing is caused by valve defects, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, and ischemic disease. Cardiac asthma and various complications in the functioning of the main human organ develop shortness of breath. It is necessary to constantly maintain heart function at the proper level.

Medication assistance

To normalize breathing, various correction methods are used. Medication correction helps - medications stabilize blood flow, eliminate congestion, improve gas exchange and reduce the volume of blood ejection. The heart receives powerful support. Various medications can help with difficulty breathing. The attending physician prescribes medications, and he also adjusts the daily dose of the drug.

Glycoside drugs can eliminate tachycardia and have an effective cardiotonic effect. They improve microcirculation of blood masses, stabilize vascular tone, and reduce the load on cardiac structures. With glycosides, the heart works without overload. For shortness of breath, glycoside drugs may be prescribed:

  • Korglykon;
  • Digoxidine.

These medications are used for chronic and acute heart failure. Glycosides are administered intravenously. The drugs have a long-lasting effect and help eliminate pulse irregularities, arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and lack of oxygen. The use of drugs is contraindicated for expectant mothers and nursing women, as well as for acute myocarditis and bradycardia.

To restore blood vessels and normalize their tone, various inhibitory agents are used:

  • Ramipril;
  • Quinapril;
  • Trandolapril.

Antihypertensive drugs are classified as ACEIs and are effective in treating heart failure and shortness of breath. Medicines suppress the production of angiotensin, have a vasoconstrictor effect on the heart vessels, and stimulate the synthesis of aldosterone. As a result, cellular metabolism improves and the concentration of bradykinins in the body is normalized. In heart failure, inhibitors significantly reduce peripheral resistance in the veins and stabilize blood flow.

To stabilize the tone of blood vessels, vasodilator drugs are widely used for heart failure and shortness of breath. These include:

  • Minoxidil;
  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Isoket.

The drugs dilate blood vessels and directly act on the coronary vessels of the heart. The drugs also reduce peripheral resistance within the bloodstream, reduce the return of venous blood, and increase myocardial contraction. As a result, improved access of oxygen is ensured, tension in the blood vessels of the heart is reduced, and respiratory function is normalized. The shortness of breath stops.

The use of nitroglycerin for shortness of breath and lack of air prevents the development of heart attack and stroke, heart attack and increased blood pressure. You should consult your doctor about the advisability of using the drug for shortness of breath.

Beta blockers
Drugs from the group of adrenergic blockers will help eliminate oxygen starvation, arrhythmia and shortness of breath. These include:

  • Celiprolol;
  • Carvedilol;
  • Metoprolol.

Selective blockers are used to prevent attacks of angina, which are often accompanied by shortness of breath. The drugs have a vasodilating effect and help relieve stress on the heart during physical activity and stress. They stimulate and support all functions of the heart.

To prevent attacks of shortness of breath, it is necessary to prevent the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. For heart failure, medications such as:

  • Sinkumar;
  • Warfarin;
  • Arixtra.

Medicines thin the blood well and prevent the formation of blood clots. Taking an antithrombosis drug helps improve well-being in heart failure. Medicines inhibit prothrombin, which has a direct effect on blood clotting. These drugs are used for heart attack, vein blockage, and thrombosis.

Antithrombotic agents
To prevent shortness of breath, use:

  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Chime;
  • Aspirin Cardio.

Medicines thin blood masses and ensure normal access of oxygen to organic tissues and the brain. The drug Cardiomagnyl effectively prevents the occurrence of shortness of breath. It contains acetylsalicylic acid, which inhibits the production of prostaglandins and produces an analgesic effect. The drug affects platelets, improves blood flow, and affects the biosynthesis of thromboxane.

Curantil is a remedy that normalizes vascular tone and thins blood masses. It inhibits platelet aggregation and stabilizes blood microcirculation. As a result, the blood thins out, the speed of blood flow improves, and the heart works fully. Angina pectoris, heart failure and shortness of breath disappear.

Antiarrhythmic drugs
Treatment with drugs that stabilize the heart rhythm and pulse and prevent further development of arrhythmia is recommended. The doctor prescribes:

  • Verapamil;
  • Amiodarone;
  • Diltiazem.

The drugs normalize heart rhythm and stop the symptoms of angina, including shortness of breath. An effective remedy, Verapamil, blocks the flow of calcium ions into cardiac structures and improves oxygen delivery to the myocardium. The resistance of peripheral blood vessels decreases, disturbances in the atrioventricular region disappear. The contractions of the ventricles of the cardiac organ are stabilized. Other antiarrhythmic drugs have the same effect.


If medications do not help with heart failure, surgical intervention is prescribed for a certain type of heart disease. Surgical methods that may be used include:

  • elimination of valve disease;
  • installation of a pacemaker;
  • coronary bypass surgery;
  • reconstructive surgery on the ventricles;
  • cardiomyoplasty;
  • membrane oxygenation;
  • organ transplantation.

It should be remembered that heart failure is fatal. Therefore, if the doctor insists on surgery, you must entrust your heart to cardiac surgeons. If necessary, surgery on the mitral valve and geometric restoration of the ventricles and myocardium are prescribed.

A good medical device that helps avoid shortness of breath and shortness of breath is a pacemaker. Its principle of action is based on the correction of impaired cardiac functions. An electrical impulse from the device stimulates heart contractions. Installation of the device is indicated in cases of slow functioning of the cardiac organ, or the presence of a blockage between the elements of the heart.

A pacemaker is implanted under the pectoral muscle. The electrode of the device is inserted through a special puncture, after which it is fixed to the cardiac vein. Today, there are different types of devices - single-chamber, two-chamber, three-chamber. The latest generation pacemaker ensures the normal functioning of the heart and its parts. The device allows you to prolong the patient’s life for many years and ensures the desired level of heart function.

Coronary artery bypass grafting is an operation that restores normal blood flow in the human body and heart. A surgical intervention is performed - doctors install shunts, which eliminate disturbances in a certain area of ​​the vessel and restore blood flow.

Valve replacement is a surgical treatment for heart failure and associated shortness of breath. Surgery completely eliminates the existing heart defect. Both natural and artificial implants are installed.

Traditional treatment of shortness of breath

Traditional recipes help eliminate vascular and cardiac insufficiency and eliminate respiratory dysfunction. Various drugs can be used in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor. During the treatment, your well-being improves, angina disappears, and your pulse and heart rate normalize.

The advantage of traditional treatment is the natural composition of the products used. Due to the absence of harmful chemical compounds, herbs do not have a negative effect on the core body. That is why many cardiologists recommend that heart patients periodically take dietary supplements and natural herbal teas based on medicinal herbs. Hawthorn, lemons, honey, and nuts help well in the treatment of heart disease. Melissa, motherwort, and astragalus strengthen the heart organ.

To eliminate shortness of breath, the following recipes are used:

  1. Take 5 tbsp. spoons of cranberry infusion. It is prepared from ripe fruits - cranberries are brewed and left for 3 hours, after which a little honey is added to the drink. The remedy effectively eliminates the symptoms of insufficient heart function.
  2. Wormwood tincture is consumed three times a day, a teaspoon on an empty stomach. The herb is brewed, boiled for 10 minutes and left for a couple of hours. Then the broth is filtered.
  3. A drink is prepared from the rhizome of astragalus. The product stabilizes heart contractions, improves blood flow and general circulation of blood masses throughout the body. The crushed plant material is poured with boiling water, boiled, infused and filtered. Use the infusion three times a day on an empty stomach.
  4. You should periodically consume a treat of honey, lemon and garlic. This mixture is an excellent remedy for angina pectoris, arrhythmia, and shortness of breath. To prepare it, take the juice of ten lemons, 1 liter of honey and 10 heads of garlic. All ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed. Infuse the mixture for ten days in a cool, dark place. Store the product in the refrigerator. Take one teaspoon up to 4 times a day.
  5. An infusion of potato sprouts is a remedy that helps eliminate shortness of breath and stabilize the functioning of the heart organ. The raw materials are dried and crushed, then poured with vodka and left for 11 days. Take 2 drops daily three times a day.
  6. Hawthorn decoction should be drunk 1/3 cup three times a day. For this inflorescence, the plants are brewed in a thermos or saucepan and infused. Strain. The drug helps get rid of heart failure. You should drink it for 3-4 weeks.
  7. Motherwort tincture. Plant raw materials are brewed with boiling water, infused and the cake is squeezed out. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day.
  8. Melissa helps improve heart function. The herb is brewed with boiling water, left for 1 hour and taken several times a day, 3 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

Traditional recipes have long been used in the treatment of shortness of breath by many famous healers. Plant raw materials contain a large number of useful components that help eliminate problems with the heart and blood vessels. Herbal medicine has long been recommended by official medicine to improve blood microcirculation throughout the cellular structures of any internal organs. The integrated use of herbal medicine helps eliminate heart failure and improve respiratory functions.

Herbs for shortness of breath
Aloe is a herb that helps get rid of heart problems. The plant is well known to everyone. Its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect helps treat many diseases. Aloe also improves blood flow and functions of the circulatory system, strengthens the immune system, eliminates shortness of breath and arrhythmia. If aloe grows on your windowsill, you should take some of its leaves. They need to be poured with a small amount of vodka and left for about ten days. Then add a little honey to the product. This folk method of treatment helps to get rid of cough of any etiology and shortness of breath.

Lovage root in combination with licorice, mint, and bean pods helps normalize respiratory function. You can prepare a healing mixture from medicinal raw materials yourself by mixing all the ingredients in equal parts. The raw material should be brewed, left for several hours and taken ¼ cup.

Treatment with hawthorn is very effective. This plant has a beneficial effect on cardiac function and the functioning of the nervous system. The therapy uses the fruits, roots and leaves of the herb. The raw materials contain acids, organic compounds, quercetin, vitamins and oils necessary for the heart and nerves. The substances have a beneficial effect on cardiac function. Hawthorn helps coronary circulation, gives the heart the necessary energy and restores its cellular structures.

Herbs should be used carefully and wisely. Frequent use of herbal infusions in childhood is not recommended. You should also definitely consult with your cardiologist about the advisability of using a particular plant extract. A well-developed scheme for therapeutic treatment of insufficiency will correct many disorders in the functionality of the heart. As a result of taking herbs and medications, blood circulation will improve, the veins and arteries of the heart will strengthen, which helps get rid of shortness of breath, arrhythmia, and tachycardia.

Video: how to treat heart failure

Shortness of breath is a condition of the body in which a person feels a lack of air entering the lungs, which forces him to take more breaths. With this phenomenon, there is an increase in heart rate and contractions of the heart muscle. In some cases, shortness of breath is normal, in others it is a sign of severe diseases of the heart muscle. Shortness of breath in heart failure is one of the first signs, which, if you pay attention to it, helps save the patient’s life.

Physiological shortness of breath is a condition of the body that occurs during certain human actions, for example, during long or fast running and other physical activities. It is not a pathology. In these cases, the cardiac myocardium needs more oxygen. An increase in inhalations can be caused by a person’s anxiety or during a stressful situation.

If the need for more breaths appears suddenly, when a person is in a state of complete rest, this is a dangerous symptom that requires immediate diagnosis of the cause of its occurrence.

Shortness of breath in heart failure indicates a lack of blood volume that flows to the internal organs and their tissues. As soon as a person’s heart is unable to cope with the previous load, the body tries to compensate for this with a large influx of oxygen. As a consequence of this phenomenon, shortness of breath appears.

Causes and types of shortness of breath

The main cause of shortness of breath, which is not a physiological norm, is diseases of the heart and vascular system, which lead to a lack of oxygen in the internal organs. A person begins to breathe frequently and deeply, while breathing differs from ordinary breathing produced in a calm state by difficulty.

Diseases that can cause shortness of breath in heart failure:

  • Ischemia.
  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Defects of the heart muscle.
  • Sclerosis of the heart.
  • Pathological processes in the valves.
  • Inflammation in the heart.

Heart failure has 4 classification classes, depending on the severity of shortness of breath:

  1. The first class of shortness of breath includes difficulty breathing, which appears during intense physical exertion. Has a clearly defined picture.
  2. In the second class of heart failure, shortness of breath begins to appear with moderate physical stress on the body, for example, when walking.
  3. The third class includes shortness of breath, which manifests itself with very little physical activity. In this case, even minor household cleaning can cause significant difficulty in a person’s breathing.
  4. The fourth class includes shortness of breath, which occurs regardless of whether the person is in an active state or lying down. Shortness of breath with this degree of heart failure may occur during sleep.

Shortness of breath, which manifests itself even at night, during sleep, is an extremely dangerous symptom and indicates an extremely severe degree of pathological processes in the heart.

Nocturnal shortness of breath deprives a person of the opportunity to sleep normally and fully rest during the night. The presence of shortness of breath at night, when a person is in a horizontal position, is caused by a rapid flow of blood to the heart muscle, and the heart is not able to cope with it and distribute it correctly throughout the body. This condition causes a large volume of blood to remain in the lungs. The patient begins to suffer from chest pain and heavy breathing.

The way out of the situation is to change your body position. To relieve symptoms, it is recommended to take a sitting position for sleep. The main thing is that the knees of the legs are higher in relation to the feet. This will slightly balance the flow of blood to the heart and reduce pressure on the heart muscle.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of shortness of breath always help to accurately diagnose the type of phenomenon - physiological or due to heart muscle disease:

  • increased during a supine position. As soon as you take a sitting position, your breathing immediately becomes even.
  • Increased during physical activity, regardless of its intensity.
  • When inhaling, there is pain in breathing. A burning sensation appears in the chest area.
  • Hoarse breathing.
  • Swelling of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Cold feet and palms, regardless of the external temperature.

To diagnose the degree of heart failure, you must seek medical help and undergo a series of tests.

When shortness of breath intensifies, the patient may lose consciousness. Difficulties with breathing are always fraught with oxygen starvation and disruption of the functioning of all organs.

First aid for severe shortness of breath is aimed at improving the patient’s condition and normalizing breathing. All people need to know the entire sequence of actions. This is especially true for those who have people in their family or close circle with heart problems.

The first thing to do when a person has an attack of shortness of breath due to heart failure is to remove all jewelry, bracelets, rings from the patient, loosen the collar, and unfasten a few top buttons. The neck and chest area should be free. You also need to remove the belt so that nothing presses on the blood vessels. If the attack occurs indoors, the patient should be taken out into fresh air if possible, or the window should be opened wide.

It is important to provide complete peace to the person, to remove all factors that may cause physical or emotional irritation. The main thing is to take a sitting position so that your knees are higher than your feet. If the patient does not have shortness of breath while lying down, he can be put down.

Tablets for shortness of breath that can be used in this situation are Nitroglycerin. For shortness of breath, the tablet is placed under the patient’s tongue; it must be left in the mouth until it completely dissolves. If possible, an oxygen cushion or mask is used to improve breathing.

Treatment methods

Treatment of shortness of breath is prescribed only by the attending physician - a cardiologist. Before you decide what to do with shortness of breath and try to eliminate this extremely unpleasant symptom on your own, you need to undergo a full medical examination and find out the cause of your breathing problems. Relief of shortness of breath without treating the underlying cause is only possible for an extremely short period of time.

When treating shortness of breath, the patient is strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. It is recommended to avoid emotional stress, not to expose the body to stressful situations and mental fatigue. The presence of sports in life is a must, given the inability to engage in vigorous physical activity, daily walks over long distances will be an ideal option.

A proper diet is a prerequisite for recovery. It is allowed to eat fish, lean meats, and foods high in fiber, potassium, calcium and sodium. The consumption of simple carbohydrates, fats and sugar should be kept to a minimum.

Shortness of breath due to heart failure is treated with medication. Drugs for attacks of shortness of breath are prescribed only by a doctor and are selected individually, based on the characteristics of the patient’s physiology, the degree of the disease and the presence of other concomitant diseases.

Medicines that are used to correct the functioning of the heart muscle belong to the group of beta blockers (dilate the walls of blood vessels), drugs that cause a diuretic effect (relieve swelling of the extremities), glycosides (stop arrhythmia).

One of the methods of treating heart failure is folk remedies.

Garlic with lemon:

  • To prepare you will need 10 lemons and 10 garlic heads. The lemon, along with the peel, and peeled garlic, are mixed in a blender, honey is added to them, and everything is poured with one liter of boiled water. The jar needs to be placed in a dark place where the sun's rays do not reach. Infuse for 4 days. Take 2 tablespoons several times a day.

One of the most effective traditional medicines is cranberry:

  • To prepare a healing decoction you will need a handful of fruits, which are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 1-20 minutes. Cool to room temperature before use. Take 50 grams daily.

Shortness of breath is not only an unpleasant phenomenon that causes discomfort, but also a symptom of extremely dangerous heart diseases. Treatment of diseases of the heart and vascular system should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication can cause serious complications.

Physiological processes that cause cardiac dyspnea

Shortness of breath occurs when the frequency and depth of inhalation and exhalation are changed, when a person feels a lack of oxygen in the lung cavity. It can be naturally physiological, for example, after squats, jumping or running. This is a completely adequate reaction of the human body to the load received, as a result of which there is a need to increase the flow of air into the lungs.

Cardiac shortness of breath is a consequence of the fact that the organs of the respiratory system perform additional work. This is already a pathological type, when shortness of breath manifests itself both in a calm state and during physical activity.

Shortness of breath occurs when the cardiac “motor” is no longer able to cope with the stress placed on it. Blood flow in the blood vessels of the lungs stops. Partially the blood bypasses the walls of blood vessels and vesicles, but this organ is not able to completely saturate the blood with oxygen. Because of this, tissue oxygen starvation occurs. Consequently, breathing becomes more frequent, and taking a new breath becomes problematic. Swelling develops and blood stagnates.

Symptoms of cardiac dyspnea, stages

The main symptom of cardiac dyspnea is difficulty breathing during physical activity, while stationary, and even when a person is simply lying down.

There are two stages in the formation of this type of shortness of breath:

  • initial;
  • late (progressive) stage.

At an early stage, shortness of breath occurs only after physical activity. But the more intense heart failure progresses, the more often shortness of breath occurs. And for this, the slightest tension in the body is enough. This is already a late or progressive stage.

The most severe stage is increased shortness of breath while lying down, for example, during sleep. In this case, the person is at risk of suffocation due to a night attack.

If breathing problems appear while climbing a small staircase, while walking, or in a state of calm, this is an alarming sign. This symptom indicates that the person has progressive heart failure.

In medicine, there are four main functioning subclasses of cardiac dyspnea:

  • Class I – shortness of breath occurs during severe physical activity.
  • Class II – shortness of breath occurs during moderate physical activity.
  • Class III - shortness of breath occurs as a result of small everyday activities.
  • Class IV – shortness of breath appears in a person who is at rest.

Causes of cardiac dyspnea

Cardiac shortness of breath is characterized by difficulty breathing. It is caused by poor conductivity of the trachea, pleura, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, and diaphragm. This leads to:

  • abscesses;
  • presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchospasms;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • tumors.

Cardiac shortness of breath can be triggered by physiological factors, for example, pregnancy (especially during the last trimester), overeating, excessive physical exertion (long distance running, jumping, squats).

Shortness of breath often occurs in obese people, including young people, during physical activity. It also occurs with curvature of the spine and deformation of the chest. Cardiac shortness of breath is often caused by anemia, fever, and weather dependence. This condition can also be caused by staying in high mountainous areas.

Psychogenic conditions can also lead to cardiac dyspnea:

  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • panic attack;
  • neurosis;
  • depression.

Shortness of breath indicates serious diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This is how Doctor of Medical Sciences David Dundua, cardiologist, professor of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, explains the situation.


It is not difficult to determine that a person has shortness of breath. The patient will experience air deficiency. If the shortness of breath is severe, the person may even suffocate.

In order to accurately understand the cause of cardiac dyspnea and develop an individual treatment program, the cardiologist refers the patient to special examinations: ultrasound of the heart, electrocardiography, chest x-ray. A person should also do a biochemical blood test.

If a person has an acute attack of difficulty breathing, it is important to immediately provide him with first aid.

The windows in the room need to be opened to allow fresh air to circulate. The patient needs to unfasten the buttons on the collar, loosen the belt - the chest should not be squeezed. A person needs to be provided with complete peace of mind. It is better for him to sit or half sit with his legs hanging down.

It is very good to use oxygen pillows during an attack. You can give a glycerol trinitrate tablet under the tongue.

During an attack, you can help yourself. Lightly press your finger into the jugular fossa. There is a biologically active point there. The pressure should last for 3 seconds, then release. Repeat for no more than 2 minutes.

Treatment of cardiac dyspnea (basic methods, medications, folk remedies)

Cardiac dyspnea is one of the symptoms of heart failure. It can be reduced or completely eliminated only by treating the underlying disease. Therefore, most recommendations are related to improving heart function.

The first thing that is important to pay attention to when treating cardiac dyspnea is excess weight. If it is present, worth trying to lose weight. Excessive obesity leads to complications of cardiovascular diseases. It is more difficult and difficult for a person who has extra pounds to move around.

In addition, treatment includes smoking cessation(if the person smokes).

Used successfully to relieve shortness of breath breathing exercises. For example, many recommend the Strelnikova complex. This video shows the basic exercises of this complex. They are simple, you can repeat the gymnastics right behind the trainer.

Indicated for difficulty breathing due to heart failure and light physical procedures. All physical exercise It is important to coordinate with the doctor, to avoid overwork. Moderation is the most important principle that must be observed when exercising if you have cardiac dyspnea.

To reduce the manifestations of cardiac dyspnea and normalize heart function, medications are used:

  • glycosides;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • diuretics;
  • beta blockers.

Glycosides have antiarrhythmic and cardiotonic effects. Digoxin belongs to this group. It is recommended by many doctors, this drug is popular and proven.

If glycosides are taken for a long time, they accumulate in the body and can cause an overdose. Therefore, if nausea, loss of appetite, or slow pulse occur, it is worth adjusting the drug dosage regimen with your doctor.

ACE inhibitors relax and, therefore, dilate arteries, help restore vascular function. Thus, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors reduce blood pressure.

This type of medicine includes:

  • Captopril
  • Cilazapril
  • Enalapril
  • Fosinopril
  • Lisinopril and others

Diuretics or diuretics help remove excess fluid from the body. This significantly alleviates the patient's condition. These medications make the heart work easier because it has to pump less fluid around the body.

Among these drugs:

  • Amiloride
  • Bumetanide
  • Chlorthalidone
  • Furosemide
  • Indapamide and others

In addition to the main effect, diuretic drugs help reduce swelling and weight loss.

Beta blockers reduce oxygen starvation and reduce the number of heart contractions. This is important, because when the heart beats faster “forcibly”, due to the released adrenaline, it works at the limit of its capabilities.

Beta blockers include:

  • Acebutalol
  • Atenolol
  • Bisoprolol
  • Carvedilol
  • Celiprolol and others

Such drugs reduce blood pressure, so the patient may experience increased fatigue and dizziness. Side effects should go away completely within a couple of weeks after starting the medication.

Traditional medicines against cardiac dyspnea:

  • licorice;
  • yarrow;
  • sinyukhin root;
  • lovage root;
  • peppermint;
  • bean pods.

You can infuse aloe leaves in vodka for two weeks. Take the medicine one teaspoon a day with a tablespoon of liquid honey. After this, ten minutes later you need to drink a cup of hot water or decoction in one gulp.

Alternatively, you can prepare the following folk remedy. Take three hundred grams of garlic pulp and juice from twenty-five lemons. Infuse for 24 hours in half a glass of water. Drink one teaspoon.

Another effective folk remedy for cardiac shortness of breath is a mixture of lemon and honey. Mix the juice from a dozen squeezed lemons and a dozen heads of garlic in a one-liter jar with honey. Close the container with a lid and leave to infuse for exactly one week. Take four teaspoons a day - slowly, savoring the drug. In two months you can get tangible results.

What not to do with cardiac dyspnea

For any cardiac disease, not only for cardiac dyspnea, a person should limit the amount of animal fats. For example, you need to reduce the amount of sour cream, fatty cheeses and meat. If you have cardiac shortness of breath, you need to exclude sausages, lard, margarine, processed foods and fast food from your diet.

You cannot drink tea and coffee in large quantities. All caffeinated drinks, from energy drinks to sports drinks, are also strictly prohibited.

It is forbidden to eat chocolate, all kinds of smoked meats, and drink strong and rich broths.

If you have cardiac shortness of breath, you are not allowed to do sudden physical activity. You need to forget about uneven physical activity, for example, this applies to wrestling, weightlifting, lifting heavy things, sprinting. It is also prohibited to change the intensity of training on your own.

Prevention, lifestyle, diet

A person with a heart condition should definitely supplement their diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. You need to eat a lot of fiber. Vegetable oil is also shown - sunflower, olive, sesame. It is good to take fish oil as a dietary supplement. Be sure to eat fish twice a week.

Your daily diet should include foods rich in potassium:

  • bananas;
  • baked potato;
  • various dried fruits.

It is also important to switch to stewed, boiled, steamed, baked dishes. This diet will slow down atherosclerosis and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

It is very useful to do fasting days from time to time - cottage cheese, apple, rice, juice.

Good prevention of the development of cardiac dyspnea is household and physical activity. They allow you to stabilize the general condition of the body. That's why you need to do physical exercise. You need to plan physical activity in consultation with your doctor. A specialist will help you choose a gymnastics complex that will be effective and safe for a person.

If you feel short of breath even with minimal physical activity and exercise, this is a serious reason to think about it. You need to immediately consult a cardiologist, undergo an examination, and take tests. This will allow, in the event of the development of heart failure, to begin treatment of the disease at an early stage and prevent its progression, as well as the aggravation of the painful condition.

Shortness of breath in chronic heart failure

Almost 100% of people with chronic heart failure (CHF) have shortness of breath. With this disease, myocardial contractility is reduced, so the patient experiences increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries and their branches, and spasm of small arterioles also occurs. Because of this, gas exchange is disrupted. In addition, even oxygenated blood cannot circulate normally through the vessels of the body due to impaired heart function. All organs and tissues experience oxygen starvation to one degree or another. They send signals about this to the brain. The respiratory center is activated, making breaths more frequent and deeper. This is how shortness of breath is formed.
Dyspnea that occurs in a patient with CHF has a number of features.

Case from practice. Patient U., 62 years old. Works as a lawyer in a large firm. The company's branches are located in several countries, so this person's life involves periodic business trips.

Since the age of 52, he has had heart problems - hypertension, angina pectoris. At the age of 56 he suffered a myocardial infarction, and the list of his diagnoses was “enlarged” with chronic heart failureIIAstages. After a heart attack, he underwent cardiac rehabilitation at the Barvikha sanatorium with excellent effect. Understanding that his quality of life and performance depended on compliance with the doctor’s recommendations, the patient regularly took the necessary medications. His condition remained stable, he had no complaints for a long time, and continued to be monitored by a cardiologist.

In July 2012, the man had to go on a long business trip abroad. He took with him the medications he usually took, but did not consider that he needed a “supply.” A few days later, he discovered that he was running out of tablets, went to the pharmacy and wanted to buy similar ones. But there were no such drugs there (it turned out that they could only be purchased in Russia), and he was offered several of the available drugs. He chose, as it seemed to him, the best options and began to accept them.

Unfortunately, since that time his condition has worsened. The pressure began to rise, and shortness of breath began to bother me again. However, he had a lot of work and did not go to doctors.

Returning to Russia, the man immediately purchased his usual medications and began taking them. To his surprise, he did not feel as good as before. He consulted a doctor and was sent to a rehabilitation program to adjust his treatment. Within just a few days, the prescribed therapy improved his well-being, and by the end of the two-week program, he returned to his previous health and level of stress. Now he has no complaints.

Sometimes, in patients with chronic heart failure, in addition to “usual” daytime shortness of breath, nighttime shortness of breath occurs—the so-called “cardiac asthma.” The patient experiences spontaneous attacks of severe shortness of breath with coughing, which develop at night, awaken the patient and cause him severe fear. Their appearance is due to the fact that when a person lies, a redistribution of blood occurs in his body: from the limbs and abdominal cavity it moves to the chest cavity. The additional volume of blood puts increased stress on the heart, and this is manifested by a sudden disruption of its function and increased heart failure.

“Cardiac asthma” is a sign of decompensated, severe CHF. If the patient is not treated, one day a “duty” attack of nocturnal shortness of breath can turn into pulmonary edema - an acute form of heart failure that is life-threatening.

Dyspnea in acute heart failure

Acute heart failure can occur in the form of:

In the context of the topic of this article, we are interested in shortness of breath caused by pulmonary edema. She “looks” very specific. Since pulmonary edema often occurs against the background of some serious condition (myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, arrhythmia), the appearance of its signs may be preceded by symptoms of the disease that provoked it (chest pain, interruptions in heart function, headache, etc. .).

Against this background, shortness of breath appears and increases. The number of respiratory movements (inhalations and exhalations) can be up to 40-60 times per minute, the patient complains of lack of air and coughs. Gradually, shortness of breath intensifies, and when coughing, fluid begins to be released from the respiratory tract. At first, this “sputum” is scanty, transparent or whitish, then it can become foamy, profuse, or acquire a pinkish tint due to hemoptysis. A patient with pulmonary edema experiences wheezing that can be heard at a distance when breathing.

If you suspect this dangerous violation, you should take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible, where doctors will provide assistance to him in intensive care. It is strongly not recommended to delay; the condition threatens human life.

Cheyne-Stokes breathing in heart failure

In chronic heart failure, a person may experience a complex breathing disorder called Cheyne-Stokes breathing. It consists of alternating long pauses in breathing with periods of gradual increase and decrease in breathing amplitude.

The reason for its appearance is mainly that due to impaired blood circulation, a disorder of blood flow in the brain occurs, the functioning of the respiratory center and the regulation of breathing deteriorate.

Unfortunately, Cheyne-Stokes breathing is not just a symptom of severe CHF, but at the same time an independent phenomenon that worsens a person’s condition and the prognosis of the disease. With such “uneven” breathing, a person’s oxygen saturation in the blood constantly changes, and prolonged episodes of oxygen starvation occur every couple of minutes. This provokes the release of stress hormones that damage blood vessels and the heart, accelerating the progression of heart failure, and increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes in patients.

cardiac rehabilitation.rf

Treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure

When treating shortness of breath due to heart failure, the main point is making the correct diagnosis. The term “heart failure” is defined as a disease of the heart associated with its inability to perform basic functions.

In this regard, due to inadequate blood circulation, stagnation occurs, which provokes hypoxia. Therapy should be carried out in conjunction with the underlying disease.

Main symptoms lack of air from heart failure are:

Sudden change in blood pressure;
Blue veins (often on nails, feet, palms);
Hard breath;
Manifestation of poor health in a lying position;
Weakness, mainly towards the end of the day;
Decreased performance;
Difficulty breathing.

For treatment, it is important to identify what was the original cause of this disease.

The disease can be caused by:

  1. Lung diseases.
  2. Angina pectoris
  3. Cardiomyoratia.
  4. Myocardial infarction.
  5. Heart disease.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system.

After passing an ECG, ultrasound of the heart, chest x-ray, and blood tests, you can begin the procedures.

Medicine for shortness of breath in heart failure

The cure for shortness of breath due to incomplete work of the heart occurs with the help of such medications:

  • Beta adrenergic agonists. These are biological as well as synthetic stimulants. These include Berotek, Salbutamol.
  • Anticholinergics are medications based on natural, synthetic substances. Atrovent and Berodual are used more often.
  • Methixatins.
  • Glucocorticoids. Steroid medications to relieve severe shortness of breath.
  • Medicines to thin sputum. These include Mucoltin and Ambraxol tablets.
  • Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine).

Oxygen therapy treatment also has excellent results.

Other drugs for chronic heart failure

Initially, it is necessary not to eliminate the symptoms of shortness of breath, but complex therapy with drugs for the main disease is required.

The following types of medications are prescribed:

  • Glycosides;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • Diuretics;
  • Vasodilators.

Glycosides are drugs that act on the myocardium, after which heart contraction slows down and tachycardia subsides. These medications help eliminate shortness of breath, swelling, and improve saturation of the circulatory system.

The most popular are: Digoxin tablets, Celanide.

ACE inhibitors help block neurohormones, which result in spasm of the smooth muscles of the arteries. When using these medications, symptoms of cardiac dysfunction are relieved.

Effective drugs of this type are: tablets Zofenopril, Ramipril.

Diuretics are aimed at removing excess fluid from the body, helping to lower blood pressure, prevent pulmonary edema, and reduce the load on other organs.

Medicines of this type include: Hypothiazide tablets.
A group of vasodilator drugs has a vasodilating effect, affecting arteries, veins, and blood vessels. Congestion in the veins is reduced.

The following medications are distinguished: tablets Apressin, Tonorma.

Other treatment methods include prevention of this disease. Namely, a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure with folk remedies

Treatment of shortness of breath with folk remedies is a good alternative to drug treatment, because many herbs are used in the manufacture of these tablets.

There are a huge number of folk recipes for drugs for shortness of breath in heart failure in the world.

  • For example, a good remedy for heart failure is infusion of birch leaves. To do this, you need to chop the leaves, pour 2 tablespoons of this mixture into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for at least 30 minutes, strain, add half a teaspoon of baking soda. You need to drink this infusion within 24 hours. You need to take a fresh infusion every day.
  • Has a good medicinal effect against shortness of breath tincture of walnut partitions. To prepare the medicine, you need to fill a third of a liter jar with walnut partitions, add vodka and leave for 3 weeks. You need to take the product once a day, starting with 30-40 drops per glass of water.
  • Astragalus decoction has very useful properties. To do this, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a spoon with astragalus, strain after 2 hours, add a little honey, take 2 spoons before meals, but no more than 5 times a day.
  • Olive oil, mixed with wormwood seeds, prepare in the proportions of 1 part seeds to 4 parts oil. In this case, not only olive oil, but any vegetable oil is suitable. The medicine should be taken in the morning, adding 3 drops to sugar.
  • Lemon and garlic. To prepare, you will need the juice of 24 lemons and 350 g of chopped garlic. Mix it all, let it brew for a day, without closing it tightly. You need to take the medicine one spoon at a time before going to bed, diluting the mixture with warm water in advance. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. After some time, you will need to repeat the course.
  • Celandine Excellent helps to cope with shortness of breath in heart failure. To do this, combine a spoonful of celandine with 30 g of honey and pour in 500 ml of white wine, simmer over low heat until a quarter of the original liquid remains. Divide the broth in half and take the first part in the morning before meals, and the second in the afternoon. The duration of treatment is a month.
  • Instead of drinking regular tea, you can drink a decoction of young branches or leaves of nettle or blackberries. It can be drunk in any quantity. A collection of motherwort, blackberry, cudweed, woodruff and thyme herbs is also considered an effective medicine. You can also drink it instead of tea as much as you like.
  • In case of an acute attack, a medicinal mixture of a spoon will help carrot juice and a third glass of beet juice with celery, honey and 0.5 kg of ground onion. All ingredients must be mixed well and cooked for 3 hours over low heat. Should be taken during acute attacks or before meals.
  • Cardiomyopathy symptoms treatment What to do if you have heart failure

To perform this breathing at home, you need to:

  • Sit in a chair and relax your shoulders
  • Purse your lips, leaving a small gap between them
  • Inhale noisily through the hole between your lips for a couple of seconds.
  • Gently exhale, without opening your lips, for four counts.
  • Continue inhaling and exhaling in this manner for 10 minutes.

You can try this exercise any time you feel short of breath and repeat it throughout the day until you feel better.

Finding a comfortable, supportive position

Finding a comfortable, supportive position (standing or lying down) will help you relax and catch your breath. If your shortness of breath is caused by anxiety or excessive stress, this may be the most suitable method.

The following positions can reduce pressure on a person's airway and improve breathing:

  • Sitting in a chair, preferably with your head propped up
  • Leaning against a wall to support the back of the body
  • Standing with your elbows on the table to take the weight off your legs
  • Lying on your back with pillows under your head and knees

Using a fan

Research has shown that using a portable fan to blow air over your nose and face can reduce shortness of breath. The feeling of the force of the air flow when inhaling makes people feel the air entering the lungs and relax.

However, researchers have not found that using a ventilator helps relieve symptoms of shortness of breath caused by another condition or disease.

Steam inhalation

Inhaling the steam helps clear the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe. Additionally, the heat and humidity from the steam breaks down the mucus in the lungs, which can also reduce shortness of breath.

What causes shortness of breath?

For many, shortness of breath appears suddenly and disappears after a short period of time. Others encounter it regularly. Shortness of breath that occurs regularly may be the result of a more serious underlying medical condition. Sudden shortness of breath may require immediate treatment.

Common reasons

Shortness of breath, which occurs from time to time, can be caused by:

  • Overweight or poor physical condition
  • Smoking
  • Allergens or air pollutants
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Anxiety

Other diseases

Regular shortness of breath may be caused by a more serious medical condition which affects the heart or lungs. The heart and lungs help transport oxygen throughout the body and get rid of carbon dioxide. Thus, diseases that affect how they function can also affect a person's breathing.

Read also:

  • Suffocation
  • Heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Heart enlargement
  • Blood clot in the lungs
  • Pneumonia
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Foreign object lodged in the lungs
  • Lifestyle changes

    Depending on the cause of dyspnea, Some lifestyle changes can eliminate symptoms or permanently relieve shortness of breath. Such changes include:

    • Weight loss if the cause of shortness of breath is obesity
    • Exercises to improve your physical fitness
    • Avoiding exercise in hot conditions or at high altitudes
    • Quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke
    • Avoiding allergens and pollutants
    • Treatment of the underlying disease causing shortness of breath

    Shortness of breath is difficulty breathing, characterized by a feeling of lack of air or a feeling of greater than usual effort during inhalation or exhalation, disturbance of the rhythm and strength of respiratory movements. Shortness of breath is one of the most important symptoms of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Shortness of breath is a protective physiological adaptation, with the help of which the lack of oxygen is compensated and the accumulated excess carbon dioxide is released. With shortness of breath, the frequency and depth of breathing changes. There are rapid and slow, shallow and deep breathing. In a healthy person, shortness of breath can occur with heavy physical exertion. As a clinical symptom in a number of diseases, shortness of breath has great diagnostic and prognostic significance.

    Cardiac dyspnea occurs in heart failure, first due to physical stress and food intake, and then at rest. It is most common in patients with heart defects and cardiosclerosis.

    Pulmonary dyspnea occurs due to various disorders of the respiratory apparatus, when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is exposed to toxic substances. Most often found in pneumonia, emphysema, pleurisy, pulmonary embolism.

    Dyspnea is distinguished between inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea.

    Inspiratory dyspnea is characterized by a prolonged inhalation and occurs with a reflex spasm of the glottis, cardiac asthma.

    Expiratory shortness of breath (difficulty in exhaling) occurs when the lumen of the small bronchi and bronchioles narrows due to spasm of the bronchial muscles (in bronchial asthma).

    Cardiopulmonary (mixed) dyspnea occurs in severe forms of bronchial asthma and emphysema due to sclerotic changes in the pulmonary artery system, right ventricular hypertrophy and hemodynamic disturbances.

    Cerebral dyspnea occurs due to irritation of the respiratory center due to organic lesions of the brain (skull injury, tumor, hemorrhage, etc.).

    Hematogenous shortness of breath is a consequence of changes in blood chemistry (diabetic coma, uremia) due to the accumulation of acidic metabolic products in the blood, and is also observed in anemia. Often shortness of breath turns into an attack of suffocation, which significantly aggravates the patient’s condition and requires urgent help.

    Care for shortness of breath.

    If a patient experiences an acute attack of shortness of breath, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and take urgent measures to ease breathing:
    limit physical activity;
    in case of severe shortness of breath, sit the patient in a chair or on a bed;
    give the patient an elevated (sitting) position by placing a headrest or several pillows under the back or raising the upper part of a functional bed;
    reassure the patient and explain to him that after treatment begins, shortness of breath will decrease;
    try to redirect the patient’s attention;
    free the patient from the heavy blanket and restrictive clothing;
    ensure maximum flow of fresh air by opening a vent or window;
    inhalation of humidified oxygen at home;
    control the frequency, depth and rhythm of breathing.

    After a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the caregiver must monitor the correctness of the treatment.

    If shortness of breath is chronic and associated with chronic bronchitis or emphysema:
    smokers need to quit smoking;
    spend more time in the fresh air, avoid dust, smoke, strong odors;
    rest more;
    watch out for colds and flu;
    take a course in breathing exercises and special exercises from a physical therapy doctor;
    undergo a course of physiotherapy with a physiotherapist;
    As prescribed by your doctor, keep broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs at home and, in case of infection, start taking them as early as possible.

    If shortness of breath is associated with allergic lung diseases, for example, bronchial asthma:
    it is necessary to prevent the patient’s contact with the allergen;
    provide him with an inhaler containing the drug that the doctor prescribed before the attack;
    If it is difficult to separate sputum, use available expectorants.

    If the heart is unable to pump the required amount of blood, fluid stagnation forms in the lung tissue. At the same time, blood circulation becomes slower, liquid components of the blood sweat into the alveolar cells. The lungs begin to experience overload, and gas exchange is disrupted.

    This condition can occur at rest, with minor exertion or overexertion. The appearance of this pathology indicates that shortness of breath has appeared due to heart failure, the treatment of which must be timely to avoid serious complications.

    The classification of this disease is determined by a violation of breathing frequency, rhythm, and depth. Shortness of breath may be:

    A condition often occurs when, with severe symptoms of shortness of breath, it does not manifest itself externally. Difficulty breathing may be:

    • physiological - a healthy person does not have enough air after hard physical labor or intense sports exercises;
    • pathological - this condition is caused by various types of diseases.

    The pathological condition of respiratory disorders manifests itself in various types of shortness of breath.

    1. Central - with respiratory depression caused by lack of oxygen, with increased pressure inside the skull, with stroke, swelling or brain tumor;
    2. Neuromuscular – in case of disruption of the respiratory muscles after injury, in infectious or inflammatory diseases;
    3. Diaphragmatic – for rib fractures, intestinal bloating, obesity;
    4. Bronchopulmonary - if obstruction of the pulmonary tract occurs.

    With bronchopulmonary obstruction, the pathological process makes it difficult for air to pass through. Such shortness of breath accompanies bronchial asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, and other diseases, and also occurs when a foreign body enters the lungs or bronchi.

    Symptoms of shortness of breath

    In the clinical picture, the main sign of heart failure is the appearance of shortness of breath, in which inhalation (inspiration), exhalation (expiration) is difficult, and mixed symptoms also occur.

    Dyspnea in heart failure is divided into stages according to the severity of the disease.

    1. Initial – circulatory impairment does not occur, left ventricular dysfunction is possible. Physical activity is not limited; after intense overexertion, breathing is restored slowly;
    2. Severe – the small or large circle of blood circulation is affected. In this condition, the restriction of the motor mode occurs slightly, does not manifest itself at rest, tachycardia is observed during exercise, the heart rate increases, and fatigue appears;
    3. Severe - at this stage, both circles are affected, damage to the structure of blood vessels may be observed. With little physical activity, symptoms of pathology appear, but are absent in a calm state;
    4. Lethal - pronounced changes in hemodynamics occur, irreversible processes in the affected organs are possible. Any movement of the patient is accompanied by unpleasant sensations that are difficult to bear; in a horizontal position the condition does not improve and does not go away with rest.

    From the first to the last stage, symptoms increase gradually, signs of respiratory failure affect cardiac activity. Diagnosis of the functioning of the heart and vascular system is necessary already in the second degree of damage.

    External manifestations

    Frequent and shallow breathing movements are combined with increased fatigue. Swelling occurs in the periphery, on the legs and feet, then rises higher, moving to the thighs, then to the lower back and peritoneum.

    The heart beats faster and a cough appears. At the initial stage, there is no coughing, the cough is dry, and gradually, as the disease develops, a small amount of sputum is released, in which blood impurities can then be seen. Over time, the sputum becomes viscous and difficult to separate.

    The patient takes a forced position, in which slight relief occurs: reclining with the head end raised; if the patient is placed in the usual horizontal position, the condition worsens, there is an increase in shortness of breath, cough, which can be barking, or have a whistling noise when inhaling.

    The patient may begin to rush around the apartment, signs of neurosis appear, mood decreases, fear and anxiety arise, turning into panic.

    Treatment methods

    There is no specific treatment for shortness of breath. First of all, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, which has led to disruption of the rhythm, frequency, depth and intensity of respiratory movements. Inadequacy of breathing as a symptom of heart failure can be treated in a hospital or by an emergency medical team. The patient needs support and participation even before the ambulance arrives.

    There is no point in trying to relieve the symptoms on your own, but it is simply necessary to alleviate the victim’s condition before the arrival of the medical crew. This requires:

    • provide fresh air access to the room, to do this, open the window, you can create a draft;
    • place the patient in a semi-sitting position, place pillows under his back, and lower his legs down from the bed;
    • give 2 tablets of nitroglycerin under the tongue;
    • urgently look for an oxygen bag, ask neighbors, if the pharmacy is located near the house, you can send relatives, the bag can save the life of the victim.
    • At the same time as these actions, call an ambulance, without panic, quickly explaining the situation.

    It is impossible to treat shortness of breath in heart failure; the disease lasts for years and is chronic. But this does not mean that no action needs to be taken. What do we have to do?

    • register for the disease at the local clinic;
    • to improve heart function and strengthen blood vessels, the doctor will prescribe medications;
    • to better supply the myocardium with oxygen, the patient is advised to take tablets containing iron, which, as part of hemoglobin, delivers O2 to all organs;
    • use an inhaler - patients who experience shortness of breath due to forceful overexertion should always carry an inhaler with them; if they plan to walk, the inhaler should be used 15 minutes before leaving the house.

    A couple of breaths through an inhaler will allow you to lead a full life, not give up walking long distances, do gymnastic exercises, and do not be afraid of an attack of shortness of breath. There are several types of inhalers:

    • instant action medicine - these include Ventolin, Salbutomol, Berotek, but such drugs can be used 4 times a day, more frequent use indicates a worsening of the disease;
    • long-acting medicine - these drugs are prescribed if it is necessary to constantly monitor the onset of an attack; they prevent bronchial stenosis; this subgroup includes Volmax, Salmeterol, Oxis;
    • combination inhalers - such as Berodual or Ditek, relax bronchial muscles, prevent spasms, block inflammation, and are mainly used for bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis.

    In a clinical setting, treatment with medications is necessary. For this use:

    1. Beta adrenergic agonists - to improve and relax the bronchial lumen. This group includes Salbutamol; the dosage is determined individually;
    2. Anticholinergics - Atropine, Scopolamine stimulate the central nervous system;
    3. Methylxanthines – tone the muscles of the bronchi, intercostal muscles, diaphragm, stimulating breathing (Eufillin, Teopek);
    4. Vasodilators - relax the walls of blood vessels, reduce cardiac output (Diazoxide, Hydrapazine, Verapamil, Nifidipine);
    5. Diuretics – regulate the balance of acids and alkalis, incorrect use of these drugs is fraught with various complications, their list is quite large;
    6. Antispasmodics - relieve spasms of smooth muscles (No-shpa, Buscopan, Drotaverine, Papaverine, Papazole).

    Treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure with drugs requires the removal of cardiac syndrome. In order for lung function to return to normal, especially in the third and fourth stages of the disease, specialized care is needed, which can only be provided by a doctor.

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