Apple cream dessert - airy euphoria of taste! Apple cream dessert How to make apple cream

For two servings of delicious mousse you will need:

2-3 large apples of any variety;

100 g granulated sugar;

1 chicken egg (white only);

100 ml water;

A pinch of vanillin;

A pinch of salt.

If you use large apples in cooking, then roughly calculate the number of servings depending on the number of apples, for example: 1 apple per 1 serving. If the apples are not too large, then add one more small apple to the two servings. The variety of apples is not so important, the only thing is that when purchasing sour varieties, increase the weight of granulated sugar and vice versa.

Peel the apples with a vegetable peeler or a regular knife - we won’t need it, especially if the apples were purchased at the store. There, their surface is treated with wax to keep the fruits longer.

Then cut the apples into quarters and remove all the seed pods from them. Rinse the quarters in water and cut into small cubes.

Place the apple cubes in a saucepan or saucepan, add 50 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of vanillin and pour in water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes until the fruit is soft.

During the heat treatment of apples, make the protein cream - separate the egg white from the yolk into a container with high edges.

Pour salt into it and beat with a mixer at highest speed until tripled.

Then add the remaining 50 grams of granulated sugar and beat the cream until thick and airy.

During this time, the apples will be completely stewed and softened - pour them along with the liquid into a deep container and puree with a blender until smooth.

This procedure can also be done in a food processor. Ideally, you should end up with sweet applesauce.

Be sure to cool the puree in the refrigerator or in a bowl of cold water, placing the bowl with the puree in it, and then add the whipped egg white cream to it and beat thoroughly with a mixer again until smooth. Your cream dessert is ready!

Place it in glasses, mugs or bowls and decorate to your liking. Bon appetit!

Conducted by Katya casserolkina . Ancient books, in principle, do not leave me indifferent, and then there’s culinary books!
From the announced list of recipes involving apples, I chose apple cream for myself - I’ve never tried this before). Below is the result of my creativity on a given topic) The cream turned out to be very delicate with a pleasant sweet and sour taste of apples and a light aroma of lemon.
A couple of technical points:
1. It’s not entirely clear from the recipe how much a leaf of gelatin weighed then and how much a standard bottle of cream could hold, so I’m writing my own proportions.
2. Plus, I reduced the amount of lemon juice by 2 times, since for my taste, the juice of half a lemon is more than enough to add sourness and not kill the taste of the apples.

For 6-8 servings:

400 ml cream from 33%
1 cup sugar-free applesauce
1 cup brown sugar
4 gelatin leaves (5g each)
juice of 0.5 lemon and zest of 1 lemon

1. For applesauce, the book gives the following instructions: “Wash medium-sized soft apples, cut crosswise, place in a copper saucepan, add a little cold water (1 tablespoon) to the bottom of the saucepan, put in the oven, bake until soft and rub through a sieve."
I immediately cleaned them and baked them without water in a slow cooker in the Baking mode for 40 minutes, it turned out to be an excellent puree. It is necessary to rub through a sieve, since after half a blender it is still not completely homogeneous.
2. Put applesauce and 1 cup of sugar in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the juice of 0.5 lemon and the finely chopped zest of 1 lemon. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the puree begins to pull away from the sides of the pan and thickens.
3. Soak gelatin in cold water for 20 minutes, squeeze out and add it to the prepared hot puree, mix thoroughly. Cool the resulting mass.
4. Cool the cream very much (I keep it in the refrigerator for several hours, and before whipping it, together with the form in which I will whip it, put it in the freezer for 15 minutes (depending on the volume of cream) and beat until almost hard peaks form.
5. Using a spatula, carefully stir the cream into the applesauce and place the cream in molds or simply in a form to harden if you plan to serve later in the form of quenelles, like mine.

If you want to serve it with caramel sauce, I made it here

Wash and peel 2-3 large apples. Cut them into small pieces of arbitrary shape.

Take a small saucepan or cauldron. Place chopped apples in it and add 50 g of sugar. If the apples are sour, you can use a little more sugar. Add water and a pinch of vanilla sugar. Close the lid and place on the fire, bringing to a boil. Then reduce the heat and let the apples simmer for about 10 minutes. If the apples are hard, steam until the apples are soft enough, adding water if necessary.

While the apples are cooking, prepare the chicken egg white cream. Take an egg, separate the white, add a little salt and beat with a mixer at high speed until the volume triples. Add the remaining sugar and beat until the whole mixture becomes fluffy and dense.

When the apple pieces are stewed and steamed, you need to cool them and transfer them to a deep bowl. Then they need to be pureed with a blender or mixer until the mass is homogeneous. It should have the consistency of applesauce. Add whipped egg white cream to it, mix everything well with a mixer into a homogeneous mass.

The cream is ready! Before serving, place it in cups or bowls and garnish with berries or pieces of fruit. You can sprinkle with grated chocolate. This is a matter of your imagination. The cream tastes amazing. Unusual apple flavor. Perfect as a dessert for a holiday table. And with fresh soft buns it will be a wonderful afternoon snack for children. Cook and treat your family. Delight and surprise your friends.

This cream can be used when baking cakes. He is very stable. Keeps its shape perfectly. And it will give your baked goods a unique taste. They can also be used to decorate and fill cakes, such as Eclair.

Cook and eat for your health. Bon appetit!

Sometimes recipes call for making various creams for cakes or biscuits, and this is where some housewives get scared that they might not succeed. But there is a cream that always works! Of course, this is apple cream. It is made quickly and very simply, and tastes simply delicious. This cream can be served separately as an independent dessert. So! Let's start making this cream.

Classic recipe

This classic recipe is perfect both as an independent dessert and as a cream for any baked goods. Ingredients:

Brown sugar 250 g (this sugar will give a slightly caramel taste to the dessert).

Apples 10 pcs.

Vanilla powder.

Gelatin 2 tsp.

White of one egg.

  1. Wash and bake the apples in the oven until softened, about 30 minutes.
  2. Combine gelatin with water and leave to swell.
  3. Cool the baked apples a little and puree through a blender or through a strainer. Puree together with the peel, it contains a lot of pectin.
  4. Pour sugar into the pureed apples and stir.
  5. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the applesauce, add vanillin, egg white and beat until fluffy. As a result, the whipped mass should lighten well, become beige in color and increase in volume.
  6. Transfer the cream into cups and place in the refrigerator for about one hour. During this time, the cream will completely cool and set.

Apple cream for cake

This cream is used not only for the cake, but can also be spread on a bun.

Apples 350 g.

Sugar 2 tbsp.

Starch 1 tbsp.

1 egg or 2 quail eggs.

Vanilla powder.

Sour cream 3 tbsp.

  1. Heat the oven to 120C and bake the apples in the peel until they soften.
  2. When the apples have cooled a little, beat them with a blender or pass them through a strainer and add sugar and vanillin and mix again.
  3. In another bowl, mix the egg and starch.
  4. Place the pan with apples in a water bath and heat.
  5. Now add the egg mixture in parts and beat the mixture each time. When the mass is thick, remove it from the stove.
  6. When the puree has cooled, add sour cream and beat again.
  7. Place in a cool place for an hour and a half.

Apple custard

Peeled and grated apples 0.5 kg.

Sugar 150 g.

Lime juice from one fruit.

Vanilla powder.

Egg 1 pc.

Starch 2 tbsp.

  1. We cut the apples into medium slices and cut out the middle, leaving the skin.
  2. Boil them until softened. It's faster to do this in the microwave.
  3. Pass the apples through a blender, add 2/3 of the sugar, vanilla, lime juice and beat again with a blender.
  4. Place the apple mixture in a saucepan, beat in the egg, add starch and mix.
  5. Place the resulting mixture on low heat and simmer, stirring occasionally with a spatula, until thickened.
  6. When the cream becomes thick, remove it from the stove and cool completely.
  7. Beat the softened butter with the rest of the sugar and add to the cream.

Beat everything again and put it in the refrigerator or use it for its intended purpose.

Apple cream dessert

Three medium apples.

A quarter of a lime.

Egg 1 pc.

  1. Pierce the apples in several places with a fork.
  2. Pour some water into the saucepan, place a colander on top and steam the apples until they are completely softened. You can also use a double boiler, this will save time.
  3. When the apples have softened, cover them with a lid and leave for ten minutes with the stove turned off.
  4. Remove the apples from the steamer and let them cool.
  5. Peel the cooled apples and cut out the middle, leaving only the pulp.
  6. Mash the apple pulp with a masher.
  7. Squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lime into the apple mixture, add the zest and pass through a blender.
  8. Separate the white and yolk and beat the white until stiff peaks form.
  9. Add the protein mass to the apple mixture, continuing to beat.

Divide the mixture into cups, drizzle a little honey on top and put it in the refrigerator. You can sprinkle with white or dark chocolate if desired.

Apple cream with sour cream

Powdered sugar 2 tbsp.

Granulated sugar 250 g.

Country sour cream 250 ml.

Ten medium apples.

  1. Peel the skin of the apples and cut out the seed capsule.
  2. Cut the fruits into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan and pour apples into it, add sugar and cook over low heat.
  4. Boil the apple pieces until they become soft.
  5. When the apples are soft, remove the pan from the stove and cool.
  6. Without draining the juice, pass the apple pieces through a blender or sieve.
  7. Beat sour cream with powdered sugar in a blender.
  8. Add the sour cream mixture to the apple mixture and beat well again.

Place into cups and put in a cool place.

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