Pickling cabbage for the winter - how to properly and tasty pickle a healthy vegetable. Crispy and tasty cabbage: secrets of pickling Pickling cabbage


Pickling cabbage for the winter is a worthy and, most often, forced alternative to pickling it. Salted vegetables are no less tasty than pickled ones, but not as healthy. But preparing and storing them is much easier.

So, salt or ferment and what is the difference?

Of course, it's better to ferment. Vegetables turn out even healthier than fresh ones, but salted ones cannot boast of this. If you ferment for real, as this method of preparation should have been done before, that is, completely without salt, then:

  • for the winter occurs due to fermentation only in its own juice. When salted, fermentation takes place in a salt solution.
  • The preservative is natural lactic acid released from the product. During pickling, salt acts as the main preservative.
  • During the fermentation process, vitamins, including ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and other beneficial components of the product are preserved. And salt partially destroys all this during the canning process, and primarily vitamin C.
  • The fiber of the product softens, which means that when digested, it is much more fully, quickly and easily absorbed by the body. This does not happen when salting.
  • The fermented preparation has a pure taste of the products included in it, with hints of the spices used. Salted vegetables have a predominant taste of salt.

Currently, there is no fundamental difference between fermentation and pickling, because salt is now used in both methods. As a result, during sourdough, as well as during salting, two components are preservatives - salt and lactic acid.

But still, the differences between these methods of canning remain the same, because salt is added during fermentation to the bare minimum - no more than 25 g per 1 kg of product. And when salted, it tastes and, as a rule, it turns out much more.

Why did they start adding salt when fermenting? Perhaps, first of all, to equalize the chances of fermented and salted products remaining tasty for a long time. Indeed, for the former, it is very important to maintain a certain storage temperature, otherwise they will quickly peroxidize or even deteriorate. And salt slows down the fermentation process and, together with lactic acid, suppresses the development of foreign microflora.

Why do many people prefer to salt?

From a practical point of view, pickling is more advantageous than fermentation. It only takes from one to several days to prepare salted cabbage, but until the pickled product reaches “standard”, you will have to wait several weeks or a month, or even more.

When pickled, cabbage also begins to ferment, but only at the very beginning of cooking. However, due to the large amount of salt, fermentation first slows down and then is almost completely suppressed. Lactic acid does not have time to be released in the same volume as during fermentation. Therefore, on the one hand, the cabbage turns out to be much less sour, and on the other hand, it will no longer ferment. This means it will last longer.

One more thing. It is better to ferment in an oak barrel or tub - the product will acquire an additional pleasant aroma and taste. When salting there is no need, and there is no point in these efforts. The process of ripening products goes quickly and therefore there is no time to pick up the oak aroma, and with the amount of salt it is almost impossible for vegetables. So you can salt it right away in jars.

Theoretical foundations of pickling cabbage

As mentioned above, the technology of pickling and fermentation is very similar. And we can assume that the only difference between them is the amount of salt. Even the pickling itself, not storage, is best done in a large container rather than in a jar. The finished product is transferred to the latter. In a large container it is more convenient to work with ingredients - mix, mash, remove foam if it appears due to fermentation in the first days, and so on - and the products are better salted.

So the question of how to pickle cabbage for the winter will not become a stumbling block for those who are already familiar with its pickling. It is enough to take any recipe for how to deliciously ferment this vegetable and you can use it for pickling, just add salt to taste - more or less. Selection and preparation of heads of cabbage for pickling, cutting them and other ingredients, additional products and spices, as well as utensils and even preparation methods are the same.

The difference begins when the brine becomes lighter in color and the foam stops forming. But when salting there is little or may not be there at all. Usually you need to keep the cabbage warm for the time specified in the recipe and test it for taste. After this, the sauerkraut continues to ferment - continue to cook, but in a cooler place and at the right temperature. And the salted one is already ready and it is packaged in jars and put away for storage.

It is best to salt white cabbage. Not only because it is more accessible and familiar to people of color and other foreigners. With the latter, few recipes make salted cabbage as tasty. Before salting, only the top and damaged leaves are removed from the heads of cabbage, small defects are cut out with a knife. All additional products are washed and cleaned.

When pickling, as well as during fermentation, vinegar is not used! Pickled foods are prepared with it. Use only non-iodized salt.

Jars for salted cabbage must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. They must be closed with lids that have undergone the same treatment. They can be made of polyethylene if the workpiece will be stored for no more than 3 months. Store salted cabbage in the refrigerator, cellar or similar cool, dark place.

Classic recipes for pickling cabbage - cook quickly and tasty

These are primarily recipes with only carrots, without adding other products. Such options are very simple and allow you to almost always prepare a very tasty dish. Below is one such salting method. You will need:

  • heads of cabbage (large) – 1 piece;
  • carrots (medium) – 3 pcs;
  • salt – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Finely chop the head of cabbage into an enamel cup. Gradually add salt to the cabbage and mash it vigorously with your hands so that it releases its juice. Then grate carrots into a cup and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, and then, compacting it, put it in a jar. We place pressure on top, for example, a narrow bottle of water. Then place the jar of vegetables on a plate. If during fermentation the cabbage releases a lot of juice, it will drain into it. We leave the vegetables in a room where it is at room temperature. There they must be salted for three days.

After a day and in the following days, we remove the weight and pierce the workpiece with a Chinese wooden chopstick. We do this three times a day. Then we install the oppression in place. After three days, drain off the excess juice, close the container and put the cabbage away for storage.

Recipe with only beets and spices. You will need:

  • heads of cabbage – 4 kg;
  • beets – 0.4 kg;
  • horseradish (roots) – 50 g;
  • garlic (heads) – 1 pc.

For the brine:

  • cloves (buds) and bay leaves - 4 pcs each;
  • salt – 150 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 2 l.

We cut the heads of cabbage into large pieces, and the beets into small cubes. We grate the horseradish and crush the garlic with a press. Mix everything in a large container. Combine all the ingredients for the brine and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Pour hot brine over the vegetables, load them with pressure and leave them to salt for two days. We put the finished product into jars.

Unusual recipes - salting cabbage with the addition of spices and other products

Salted cabbage, well prepared according to traditional recipes, is unlikely to get boring. But we want and need to add variety to the menu, and, therefore, to the preparation methods.

For lovers of spicy and Caucasian cuisine, we offer a recipe with hot pepper, cinnamon and other spices. You will need:

  • cabbage (preferably small heads) – 2.5 kg;
  • beets (small) – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • garlic (cloves) – 7 pcs;
  • hot red pepper (pods) – 2 pcs;
  • parsley and celery (roots) - 1 pc. each;
  • cilantro (bunches) – 1 pc.

For the brine:

  • black pepper (peas) – 10 pcs;
  • salt – 160 g;
  • cinnamon stick (small) – 1 pc;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs;
  • water – 3 l.

First we prepare the brine. Bring the water to a boil and add all the ingredients for the brine. Reduce the heat to medium and mix everything thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. Boil the brine for about 3-5 minutes, then remove from the stove and set aside to cool.

Remove the top few leaves from the cabbage and set aside. Cut the heads of cabbage into 4 pieces. Chop the carrots into thin rounds. The beets should be cut into thin slices, and the pepper should be cut into 4 parts along the pod. It should be removed from the seeds if you do not want to make the cabbage very spicy. We also cut the roots lengthwise into 4 parts.

Place cabbage leaves on the bottom of a bucket or deep pan. Then we put the prepared vegetables there in layers: we alternate the cut heads of cabbage with a mixture of beets, carrots, spices, roots and herbs. Cover everything on top again with cabbage leaves. Then pour the cooled brine into the container with the workpiece. Place a lid or plate on the cabbage leaves, and place pressure on top of it. Leave the container for 5 days in a room at room temperature. During this time, the vegetables will be salted and they can be transferred to jars and stored.

Recipe with apples and cranberries. You will need:

  • heads of cabbage – 2 kg;
  • cranberries (can be frozen) – 150 g;
  • medium apples and carrots - 3 pcs.

For the brine:

  • garlic (heads) – 1 piece;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • water – 1 l.

First, if necessary, let the cranberries defrost. While the berries are warming up, prepare the brine. Heat the water to a boil and add salt, chopped garlic and sugar. Mix everything well, achieving complete dissolution of the bulk ingredients. Boil the brine for 2-3 minutes, then remove from the stove and set aside to cool.

We chop the heads of cabbage, grate the carrots, and cut the apples into thin slices. Then mix it all, and then put it tightly into jars, topping it with thawed or fresh cranberries. When placing in a container, the workpiece should be carefully compacted, being careful not to crush the berries. Then pour the cooled brine into the jars and leave them open for 3 days in a room at room temperature. Then the cabbage is covered with lids and hidden for storage.

Cabbage pickled for the winter, regardless of how it is done, is an excellent source of nutrients and vitamins throughout the cold winter. Although, as you understand, they eat it at other times, not only in winter. Who, having prepared sauerkraut (its second name), can resist leaving some for the coming days. There are many recipes for this tasty and healthy dish, but today we are interested in a quick, hot method.

Recipe No. 1: the simplest and fastest

Many housewives like the recipe for quick pickling described below. It does not require any special work or much time at all. And the result is the same excellent dish. That's why quick hot pickling of cabbage is such a popular method. So let's begin. Chop with a small fork, chop the garlic, grate the carrots. Add table vinegar, three or four tablespoons, and mix everything as best as possible. If desired, you can add dill (seeds).

All proportions are chosen to your own taste, which is why they are not listed here. Other recipes will have them. Prepare the brine: bring 130 ml of water to a boil, the same amount of sunflower oil, a spoonful of granulated sugar and salt, also add. Pour the brine over the cabbage, mix thoroughly. Be sure to try it and add more salt if necessary. Let it sit for an hour, then put it in the refrigerator. Another two hours, and quick hot pickling of cabbage is complete. You can eat.

Recipe No. 2: Provencal cabbage

Cabbage made according to this recipe will also be ready to eat in a few hours. We tell you another hot method of pickling cabbage. We take two kilograms of cabbage, chop it, grate two or three carrots on a coarse grater, cut three apples into large slices, add 150 grams of cranberries and prepare the brine. For the latter we will need: water - one liter, a glass of oil, olive or sunflower, salt - two tablespoons, ¾ glass of table vinegar, 250 grams of sugar, one head of garlic.

Place cabbage, carrots in layers in an enamel pan, then cranberries and apples, cabbage again and so on, repeating the layers. The top one is cabbage. After boiling the water with the prepared ingredients, prepare the brine and pour it into the pan, and put some kind of pressure on top. After several hours, a maximum of a day, “Provencal” is ready.

Recipe No. 3: traditional

Ingredients for the traditional pickling recipe: one kilogram of white cabbage, medium-sized carrots, vinegar (9%) - 250 ml, vegetable oil - the same amount, granulated sugar - nine tablespoons, coarse salt - four tablespoons, black pepper - ten peas, bay leaf - ten pieces, water - 500 ml. The hot method of salting cabbage using this method is very simple. We are preparing a large basin.

We clean and grate the carrots on a fine grater, and cut the washed cabbage into large pieces. Mix the vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle with bay leaves and pepper. Prepare a standard brine with sugar and salt, pour it into a bowl. Stir, cover with a lid or large plate, and let marinate for a day. You can leave it in the room. After a day, put it in washed jars, close it and put it in the refrigerator. To obtain a richer taste, let it sit in a basin for two or three days.

Recipe No. 4: cabbage with beets

Prepare the ingredients for ten servings: one head of firm cabbage, one or two boiled beets, one head of garlic, four pieces of bay leaf, allspice, a teaspoon of ground black pepper, two pieces of cloves, two tablespoons of salt (tablespoons), 250 grams of sugar, the same amount of 9% vinegar. Quick hot pickling of cabbage with beets, without chopping, is done like this. Cut half a fork of cabbage into several parts, disassemble it into pieces and put it in a jar in this form. Cook the beets for about half an hour. We wait until it cools down and cut it into squares, put it in layers with cabbage in a jar, and between them - garlic and bay leaf, compact it and make brine.

Boil two liters of clean water in a saucepan, salt it, add cloves, sugar and black peppercorns. Boil for five minutes, add vinegar. Cook the brine a little, but without boiling, fill the jars. We wait until it cools down and put it in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, the dish can be eaten.

Recipe No. 5: Cabbage with Garlic

Products for six servings: one kilogram of cabbage, two or three carrots, five cloves of garlic. For filling: sugar - 120 grams, coarse salt, half a liter of water, allspice and black pepper - four pieces each, 130 ml of vegetable oil and ten tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Finally, we’ll tell you how to quickly pickle cabbage using the hot method with garlic. Cut the cabbage into long and always thin strips.

Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Pass the peeled garlic through a press and mix all the vegetables in a bowl. Cook the syrup as standard and pour it into the cabbage. Cover the container with a large plate on top and place a jar of water or other weight. Let it sit for four to five hours at room temperature. We transfer the finished sauerkraut into jars, close them with nylon lids, and put them in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

Many housewives do not see the difference between salting and sauerkraut. Indeed, the two processes are similar. The only difference is that when pickling vegetables according to the recipe, a larger amount of salt is added than when making sourdough, and the pickling process itself occurs faster, in about three to five days. While sauerkraut must ferment well, which takes up to two weeks. Excess salt slows down the fermentation process, so pickles contain less lactic acid than pickled vegetables. The acid and salt contained in pickled cabbage kill more microorganisms and putrefactive bacteria, so it is stored longer. The amount of salt has no effect on the deterioration of taste. Pickled cabbage turns out crispy, with a delicate and pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Pickling cabbage - preparing food

For pickling, take white, tight heads of cabbage of late varieties, without damage. The forks are cleared of the upper leaves; they are usually more flaccid and have a greenish tint. Then cut into thin strips. Now there are many devices for mechanical chopping of vegetables. So you can chop the cabbage using a vegetable cutter, a special grater, in a food processor, or with an ordinary knife. Before shredding, the knife must be sharpened well - this will make the process go faster and the straws will come out smaller. The spices that will be used for pickling must be sorted out, rotten and spoiled leaves and twigs removed, and washed.

Pickling cabbage - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pickling cabbage with dill seeds

This cabbage with a delicate sour taste will be pleasant to crunch with hot fried potatoes on cold winter evenings. The cabbage must be chopped into thin and long strips, similar to spaghetti.

Ingredients: cabbage - 2 medium-sized heads, 3 carrots, salt - 2 heaped tablespoons, 1 tbsp. l. dry dill seeds

Cooking method

Cut the cabbage into two unequal parts - with and without the stalk, and chop. You can place the fork half on its edge or lay it flat on the table, whichever is more familiar to you. There is no need to cut the stalk and the area around it with coarse fibers.

Place the slices in a wide bowl so that it is convenient to stir - a basin or large pan, add salt and mash well. To prevent salt from corroding the skin of your hands, and for hygiene purposes, it is better to wear disposable gloves (or plastic bags). Add dill seeds, grated carrots, mix.

Place a weight on top and place the cabbage on the balcony or other cool place, but not in the refrigerator. The role of a load at home is usually played by an inverted flat plate, on which a small weight, bottle or jar of water is placed. In our case, you will need a three-liter jar filled 2/3 with water.

The fermentation process has already begun, so twice a day, the contents of the pan must be freed from the gases accumulated at the bottom of the dish, otherwise the cabbage will taste bitter. To do this, remove the weight, mix the mass with a spoon, leave for a couple of minutes and return the weight to its place. After three days, the cabbage is laid out in smaller containers and transferred to the refrigerator or cellar, if there is one.

Recipe 2: Pickling cauliflower

It just so happens that when we talk about sourdough or pickling cabbage, we mostly mean white cabbage. But this recipe is for cauliflower; it is also suitable for pickling and turns out no less, if not more tasty, than traditional white cabbage. To make the dish look more beautiful, it is better to chop the carrots using a Korean carrot grater. This condition is not mandatory and is advisory in nature. Cabbage should be dense and white. Yellowish inflorescences indicate that the cabbage is slightly overripe and is not entirely suitable for pickling. Which will not have the best effect on the appearance and taste of the finished dish.

Ingredients: cauliflower – 2 forks, carrots – 0.5 kg, 5-6 grains of garlic, black peppercorns, 4-5 bay leaves. For brine - per liter of water: 1 tbsp. a heaped spoonful of salt, an incomplete (no heaped) tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking method

Prepare the brine by mixing salt and sugar in water, boiling and cooling.

Disassemble the forks into large inflorescences and blanch for a minute and a half, i.e. Place in boiling water for this time. You don’t need to hold it for a long time, otherwise the cabbage will turn out not crispy, but wadded. Then the inflorescences should be cooled under water and laid out in layers in a bowl for pickling. Layer with grated carrots, chopped garlic, pepper, and a couple of bay leaves. The first and last layers are carrots.

Pour brine over the cabbage and install the weight. Leave in a warm place (in the kitchen) for a day or two, then move to the balcony. The cabbage will be salted in 4-5 days. It is transferred to jars, which are placed in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: Pickling cabbage with beets

This cabbage is not only very tasty and crispy, but also looks elegant on a plate and on the table. After all, she differs from her pale-faced sister in her beautiful crimson color.

Ingredients: 2 large forks of cabbage - 4 kg, 2-3 beets, a whole head of garlic, 1-2 horseradish roots. For brine per 2 liters of water: 100g salt, ½ cup granulated sugar, 4 bay leaves, 2 cloves and 10 black peppercorns.

Cooking method

Boil water, put all the ingredients for the brine there, and cool.

Cut the cabbage arbitrarily, at your discretion - into thin strips or large pieces, not forgetting to remove the stalk. Grind the garlic and horseradish root - on a grater or through a meat grinder, cut the beets into small cubes. Mash the cabbage thoroughly with your hands and mix with horseradish and garlic, then place it in a pickling bowl, sprinkle with beet cubes. Pour brine over the beetroot and cabbage mixture, place pressure on top and leave to ferment. Stir the cabbage once or twice a day to remove accumulated gas bubbles. After two or three days the cabbage is ready. It is transferred to jars and placed in a cold place - a cellar, underground or refrigerator.

— For high-quality pickling of cabbage, you need to choose the right salt. Use only coarsely ground rock salt; iodized or Extra (finely ground) salt is not suitable.

— During fermentation, the brine should completely cover the cabbage. If there is not enough brine, the mass of the load must be increased (add water to the jar or put a heavier weight).

— To make the cabbage juicy and crispy, it is recommended to pickle it during the waxing moon.

Do you suddenly want to eat delicious salted cabbage? Have you decided to surprise your loved ones with a new appetizer? Do you like freshly salted, crispy cabbage? This means you need to read several recipes for quick pickling of cabbage, choose the one you like best, or several at once. And start cooking! How to salt cabbage in a quick way so that it is healthy, tasty and original? Take the necessary ingredients and start cooking right now. Let's look at a few recipes. Please note: a snack using vinegar is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal tract diseases, liver diseases, or following any diet. Try to combine taste and benefit, enjoy the snack, but not harm your health. There are great options without vinegar.

Only cabbage
An interesting recipe can be offered to lovers of a snack made from cabbage alone, without any additions. The flavors will not mix, you will be able to enjoy all the flavors of cabbage. You will need:
  • 1 medium-sized head of cabbage;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • fine salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • a little dry dill (it is advisable to use whole “panicles” with seeds rather than dill powder).
Then start cooking.
  1. The cabbage must be carefully peeled from the top leaves, cut into several parts and the stalk removed. True, some connoisseurs of cabbage and the stump eat it with pleasure, but if you don’t usually eat it, you need to take into account that the stalk can give off an unwanted bitterness.
  2. Cut the cabbage into thin strips so that it resembles vermicelli. Cut some of the pieces, approximately 1/6 of the entire cabbage, into wider strips. As a result, you will end up with a kind of “cabbage platter”: pieces of different widths will differ in taste, wide slices crisp better and are a little less salty.
  3. After cutting all the cabbage, be sure to squeeze it with fine salt right on the table. The cabbage should begin to release juice. After this, immediately form a slide out of it and compact the mass a little.
  4. Place a few sprigs of dill in the jar, but not too many, otherwise the brine will become bitter. Two or three medium branches are enough.
  5. Boil water with salt.
  6. Place all your cabbage in the jar, but do not pack it too tightly, otherwise the brine will not soak it well.
  7. Pour boiling brine over the cabbage.
  8. Close the jar with a regular plastic lid and leave for 3-5 hours. It all depends on your preferences. If you want to get very soft cabbage, as after long-term pickling, you can wait 6 hours. But if you like a little crispier, denser and juicier cabbage, it’s enough to keep the jar for only 3 hours.
Wonderful cabbage, healthy, without losing its rich taste and vitamins, without vinegar, is already ready!

First, try some kale from a jar. If it seems to you that this is not what you need yet, just leave the jar for some more time. The taste and consistency will change gradually. By checking the doneness every half hour or so, you can easily determine the optimal time for the cabbage to become the way you like it. Write it down so that you can always add exactly this amount of cabbage.

Recipes for quick cooking of salted cabbage
To quickly salt cabbage, just add a little more salt and pour boiling brine over the cabbage. You can also use vinegar, then your cabbage will become not only salty, but also pickled. In any of the recipes you can remove the vinegar, but keep in mind that you will need about 1/3 more salt.

Cabbage with carrots
You will need:

  • cabbage – 1 head;
  • liter of water;
  • vinegar – 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • coarse salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • approximately 1 spoon of vegetable oil;
  • saffron;
  • fine salt;
  • dill;
  • one medium sized carrot.
If you are concerned about your health and do not want to take risks, replace the vinegar with another spoonful of salt. And start cooking.
  1. Cut the head of cabbage into several large pieces. Remove the stalk.
  2. Peel the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater or cut them into strips.
  3. Prepare your brine using vinegar, sugar, salt, oil and water.
  4. Place some dill and saffron at the bottom of the jar for flavor.
  5. Chop the cabbage finely.
  6. Squeeze the cabbage and salt it a little with fine salt.
  7. Mix cabbage with carrots and squeeze again.
  8. Boil the brine.
  9. Fill the jar with your carrots and cabbage.
  10. Pour boiling brine over vegetables.
  11. Leave the cabbage to salt for 4-6 hours.
You can try and enjoy a delicious snack!

White and red cabbage with beets
Take the following ingredients:

  • two heads of cabbage - white and red;
  • two medium-sized beets;
  • three small carrots;
  • two liters of water;
  • 4 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • fine salt;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • dill;
  • black currant leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
If desired, replace the vinegar with 1.5 tablespoons of salt or add a little more fine salt to the cabbage when you squeeze it.
  1. Cut the cabbage heads and remove the stalks.
  2. Divide the pieces of both heads of cabbage into two equal parts.
  3. Shred half of the available cabbage finely so that it resembles thin noodles, and the other half a little larger. This way the taste will become richer and more original, as if you were using four types of cabbage rather than two.
  4. Lightly squeeze the cabbage along with the carrots and add fine salt.
  5. Beets and carrots must first be peeled and then chopped or grated on a coarse grater. An appetizer where some of the vegetables are chopped and some are grated will look unusual.
  6. Crush the garlic or grate it on a fine grater.
  7. Place dill and currant leaves on the bottom of the jar.
  8. Prepare a brine from oil, vinegar, salt, sugar.
  9. Place one layer of cabbage with carrots in a saucepan, layer with beets and garlic, then cover the beets with a second layer of cabbage and carrots.
  10. Boil the brine in another pan and pour it over your cabbage. Cover the top of the mass with a circle, a plate, and press down with a weight. It is advisable to ensure that the mass is well compressed.
  11. After 1.5 hours, transfer the mixture to a jar. Leave for another 3-5 hours.
Your cabbage is already pickled!

Garlic in cabbage can be put in small whole cloves, cut into small cubes. You can salt cabbage and beets, but do not add carrots or garlic. Saffron will make the taste more refined. It’s good to add peppercorns and bay leaves to salted cabbage. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise bitterness will appear. 2-4 peas of pepper are enough, and one small leaf of bay leaf is enough. Bon appetit!

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable plant with a high content of vitamin C and minerals. How to salt cabbage in jars for the winter? To successfully pickle cabbage at home, you don't need expensive ingredients. Pickling is a simple way of preserving food for future use in a natural way, based on fermentation in its own juice. When salting, water is used.

Each housewife has her own recipe for pickling cabbage with the addition of chopped Antonov apples or carrots, lingonberries or cranberries, etc. There is another option for storing cabbage in jars for the winter - pickling.

The main difference from fermentation is faster preparation with the addition of acid (vinegar). For comparison: salting takes from 3 to 7 days (depending on the recipe), marinating - from two hours to two days. But crispy fermented cabbage is healthier than pickled cabbage.

The benefits and harms of sauerkraut

In fermented cabbage, nutrients are preserved 2 times better than in a regular fresh vegetable. Preparations are necessary in winter and spring for vitamin deficiency. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C (up to 75 mg in the stalk and up to 50-52 mg in the leaves per 100 g), minerals (potassium, phosphorus and calcium).

Moderate consumption of salted cabbage has a positive effect on digestive processes, and the fiber content has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Vitamin C is a faithful friend of the immune system, helping to strengthen it.

Salted cabbage is not recommended for people with ulcers and diseases of the duodenum, kidney failure and problems with the pancreas. It is better to exclude sauerkraut from the diet if the acidity of gastric juice is increased.

The characteristic crunch, loved by true connoisseurs of the preparation, is obtained only from autumn and winter varieties of white vegetables. Summer cabbage is absolutely not suitable. If you take the wrong base for cooking, no spices, additional ingredients or unique recipes will save the situation. Therefore, you can ferment cabbage so that it is crispy only from late varieties of the vegetable.

  1. The larger the cabbage is cut and prepared, the better the nutrients are preserved.
  2. Do not use iodized salt when pickling.
  3. Ancestors prepared vegetables for the winter according to the lunar calendar. According to popular belief, it is better to cook on a new moon.
  4. The ideal place to store the product is glass jars or wooden barrels that have undergone special cleaning with a bleach solution and repeated rinsing with water before cooking. Do not use large aluminum cans. It will spoil the taste.

For chopping, use a wide paring knife. If you prefer thinly sliced ​​cabbage, use a special grater or food processor (if time is limited).

Classic recipe for pickling in a jar


  • White cabbage – 2 kg,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • Salt – 40 g,
  • Black pepper (peas) - to taste.


  1. To ferment cabbage tasty and quickly, I take a special vegetable grater. I peel the carrots and grate them coarsely, as for Korean carrots. I follow a similar procedure with cabbage.
  2. I put the chopped vegetables in a large bowl. Carefully, with effort, I knead it with ordinary rock salt. I add 2 bay leaves broken into small pieces.
  3. I mix and squeeze the cabbage and carrots until juice forms. To avoid making a mistake with the amount of salt, I taste it.
  4. I put the vegetable mixture in the jars, not all the way to the top. I leave room for free release of liquid.
  5. I place the jars with a deep tray underneath. From time to time I pierce the fermented product with a wooden stick (or an ordinary Japanese one, called “hashi”). 1-2 times a day is enough. This simple action is necessary to remove gas formations.
  6. I leave the jars in the kitchen at room temperature for 2-3 days. I determine the completion of the fermentation process by the disappearance of cloudy water and the foam cap on top of the product.
  7. I cover glass containers with lids. I put it in the refrigerator for a day.

I serve the appetizer on the table, garnished with fresh onions and seasoned with sunflower oil. Bon appetit!

How to salt according to the classic recipe in brine


  • Cabbage – 3 kg,
  • Carrots – 400 g,
  • Water – 2.5 l,
  • Salt – 5 tablespoons,
  • Sugar - 3 large spoons,
  • Dill seeds, caraway seeds - to taste.


  1. Wash the white vegetable thoroughly in cold water. I remove the upper leaves with damage. I chop it coarsely. I chop the carrots using a grater.
  2. I combine the two main ingredients in a deep bowl. Gently mix and knead.
  3. I transfer it to banks. I don’t compact the vegetable mixture too much. I add cumin and dill seeds to each jar.
  4. I pour water into the pan. I add salt and sugar and cook on the stove. Having brought it to a boil and dissolved all the crystals, set it to cool.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, I pour the hot liquid to the top. I cover the top with multilayer gauze. I leave the jars in the kitchen for 48 hours. From time to time, the salting needs to be “disturbed” (pierced) with a wooden stick. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a day.
  6. After 48 hours, I pour the brine from the jars into a clean saucepan. I put it on the stove. Add sugar and bring to a boil again. I pour the slightly cooled brine into jars. I close the lids and leave it on the kitchen counter until it cools completely.
  7. I put the pickling in the refrigerator. After 3 days, try the delicious preparation and treat your household.

Video recipe

Classic marinating recipe: tasty and quick


  • Cabbage – 1 kg,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • 9 percent vinegar - 4-5 large spoons,
  • Water – 500 ml,
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons,
  • Vegetable oil - 5 large spoons,
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon.


  1. I put granulated sugar in a saucepan with water, pour in vegetable oil and add salt. Bring to a boil under the lid. Remove from the stove and leave to cool.
  2. I chop cabbage and carrots on a special grater. I stir. I fill the jar with vegetables.
  3. I pour vinegar into the slightly cooled but hot brine. I'm in the way. Pour into vegetable mixture. I wait for it to marinate, 4-5 hours is enough.

Cabbage in jars with tomatoes for the winter

For harvesting, you will need ripe medium-sized tomatoes with a dense structure.


  • White vegetable – 10 kg,
  • Tomatoes – 5 kg,
  • Salt – 350 g,
  • Celery, dill seeds, cherry and currant leaves, hot pepper - to taste.


  1. Washing vegetables. I chop the vegetable. I leave medium-sized tomatoes whole.
  2. I put chopped cabbage in a large bowl, followed by tomatoes. I sprinkle currant and cherry leaves on top for flavor, celery and dill. This is one layer. I do at least three.
  3. I cover the top of the dish with a clean cloth. I press down with a weight. I monitor the release of juice and the fermentation process. You need to wait 3-4 days.
  4. I transfer the finished mixture into jars. I set it to cool for 12-16 hours.

The product is ready to use!

Helpful advice. To speed up salting, you can prepare a special brine. For a liter of water you will need 2 tablespoons of salt and 150 g of sugar. I fill the product with brine. I'm waiting 2 days.

Pickling cabbage in jars with beets


  • Cabbage – 2 kg,
  • Beetroot – 500 g,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • Garlic – 1 clove,
  • Water – 1 l,
  • Sugar – 150 g,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons,
  • Black pepper – 10 peas,
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves,
  • Table vinegar 9% – 150 g,
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tablespoons.


  1. I chop vegetables. I don't try to chop the cabbage too finely. I chop carrots and beets using a special vegetable cutter. This handy kitchen tool will help you make small blocks. I cut the garlic into pieces.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl.
  3. I wash the lids under boiling water and sterilize the jars.
  4. I put a mix of fresh chopped vegetables into jars. I press lightly.
  5. I prepare the marinade on the stove by adding spices to the water. I achieve a transparent color. At the end of cooking I add vinegar.
  6. I pour the brine into jars. I seal with lids and cool naturally. I transfer the preparations to the refrigerator. After 2 days you can open and eat.

Video cooking

Cabbage in jars with apples


  • Cabbage – 2 kg,
  • Carrots – 400 g,
  • Apples – 4 pieces,
  • Sugar – 70 g,
  • Salt – 70 g,
  • Allspice – 10 peas,
  • Black pepper – 20 peas.


  1. I chop cabbage and carrots using a special grater. I add salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly, pressing lightly.
  2. I throw in peppercorns and bay leaves. Once again I mix the vegetables with spices.
  3. I'm working on apples. I carefully take out the core. I cut it into pieces.
  4. I put the vegetables in jars. I press it a little, then add the apple layer. I repeat several times until completely filled. I leave 5 cm on top to release juice during fermentation.

Helpful advice. To prevent juice from leaking, place a deep bowl under each jar. You can place one large tray under glass containers.

  1. I leave the preparation for 3 days. In the morning and evening, I pierce the vegetable mixture to release excess gases, using a wooden skewer.
  2. After 3 days, I place the preparations in the refrigerator. I let the dish sit for four days, remembering to use a wooden stick from time to time.
  3. I store the finished product in a cold place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Helpful advice. I serve sauerkraut on the table, supplemented with finely chopped onions and pieces of pickled apples. You can pour vegetable oil on top. It will turn out incredibly tasty.

Cabbage in jars with cranberries and honey

Instead of granulated sugar, the recipe uses a natural sweetener - honey.


  • Cabbage – 1 kg,
  • Carrots – 2 medium sized pieces,
  • Honey – 1 large spoon,
  • Salt – 20 g,
  • Cranberries – 15-20 berries,
  • Bay leaf – 1 piece,
  • Sunflower oil – 2 large spoons,
  • Black pepper – 5 peas.


  1. I wash and clean the cabbage. I remove dirty leaves. I chop the vegetable using a sharp kitchen knife. Be careful! If you are not confident in your abilities, use a convenient vegetable grater.
  2. I peel the carrots, then grate them.
  3. I pour the cabbage into a bowl. I put salt. Mix thoroughly with your hands, pressing lightly.
  4. I add other ingredients to the cabbage mixture. I stir.
  5. I place vegetables in pre-prepared containers. I compact it using a masher. I make several holes in the kitchen nylon lid. I cover the jars with new “seals” and put them in the refrigerator.
  6. After a day, take out the containers and pierce the fermented mixture with a stick to release the gases.
  7. It will take 7 days for complete preparation. Once or twice a day, take out the blanks and pierce them. This is a very important moment in cooking!
  8. I put the appetizer on a plate, pour it over with vegetable oil and garnish with cranberries.

Helpful advice. Cranberries can be added fresh to the finished dish or salted along with cabbage and carrots, making them a participant in fermentation.

Is it possible to salt early cabbage?

You can salt early cabbage. The preparation will not be a complete replacement for a tasty and crispy snack made from late varieties, but if the yield of young cabbage is high, your efforts and labors in the country will not be in vain.


  • Young vegetable – 8 kg,
  • Water – 8 l,
  • Horseradish - 1 large root,
  • Garlic – 100 g,
  • Red beets – 300 g,
  • Parsley – 1 bunch,
  • Granulated sugar – 400 g,
  • Salt – 400 g.


  1. I am preparing the main ingredient for pickling. I wash it thoroughly and remove the top sheets if there is any damage. I remove the stalks.
  2. I shred the cabbage using a large and well-sharpened knife. I transfer it to a large container.
  3. I peel the garlic. I cut it into small pieces. I peel the beets and chop them on a coarse grater.
  4. I put the vegetables in a large enamel bowl. First cabbage, then beets, add chopped parsley and garlic on top. I repeat the layers several times.
  5. I put a pan of water on the stove. I put sugar and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring thoroughly until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. I leave the brine to cool. Then I pour it into an enamel bowl. I close it with a large lid and press it down with a heavy object. I leave it in the kitchen for 2 days.
  7. I transfer the pickling into clean jars. I close the top with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator. After 3-4 days, the tasty preparation is ready for consumption.

How to salt cauliflower in jars for the winter


  • Cabbage – 1.5 kg,
  • Beets - 1 medium size piece,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • Garlic – 3 cloves,
  • Allspice – 3 peas,
  • Black pepper – 6 peas,
  • Water – 1.5 l,
  • Sugar – 100 g,
  • Salt – 100 g.